The repository is used to store my ROS package for stereo processing in my research, especially for registration.
is the driver that I used to publish both the stereo camera streams, CameraInfo, tf information into ROS 1.
The driver is modified from
As PCL has full support for C++, I tried several registraiton by PCL in C++ by the experimental package my_pcl_tutorial
By the command rosrun my_pcl_tutorial example
, it will subscribe the point cloud topic published by stereo_image_proc
and register
the point cloud to pre-operative CT scanned model in ./stl
folder. After registraiton, the program will publish the transformed model
point cloud into ROS as topic "/PclTutorial/points2".
Except for PCL, I tried to use Open3D in my research to compare the performance between the two libraries.
Also I tried to segment the point cloud by U-net in the sript
The on-going package stereo_camera
is a kind of experimental platform that I tried many different stereo processing methods by ROS.