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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/.gitbook/assets/zama_fhevm_summary.png differ
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-# What is fhEVM ecosystem?
+# What is Zama's fhEVM?
📁 [Github](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm) | 💛 [Community support](https://zama.ai/community) | 🟨 [Zama Bounty Program](https://github.com/zama-ai/bounty-program)
-Zama's fhEVM allows developer to create private smart contracts using homomorphic encryption on the EVM.
+## Bring confidential smart contracts to your blockchain with Zama's fhEVM
+There used to be a dilemma in blockchain: keep your application and user data on-chain, allowing everyone to see it, or keep it privately off-chain and lose contract composability. Thanks to a breakthrough in homomorphic encryption, Zama’s fhEVM makes it possible to run confidential smart contracts on encrypted data, guaranteeing both confidentiality and composability.
## fhevmjs
@@ -13,3 +15,15 @@ fhevmjs is a javascript library that enables developers to interact with blockch
## Solidity library
The Solidity library we introduce is a powerful tool that empowers developers to manipulate encrypted data using TFHE within smart contracts. With this library, developers can perform computations over encrypted data, such as addition, multiplication, comparison and more, while maintaining the confidentiality of the underlying information.
+## Tutorials and Examples
+* [Workshop during ETHcc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eivfVykPP8U) by Morten Dahl (Zama)
+* [Confidential ERC-20 Tokens Using Homomorphic Encryption](https://www.zama.ai/post/confidential-erc-20-tokens-using-homomorphic-encryption) by Clément Danjou (Zama)
+* [On-chain Blind Auctions Using Homomorphic Encryption](https://www.zama.ai/post/on-chain-blind-auctions-using-homomorphic-encryption) by Clément Danjou (Zama)
+* [ERC-20](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-solidity/blob/main/examples/EncryptedERC20.sol)
+* [Blind Auction](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-solidity/blob/main/examples/BlindAuction.sol)
+* [Governor DAO](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-solidity/tree/main/examples/Governor)
+* [Mixnet](https://github.com/anonymousGifter/mixnet-core) by [Remi Gai](https://github.com/remi-gai)
+* [Battleship](https://github.com/battleship-fhevm/battleship-hardhat) by [Owen Murovec](https://github.com/omurovec)
+* [Darkpool](https://github.com/omurovec/fhe-darkpools) by [Owen Murovec](https://github.com/omurovec)
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# Table of contents
-- [What is fhEVM ecosystem?](README.md)
+* [What is Zama's fhEVM?](README.md)
-## fhevmjs
+## Contract
-- [Getting Started](sdk/getting_started.md)
-- [Using the CLI](sdk/cli.md)
-- [Instance](sdk/instance.md)
-- [Parameters](sdk/parameters.md)
-- [Reencryption](sdk/reencryption.md)
-- ## [Examples](sdk/examples.md)
- -
+* [Getting Started](solidity/getting\_started.md)
+* [TFHE Library](solidity/library.md)
+* [Function specifications](solidity/functions.md)
+* [Decryption and control structures](solidity/requires.md)
-## Solidity
+## fhevmjs
-- [Getting Started](solidity/getting_started.md)
-- [TFHE Library](solidity/library.md)
-- [Function specifications](solidity/functions.md)
-- [Decryption and control structures](solidity/decryption.md)
+* [Getting Started](sdk/getting\_started.md)
+* [Using the CLI](sdk/cli.md)
+* [Setup an instance](sdk/instance.md)
+* [Inputs](sdk/inputs.md)
+* [Reencryption](sdk/reencryption.md)
+* [Examples](sdk/examples.md)
-## Examples
+## Resources
-- [ERC-20](examples/erc20.md)
-- [Blind auction](examples/blindauction.md)
-- [Other examples](examples/other.md)
+* [Tutorials](resources/tutorials.md)
+* [Examples](resources/examples.md)
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-# Blind auction
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause-Clear
-pragma solidity >=0.8.13 <0.8.20;
-import "fhevm/TFHE.sol";
-import "fhevm/abstracts/EIP712WithModifier.sol";
-import "./EncryptedERC20.sol";
-contract BlindAuction is EIP712WithModifier {
- uint public endTime;
- address public beneficiary;
- // Current highest bid.
- euint32 internal highestBid;
- // Mapping from bidder to their bid value.
- mapping(address => euint32) public bids;
- // Number of bid
- uint public bidCounter;
- // The token contract used for encrypted bids.
- EncryptedERC20 public tokenContract;
- // Whether the auction object has been claimed.
- bool public objectClaimed;
- // If the token has been transferred to the beneficiary
- bool public tokenTransferred;
- bool public stoppable;
- bool public manuallyStopped = false;
- // The owner of the contract.
- address public contractOwner;
- // The function has been called too early.
- // Try again at `time`.
- error TooEarly(uint time);
- // The function has been called too late.
- // It cannot be called after `time`.
- error TooLate(uint time);
- event Winner(address who);
- constructor(
- address _beneficiary,
- EncryptedERC20 _tokenContract,
- uint biddingTime,
- bool isStoppable
- ) EIP712WithModifier("Authorization token", "1") {
- beneficiary = _beneficiary;
- tokenContract = _tokenContract;
- endTime = block.timestamp + biddingTime;
- objectClaimed = false;
- tokenTransferred = false;
- bidCounter = 0;
- stoppable = isStoppable;
- contractOwner = msg.sender;
- }
- // Bid an `encryptedValue`.
- function bid(bytes calldata encryptedValue) public onlyBeforeEnd {
- euint32 value = TFHE.asEuint32(encryptedValue);
- euint32 existingBid = bids[msg.sender];
- if (TFHE.isInitialized(existingBid)) {
- ebool isHigher = TFHE.lt(existingBid, value);
- // Update bid with value
- bids[msg.sender] = TFHE.cmux(isHigher, value, existingBid);
- // Transfer only the difference between existing and value
- euint32 toTransfer = TFHE.sub(value, existingBid);
- // Transfer only if bid is higher
- euint32 amount = TFHE.mul(TFHE.asEuint8(isHigher), toTransfer);
- tokenContract.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
- } else {
- bidCounter++;
- bids[msg.sender] = value;
- tokenContract.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), value);
- }
- euint32 currentBid = bids[msg.sender];
- if (!TFHE.isInitialized(highestBid)) {
- highestBid = currentBid;
- } else {
- highestBid = TFHE.cmux(TFHE.lt(highestBid, currentBid), currentBid, highestBid);
- }
- }
- function getBid(
- bytes32 publicKey,
- bytes calldata signature
- ) public view onlySignedPublicKey(publicKey, signature) returns (bytes memory) {
- return TFHE.reencrypt(bids[msg.sender], publicKey, 0);
- }
- // Returns the user bid
- function stop() public onlyContractOwner {
- require(stoppable);
- manuallyStopped = true;
- }
- // Returns an encrypted value of 0 or 1 under the caller's public key, indicating
- // if the caller has the highest bid.
- function doIHaveHighestBid(
- bytes32 publicKey,
- bytes calldata signature
- ) public view onlyAfterEnd onlySignedPublicKey(publicKey, signature) returns (bytes memory) {
- if (TFHE.isInitialized(highestBid) && TFHE.isInitialized(bids[msg.sender])) {
- return TFHE.reencrypt(TFHE.le(highestBid, bids[msg.sender]), publicKey);
- } else {
- return TFHE.reencrypt(TFHE.asEuint32(0), publicKey);
- }
- }
- // Claim the object. Succeeds only if the caller has the highest bid.
- function claim() public onlyAfterEnd {
- require(!objectClaimed);
- TFHE.req(TFHE.le(highestBid, bids[msg.sender]));
- objectClaimed = true;
- bids[msg.sender] = TFHE.NIL32;
- emit Winner(msg.sender);
- }
- // Transfer token to beneficiary
- function auctionEnd() public onlyAfterEnd {
- require(!tokenTransferred);
- tokenTransferred = true;
- tokenContract.transfer(beneficiary, highestBid);
- }
- // Withdraw a bid from the auction to the caller once the auction has stopped.
- function withdraw() public onlyAfterEnd {
- euint32 bidValue = bids[msg.sender];
- if (!objectClaimed) {
- TFHE.req(TFHE.lt(bidValue, highestBid));
- }
- tokenContract.transfer(msg.sender, bidValue);
- bids[msg.sender] = TFHE.NIL32;
- }
- modifier onlyBeforeEnd() {
- if (block.timestamp >= endTime || manuallyStopped == true) revert TooLate(endTime);
- _;
- }
- modifier onlyAfterEnd() {
- if (block.timestamp <= endTime && manuallyStopped == false) revert TooEarly(endTime);
- _;
- }
- modifier onlyContractOwner() {
- require(msg.sender == contractOwner);
- _;
- }
diff --git a/docs/examples/erc20.md b/docs/examples/erc20.md
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--- a/docs/examples/erc20.md
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@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# ERC-20
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause-Clear
-pragma solidity >=0.8.13 <0.8.20;
-import "fhevm/abstracts/EIP712WithModifier.sol";
-import "fhevm/TFHE.sol";
-contract EncryptedERC20 is EIP712WithModifier {
- euint32 private totalSupply;
- string public constant name = "Naraggara"; // City of Zama's battle
- string public constant symbol = "NARA";
- uint8 public constant decimals = 18;
- // used for output authorization
- bytes32 private DOMAIN_SEPARATOR;
- // A mapping from address to an encrypted balance.
- mapping(address => euint32) internal balances;
- // A mapping of the form mapping(owner => mapping(spender => allowance)).
- mapping(address => mapping(address => euint32)) internal allowances;
- // The owner of the contract.
- address public contractOwner;
- constructor() EIP712WithModifier("Authorization token", "1") {
- contractOwner = msg.sender;
- }
- // Sets the balance of the owner to the given encrypted balance.
- function mint(bytes calldata encryptedAmount) public onlyContractOwner {
- euint32 amount = TFHE.asEuint32(encryptedAmount);
- balances[contractOwner] = TFHE.add(balances[contractOwner], amount);
- totalSupply = TFHE.add(totalSupply, amount);
- }
- // Transfers an encrypted amount from the message sender address to the `to` address.
- function transfer(address to, bytes calldata encryptedAmount) public {
- transfer(to, TFHE.asEuint32(encryptedAmount));
- }
- // Transfers an amount from the message sender address to the `to` address.
- function transfer(address to, euint32 amount) public {
- _transfer(msg.sender, to, amount);
- }
- function getTotalSupply(
- bytes32 publicKey,
- bytes calldata signature
- ) public view onlySignedPublicKey(publicKey, signature) returns (bytes memory) {
- return TFHE.reencrypt(totalSupply, publicKey, 0);
- }
- // Returns the balance of the caller encrypted under the provided public key.
- function balanceOf(
- bytes32 publicKey,
- bytes calldata signature
- ) public view onlySignedPublicKey(publicKey, signature) returns (bytes memory) {
- return TFHE.reencrypt(balances[msg.sender], publicKey, 0);
- }
- // Sets the `encryptedAmount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens.
- function approve(address spender, bytes calldata encryptedAmount) public {
- address owner = msg.sender;
- _approve(owner, spender, TFHE.asEuint32(encryptedAmount));
- }
- // Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` is allowed to spend
- // on behalf of the caller. The returned ciphertext is under the caller public FHE key.
- function allowance(
- address spender,
- bytes32 publicKey,
- bytes calldata signature
- ) public view onlySignedPublicKey(publicKey, signature) returns (bytes memory) {
- address owner = msg.sender;
- return TFHE.reencrypt(_allowance(owner, spender), publicKey);
- }
- // Transfers `encryptedAmount` tokens using the caller's allowance.
- function transferFrom(address from, address to, bytes calldata encryptedAmount) public {
- transferFrom(from, to, TFHE.asEuint32(encryptedAmount));
- }
- // Transfers `amount` tokens using the caller's allowance.
- function transferFrom(address from, address to, euint32 amount) public {
- address spender = msg.sender;
- _updateAllowance(from, spender, amount);
- _transfer(from, to, amount);
- }
- function _approve(address owner, address spender, euint32 amount) internal {
- allowances[owner][spender] = amount;
- }
- function _allowance(address owner, address spender) internal view returns (euint32) {
- if (TFHE.isInitialized(allowances[owner][spender])) {
- return allowances[owner][spender];
- } else {
- return TFHE.asEuint32(0);
- }
- }
- function _updateAllowance(address owner, address spender, euint32 amount) internal {
- euint32 currentAllowance = _allowance(owner, spender);
- TFHE.req(TFHE.le(amount, currentAllowance));
- _approve(owner, spender, TFHE.sub(currentAllowance, amount));
- }
- // Transfers an encrypted amount.
- function _transfer(address from, address to, euint32 amount) internal {
- // Make sure the sender has enough tokens.
- TFHE.req(TFHE.le(amount, balances[from]));
- // Add to the balance of `to` and subract from the balance of `from`.
- balances[to] = TFHE.add(balances[to], amount);
- balances[from] = TFHE.sub(balances[from], amount);
- }
- modifier onlyContractOwner() {
- require(msg.sender == contractOwner);
- _;
- }
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similarity index 51%
rename from docs/examples/other.md
rename to docs/resources/examples.md
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--- a/docs/examples/other.md
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-# Other examples
+# Examples
-## Solidity
+## Contracts
+- [ERC-20](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-solidity/blob/main/examples/EncryptedERC20.sol)
+- [Blind Auction](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-solidity/blob/main/examples/BlindAuction.sol)
+- [Governor DAO](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm-solidity/tree/main/examples/Governor)
- [Mixnet](https://github.com/anonymousGifter/mixnet-core) by [Remi Gai](https://github.com/remi-gai)
- [Battleship](https://github.com/battleship-fhevm/battleship-hardhat) by [Owen Murovec](https://github.com/omurovec)
- [Darkpool](https://github.com/omurovec/fhe-darkpools) by [Owen Murovec](https://github.com/omurovec)
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+# Tutorials
+- [Workshop during ETHcc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eivfVykPP8U) by Morten Dahl (Zama)
+- [Confidential ERC-20 Tokens Using Homomorphic Encryption](https://www.zama.ai/post/confidential-erc-20-tokens-using-homomorphic-encryption) by Clément Danjou (Zama)
+- [On-chain Blind Auctions Using Homomorphic Encryption](https://www.zama.ai/post/on-chain-blind-auctions-using-homomorphic-encryption) by Clément Danjou (Zama)
diff --git a/docs/sdk/getting_started.md b/docs/sdk/getting_started.md
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--- a/docs/sdk/getting_started.md
+++ b/docs/sdk/getting_started.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Welcome to the documentation for fhevmjs, a JavaScript library that enables inte
## Installation
-To get started with fhevmjs, you need to install it as a dependency in your JavaScript project. You can do this using npm (Node Package Manager) or Yarn. Open your terminal and navigate to your project's directory, then run one of the following commands:
+To get started with fhevmjs, you need to install it as a dependency in your JavaScript project. You can do this using npm, Yarn or pnpm. Open your terminal and navigate to your project's directory, then run one of the following commands:
# Using npm
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ npm install fhevmjs
# Using Yarn
yarn add fhevmjs
+# Using pnpm
+pnpm add fhevmjs
This will download and install the fhevmjs library and its dependencies into your project.
@@ -64,11 +67,13 @@ init().then((instance) => {
You can take a look at [this template](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevmjs-react-template) for an example using Vite, React and TypeScript.
-#### Troubleshooting
+### Troubleshooting
-##### Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'tfhe_bg.wasm'
+#### Webpack: "Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'tfhe_bg.wasm'"
-In the codebase, there is a `new URL('tfhe_bg.wasm')` which triggers a resolve by Webpack. If you encounter an issue, you can add a fallback for this file by adding a resolve configuration in your `webpack.config.js`:
+In the codebase, there is a `new URL('tfhe_bg.wasm')` which triggers a resolve by Webpack. If yo
+u encounter an issue, you can add a fallback for this file by adding a resolve configuration in y
+our `webpack.config.js`:
resolve: {
@@ -78,7 +83,7 @@ In the codebase, there is a `new URL('tfhe_bg.wasm')` which triggers a resolve b
-##### Issue with importing ESM version
+#### Issue with importing ESM version
With a bundler such as Webpack or Rollup, imports will be replaced with the version mentioned in the `"browser"` field of the `package.json`.
If you encounter issue with typing, you can use this [tsconfig.json](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevmjs-react-template/blob/main/tsconfig.json) using TypeScript 5.
@@ -89,7 +94,7 @@ If you encounter any other issue, you can force import of the browser package.
import { initFhevm, createInstance } from 'fhevmjs/web';
-##### Use bundled version
+#### Use bundled version
If you have an issue with bundling the library (for example with some SSR framework), you can use the prebundled version available in `fhevmjs/bundle`. Just embed the library with a `