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-# 4D Gaussian Splatting with Scale-aware Residual Field and Adaptive Optimization for Real-time Rendering of Temporally Complex Dynamic Scenes
-Bernhard Kerbl*, Georgios Kopanas*, Thomas Leimkühler, George Drettakis (* indicates equal contribution)
-| [Webpage]([https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/3d-gaussian-splatting/](https://yjb6.github.io/SaRO-GS.github.io/))
+# SaRO-GS:4D Gaussian Splatting with Scale-aware Residual Field and Adaptive Optimization for Real-time Rendering of Temporally Complex Dynamic Scenes
+Jinbo Yan, Rui Peng, Luyang Tang, Ronggang Wang
+| [Webpage](https://yjb6.github.io/SaRO-GS.github.io/)]
This repository contains the official authors implementation associated with the paper "4D Gaussian Splatting with Scale-aware Residual Field and Adaptive Optimization for Real-time Rendering of Temporally Complex Dynamic Scenes"