diff --git a/server_addon/maya/client/ayon_maya/plugins/workfile_build/assign_look_placeholder.py b/server_addon/maya/client/ayon_maya/plugins/workfile_build/assign_look_placeholder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aaecdd78b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server_addon/maya/client/ayon_maya/plugins/workfile_build/assign_look_placeholder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+from maya import cmds
+from ayon_core.lib import (
+    UISeparatorDef,
+    UILabelDef,
+    TextDef,
+    BoolDef
+from ayon_core.lib.events import weakref_partial
+from ayon_maya.api.workfile_template_builder import MayaPlaceholderPlugin
+from ayon_maya.api.lib import (
+    get_all_children,
+    assign_look,
+class AssignLookPlaceholderPlugin(MayaPlaceholderPlugin):
+    """Assign a look product to members of the placeholder set.
+    Creates an objectSet. Any members will get the look assigned with the given
+    product name if it exists.
+    Any containers loaded from other template placeholders will get the look
+    assigned to their loaded containers.
+    """
+    identifier = "maya.assignlook"
+    label = "Assign Look"
+    def get_placeholder_options(self, options=None):
+        options = options or {}
+        return [
+            UISeparatorDef(),
+            UILabelDef(label="<b>Description</b>"),
+            UISeparatorDef(),
+            UILabelDef(
+                label=(
+                    "Creates an objectSet. Any members will get the look\n"
+                    "assigned with the given product name if it exists.\n\n"
+                    "Any containers loaded from other template placeholders\n"
+                    "will get the look assigned to their loaded containers."
+                    ""
+                )
+            ),
+            UISeparatorDef(),
+            UILabelDef(label="<b>Settings</b>"),
+            UISeparatorDef(),
+            TextDef(
+                "product_name",
+                label="Product Name",
+                tooltip="Look product to assign to containers loaded by "
+                        "contained placeholders",
+                multiline=False,
+                default=options.get("product_name", "lookMain")
+            ),
+            BoolDef(
+                "recurse",
+                label="Recursive",
+                tooltip="Assign look also to potential sub containers / "
+                        "placeholders loaded from the load placeholder.\n"
+                        "This will make sure that any placeholder contained "
+                        "that itself loaded new geometry will recursively "
+                        "also get the look assignment triggered.",
+                default=options.get("recurse", False)
+            ),
+        ]
+    def create_placeholder(self, placeholder_data):
+        placeholder_data["plugin_identifier"] = self.identifier
+        # Create maya objectSet on selection
+        selection = cmds.ls(selection=True, long=True)
+        product_name = placeholder_data["product_name"]
+        name = "AssignLook_{}".format(product_name)
+        node = cmds.sets(selection, name=name)
+        self.imprint(node, placeholder_data)
+    def populate_placeholder(self, placeholder):
+        callback = weakref_partial(self.assign_look, placeholder)
+        self.builder.add_on_depth_processed_callback(
+            callback, order=placeholder.order)
+        # If placeholder should be deleted, delete it after finish
+        if not placeholder.data.get("keep_placeholder", True):
+            delete_callback = weakref_partial(self.delete_placeholder,
+                                              placeholder)
+            self.builder.add_on_finished_callback(
+                delete_callback, order=placeholder.order)
+    def assign_look(self, placeholder):
+        if placeholder.data.get("finished", False):
+            # If not recursive we mark it finished after the first depth
+            # iteration - otherwise run it again to find any new members
+            return
+        product_name = placeholder.data["product_name"]
+        assert product_name, "Must have defined look product name to assign"
+        members = cmds.ls(
+            cmds.sets(placeholder.scene_identifier, query=True), long=True
+        )
+        if not members:
+            return
+        # Allow any children of members in the set to get assignments,
+        # e.g. when a group is included there. Whenever a load placeholder
+        # finishes it also adds loaded content into the object set the
+        # placeholder was in, so this will also assign to loaded content
+        # during this build.
+        assign_nodes = set(members)
+        assign_nodes.update(get_all_children(members))
+        processed = placeholder.data.setdefault("processed", set())
+        assign_nodes.difference_update(processed)
+        processed.update(assign_nodes)
+        if assign_nodes:
+            self.log.info(
+                "Assigning look {} for placeholder: {}".format(product_name,
+                                                               placeholder)
+            )
+            assign_nodes = list(assign_nodes)
+            assign_look(assign_nodes, product_name=product_name)
+        if not placeholder.data.get("recurse", False):
+            placeholder.data["finished"] = True