Email: [email protected]
In the main folder type:
Then enter:
./bin/rcm_sequential arg1 arg2
./bin/rcm_openmp arg1 arg2
for sequential and parallel version respectively
- arg1: N, The size of the Matrix (N x N)
- arg2: Density, percentage of non-zero elements
*Note: In the Makefile change the CC variable to match you version of gcc compiler
Running the code in the above way will compute the RCM and print the time it took for completion
There are helper functions for visualizing the results.
- output(): will return the corresponding sparce matrix of a given graph
- printMatrix(): Is used to print a sparce matrix
- saveCSV(): Will store the results in a CSV file
You can use the above functions either in main_sequential.c or in main_omp.c depending on which version you wish to run.