diff --git a/fhevm/contracts_test.go b/fhevm/contracts_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4e1216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fhevm/contracts_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,3154 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The go-ethereum Authors
+// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
+// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see .
+package fhevm
+import (
+ "math/big"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/vm"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto"
+func init() {
+ // register errors from geth so that tests recognize them
+ RegisterErrors(
+ vm.ErrOutOfGas,
+ vm.ErrCodeStoreOutOfGas,
+ vm.ErrDepth,
+ vm.ErrInsufficientBalance,
+ vm.ErrContractAddressCollision,
+ vm.ErrExecutionReverted,
+ vm.ErrMaxInitCodeSizeExceeded,
+ vm.ErrMaxCodeSizeExceeded,
+ vm.ErrInvalidJump,
+ vm.ErrWriteProtection,
+ vm.ErrReturnDataOutOfBounds,
+ vm.ErrGasUintOverflow,
+ vm.ErrInvalidCode,
+ vm.ErrNonceUintOverflow,
+ nil,
+ nil,
+ nil,
+ )
+func toPrecompileInput(isScalar bool, hashes ...common.Hash) []byte {
+ ret := make([]byte, 0)
+ for _, hash := range hashes {
+ ret = append(ret, hash.Bytes()...)
+ }
+ var isScalarByte byte
+ if isScalar {
+ isScalarByte = 1
+ } else {
+ isScalarByte = 0
+ }
+ ret = append(ret, isScalarByte)
+ return ret
+var scalarBytePadding = make([]byte, 31)
+func toLibPrecompileInput(method string, isScalar bool, hashes ...common.Hash) []byte {
+ ret := make([]byte, 0)
+ hashRes := crypto.Keccak256([]byte(method))
+ signature := hashRes[0:4]
+ ret = append(ret, signature...)
+ for _, hash := range hashes {
+ ret = append(ret, hash.Bytes()...)
+ }
+ var isScalarByte byte
+ if isScalar {
+ isScalarByte = 1
+ } else {
+ isScalarByte = 0
+ }
+ ret = append(ret, isScalarByte)
+ ret = append(ret, scalarBytePadding...)
+ return ret
+func toLibPrecompileInputNoScalar(method string, hashes ...common.Hash) []byte {
+ ret := make([]byte, 0)
+ hashRes := crypto.Keccak256([]byte(method))
+ signature := hashRes[0:4]
+ ret = append(ret, signature...)
+ for _, hash := range hashes {
+ ret = append(ret, hash.Bytes()...)
+ }
+ return ret
+func VerifyCiphertext(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType) {
+ var value uint32
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ value = 2
+ case FheUint16:
+ value = 4283
+ case FheUint32:
+ value = 1333337
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ compact := encryptAndSerializeCompact(value, fheUintType)
+ input := append(compact, byte(fheUintType))
+ out, err := verifyCiphertextRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ ct := new(tfheCiphertext)
+ if err = ct.deserializeCompact(compact, fheUintType); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ if common.BytesToHash(out) != ct.getHash() {
+ t.Fatalf("output hash in verifyCipertext is incorrect")
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, ct.getHash())
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("verifyCiphertext must have verified given ciphertext")
+ }
+func VerifyCiphertextBadType(t *testing.T, actualType FheUintType, metadataType FheUintType) {
+ var value uint32
+ switch actualType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ value = 2
+ case FheUint16:
+ value = 4283
+ case FheUint32:
+ value = 1333337
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ compact := encryptAndSerializeCompact(value, actualType)
+ input := append(compact, byte(metadataType))
+ _, err := verifyCiphertextRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("verifyCiphertext must have failed on type mismatch")
+ }
+ if len(environment.FhevmData().verifiedCiphertexts) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("verifyCiphertext mustn't have verified given ciphertext")
+ }
+func TrivialEncrypt(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType) {
+ var value big.Int
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ value = *big.NewInt(2)
+ case FheUint16:
+ value = *big.NewInt(4283)
+ case FheUint32:
+ value = *big.NewInt(1333337)
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ valueBytes := make([]byte, 32)
+ input := append(value.FillBytes(valueBytes), byte(fheUintType))
+ out, err := trivialEncryptRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ ct := new(tfheCiphertext).trivialEncrypt(value, fheUintType)
+ if common.BytesToHash(out) != ct.getHash() {
+ t.Fatalf("output hash in verifyCipertext is incorrect")
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, ct.getHash())
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("verifyCiphertext must have verified given ciphertext")
+ }
+func FheLibAdd(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ expected := lhs + rhs
+ signature := "fheAdd(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func FheLibSub(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ expected := lhs - rhs
+ signature := "fheSub(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func FheLibMul(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 3
+ rhs = 2
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ expected := lhs * rhs
+ signature := "fheMul(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func FheLibLe(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ signature := "fheLe(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ // lhs <= rhs
+ input1 := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input1, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 0)
+ }
+ // Inverting operands is only possible in the non scalar case as scalar
+ // operators expect the scalar to be on the rhs.
+ if !scalar {
+ // rhs <= lhs
+ input2 := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, false, rhsHash, lhsHash)
+ out, err = FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input2, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res = getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err = res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 1)
+ }
+ }
+func FheLibLt(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ signature := "fheLt(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ // lhs < rhs
+ input1 := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input1, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 0)
+ }
+ // Inverting operands is only possible in the non scalar case as scalar
+ // operators expect the scalar to be on the rhs.
+ if !scalar {
+ // rhs < lhs
+ input2 := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, false, rhsHash, lhsHash)
+ out, err = FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input2, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res = getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err = res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 1)
+ }
+ }
+func FheLibEq(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ signature := "fheLt(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ // lhs == rhs
+ input1 := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input1, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 0)
+ }
+func FheLibGe(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ signature := "fheGe(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ // lhs >= rhs
+ input1 := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input1, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 1)
+ }
+ // Inverting operands is only possible in the non scalar case as scalar
+ // operators expect the scalar to be on the rhs.
+ if !scalar {
+ // rhs >= lhs
+ input2 := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, false, rhsHash, lhsHash)
+ out, err = FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input2, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res = getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err = res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 0)
+ }
+ }
+func FheLibGt(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ signature := "fheGt(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ // lhs > rhs
+ input1 := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input1, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 1)
+ }
+ // Inverting operands is only possible in the non scalar case as scalar
+ // operators expect the scalar to be on the rhs.
+ if !scalar {
+ // rhs > lhs
+ input2 := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, false, rhsHash, lhsHash)
+ out, err = FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input2, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res = getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err = res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 0)
+ }
+ }
+func FheLibShl(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 2
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 3
+ }
+ expected := lhs << rhs
+ signature := "fheShl(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func FheLibShr(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 2
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 3
+ }
+ expected := lhs >> rhs
+ signature := "fheShr(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func FheLibNe(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ signature := "fheNe(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ // lhs == rhs
+ input1 := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input1, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 1)
+ }
+func FheLibMin(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ signature := "fheMin(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != rhs {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), rhs)
+ }
+ // Inverting operands is only possible in the non scalar case as scalar
+ // operators expect the scalar to be on the rhs.
+ if !scalar {
+ input2 := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, false, rhsHash, lhsHash)
+ out, err = FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input2, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res = getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err = res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != rhs {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), rhs)
+ }
+ }
+func FheLibMax(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ signature := "fheMax(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != lhs {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), lhs)
+ }
+ // Inverting operands is only possible in the non scalar case as scalar
+ // operators expect the scalar to be on the rhs.
+ if !scalar {
+ input2 := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, false, rhsHash, lhsHash)
+ out, err = FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input2, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res = getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err = res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != lhs {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), lhs)
+ }
+ }
+func FheLibNeg(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType) {
+ var pt, expected uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ pt = 2
+ expected = uint64(-uint8(pt))
+ case FheUint16:
+ pt = 4283
+ expected = uint64(-uint16(pt))
+ case FheUint32:
+ pt = 1333337
+ expected = uint64(-uint32(pt))
+ }
+ signature := "fheNeg(uint256)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ ptHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, pt, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ input := toLibPrecompileInputNoScalar(signature, ptHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func FheLibNot(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType) {
+ var pt, expected uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ pt = 2
+ expected = uint64(^uint8(pt))
+ case FheUint16:
+ pt = 4283
+ expected = uint64(^uint16(pt))
+ case FheUint32:
+ pt = 1333337
+ expected = uint64(^uint32(pt))
+ }
+ signature := "fheNot(uint256)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ ptHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, pt, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ input := toLibPrecompileInputNoScalar(signature, ptHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func FheLibDiv(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 4
+ rhs = 2
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 721
+ rhs = 1000
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 137
+ rhs = 17
+ }
+ expected := lhs / rhs
+ signature := "fheDiv(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if scalar {
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatal("Non scalar multiplication should fail")
+ }
+ }
+func FheLibRem(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 7
+ rhs = 3
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 721
+ rhs = 1000
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1337
+ rhs = 73
+ }
+ expected := lhs % rhs
+ signature := "fheRem(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if scalar {
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatal("Non scalar remainder should fail")
+ }
+ }
+func FheLibBitAnd(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ expected := lhs & rhs
+ signature := "fheBitAnd(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if scalar {
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("scalar bit and should have failed")
+ }
+ } else {
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+ }
+func FheLibBitOr(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ expected := lhs | rhs
+ signature := "fheBitOr(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if scalar {
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("scalar bit or should have failed")
+ }
+ } else {
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+ }
+func FheLibBitXor(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ expected := lhs ^ rhs
+ signature := "fheBitXor(uint256,uint256,bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toLibPrecompileInput(signature, scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if scalar {
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("scalar bit xor should have failed")
+ }
+ } else {
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+ }
+func FheLibRand(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType) {
+ signature := "fheRand(bytes1)"
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ hashRes := crypto.Keccak256([]byte(signature))
+ signatureBytes := hashRes[0:4]
+ input := make([]byte, 0)
+ input = append(input, signatureBytes...)
+ input = append(input, byte(fheUintType))
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ } else if len(out) != 32 {
+ t.Fatalf("fheRand expected output len of 32, got %v", len(out))
+ }
+ if len(environment.FhevmData().verifiedCiphertexts) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("fheRand expected 1 verified ciphertext")
+ }
+ hash := common.BytesToHash(out)
+ _, err = environment.FhevmData().verifiedCiphertexts[hash].ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+func LibTrivialEncrypt(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType) {
+ var value big.Int
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ value = *big.NewInt(2)
+ case FheUint16:
+ value = *big.NewInt(4283)
+ case FheUint32:
+ value = *big.NewInt(1333337)
+ }
+ signature := "trivialEncrypt(uint256,bytes1)"
+ hashRes := crypto.Keccak256([]byte(signature))
+ signatureBytes := hashRes[0:4]
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ valueBytes := make([]byte, 32)
+ input := make([]byte, 0)
+ input = append(input, signatureBytes...)
+ input = append(input, value.FillBytes(valueBytes)...)
+ input = append(input, byte(fheUintType))
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ ct := new(tfheCiphertext).trivialEncrypt(value, fheUintType)
+ if common.BytesToHash(out) != ct.getHash() {
+ t.Fatalf("output hash in verifyCipertext is incorrect")
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, ct.getHash())
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("verifyCiphertext must have verified given ciphertext")
+ }
+func LibDecrypt(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType) {
+ var value uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ value = 2
+ case FheUint16:
+ value = 4283
+ case FheUint32:
+ value = 1333337
+ }
+ signature := "decrypt(uint256)"
+ hashRes := crypto.Keccak256([]byte(signature))
+ signatureBytes := hashRes[0:4]
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ input := make([]byte, 0)
+ hash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, value, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ input = append(input, signatureBytes...)
+ input = append(input, hash.Bytes()...)
+ out, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ } else if len(out) != 32 {
+ t.Fatalf("decrypt expected output len of 32, got %v", len(out))
+ }
+ result := big.Int{}
+ result.SetBytes(out)
+ if result.Uint64() != value {
+ t.Fatalf("decrypt result not equal to value, result %v != value %v", result.Uint64(), value)
+ }
+func TestLibVerifyCiphertextInvalidType(t *testing.T) {
+ signature := "verifyCiphertext(bytes)"
+ hashRes := crypto.Keccak256([]byte(signature))
+ signatureBytes := hashRes[0:4]
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ invalidType := FheUintType(255)
+ input := make([]byte, 0)
+ input = append(input, signatureBytes...)
+ compact := encryptAndSerializeCompact(0, FheUint32)
+ input = append(input, compact...)
+ input = append(input, byte(invalidType))
+ _, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("verifyCiphertext must have failed on invalid ciphertext type")
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "ciphertext type is invalid") {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected test error: %s", err.Error())
+ }
+func TestLibReencrypt(t *testing.T) {
+ signature := "reencrypt(uint256,uint256)"
+ hashRes := crypto.Keccak256([]byte(signature))
+ signatureBytes := hashRes[0:4]
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ environment.ethCall = true
+ toEncrypt := 7
+ fheUintType := FheUint8
+ encCiphertext := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, uint64(toEncrypt), depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ input := make([]byte, 0)
+ input = append(input, signatureBytes...)
+ input = append(input, encCiphertext.Bytes()...)
+ // just append twice not to generate public key
+ input = append(input, encCiphertext.Bytes()...)
+ _, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Reencrypt error: %s", err.Error())
+ }
+func TestLibCast(t *testing.T) {
+ signature := "cast(uint256,bytes1)"
+ hashRes := crypto.Keccak256([]byte(signature))
+ signatureBytes := hashRes[0:4]
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ environment.ethCall = true
+ toEncrypt := 7
+ fheUintType := FheUint8
+ encCiphertext := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, uint64(toEncrypt), depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ input := make([]byte, 0)
+ input = append(input, signatureBytes...)
+ input = append(input, encCiphertext.Bytes()...)
+ input = append(input, byte(FheUint32))
+ _, err := FheLibRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Reencrypt error: %s", err.Error())
+ }
+func FheAdd(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ expected := lhs + rhs
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheAddRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func FheSub(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ expected := lhs - rhs
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheSubRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func FheMul(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 169
+ rhs = 5
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 137
+ rhs = 17
+ }
+ expected := lhs * rhs
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheMulRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func FheDiv(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 4
+ rhs = 2
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 721
+ rhs = 1000
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 137
+ rhs = 17
+ }
+ expected := lhs / rhs
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheDivRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if scalar {
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatal("Non scalar multiplication should fail")
+ }
+ }
+func FheRem(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 9
+ rhs = 5
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 1773
+ rhs = 523
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 123765
+ rhs = 2179
+ }
+ expected := lhs % rhs
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheRemRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if scalar {
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatal("Non scalar remainder should fail")
+ }
+ }
+func FheBitAnd(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ expected := lhs & rhs
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheBitAndRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if scalar {
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("scalar bit and should have failed")
+ }
+ } else {
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+ }
+func FheBitOr(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ expected := lhs | rhs
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheBitOrRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if scalar {
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("scalar bit or should have failed")
+ }
+ } else {
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+ }
+func FheBitXor(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ expected := lhs ^ rhs
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheBitXorRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if scalar {
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("scalar bit xor should have failed")
+ }
+ } else {
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+ }
+func FheShl(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 2
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 3
+ }
+ expected := lhs << rhs
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheShlRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func FheShr(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 2
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 3
+ }
+ expected := lhs >> rhs
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheShrRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func FheEq(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ // lhs == rhs
+ input1 := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheEqRun(environment, addr, addr, input1, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 0)
+ }
+func FheNe(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ // lhs == rhs
+ input1 := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheNeRun(environment, addr, addr, input1, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 1)
+ }
+func FheGe(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ // lhs >= rhs
+ input1 := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheGeRun(environment, addr, addr, input1, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 1)
+ }
+ // Inverting operands is only possible in the non scalar case as scalar
+ // operators expect the scalar to be on the rhs.
+ if !scalar {
+ // rhs >= lhs
+ input2 := toPrecompileInput(false, rhsHash, lhsHash)
+ out, err = fheGeRun(environment, addr, addr, input2, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res = getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err = res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 0)
+ }
+ }
+func FheGt(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ // lhs > rhs
+ input1 := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheGtRun(environment, addr, addr, input1, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 1)
+ }
+ // Inverting operands is only possible in the non scalar case as scalar
+ // operators expect the scalar to be on the rhs.
+ if !scalar {
+ // rhs > lhs
+ input2 := toPrecompileInput(false, rhsHash, lhsHash)
+ out, err = fheGtRun(environment, addr, addr, input2, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res = getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err = res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 0)
+ }
+ }
+func FheLe(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ // lhs <= rhs
+ input1 := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheLeRun(environment, addr, addr, input1, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 0)
+ }
+ // Inverting operands is only possible in the non scalar case as scalar
+ // operators expect the scalar to be on the rhs.
+ if !scalar {
+ // rhs <= lhs
+ input2 := toPrecompileInput(false, rhsHash, lhsHash)
+ out, err = fheLeRun(environment, addr, addr, input2, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res = getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err = res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 1)
+ }
+ }
+func FheLt(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ // lhs < rhs
+ input1 := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheLtRun(environment, addr, addr, input1, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 0)
+ }
+ // Inverting operands is only possible in the non scalar case as scalar
+ // operators expect the scalar to be on the rhs.
+ if !scalar {
+ // rhs < lhs
+ input2 := toPrecompileInput(false, rhsHash, lhsHash)
+ out, err = fheLtRun(environment, addr, addr, input2, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res = getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err = res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), 1)
+ }
+ }
+func FheMin(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheMinRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != rhs {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), rhs)
+ }
+ // Inverting operands is only possible in the non scalar case as scalar
+ // operators expect the scalar to be on the rhs.
+ if !scalar {
+ input2 := toPrecompileInput(false, rhsHash, lhsHash)
+ out, err = fheMinRun(environment, addr, addr, input2, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res = getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err = res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != rhs {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), rhs)
+ }
+ }
+func FheMax(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var lhs, rhs uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ lhs = 2
+ rhs = 1
+ case FheUint16:
+ lhs = 4283
+ rhs = 1337
+ case FheUint32:
+ lhs = 1333337
+ rhs = 133337
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ lhsHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, lhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ var rhsHash common.Hash
+ if scalar {
+ rhsHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(int64(rhs)).Bytes())
+ } else {
+ rhsHash = verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, rhs, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ }
+ input := toPrecompileInput(scalar, lhsHash, rhsHash)
+ out, err := fheMaxRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != lhs {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), lhs)
+ }
+ // Inverting operands is only possible in the non scalar case as scalar
+ // operators expect the scalar to be on the rhs.
+ if !scalar {
+ input2 := toPrecompileInput(false, rhsHash, lhsHash)
+ out, err = fheMaxRun(environment, addr, addr, input2, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res = getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err = res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != lhs {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), lhs)
+ }
+ }
+func FheNeg(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var pt, expected uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ pt = 2
+ expected = uint64(-uint8(pt))
+ case FheUint16:
+ pt = 4283
+ expected = uint64(-uint16(pt))
+ case FheUint32:
+ pt = 1333337
+ expected = uint64(-uint32(pt))
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ ptHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, pt, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ input := make([]byte, 0)
+ input = append(input, ptHash.Bytes()...)
+ out, err := fheNegRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func FheNot(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType, scalar bool) {
+ var pt, expected uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ pt = 2
+ expected = uint64(^uint8(pt))
+ case FheUint16:
+ pt = 4283
+ expected = uint64(^uint16(pt))
+ case FheUint32:
+ pt = 1333337
+ expected = uint64(^uint32(pt))
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ ptHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, pt, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ input := make([]byte, 0)
+ input = append(input, ptHash.Bytes()...)
+ out, err := fheNotRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ res := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, common.BytesToHash(out))
+ if res == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("output ciphertext is not found in verifiedCiphertexts")
+ }
+ decrypted, err := res.ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil || decrypted.Uint64() != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid decrypted result, decrypted %v != expected %v", decrypted.Uint64(), expected)
+ }
+func Decrypt(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType) {
+ var value uint64
+ switch fheUintType {
+ case FheUint8:
+ value = 2
+ case FheUint16:
+ value = 4283
+ case FheUint32:
+ value = 1333337
+ }
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ hash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, value, depth, fheUintType).getHash()
+ out, err := decryptRun(environment, addr, addr, hash.Bytes(), readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ } else if len(out) != 32 {
+ t.Fatalf("decrypt expected output len of 32, got %v", len(out))
+ }
+ result := big.Int{}
+ result.SetBytes(out)
+ if result.Uint64() != value {
+ t.Fatalf("decrypt result not equal to value, result %v != value %v", result.Uint64(), value)
+ }
+func FheRand(t *testing.T, fheUintType FheUintType) {
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ out, err := fheRandRun(environment, addr, addr, []byte{byte(fheUintType)}, readOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ } else if len(out) != 32 {
+ t.Fatalf("fheRand expected output len of 32, got %v", len(out))
+ }
+ if len(environment.FhevmData().verifiedCiphertexts) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("fheRand expected 1 verified ciphertext")
+ }
+ hash := common.BytesToHash(out)
+ _, err = environment.FhevmData().verifiedCiphertexts[hash].ciphertext.decrypt()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+func TestVerifyCiphertextInvalidType(t *testing.T) {
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ invalidType := FheUintType(255)
+ compact := encryptAndSerializeCompact(0, FheUint32)
+ input := append(compact, byte(invalidType))
+ _, err := verifyCiphertextRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("verifyCiphertext must have failed on invalid ciphertext type")
+ }
+func TestTrivialEncryptInvalidType(t *testing.T) {
+ // TODO: maybe trivialEncryptRun shouldn't panic but return an error?
+ defer func() {
+ if r := recover(); r == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("trivialEncrypt must have failed (panic) on invalid ciphertext type")
+ }
+ }()
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ invalidType := FheUintType(255)
+ input := make([]byte, 32)
+ input = append(input, byte(invalidType))
+ trivialEncryptRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+func TestCastInvalidType(t *testing.T) {
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ invalidType := FheUintType(255)
+ hash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, 1, depth, FheUint8).getHash()
+ input := make([]byte, 0)
+ input = append(input, hash.Bytes()...)
+ input = append(input, byte(invalidType))
+ _, err := castRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("cast must have failed on invalid ciphertext type")
+ }
+func TestVerifyCiphertextInvalidSize(t *testing.T) {
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ ctType := FheUint32
+ compact := encryptAndSerializeCompact(0, ctType)
+ input := append(compact[:len(compact)-1], byte(ctType))
+ _, err := verifyCiphertextRun(environment, addr, addr, input, readOnly)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("verifyCiphertext must have failed on invalid ciphertext size")
+ }
+func TestVerifyCiphertext8(t *testing.T) {
+ VerifyCiphertext(t, FheUint8)
+func TestVerifyCiphertext16(t *testing.T) {
+ VerifyCiphertext(t, FheUint16)
+func TestVerifyCiphertext32(t *testing.T) {
+ VerifyCiphertext(t, FheUint32)
+func TestTrivialEncrypt8(t *testing.T) {
+ TrivialEncrypt(t, FheUint8)
+func TestTrivialEncrypt16(t *testing.T) {
+ TrivialEncrypt(t, FheUint16)
+func TestTrivialEncrypt32(t *testing.T) {
+ TrivialEncrypt(t, FheUint32)
+func TestVerifyCiphertext8BadType(t *testing.T) {
+ VerifyCiphertextBadType(t, FheUint8, FheUint16)
+ VerifyCiphertextBadType(t, FheUint8, FheUint32)
+func TestVerifyCiphertext16BadType(t *testing.T) {
+ VerifyCiphertextBadType(t, FheUint16, FheUint8)
+ VerifyCiphertextBadType(t, FheUint16, FheUint32)
+func TestVerifyCiphertext32BadType(t *testing.T) {
+ VerifyCiphertextBadType(t, FheUint32, FheUint8)
+ VerifyCiphertextBadType(t, FheUint32, FheUint16)
+func TestVerifyCiphertextBadCiphertext(t *testing.T) {
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ _, err := verifyCiphertextRun(environment, addr, addr, make([]byte, 10), readOnly)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("verifyCiphertext must fail on bad ciphertext input")
+ }
+ if len(environment.FhevmData().verifiedCiphertexts) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("verifyCiphertext mustn't have verified given ciphertext")
+ }
+func TestFheLibAdd8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibAdd(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibSub8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibSub(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibMul8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibMul(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibLe8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibLe(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibLt8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibLt(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibEq8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibEq(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibGe8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibGe(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibGt8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibGt(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibShl8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibShl(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibShr8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibShr(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibNe8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibNe(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibMin8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibMin(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibMax8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibMax(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibNeg8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibNeg(t, FheUint8)
+func TestFheLibNot8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibNot(t, FheUint8)
+func TestFheLibDiv8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibDiv(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheLibRem8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibRem(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheLibBitAnd8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibBitAnd(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibBitOr8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibBitOr(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibBitXor8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibBitXor(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLibRand8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLibRand(t, FheUint8)
+func TestFheLibTrivialEncrypt8(t *testing.T) {
+ LibTrivialEncrypt(t, FheUint8)
+func TestLibDecrypt8(t *testing.T) {
+ LibDecrypt(t, FheUint8)
+func TestFheAdd8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheAdd(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheAdd16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheAdd(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheAdd32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheAdd(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarAdd8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheAdd(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarAdd16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheAdd(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarAdd32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheAdd(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheSub8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheSub(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheSub16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheSub(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheSub32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheSub(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarSub8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheSub(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarSub16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheSub(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarSub32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheSub(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheMul8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMul(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheMul16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMul(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheMul32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMul(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarMul8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMul(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarMul16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMul(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarMul32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMul(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheDiv8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheDiv(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheDiv16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheDiv(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheDiv32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheDiv(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarDiv8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheDiv(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarDiv16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheDiv(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarDiv32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheDiv(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheRem8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheRem(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheRem16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheRem(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheRem32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheRem(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarRem8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheRem(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarRem16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheRem(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarRem32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheRem(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheBitAnd8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitAnd(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheBitAnd16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitAnd(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheBitAnd32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitAnd(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarBitAnd8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitAnd(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarBitAnd16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitAnd(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarBitAnd32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitAnd(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheBitOr8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitOr(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheBitOr16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitOr(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheBitOr32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitOr(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarBitOr8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitOr(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarBitOr16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitOr(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarBitOr32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitOr(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheBitXor8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitXor(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheBitXor16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitXor(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheBitXor32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitXor(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarBitXor8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitXor(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarBitXor16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitXor(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarBitXor32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheBitXor(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheShl8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheShl(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheShl16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheShl(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheShl32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheShl(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarShl8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheShl(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarShl16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheShl(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarShl32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheShl(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheShr8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheShr(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheShr16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheShr(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheShr32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheShr(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarShr8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheShr(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarShr16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheShr(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarShr32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheShr(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheEq8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheEq(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheEq16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheEq(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheEq32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheEq(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarEq8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheEq(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarEq16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheEq(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarEq32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheEq(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheNe8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheNe(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheNe16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheNe(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheNe32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheNe(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarNe8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheNe(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarNe16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheNe(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarNe32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheNe(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheGe8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheGe(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheGe16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheGe(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheGe32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheGe(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarGe8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheGe(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarGe16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheGe(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarGe32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheGe(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheGt8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheGt(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheGt16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheGt(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheGt32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheGt(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarGt8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheGt(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarGt16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheGt(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarGt32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheGt(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheLe8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLe(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLe16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLe(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheLe32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLe(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarLe8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLe(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarLe16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLe(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarLe32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLe(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheLt8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLt(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheLt16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLt(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheLt32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLt(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarLt8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLt(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarLt16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLt(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarLt32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheLt(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheMin8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMin(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheMin16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMin(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheMin32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMin(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarMin8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMin(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarMin16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMin(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarMin32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMin(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestFheMax8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMax(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheMax16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMax(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheMax32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMax(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheNeg8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheNeg(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheNeg16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheNeg(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheNeg32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheNeg(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheNot8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheNot(t, FheUint8, false)
+func TestFheNot16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheNot(t, FheUint16, false)
+func TestFheNot32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheNot(t, FheUint32, false)
+func TestFheScalarMax8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMax(t, FheUint8, true)
+func TestFheScalarMax16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMax(t, FheUint16, true)
+func TestFheScalarMax32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheMax(t, FheUint32, true)
+func TestDecrypt8(t *testing.T) {
+ Decrypt(t, FheUint8)
+func TestDecrypt16(t *testing.T) {
+ Decrypt(t, FheUint16)
+func TestDecrypt32(t *testing.T) {
+ Decrypt(t, FheUint32)
+func TestFheRand8(t *testing.T) {
+ FheRand(t, FheUint8)
+func TestFheRand16(t *testing.T) {
+ FheRand(t, FheUint16)
+func TestFheRand32(t *testing.T) {
+ FheRand(t, FheUint32)
+func TestUnknownCiphertextHandle(t *testing.T) {
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ hash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, 2, depth, FheUint8).getHash()
+ ct := getVerifiedCiphertext(environment, hash)
+ if ct == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("expected that ciphertext is verified")
+ }
+ // change the hash
+ hash[0]++
+ ct = getVerifiedCiphertext(environment, hash)
+ if ct != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("expected that ciphertext is not verified")
+ }
+func TestCiphertextNotVerifiedWithoutReturn(t *testing.T) {
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = 1
+ verifiedDepth := 2
+ hash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, 1, verifiedDepth, FheUint8).getHash()
+ ct := getVerifiedCiphertext(environment, hash)
+ if ct != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("expected that ciphertext is not verified")
+ }
+func TestCiphertextNotAutomaticallyDelegated(t *testing.T) {
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = 3
+ verifiedDepth := 2
+ hash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, 1, verifiedDepth, FheUint8).getHash()
+ ct := getVerifiedCiphertext(environment, hash)
+ if ct != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("expected that ciphertext is not verified at depth (%d)", environment.depth)
+ }
+func TestCiphertextVerificationConditions(t *testing.T) {
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ verifiedDepth := 2
+ hash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, 1, verifiedDepth, FheUint8).getHash()
+ environment.depth = verifiedDepth
+ ctPtr := getVerifiedCiphertext(environment, hash)
+ if ctPtr == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("expected that ciphertext is verified at verifiedDepth (%d)", verifiedDepth)
+ }
+ environment.depth = verifiedDepth + 1
+ ct := getVerifiedCiphertext(environment, hash)
+ if ct != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("expected that ciphertext is not verified at verifiedDepth + 1 (%d)", verifiedDepth+1)
+ }
+ environment.depth = verifiedDepth - 1
+ ct = getVerifiedCiphertext(environment, hash)
+ if ct != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("expected that ciphertext is not verified at verifiedDepth - 1 (%d)", verifiedDepth-1)
+ }
+func TestFheRandInvalidInput(t *testing.T) {
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ _, err := fheRandRun(environment, addr, addr, []byte{}, readOnly)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("fheRand expected failure on invalid type")
+ }
+ if len(environment.FhevmData().verifiedCiphertexts) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("fheRand expected 0 verified ciphertexts on invalid input")
+ }
+func TestFheRandInvalidType(t *testing.T) {
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := false
+ _, err := fheRandRun(environment, addr, addr, []byte{byte(254)}, readOnly)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("fheRand expected failure on invalid type")
+ }
+ if len(environment.FhevmData().verifiedCiphertexts) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("fheRand expected 0 verified ciphertexts on invalid type")
+ }
+func TestFheRandEthCall(t *testing.T) {
+ depth := 1
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ environment.depth = depth
+ environment.ethCall = true
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ readOnly := true
+ _, err := fheRandRun(environment, addr, addr, []byte{byte(FheUint8)}, readOnly)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("fheRand expected failure on EthCall")
+ }
+ if len(environment.FhevmData().verifiedCiphertexts) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("fheRand expected 0 verified ciphertexts on EthCall")
+ }
diff --git a/fhevm/instructions.go b/fhevm/instructions.go
index 643c104..f2a08a1 100644
--- a/fhevm/instructions.go
+++ b/fhevm/instructions.go
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
fhevm_crypto "github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-go/crypto"
-var zero = uint256.NewInt(0).Bytes32()
+var zero = common.BytesToHash(uint256.NewInt(0).Bytes())
func newInt(buf []byte) *uint256.Int {
i := uint256.NewInt(0)
diff --git a/fhevm/instructions_test.go b/fhevm/instructions_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efa2f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fhevm/instructions_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The go-ethereum Authors
+// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
+// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see .
+package fhevm
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "math/big"
+ "sync"
+ "testing"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/rawdb"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/state"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/vm"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto"
+ "github.com/holiman/uint256"
+ fhevm_crypto "github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-go/crypto"
+func init() {
+ // register errors from geth so that tests recognize them
+ RegisterErrors(
+ vm.ErrOutOfGas,
+ vm.ErrCodeStoreOutOfGas,
+ vm.ErrDepth,
+ vm.ErrInsufficientBalance,
+ vm.ErrContractAddressCollision,
+ vm.ErrExecutionReverted,
+ vm.ErrMaxInitCodeSizeExceeded,
+ vm.ErrMaxCodeSizeExceeded,
+ vm.ErrInvalidJump,
+ vm.ErrWriteProtection,
+ vm.ErrReturnDataOutOfBounds,
+ vm.ErrGasUintOverflow,
+ vm.ErrInvalidCode,
+ vm.ErrNonceUintOverflow,
+ nil,
+ nil,
+ nil,
+ )
+func verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment EVMEnvironment, value uint64, depth int, t FheUintType) *tfheCiphertext {
+ // Simulate as if the ciphertext is compact and comes externally.
+ ser := encryptAndSerializeCompact(uint32(value), t)
+ ct := new(tfheCiphertext)
+ err := ct.deserializeCompact(ser, t)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ return verifyTfheCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, ct, depth)
+func verifyTfheCiphertextInTestMemory(environment EVMEnvironment, ct *tfheCiphertext, depth int) *tfheCiphertext {
+ verifiedCiphertext := importCiphertextToEVMAtDepth(environment, ct, depth)
+ return verifiedCiphertext.ciphertext
+// Implementation of some geth data structures used for testing
+var stackPool = sync.Pool{
+ New: func() interface{} {
+ return &TestStack{data: make([]uint256.Int, 0, 16)}
+ },
+type TestStack struct {
+ data []uint256.Int
+func newstack() *TestStack {
+ return stackPool.Get().(*TestStack)
+// Data returns the underlying uint256.Int array.
+func (st *TestStack) Data() []uint256.Int {
+ return st.data
+func (st *TestStack) push(d *uint256.Int) {
+ // NOTE push limit (1024) is checked in baseCheck
+ st.data = append(st.data, *d)
+func (st *TestStack) pop() (ret uint256.Int) {
+ ret = st.data[len(st.data)-1]
+ st.data = st.data[:len(st.data)-1]
+ return
+func (st *TestStack) len() int {
+ return len(st.data)
+func (st *TestStack) peek() *uint256.Int {
+ return &st.data[st.len()-1]
+// Back returns the n'th item in stack
+func (st *TestStack) Back(n int) *uint256.Int {
+ return &st.data[st.len()-n-1]
+func (st *TestStack) Peek() *uint256.Int { return st.peek() }
+func (st *TestStack) Pop() uint256.Int { return st.pop() }
+type TestScopeContext struct {
+ Memory *vm.Memory
+ Stack *TestStack
+ Contract *vm.Contract
+type TestScopeContextInterface interface {
+ ScopeContext
+ pushToStack(*uint256.Int)
+func (scope *TestScopeContext) GetContract() Contract { return scope.Contract }
+func (scope *TestScopeContext) GetMemory() Memory { return scope.Memory }
+func (scope *TestScopeContext) GetStack() Stack { return scope.Stack }
+func (scope *TestScopeContext) pushToStack(v *uint256.Int) { scope.Stack.push(v) }
+type testContractAddress struct{}
+func (c testContractAddress) Address() common.Address {
+ return common.Address{}
+type testCallerAddress struct{}
+func (c testCallerAddress) Address() common.Address {
+ addr := common.Address{}
+ addr[0]++
+ return addr
+func newTestScopeConext() TestScopeContextInterface {
+ c := new(TestScopeContext)
+ c.Memory = vm.NewMemory()
+ c.Memory.Resize(uint64(expandedFheCiphertextSize[FheUint8]) * 3)
+ c.Stack = newstack()
+ c.Contract = vm.NewContract(testCallerAddress{}, testContractAddress{}, big.NewInt(10), 100000)
+ return c
+func uint256FromBig(b *big.Int) *uint256.Int {
+ value, overflow := uint256.FromBig(b)
+ if overflow {
+ panic("overflow")
+ }
+ return value
+type MockEVMEnvironment struct {
+ fhevmData *FhevmData
+ depth int
+ stateDb *state.StateDB
+ commit bool
+ ethCall bool
+ readOnly bool
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) GetState(addr common.Address, hash common.Hash) common.Hash {
+ return environment.stateDb.GetState(addr, hash)
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) SetState(addr common.Address, key common.Hash, value common.Hash) {
+ environment.stateDb.SetState(addr, key, value)
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) GetNonce(common.Address) uint64 {
+ return 0
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) AddBalance(addr common.Address, amount *big.Int) {
+ environment.stateDb.AddBalance(addr, amount)
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) GetBalance(addr common.Address) *big.Int {
+ return environment.stateDb.GetBalance(addr)
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) Suicide(addr common.Address) bool {
+ return environment.stateDb.Suicide(addr)
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) GetDepth() int {
+ return environment.depth
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) GetLogger() Logger {
+ return &DefaultLogger{}
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) IsCommitting() bool {
+ return environment.commit
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) IsEthCall() bool {
+ return environment.ethCall
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) IsReadOnly() bool {
+ return environment.readOnly
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) CreateContract(caller common.Address, code []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int, address common.Address) ([]byte, common.Address, uint64, error) {
+ return make([]byte, 0), common.Address{}, 0, nil
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) CreateContract2(caller common.Address, code []byte, codeHash common.Hash, gas uint64, value *big.Int, address common.Address) ([]byte, common.Address, uint64, error) {
+ return make([]byte, 0), common.Address{}, 0, nil
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) FhevmData() *FhevmData {
+ return environment.fhevmData
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) FhevmParams() *FhevmParams {
+ return &FhevmParams{}
+func (environment *MockEVMEnvironment) EVMEnvironment() EVMEnvironment {
+ return environment
+func newTestEVMEnvironment() *MockEVMEnvironment {
+ fhevmData := NewFhevmData()
+ db := rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
+ state, _ := state.New(common.Hash{}, state.NewDatabase(db), nil)
+ return &MockEVMEnvironment{fhevmData: &fhevmData, stateDb: state, commit: true}
+func TestProtectedStorageSstoreSload(t *testing.T) {
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ pc := uint64(0)
+ depth := 1
+ environment.depth = depth
+ ct := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, 2, depth, FheUint32)
+ ctHash := ct.getHash()
+ scope := newTestScopeConext()
+ loc := uint256.NewInt(10)
+ value := uint256FromBig(ctHash.Big())
+ // Setup and call SSTORE - it requires a location and a value to set there.
+ scope.pushToStack(value)
+ scope.pushToStack(loc)
+ _, err := OpSstore(&pc, environment, scope)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ // Clear the verified ciphertexts.
+ environment.FhevmData().verifiedCiphertexts = make(map[common.Hash]*verifiedCiphertext)
+ // Setup and call SLOAD - it requires a location to load.
+ scope.pushToStack(loc)
+ _, err = OpSload(&pc, environment, scope)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ // Expect the ciphertext is verified after SLOAD.
+ ctAfterSload := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, ctHash)
+ if ctAfterSload == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("expected ciphertext is verified after sload")
+ }
+ if !bytes.Equal(ct.serialize(), ctAfterSload.ciphertext.serialize()) {
+ t.Fatalf("expected ciphertext after sload is the same as original")
+ }
+func TestProtectedStorageGarbageCollectionNoFlaggedLocation(t *testing.T) {
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ pc := uint64(0)
+ depth := 1
+ environment.depth = depth
+ ctHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, 2, depth, FheUint8).getHash()
+ scope := newTestScopeConext()
+ loc := uint256.NewInt(10)
+ locHash := common.BytesToHash(loc.Bytes())
+ value := uint256FromBig(ctHash.Big())
+ protectedStorage := fhevm_crypto.CreateProtectedStorageContractAddress(scope.GetContract().Address())
+ // Persist the ciphertext in protected storage.
+ scope.pushToStack(value)
+ scope.pushToStack(loc)
+ _, err := OpSstore(&pc, environment, scope)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ // Set location flag to zero, such that garbage collection doesn't happen.
+ flagHandleLocation := crypto.Keccak256Hash(crypto.Keccak256Hash(locHash.Bytes()).Bytes())
+ environment.SetState(protectedStorage, flagHandleLocation, zero)
+ // Overwrite the ciphertext handle with 0.
+ scope.pushToStack(uint256.NewInt(0))
+ scope.pushToStack(loc)
+ _, err = OpSstore(&pc, environment, scope)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ // Verify that garbage collection hasn't happened.
+ metadata := ciphertextMetadata{}
+ metadataKey := crypto.Keccak256Hash(ctHash.Bytes())
+ metadata.deserialize(environment.GetState(protectedStorage, metadataKey))
+ slot := uint256FromBig(metadataKey.Big())
+ slot = slot.AddUint64(slot, 1)
+ foundNonZero := false
+ for i := uint64(0); i < metadata.length; i++ {
+ res := environment.GetState(protectedStorage, common.BytesToHash(slot.Bytes()))
+ if !bytes.Equal(res.Bytes(), zero.Bytes()) {
+ foundNonZero = true
+ break
+ }
+ slot = slot.AddUint64(slot, i)
+ }
+ if !foundNonZero {
+ t.Fatalf("garbage collection must not have happened")
+ }
+func TestProtectedStorageGarbageCollection(t *testing.T) {
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ pc := uint64(0)
+ depth := 1
+ environment.depth = depth
+ ctHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, 2, depth, FheUint8).getHash()
+ scope := newTestScopeConext()
+ loc := uint256.NewInt(10)
+ locHash := common.BytesToHash(loc.Bytes())
+ value := uint256FromBig(ctHash.Big())
+ // Persist the ciphertext in protected storage.
+ scope.pushToStack(value)
+ scope.pushToStack(loc)
+ _, err := OpSstore(&pc, environment, scope)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ // Make sure ciphertext is persisted to protected storage.
+ protectedStorage := fhevm_crypto.CreateProtectedStorageContractAddress(scope.GetContract().Address())
+ metadata := ciphertextMetadata{}
+ metadataKey := crypto.Keccak256Hash(ctHash.Bytes())
+ metadata.deserialize(environment.GetState(protectedStorage, metadataKey))
+ if metadata.refCount != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("metadata.refcount of ciphertext is not 1")
+ }
+ if metadata.length != uint64(expandedFheCiphertextSize[FheUint8]) {
+ t.Fatalf("metadata.length (%v) != ciphertext len (%v)", metadata.length, uint64(expandedFheCiphertextSize[FheUint8]))
+ }
+ ciphertextLocationsToCheck := (metadata.length + 32 - 1) / 32
+ startOfCiphertext := newInt(metadataKey.Bytes())
+ startOfCiphertext.AddUint64(startOfCiphertext, 1)
+ ctIdx := startOfCiphertext
+ foundNonZero := false
+ for i := uint64(0); i < ciphertextLocationsToCheck; i++ {
+ c := environment.GetState(protectedStorage, common.BytesToHash(ctIdx.Bytes()))
+ u := uint256FromBig(c.Big())
+ if !u.IsZero() {
+ foundNonZero = true
+ break
+ }
+ ctIdx.AddUint64(startOfCiphertext, 1)
+ }
+ if !foundNonZero {
+ t.Fatalf("ciphertext is not persisted to protected storage")
+ }
+ // Check if the handle location is flagged in protected storage.
+ flagHandleLocation := crypto.Keccak256Hash(crypto.Keccak256Hash(locHash.Bytes()).Bytes())
+ foundFlag := environment.GetState(protectedStorage, flagHandleLocation)
+ if !bytes.Equal(foundFlag.Bytes(), flag.Bytes()) {
+ t.Fatalf("location flag not persisted to protected storage")
+ }
+ // Overwrite the ciphertext handle with 0.
+ scope.pushToStack(uint256.NewInt(0))
+ scope.pushToStack(loc)
+ _, err = OpSstore(&pc, environment, scope)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ // Make sure the metadata and the ciphertext are garbage collected from protected storage.
+ protectedStorageIdx := newInt(metadataKey.Bytes())
+ foundNonZero = false
+ for i := uint64(0); i < ciphertextLocationsToCheck; i++ {
+ c := environment.GetState(protectedStorage, common.BytesToHash(protectedStorageIdx.Bytes()))
+ u := uint256FromBig(c.Big())
+ if !u.IsZero() {
+ foundNonZero = true
+ break
+ }
+ ctIdx.AddUint64(startOfCiphertext, 1)
+ }
+ if foundNonZero {
+ t.Fatalf("ciphertext is not garbage collected from protected storage")
+ }
+ // Make sure the flag location is zero.
+ foundFlag = environment.GetState(protectedStorage, flagHandleLocation)
+ if !bytes.Equal(foundFlag.Bytes(), zero.Bytes()) {
+ t.Fatalf("location flag is not set to zero on garbage collection")
+ }
+func TestProtectedStorageSloadDoesNotVerifyNonHandle(t *testing.T) {
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ pc := uint64(0)
+ scope := newTestScopeConext()
+ loc := uint256.NewInt(10)
+ value := uint256.NewInt(42)
+ scope.pushToStack(value)
+ scope.pushToStack(loc)
+ _, err := OpSstore(&pc, environment, scope)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ scope.pushToStack(loc)
+ _, err = OpSload(&pc, environment, scope)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
+ // Expect no verified ciphertexts.
+ if len(environment.FhevmData().verifiedCiphertexts) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("expected no verified ciphetexts")
+ }
+func TestOpReturnDelegation(t *testing.T) {
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ pc := uint64(0)
+ depth := 2
+ scope := newTestScopeConext()
+ ct := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, 2, depth, FheUint8)
+ ctHash := ct.getHash()
+ offset := uint256.NewInt(0)
+ length := uint256.NewInt(32)
+ scope.pushToStack(length)
+ scope.pushToStack(offset)
+ scope.GetMemory().Set(offset.Uint64(), length.Uint64(), ctHash[:])
+ environment.depth = depth
+ OpReturn(&pc, environment, scope)
+ environment.depth--
+ ctAfterOp := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, ctHash)
+ if ctAfterOp == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("expected ciphertext is still verified after the return op")
+ }
+ if !bytes.Equal(ct.serialize(), ctAfterOp.ciphertext.serialize()) {
+ t.Fatalf("expected ciphertext after the return op is the same as original")
+ }
+func TestOpReturnUnverifyIfNotReturned(t *testing.T) {
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ pc := uint64(0)
+ depth := 2
+ scope := newTestScopeConext()
+ ctHash := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, 2, depth, FheUint8).getHash()
+ offset := uint256.NewInt(0)
+ len := uint256.NewInt(32)
+ scope.pushToStack(len)
+ scope.pushToStack(offset)
+ // Set 0s as return.
+ scope.GetMemory().Set(offset.Uint64(), len.Uint64(), make([]byte, len.Uint64()))
+ environment.depth = depth
+ OpReturn(&pc, environment, scope)
+ environment.depth = depth - 1
+ ct := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, ctHash)
+ if ct != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("expected ciphertext is not verified after the return op")
+ }
+func TestOpReturnDoesNotUnverifyIfNotVerified(t *testing.T) {
+ environment := newTestEVMEnvironment()
+ pc := uint64(0)
+ scope := newTestScopeConext()
+ ct := verifyCiphertextInTestMemory(environment, 2, 4, FheUint8)
+ ctHash := ct.getHash()
+ // Return from depth 3 to depth 2. However, ct is not verified at 3 and, hence, cannot
+ // be passed from 3 to 2. However, we expect that ct remains verified at 4.
+ offset := uint256.NewInt(0)
+ len := uint256.NewInt(32)
+ scope.pushToStack(len)
+ scope.pushToStack(offset)
+ scope.GetMemory().Set(offset.Uint64(), len.Uint64(), ctHash[:])
+ environment.depth = 3
+ OpReturn(&pc, environment, scope)
+ environment.depth--
+ ctAt2 := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, ctHash)
+ if ctAt2 != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("expected ciphertext is not verified at 2")
+ }
+ environment.depth = 3
+ ctAt3 := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, ctHash)
+ if ctAt3 != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("expected ciphertext is not verified at 3")
+ }
+ environment.depth = 4
+ ctAt4 := getVerifiedCiphertextFromEVM(environment, ctHash)
+ if ctAt4 == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("expected ciphertext is still verified at 4")
+ }
+ if !bytes.Equal(ct.serialize(), ctAt4.ciphertext.serialize()) {
+ t.Fatalf("expected ciphertext after the return op is the same as original")
+ }
+ if ctAt4.verifiedDepths.count() != 1 || !ctAt4.verifiedDepths.has(environment.depth) {
+ t.Fatalf("expected ciphertext to be verified at depth 4")
+ }
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index cc6cc6e..98cc357 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -9,7 +9,43 @@ require (
require (
+ github.com/DataDog/zstd v1.5.2 // indirect
+ github.com/StackExchange/wmi v0.0.0-20180116203802-5d049714c4a6 // indirect
+ github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fastcache v1.6.0 // indirect
+ github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1 // indirect
github.com/btcsuite/btcd/btcec/v2 v2.2.0 // indirect
+ github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.2.0 // indirect
+ github.com/cockroachdb/errors v1.9.1 // indirect
+ github.com/cockroachdb/logtags v0.0.0-20230118201751-21c54148d20b // indirect
+ github.com/cockroachdb/pebble v0.0.0-20230209160836-829675f94811 // indirect
+ github.com/cockroachdb/redact v1.1.3 // indirect
github.com/decred/dcrd/dcrec/secp256k1/v4 v4.0.1 // indirect
+ github.com/getsentry/sentry-go v0.18.0 // indirect
+ github.com/go-ole/go-ole v1.2.1 // indirect
+ github.com/go-stack/stack v1.8.1 // indirect
+ github.com/gofrs/flock v0.8.1 // indirect
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