- optional snap connection hint (enabled in snap build only)
- NLS: Portuguese .po
- NLS: Italian .po
- NLS: update a bit prev .po
- fix plot NULL-ended hash title
- 2d-graph: better time-title positioning
- NLS: Spanish .po
- NLS: set subprocesses' LC_ correctly
- reverse g_timeout_add_seconds*() to compatibility with older glib versions
- fix some nls packaging issues
- NLS wip: gl-area: nls axis titles
- fix typos in log_add_line()
- less debug text in warn lines
- NLS wip: level2 .c files
- NLS wip: start adding NLS to level2 .c files
- NLS wip: debug messages in level1 files
- notifier: take into account overlapping timeouts
- logging: multiline messages
- verbose bits: wrap in structure for readability
- a bit more readable logging
- NLS wip: level1 .c files
- NLS wip: almost all of pinger.c messages
- a bit clearer logic of extra info
- json-print: rm redundant "timing" prop
- NLS wip: all cli.c messages
- common TTL range in structure
- NLS wip: add remained menu text
- NLS wip: tab names-n-tips
- work-in-progress: prepare NLS infra
- wip: NLS menu
- define _GNU_SOURCE via project arguments
- add config.h via cc option
- increase warning-level to 2 (+Wextra) and fix warnings
- notifier position: reassure again gtk_widget_measure() call
- notifier on the right side: a bit more universal
- tuneup prev workaround
- workaround for overlay positioning on xfce4 session
- add build option to set ping dir (Guix, GnomeOS, etc)
- add workaround for GSK4.16
- add Alpine apk packaging template
- simplify by building full 3d version only
- add basic config.h
- uselocale() if available
- use secure_getenv() and localtime_r() if available
- reassure opt-ent-kb init order
- tidy up and add a bit of readability
- add simple test unit
- logtab: do not dispose lines manually
- retoss headers in clang-tidy friendlier way
- friendlier to clang SA
- tidy up a bit
- follow most static code analysis hints
- gtk4.16: follow default gsk_renderer
- combine graceful exit workarounds
- tuning up meson builds
- migrate from cmake to meson
- plot: release gl_area before exit (4.16 workaround)
- add cmake PLOT option
- simplify CMakeLists.txt a bit
- tuning up cmake builds
- OBS: docdir fix
- migrate from make to cmake
- ipv6: add ':' to allowed characters
- snap related: add git versioning and reduce dist size
- free selection at exit
- packaging stuff
- packaging: snap-core24, obs-rpm
- plot: additional keyboard shortcuts
- graph: force legend redraw with theme changing
- a bit better option warnings
- git sparse img/ dir
- add plot scale with field-of-view
- add 1x2 1x3 collages from screenshots
- a bit of enum renaming and little optimization
- switch from gimbal rotation to quaternion
- add space rotation switch (set default to global)
- switch the default build to 3D version
- options for 1D/2D/3D prog versions
- safer css customization
- try to use 'gl' renderer with gtk-4.14
- add rotator
- update manual and .conf example
- add rotation
- misc optimization
- plot: add customization options to config and CLI too
- update manual and help
- plot: add customization options
- plot: split grid/axis and optimize its drawing
- add GLES support for wider compat (default for GTK>=4.13.4)
- pair GL bind/unbind functions, etc.
- bump version to 0.3
- support OpenGL 3D plotting: version .0
- [almost finished] add 3D-plots
- [draft] plot 3D data
- [in progress] base of 3D-plot with OpenGL support
- DnD reorder: suppress not needed notifications
- Clipboard: precalculate field lengths due to SizeGroups
- DnD reordering for Info and Stat fields
- SizeGroups instead of setting width in chars
- CLI: make -S and -I reorderable
- CLI: changed -G and -L values to reordable chars
- CLI: -T move legend on/off here
- manual corresponded to CLI changes
- retoss some view elements on a way to make them reorderable for DnD
- make graph legend draggable
- aurbuild minor correction
- bump version to 0.2
- add short annotation
- small correction in pkg build
- add .rpm packaging
- install conf sample too
- add -f option (set options from .ini config file)
- bring back '-g 0' CLI call
- aur PKGBUILD versioning
- test .aur packaging
- set LANG=C to predictably parse ping's output (spotted i18d ping on ArchLinux)
- optimize for speed a bit
- fix dup memleaks of dns references
- add CLI dark/light themes option
- update screenshots
- add dark/light theme switch (main and graph)
- fix some mem leaks from analyzers reports
- unify cleanup at exit
- add '*' mark to display whois data presented in multiple sources
- greedy split of whois description element
- enclose csv elements with delim inside
- put recap in common g_app_run() context
- rm unused i18n preinit
- update screenshot with opened graph menu
- print runtime versions
- untie recap mode from gtk display
- add summary/recap option (text, csv, and json)
- optimize a bit fn calls
- add GLR options
- -G Extra graph elements
- -L Legend and its fields
- -R run (autostart)
- show/hide certain graphs by clicking
- a bit of polish up: github action up-to-date, modifier mask for keyevents, a couple more screenshots
- make helpdialog scrollable
- tune up a bit init() of pingtab's lists
- fix some sanitizer warnings
- graph: jitter area background
- graph: add jitter range marks
- graph: switch to SEQuential data requests to (un)display drops
- graph: add separate cache to legend elems with NL chars
- switch timers to more efficient g_timeout_add_seconds()
- set expiration pings' runtime to deal with iputils/iputils#480 issue
- keep graph data in pause
- graph time marks depending on interval
- small other fixes
- sysicons as a set with backup names
- fix (more accurate) calculation of averages
- add average lines to graphs
- revert set sensitive(false) for legend label row
- add selector of legend elements
- update screenshots to display graphs
- add more internal checks and warns
- add graph legend (main graph functionality is done)
- [in progress] add graph option menu
- [in progress] add splines
- [in progress] add line graphs
- update manual
- [in progress] draw graph dots and add graph states
- [in progress] add graph template and base layers
- tune up snap building
- testing snap and flatpak packaging
- add short manual page
- cli handlers: step2
- use only 'gboolean' as boolean to not mess up with sizing
- cli handlers: step1
- add a couple check-points at external exit
- readme and screenshots
- add .deb builder
- tune up clipboard popovers
- compat with earlier gtk4 versions
- fix refs following gcc analyzer warnings
- add tooltips on hover
- add popup notifier (actions, changes, etc.)
- add clipboard menu to ping tab
- add clipboard menu to log tab
- close pipe fds after ping termination and suppress clang-tidy complains on g_clear_object()
- dup log to log-tab too
- add notebook and log-tab template
- add help dialog
- add 'exit' keyboard shortcut
- rewrite whois resolver using g_lists in place of static arrays
- tune up a bit dns lookups
- tune up UI dns/whois enablers
- [intermediate] add dns hostname lookup
- replace some temporary static data
- add whois resolver
- cache hop info
- add whois elem template
- misc correction of hostname widths
- add payload pad setter/validator
- fix typos in argv list
- add int option setters/validators
- ping with ttl settings
- a bit clear unreach messaging
- add TTL and IPvN handlers
- add selected stat element handlers
- add expanded sublists to popover menu
- fix stat clearing at reset action
- split menu on action,option
- add menu shortcuts
- move options to popover listbox
- add menu states
- add g_if_fail asserts at init
- various nodata/noresponse cases
- add all stat fields in view
- revamp stats a bit
- check out settings on dark theme preference
- add table template to viewarea
- add reset handler
- add target name validation
- set menu button icons
- add todo-template for option menu
- move appbar into window titlebar
- add target input field
- test basic styling
- add datetime displaying
- unbind statview updates and parsing (update on timer into separate thread)
- stat-addrnames: simple array instead of slists
- stat collecting
- parsing mem manage
- full range of pings
- add dataline parser
- display stderr messages
- basic ping call
- Initial commit