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Version Licence Node TestRail API Vitest Playwright JavaScript

TestRail Reporter for all popular JS | TS based testing frameworks

The TestRail reporter package currently supports Vitest, Playwright test frameworks. The support for Jest and other runners currently in the development process.

The package allows you to synchronize auto test results with associated TestRail tests through simple configuration.

Table of Contents


The reporter supports the following features

  • Supports Vitest, Playwright testing frameworks.
  • Associate Vitest, Playwright tests with TestRail tests.
  • Generate a run in TestRail using specified test cases or all available test cases. Alternatively, the reporter can connect to and utilize an already created test run (manually initiated through the TestRail graphical user interface).
  • Update the test run results in TestRail either after running all test cases or simultaneously.
  • You have an option to update the test results of the same test run which executed several times, by saving all history data. Or you can create a new test run for every execution.
  • If a test case fails, you can observe an error message in the comment field of the TestRail test result.
  • Supports screenshots and videos attachment to the test results for Playwright.


To install testrail-reporter, use the following command:

 npm install @zealteam/testrail-reporter

TestRail Configuration

You should Enable API and Enable session authentication for API from testrail settings(It can be enabled in the administration area in TestRail under Administration > Site Settings > API.)

Also make sure that your TestRail project uses multiple test suites to manage cases. As of now we support only projects which uses suites.

Create a testrail.config.js file in your project's root directory. Enter the following credentials in the file:

module.exports = {
    base_url: "",
    user: "username",
    pass: "password",
    project_id: 1,
    suite_id: 1,
    create_missing_cases: true,
    testRailUpdateInterval: 0,
    updateResultAfterEachCase: true,
    use_existing_run: {
        id: 0,
    create_new_run: {
        include_all: false,
        run_name: "Test Run",
        milestone_id: 0
    status: {
        passed: 1,
        failed: 5,
        untested: 3,
        skipped: 6


Click to see all options
  • base_url

  • user

    • Replace "username" with the actual username of your TestRail account.
  • pass

    • Replace "password" with the actual password of your TestRail account.
  • project_id and suite_id

    • Replace the values of project_id's and suite_id's with the corresponding values specific to your project..
  • create_missing_cases - Default is false

    • If set to true, the reporter will collect test cases without TestRail case IDs in test title and create them in TestRail under given project and suite.
      • After missing cases are created, the reporter will create/update testrail_created_cases.json file in the root directory of your project. This file will contain the mapping of the test case title, TestRail case ID, section ID and suite ID.
      • If the test case has a title that matches an existing test case in TestRail, the reporter will warn you about the existing case and will skip creating a new one.
  • testRailUpdateInterval - Default is 0 (seconds).

    • When set to 0, the test results will be updated in TestRail after all tests have been executed.
    • If set to another value (e.g., 10), the test results will be updated in TestRail every 10 seconds.
    • If set to a value greater than 59, it will be rounded to minutes, and the results will be updated in TestRail every specified minute.
  • updateResultAfterEachCase - Default is true. Please note that this configuration is only compatible with Playwright.

    • If set to true the test results will be updated in TestRail after each test have been executed and testRailUpdateInterval config will be ignored.
    • If set to false the test results will be updated in TestRail based on the testRailUpdateInterval value.
  • use_existing_run

    • id - Default is 0.

      • You have the option to supply an existing test run id from your TestRail. When an id is provided, your results will be stored in the designated test run, and the reporter will ignore the configurations within the create_new_run settings. The same test run will be updated on subsequent runs, and historical data will be maintained within that run.

NOTE: The configs under create_new_run will be used if id is 0.

  • create_new_run

    • run_name

      • If you want to create a new run in TestRail, you can provide a value for run_name or the reporter will use the default Test Run value. The run name will be composed of the following combination: '<run_name> <current_date> (e.g., Test Run 22.1.2024).
    • include_all - Default is false

      • When set to false, the newly created TestRail's test run will only include the test cases that are scheduled to execute from Vitest.
      • When set to true, the newly created TestRail's test run will include all test cases within the specified test suite from TestRail.
    • milestone_id Default is 0

      • If you have a milestone in your TestRail, you can set the milestone_id. The configuration will be ignored if the value is 0.
  • status

    • The status configuration in the provided module is a set of status mappings used to interpret and communicate the test results to TestRail. You should configure your case statuses from TestRail(Administration > Customizations > RESULT STATUSES) and set to provided configuration
status: {
    passed: 1,
    failed: 5,
    untested: 3,
    skipped: 6

Here is a quick GIF demonstrating how to configure your project.

alt text


To generate a report with Vitest or Playwright and upload it to TestRail, follow these steps:

Click to see Playwright usage
Add reporter to the config file

Open your config file (e.g., playwright.config.js or playwright.config.ts) and add '@zealteam/testrail-reporter' into the reporters array.

export default defineConfig({


    reporter: [['list'], ['@zealteam/testrail-reporter']],


Update test case with TestRail ID

Write your tests using Playwright, ensuring that each test has appropriate assertions and result statuses. You should include the TestRail test case IDs in the test names to link it to corresponding case. For example:

test("@C123 has title", async ({ page }) => {
    // Test logic here

In above example @C123 represents the TestRail test ID. Replace '@C123' with the actual test ID from TestRail.

WARNING: If your test cases are already created in TestRail and has a test step, you should write your test cases in a way that the test steps are executed in the same order as in TestRail.

Test case example with test steps

test("@C123 has title", async ({ page }) => {
    await test.step("Step 1", async () => {
        // test step logic here
    await test.step("Step 2", async () => {
        // test step logic here
Schreenshots and Videos

No extra configuration is needed in the testrail.config.js file. Instead, you can use Playwright configurations to generate screenshots and videos.

For instance, if you want to capture a screenshot when a test fails, you should include the following configuration in your config file (e.g., playwright.config.js or playwright.config.ts):

export default defineConfig({


    use: {
        screenshot: 'only-on-failure',
        video: 'retain-on-failure',



Generated screenshots will be available in testrail run tests' attachments.

Run your tests
npx playwright test


The TestRail reporter will collect the test results, and will automatically update the test results in TestRail Test Run.

TestRail Run url will be printed in the console after the test execution.

Click to see Vitest usage
Add reporter to the config file

Open your config file (e.g., vitest.config.js or vitest.config.ts) and add '@zealteam/testrail-reporter' into the reporters array.

teardownTimeout: 200000,
reporters: ['default', '@zealteam/testrail-reporter'],


It is advisable to include the teardownTimeout in any of these configurations since the reporter may run after the tests have completed, and setting it to a large number is recommended.

You must include the default runner or your tests won't run properly.

Update test case with TestRail ID

Write your tests using Vitest, ensuring that each test has appropriate assertions and result statuses. You should include the TestRail test case IDs in the test names to link it to corresponding case. For example:

it('@C123 adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', async () => {
    expect(1 + 2).toBe(3);

In above example @C123 represents the TestRail test ID. Replace '@C123' with the actual test ID from TestRail.

WARNING: Test steps are not supported in Vitest.


Need to have configured provider to capture screenshots for failed test cases.

For instance, if you want to capture a screenshot when a test fails, you should include the following configuration in your config file (e.g., vitest.config.js or vite.config.js):

export default defineConfig({


    test: {
        environment: 'jsdom',
        browser: {
            enabled: true,
            // browser name is required
            name: '<browser>', // chromium, firefox, webkit
            provider: 'playwright', // or 'webdriverio'
            screenshotFailures: true,
            // screenshots will be saved in this directory
            screenshotDirectory: '<path>',



NOTE: regardless your provider choice, you should install the corresponding provider package.

For more details about the provider installation visit Vitest documentation.

Vitest provider configuration is available in Vitest documentation.

Generated screenshots will be available in testrail run tests' attachments.

Run your tests
npx vitest test


npm run test:unit

by default above command comes with the following script configuration in the package.json file,

"scripts": {
"test:unit": "vitest"

WARNING: Don't use this one

vitest run


If your project is based on vite/vue, you should replace the value of type key from module to commonjs in the package.json file.

"type": "commonjs",


The TestRail reporter will collect the test results, and will automatically update the test results in TestRail Test Run.

TestRail Run url will be printed in the console after the test execution.

Reporter Workflow

alt text

Comparison with TestRail CLI

Differences between testrail-reporter and TestRail CLI (The TestRail CLI is a command-line interface tool developed by the TestRail team, allowing users to upload test automation results from any JUnit-style XML file to TestRail.)

Feature testrail-reporter TestRail CLI
Simultaneously Result Updates Supported Not supported
Specify an Interval to Periodically Update Results Supported Not supported
Custom Status Support (xfail, fixed) Support is Currently in Development Not supported
Updating Results After Running All Test Cases Supported Supported
Storing Step Results Supported Supported
Adding Comment to the Results Supported Supported
Creating New Run Supported Supported
Updating Existing Run Supported Supported
Attaching Screenshots or Logs Supported Supported
Adding New Case to Test Suite Supported Supported
Adding New Case to Existing Test Run Support is Currently in Development Supported

Self testing

To test the reporter, you can use the following steps:

  1. clone the repository
  2. run npm install to install the dependencies
  3. navigate to the frameworks folder
  4. choose the framework you want to test with
Playwright testing
  1. navigate to the playwright folder
  2. run npm install to install the dependencies
  3. set your testrail configurations in the testrail.config.js file
  4. update the playwright.config.ts file if needed
  5. set log level in src/logger.js file to debug for more detailed logs
  6. run npx playwright test to run the tests
Vitest testing
  1. navigate to the vitest folder
  2. run npm install to install the dependencies
  3. set your testrail configurations in the testrail.config.js file
  4. update the vitest.config.ts file if needed
  5. set log level in src/logger.js file to debug for more detailed logs
  6. run the tests using the appropriate script from the package.json file. For example npm run e2eSmokeTests or add your custom command


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.