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Yaroslav Pogrebnyak edited this page Jul 22, 2016 · 19 revisions

Service discovery solves the problem of automatic determining locations of service instances. There are two major types of service discovery: client-side discovery and server-side discovery. gobetween has build-in server-side discovery and acts as a router that can have static configuration, or query different kinds of "service registries", depending on how it's configured.

Currently gobetween support 6 service discovery types used for building backends pool for the server.

Discovery is defined in [servers.<name>.discovery] section in kind property.

There are some common properties for each discovery type (expect static):

kind = "<kind>"         # (required)
failpolicy = "keeplast" # (optional) "keeplast" | "setempty" - what to do with backends if discovery fails
interval = "0s"         # (required) backends cache invalidation interval; 0 means never.
timeout = "5s"          # (optional) max time to wait for discover until falling to failpolicy


It's a simplest way to build load balancer backends. In this case actually no discovery is happened and backends list are static and managed only by health checks. static_list can contain as many backends as needed.


# ...

  kind = "static"
  static_list = [
    "localhost:8000 weight=5",  # "host:port weight=N priority=M", weight and priority are optional
    "localhost:8001"            # and = 1 by default


This discovery method uses DNS lookup to build backends list. gobetween will query DNS server defined in srv_lookup_server property and filter services using pattern defined in srv_lookup_server. You can use any custom DNS server or Consul DNS.


# ...

  kind = "srv"
  srv_lookup_server = "some.server:53"
  srv_lookup_pattern = "some.service."
  srv_dns_protocol = "udp"  # (since v0.2.0) - protocol to use for dns lookup: udp | tcp


Docker discovery can work both with stand-alone Docker server or with Docker Swarm. gobetween will call Docker / Swarm API endpoint defined in docker_endpoint to build backends list. It may be HTTP endpoint (like or Unix socket (unix:///var/run/docker.sock). To select only needed containers you can set docker_container_label property and containers will be filtered based on provided container label and label value. You should also set docker_container_private_port so gobetween will use corresponding container public port while adding it to backends list.


# ...

  kind = "docker"
  docker_endpoint = "http://localhost:2375" # (required) Endpoint to docker API
  docker_container_label = "proxied=true"   # (optional) Label to filter containers
  docker_container_private_port = 80        # (required) Private port of container to use
  docker_container_host_env_var = ""        # (optional) (since v0.2.0) Take container host from container env variable


JSON discovery is useful for custom setups when you have your own service registry implementation that can provide backends list in JSON format. gobetween will make HTTP query to json_endpoint, expecting valid JSON in response, parse it and build backends list. By defaults JSON should have the following format:

  {"host": "", "port": "1231", "weight": 1, "priority": 1},
  {"host": "", "port": "1232", "weight": 2, "priority": 1},

But it may be overridden to fit your custom JSON structure.


# ...

  kind = "json"
  json_endpoint = "http://localhost:8080"  # (required) JSON discovery Url
  json_host_pattern = ""    # (optional) path to host value in JSON object, by default "host"
  json_port_pattern = "some.level.port"    # (optional) path to port value in JSON object, by default "port"
  json_weight_pattern = "some.level.weight" # (optional) path to weight in JSON object, by default "weight"
  json_priority_pattern = "some.level.priority" # (optional) path to priority in JSON object, by default "priority"


This is even simpler way to integrate custom discovery registries. Line in json discovery, gobetween will query plaintext_endpoint to get newline separated list of nodes in plain text format. Then it will be parsed using regexps line-by-line (one backend in line).A ll necessary values like host, port, etc will captured from named regexp groups. By default regexp plain discovery use


So you can use parse the following responses by default: weight=0, priority=1 weight=1 priority=0

You can override regexp used to capture values using plaintext_regex_pattern property, keeping in mind groups names:

  • (?P<host>...)
  • (?P<port>...)
  • (?P<weight>...)
  • (?P<priority>...)

All another captured groups will be ignored.


# ...

  kind = "plaintext"
  plaintext_endpoint = ""   # (required) Url to plain text discovery
  plaintext_regex_pattern = ""                 # (optional) Regex with named capturing groups


This is most powerful discovery method. In this case backends list will be parser from the stdout of arbitrary script / program. gobetween will execute exec_command (first element is full path to the program, all others are optional arguments. Expected output of the script should be in the following format:

host1:port1 weight=N
host2:port2 weight=M

Weight is optional. Lines should be separated by newline (\n).

Here is an example of script /path/to/

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo localhost:8000 weight=1
echo localhost:8001 weight=2

gobetween process should have execute permission to the script.


# ...

  kind = "exec"
  exec_command = ["/path/to/", "arg1", "arg2"] # (required) command to exec and variable-length arguments