- ContainerBuilder refactor
- FileLoader refactor
- Updating dependencies
- Updating dev dependencies
- append parent arguments to the child service
- check if the abstract service is well formed
- serviceCircularReferenceException thrown when container compile fails with RangeError exception
- moving from .throws to .throw unit testing
- updating package with newer compatible dependencies
- Updating dependencies
- Updating dev dependencies
- fixing changelog
- decoration priority
- allow complex parameter as objects
- add a parameter in the ContainerBuilder constructor to use the sent logger instance instead of the default console service
- inverting instead of shared false by default instance is shared by default
- updating major nyc dev dependency package
- adding travis node 8 version
- fixing out dating dev dependencies
- fixing ContainerBuilder code issue
Method '_getInstance' has a complexity of 10.
- fixing ContainerBuilder code issue
Similar code found in other locations
- fixing fs-extra out to date dependency
- fixing all the dev out to date dependencies
- refactoring compile optimization
- refactoring compile removal
- getInstanceFromDefinition is now public
- adding container builder remove method
- adding container builder isSet method
- adding add compiler pass priority argument
- adding decorators
- Fix: FileLoader cannot load files in subfolder
- Removing linkedIn link from README file
- Adding definition synthetic parameter
- Public container direct set method
- Container get method will only return you a valid instance
- Remove not necessary instances from container on compile
- Reference Symfony as a source of inspiration
- Adding Additional Attributes on Tags
- Inject Instances into the Container
- Refactor following new standard rules
- Removing linkedIn link from README file
- Throw an exception if the method call does not exists
- Adding standard coding style configuration
- Add Definition class in to the index file
- Fixing npm version issue
- Remove definition container method
- Managing Configuration with Extensions
- Controlling the pass ordering
- Adding code climate badge
- Fixing configuration files Boolean arguments issue
- Fixing configuration files Boolean parameters issue
- Deprecating Services
- Using a Factory to Create Services
- Passing Parsed Arguments to the Factory Method
- Ignoring Missing Dependencies
- Adding hasDefinition public container method
- Adding has container public method
- Adding getDefinition public container method
- Adding findDefinition public container method
- Injecting in to public fields properties
- Adding Definition lazy service property
- Deprecating second constructor argument of File loader
- Deprecating not setting first argument on config file load method
- Removing CHANGELOG file description
- Using npm version script instead or server:release to do npm packages releases
- Adding parameters on arguments wrapped on %{string}% with the configuration files
- Adding imports feature to load automatically more services in another files
- Refactoring container builder preventing having two different container builders for compiled and not compiled containers
- Fixing definition private get arguments class.
- Preventing instantiating reference service twice
- Preventing compiling an already compiled container
- Fix findTaggedServiceIds returns the tag name instead of definition
- Adding unit testing code coverage tools
- Adding codecov integration
- Adding npm downloads badges
- Adding LICENCE
- Register compiler pass from the ContainerBuilder
- Aliasing: You may sometimes want to use shortcuts to access some services.
- Tagging: Services configured in your container can also be tagged.
- Fix prevent instantiate class again if we get a service and then compile
- Preventing instantiating service twice
- Adding compiled container and frozen container
- Moving configuration service test files to config folder
- Modifying file exists exception message
- Adding method call with arguments feature
- Overriding the whole arguments collection in the definition model
- Adding Changelog file
- Updating README file
- Refactoring parsing definitions
- Following the default js standard coding standard
- Using path join instead of file path constructor
- Removing stage-2 babel preset
- Adding unit testing for reference and package reference
- Adding js docs to the file loader abstract class
- Coding standards on test spec files
- File loader class moving from private argument path to filePath
- Refactoring json file loader
- Updating README file adding more configuration examples
- Update travis configuration
- Update travis configuration
- Update README file
- Adding travis configuration
- Initial commit