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Import | Description |
google/protobuf/timestamp.proto | Import google timestamp to identify |
Name | Value | Description |
go_package | gcp/proto/test/location | Go Lang Options |
java_package | gcp.proto.test.location | Java Options |
java_multiple_files | true |
direction LR
%% A physical location that can be described with either an address or a set of geo coordinates.
class PhysicalLocation {
+ Address address
+ double altitude_meters
+ google.protobuf.Timestamp created
+ int32 latitude_degrees
+ string latitude_direction_code
+ int32 latitude_minutes
+ int32 latitude_seconds
+ int32 longitude_degrees
+ int32 longitude_minutes
+ int32 longitude_seconds
+ Map<string, string> meta
+ List<string> names
PhysicalLocation --> `Address`
PhysicalLocation --> `google.protobuf.Timestamp`
PhysicalLocation --o `Address`
%% A postal address for the physical location.
class Address {
+ string line1
+ string line2
+ string line3
+ string city
+ string state
+ string zipcode
+ AddressType type
Address --> `AddressType`
Address --o `AddressType`
%% Address type is used to identify the type of address.
class AddressType{
direction LR
class PhoneNumber {
+ string area_code
+ string country_code
+ string extension
+ string prefix
+ string suffix
FQN: test.location.PhysicalLocation
A physical location that can be described with either an address or a set of geo coordinates.
Field | Ordinal | Type | Label | Description |
address | 2 | Address | The mailing address of the location | |
altitude_meters | 10 | double | Altitude in Meters | |
created | 1 | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The timestamp the record was created | |
latitude_degrees | 6 | int32 | Longitude Degrees | |
latitude_direction_code | 9 | string | Latitude Direction Code | |
latitude_minutes | 7 | int32 | Latitude Minutes | |
latitude_seconds | 8 | int32 | Latitude Seconds | |
longitude_degrees | 3 | int32 | Longitude degrees | |
longitude_minutes | 4 | int32 | Longitude Minutes | |
longitude_seconds | 5 | int32 | Longitude Seconds | |
meta | 11 | string, string | Map | Additional Meta Data |
names | 12 | string | Repeated | Names for the location |
FQN: test.location.PhysicalLocation.Address
A postal address for the physical location.
Field | Ordinal | Type | Label | Description |
city | 4 | string | The city or township | |
line1 | 1 | string | First line of the address | |
line2 | 2 | string | Second line of the address | |
line3 | 3 | string | Third line of the address | |
state | 5 | string | The state or province | |
type | 7 | AddressType | The type of address | |
zipcode | 6 | string | The postal code |
FQN: test.location.PhysicalLocation.Address.AddressType
Address type is used to identify the type of address.
Name | Ordinal | Description |
RESIDENTIAL | 0 | A residential address |
BUSINESS | 1 | A business address |
FQN: test.location.PhoneNumber
Field | Ordinal | Type | Label | Description |
area_code | 2 | string | ||
country_code | 1 | string | ||
extension | 5 | string | ||
prefix | 3 | string | ||
suffix | 4 | string |