- feat: add emacs doc
- update: close ccls code heighlight
- update: close ouput autoformat message
- update: update readme
- update: 更新快捷键
- update: 更新快捷键
- update: 更新快捷键
- update: 更新快捷键
- update: 更新自动化图表
- add: 增加vim图表,不自动代码对齐
- add: cxx heighlight plugin
- add: cxx heighlight plugin
- add: cxx heighlight plugin
- add: swap between .c and .h
- Update vimrc
- fix: delete autojump configuration!
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/yulintao/vim-as-ide
- add: vim-multiple-cursors
- fix: vim fea
- fix: vimrc
- fix: vimrc
- fix: vimrc
- fix: vimrc
- fix: vimrc
- fix: vimrc
- fix: del no need line
- add: 格式化
- 添加工作环境配置,添加tmux
- nerdcommenter 命令
- add build compile script
- not autoformat
- add zsh suggenstion
- update tmux cpy
- update autocomplete
- update shortcut tmux ctrl + w
- update vimrc for open last open
- add zshrc
- update tmux prefix "C-q
- update vimrc for autoformat
- add clang-format-7.0.0
- rename config files
- update typesetting
- update typesetting
- add delete keyring
- add teamviwer
- add ss config update vimrc
- add ss and zsh
- update clang-format
- add zshrc,autojump
- update .clang-format for last '}'
- add tmux.conf
- update vimrc used for codeformat
- update autoformat
- update vimrc,use autoformat with clang-format
- update vimrc for auto align ( and clang-format
- update .vimrc for autoformat
- update clang-format
- update README
- update readme
- add clang-format
- add auto align set cino
- format
- readme
- add readme
- add easy motion
- change plug
- delete vimrc
- delete space at the end
- add fzf command
- add NERDTree
- add tag key
- used plug replace vundle
- used plug replace vundle
- delete code autoformat
- delete cache
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- add vimrc and description
- first commit