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Cyber Incense Burner 虚拟烧香

This project aims to provide some utilities to aid the remembrance of ancestors, in the hope of being able to make ritual offerings like burning joss sticks in cyberspace (ultimate goal).

This script tries to mimic the console output of ccal, a perpetual calendar utility (万年历 / lịch vạn niên). Additional functions include showing extra lines (switch -s) for daily sexagesimal names, miscellaneous terms (other than solar terms) for phenology, and anniversaries of birth or death for people registered using switches like -a, etc. See help (-h) for details.

CAVEAT: The Chinese calendar is calculated using pycalcal, and is not as accurate as ccal. Outputs for years beyond 2233 are not trustworthy. The performance is also inferior.

Sample output:

Active code page: 936

>python -sg 7 2018
                   July 2018  戊戌年六月小13日始
Sun  日   Mon  一   Tue  二   Wed  三   Thu  四   Fri  五   Sat  六
 1 十八    2 十九    3 二十    4 廿一    5 廿二    6 廿三    7 小暑
   甲午      乙未      丙申      丁酉      戊戌      己亥      庚子
 8 廿五    9 廿六   10 廿七   11 廿八   12 廿九   13 六月   14 初二
   辛丑    [外婆忌]    癸卯      甲辰     [妈生]     丙午     [出梅]
15 初三   16 初四   17 初五   18 初六   19 初七   20 初八   21 初九
   戊申      己酉     [初伏]     辛亥      壬子      癸丑      甲寅
22 初十   23 大暑   24 十二   25 十三   26 十四   27 十五   28 十六
   乙卯      丙辰      丁巳      戊午      己未     [中伏]     辛酉
29 十七   30 十八   31 十九
   壬戌      癸亥      甲子

>python -s 7 2018
                July 2018 (Year WuXu, Month 6X S13)
Sunday    Monday    Tuesday   Wednesday Thursday  Friday    Saturday
 1 [18]    2 [19]    3 [20]    4 [21]    5 [22]    6 [23]    7 [XS]
  JiaWu     YiWei    BingShen  DingYou     WuXu     JiHai     GengZi
 8 [25]    9 [26]   10 [27]   11 [28]   12 [29]   13 [ 6]Y  14 [ 2]
 XinChou   [D.MGm]    GuiMao   JiaChen   [B.Mom]    BingWu   [ChuMei]
15 [ 3]   16 [ 4]   17 [ 5]   18 [ 6]   19 [ 7]   20 [ 8]   21 [ 9]
  WuShen    JiYou    [ChuFu]    XinHai    RenZi    GuiChou    JiaYin
22 [10]   23 [DS]   24 [12]   25 [13]   26 [14]   27 [15]   28 [16]
  YiMao    BingChen   DingSi     WuWu     JiWei   [ZhongFu]   XinYou
29 [17]   30 [18]   31 [19]
  RenXu     GuiHai    JiaZi