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Data documentation

Experiment folders under ./logs

Each run is saved under an experiment id (for example, here it is 56c1a54d2):

56c1a54d2: Experiment ID
56c1a54d2/args.json: Commit, branch information of the code
56c1a54d2/misc: Information needed for pose refinement and
56c1a54d2/mesh_cano: Hand and object templates in the canonical space
56c1a54d2/checkpoints: Checkpoints containing model weights and pose parameters for hands and objects
56c1a54d2/visuals: visualizations
56c1a54d2/visuals/right.normal: Right hand normal rendering
56c1a54d2/visuals/rgb: RGB rendering
56c1a54d2/visuals/right.mask_prob: Right hand mask rendering
56c1a54d2/visuals/object.mask_prob: Object mask rendering
56c1a54d2/visuals/object.fg_rgb.vis: Object RGB rendering without the background
56c1a54d2/visuals/imap: Instance segmentation rendering
56c1a54d2/visuals/mask_prob: Foreground mask rendering
56c1a54d2/visuals/normal: Foreground normal rendering
56c1a54d2/visuals/fg_rgb.vis: Foreground RGB rendering
56c1a54d2/visuals/right.fg_rgb.vis: Right hand rendering without background
56c1a54d2/visuals/bg_rgb: Background-only rendering
56c1a54d2/visuals/object.normal: object normal rendering
56c1a54d2/train.log: loguru outputts

Sequence folder

  • ./data/$seq_name/: folder to stored artifacts and built dataset for a sequence named $seq_name
  • ./data/$seq_name/build: the build dataset, all needed files to run HOLD is here.
  • ./data/$seq_name/images: images extracted to train HOLD; names of images are the original names in the video.
  • ./data/$seq_name/ zip of images, used by SAM to label segmentation
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed: all intermediate data for preprocessing stored here
  • ./data/$seq_name/video.mp4: input video
  • ./data/$seq_name/build/corres.txt: orignal names of the image files here; correspondances
  • ./data/$seq_name/build/data.npy: packaged data such as camera information, estimated hand-object poses, etc.
  • ./data/$seq_name/build/image: images being resized and renamed for training HOLD.
  • ./data/$seq_name/build/mask: segmentation masks from SAM but preprocssed to merge hand and object masks.
  • ./data/$seq_name/build/vis: visualization of the build; this allows a sanity check of the processing; not needed for HOLD run.
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/2d_keypoints: extracted 2D keypoints for hands by projecting 3D to 2D.
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/boxes.npy: bounding boxes detected around the hand
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/colmap: colmap intermediate results
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/colmap_2d: 2D projection of COLMAP 3D pointcloud from SfM.
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/crop_image: images crops from bounding box detector.
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/hold_fit.init.npy: MANO parameters from hand pose estimation
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/hold_fit.slerp.npy: SLERP for linear interpolation of poses in missing frames from init
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/hold_fit.aligned.npy: Hand-object parameters after energy minimization to estimate object scale and align hand-object with contact
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/images_object: images created by using object masks, used by SfM.
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/j2d.crop.npy: 2D hand keypoints in crop space
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/j2d.full.npy: 2D hand keypoints in original image space
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/mano_fit_ckpt: Checkpoints created during the energy minimization process in hand-object alignment.
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/hpe_vis: HAMER hand pose estimation visualization (3D to 2D)
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/masks: segmentation masks preprocessed from SAM masks.
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/mesh_fit_vis: visualization of hand mesh registration
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/metro_vis: rendering of hand overlay onto RGB images of METRO hand pose estimation
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/raw_images: all images decoded from video
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/sam: SAM results for segmentation
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/v3d.npy: MANO vertices from hand pose estimator
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/colmap/intrinsic.npy: intrinsics from COLMAP (same for all frames)
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/colmap/normalization_mat.npy: normalization matrix to center the COLMAP point cloud and make it unit length
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/colmap/o2w.npy: object canonical space to world transformation (a.k.a object poses)
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/colmap/pairs-netvlad.txt: image frames that converged during SfM; non-converged ones are filled with SLERP
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/colmap/poses.npy: camera poses (same for all frames as we assume a fixed camera pose)
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/colmap/sparse_points.ply: raw 3D point clouds from SfM
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/colmap/sparse_points_trim.ply: removed outliers
  • ./data/$seq_name/processed/colmap/sparse_points_normalized.obj: normalize pointclouds

The below shows the documentation of ./data/$seq_name/build/data.npy:

  • seq_name: name of the dataset folder
  • cameras: camera view matrix and scaling matrix (always the same for all frames)
  • scene_bounding_sphere: float; size of the bounding sphere
  • max_radius_ratio: float; max radius ratio
  • cameras/scale_mat_0: 4x4; scaling matrix at frame 0 to normalize the scene in a unit sphere
  • cameras/world_mat_0: 4x4; view matrix at frame 0
  • entities: foreground nodes in the scene to render (e.g., hands and objects)
  • entities/right: right hand parameters
  • entities/right/hand_poses: Tx48; right hand parameters in axis-angles
  • entities/right/hand_trans: Tx3; right hand translation
  • entities/right/mean_shape: 10; mean shape of hand
  • entities/object: object parameters
  • entities/object/obj_scale: float; estimated scale of object
  • entities/object/pts.cano: Nx3; object SfM 3D point cloud in canonical space
  • entities/object/norm_mat: 4x4; normalization matrix to center and scale COLMAP point cloud to the canonical space
  • entities/object/object_poses: Tx6; first three global rotation in axis-angle, last three translation; object poses from COLMAP


Dataset Sequence Name Checkpoint
HO3D hold_BB12_ho3d 4d0175b3c
HO3D hold_BB13_ho3d 32f545e48
HO3D hold_GSF12_ho3d db6508d7f
HO3D hold_GSF13_ho3d 76fbd4d33
HO3D hold_ABF12_ho3d 81a2bea9a
HO3D hold_ABF14_ho3d 20b7fc070
HO3D hold_GPMF12_ho3d 00bc6dc5e
HO3D hold_GPMF14_ho3d 64834e9bb
HO3D hold_MC1_ho3d cb20a1702
HO3D hold_MC4_ho3d c8d39e1aa
HO3D hold_MDF12_ho3d fd873a597
HO3D hold_MDF14_ho3d 28ab63ba1
HO3D hold_ShSu10_ho3d c2316a5be
HO3D hold_ShSu12_ho3d 14680ffbf
HO3D hold_SM2_ho3d d1281c169
HO3D hold_SM4_ho3d b7c26b798
HO3D hold_SMu1_ho3d 6ba784f2d
HO3D hold_SMu40_ho3d 524dcb8d4
HOLD hold_bottle1_itw 009c2e923
HOLD hold_bottle2_itw 16d067709
HOLD hold_kettle1_itw b76b7f42e
HOLD hold_mug1_itw 5f1656837
HOLD hold_rubricube1_itw 91d2cd532
HOLD hold_rubricube2_itw 6abf1a5ae
HOLD hold_toycar1_itw 2f71e5d77
HOLD hold_toycar2_itw 5fdcfc03f
ARCTIC arctic_s03_box_grab_01_1 25e67133f
ARCTIC arctic_s03_mixer_grab_01_1 c4f488427
ARCTIC arctic_s03_capsulemachine_grab_01_1 f3784c2a2
ARCTIC arctic_s03_espressomachine_grab_01_1 a25e55a10
ARCTIC arctic_s03_ketchup_grab_01_1 a7d4f510c
ARCTIC arctic_s03_laptop_grab_01_1 a1fcfb334
ARCTIC arctic_s03_microwave_grab_01_1 a7733f8cd
ARCTIC arctic_s03_notebook_grab_01_1 2718c9369
ARCTIC arctic_s03_waffleiron_grab_01_1 b98627ca3