diff --git a/client/ayon_core/tools/experimental_tools/pyblish_debug_stepper.py b/client/ayon_core/tools/experimental_tools/pyblish_debug_stepper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33de4bf036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/ayon_core/tools/experimental_tools/pyblish_debug_stepper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+Brought from https://gist.github.com/BigRoy/1972822065e38f8fae7521078e44eca2
+Code Credits: [BigRoy](https://github.com/BigRoy)
+ It requires pyblish version >= 1.8.12
+How it works:
+ This tool makes use of pyblish event `pluginProcessed` to:
+ 1. Pause the publishing.
+ 2. Collect some info about the plugin.
+ 3. Show that info to the tool's window.
+ 4. Continue publishing on clicking `step` button.
+How to use it:
+ 1. Launch the tool from AYON experimental tools window.
+ 2. Launch the publisher tool and click validate.
+ 3. Click Step to run plugins one by one.
+Note :
+ Pyblish debugger also works when triggering the validation or
+ publishing from code.
+ Here's an example about validating from code:
+ https://github.com/MustafaJafar/ayon-recipes/blob/main/validate_from_code.py
+import copy
+import json
+from qtpy import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui
+import pyblish.api
+from ayon_core import style
+TAB = 4* " "
+HEADER_SIZE = "15px"
+KEY_COLOR = QtGui.QColor("#ffffff")
+NEW_KEY_COLOR = QtGui.QColor("#00ff00")
+VALUE_TYPE_COLOR = QtGui.QColor("#ffbbbb")
+NEW_VALUE_TYPE_COLOR = QtGui.QColor("#ff4444")
+VALUE_COLOR = QtGui.QColor("#777799")
+def failsafe_deepcopy(data):
+ """Allow skipping the deepcopy for unsupported types"""
+ try:
+ return copy.deepcopy(data)
+ except TypeError:
+ if isinstance(data, dict):
+ return {
+ key: failsafe_deepcopy(value)
+ for key, value in data.items()
+ }
+ elif isinstance(data, list):
+ return data.copy()
+ return data
+class DictChangesModel(QtGui.QStandardItemModel):
+ # TODO: Replace this with a QAbstractItemModel
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(DictChangesModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._data = {}
+ columns = ["Key", "Type", "Value"]
+ self.setColumnCount(len(columns))
+ for i, label in enumerate(columns):
+ self.setHeaderData(i, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, label)
+ def _update_recursive(self, data, parent, previous_data):
+ for key, value in data.items():
+ # Find existing item or add new row
+ parent_index = parent.index()
+ for row in range(self.rowCount(parent_index)):
+ # Update existing item if it exists
+ index = self.index(row, 0, parent_index)
+ if index.data() == key:
+ item = self.itemFromIndex(index)
+ type_item = self.itemFromIndex(self.index(row, 1, parent_index)) # noqa
+ value_item = self.itemFromIndex(self.index(row, 2, parent_index)) # noqa
+ break
+ else:
+ item = QtGui.QStandardItem(key)
+ type_item = QtGui.QStandardItem()
+ value_item = QtGui.QStandardItem()
+ parent.appendRow([item, type_item, value_item])
+ # Key
+ key_color = NEW_KEY_COLOR if key not in previous_data else KEY_COLOR # noqa
+ item.setData(key_color, QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole)
+ # Type
+ type_str = type(value).__name__
+ type_color = VALUE_TYPE_COLOR
+ if (
+ key in previous_data
+ and type(previous_data[key]).__name__ != type_str
+ ):
+ type_color = NEW_VALUE_TYPE_COLOR
+ type_item.setText(type_str)
+ type_item.setData(type_color, QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole)
+ # Value
+ value_changed = False
+ if key not in previous_data or previous_data[key] != value:
+ value_changed = True
+ value_color = NEW_VALUE_COLOR if value_changed else VALUE_COLOR
+ value_item.setData(value_color, QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole)
+ if value_changed:
+ value_str = str(value)
+ if len(value_str) > MAX_VALUE_STR_LEN:
+ value_str = value_str[:MAX_VALUE_STR_LEN] + "..."
+ value_item.setText(value_str)
+ # Preferably this is deferred to only when the data gets
+ # requested since this formatting can be slow for very large
+ # data sets like project settings and system settings
+ # This will also be MUCH faster if we don't clear the
+ # items on each update but only updated/add/remove changed
+ # items so that this also runs much less often
+ value_item.setData(
+ json.dumps(value, default=str, indent=4),
+ QtCore.Qt.ToolTipRole
+ )
+ if isinstance(value, dict):
+ previous_value = previous_data.get(key, {})
+ if previous_data.get(key) != value:
+ # Update children if the value is not the same as before
+ self._update_recursive(value,
+ parent=item,
+ previous_data=previous_value)
+ else:
+ # TODO: Ensure all children are updated to be not marked
+ # as 'changed' in the most optimal way possible
+ self._update_recursive(value,
+ parent=item,
+ previous_data=previous_value)
+ self._data = data
+ def update(self, data):
+ parent = self.invisibleRootItem()
+ data = failsafe_deepcopy(data)
+ previous_data = self._data
+ self._update_recursive(data, parent, previous_data)
+ self._data = data # store previous data for next update
+class DebugUI(QtWidgets.QDialog):
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super(DebugUI, self).__init__(parent=parent)
+ self.setStyleSheet(style.load_stylesheet())
+ self._set_window_title()
+ self.setWindowFlags(
+ QtCore.Qt.Window
+ | QtCore.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint
+ | QtCore.Qt.WindowTitleHint
+ | QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimizeButtonHint
+ | QtCore.Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint
+ | QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint
+ )
+ layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self)
+ text_edit = QtWidgets.QTextEdit()
+ text_edit.setFixedHeight(65)
+ font = QtGui.QFont("NONEXISTENTFONT")
+ font.setStyleHint(QtGui.QFont.TypeWriter)
+ text_edit.setFont(font)
+ text_edit.setLineWrapMode(QtWidgets.QTextEdit.NoWrap)
+ step = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Step")
+ step.setEnabled(False)
+ model = DictChangesModel()
+ proxy = QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel()
+ proxy.setRecursiveFilteringEnabled(True)
+ proxy.setSourceModel(model)
+ view = QtWidgets.QTreeView()
+ view.setModel(proxy)
+ view.setSortingEnabled(True)
+ filter_field = QtWidgets.QLineEdit()
+ filter_field.setPlaceholderText("Filter keys...")
+ filter_field.textChanged.connect(proxy.setFilterFixedString)
+ layout.addWidget(text_edit)
+ layout.addWidget(filter_field)
+ layout.addWidget(view)
+ layout.addWidget(step)
+ step.clicked.connect(self.on_step)
+ self._pause = False
+ self.model = model
+ self.filter = filter_field
+ self.proxy = proxy
+ self.view = view
+ self.text = text_edit
+ self.step = step
+ self.resize(700, 500)
+ self._previous_data = {}
+ def _set_window_title(self, plugin=None):
+ title = "Pyblish Debug Stepper"
+ if plugin is not None:
+ plugin_label = plugin.label or plugin.__name__
+ title += f" | {plugin_label}"
+ self.setWindowTitle(title)
+ def pause(self, state):
+ self._pause = state
+ self.step.setEnabled(state)
+ def on_step(self):
+ self.pause(False)
+ def showEvent(self, event):
+ print("Registering callback..")
+ pyblish.api.register_callback("pluginProcessed",
+ self.on_plugin_processed)
+ def hideEvent(self, event):
+ self.pause(False)
+ print("Deregistering callback..")
+ pyblish.api.deregister_callback("pluginProcessed",
+ self.on_plugin_processed)
+ def on_plugin_processed(self, result):
+ self.pause(True)
+ self._set_window_title(plugin=result["plugin"])
+ print(10*"<", result["plugin"].__name__, 10*">")
+ plugin_order = result["plugin"].order
+ plugin_name = result["plugin"].__name__
+ duration = result['duration']
+ plugin_instance = result["instance"]
+ context = result["context"]
+ msg = ""
+ msg += f"Order: {plugin_order}
+ msg += f"Plugin: {plugin_name}"
+ if plugin_instance is not None:
+ msg += f" -> instance: {plugin_instance}"
+ msg += "
+ msg += f"Duration: {duration} ms
+ self.text.setHtml(msg)
+ data = {
+ "context": context.data
+ }
+ for instance in context:
+ data[instance.name] = instance.data
+ self.model.update(data)
+ app = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance()
+ while self._pause:
+ # Allow user interaction with the UI
+ app.processEvents()
diff --git a/client/ayon_core/tools/experimental_tools/tools_def.py b/client/ayon_core/tools/experimental_tools/tools_def.py
index 7def3551de..30e5211b41 100644
--- a/client/ayon_core/tools/experimental_tools/tools_def.py
+++ b/client/ayon_core/tools/experimental_tools/tools_def.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import os
+from .pyblish_debug_stepper import DebugUI
# Constant key under which local settings are stored
LOCAL_EXPERIMENTAL_KEY = "experimental_tools"
@@ -95,6 +96,12 @@ def __init__(self, parent_widget=None, refresh=True):
+ ),
+ ExperimentalHostTool(
+ "pyblish_debug_stepper",
+ "Pyblish Debug Stepper",
+ "Debug Pyblish plugins step by step.",
+ self._show_pyblish_debugger,
@@ -162,9 +169,16 @@ def refresh_availability(self):
) or {}
- for identifier, eperimental_tool in self.tools_by_identifier.items():
+ # Enable the following tools by default.
+ # Because they will always be disabled due
+ # to the fact their settings don't exist.
+ experimental_settings.update({
+ "pyblish_debug_stepper": True,
+ })
+ for identifier, experimental_tool in self.tools_by_identifier.items():
enabled = experimental_settings.get(identifier, False)
- eperimental_tool.set_enabled(enabled)
+ experimental_tool.set_enabled(enabled)
def _show_publisher(self):
if self._publisher_tool is None:
@@ -175,3 +189,7 @@ def _show_publisher(self):
+ def _show_pyblish_debugger(self):
+ window = DebugUI(parent=self._parent_widget)
+ window.show()