- Ensure compliance with Apple's new IDFA policies.
- Fixes link to documentation
- Hotfix: Fix broken 2.2.6 release.
- updates to Venmo Touch
- 64-bit support
- Deprecated. Do not use.
- Bugfix in Venmo Touch server communication protocols.
- Hotfix: Fix minor bug introduced in v2.2.3.
- Fix bug with client-side encryption changes.
- Fix bug where payment form would fail when hiding zip code request (thanks leogiertz).
- Update podspec.
- Redesigns Venmo Touch for iOS 7 look and feel.
- Addresses numerous Github issues.
- Add approvedPaymentMethodWithCodeAndCard helper method. This is similar to approvedPaymentMethodWithCode, but returns an object that contains additional information about the card referenced by the payment method code.
- Rename VTClient method, "+ (VTClient *)sharedClient;" to "+ (VTClient *)sharedVTClient;" to avoid Apple's newly-introduced static analysis flag.
- Fix namespacing compilation error with TTTAttributedLabel.
- Library is renamed to "braintree_ios".
- iOS 7 Support
- New framework requirement: Please add AdSupport.framework, CoreTelephony.framework and CoreText.framework to "Link Binary with Libraries" under "Build Phases".
- New VTClient initializers that include "customerEmail" parameter, please see VTClient.h
- Centers modals to fit different screen sizes.
- Sets VTCheckbox height dynamically based on locale. (default English height is 46px)
- Fixes bug where some users could not enter Maestro or Union Pay cards of variable length
- Fixes crash where non-ARC users could see a crash when using BTPaymentCardUtils
- Resolves UI discrepancy where some cards could be displayed on the same session after the user logs out
- Smooths modal entry and dismissal transitions
- Add to CocoaPods
- Adds support for Venmo Touch.
- Library is renamed to "braintree-ios".
- Library now uses ARC.
- Bugfix for encrypted string format.
- Initial release.