If you need to deploy the HUB separately, you can use the -- hub_only parameter in elkeidup. The specific steps are as follows:
If the deployment machine is local, you still need to configure the local password-free login, and the login time needs to be less than 1s. The following command can be used to verify that the output of the two date commands needs to be the same.
date && ssh root@{ip} date
# The output time difference should be less than 1s
mkdir -p /root/.elkeidup && cd /root/.elkeidup
wget https://github.com/bytedance/Elkeid/releases/download/v1.9.4/elkeidup_hub_v1.9.1.tar.gz -O elkeidup.tar.gz && tar -xf elkeidup.tar.gz
chmod a+x /root/.elkeidup/elkeidup
If it is not a standalone deployment, please refer to the deployment resource manual to modify config.yaml
cd /root/.elkeidup
## Generate hub only configurations
./elkeidup init --host {ip} --hub_only
mv config_example.yaml config.yaml
cd /root/.elkeidup
# Command is interactive
./elkeidup deploy --hub_only
## status
./elkeidup status --hub_only
## undeploy
./elkeidup undeploy --hub_only
After a successful installation, executing cat /root/.elkeidup/elkeid_passwd
will see the randomly generated passwords and associated URLs for each component.
Field | Description |
elkeid_hub_frontend | hub front-end account password |
grafana | grafana account password |
grafana | grafana address |
elkeid_hub_frontend | elkeid hub front-end address |
elkeid_service_discovery | Service Discovery Address |
To access elkeid_hub_frontend, refer to the Elkeid HUB Quick Start Tutorial.
Please refer to Elkeid https configuration documentation