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Transfer Learning without Knowing - Reprogramming Black-box Machine Learning Models with Scarce Data and Limited Resources |
2020-08-21 10:00:00 -0700 |
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Yi-wei |
Transfer Learning without Knowing - Reprogramming Black-box Machine Learning Models with Scarce Data and Limited Resources
論文網址 ICML 2020 black-box adversarial reprogramming (BAR) Using zeroth order optimization and multi-label mapping techniques, BAR can reprogram a blackbox ML model solely based on its input-output responses without knowing the model architecture or changing any parameter
BAR also outperforms baseline transfer learning approaches by a significant margin, demonstrating cost-effective means and new insights for transfer learning.
In this paper, we revisit transfer learning to address two fundamental questions: (i) Is finetuning a pretrained model necessary for learning a new task? (ii) Can transfer learning be expanded to black-box ML models where nothing but only the input-output model responses (data samples and their predictions) are observable?
Indeed, the adversarial reprogramming (AR) method proposed in (Elsayed et al., 2019) partially gives a negative answer to Question (i) by showing simply learning a universal target-domain data perturbation is sufficient to repurpose a pretrained sourcedomain model. But in AR it requires backpropagation of a deep learning model with doesn't address Question(ii)
For bridge this gap, we propose a novel approach named black-box adversarial reprogramming(BAR), to reprogram a deployed ML model for black-box transfer learning. The following are the substantial differences and unique challenges:
- Black-box setting : In AR method assumes complete knowledge of the pretrained model.
- Data scarcity and resource constraint : For the medical data, it may be expensive and clinical trials, expert annotation or privacy-sensitive data are involve. And for the limitation with the large commercial ML model.
In the experiment, BAR can leverage the powerful feature extraction capability of black-box ImageNet classifiers to achieve high performance in three medical image classification tasks with limited data.
To adapt the black-box setting, we use zeroth-order optimization in black-box transfer learning. Also use multi-label mapping of source-domain and target-domain labels to improve the performance in BAR. The following are the main contribution:
- BAR is the first work that expand transfer learning to the black-box setting.
- Evaluate with three medical dataset in BAR. (1) autism spectrum disorder (ASD) classification; (2) diabetic retinopathy (DR) detectionl; (3) melanoma detection. The result show that our method consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and improves the accuracy of the finetuning approach by a significant margin.
- Use the real-life image-classification APIs from Clarifai.com for demonstrating the practicality and effectiveness of BAR.
Adversarial reprogramming (AR) is a recently introduced technique that aims to reprogram a target ML model for performing a different task.(Elsayed et al., 2019) Different from typical transfer learning that modify the model architecture or parameters for solving a new task with target-domain data, AR remains the model architecture and parameters unchanged. Zeroth Order Optimization for Black-box Setting : In vanilla AR method, it lacks the ability to the access-limited ML model in prediction API and the backpropagation in the model. So we use Zeroth Order Optimization for Black-box AR for transfer learning.
(1)setting :
(2) Multi-label mapping(MLM):
For AR, we need to map the source task's output labels(different objects) to the target task's output labels(ASD/non-ASD). Muiltiple-source-labels improve the accuracy is more than one-to-one label mapping.
We use the notation
(3) The Loss function of AR:
Since for the softmax function, we get the model output with
small talk in focal loss: easy example : prediction 高的 hard example : prediction 低的
在訓練的時候常常都會太關注在easy example上,所以有可能雖然一個hard example 的 loss很大,
但是卻跟1000個easy example 一樣大。最主要就是希望在訓練的時候能夠關注hard example,然後忽略一下easy example
故最簡單的方法就是在Cross-entropy 前面加一個係數
但其實只有提升一點點,因為只是一個比例放大放小的問題,故在focal loss裡加入modulating factor,
For the ground truth label ${y_i}{i=1}^n$, and the transformed prediction probability ${h(F(X_i + P))}{i=1}^n$.
And the focal loss for above is
(4) The gradient based on Zeroth Order Optimization for BAR
We use Auto-Zoom for gradient. Gradient estimation of
(5) The BAR algorithm
For the
- Reprogramming three pretrained black-box ImageNet classifiers form ResNet50, Inception V3, DenseNet121 for three medical imaging classification tasks.
- Reprogramming two online classsification APIs for ASD.
- Testing the q and the MLM size m for BAR.
- Testing the difference of loss function(CE-loss vs. F-loss)
- Testing the mapping method(random vs. frequency)
Three baseline : (1) AR method (2) Transfer learning (3) SOTA
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Classification : (ASD,ABIDE database,2 classes)
split in ten folds and 503 ASD + 531 non-ASD samples, test sample=104, data sample is a 200
$\times$ 200 brain-regional correlation graph of fMRI measurements, which is embedded in each color channel of ImageNet-sized inputs. Set$\eta=0.05$ and$q=25$ Table1 is the test performance: We can see the performance is similar to AR with Resnet50 and InceptV3 - Diabetic Retinopathy Detection: (DR,5 classes)
5400 training data, 2400 testing data. Set
$\eta=0.05$ and$q=55$ . Use 10 labels per target class for MLM. The current best performance accuracy is 81.36%.(data augumentation on ResNet50) - Melanoma Detection : (ISIC database, 7 classes)
It is a kind of skin cancer. Containing 7 types of skin cancer. Imagesize with 450
$\times$ 600 , resized to 64$\times$ 64 and the data is imbalanced. Perform the re-sampling on the training data to ensure the same sample size for each class. train/test data ~ 7800/780. Use 10 labels per target class for MLM. The Best reported accuracy is 78.65%.(data augumentation on DenseNet)
we want to reprogram them for Autism spectrum disorder classification task.
- Clarifai Not Safe For Work API : (NSFW API) Recognize Image or videos with in appropriate contents.(labels : NSFW or SFW)
- Clarifai Moderation API : Recognize whether images or videos have contents such a “gore”, “drugs”, “explicit nudity”, “suggestive nudity” or “safe”.(labels : 5 classes)
- Microsoft Custom Vision API : use this API to obtain a black-box traffic sign image recognition model (with 43 classes) trained with GTSRB dataset.
Then we seperated the dataset into train/test ~ 930/104(ASD) and 1500/2400(DR). Use random label mapping instead of frequency mapping to avoid extra query cost.
Number of random vectors (q) and mapping size (m) : Resnet 50 ImageNet model to perform ASD classification, DR detection, and Melanoma detection with different q and m values.
Random and frequency multi-label mapping : Random mapping : Randomly assign m seperate labels from thje source domain. Frequency mapping : (1)Obtain the source-label prediction distribution of the target-domain data before reprogramming in each task. (2) Assign the most frequent m source-labels. For both AR and BAR, frequency mapping roughly 3% to 5% gain in test accuracy.
Cross entropy loss (CE-loss) and focal loss (F-loss) : The Performance increase when using F-Loss in BAR. F-loss greatly improves the accuracy of BAR by 3%-5%.
Visualization : ResNet 50 feature maps of the pre-logit layer
- Proposed a novel black-box adversarial reprogramming framework for limited data classification tasks.
- Used the multi label mapping and gradient free approach to handle the black-box model without knowing the pre-trained model.
- Reprogramming the black-box model for three medical imaging tasks and outperformed the general transfer learning model.