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File metadata and controls

280 lines (211 loc) · 9.37 KB


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Copyright 2013 The Netherlands eScience Center

What is it?

Xenon is a middleware abstraction library. It provides a simple programming interface to various pieces of software that can be used to access distributed compute and storage resources.

Why Xenon?

Xenon is developed by the Netherlands eScience Center as a support library for our projects. Several projects develop end-user applications that require access to distributed compute and storage resources. Xenon provides a simple API to those resources, allowing those applications to be developed more rapidly. The experience gained during end-user application development is used to improve the Xenon API and implementation.

Adding Xenon as a dependency to your project

Follow the instructions from to include Xenon as a dependency for Gradle, Maven, SBT, or Leiningen projects, e.g. Gradle:

	allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url '' }


	dependencies {
	        compile 'com.github.NLeSC:Xenon:2.0.0-rc2'

Or for a Maven project,




Simple examples

Here are some examples of basic operations you can perform with Xenon:

Copying a file from a local filesystem to a remote filesystem

import nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonException;
import nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.PasswordCredential;
import nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyMode;
import nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyStatus;
import nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem;
import nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path;

public class CopyFileLocalToSftpAbsolutePaths {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        // Use the file system adaptors to create file system representations; the remote file system
        // requires credentials, so we need to create those too.
        // Assume the remote system is actually just a Docker container (e.g.
        //, accessible via
        // port 10022 on localhost
        String location = "localhost:10022";
        String username = "xenon";
        char[] password = "javagat".toCharArray();
        PasswordCredential credential = new PasswordCredential(username, password);
        FileSystem localFileSystem = FileSystem.create("file");
        FileSystem remoteFileSystem = FileSystem.create("sftp", location, credential);

        // create Paths for the source and destination files, using absolute paths
        Path sourceFile = new Path("/etc/passwd");
        Path destFile = new Path("/tmp/password");

        // create the destination file only if the destination path doesn't exist yet
        CopyMode mode = CopyMode.CREATE;
        boolean recursive = false;

        // perform the copy and wait 1000 ms for the successful or otherwise
        // completion of the operation
        String copyId = localFileSystem.copy(sourceFile, remoteFileSystem, destFile, mode, recursive);
        long timeoutMilliSecs = 1000;
        CopyStatus copyStatus = localFileSystem.waitUntilDone(copyId, timeoutMilliSecs);

        // throw any exceptions
        XenonException copyException = copyStatus.getException();
        if (copyException != null) {
          throw copyException;

Submitting a job

The following code performs a wordcount of a file residing on a remote machine:

import nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.PasswordCredential;
import nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription;
import nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobStatus;
import nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler;

public class SlurmSubmitWordCountJob {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        // Assume the remote system is actually just a Docker container (e.g.
        //, accessible to user 'xenon' via
        // port 10022 on localhost, using password 'javagat'
        String location = "localhost:10022";
        String username = "xenon";
        char[] password = "javagat".toCharArray();
        PasswordCredential credential = new PasswordCredential(username, password);

        // create the SLURM scheduler representation
        Scheduler scheduler = Scheduler.create("slurm", location, credential);

        JobDescription description = new JobDescription();
        description.setArguments("-l", "/etc/passwd");

        // submit the job
        String jobId = scheduler.submitBatchJob(description);

        long WAIT_INDEFINITELY = 0;
        JobStatus jobStatus = scheduler.waitUntilDone(jobId, WAIT_INDEFINITELY);

        // print any exceptions
        Exception jobException = jobStatus.getException();
        if (jobException != null)  {
          throw jobException;


The output of the job will be written to /tmp/wc.stdout.txt file in the nlesc/xenon-slurm Docker container.

Supported middleware

Xenon currently supports the following file access mechanisms:

  • file (local file manipulation)
  • ftp
  • sftp
  • webdav
  • s3

Xenon currently supports the following job submission mechanisms:

  • local
  • ssh
  • gridengine
  • slurm
  • torque

Planned extensions include:

  • Swift
  • HDFS (almost done)
  • YARN
  • GridFTP
  • glite
  • Azure-Batch
  • Amazon-Batch


Xenon's JavaDoc is available online at

Copyrights & Disclaimers

Xenon is copyrighted by the Netherlands eScience Center and releases under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See for more information on the Netherlands eScience Center.

See the "LICENSE" and "NOTICE" files for more information.

Third party libraries

This product includes the SLF4J library, which is Copyright (c) 2004-2013 See "notices/LICENSE.slf4j.txt" for the licence information of the SLF4J library.

This product includes the JSch library, which is Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Atsuhiko Yamanaka, JCraft,Inc. See "notices/LICENSE.jsch.txt" for the licence information of the JSch library.

This product includes the Logback library, which is Copyright (c) 1999-2012, See "notices/LICENSE.logback.txt" for the licence information of the Logback library.

This product includes the JaCoCo library, which is Copyright (c) 2009, 2013 Mountainminds GmbH & Co. KG and Contributors. See "notices/LICENSE.jacoco.txt" for the licence information of the JaCoCo library.

This project includes the JUnit library. See "notices/LICENSE.junit.txt" for the licence information of the JUnit library.

This project includes the Mockito library, which is Copyright (c) 2007 Mockito contributors. See "notices/LICENSE.mockito.txt" for the licence information of the Mockito library.

This project includes the Java CoG Kit, which is Copyright (c) 1999-2006 University of Chicago. See "notices/LICENSE.cog-jglobus.txt" for the licence information of the Java CoG Kit.

This project includes the Commons-logging library, which is Copyright (c) Apache Software Foundation. See "notices/LICENSE.commons-logging.txt" for the licence information of the Commons-logging library.

This project includes the log4j library, which is Copyright (c) Apache Software Foundation. See "notices/LICENSE.log4j.txt" for the licence information of the log4j library.

This project includes the Legion of the Bouncy Castle Java cryptography APIs, which are Copyright (c) 2000-2013 The Legion Of The Bouncy Castle. See "notices/LICENSE.bouncycastle.txt" for the licence information of this library.

This project includes the pureTLS library, which is Copyright (c) Claymore Systems, Inc. See "notices/LICENSE.puretls.txt" for the licence information of the pureTLS library.

This project includes libraries produced by the Cryptix Project. See "notices/LICENSE.cryptix.txt" for the licence information of these libraries.