This is a mybatis plugin with groovy script language driver.
Getting Started
Add jar file to class path.
Configuration the language driver.
In spring project you can config SqlSessionFactory like this:
@Bean SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory(DataSource dataSource){ SqlSessionFactoryBean r = new SqlSessionFactoryBean(); r.dataSource = dataSource; org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration configuration = new org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration(); configuration.setDefaultScriptingLanguage(MybatisGroovyLanguageDriver.class); configuration.getTypeHandlerRegistry().register(GString.class, GStringTypeHandler.class); r.configuration = configuration r.getObject(); }
In springboot:
- Create a ConfigurationCustomizer class
public class MybatisConfigurationCustomizer implements ConfigurationCustomizer { @Override public void customize(Configuration configuration) { configuration.setDefaultScriptingLanguage(MybatisGroovyLanguageDriver.class); configuration.getTypeHandlerRegistry().register(GString.class, GStringTypeHandler.class); } }
- Config bean
@Bean MybatisConfigurationCustomizer mybatisConfigurationCustomizer(){ MybatisConfigurationCustomizer r = new MybatisConfigurationCustomizer(); r; }
In other project you can create SqlSessionFactory like this:
public SqlSessionFactory produceFactory(DataSource dataSource) throws Exception{ Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); TransactionFactory transactionFactory = new JdbcTransactionFactory(); String environment = SqlSessionFactoryProvider.class.getSimpleName(); configuration.setEnvironment(new Environment(environment, transactionFactory, dataSource)); configuration.setDefaultScriptingLanguage(MybatisGroovyLanguageDriver.class); configuration.getTypeHandlerRegistry().register(GString.class, GStringTypeHandler.class); configuration.addMapper(This is the mapper interface there.); SqlSessionFactory factory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(configuration); return factory; }
Make interface
In spring and springboot like this:
This sample file is a groovy file. It's also can write the same code in java file, but the multiple rows string is not allow in old java version.
@Repository @Mapper interface MyRepository { @Select(''' groovy{ select{ yield "table_field1" yield "table_field2" } from{ yield "table1" } left join{ yield "table2" } on{ yield "table1.id_source =" } where{ and{ if($param.source_text){ yield "source_text=#{source_text}" } if($param.source_text){ yield "language=#{language}" } } } } ''') List<QueryResult> test(@Param("source_text") String source_text, @Param("language") String language); }
groovy{ select{ count(-sns_info.'*') } from{ -sns_info } }
groovy{ select{ yield "count(sns_info.*)" } from{ yield "sns_info" } }
The table name can write like
oryield "sns_info"
. -
left join
groovy{ select{ count(-sns_info.'*') } from{ -sns_info } left join{ yield "jointable" } on{ yield "jointable.a =" } }
left join a sub select
groovy{ select{ count(-sns_info.'*') } from{ -sns_info } left join{ sub{ select{ yield "*" } from{ yield "table" } } >> "table2" } on{ yield "table2.a =" } }
groovy{ select{ count(-sns_info.'*') } from{ -sns_info } where{ and{ if($param.type_id){ yield "sns_type = #{type_id}" } if($param.date1){ yield "entry_date >= #{date1}" } if($param.date2){ yield "entry_date <= #{date2}" } or{ if($param.type_id){ yield "sns_type = #{type_id}" } if($param.date1){ yield "entry_date >= #{date1}" } if($param.date2){ yield "entry_date <= #{date2}" } } } } }
- $param - All the query parameter in this object. If use @param annotation the $param's item is the annotation's value, else the $param's item is the parameter's properties.
- In there you can use the groovy language free.
- and or operator
groovy{ select{ count(-sns_info.'*') } from{ -sns_info } where{ and{ if($param.type_id){ yield "sns_type = #{type_id}" } yield "id in ('${$param.iterator.join("','")}')" yield "id in (" for(int i=0;i<$param.iterator.size();i++){ yieldAppend "#{iterator[${i}]}" if(i!=$param.iterator.size()-1){ yieldAppend ", " } } yieldAppend ")" } } }
groovy{ select{ yield "*" } from{ -sns_info } limit "#{start}", "#{length}" }
groovy{ insert into{ -table } field{ yield "field1" yield "field2" yield "field3" } values{ yield "#{filed1}" yield "#{filed2}" yield "#{filed3}" } }
groovy{ update{ yield "m_user" } set{ yield "password=#{new_password}" } where{ and{ yield "user_id=#{user_id}" yield "password=#{old_password}" } } }
groovy{ delete from{ -sns_email } where{ yield "snsid=#{sns_info_auto_id}" } }
$ and #
groovy{ delete from{ -sns_email } where{ yield "snsid=#{sns_info_auto_id}" } }
groovy{ delete from{ -sns_email } where{ yield "snsid='${$param.sns_info_auto_id}'" } }