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Michael Luggen edited this page Mar 25, 2022 · 3 revisions

Long Term Road-Map for Cube-Creator

The Cube-Creators goal is to provide a tool where the data provider can augment data to a point that it is possible to programmatically consume the data and build correct and (to the biggest extend) valid graphics.


  • Introduction of Group and Role based User Management.
    • Maintainer Role: Can adapt the cube content, metadata and publish the cube as Draft.
    • Publisher Role: Can publish the cube, officially.
    • Specialist Role: (Shared Dimensions, Hierarchies)
    • Closed Groups for Edit rights on organisations Cube.
  • Certification of Cubes
    • Person in charge can electronically sign the validity of the cube.

Input / Mapping

  • Smart recognition of inputs.
    • Try to understand the datatype and/or language of the input fields to pre-select. * Ad-Hoc Transformations on CSV Mapping
    • Allow the transformation of other calendar dates to the necessary ISO-Dates.


  • Annotations and Corrections

    • Possibility to Correct faulty values from the source (a patch which will be reapplied with future datasets)
    • Annotations on the level of a Cube, a Dimension, a Combination of Dimensions, an Observation, a Value.
      • Remarks
      • Upper- / Lower Limits
  • Discovery of metadata (ScaleOfMeasure, DataKind).

  • Automated recommendation of a shared dimension. (After first transformation.)

  • Automated mapping to a shared dimensions, by recognising the content.

  • Providing hints / previews of what graphics will be possible based on the proposed metadata.

  • To check the cube, show filters, based on the metadata. (Sliders for continious data.)

  • Calculating Aggregates based on input data.

  • Creating new cubes based on input data. (Using Aggregates.)


  • Automated load of data from a location and publishing in a regular time intervall.
  • Timed publications. (e.g. Set to an official publication date.)

Shared Dimensions

  • Interface to allow a Remix of Dimensions into new Dimensions.
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