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1024 lines (840 loc) · 46.6 KB


Design document for the general ROS 2 instrumentation, tracing, and analysis effort, which includes ros2_tracing, a collection of flexible tracing tools and multipurpose instrumentation for ROS 2.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Goals and requirements
    1. Goals
    2. Requirements: instrumentation
    3. Requirements: analysis & visualization
    4. Tools/accessibility
  3. Instrumentation design
    1. General guidelines
    2. Flow description
      1. Process creation
      2. Node/component creation
      3. Publisher creation
      4. Subscription creation
      5. Executors
      6. Subscription callbacks
      7. Message publishing
      8. Service creation
      9. Service callbacks
      10. Client creation
      11. Client request/response
      12. Timer creation
      13. Timer callbacks
      14. State machine creation
      15. State machine transitions
  4. Design & implementation notes
    1. Targeted tools/dependencies
    2. Design
    3. Adding instrumentation
  5. Architecture
    1. Notes on client libraries
    2. ROS 1/2 compatibility
  6. Tools packages
  7. Analysis
    1. Analysis design
    2. Analysis architecture


Tracing allows to record run-time data from a system, both for system data (e.g., when a process is being scheduled, or when I/O occurs) and for user-defined data. This tool helps with user-defined trace data within the ROS 2 framework, e.g., to trace when messages arrive, when timers fire, when callbacks are being run, etc.

Goals and requirements


  1. Provide low-overhead tools and resources for robotics software development based on ROS 2.
  2. Make tracing easier to use with ROS.

Requirements: instrumentation

Instrumentation should be built around the main uses of ROS 2, and should include relevant information:

  1. Overall
    1. When creating a publisher/subscriber/service/client/etc., appropriate references should be kept in order to correlate with other tracepoints related to the same instance.
  2. Publishers & subscriptions
    1. When creating a publisher/subscription:
      1. the effective topic name should be included (i.e., including namespace and after remapping).
      2. information about the publisher/subscription instances should be included, to be correlated with other tracepoints later.
    2. When publishing a message:
      1. it should be linked to its publisher.
      2. some sort of message identifier(s) should be included in the tracepoint so it can be tracked through DDS up to the subscriber's side.
        • A pointer to the message can be used to track it through the ROS abstraction layers.
        • Same for DDS, making sure to track any copies being made, if any.
        • Some logic, e.g., network packet matching or some sort of unique message identifier, can then be used to link a published message to a message received by a subscription.
  3. Callbacks (subscription, service, client, timer)
    1. Callback function symbol should be included, whenever possible.
    2. Callback instances should be linked to a specific message or request, when applicable.
    3. Information about callback execution (e.g., start & end) should be available.
  4. Timers
    1. Information about the period should be available.
  5. Executors
    1. Information about spin cycles & periods should be available.
  6. Others
    1. Provide generic tracepoints for user code.

Requirements: analysis & visualization

Analyses process trace data. They should be general enough to be useful for different use-cases, e.g.:

  • Callback duration
  • Time between callbacks (between two callback starts and/or a callback end and a start)
  • Message age (as the difference between processing time and message timestamp)
  • Message size
  • Memory usage
  • Execution time/proportion accross a process' nodes/components
  • Interruptions (noting that these may be more useful as time-based metrics instead of overall statistics):
    • scheduling events during a callback
    • delay between the moment a thread becomes ready and when it's actually scheduled
    • CPU cycles

with mean, stdev, etc. when applicable.

Generic tracepoints for ROS 2 user code could be applied to a user-provided model for higher-level behaviour statistics and visualization.


To make tracing ROS 2 more accessible and easier to adopt, we can put effort into integrating LTTng session setup & recording into the ROS 2 launch system and command line interface.

This might include converting existing tracetools scripts to more flexible Python scripts, and then plugging that into the launch system and creating a ros2cli extension.

Instrumentation design

This section includes information about ROS 2's design & architecture through descriptions of the main execution flows. The instrumentation can then be built around that.

The following table summarizes the instrumentation and links to the corresponding subsections.

Layer Instrumentation Point Ref
rclcpp rclcpp_subscription_init Subscription creation
rclcpp_subscription_callback_added Subscription creation
rclcpp_publish Message publishing
rclcpp_take Subscription callbacks
rclcpp_service_callback_added Service creation
rclcpp_timer_callback_added Timer creation
rclcpp_timer_link_node Timer creation
rclcpp_callback_register Subscription creation, Service creation, Timer creation
callback_start Subscription callbacks, Service callbacks, Client request/response, Timer callbacks
callback_end Subscription callbacks, Service callbacks, Client request/response, Timer callbacks
rclcpp_executor_get_next_ready Executors
rclcpp_executor_wait_for_work Executors
rclcpp_executor_execute Executors, Timer callbacks, Subscription callbacks
rcl rcl_init Process creation
rcl_node_init Node/component creation
rcl_publisher_init Publisher creation
rcl_subscription_init Subscription creation
rcl_publish Message publishing
rcl_take Subscription callbacks
rcl_client_init Client creation
rcl_service_init Service creation
rcl_timer_init Timer creation
rcl_lifecycle_state_machine_init State machine creation
rcl_lifecycle_transition State machine transitions
rmw rmw_publisher_init Publisher creation
rmw_subscription_init Subscription creation
rmw_publish Message publishing
rmw_take Subscription callbacks

General guidelines

Instrumentation points can be split into two types: initialization events and runtime events. The former collect one-time information about the state of objects, e.g., creation of publishers, subscriptions, and services. The latter collect information about events throughout the runtime, e.g., message publication and callback execution. The former are therefore predominantly triggered on system initialization and are used to minimize the payload size of the latter to minimize overhead in the runtime phase. The information that is collected to form the trace data can then be used to build a model of the execution. Due to the very abstractional nature of the ROS 2 architecture, multiple instrumentation points are sometimes needed to gather the necessary information. Both the instrumentation point name and the payload can be meaningful: some instrumentation points only differ by their names and are used to indicate the originating layer.

Flow description

This subsection contains descriptions of the main execution flows using text and sequence diagrams. These diagrams include the instrumentation points as calls to tracetools. Instrumentation point calls with a question mark (TP?()) are not currently implemented.

Each execution flow also has a list of important information that should be collected. These lists roughly correspond to and fulfill the instrumentation requirements and follows the guidelines. All of this therefore serves as support for instrumentation design decisions.

Process creation

In the call to rclcpp::init(), a process-specific rclcpp::Context object is fetched and CLI arguments are parsed. Much of the work is actually done by rcl through a call to rcl_init(). This call processes the rcl_context_t handle, which is wrapped by the Context object. Also, inside this call, rcl calls rmw_init() to process the rmw context (rmw_context_t) as well. This rmw handle is itself part of the rcl_context_t handle.

This has to be done once per process, and usually at the very beginning. The components that are then instanciated share this context.

Important information:

  • tracetools version
    participant process
    participant rclcpp
    participant Context
    participant rcl
    participant rmw
    participant tracetools

    Note over rmw: (implementation)

    process->>rclcpp: rclcpp::init(argc, argv)
    Note over rclcpp: fetches process-specific Context object
    rclcpp->>Context: init(argc, argv)
    Note over Context: allocates rcl_context_t handle
    Context->>rcl: rcl_init(out rcl_context_t)
    Note over rcl: validates & processes rcl_context_t handle
    rcl->>rmw: rmw_init(out rmw_context_t)
    Note over rmw: validates & processes rmw_context_t handle

    rcl-->>tracetools: TP(rcl_init, rcl_context_t *, tracetools_version)

Node/component creation

In ROS 2, a process can contain multiple nodes. These are sometimes referred to as "components."

These components are instanciated by the containing process. They are usually classes that extend rclcpp::Node, so that the node initialization work is done by the parent constructor.

This parent constructor will allocate its own rcl_node_t handle and call rcl_node_init(), which will validate the node name/namespace. rcl will also call rmw_create_node() to get the node's rmw handle (rmw_node_t). This will be used later by publishers and subscriptions.

Important information:

  • Link between rcl_node_t and rmw_node_t handles
  • Link between node handle(s)
  • Node name and node namespace
    participant process
    participant Component
    participant rclcpp
    participant rcl
    participant rmw
    participant tracetools

    Note over rmw: (implementation)

    process->>Component: Component()
    Component->>rclcpp: : Node(node_name, namespace)
    Note over rclcpp: allocates rcl_node_t handle
    rclcpp->>rcl: rcl_node_init(out rcl_node_t, node_name, namespace)
    Note over rcl: validates node name/namespace
    Note over rcl: populates rcl_note_t
    rcl->>rmw: rmw_create_node(node_name, local_namespace) : rmw_node_t
    Note over rmw: creates rmw_node_t handle

    rcl-->>tracetools: TP(rcl_node_init, rcl_node_t *, rmw_node_t *, node_name, namespace)

Publisher creation

The node calls rclcpp::create_publisher(). That ends up creating an rclcpp::Publisher object which extends rclcpp::PublisherBase. The latter allocates an rcl_publisher_t handle, fetches the corresponding rcl_node_t handle, and calls rcl_publisher_init() in its constructor. rcl does topic name expansion/remapping/validation. It creates an rmw_publisher_t handle by calling rmw_create_publisher() of the given rmw implementation and associates it with the node's rmw_node_t handle and the publisher's rcl_publisher_t handle. rmw associates the rmw_publisher_t handle with the underlying DDS object's GID.

Important information:

  • Link between rcl_publisher_t and rmw_publisher_t handles
  • Link to underlying DDS object's GID
  • Link to corresponding node handle
  • Topic name
  • Some QoS information
    participant node
    participant rclcpp
    participant Publisher
    participant rcl
    participant rmw
    participant tracetools

    Note over rmw: (implementation)

    node->>rclcpp: create_publisher(topic_name, options, use_intra_process)
    Note over rclcpp: creates a Publisher, which extends Publisherbase, which allocates rcl_publisher_t handle
    rclcpp->>rcl: rcl_publisher_init(out rcl_publisher_t, rcl_node_t, topic_name, options)
    Note over rcl: populates rcl_publisher_t
    rcl->>rmw: rmw_create_publisher(rmw_node_t, topic_name, qos_options) : rmw_publisher_t
    Note over rmw: creates rmw_publisher_t handle
    Note over rmw: creates middleware objects

    rmw-->>tracetools: TP(rmw_publisher_init, rmw_publisher_t *, gid)

    rcl-->>tracetools: TP(rcl_publisher_init, rcl_node_t *, rcl_publisher_t *, rmw_publisher_t *, topic_name, depth)

Subscription creation

Subscription creation is done in a very similar manner.

The node calls rclcpp::create_publisher(), which ends up creating an rclcpp::Subscription object which extends rclcpp::SubscriptionBase. The latter allocates an rcl_subscription_t handle, fetches its rcl_node_t handle, and calls rcl_subscription_init() in its constructor. rcl does topic name expansion/remapping/validation. It creates an rmw_subscription_t handle by calling rmw_create_subscription() of the given rmw implementation and associates it with the node's rmw_node_t handle and the subscription's rcl_subscription_t handle. rmw associates the rmw_subscription_t handle with the underlying DDS object's GID. rclcpp::Subscription creates an rclcpp::AnySubscriptionCallback object and associates it with itself.

If intra-process is enabled, rclcpp::Subscription also creates a rclcpp::SubscriptionIntraProcess object, which has its own rclcpp::AnySubscriptionCallback object.

Important information:

  • Link between rcl_subscription_t and rmw_subscription_t handles and rclcpp::Subscription object
  • Link between rcl_subscription_t and rclcpp::SubscriptionIntraProcess object
  • Link to callback object(s), with callback function symbol string
  • Link to underlying DDS object's GID
  • Link to corresponding node handle
  • Topic name
  • Some QoS information
    participant node
    participant rclcpp
    participant rcl
    participant rmw
    participant tracetools

    Note over rmw: (implementation)

    node->>rclcpp: create_subscription(topic_name, callback, options, use_intra_process)
    Note over rclcpp: creates a Subscription, which extends SubscriptionBase, which allocates rcl_subscription_t handle
    rclcpp->>rcl: rcl_subscription_init(out rcl_subscription_t, rcl_node_t, topic_name, options)
    Note over rcl: populates rcl_subscription_t
    rcl->>rmw: rmw_create_subscription(rmw_node_t, topic_name, qos_options) : rmw_subscription_t
    Note over rmw: creates rmw_subscription_t handle
    Note over rmw: creates middleware objects

    rmw-->>tracetools: TP(rmw_subscription_init, rmw_subscription_t *, gid)

    rcl-->>tracetools: TP(rcl_subscription_init, rcl_node_t *, rcl_subscription_t *, rmw_subscription_t *, topic_name, depth)

    opt intra_process
        Note over rclcpp: sets up SubscriptionIntraProcess object with its callback
        rclcpp-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_subscription_callback_added, rcl_subscription_t *, rclcpp::AnySubscriptionCallback *)
        rclcpp-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_subscription_init, rcl_subscription_t *, rclcpp::SubscriptionIntraProcess *)
        rclcpp-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_callback_register, rclcpp::AnySubscriptionCallback *, symbol)

    rclcpp-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_subscription_init, rcl_subscription_t *, Subscription *)
    rclcpp-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_subscription_callback_added, rcl_subscription_t *, rclcpp::AnySubscriptionCallback *)
    rclcpp-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_callback_register, rclcpp::AnySubscriptionCallback *, symbol)


An rclcpp::Executor object is created for a given process. It can be a rclcpp::executors::SingleThreadedExecutor or a rclcpp::executors::MultiThreadedExecutor, with the former currently being the default.

Nodes are instanciated, usually as a shared_ptr through std::make_shared<Node>(), then added to the executor with rclcpp::Executor::add_node().

After all the nodes have been added, rclcpp::Executor::spin() is called (there are other spinning varations, but this is the main one). rclcpp::executors::SingleThreadedExecutor::spin() simply loops forever until the process' context isn't valid anymore. It fetches the next rclcpp::AnyExecutable (e.g., subscription, timer, service, client), possibly waiting a bit, and calls rclcpp::Executor::execute_any_executable() with it. This then calls the relevant execute*() method (e.g., execute_timer(), execute_subscription(), execute_service(), execute_client()).

Important information:

  • Timestamps of executor phases
  • Link to handle of object being executed (e.g., timer, subscription)
    participant process
    participant Executor
    participant tracetools

    process->>Executor: Executor()
    Note over process: instanciates node
    process->>Executor: add_node(node)
    process->>Executor: spin()
    loop until shutdown
        Note over Executor: get_next_executable()
        Executor-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_executor_get_next_ready)
        Executor-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_executor_wait_for_work, timeout)
        Note over Executor: execute_any_executable()
        Note over Executor: execute_*()
        Executor-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_executor_execute, handle)

Subscription callbacks

Subscriptions are handled in the rclcpp layer. Callback functions are wrapped by an rclcpp::AnySubscriptionCallback object, which is registered when creating the rclcpp::Subscription object.

In rclcpp::Executor::execute_subscription(), the rclcpp::Executor asks the rclcpp::Subscription to allocate a message though rclcpp::SubscriptionBase::create_message() (there are other ways to get/allocate messages, like loaning, but this is the main one). It then calls rcl_take*(), which calls rmw_take_with_info(), which gets the message from the underlying middleware. If that is successful, the rclcpp::Executor then passes that on to the subscription through rclcpp::SubscriptionBase::handle_message(). This checks if it's the right type of subscription (i.e., inter vs. intra process), and then it calls rclcpp::AnySubscriptionCallback::dispatch() on its callback object with the message (cast to the actual type). This calls the actual std::function with the right signature.

Finally, it returns the message object through rclcpp::SubscriptionBase::return_message(). For simple messages without loaning, it simply gets deallocated.

Important information:

  • Link to handle(s) of subscription being executed
  • Message being taken
  • Source timestamp of message being taken
  • Link to callback object being dispatched, with start/end timestamps
  • Whether the callback dispatching is for intra-process or not
    participant Executor
    participant Subscription
    participant AnySubscriptionCallback
    participant rcl
    participant rmw
    participant tracetools

    Note over rmw: (implementation)

    Executor-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_executor_execute, rcl_subscription_t *)
    Note over Executor: execute_subscription()
    Executor->>Subscription: create_message(): std::shared_ptr<void>
    Executor->>Subscription: take_type_erased(out msg *, out msg_info): bool
    Subscription->>rcl: rcl_take*(rcl_subscription_t *, out msg *)
    rcl->>rmw: rmw_take_with_info(rmw_subscription_t, out msg *, out taken)
    Note over rmw: copies available message to msg if there is one
    rmw-->>tracetools: TP(rmw_take, rmw_subscription_t *, msg *, source_timestamp, taken)
    rcl-->>tracetools: TP(rcl_take, msg *)
    Subscription-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_take, msg *)
    opt taken
        Executor->>Subscription: handle_message(msg *, msg_info)
        Note over Subscription: casts type-erased message to its actual type
        Subscription->>AnySubscriptionCallback: dispatch(typed_msg)
        AnySubscriptionCallback-->>tracetools: TP(callback_start, rclcpp::AnySubscriptionCallback *, is_intra_process)
        Note over AnySubscriptionCallback: std::function(...)
        AnySubscriptionCallback-->>tracetools: TP(callback_end, rclcpp::AnySubscriptionCallback *)
    Executor->>Subscription: return_message(msg)

Message publishing

To publish a message, a message object is first allocated (or loaned) and then populated at the user level (e.g., in a node). The message is then published through one of the rclcpp::Publisher::publish() methods. For normal inter-process publishing, this then passes that on to rcl, which itself passes it to rmw, which passes it on to the underlying middleware.

TODO add inter- vs. intra-process execution flow TODO talk about IntraProcessManager stuff?

Important information:

  • Link to publisher handle(s)
  • Message being published, with timestamp
  • TODO
    • Source timestamp of message being published
    participant node
    participant Publisher
    participant rcl
    participant rmw
    participant tracetools

    Note over rmw: (implementation)

    Note over node: creates a msg
    node->>Publisher: publish(msg)
    Publisher-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_publish, msg *)
    Publisher->>rcl: rcl_publish(rcl_publisher_t *, msg *)
    rcl-->>tracetools: TP(rcl_publish, rcl_publisher_t *, msg *)
    rcl->>rmw: rmw_publish(rmw_publisher_t *, msg *)
    rmw-->>tracetools: TP(rmw_publish, msg *)
    Note over rmw: calls middleware
    Note over node: keeps, returns, or destroys msg

Service creation

Service server creation is similar to subscription creation. The node calls rclcpp::create_service() which ends up creating a rclcpp::Service. In its constructor, it allocates a rcl_service_t handle, and then calls rcl_service_init(). This processes the handle and validates the service name. It calls rmw_create_service() to get the corresponding rmw_service_t handle. rclcpp::Service creates an rclcpp::AnySubscriptionCallback object and associates it with itself.

Important information:

  • Link between rcl_service_t and rmw_service_t handles
  • Link to callback object, with callback function symbol string
  • Link to corresponding node handle
  • Service name
    participant node
    participant rclcpp
    participant Service
    participant rcl
    participant rmw
    participant tracetools

    Note over rmw: (implementation)

    node->>rclcpp: create_service(service_name, callback)
    Note over rclcpp: (...)
    rclcpp->>Service: Service(rcl_node_t *, service_name, callback, options)
    Note over Service: allocates a rcl_service_t handle
    Service->>rcl: rcl_service_init(out rcl_service_t *, rcl_node_t *, service_name, options)
    Note over rcl: validates & processes service handle
    rcl->>rmw: rmw_create_service(rmw_node_t, service_name, qos_options): rmw_service_t
    Note over rmw: creates rmw_service_t handle
    Note over rmw: creates necessary underlying implementation-specific objects
    rcl-->>tracetools: TP(rcl_service_init, rcl_service_t *, rcl_node_t *, rmw_service_t *, service_name)
    Service-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_service_callback_added, rcl_service_t *, rclcpp::AnyServiceCallback *)
    Service-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_callback_register, rclcpp::AnyServiceCallback *, symbol)

Service callbacks

Service callbacks are similar to subscription callbacks. In rclcpp::Executor::execute_service(), the rclcpp::Executor allocates request header and request objects. It then calls rclcpp::Service::take_type_erased_request(), which calls rcl_take_request() & rmw_take_request().

If those are successful and a new request is taken, then the rclcpp::Executor calls rclcpp::Service::handle_request() with the request. This casts the request to its actual type, allocates a response object, and calls rclcpp::AnyServiceCallback::dispatch(), which calls the actual std::function with the right signature.

If there is a service response for the request, rclcpp::Service::send_response() is called, which calls rcl_send_response() & rmw_send_response().

Important information:

  • Request being taken
  • Link to callback object being dispatched, with start/end timestamps
  • TODO
    • Link to handle(s) of service being executed
    • Source timestamp of request being taken
    • Link between request and response
    participant Executor
    participant Service
    participant AnyServiceCallback
    participant rcl
    participant rmw
    participant tracetools

    Note over rmw: (implementation)

    %% Executor-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_executor_execute, rcl_service_t *)
    Note over Executor: execute_service()
    Note over Executor: allocates request and request header
    Executor->>Service: take_type_erased_request(out request *, out request_id): bool
    Service->>rcl: rcl_take_request(rcl_service *, out request_header *, out request *)
    rcl->>rmw: rmw_take_request(rmw_service_t *, out request_header *, out request *, out taken)
    opt taken
        Executor->>Service: handle_request(request_header *, request *)
        Note over Service: casts request to its actual type
        Note over Service: allocates a response object
        Service->>AnyServiceCallback: dispatch(request_header, typed_request): response
        AnyServiceCallback-->>tracetools: TP(callback_start, rclcpp::AnyServiceCallback *)
        Note over AnyServiceCallback: std::function(...)
        AnyServiceCallback-->>tracetools: TP(callback_end, rclcpp::AnyServiceCallback *)
        opt response
            Service->>rcl: rcl_send_response(rcl_service_t *, request_header *, response *)
            rcl->>rmw: rmw_send_response(rmw_service_t *, request_header *, response *)

Client creation

Client creation is similar to publisher creation. The node calls rclcpp::create_client() which ends up creating a rclcpp::Client. In its constructor, it allocates a rcl_client_t handle, and then calls rcl_client_init(). This validates and processes the handle. It also calls rmw_create_client() which creates the rmw_client_t handle.

Important information:

  • Link between rcl_client_t and rmw_client_t handles
  • Link to corresponding node handle
  • Service name
    participant node
    participant Client
    participant rcl
    participant rmw
    participant tracetools

    Note over rmw: (implementation)

    node->>rclcpp: create_client(service_name, options)
    rclcpp->>Client: Client(service_name, options)
    Note over Client: allocates a rcl_client_t handle
    Client->>rcl: rcl_client_init(out rcl_client_t *, rcl_node_t *, service_name, options)
    Note over rcl: validates and processes rcl_client_t handle
    rcl->>rmw: rmw_create_client(rmw_node_t *, service_name, qos_options): rmw_client_t
    Note over rmw: creates rmw_client_t handle
    rcl-->>tracetools: TP(rcl_client_init, rcl_client_t *, rcl_node_t *, rmw_client_t *, service_name)

Client request/response

A client request has multiple steps. The node (or the owner of the rclcpp::Client, at the user level) first creates a request object and populates it. It then calls rclcpp::Client::async_send_request() with the request. It can also provide a callback, but it's optional. The rclcpp::Client passes that on to rcl by calling rcl_send_request(). rcl generates a sequence number and assigns it to the request, then calls rmw_send_request(). Once this is done, the rclcpp::Client puts this sequence number in an internal map along with the created promise and future objects, and the callback (which might simply be empty).

If a callback was provided when sending the request, the rclcpp::Client simply uses the executor to spin and lets its callback be called. Otherwise, it uses the future object returned by rclcpp::Client::async_send_request(), and calls rclcpp::spin_until_future_complete(). This waits until the future object is ready, or until timeout, and returns. If this last call was successful, then the node can get the result (i.e., response) and do something with it.

Important information:

  • TODO
    • Link to handle(s) of client
    • Request being sent, with timestamp
    • Link to callback object being used, with start/end timestamps
    • Response being taken
    • Source timestamp of response being taken
    • Link to response
    participant node
    participant Executor
    participant Client
    participant rclcpp
    participant rcl
    participant rmw
    participant tracetools

    Note over rmw: (implementation)

    Note over node: creates request
    node->>Client: async_send_request(request[, callback]): result_future
    Client->>rcl: rcl_send_request(rcl_client_t, request, out sequence_number): int64_t
    Note over rcl: assigns sequence_number
    %% rcl-->>tracetools: TP(rcl_send_request, rcl_client_t *, sequence_number)
    rcl->>rmw: rmw_send_request(rmw_client_t, request, sequence_number)
    %% rmw-->>tracetools: TP(rmw_send_request, sequence_number)
    Note over Client: puts sequence_number in a 'pending requests' map with promise+callback+future

    alt without callback
        node->>rclcpp: spin_until_future_complete(result_future): result_status
        opt SUCCESS
            Note over node: result_future.get(): result
            Note over node: do something with result (i.e., response)
    else with callback
        node->>Executor: spin()
        Note over Executor: spins until client is ready

        %% Executor-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_executor_execute, rcl_client_t *)
        Note over Executor: execute_client()
        Note over Executor: creates response and header objects
        Executor->>Client: take_type_erased_response(response *, header *): bool
        Client->>rcl: rcl_take_response*(rcl_client_t *, out request_header *, out response *)
        rcl->>rmw: rmw_take_response(rmw_client_t *, out request_header *, out response *, out taken)
        %% rmw-->>tracetools: TP(rmw_take_response)
        %% rcl-->>tracetools: TP(rcl_take_response)
        opt taken
            Executor->>Client: handle_response(request_header *, response *)
            Note over Client: gets sequence_number from request_header
            Note over Client: gets promise+callback+future from its map
            Client-->>tracetools: TP?(callback_start, rcl_client_t *)
            Note over Client: callback(future)
            Client-->>tracetools: TP?(callback_end, rcl_client_t *)

Timer creation

Timer creation is similar to subscription creation. The node calls rclcpp::create_wall_timer() which ends up creating a rclcpp::WallTimer, which extends rclcpp::GenericTimer, which extends rclcpp::TimerBase. In its constructor, it creates a rclcpp::Clock object, which (for a rclcpp::WallTimer) is simply a nanosecond clock. It then allocates a rcl_timer_t handle, and then calls rcl_timer_init(). This processes the handle and validates the period. rclcpp::GenericTimer has its own callback. Also, timers are not linked to any node at the rcl level. They are only linked to nodes at the rclcpp level in rclcpp::create_wall_timer(), after being created.

Note that rcl_timer_init() can take a callback as a parameter, but right now that feature is not used anywhere (nullptr is given), and callbacks are instead handled in the rclcpp layer.

Important information:

  • Timer handle
  • Timer period
  • Link to corresponding node handle
  • Link to timer callback, with symbol
    participant node
    participant rclcpp
    participant WallTimer
    participant rcl
    participant tracetools

    node->>rclcpp: create_wall_timer(period, callback)
    rclcpp->>WallTimer: WallTimer(period, callback, node)
    Note over WallTimer: creates or uses an rclcpp::Clock object
    Note over WallTimer: allocates a rcl_timer_t handle
    WallTimer->>rcl: rcl_timer_init(out rcl_timer_t *, rcl_clock_t *, rcl_context_t *, period)
    Note over rcl: validates and processes rcl_timer_t handle
    rcl-->>tracetools: TP(rcl_timer_init, rcl_timer_t *, period)
    WallTimer-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_timer_callback_added, rcl_timer_t *, callback *)
    WallTimer-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_callback_register, callback *, symbol)
    Note over rclcpp: calls NodeTimers::add_timer() after timer is created
    rclcpp-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_timer_link_node, rcl_timer_t *, rcl_node_t *)

Timer callbacks

Timer callbacks are similar to susbcription callbacks. The executor spins until the timer is ready. Then the rclcpp::Executor calls rclcpp::Executor::execute_timer(), which calls rclcpp::WallTimer::execute_callback(). This calls the actual callback std::function. Depending on the std::function that was given when creating the timer, it will either call the callback without any parameters or it will pass a reference of itself.

Important information:

  • Link to handle of timer being executed
  • Link to timer callback object being executed, with start/end timestamps
    participant node
    participant Executor
    participant WallTimer
    participant tracetools

    node->>Executor: spin()
    Note over Executor: spins until timer is ready

    Executor-->>tracetools: TP(rclcpp_executor_execute, rcl_timer_t *)
    Note over Executor: execute_timer()
    Executor->>WallTimer: execute_callback()
    WallTimer-->>tracetools: TP(callback_start, callback *)
    Note over WallTimer: std::function(...)
    WallTimer-->>tracetools: TP(callback_end, callback *)

State machine creation

State machines are usually created when an rclcpp::LifecycleNode is initialized. It calls rcl_lifecycle_state_machine_init().

Important information:

  • Link between state machine handle and node handle
    participant LifecycleNode
    participant rcl
    participant tracetools

    Note over LifecycleNode: initialization
    Note over LifecycleNode: allocates a rcl_lifecycle_state_machine_t handle
    LifecycleNode->>rcl: rcl_lifecycle_state_machine_init(rcl_lifecycle_state_machine_t *, rcl_node_t *)
    rcl-->>tracetools: TP(rcl_lifecycle_state_machine_init, rcl_node_t *, rcl_lifecycle_state_machine_t *)

State machine transitions

State machine transitions are usually triggered by rclcpp::LifecycleNode::trigger_transition(), which are themselves triggered by rclcpp::LifecycleNode's various standard state transition methods.

Important information:

  • Link to handle of state machine being state-transitioned
  • Start and goal labels (i.e., current state and next state, respectively)
    participant LifecycleNode
    participant rcl
    participant tracetools

    Note over LifecycleNode: (...)
    Note over LifecycleNode: trigger_transition(...)
    LifecycleNode->>rcl: rcl_lifecycle_trigger_transition_by_*(rcl_lifecycle_state_machine_t *, ...)
    rcl-->>tracetools: TP(rcl_lifecycle_transition, rcl_lifecycle_state_machine_t *, start_label, goal_label)

Design & implementation notes

Targeted tools/dependencies

The targeted tools or dependencies are:

  • LTTng for tracing
  • pandas and Jupyter for analysis & visualization


The plan is to use LTTng with a ROS wrapper package like tracetools for ROS 1. The suggested setup is:

  • a tracing package (e.g., tracetools) wraps calls to LTTng
  • ROS 2 is instrumented with calls to the tracing package, therefore it becomes a dependency and ships with the core stack
  • by default, the tracing package's functions are empty -- they do not do anything
  • if users want to enable tracing, they need to
    • install LTTng
    • compile the tracing package from source, setting the right compile flag(s)
    • overlay it on top of their ROS 2 installation
  • use other package(s) for analysis and visualization

Adding instrumentation

The process for adding instrumentation to the ROS 2 core and supporting it in ros2_tracing is as follows:

  1. Add LTTng tracepoint definition to the tp_call.h file
    • tracepoint name, arguments, and fields
    • arguments and fields are usually the same
    • refer to the LTTng documentation
  2. Add corresponding instrumentation function definition to the tracetools.c file
  3. Add corresponding instrumentation function declaration to the racetools.h file
  4. Add/use instrumentation in ROS 2 core package(s)
    1. If the package does not already have instrumentation
      1. Add <depend>tracetools</depend> in the package's package.xml
      2. Add find_package(tracetools REQUIRED) in the package's CMakeLists.txt
      3. Add tracetools to the list of dependencies in ament_target_dependencies(...) for the right executable/library in the package's CMakeLists.txt
      4. Add ament_export_dependencies(tracetools) in the package's CMakeLists.txt (if applicable)
    2. In the instrumented source code file
      1. Add call to tracepoint: TRACEPOINT(tracepoint_name, arg1, arg2);
      2. Add an include for the main tracetools header: #include "tracetools/tracetools.h"
  5. Add tracepoint name to the list of ROS 2 events in tracetools_trace
  6. Add/modify test in test_tracetools to cover the new tracepoint

Additional considerations:

  • The merge request with the necessary changes in ros2_tracing is usually merged first, then a new release of the ros2_tracing is created before merging the pull request(s) for the corresponding downstream package(s) in the ROS 2 core
  • For the ros2_tracing MR and until the PRs for the ROS 2 core package(s) are merged, CI here will need to use the modified version(s) of the core package(s) using the instrumented.repos file so that end-to-end tests pass (test_tracetools)
  • Add support for the new instrumentation in tracetools_analysis
    • Along with the end-to-end tests, this is usually a good way to demonstrate how the tracing data resulting from the new instrumentation is used and how useful it is


Notes on client libraries

ROS 2 offers a client library written in C (rcl) as the base for any language-specific implementation, such as rclcpp and rclpy. However, rcl is obviously fairly basic, and still does leave a fair amount of implementation work up to the client libraries. For example, callbacks are not handled in rcl, and are left to the client library implementations.

This means that some instrumentation work will have to be re-done for every client library that we want to trace. We cannot simply instrument rcl, nor can we only instrument the base rmw interface if we want to dig into that.

This effort should first focus on rcl and rclcpp. rclpy could eventually be added and supported, although it is not used for the kind of applications that ros2_tracing targets.

ROS 1/2 compatibility

We could look into making analyses work on both ROS 1 and ROS 2, through a common instrumentation interface (or other abstraction).

Tools packages

  • tracetools_trace
    • wraps the LTTng Python bindings to setup and start a tracing session
    • exposes simplified setup functions with default values
    • provides an example trace entrypoint for tracing
      • $ ros2 run tracetools_trace trace
  • ros2trace
    • provides a ros2cli extension $ ros2 trace
      • uses tracetools_trace functions
  • tracetools_launch
    • provides a Trace action for launch
      • uses tracetools_trace functions
  • tracetools_read
    • wraps the babeltrace Python bindings to read CTF traces
  • tracetools_test
    • provides a TraceTestCase class extending unittest.TestCase
      • uses the Trace action with launch to trace the test nodes
      • provides trace-specific utility functions (e.g., assert)
  • tracetools_analysis
    • uses tracetools_read to read traces
    • provides utilities to:
      • convert CTF traces to pickle files
      • wrap trace events in Python dict
      • handle and process trace events to gather data
    • see Analysis
  • ros2trace_analysis
    • provides a ros2cli extension with verbs
      • $ ros2 trace-analysis
    • uses/exposes tracetools_analysis functions
      • $ ros2 trace-analysis convert
      • $ ros2 trace-analysis process

interface babeltrace
hide babeltrace fields
hide babeltrace methods
hide babeltrace circle
interface lttng
hide lttng fields
hide lttng methods
hide lttng circle
interface pandas
hide pandas fields
hide pandas methods
hide pandas circle
interface bokeh
hide bokeh fields
hide bokeh methods
hide bokeh circle
package <i>ros2cli</i> as ros2cli <<Rectangle>> #DADADA {
package <i>launch</i> as launch <<Rectangle>> #DADADA {
lttng -[hidden] babeltrace
babeltrace -[hidden] pandas
pandas -[hidden] bokeh
ros2cli -[hidden] launch
launch -[hidden] lttng

package tracetools_trace <<Rectangle>> {
lttng <-- tracetools_trace

package ros2trace <<Rectangle>> {
package tracetools_launch <<Rectangle>> {
ros2cli <|-- ros2trace
tracetools_trace <-- ros2trace
launch <|-- tracetools_launch
tracetools_trace <-- tracetools_launch

package tracetools_read <<Rectangle>> {
babeltrace <-- tracetools_read

package tracetools_test <<Rectangle>> {
tracetools_launch <-- tracetools_test
tracetools_read <-- tracetools_test

package tracetools_analysis <<Rectangle>> {
tracetools_read <-- tracetools_analysis
pandas <--- tracetools_analysis
bokeh <--- tracetools_analysis

package ros2trace_analysis <<Rectangle>> {
ros2cli <|-- ros2trace_analysis
tracetools_analysis <-- ros2trace_analysis



A number of existing tools or libraries could be leveraged to perform analysis on the trace data collected using ros2_tracing and LTTng. This section presents a minimal analysis library architecture as a working proof-of-concept: tracetools_analysis.

Analysis design

Generally, for a given trace data analysis objective, the following classes are extended: EventHandler, DataModel, and DataModelUtil.

A user/developer can implement an EventHandler, which defines callbacks for specific events. Those callbacks get called by the Processor, and end up putting slightly-processed data into a DataModel, which is a data container that uses pandas DataFrames.

Meaningful data can be extracted from the DataModel. However, a DataModelUtil can provide common utility functions so that users don't have to re-write them. This meaningful output data can then be presented through a Jupyter notebook (e.g., plots) or a normal Python script (e.g., tables).

Analysis architecture

With profiling as an example implementation:


class Processor {
 -_expand_dependencies(initial_handlers): list {static}
 -_get_handler_maps(handlers): multimap {static}
class DependencySolver {
 +solve(initial_dependants): list
DependencySolver <-- Processor

abstract class Dependant {
 +dependencies(): list {static}
abstract class EventHandler {
 +handler_map(): map
 +data(): DataModel
 +process(events) {static}
class ProfileHandler {
 +_handle_sched_switch(event, metadata)
 +_handle_function_entry(event, metadata)
 +_handle_function_exit(event, metadata)
Dependant <|-- EventHandler
EventHandler <|-- ProfileHandler
Processor o-- EventHandler

abstract class DataModel {
 +print_data() {abstract}
class ProfileDataModel {
 +times: DataFrame
 +add_duration(tid, depth, name, timestamp, duration)
DataModel <|-- ProfileDataModel
ProfileDataModel o-- ProfileHandler

abstract class DataModelUtil {
 +print_data(): DataModel
 +convert_time_columns(df, columns): df {static}
class ProfileDataModelUtil {
 +get_tids(): list
 +get_function_duration_data(tid): DataFrames
DataModelUtil <|-- ProfileDataModelUtil
DataModelUtil o-- DataModel

class Notebook {
Notebook --> ProfileHandler
Notebook --> ProfileDataModelUtil
Notebook --> Processor
hide Notebook circle
