is an open source project and Python package that makes working with labelled multi-dimensional arrays simple, efficient, and fun!
📖 On this Jupyter Book website you'll find easy-to-run tutorial notebooks for Xarray. Whether you're new to Xarray or a seasoned user we hope you'll learn something new and get a head start on your own projects by exploring this material!
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:link: overview/get-started
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Get started! 🚀
Learn how to navigate the tutorials and run code examples interactively
:link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBlxVSA6xQXeb-i4GgTlO7g
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Watch videos 🎬
Live walk-throughs of this material and more on Xarray's YouTube Channel
:link: https://github.com/pydata/xarray/discussions
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Get involved 🙋
Ask questions on the Xarray Discussion Forum
✏️ To cite this material, you can use the recommended Xarray citation: {cite:p}hoyerhamman2017
, {cite:p}xarray_v202230