From 784f552ffc9eabfb14b8429ae892ff8ff8068cab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tim Wojtulewicz Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 13:15:14 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Reformat C++ code in Spicy style --- .clang-format | 170 ++-- .pre-commit-config.yaml | 6 +- lib/binpac_analyzer.h | 24 +- lib/ | 841 +++++++--------- lib/binpac_buffer.h | 319 +++--- lib/ | 20 +- lib/binpac_bytestring.h | 212 ++-- lib/binpac_exception.h | 151 ++- lib/ | 10 +- lib/binpac_regex.h | 80 +- src/ | 159 ++- src/pac_action.h | 82 +- src/ | 564 +++++------ src/pac_analyzer.h | 201 ++-- src/ | 1288 +++++++++++-------------- src/pac_array.h | 111 ++- src/ | 101 +- src/pac_attr.h | 87 +- src/ | 190 ++-- src/pac_btype.h | 49 +- src/ | 818 ++++++++-------- src/pac_case.h | 106 +- src/pac_cclass.h | 62 +- src/pac_common.h | 48 +- src/ | 258 +++-- src/pac_conn.h | 33 +- src/ | 166 ++-- src/pac_context.h | 99 +- src/ | 217 ++--- src/pac_cstr.h | 21 +- src/ | 24 +- src/pac_ctype.h | 19 +- src/ | 115 +-- src/pac_datadep.h | 90 +- src/ | 98 +- src/pac_dataptr.h | 48 +- src/ | 58 +- src/pac_dataunit.h | 57 +- src/pac_dbg.h | 6 +- src/ | 254 +++-- src/pac_decl.h | 134 ++- src/ | 94 +- src/pac_embedded.h | 42 +- src/ | 107 +- src/pac_enum.h | 38 +- src/ | 111 +-- src/pac_exception.h | 111 +-- src/ | 1836 ++++++++++++++++------------------- src/pac_expr.h | 207 ++-- src/ | 97 +- src/pac_exttype.h | 42 +- src/ | 249 +++-- src/pac_field.h | 114 ++- src/ | 543 +++++------ src/pac_flow.h | 51 +- src/ | 189 ++-- src/pac_func.h | 73 +- src/ | 714 +++++++------- src/pac_id.h | 240 +++-- src/ | 41 +- src/pac_inputbuf.h | 15 +- src/ | 247 +++-- src/pac_let.h | 48 +- src/ | 445 ++++----- src/pac_number.h | 17 +- src/ | 136 ++- src/pac_output.h | 38 +- src/ | 91 +- src/pac_param.h | 38 +- src/ | 474 ++++----- src/pac_paramtype.h | 67 +- src/ | 42 +- src/pac_primitive.h | 79 +- src/ | 1146 ++++++++++------------ src/pac_record.h | 232 +++-- src/ | 263 +++-- src/ | 120 +-- src/pac_regex.h | 38 +- src/ | 29 +- src/pac_state.h | 25 +- src/ | 675 ++++++------- src/pac_strtype.h | 94 +- src/ | 1982 +++++++++++++++++--------------------- src/pac_type.h | 470 +++++---- src/ | 640 ++++++------ src/pac_typedecl.h | 55 +- src/ | 57 +- src/ | 5 +- src/pac_varfield.h | 61 +- src/ | 115 +-- src/pac_withinput.h | 33 +- 91 files changed, 9133 insertions(+), 10939 deletions(-) diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format index 4c628b3..b652ea6 100644 --- a/.clang-format +++ b/.clang-format @@ -1,74 +1,66 @@ -# Clang-format configuration for Zeek. This configuration requires -# at least clang-format 12.0.1 to format correctly. - -Language: Cpp -Standard: c++17 - -BreakBeforeBraces: Whitesmiths - -# BraceWrapping: -# AfterCaseLabel: true -# AfterClass: false -# AfterControlStatement: Always -# AfterEnum: false -# AfterFunction: true -# AfterNamespace: false -# AfterStruct: false -# AfterUnion: false -# AfterExternBlock: false -# BeforeCatch: true -# BeforeElse: true -# BeforeWhile: false -# IndentBraces: true -# SplitEmptyFunction: false -# SplitEmptyRecord: false -# SplitEmptyNamespace: false +# Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by the Zeek Project. See LICENSE for details. +--- +Language: Cpp AccessModifierOffset: -4 AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align -AlignTrailingComments: false -AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Empty -AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: true -AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Inline +AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false +AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false +AlignEscapedNewlines: Right +AlignOperands: true +AlignTrailingComments: true +AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false +AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: true +AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: true AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false -AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: Empty AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false +AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: true +AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes BinPackArguments: true BinPackParameters: true -BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon +BraceWrapping: + AfterClass: false + AfterControlStatement: false + AfterEnum: false + AfterFunction: false + AfterNamespace: false + AfterObjCDeclaration: false + AfterStruct: false + AfterUnion: false + AfterExternBlock: false + BeforeCatch: false + BeforeElse: true + IndentBraces: false + SplitEmptyFunction: false + SplitEmptyRecord: false + SplitEmptyNamespace: false +BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None +BreakBeforeBraces: Custom +BreakBeforeInheritanceComma: false BreakInheritanceList: BeforeColon -ColumnLimit: 100 -ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false -FixNamespaceComments: false -IndentCaseLabels: true -IndentCaseBlocks: false -IndentExternBlock: NoIndent -IndentPPDirectives: None -IndentWidth: 4 -NamespaceIndentation: None -PointerAlignment: Left -SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false -SpaceAfterLogicalNot: true -SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true -SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: false -SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true -SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: true -SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements -SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true -SpaceInEmptyBlock: true -SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false -SpacesInAngles: false -SpacesInConditionalStatement: true -SpacesInContainerLiterals: false -SpacesInParentheses: false -TabWidth: 4 -UseTab: AlignWithSpaces - -# Setting this to a high number causes clang-format to prefer breaking somewhere else -# over breaking after the assignment operator in a line that's over the column limit -PenaltyBreakAssignment: 100 - +BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: false +BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false +BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon +BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false +BreakStringLiterals: true +ColumnLimit: 120 +CommentPragmas: 'NOLINT' +CompactNamespaces: false +ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true +ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 +ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 +Cpp11BracedListStyle: true +DerivePointerAlignment: false +DisableFormat: false +ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false +FixNamespaceComments: true +ForEachMacros: + - foreach + - Q_FOREACH + - BOOST_FOREACH IncludeBlocks: Regroup # Include categories go like this: @@ -98,3 +90,57 @@ IncludeCategories: Priority: 4 - Regex: '.*' Priority: 5 + +IncludeIsMainRegex: '$' +IndentCaseLabels: true +IndentPPDirectives: None +IndentWidth: 4 +IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false +JavaScriptQuotes: Leave +JavaScriptWrapImports: true +KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false +MacroBlockBegin: '^BEGIN_' +MacroBlockEnd: '^END_' +MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 2 +NamespaceIndentation: None +ObjCBinPackProtocolList: Auto +ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2 +ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false +ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true +PenaltyBreakAssignment: 2 +PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 500 +PenaltyBreakComment: 300 +PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120 +PenaltyBreakString: 1000 +PenaltyBreakTemplateDeclaration: 10 +PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000 +PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 1000 +PointerAlignment: Left +ReflowComments: true +SortIncludes: true +SortUsingDeclarations: true +SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false +SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: false +SpaceAfterLogicalNot: true +SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true +SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: false +SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true +SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: true +SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements +SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true +SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false +SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1 +SpacesInAngles: false +SpacesInContainerLiterals: true +SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false +SpacesInParentheses: false +SpacesInSquareBrackets: false +SpacesInConditionalStatement: true +Standard: Cpp11 +StatementMacros: + - STANDARD_OPERATOR_1 +TabWidth: 4 +UseTab: Never +--- +Language: Json +... diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml index 50844cf..a835b1b 100644 --- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml +++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml @@ -3,9 +3,13 @@ # repos: - repo: - rev: 'v13.0.0' + rev: 'v17.0.3' hooks: - id: clang-format + types_or: + - "c" + - "c++" + - "json" - repo: rev: diff --git a/lib/binpac_analyzer.h b/lib/binpac_analyzer.h index c49fe22..23931ee 100644 --- a/lib/binpac_analyzer.h +++ b/lib/binpac_analyzer.h @@ -1,28 +1,24 @@ #ifndef binpac_an_h #define binpac_an_h -namespace binpac - { +namespace binpac { // TODO: Add the Done() function // The interface for a connection analyzer -class ConnectionAnalyzer - { +class ConnectionAnalyzer { public: - virtual ~ConnectionAnalyzer() { } - virtual void NewData(bool is_orig, const unsigned char* begin_of_data, - const unsigned char* end_of_data) = 0; - }; + virtual ~ConnectionAnalyzer() {} + virtual void NewData(bool is_orig, const unsigned char* begin_of_data, const unsigned char* end_of_data) = 0; +}; // The interface for a flow analyzer -class FlowAnalyzer - { +class FlowAnalyzer { public: - virtual ~FlowAnalyzer() { } - virtual void NewData(const unsigned char* begin_of_data, const unsigned char* end_of_data) = 0; - }; + virtual ~FlowAnalyzer() {} + virtual void NewData(const unsigned char* begin_of_data, const unsigned char* end_of_data) = 0; +}; - } // namespace binpac +} // namespace binpac #endif // binpac_an_h diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/ index 61b4c23..915c370 100644 --- a/lib/ +++ b/lib/ @@ -7,310 +7,248 @@ #include "binpac.h" #include "binpac_buffer.h" -namespace binpac - { +namespace binpac { extern double network_time(); -namespace - { +namespace { const unsigned char CR = '\r'; const unsigned char LF = '\n'; - } +} // namespace binpac::FlowBuffer::Policy binpac::FlowBuffer::policy = { - // max_capacity - 10 * 1024 * 1024, - // min_capacity - 512, - // contract_threshold - 2 * 1024 * 1024, + // max_capacity + 10 * 1024 * 1024, + // min_capacity + 512, + // contract_threshold + 2 * 1024 * 1024, }; -FlowBuffer::FlowBuffer(LineBreakStyle linebreak_style) - { - buffer_length_ = 0; - buffer_ = nullptr; - - orig_data_begin_ = nullptr; - orig_data_end_ = nullptr; - - linebreak_style_ = linebreak_style; - linebreak_style_default = linebreak_style; - linebreaker_ = 0; - ResetLineState(); - - mode_ = UNKNOWN_MODE; - frame_length_ = 0; - chunked_ = false; - - data_seq_at_orig_data_end_ = 0; - eof_ = false; - have_pending_request_ = false; - - buffer_n_ = 0; - - NewMessage(); - } - -FlowBuffer::~FlowBuffer() - { - if ( buffer_ ) - free(buffer_); - } - -void FlowBuffer::NewMessage() - { - BINPAC_ASSERT(frame_length_ >= 0); - - int bytes_to_advance = 0; - if ( buffer_n_ == 0 ) - { - switch ( mode_ ) - { - case LINE_MODE: - bytes_to_advance = (frame_length_ + (linebreak_style_ == STRICT_CRLF ? 2 : 1)); - break; - case FRAME_MODE: - bytes_to_advance = frame_length_; - break; - case UNKNOWN_MODE: - break; - } - } - - orig_data_begin_ += bytes_to_advance; - BINPAC_ASSERT(orig_data_begin_ <= orig_data_end_); - - buffer_n_ = 0; - message_complete_ = false; - ContractBuffer(); - } - -void FlowBuffer::ResetLineState() - { - switch ( linebreak_style_ ) - { - case CR_OR_LF: - state_ = CR_OR_LF_0; - break; - case STRICT_CRLF: - state_ = STRICT_CRLF_0; - break; - case LINE_BREAKER: - break; // Nothing to reset - default: - BINPAC_ASSERT(0); - break; - } - } - -void FlowBuffer::ExpandBuffer(int length) - { - if ( buffer_length_ >= length ) - return; - - if ( length < policy.min_capacity ) - length = policy.min_capacity; - - if ( length < buffer_length_ * 2 ) - length = buffer_length_ * 2; - - if ( length > policy.max_capacity ) - { - std::string reason = strfmt("expand past max capacity %d/%d", length, policy.max_capacity); - throw ExceptionFlowBufferAlloc(reason.c_str()); - } - - // Allocate a new buffer and copy the existing contents - buffer_length_ = length; - unsigned char* new_buf = (unsigned char*)realloc(buffer_, buffer_length_); - - if ( ! new_buf ) - throw ExceptionFlowBufferAlloc("expand realloc OOM"); - - buffer_ = new_buf; - } - -void FlowBuffer::ContractBuffer() - { - if ( buffer_length_ < policy.contract_threshold ) - return; - - buffer_length_ = policy.min_capacity; - unsigned char* new_buf = (unsigned char*)realloc(buffer_, buffer_length_); - - if ( ! new_buf ) - throw ExceptionFlowBufferAlloc("contract realloc OOM"); - - buffer_ = new_buf; - } - -void FlowBuffer::SetLineBreaker(unsigned char* lbreaker) - { - linebreaker_ = *lbreaker; - linebreak_style_default = linebreak_style_; - linebreak_style_ = LINE_BREAKER; - } - -void FlowBuffer::UnsetLineBreaker() - { - linebreak_style_ = linebreak_style_default; - } - -void FlowBuffer::NewLine() - { - FlowBuffer::NewMessage(); - mode_ = LINE_MODE; - frame_length_ = 0; - chunked_ = false; - have_pending_request_ = true; - if ( state_ == FRAME_0 ) - ResetLineState(); - MarkOrCopyLine(); - } - -void FlowBuffer::NewFrame(int frame_length, bool chunked) - { - FlowBuffer::NewMessage(); - mode_ = FRAME_MODE; - frame_length_ = frame_length; - chunked_ = chunked; - have_pending_request_ = true; - MarkOrCopyFrame(); - } - -void FlowBuffer::BufferData(const_byteptr data, const_byteptr end) - { - mode_ = FRAME_MODE; - frame_length_ += (end - data); - MarkOrCopyFrame(); - NewData(data, end); - } - -void FlowBuffer::FinishBuffer() - { - message_complete_ = true; - } - -void FlowBuffer::GrowFrame(int length) - { - BINPAC_ASSERT(frame_length_ >= 0); - if ( length <= frame_length_ ) - return; - BINPAC_ASSERT(! chunked_ || frame_length_ == 0); - mode_ = FRAME_MODE; - frame_length_ = length; - MarkOrCopyFrame(); - } - -void FlowBuffer::DiscardData() - { - mode_ = UNKNOWN_MODE; - message_complete_ = false; - have_pending_request_ = false; - orig_data_begin_ = orig_data_end_ = nullptr; - - buffer_n_ = 0; - frame_length_ = 0; - ContractBuffer(); - } - -void FlowBuffer::set_eof() - { - // fprintf(stderr, "EOF\n"); - eof_ = true; - if ( chunked_ ) - frame_length_ = orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_; - if ( frame_length_ < 0 ) - frame_length_ = 0; - } - -void FlowBuffer::NewData(const_byteptr begin, const_byteptr end) - { - BINPAC_ASSERT(begin <= end); - - ClearPreviousData(); - - BINPAC_ASSERT((buffer_n_ == 0 && message_complete_) || orig_data_begin_ == orig_data_end_); - - orig_data_begin_ = begin; - orig_data_end_ = end; - data_seq_at_orig_data_end_ += (end - begin); - - MarkOrCopy(); - } - -void FlowBuffer::MarkOrCopy() - { - if ( ! message_complete_ ) - { - switch ( mode_ ) - { - case LINE_MODE: - MarkOrCopyLine(); - break; - - case FRAME_MODE: - MarkOrCopyFrame(); - break; - - default: - break; - } - } - } - -void FlowBuffer::ClearPreviousData() - { - // All previous data must have been processed or buffered already - if ( orig_data_begin_ < orig_data_end_ ) - { - BINPAC_ASSERT(buffer_n_ == 0); - if ( chunked_ ) - { - if ( frame_length_ > 0 ) - { - frame_length_ -= (orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_); - } - orig_data_begin_ = orig_data_end_; - } - } - } - -void FlowBuffer::NewGap(int length) - { - ClearPreviousData(); - - if ( chunked_ && frame_length_ >= 0 ) - { - frame_length_ -= length; - if ( frame_length_ < 0 ) - frame_length_ = 0; - } - - orig_data_begin_ = orig_data_end_ = nullptr; - MarkOrCopy(); - } - -void FlowBuffer::MarkOrCopyLine() - { - switch ( linebreak_style_ ) - { - case CR_OR_LF: - MarkOrCopyLine_CR_OR_LF(); - break; - case STRICT_CRLF: - MarkOrCopyLine_STRICT_CRLF(); - break; - case LINE_BREAKER: - MarkOrCopyLine_LINEBREAK(); - break; - default: - BINPAC_ASSERT(0); - break; - } - } +FlowBuffer::FlowBuffer(LineBreakStyle linebreak_style) { + buffer_length_ = 0; + buffer_ = nullptr; + + orig_data_begin_ = nullptr; + orig_data_end_ = nullptr; + + linebreak_style_ = linebreak_style; + linebreak_style_default = linebreak_style; + linebreaker_ = 0; + ResetLineState(); + + mode_ = UNKNOWN_MODE; + frame_length_ = 0; + chunked_ = false; + + data_seq_at_orig_data_end_ = 0; + eof_ = false; + have_pending_request_ = false; + + buffer_n_ = 0; + + NewMessage(); +} + +FlowBuffer::~FlowBuffer() { + if ( buffer_ ) + free(buffer_); +} + +void FlowBuffer::NewMessage() { + BINPAC_ASSERT(frame_length_ >= 0); + + int bytes_to_advance = 0; + if ( buffer_n_ == 0 ) { + switch ( mode_ ) { + case LINE_MODE: bytes_to_advance = (frame_length_ + (linebreak_style_ == STRICT_CRLF ? 2 : 1)); break; + case FRAME_MODE: bytes_to_advance = frame_length_; break; + case UNKNOWN_MODE: break; + } + } + + orig_data_begin_ += bytes_to_advance; + BINPAC_ASSERT(orig_data_begin_ <= orig_data_end_); + + buffer_n_ = 0; + message_complete_ = false; + ContractBuffer(); +} + +void FlowBuffer::ResetLineState() { + switch ( linebreak_style_ ) { + case CR_OR_LF: state_ = CR_OR_LF_0; break; + case STRICT_CRLF: state_ = STRICT_CRLF_0; break; + case LINE_BREAKER: break; // Nothing to reset + default: BINPAC_ASSERT(0); break; + } +} + +void FlowBuffer::ExpandBuffer(int length) { + if ( buffer_length_ >= length ) + return; + + if ( length < policy.min_capacity ) + length = policy.min_capacity; + + if ( length < buffer_length_ * 2 ) + length = buffer_length_ * 2; + + if ( length > policy.max_capacity ) { + std::string reason = strfmt("expand past max capacity %d/%d", length, policy.max_capacity); + throw ExceptionFlowBufferAlloc(reason.c_str()); + } + + // Allocate a new buffer and copy the existing contents + buffer_length_ = length; + unsigned char* new_buf = (unsigned char*)realloc(buffer_, buffer_length_); + + if ( ! new_buf ) + throw ExceptionFlowBufferAlloc("expand realloc OOM"); + + buffer_ = new_buf; +} + +void FlowBuffer::ContractBuffer() { + if ( buffer_length_ < policy.contract_threshold ) + return; + + buffer_length_ = policy.min_capacity; + unsigned char* new_buf = (unsigned char*)realloc(buffer_, buffer_length_); + + if ( ! new_buf ) + throw ExceptionFlowBufferAlloc("contract realloc OOM"); + + buffer_ = new_buf; +} + +void FlowBuffer::SetLineBreaker(unsigned char* lbreaker) { + linebreaker_ = *lbreaker; + linebreak_style_default = linebreak_style_; + linebreak_style_ = LINE_BREAKER; +} + +void FlowBuffer::UnsetLineBreaker() { linebreak_style_ = linebreak_style_default; } + +void FlowBuffer::NewLine() { + FlowBuffer::NewMessage(); + mode_ = LINE_MODE; + frame_length_ = 0; + chunked_ = false; + have_pending_request_ = true; + if ( state_ == FRAME_0 ) + ResetLineState(); + MarkOrCopyLine(); +} + +void FlowBuffer::NewFrame(int frame_length, bool chunked) { + FlowBuffer::NewMessage(); + mode_ = FRAME_MODE; + frame_length_ = frame_length; + chunked_ = chunked; + have_pending_request_ = true; + MarkOrCopyFrame(); +} + +void FlowBuffer::BufferData(const_byteptr data, const_byteptr end) { + mode_ = FRAME_MODE; + frame_length_ += (end - data); + MarkOrCopyFrame(); + NewData(data, end); +} + +void FlowBuffer::FinishBuffer() { message_complete_ = true; } + +void FlowBuffer::GrowFrame(int length) { + BINPAC_ASSERT(frame_length_ >= 0); + if ( length <= frame_length_ ) + return; + BINPAC_ASSERT(! chunked_ || frame_length_ == 0); + mode_ = FRAME_MODE; + frame_length_ = length; + MarkOrCopyFrame(); +} + +void FlowBuffer::DiscardData() { + mode_ = UNKNOWN_MODE; + message_complete_ = false; + have_pending_request_ = false; + orig_data_begin_ = orig_data_end_ = nullptr; + + buffer_n_ = 0; + frame_length_ = 0; + ContractBuffer(); +} + +void FlowBuffer::set_eof() { + // fprintf(stderr, "EOF\n"); + eof_ = true; + if ( chunked_ ) + frame_length_ = orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_; + if ( frame_length_ < 0 ) + frame_length_ = 0; +} + +void FlowBuffer::NewData(const_byteptr begin, const_byteptr end) { + BINPAC_ASSERT(begin <= end); + + ClearPreviousData(); + + BINPAC_ASSERT((buffer_n_ == 0 && message_complete_) || orig_data_begin_ == orig_data_end_); + + orig_data_begin_ = begin; + orig_data_end_ = end; + data_seq_at_orig_data_end_ += (end - begin); + + MarkOrCopy(); +} + +void FlowBuffer::MarkOrCopy() { + if ( ! message_complete_ ) { + switch ( mode_ ) { + case LINE_MODE: MarkOrCopyLine(); break; + + case FRAME_MODE: MarkOrCopyFrame(); break; + + default: break; + } + } +} + +void FlowBuffer::ClearPreviousData() { + // All previous data must have been processed or buffered already + if ( orig_data_begin_ < orig_data_end_ ) { + BINPAC_ASSERT(buffer_n_ == 0); + if ( chunked_ ) { + if ( frame_length_ > 0 ) { + frame_length_ -= (orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_); + } + orig_data_begin_ = orig_data_end_; + } + } +} + +void FlowBuffer::NewGap(int length) { + ClearPreviousData(); + + if ( chunked_ && frame_length_ >= 0 ) { + frame_length_ -= length; + if ( frame_length_ < 0 ) + frame_length_ = 0; + } + + orig_data_begin_ = orig_data_end_ = nullptr; + MarkOrCopy(); +} + +void FlowBuffer::MarkOrCopyLine() { + switch ( linebreak_style_ ) { + case CR_OR_LF: MarkOrCopyLine_CR_OR_LF(); break; + case STRICT_CRLF: MarkOrCopyLine_STRICT_CRLF(); break; + case LINE_BREAKER: MarkOrCopyLine_LINEBREAK(); break; + default: BINPAC_ASSERT(0); break; + } +} /* Finite state automaton for CR_OR_LF: @@ -327,57 +265,49 @@ Finite state automaton for CR_OR_LF: .: CR_OR_LF_0 * */ -void FlowBuffer::MarkOrCopyLine_CR_OR_LF() - { - if ( ! (orig_data_begin_ && orig_data_end_) ) - return; - - if ( state_ == CR_OR_LF_1 && orig_data_begin_ < orig_data_end_ && *orig_data_begin_ == LF ) - { - state_ = CR_OR_LF_0; - ++orig_data_begin_; - } - - const_byteptr data; - for ( data = orig_data_begin_; data < orig_data_end_; ++data ) - { - switch ( *data ) - { - case CR: - state_ = CR_OR_LF_1; - goto found_end_of_line; - - case LF: - // state_ = CR_OR_LF_0; - goto found_end_of_line; - - default: - // state_ = CR_OR_LF_0; - break; - } - } - - AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_); - return; +void FlowBuffer::MarkOrCopyLine_CR_OR_LF() { + if ( ! (orig_data_begin_ && orig_data_end_) ) + return; + + if ( state_ == CR_OR_LF_1 && orig_data_begin_ < orig_data_end_ && *orig_data_begin_ == LF ) { + state_ = CR_OR_LF_0; + ++orig_data_begin_; + } + + const_byteptr data; + for ( data = orig_data_begin_; data < orig_data_end_; ++data ) { + switch ( *data ) { + case CR: state_ = CR_OR_LF_1; goto found_end_of_line; + + case LF: + // state_ = CR_OR_LF_0; + goto found_end_of_line; + + default: + // state_ = CR_OR_LF_0; + break; + } + } + + AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_); + return; found_end_of_line: - if ( buffer_n_ == 0 ) - { - frame_length_ = data - orig_data_begin_; - } - else - { - AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, data + 1 - orig_data_begin_); - // But eliminate the last CR or LF - --buffer_n_; - } - message_complete_ = true; + if ( buffer_n_ == 0 ) { + frame_length_ = data - orig_data_begin_; + } + else { + AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, data + 1 - orig_data_begin_); + // But eliminate the last CR or LF + --buffer_n_; + } + message_complete_ = true; #if DEBUG_FLOW_BUFFER - fprintf(stderr, "%.6f Line complete: [%s]\n", network_time(), - string((const char*)begin(), (const char*)end()).c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "%.6f Line complete: [%s]\n", network_time(), + string((const char*)begin(), (const char*)end()).c_str()); #endif - } +} /* Finite state automaton and STRICT_CRLF: @@ -394,87 +324,73 @@ Finite state automaton and STRICT_CRLF: .: STRICT_CRLF_0 * */ -void FlowBuffer::MarkOrCopyLine_STRICT_CRLF() - { - const_byteptr data; - for ( data = orig_data_begin_; data < orig_data_end_; ++data ) - { - switch ( *data ) - { - case CR: - state_ = STRICT_CRLF_1; - break; - - case LF: - if ( state_ == STRICT_CRLF_1 ) - { - state_ = STRICT_CRLF_0; - goto found_end_of_line; - } - break; - - default: - state_ = STRICT_CRLF_0; - break; - } - } - - AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_); - return; +void FlowBuffer::MarkOrCopyLine_STRICT_CRLF() { + const_byteptr data; + for ( data = orig_data_begin_; data < orig_data_end_; ++data ) { + switch ( *data ) { + case CR: state_ = STRICT_CRLF_1; break; + + case LF: + if ( state_ == STRICT_CRLF_1 ) { + state_ = STRICT_CRLF_0; + goto found_end_of_line; + } + break; + + default: state_ = STRICT_CRLF_0; break; + } + } + + AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_); + return; found_end_of_line: - if ( buffer_n_ == 0 ) - { - frame_length_ = data - 1 - orig_data_begin_; - } - else - { - AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, data + 1 - orig_data_begin_); - // Pop the preceding CR and LF from the buffer - buffer_n_ -= 2; - } - - message_complete_ = true; + if ( buffer_n_ == 0 ) { + frame_length_ = data - 1 - orig_data_begin_; + } + else { + AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, data + 1 - orig_data_begin_); + // Pop the preceding CR and LF from the buffer + buffer_n_ -= 2; + } + + message_complete_ = true; #if DEBUG_FLOW_BUFFER - fprintf(stderr, "%.6f Line complete: [%s]\n", network_time(), - string((const char*)begin(), (const char*)end()).c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "%.6f Line complete: [%s]\n", network_time(), + string((const char*)begin(), (const char*)end()).c_str()); #endif - } +} -void FlowBuffer::MarkOrCopyLine_LINEBREAK() - { - if ( ! (orig_data_begin_ && orig_data_end_) ) - return; +void FlowBuffer::MarkOrCopyLine_LINEBREAK() { + if ( ! (orig_data_begin_ && orig_data_end_) ) + return; - const_byteptr data; - for ( data = orig_data_begin_; data < orig_data_end_; ++data ) - { - if ( *data == linebreaker_ ) - goto found_end_of_line; - } + const_byteptr data; + for ( data = orig_data_begin_; data < orig_data_end_; ++data ) { + if ( *data == linebreaker_ ) + goto found_end_of_line; + } - AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_); - return; + AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_); + return; found_end_of_line: - if ( buffer_n_ == 0 ) - { - frame_length_ = data - orig_data_begin_; - } - else - { - AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, data + 1 - orig_data_begin_); - // But eliminate the last 'linebreaker' character - --buffer_n_; - } - message_complete_ = true; + if ( buffer_n_ == 0 ) { + frame_length_ = data - orig_data_begin_; + } + else { + AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, data + 1 - orig_data_begin_); + // But eliminate the last 'linebreaker' character + --buffer_n_; + } + message_complete_ = true; #if DEBUG_FLOW_BUFFER - fprintf(stderr, "%.6f Line complete: [%s]\n", network_time(), - string((const char*)begin(), (const char*)end()).c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "%.6f Line complete: [%s]\n", network_time(), + string((const char*)begin(), (const char*)end()).c_str()); #endif - } +} // Invariants: // @@ -484,69 +400,58 @@ void FlowBuffer::MarkOrCopyLine_LINEBREAK() // When buffer_n_ > 0: // Frame = [0..buffer_n_][orig_data_begin_..] -void FlowBuffer::MarkOrCopyFrame() - { - if ( mode_ == FRAME_MODE && state_ == CR_OR_LF_1 && orig_data_begin_ < orig_data_end_ ) - { - // Skip the lingering LF - if ( *orig_data_begin_ == LF ) - { - ++orig_data_begin_; - } - state_ = FRAME_0; - } - - if ( buffer_n_ == 0 ) - { - // If there is enough data - if ( frame_length_ >= 0 && orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_ >= frame_length_ ) - { - // Do nothing except setting the message complete flag - message_complete_ = true; - } - else - { - if ( ! chunked_ ) - { - AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_); - } - message_complete_ = false; - } - } - else - { - BINPAC_ASSERT(! chunked_); - int bytes_to_copy = orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_; - message_complete_ = false; - if ( frame_length_ >= 0 && buffer_n_ + bytes_to_copy >= frame_length_ ) - { - bytes_to_copy = frame_length_ - buffer_n_; - message_complete_ = true; - } - AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, bytes_to_copy); - } +void FlowBuffer::MarkOrCopyFrame() { + if ( mode_ == FRAME_MODE && state_ == CR_OR_LF_1 && orig_data_begin_ < orig_data_end_ ) { + // Skip the lingering LF + if ( *orig_data_begin_ == LF ) { + ++orig_data_begin_; + } + state_ = FRAME_0; + } + + if ( buffer_n_ == 0 ) { + // If there is enough data + if ( frame_length_ >= 0 && orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_ >= frame_length_ ) { + // Do nothing except setting the message complete flag + message_complete_ = true; + } + else { + if ( ! chunked_ ) { + AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_); + } + message_complete_ = false; + } + } + else { + BINPAC_ASSERT(! chunked_); + int bytes_to_copy = orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_; + message_complete_ = false; + if ( frame_length_ >= 0 && buffer_n_ + bytes_to_copy >= frame_length_ ) { + bytes_to_copy = frame_length_ - buffer_n_; + message_complete_ = true; + } + AppendToBuffer(orig_data_begin_, bytes_to_copy); + } #if DEBUG_FLOW_BUFFER - if ( message_complete_ ) - { - fprintf(stderr, "%.6f frame complete: [%s]\n", network_time(), - string((const char*)begin(), (const char*)end()).c_str()); - } + if ( message_complete_ ) { + fprintf(stderr, "%.6f frame complete: [%s]\n", network_time(), + string((const char*)begin(), (const char*)end()).c_str()); + } #endif - } +} -void FlowBuffer::AppendToBuffer(const_byteptr data, int len) - { - if ( len <= 0 ) - return; +void FlowBuffer::AppendToBuffer(const_byteptr data, int len) { + if ( len <= 0 ) + return; - BINPAC_ASSERT(! chunked_); - ExpandBuffer(buffer_n_ + len); - memcpy(buffer_ + buffer_n_, data, len); - buffer_n_ += len; + BINPAC_ASSERT(! chunked_); + ExpandBuffer(buffer_n_ + len); + memcpy(buffer_ + buffer_n_, data, len); + buffer_n_ += len; - orig_data_begin_ += len; - BINPAC_ASSERT(orig_data_begin_ <= orig_data_end_); - } + orig_data_begin_ += len; + BINPAC_ASSERT(orig_data_begin_ <= orig_data_end_); +} - } // namespace binpac +} // namespace binpac diff --git a/lib/binpac_buffer.h b/lib/binpac_buffer.h index 92bbf83..3eb118e 100644 --- a/lib/binpac_buffer.h +++ b/lib/binpac_buffer.h @@ -5,179 +5,164 @@ #include "binpac.h" -namespace binpac - { +namespace binpac { -class FlowBuffer - { +class FlowBuffer { public: - struct Policy - { - int max_capacity; - int min_capacity; - int contract_threshold; - }; - - enum LineBreakStyle - { - CR_OR_LF, // CR or LF or CRLF - STRICT_CRLF, // CR followed by LF - CR_LF_NUL, // CR or LF or CR-LF or CR-NUL - LINE_BREAKER, // User specified linebreaker - }; - - FlowBuffer(LineBreakStyle linebreak_style = CR_OR_LF); - virtual ~FlowBuffer(); - - void NewData(const_byteptr begin, const_byteptr end); - void NewGap(int length); - - // Interface for delayed parsing. Sometimes BinPAC doesn't get the - // buffering right and then one can use these to feed parts - // individually and assemble them internally. After calling - // FinishBuffer(), one can send the uppper-layer flow an FlowEOF() to - // trigger parsing. - void BufferData(const_byteptr data, const_byteptr end); - void FinishBuffer(); - - // Discard unprocessed data - void DiscardData(); - - // Whether there is enough data for the frame - bool ready() const { return message_complete_ || mode_ == UNKNOWN_MODE; } - - inline const_byteptr begin() const - { - BINPAC_ASSERT(ready()); - return (buffer_n_ == 0) ? orig_data_begin_ : buffer_; - } - - inline const_byteptr end() const - { - BINPAC_ASSERT(ready()); - if ( buffer_n_ == 0 ) - { - BINPAC_ASSERT(frame_length_ >= 0); - const_byteptr end = orig_data_begin_ + frame_length_; - BINPAC_ASSERT(end <= orig_data_end_); - return end; - } - else - return buffer_ + buffer_n_; - } - - inline int data_length() const - { - if ( buffer_n_ > 0 ) - return buffer_n_; - - if ( frame_length_ < 0 || orig_data_begin_ + frame_length_ > orig_data_end_ ) - return orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_; - else - return frame_length_; - } - - inline bool data_available() const - { - return buffer_n_ > 0 || orig_data_end_ > orig_data_begin_; - } - - void SetLineBreaker(unsigned char* lbreaker); - void UnsetLineBreaker(); - void NewLine(); - // A negative frame_length represents a frame till EOF - void NewFrame(int frame_length, bool chunked_); - void GrowFrame(int new_frame_length); - - int data_seq() const - { - int data_seq_at_orig_data_begin = data_seq_at_orig_data_end_ - - (orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_); - if ( buffer_n_ > 0 ) - return data_seq_at_orig_data_begin; - else - return data_seq_at_orig_data_begin + data_length(); - } - bool eof() const { return eof_; } - void set_eof(); - - bool have_pending_request() const { return have_pending_request_; } - - static void init(Policy p) { policy = p; } + struct Policy { + int max_capacity; + int min_capacity; + int contract_threshold; + }; + + enum LineBreakStyle { + CR_OR_LF, // CR or LF or CRLF + STRICT_CRLF, // CR followed by LF + CR_LF_NUL, // CR or LF or CR-LF or CR-NUL + LINE_BREAKER, // User specified linebreaker + }; + + FlowBuffer(LineBreakStyle linebreak_style = CR_OR_LF); + virtual ~FlowBuffer(); + + void NewData(const_byteptr begin, const_byteptr end); + void NewGap(int length); + + // Interface for delayed parsing. Sometimes BinPAC doesn't get the + // buffering right and then one can use these to feed parts + // individually and assemble them internally. After calling + // FinishBuffer(), one can send the uppper-layer flow an FlowEOF() to + // trigger parsing. + void BufferData(const_byteptr data, const_byteptr end); + void FinishBuffer(); + + // Discard unprocessed data + void DiscardData(); + + // Whether there is enough data for the frame + bool ready() const { return message_complete_ || mode_ == UNKNOWN_MODE; } + + inline const_byteptr begin() const { + BINPAC_ASSERT(ready()); + return (buffer_n_ == 0) ? orig_data_begin_ : buffer_; + } + + inline const_byteptr end() const { + BINPAC_ASSERT(ready()); + if ( buffer_n_ == 0 ) { + BINPAC_ASSERT(frame_length_ >= 0); + const_byteptr end = orig_data_begin_ + frame_length_; + BINPAC_ASSERT(end <= orig_data_end_); + return end; + } + else + return buffer_ + buffer_n_; + } + + inline int data_length() const { + if ( buffer_n_ > 0 ) + return buffer_n_; + + if ( frame_length_ < 0 || orig_data_begin_ + frame_length_ > orig_data_end_ ) + return orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_; + else + return frame_length_; + } + + inline bool data_available() const { return buffer_n_ > 0 || orig_data_end_ > orig_data_begin_; } + + void SetLineBreaker(unsigned char* lbreaker); + void UnsetLineBreaker(); + void NewLine(); + // A negative frame_length represents a frame till EOF + void NewFrame(int frame_length, bool chunked_); + void GrowFrame(int new_frame_length); + + int data_seq() const { + int data_seq_at_orig_data_begin = data_seq_at_orig_data_end_ - (orig_data_end_ - orig_data_begin_); + if ( buffer_n_ > 0 ) + return data_seq_at_orig_data_begin; + else + return data_seq_at_orig_data_begin + data_length(); + } + bool eof() const { return eof_; } + void set_eof(); + + bool have_pending_request() const { return have_pending_request_; } + + static void init(Policy p) { policy = p; } protected: - // Reset the buffer for a new message - void NewMessage(); - - void ClearPreviousData(); - - // Expand the buffer to at least bytes. If there - // are contents in the existing buffer, copy them to the new - // buffer. - void ExpandBuffer(int length); - - // Contract the buffer to some minimum capacity. - // Existing contents in the buffer are preserved (but only usage - // at the time of creation this function is when the contents - // are being discarded due to parsing exception or have already been - // copied out after parsing a complete unit). - void ContractBuffer(); - - // Reset line state when transit from frame mode to line mode. - void ResetLineState(); - - void AppendToBuffer(const_byteptr data, int len); - - // MarkOrCopy{Line,Frame} sets message_complete_ and - // marks begin/end pointers if a line/frame is complete, - // otherwise it clears message_complete_ and copies all - // the original data to the buffer. - // - void MarkOrCopy(); - void MarkOrCopyLine(); - void MarkOrCopyFrame(); - - void MarkOrCopyLine_CR_OR_LF(); - void MarkOrCopyLine_STRICT_CRLF(); - void MarkOrCopyLine_LINEBREAK(); - - int buffer_n_; // number of bytes in the buffer - int buffer_length_; // size of the buffer - unsigned char* buffer_; - bool message_complete_; - int frame_length_; - bool chunked_; - const_byteptr orig_data_begin_, orig_data_end_; - - LineBreakStyle linebreak_style_; - LineBreakStyle linebreak_style_default; - unsigned char linebreaker_; - - enum - { - UNKNOWN_MODE, - LINE_MODE, - FRAME_MODE, - } mode_; - - enum - { - CR_OR_LF_0, - CR_OR_LF_1, - STRICT_CRLF_0, - STRICT_CRLF_1, - FRAME_0, - } state_; - - int data_seq_at_orig_data_end_; - bool eof_; - bool have_pending_request_; - - static Policy policy; - }; + // Reset the buffer for a new message + void NewMessage(); + + void ClearPreviousData(); + + // Expand the buffer to at least bytes. If there + // are contents in the existing buffer, copy them to the new + // buffer. + void ExpandBuffer(int length); + + // Contract the buffer to some minimum capacity. + // Existing contents in the buffer are preserved (but only usage + // at the time of creation this function is when the contents + // are being discarded due to parsing exception or have already been + // copied out after parsing a complete unit). + void ContractBuffer(); + + // Reset line state when transit from frame mode to line mode. + void ResetLineState(); + + void AppendToBuffer(const_byteptr data, int len); + + // MarkOrCopy{Line,Frame} sets message_complete_ and + // marks begin/end pointers if a line/frame is complete, + // otherwise it clears message_complete_ and copies all + // the original data to the buffer. + // + void MarkOrCopy(); + void MarkOrCopyLine(); + void MarkOrCopyFrame(); + + void MarkOrCopyLine_CR_OR_LF(); + void MarkOrCopyLine_STRICT_CRLF(); + void MarkOrCopyLine_LINEBREAK(); + + int buffer_n_; // number of bytes in the buffer + int buffer_length_; // size of the buffer + unsigned char* buffer_; + bool message_complete_; + int frame_length_; + bool chunked_; + const_byteptr orig_data_begin_, orig_data_end_; + + LineBreakStyle linebreak_style_; + LineBreakStyle linebreak_style_default; + unsigned char linebreaker_; + + enum { + UNKNOWN_MODE, + LINE_MODE, + FRAME_MODE, + } mode_; + + enum { + CR_OR_LF_0, + CR_OR_LF_1, + STRICT_CRLF_0, + STRICT_CRLF_1, + FRAME_0, + } state_; + + int data_seq_at_orig_data_end_; + bool eof_; + bool have_pending_request_; + + static Policy policy; +}; typedef FlowBuffer* flow_buffer_t; - } // namespace binpac +} // namespace binpac #endif // binpac_buffer_h diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/ index 1bde160..be34209 100644 --- a/lib/ +++ b/lib/ @@ -4,22 +4,12 @@ #include -namespace binpac - { +namespace binpac { -std::string std_string(bytestring const* s) - { - return std::string((const char*)s->begin(), (const char*)s->end()); - } +std::string std_string(bytestring const* s) { return std::string((const char*)s->begin(), (const char*)s->end()); } -int bytestring_to_int(bytestring const* s) - { - return atoi((const char*)s->begin()); - } +int bytestring_to_int(bytestring const* s) { return atoi((const char*)s->begin()); } -double bytestring_to_double(bytestring const* s) - { - return atof((const char*)s->begin()); - } +double bytestring_to_double(bytestring const* s) { return atof((const char*)s->begin()); } - } // namespace binpac +} // namespace binpac diff --git a/lib/binpac_bytestring.h b/lib/binpac_bytestring.h index aba59c5..c9b856f 100644 --- a/lib/binpac_bytestring.h +++ b/lib/binpac_bytestring.h @@ -6,155 +6,137 @@ #include "binpac.h" -namespace binpac - { +namespace binpac { -template class datastring; +template +class datastring; -template class const_datastring - { +template +class const_datastring { public: - const_datastring() : begin_(0), end_(0) { } + const_datastring() : begin_(0), end_(0) {} - const_datastring(T const* data, int length) : begin_(data), end_(data + length) { } + const_datastring(T const* data, int length) : begin_(data), end_(data + length) {} - const_datastring(const T* begin, const T* end) : begin_(begin), end_(end) { } + const_datastring(const T* begin, const T* end) : begin_(begin), end_(end) {} - const_datastring(datastring const& s) : begin_(s.begin()), end_(s.end()) { } + const_datastring(datastring const& s) : begin_(s.begin()), end_(s.end()) {} - void init(const T* data, int length) - { - begin_ = data; - end_ = data + length; - } + void init(const T* data, int length) { + begin_ = data; + end_ = data + length; + } - T const* begin() const { return begin_; } - T const* end() const { return end_; } - int length() const { return end_ - begin_; } + T const* begin() const { return begin_; } + T const* end() const { return end_; } + int length() const { return end_ - begin_; } - T const& operator[](int index) const { return begin()[index]; } + T const& operator[](int index) const { return begin()[index]; } - bool operator==(const_datastring const& s) - { - if ( length() != s.length() ) - return false; - return memcmp((const void*)begin(), (const void*)s.begin(), sizeof(T) * length()) == 0; - } + bool operator==(const_datastring const& s) { + if ( length() != s.length() ) + return false; + return memcmp((const void*)begin(), (const void*)s.begin(), sizeof(T) * length()) == 0; + } - void set_begin(T const* begin) { begin_ = begin; } - void set_end(T const* end) { end_ = end; } + void set_begin(T const* begin) { begin_ = begin; } + void set_end(T const* end) { end_ = end; } private: - T const* begin_; - T const* end_; - }; + T const* begin_; + T const* end_; +}; typedef const_datastring const_bytestring; -template class datastring - { +template +class datastring { public: - datastring() { clear(); } + datastring() { clear(); } - datastring(T* data, int len) { set(data, len); } + datastring(T* data, int len) { set(data, len); } - datastring(T const* begin, T const* end) { set_const(begin, end - begin); } + datastring(T const* begin, T const* end) { set_const(begin, end - begin); } - datastring(datastring const& x) : data_(, length_(x.length()) { } + datastring(datastring const& x) : data_(, length_(x.length()) {} - explicit datastring(const_datastring const& x) { set_const(x.begin(), x.length()); } + explicit datastring(const_datastring const& x) { set_const(x.begin(), x.length()); } - datastring const& operator=(datastring const& x) - { - BINPAC_ASSERT(! data_); - set(, x.length()); - return *this; - } + datastring const& operator=(datastring const& x) { + BINPAC_ASSERT(! data_); + set(, x.length()); + return *this; + } - void init(T const* begin, int length) - { - BINPAC_ASSERT(! data_); - set_const(begin, length); - } + void init(T const* begin, int length) { + BINPAC_ASSERT(! data_); + set_const(begin, length); + } - void clear() - { - data_ = 0; - length_ = 0; - } + void clear() { + data_ = 0; + length_ = 0; + } - void free() - { - if ( data_ ) - delete[] data_; - clear(); - } + void free() { + if ( data_ ) + delete[] data_; + clear(); + } - void clone() { set_const(begin(), length()); } + void clone() { set_const(begin(), length()); } - datastring const& operator=(const_datastring const& x) - { - BINPAC_ASSERT(! data_); - set_const(x.begin(), x.length()); - return *this; - } + datastring const& operator=(const_datastring const& x) { + BINPAC_ASSERT(! data_); + set_const(x.begin(), x.length()); + return *this; + } - T const& operator[](int index) const { return begin()[index]; } + T const& operator[](int index) const { return begin()[index]; } - T* data() const { return data_; } - int length() const { return length_; } + T* data() const { return data_; } + int length() const { return length_; } - T const* begin() const { return data_; } - T const* end() const { return data_ + length_; } + T const* begin() const { return data_; } + T const* end() const { return data_ + length_; } private: - void set(T* data, int len) - { - data_ = data; - length_ = len; - } - - void set_const(T const* data, int len) - { - length_ = len; - data_ = new T[len + 1]; - memcpy(data_, data, sizeof(T) * len); - data_[len] = 0; - } - - T* data_; - int length_; - }; + void set(T* data, int len) { + data_ = data; + length_ = len; + } + + void set_const(T const* data, int len) { + length_ = len; + data_ = new T[len + 1]; + memcpy(data_, data, sizeof(T) * len); + data_[len] = 0; + } + + T* data_; + int length_; +}; typedef datastring bytestring; -inline const char* c_str(bytestring const& s) - { - return (const char*)s.begin(); - } - -inline std::string std_str(const_bytestring const& s) - { - return std::string((const char*)s.begin(), (const char*)s.end()); - } - -inline bool operator==(bytestring const& s1, const char* s2) - { - return strcmp(c_str(s1), s2) == 0; - } - -inline void get_pointers(const_bytestring const& s, uint8 const** pbegin, uint8 const** pend) - { - *pbegin = s.begin(); - *pend = s.end(); - } - -inline void get_pointers(bytestring const* s, uint8 const** pbegin, uint8 const** pend) - { - *pbegin = s->begin(); - *pend = s->end(); - } - - } // namespace binpac +inline const char* c_str(bytestring const& s) { return (const char*)s.begin(); } + +inline std::string std_str(const_bytestring const& s) { + return std::string((const char*)s.begin(), (const char*)s.end()); +} + +inline bool operator==(bytestring const& s1, const char* s2) { return strcmp(c_str(s1), s2) == 0; } + +inline void get_pointers(const_bytestring const& s, uint8 const** pbegin, uint8 const** pend) { + *pbegin = s.begin(); + *pend = s.end(); +} + +inline void get_pointers(bytestring const* s, uint8 const** pbegin, uint8 const** pend) { + *pbegin = s->begin(); + *pend = s->end(); +} + +} // namespace binpac #endif // binpac_bytestring_h diff --git a/lib/binpac_exception.h b/lib/binpac_exception.h index 3c9262d..6b4f57a 100644 --- a/lib/binpac_exception.h +++ b/lib/binpac_exception.h @@ -4,117 +4,92 @@ #include #include -namespace binpac - { +namespace binpac { -class Exception - { +class Exception { public: - Exception(const char* m = 0) : msg_("binpac exception: ") - { - if ( m ) - append(m); - // abort(); - } + Exception(const char* m = 0) : msg_("binpac exception: ") { + if ( m ) + append(m); + // abort(); + } - void append(string m) { msg_ += m; } - string msg() const { return msg_; } - const char* c_msg() const { return msg_.c_str(); } + void append(string m) { msg_ += m; } + string msg() const { return msg_; } + const char* c_msg() const { return msg_.c_str(); } protected: - string msg_; - }; + string msg_; +}; -class ExceptionEnforceViolation : public Exception - { +class ExceptionEnforceViolation : public Exception { public: - ExceptionEnforceViolation(const char* where) - { - append(binpac_fmt("&enforce violation : %s", where)); - } - }; - -class ExceptionOutOfBound : public Exception - { + ExceptionEnforceViolation(const char* where) { append(binpac_fmt("&enforce violation : %s", where)); } +}; + +class ExceptionOutOfBound : public Exception { public: - ExceptionOutOfBound(const char* where, int len_needed, int len_given) - { - append(binpac_fmt("out_of_bound: %s: %d > %d", where, len_needed, len_given)); - } - }; - -class ExceptionInvalidCase : public Exception - { + ExceptionOutOfBound(const char* where, int len_needed, int len_given) { + append(binpac_fmt("out_of_bound: %s: %d > %d", where, len_needed, len_given)); + } +}; + +class ExceptionInvalidCase : public Exception { public: - ExceptionInvalidCase(const char* location, int64_t index, const char* expected) - : location_(location), index_(index), expected_(expected) - { - append(binpac_fmt("invalid case: %s: %" PRIi64 " (%s)", location, index, expected)); - } + ExceptionInvalidCase(const char* location, int64_t index, const char* expected) + : location_(location), index_(index), expected_(expected) { + append(binpac_fmt("invalid case: %s: %" PRIi64 " (%s)", location, index, expected)); + } protected: - const char* location_; - int64_t index_; - string expected_; - }; + const char* location_; + int64_t index_; + string expected_; +}; -class ExceptionInvalidCaseIndex : public Exception - { +class ExceptionInvalidCaseIndex : public Exception { public: - ExceptionInvalidCaseIndex(const char* location, int64_t index) - : location_(location), index_(index) - { - append(binpac_fmt("invalid index for case: %s: %" PRIi64, location, index)); - } + ExceptionInvalidCaseIndex(const char* location, int64_t index) : location_(location), index_(index) { + append(binpac_fmt("invalid index for case: %s: %" PRIi64, location, index)); + } protected: - const char* location_; - int64_t index_; - }; + const char* location_; + int64_t index_; +}; -class ExceptionInvalidOffset : public Exception - { +class ExceptionInvalidOffset : public Exception { public: - ExceptionInvalidOffset(const char* location, int min_offset, int offset) - : location_(location), min_offset_(min_offset), offset_(offset) - { - append(binpac_fmt("invalid offset: %s: min_offset = %d, offset = %d", location, min_offset, - offset)); - } + ExceptionInvalidOffset(const char* location, int min_offset, int offset) + : location_(location), min_offset_(min_offset), offset_(offset) { + append(binpac_fmt("invalid offset: %s: min_offset = %d, offset = %d", location, min_offset, offset)); + } protected: - const char* location_; - int min_offset_, offset_; - }; + const char* location_; + int min_offset_, offset_; +}; -class ExceptionStringMismatch : public Exception - { +class ExceptionStringMismatch : public Exception { public: - ExceptionStringMismatch(const char* location, const char* expected, const char* actual_data) - { - append(binpac_fmt("string mismatch at %s: \nexpected pattern: \"%s\"\nactual data: \"%s\"", - location, expected, actual_data)); - } - }; - -class ExceptionInvalidStringLength : public Exception - { + ExceptionStringMismatch(const char* location, const char* expected, const char* actual_data) { + append(binpac_fmt("string mismatch at %s: \nexpected pattern: \"%s\"\nactual data: \"%s\"", location, expected, + actual_data)); + } +}; + +class ExceptionInvalidStringLength : public Exception { public: - ExceptionInvalidStringLength(const char* location, int len) - { - append(binpac_fmt("invalid length string: %s: %d", location, len)); - } - }; - -class ExceptionFlowBufferAlloc : public Exception - { + ExceptionInvalidStringLength(const char* location, int len) { + append(binpac_fmt("invalid length string: %s: %d", location, len)); + } +}; + +class ExceptionFlowBufferAlloc : public Exception { public: - ExceptionFlowBufferAlloc(const char* reason) - { - append(binpac_fmt("flowbuffer allocation failed: %s", reason)); - } - }; + ExceptionFlowBufferAlloc(const char* reason) { append(binpac_fmt("flowbuffer allocation failed: %s", reason)); } +}; - } +} // namespace binpac #endif // binpac_exception_h diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/ index c869754..3fb1467 100644 --- a/lib/ +++ b/lib/ @@ -1,14 +1,12 @@ #include -namespace zeek - { +namespace zeek { class RE_Matcher; - } +} -namespace binpac - { +namespace binpac { std::vector* uncompiled_re_matchers = nullptr; - } +} diff --git a/lib/binpac_regex.h b/lib/binpac_regex.h index 53c70e0..d8e2a05 100644 --- a/lib/binpac_regex.h +++ b/lib/binpac_regex.h @@ -5,13 +5,11 @@ #include "binpac.h" -namespace zeek - { +namespace zeek { class RE_Matcher; - } +} -namespace binpac - { +namespace binpac { // Must be called before any binpac functionality is used. // @@ -23,58 +21,52 @@ inline void init(FlowBuffer::Policy* fbp = 0); // Internal vector recording not yet compiled matchers. extern std::vector* uncompiled_re_matchers; -class RegExMatcher - { +class RegExMatcher { public: - RegExMatcher(const char* pattern) : pattern_(pattern) - { - if ( ! uncompiled_re_matchers ) - uncompiled_re_matchers = new std::vector; + RegExMatcher(const char* pattern) : pattern_(pattern) { + if ( ! uncompiled_re_matchers ) + uncompiled_re_matchers = new std::vector; - re_matcher_ = new zeek::RE_Matcher(pattern_.c_str()); - uncompiled_re_matchers->push_back(re_matcher_); - } + re_matcher_ = new zeek::RE_Matcher(pattern_.c_str()); + uncompiled_re_matchers->push_back(re_matcher_); + } - ~RegExMatcher() { delete re_matcher_; } + ~RegExMatcher() { delete re_matcher_; } - // Returns the length of longest match, or -1 on mismatch. - int MatchPrefix(const_byteptr data, int len) { return re_matcher_->MatchPrefix(data, len); } + // Returns the length of longest match, or -1 on mismatch. + int MatchPrefix(const_byteptr data, int len) { return re_matcher_->MatchPrefix(data, len); } private: - friend void ::binpac::init(FlowBuffer::Policy*); + friend void ::binpac::init(FlowBuffer::Policy*); - // Function, and state, for compiling matchers. - static void init(); + // Function, and state, for compiling matchers. + static void init(); - string pattern_; - zeek::RE_Matcher* re_matcher_; - }; + string pattern_; + zeek::RE_Matcher* re_matcher_; +}; -inline void RegExMatcher::init() - { - if ( ! uncompiled_re_matchers ) - return; +inline void RegExMatcher::init() { + if ( ! uncompiled_re_matchers ) + return; - for ( size_t i = 0; i < uncompiled_re_matchers->size(); ++i ) - { - if ( ! (*uncompiled_re_matchers)[i]->Compile() ) - { - fprintf(stderr, "binpac: cannot compile regular expression\n"); - exit(1); - } - } + for ( size_t i = 0; i < uncompiled_re_matchers->size(); ++i ) { + if ( ! (*uncompiled_re_matchers)[i]->Compile() ) { + fprintf(stderr, "binpac: cannot compile regular expression\n"); + exit(1); + } + } - uncompiled_re_matchers->clear(); - } + uncompiled_re_matchers->clear(); +} -inline void init(FlowBuffer::Policy* fbp) - { - RegExMatcher::init(); +inline void init(FlowBuffer::Policy* fbp) { + RegExMatcher::init(); - if ( fbp ) - FlowBuffer::init(*fbp); - } + if ( fbp ) + FlowBuffer::init(*fbp); +} - } // namespace binpac +} // namespace binpac #endif // binpac_regex_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 6a53618..05cd611 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -9,93 +9,72 @@ #include "pac_utils.h" AnalyzerAction::AnalyzerAction(ID* action_id, When when, ActionParam* param, EmbeddedCode* code) - : AnalyzerElement(ACTION), action_id_(action_id), when_(when), param_(param), code_(code), - analyzer_(nullptr) - { - } - -AnalyzerAction::~AnalyzerAction() - { - delete action_id_; - delete param_; - delete code_; - } - -string AnalyzerAction::action_function() const - { - return strfmt("Action_%s", action_id_->Name()); - } - -void AnalyzerAction::InstallHook(AnalyzerDecl* analyzer) - { - ASSERT(0); - analyzer_ = analyzer; - // param_->MainDataType()->InstallAction(this); - } - -void AnalyzerAction::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc, AnalyzerDecl* decl) - { - Env action_func_env(decl->env(), this); - action_func_env.AddID(param_->id(), TEMP_VAR, param_->DataType()); - action_func_env.SetEvaluated(param_->id()); - - string action_func_proto = strfmt("%s(%s)", action_function().c_str(), - ParamDecls(&action_func_env).c_str()); - - out_h->println("void %s;", action_func_proto.c_str()); - - out_cc->println("void %s::%s", decl->class_name().c_str(), action_func_proto.c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - code_->GenCode(out_cc, &action_func_env); - - out_cc->println(""); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println(""); - } - -string AnalyzerAction::ParamDecls(Env* env) const - { - return param_->DeclStr(env); - } - -Type* ActionParam::MainDataType() const - { - // Note: this is not equal to DataType() - Type* main_type = TypeDecl::LookUpType(type()->type_id()); - - if ( ! main_type ) - { - throw Exception(type()->type_id(), "type not defined"); - } - - return main_type; - } - -Type* ActionParam::DataType() const - { - Type* main_type = MainDataType(); - - if ( ! type()->field_id() ) - { - return main_type; - } - else - { - Type* member_type = main_type->MemberDataType(type()->field_id()); - if ( ! member_type ) - { - throw Exception(type()->field_id(), - strfmt("cannot find member type for `%s.%s'", type()->type_id()->Name(), - type()->field_id()->Name())); - } - return member_type; - } - } - -string ActionParam::DeclStr(Env* env) const - { - return strfmt("%s %s", DataType()->DataTypeStr().c_str(), env->LValue(id())); - } + : AnalyzerElement(ACTION), action_id_(action_id), when_(when), param_(param), code_(code), analyzer_(nullptr) {} + +AnalyzerAction::~AnalyzerAction() { + delete action_id_; + delete param_; + delete code_; +} + +string AnalyzerAction::action_function() const { return strfmt("Action_%s", action_id_->Name()); } + +void AnalyzerAction::InstallHook(AnalyzerDecl* analyzer) { + ASSERT(0); + analyzer_ = analyzer; + // param_->MainDataType()->InstallAction(this); +} + +void AnalyzerAction::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc, AnalyzerDecl* decl) { + Env action_func_env(decl->env(), this); + action_func_env.AddID(param_->id(), TEMP_VAR, param_->DataType()); + action_func_env.SetEvaluated(param_->id()); + + string action_func_proto = strfmt("%s(%s)", action_function().c_str(), ParamDecls(&action_func_env).c_str()); + + out_h->println("void %s;", action_func_proto.c_str()); + + out_cc->println("void %s::%s", decl->class_name().c_str(), action_func_proto.c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + code_->GenCode(out_cc, &action_func_env); + + out_cc->println(""); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println(""); +} + +string AnalyzerAction::ParamDecls(Env* env) const { return param_->DeclStr(env); } + +Type* ActionParam::MainDataType() const { + // Note: this is not equal to DataType() + Type* main_type = TypeDecl::LookUpType(type()->type_id()); + + if ( ! main_type ) { + throw Exception(type()->type_id(), "type not defined"); + } + + return main_type; +} + +Type* ActionParam::DataType() const { + Type* main_type = MainDataType(); + + if ( ! type()->field_id() ) { + return main_type; + } + else { + Type* member_type = main_type->MemberDataType(type()->field_id()); + if ( ! member_type ) { + throw Exception(type()->field_id(), strfmt("cannot find member type for `%s.%s'", type()->type_id()->Name(), + type()->field_id()->Name())); + } + return member_type; + } +} + +string ActionParam::DeclStr(Env* env) const { + return strfmt("%s %s", DataType()->DataTypeStr().c_str(), env->LValue(id())); +} diff --git a/src/pac_action.h b/src/pac_action.h index 9f2ffcd..3e8d435 100644 --- a/src/pac_action.h +++ b/src/pac_action.h @@ -6,71 +6,61 @@ #include "pac_analyzer.h" #include "pac_common.h" -class AnalyzerAction : public AnalyzerElement - { +class AnalyzerAction : public AnalyzerElement { public: - enum When - { - BEFORE, - AFTER - }; + enum When { BEFORE, AFTER }; - AnalyzerAction(ID* action_id, When when, ActionParam* param, EmbeddedCode* code); + AnalyzerAction(ID* action_id, When when, ActionParam* param, EmbeddedCode* code); - ~AnalyzerAction() override; + ~AnalyzerAction() override; - When when() const { return when_; } - ActionParam* param() const { return param_; } - AnalyzerDecl* analyzer() const { return analyzer_; } - string action_function() const; + When when() const { return when_; } + ActionParam* param() const { return param_; } + AnalyzerDecl* analyzer() const { return analyzer_; } + string action_function() const; - // Generate function prototype and code for the action - void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc, AnalyzerDecl* decl); + // Generate function prototype and code for the action + void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc, AnalyzerDecl* decl); - // Install the hook at the corresponding data type parsing - // function to invoke the action. - void InstallHook(AnalyzerDecl* analyzer); + // Install the hook at the corresponding data type parsing + // function to invoke the action. + void InstallHook(AnalyzerDecl* analyzer); private: - string ParamDecls(Env* env) const; + string ParamDecls(Env* env) const; - ID* action_id_; - When when_; - ActionParam* param_; - EmbeddedCode* code_; - AnalyzerDecl* analyzer_; - }; + ID* action_id_; + When when_; + ActionParam* param_; + EmbeddedCode* code_; + AnalyzerDecl* analyzer_; +}; -class ActionParam - { +class ActionParam { public: - ActionParam(const ID* id, ActionParamType* type) : id_(id), type_(type) { } + ActionParam(const ID* id, ActionParamType* type) : id_(id), type_(type) {} - const ID* id() const { return id_; } - ActionParamType* type() const { return type_; } + const ID* id() const { return id_; } + ActionParamType* type() const { return type_; } - Type* MainDataType() const; - Type* DataType() const; - string DeclStr(Env* env) const; + Type* MainDataType() const; + Type* DataType() const; + string DeclStr(Env* env) const; private: - const ID* id_; - ActionParamType* type_; - }; + const ID* id_; + ActionParamType* type_; +}; -class ActionParamType - { +class ActionParamType { public: - ActionParamType(const ID* type_id, const ID* field_id = 0) - : type_id_(type_id), field_id_(field_id) - { - } + ActionParamType(const ID* type_id, const ID* field_id = 0) : type_id_(type_id), field_id_(field_id) {} - const ID* type_id() const { return type_id_; } - const ID* field_id() const { return field_id_; } + const ID* type_id() const { return type_id_; } + const ID* field_id() const { return field_id_; } protected: - const ID *type_id_, *field_id_; - }; + const ID *type_id_, *field_id_; +}; #endif // pac_action_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 3a3b5a7..d404fa3 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -14,330 +14,250 @@ #include "pac_type.h" #include "pac_varfield.h" -AnalyzerDecl::AnalyzerDecl(ID* id, DeclType decl_type, ParamList* params) - : TypeDecl(id, params, new DummyType()) - { - decl_type_ = decl_type; - - statevars_ = new StateVarList(); - actions_ = new AnalyzerActionList(); - helpers_ = new AnalyzerHelperList(); - functions_ = new FunctionList(); - - constructor_helpers_ = new AnalyzerHelperList(); - destructor_helpers_ = new AnalyzerHelperList(); - eof_helpers_ = new AnalyzerHelperList(); - - SetAnalyzerContext(); - - env_ = nullptr; - } - -AnalyzerDecl::~AnalyzerDecl() - { - delete_list(StateVarList, statevars_); - delete_list(AnalyzerActionList, actions_); - delete_list(AnalyzerHelperList, helpers_); - delete_list(FunctionList, functions_); - delete_list(ParamList, params_); - delete_list(AnalyzerHelperList, constructor_helpers_); - delete_list(AnalyzerHelperList, destructor_helpers_); - delete_list(AnalyzerHelperList, eof_helpers_); - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::AddElements(AnalyzerElementList* elemlist) - { - ASSERT(! env_); - foreach (i, AnalyzerElementList, elemlist) - { - AnalyzerElement* elem = *i; - switch ( elem->type() ) - { - case AnalyzerElement::STATE: - { - ASSERT(0); - AnalyzerState* state_elem = (AnalyzerState*)elem; - statevars_->insert(statevars_->end(), state_elem->statevars()->begin(), - state_elem->statevars()->end()); - } - break; - case AnalyzerElement::ACTION: - { - ASSERT(0); - AnalyzerAction* action_elem = (AnalyzerAction*)elem; - actions_->push_back(action_elem); - } - break; - case AnalyzerElement::HELPER: - { - AnalyzerHelper* helper_elem = (AnalyzerHelper*)elem; - - switch ( helper_elem->helper_type() ) - { - case AnalyzerHelper::INIT_CODE: - constructor_helpers_->push_back(helper_elem); - break; - case AnalyzerHelper::CLEANUP_CODE: - destructor_helpers_->push_back(helper_elem); - break; - case AnalyzerHelper::EOF_CODE: - eof_helpers_->push_back(helper_elem); - break; - default: - helpers_->push_back(helper_elem); - } - } - break; - case AnalyzerElement::FUNCTION: - { - AnalyzerFunction* func_elem = (AnalyzerFunction*)elem; - Function* func = func_elem->function(); - func->set_analyzer_decl(this); - functions_->push_back(func); - } - break; - case AnalyzerElement::FLOW: - { - AnalyzerFlow* flow_elem = (AnalyzerFlow*)elem; - ProcessFlowElement(flow_elem); - } - break; - case AnalyzerElement::DATAUNIT: - { - AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_elem = (AnalyzerDataUnit*)elem; - ProcessDataUnitElement(dataunit_elem); - } - break; - } - } - } - -string AnalyzerDecl::class_name() const - { - return id_->Name(); - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::Prepare() - { - TypeDecl::Prepare(); - - ASSERT(statevars_->empty()); - ASSERT(actions_->empty()); - - foreach (i, FunctionList, functions_) - { - Function* function = *i; - function->Prepare(env_); - } - foreach (i, StateVarList, statevars_) - { - StateVar* statevar = *i; - env_->AddID(statevar->id(), STATE_VAR, statevar->type()); - } - foreach (i, AnalyzerActionList, actions_) - { - AnalyzerAction* action = *i; - action->InstallHook(this); - } - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) - { - out_h->println("class %s;", class_name().c_str()); - foreach (i, FunctionList, functions_) - { - Function* function = *i; - function->GenForwardDeclaration(out_h); - } - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::GenActions(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - foreach (i, AnalyzerActionList, actions_) - { - (*i)->GenCode(out_h, out_cc, this); - } - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::GenHelpers(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - foreach (i, AnalyzerHelperList, helpers_) - { - (*i)->GenCode(out_h, out_cc, this); - } - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - TypeDecl::GenPubDecls(out_h, out_cc); - - GenProcessFunc(out_h, out_cc); - GenGapFunc(out_h, out_cc); - GenEOFFunc(out_h, out_cc); - out_h->println(""); - - if ( ! functions_->empty() ) - { - out_h->println("// Functions"); - GenFunctions(out_h, out_cc); - out_h->println(""); - } - - // TODO: export public state variables - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - TypeDecl::GenPrivDecls(out_h, out_cc); - - if ( ! helpers_->empty() ) - { - out_h->println(""); - out_h->println("// Additional members"); - GenHelpers(out_h, out_cc); - } - - // TODO: declare state variables - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc) - { - TypeDecl::GenInitCode(out_cc); - foreach (i, AnalyzerHelperList, constructor_helpers_) - { - (*i)->GenCode(nullptr, out_cc, this); - } - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc) - { - TypeDecl::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc); - foreach (i, AnalyzerHelperList, destructor_helpers_) - { - (*i)->GenCode(nullptr, out_cc, this); - } - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::GenStateVarDecls(Output* out_h) - { - foreach (i, StateVarList, statevars_) - { - StateVar* var = *i; - var->GenDecl(out_h, env_); - } - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::GenStateVarSetFunctions(Output* out_h) - { - foreach (i, StateVarList, statevars_) - { - StateVar* var = *i; - var->GenSetFunction(out_h, env_); - } - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::GenStateVarInitCode(Output* out_cc) - { - foreach (i, StateVarList, statevars_) - { - StateVar* var = *i; - var->GenInitCode(out_cc, env_); - } - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::GenStateVarCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc) - { - foreach (i, StateVarList, statevars_) - { - StateVar* var = *i; - var->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env_); - } - } - -void AnalyzerDecl::GenFunctions(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - foreach (i, FunctionList, functions_) - { - Function* function = *i; - function->GenCode(out_h, out_cc); - } - } - -AnalyzerState::~AnalyzerState() - { - // Note: do not delete elements of statevars_, because they - // are referenced by the AnalyzerDecl. - delete statevars_; - } - -AnalyzerHelper::~AnalyzerHelper() - { - delete code_; - } - -void AnalyzerHelper::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc, AnalyzerDecl* decl) - { - Output* out = nullptr; - switch ( helper_type_ ) - { - case MEMBER_DECLS: - out = out_h; - break; - case INIT_CODE: - case CLEANUP_CODE: - case EOF_CODE: - out = out_cc; - break; - } - ASSERT(out); - code()->GenCode(out, decl->env()); - } +AnalyzerDecl::AnalyzerDecl(ID* id, DeclType decl_type, ParamList* params) : TypeDecl(id, params, new DummyType()) { + decl_type_ = decl_type; + + statevars_ = new StateVarList(); + actions_ = new AnalyzerActionList(); + helpers_ = new AnalyzerHelperList(); + functions_ = new FunctionList(); + + constructor_helpers_ = new AnalyzerHelperList(); + destructor_helpers_ = new AnalyzerHelperList(); + eof_helpers_ = new AnalyzerHelperList(); + + SetAnalyzerContext(); + + env_ = nullptr; +} + +AnalyzerDecl::~AnalyzerDecl() { + delete_list(StateVarList, statevars_); + delete_list(AnalyzerActionList, actions_); + delete_list(AnalyzerHelperList, helpers_); + delete_list(FunctionList, functions_); + delete_list(ParamList, params_); + delete_list(AnalyzerHelperList, constructor_helpers_); + delete_list(AnalyzerHelperList, destructor_helpers_); + delete_list(AnalyzerHelperList, eof_helpers_); +} + +void AnalyzerDecl::AddElements(AnalyzerElementList* elemlist) { + ASSERT(! env_); + foreach (i, AnalyzerElementList, elemlist) { + AnalyzerElement* elem = *i; + switch ( elem->type() ) { + case AnalyzerElement::STATE: { + ASSERT(0); + AnalyzerState* state_elem = (AnalyzerState*)elem; + statevars_->insert(statevars_->end(), state_elem->statevars()->begin(), state_elem->statevars()->end()); + } break; + case AnalyzerElement::ACTION: { + ASSERT(0); + AnalyzerAction* action_elem = (AnalyzerAction*)elem; + actions_->push_back(action_elem); + } break; + case AnalyzerElement::HELPER: { + AnalyzerHelper* helper_elem = (AnalyzerHelper*)elem; + + switch ( helper_elem->helper_type() ) { + case AnalyzerHelper::INIT_CODE: constructor_helpers_->push_back(helper_elem); break; + case AnalyzerHelper::CLEANUP_CODE: destructor_helpers_->push_back(helper_elem); break; + case AnalyzerHelper::EOF_CODE: eof_helpers_->push_back(helper_elem); break; + default: helpers_->push_back(helper_elem); + } + } break; + case AnalyzerElement::FUNCTION: { + AnalyzerFunction* func_elem = (AnalyzerFunction*)elem; + Function* func = func_elem->function(); + func->set_analyzer_decl(this); + functions_->push_back(func); + } break; + case AnalyzerElement::FLOW: { + AnalyzerFlow* flow_elem = (AnalyzerFlow*)elem; + ProcessFlowElement(flow_elem); + } break; + case AnalyzerElement::DATAUNIT: { + AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_elem = (AnalyzerDataUnit*)elem; + ProcessDataUnitElement(dataunit_elem); + } break; + } + } +} + +string AnalyzerDecl::class_name() const { return id_->Name(); } + +void AnalyzerDecl::Prepare() { + TypeDecl::Prepare(); + + ASSERT(statevars_->empty()); + ASSERT(actions_->empty()); + + foreach (i, FunctionList, functions_) { + Function* function = *i; + function->Prepare(env_); + } + foreach (i, StateVarList, statevars_) { + StateVar* statevar = *i; + env_->AddID(statevar->id(), STATE_VAR, statevar->type()); + } + foreach (i, AnalyzerActionList, actions_) { + AnalyzerAction* action = *i; + action->InstallHook(this); + } +} + +void AnalyzerDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) { + out_h->println("class %s;", class_name().c_str()); + foreach (i, FunctionList, functions_) { + Function* function = *i; + function->GenForwardDeclaration(out_h); + } +} + +void AnalyzerDecl::GenActions(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + foreach (i, AnalyzerActionList, actions_) { + (*i)->GenCode(out_h, out_cc, this); + } +} + +void AnalyzerDecl::GenHelpers(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + foreach (i, AnalyzerHelperList, helpers_) { + (*i)->GenCode(out_h, out_cc, this); + } +} + +void AnalyzerDecl::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + TypeDecl::GenPubDecls(out_h, out_cc); + + GenProcessFunc(out_h, out_cc); + GenGapFunc(out_h, out_cc); + GenEOFFunc(out_h, out_cc); + out_h->println(""); + + if ( ! functions_->empty() ) { + out_h->println("// Functions"); + GenFunctions(out_h, out_cc); + out_h->println(""); + } + + // TODO: export public state variables +} + +void AnalyzerDecl::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + TypeDecl::GenPrivDecls(out_h, out_cc); + + if ( ! helpers_->empty() ) { + out_h->println(""); + out_h->println("// Additional members"); + GenHelpers(out_h, out_cc); + } + + // TODO: declare state variables +} + +void AnalyzerDecl::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc) { + TypeDecl::GenInitCode(out_cc); + foreach (i, AnalyzerHelperList, constructor_helpers_) { + (*i)->GenCode(nullptr, out_cc, this); + } +} + +void AnalyzerDecl::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc) { + TypeDecl::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc); + foreach (i, AnalyzerHelperList, destructor_helpers_) { + (*i)->GenCode(nullptr, out_cc, this); + } +} + +void AnalyzerDecl::GenStateVarDecls(Output* out_h) { + foreach (i, StateVarList, statevars_) { + StateVar* var = *i; + var->GenDecl(out_h, env_); + } +} + +void AnalyzerDecl::GenStateVarSetFunctions(Output* out_h) { + foreach (i, StateVarList, statevars_) { + StateVar* var = *i; + var->GenSetFunction(out_h, env_); + } +} + +void AnalyzerDecl::GenStateVarInitCode(Output* out_cc) { + foreach (i, StateVarList, statevars_) { + StateVar* var = *i; + var->GenInitCode(out_cc, env_); + } +} + +void AnalyzerDecl::GenStateVarCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc) { + foreach (i, StateVarList, statevars_) { + StateVar* var = *i; + var->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env_); + } +} + +void AnalyzerDecl::GenFunctions(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + foreach (i, FunctionList, functions_) { + Function* function = *i; + function->GenCode(out_h, out_cc); + } +} + +AnalyzerState::~AnalyzerState() { + // Note: do not delete elements of statevars_, because they + // are referenced by the AnalyzerDecl. + delete statevars_; +} + +AnalyzerHelper::~AnalyzerHelper() { delete code_; } + +void AnalyzerHelper::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc, AnalyzerDecl* decl) { + Output* out = nullptr; + switch ( helper_type_ ) { + case MEMBER_DECLS: out = out_h; break; + case INIT_CODE: + case CLEANUP_CODE: + case EOF_CODE: out = out_cc; break; + } + ASSERT(out); + code()->GenCode(out, decl->env()); +} FlowField::FlowField(ID* flow_id, ParameterizedType* flow_type) - : Field(FLOW_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, flow_id, flow_type) - { - } + : Field(FLOW_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, flow_id, flow_type) {} -void FlowField::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - type_->GenPreParsing(out_cc, env); - } +void FlowField::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { type_->GenPreParsing(out_cc, env); } AnalyzerFlow::AnalyzerFlow(Direction dir, ID* type_id, ExprList* params) - : AnalyzerElement(FLOW), dir_(dir), type_id_(type_id) - { - if ( ! params ) - params = new ExprList(); - - // Add "this" to the list of params - params->insert(params->begin(), new Expr(this_id->clone())); - - ID* flow_id = ((dir == UP) ? upflow_id : downflow_id)->clone(); - - ParameterizedType* flow_type = new ParameterizedType(type_id_, params); - - flow_field_ = new FlowField(flow_id, flow_type); - - flow_decl_ = nullptr; - } - -AnalyzerFlow::~AnalyzerFlow() - { - delete flow_field_; - } - -FlowDecl* AnalyzerFlow::flow_decl() - { - DEBUG_MSG("Getting flow_decl for %s\n", type_id_->Name()); - if ( ! flow_decl_ ) - { - Decl* decl = Decl::LookUpDecl(type_id_); - if ( decl && decl->decl_type() == Decl::FLOW ) - flow_decl_ = static_cast(decl); - if ( ! flow_decl_ ) - { - throw Exception(this, "cannot find the flow declaration"); - } - } - return flow_decl_; - } + : AnalyzerElement(FLOW), dir_(dir), type_id_(type_id) { + if ( ! params ) + params = new ExprList(); + + // Add "this" to the list of params + params->insert(params->begin(), new Expr(this_id->clone())); + + ID* flow_id = ((dir == UP) ? upflow_id : downflow_id)->clone(); + + ParameterizedType* flow_type = new ParameterizedType(type_id_, params); + + flow_field_ = new FlowField(flow_id, flow_type); + + flow_decl_ = nullptr; +} + +AnalyzerFlow::~AnalyzerFlow() { delete flow_field_; } + +FlowDecl* AnalyzerFlow::flow_decl() { + DEBUG_MSG("Getting flow_decl for %s\n", type_id_->Name()); + if ( ! flow_decl_ ) { + Decl* decl = Decl::LookUpDecl(type_id_); + if ( decl && decl->decl_type() == Decl::FLOW ) + flow_decl_ = static_cast(decl); + if ( ! flow_decl_ ) { + throw Exception(this, "cannot find the flow declaration"); + } + } + return flow_decl_; +} diff --git a/src/pac_analyzer.h b/src/pac_analyzer.h index 8fa59db..671e2b0 100644 --- a/src/pac_analyzer.h +++ b/src/pac_analyzer.h @@ -17,162 +17,141 @@ class FlowDecl; typedef vector AnalyzerHelperList; typedef vector FunctionList; -class AnalyzerDecl : public TypeDecl - { +class AnalyzerDecl : public TypeDecl { public: - AnalyzerDecl(ID* id, DeclType decl_type, ParamList* params); - ~AnalyzerDecl() override; + AnalyzerDecl(ID* id, DeclType decl_type, ParamList* params); + ~AnalyzerDecl() override; - void AddElements(AnalyzerElementList* elemlist); + void AddElements(AnalyzerElementList* elemlist); - void Prepare() override; - void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; - // void GenCode(Output *out_h, Output *out_cc); + void Prepare() override; + void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; + // void GenCode(Output *out_h, Output *out_cc); - void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc) override; - void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc) override; + void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc) override; + void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc) override; - string class_name() const; - // string cookie_name() const; + string class_name() const; + // string cookie_name() const; protected: - virtual void ProcessFlowElement(AnalyzerFlow* flow_elem) = 0; - virtual void ProcessDataUnitElement(AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_elem) = 0; + virtual void ProcessFlowElement(AnalyzerFlow* flow_elem) = 0; + virtual void ProcessDataUnitElement(AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_elem) = 0; - // Generate public/private declarations for member functions and - // variables - void GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - void GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + // Generate public/private declarations for member functions and + // variables + void GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - // Generate the NewData() function - virtual void GenProcessFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) = 0; + // Generate the NewData() function + virtual void GenProcessFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) = 0; - // Generate the NewGap() function - virtual void GenGapFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) = 0; + // Generate the NewGap() function + virtual void GenGapFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) = 0; - // Generate the FlowEOF() function - virtual void GenEOFFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) = 0; + // Generate the FlowEOF() function + virtual void GenEOFFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) = 0; - // Generate the functions - void GenFunctions(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); + // Generate the functions + void GenFunctions(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); - // Generate the action functions - void GenActions(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); + // Generate the action functions + void GenActions(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); - // Generate the helper code segments - void GenHelpers(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); + // Generate the helper code segments + void GenHelpers(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); - // Generate declarations for state variables and their set functions - void GenStateVarDecls(Output* out_h); - void GenStateVarSetFunctions(Output* out_h); + // Generate declarations for state variables and their set functions + void GenStateVarDecls(Output* out_h); + void GenStateVarSetFunctions(Output* out_h); - // Generate code for initializing and cleaning up (including - // memory de-allocating) state variables - void GenStateVarInitCode(Output* out_cc); - void GenStateVarCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc); + // Generate code for initializing and cleaning up (including + // memory de-allocating) state variables + void GenStateVarInitCode(Output* out_cc); + void GenStateVarCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc); - StateVarList* statevars_; - AnalyzerActionList* actions_; - AnalyzerHelperList* helpers_; - FunctionList* functions_; + StateVarList* statevars_; + AnalyzerActionList* actions_; + AnalyzerHelperList* helpers_; + FunctionList* functions_; - AnalyzerHelperList* constructor_helpers_; - AnalyzerHelperList* destructor_helpers_; - AnalyzerHelperList* eof_helpers_; - }; + AnalyzerHelperList* constructor_helpers_; + AnalyzerHelperList* destructor_helpers_; + AnalyzerHelperList* eof_helpers_; +}; -class AnalyzerElement : public Object - { +class AnalyzerElement : public Object { public: - enum ElementType - { - STATE, - ACTION, - FUNCTION, - HELPER, - FLOW, - DATAUNIT - }; - AnalyzerElement(ElementType type) : type_(type) { } - virtual ~AnalyzerElement() { } - - ElementType type() const { return type_; } + enum ElementType { STATE, ACTION, FUNCTION, HELPER, FLOW, DATAUNIT }; + AnalyzerElement(ElementType type) : type_(type) {} + virtual ~AnalyzerElement() {} + + ElementType type() const { return type_; } private: - ElementType type_; - }; + ElementType type_; +}; // A collection of variables representing analyzer states. -class AnalyzerState : public AnalyzerElement - { +class AnalyzerState : public AnalyzerElement { public: - AnalyzerState(StateVarList* statevars) : AnalyzerElement(STATE), statevars_(statevars) { } - ~AnalyzerState() override; + AnalyzerState(StateVarList* statevars) : AnalyzerElement(STATE), statevars_(statevars) {} + ~AnalyzerState() override; - StateVarList* statevars() const { return statevars_; } + StateVarList* statevars() const { return statevars_; } private: - StateVarList* statevars_; - }; + StateVarList* statevars_; +}; // A collection of embedded C++ code -class AnalyzerHelper : public AnalyzerElement - { +class AnalyzerHelper : public AnalyzerElement { public: - enum Type - { - MEMBER_DECLS, - INIT_CODE, - CLEANUP_CODE, - EOF_CODE, - }; - AnalyzerHelper(Type helper_type, EmbeddedCode* code) - : AnalyzerElement(HELPER), helper_type_(helper_type), code_(code) - { - } - ~AnalyzerHelper() override; + enum Type { + MEMBER_DECLS, + INIT_CODE, + CLEANUP_CODE, + EOF_CODE, + }; + AnalyzerHelper(Type helper_type, EmbeddedCode* code) + : AnalyzerElement(HELPER), helper_type_(helper_type), code_(code) {} + ~AnalyzerHelper() override; - Type helper_type() const { return helper_type_; } + Type helper_type() const { return helper_type_; } - void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc, AnalyzerDecl* decl); + void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc, AnalyzerDecl* decl); - EmbeddedCode* code() const { return code_; } + EmbeddedCode* code() const { return code_; } private: - Type helper_type_; - EmbeddedCode* code_; - }; + Type helper_type_; + EmbeddedCode* code_; +}; // The type and parameters of (uni-directional) flows of a connection. -class FlowField : public Field - { +class FlowField : public Field { public: - FlowField(ID* flow_id, ParameterizedType* flow_type); - void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - }; + FlowField(ID* flow_id, ParameterizedType* flow_type); + void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; +}; -class AnalyzerFlow : public AnalyzerElement - { +class AnalyzerFlow : public AnalyzerElement { public: - enum Direction - { - UP, - DOWN - }; - AnalyzerFlow(Direction dir, ID* type_id, ExprList* params); - ~AnalyzerFlow() override; + enum Direction { UP, DOWN }; + AnalyzerFlow(Direction dir, ID* type_id, ExprList* params); + ~AnalyzerFlow() override; - Direction dir() const { return dir_; } - FlowField* flow_field() const { return flow_field_; } + Direction dir() const { return dir_; } + FlowField* flow_field() const { return flow_field_; } - FlowDecl* flow_decl(); + FlowDecl* flow_decl(); private: - Direction dir_; - ID* type_id_; - FlowField* flow_field_; - FlowDecl* flow_decl_; - }; + Direction dir_; + ID* type_id_; + FlowField* flow_field_; + FlowDecl* flow_decl_; +}; #endif // pac_analyzer_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 215fe37..bf7710a 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -11,705 +11,589 @@ #include "pac_utils.h" #include "pac_varfield.h" -ArrayType::ArrayType(Type* elemtype, Expr* length) - : Type(ARRAY), elemtype_(elemtype), length_(length) - { - init(); - - switch ( elemtype_->tot() ) - { - case BUILTIN: - case PARAMETERIZED: - case STRING: - case EXTERN: - break; - - case ARRAY: - case CASE: - case DUMMY: - case EMPTY: - case RECORD: - case UNDEF: - ASSERT(0); - break; - } - } - -void ArrayType::init() - { - arraylength_var_field_ = nullptr; - elem_it_var_field_ = nullptr; - elem_var_field_ = nullptr; - elem_dataptr_var_field_ = nullptr; - elem_input_var_field_ = nullptr; - - elem_dataptr_until_expr_ = nullptr; - - end_of_array_loop_label_ = "@@@"; - - vector_str_ = strfmt("vector<%s>", elemtype_->DataTypeStr().c_str()); - - datatype_str_ = strfmt("%s *", vector_str_.c_str()); - - attr_generic_until_expr_ = nullptr; - attr_until_element_expr_ = nullptr; - attr_until_input_expr_ = nullptr; - } - -ArrayType::~ArrayType() - { - delete arraylength_var_field_; - delete elem_it_var_field_; - delete elem_var_field_; - delete elem_dataptr_var_field_; - delete elem_input_var_field_; - - delete elem_dataptr_until_expr_; - } - -Type* ArrayType::DoClone() const - { - Type* elemtype = elemtype_->Clone(); - if ( ! elemtype ) - return nullptr; - return new ArrayType(elemtype, length_); - } - -bool ArrayType::DefineValueVar() const - { - return true; - } - -string ArrayType::DataTypeStr() const - { - return datatype_str_; - } - -Type* ArrayType::ElementDataType() const - { - return elemtype_; - } - -string ArrayType::EvalElement(const string& array, const string& index) const - { - if ( attr_transient_ ) - throw Exception(this, "cannot access element in &transient array"); - - return strfmt("(*(%s))[%s]", array.c_str(), index.c_str()); - } - -const ID* ArrayType::arraylength_var() const - { - return arraylength_var_field_ ? arraylength_var_field_->id() : nullptr; - } - -const ID* ArrayType::elem_it_var() const - { - return elem_it_var_field_ ? elem_it_var_field_->id() : nullptr; - } - -const ID* ArrayType::elem_var() const - { - return elem_var_field_ ? elem_var_field_->id() : nullptr; - } - -const ID* ArrayType::elem_dataptr_var() const - { - return elem_dataptr_var_field_ ? elem_dataptr_var_field_->id() : nullptr; - } - -const ID* ArrayType::elem_input_var() const - { - return elem_input_var_field_ ? elem_input_var_field_->id() : nullptr; - } - -void ArrayType::ProcessAttr(Attr* a) - { - Type::ProcessAttr(a); - - switch ( a->type() ) - { - case ATTR_RESTOFDATA: - { - if ( elemtype_->StaticSize(env()) != 1 ) - { - throw Exception(elemtype_, "&restofdata can be applied" - " to only byte arrays"); - } - if ( length_ ) - { - throw Exception(length_, "&restofdata cannot be applied" - " to arrays with specified length"); - } - attr_restofdata_ = true; - // As the array automatically extends to the end of - // data, we do not have to check boundary. - SetBoundaryChecked(); - } - break; - - case ATTR_RESTOFFLOW: - attr_restofflow_ = true; - // TODO: handle &restofflow - break; - - case ATTR_UNTIL: - { - bool ref_element = a->expr()->HasReference(element_macro_id); - bool ref_input = a->expr()->HasReference(input_macro_id); - if ( ref_element && ref_input ) - { - throw Exception(a->expr(), "cannot reference both $element and $input " - "in the same &until---please separate them."); - } - - if ( ref_element ) - { - if ( attr_until_element_expr_ ) - { - throw Exception(a->expr(), "multiple &until on $element"); - } - attr_until_element_expr_ = a->expr(); - } - else if ( ref_input ) - { - if ( attr_until_input_expr_ ) - { - throw Exception(a->expr(), "multiple &until on $input"); - } - attr_until_input_expr_ = a->expr(); - } - else - { - if ( attr_generic_until_expr_ ) - { - throw Exception(a->expr(), "multiple &until condition"); - } - attr_generic_until_expr_ = a->expr(); - } - } - break; - - default: - break; - } - } - -void ArrayType::Prepare(Env* env, int flags) - { - if ( flags & TO_BE_PARSED ) - { - ID* arraylength_var = new ID(strfmt("%s__arraylength", value_var()->Name())); - ID* elem_var = new ID(strfmt("%s__elem", value_var()->Name())); - ID* elem_it_var = new ID(strfmt("%s__it", elem_var->Name())); - - elem_var_field_ = new ParseVarField(Field::CLASS_MEMBER, elem_var, elemtype_); - AddField(elem_var_field_); - - if ( incremental_parsing() ) - { - arraylength_var_field_ = new PrivVarField(arraylength_var, extern_type_int->Clone()); - elem_it_var_field_ = new PrivVarField(elem_it_var, extern_type_int->Clone()); - - AddField(arraylength_var_field_); - AddField(elem_it_var_field_); - } - else - { - arraylength_var_field_ = new TempVarField(arraylength_var, extern_type_int->Clone()); - elem_it_var_field_ = new TempVarField(elem_it_var, extern_type_int->Clone()); - - arraylength_var_field_->Prepare(env); - elem_it_var_field_->Prepare(env); - - // Add elem_dataptr_var only when not parsing incrementally - ID* elem_dataptr_var = new ID(strfmt("%s__dataptr", elem_var->Name())); - elem_dataptr_var_field_ = new TempVarField(elem_dataptr_var, - extern_type_const_byteptr->Clone()); - elem_dataptr_var_field_->Prepare(env); - - // until(dataptr >= end_of_data) - elem_dataptr_until_expr_ = new Expr(Expr::EXPR_GE, new Expr(elem_dataptr_var->clone()), - new Expr(end_of_data->clone())); - } - - if ( attr_until_input_expr_ ) - { - elemtype_->SetUntilCheck(this); - } - - end_of_array_loop_label_ = strfmt("end_of_%s", value_var()->Name()); - } - - Type::Prepare(env, flags); - } - -void ArrayType::GenArrayLength(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - if ( env->Evaluated(arraylength_var()) ) - return; - - if ( ! incremental_parsing() ) - { - arraylength_var_field_->GenTempDecls(out_cc, env); - // This is about to get initialized below, don't initialize it twice. - if ( ! length_ && ! attr_restofdata_ ) - arraylength_var_field_->GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - } - - if ( length_ ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(arraylength_var()), length_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - - env->SetEvaluated(arraylength_var()); - - // Check negative array length - out_cc->println("if ( %s < 0 )", env->LValue(arraylength_var())); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionOutOfBound(\"%s\",", data_id_str_.c_str()); - out_cc->println(" %s, (%s) - (%s));", env->LValue(arraylength_var()), - env->RValue(end_of_data), env->RValue(begin_of_data)); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - int element_size; - - if ( elemtype_->StaticSize(env) == -1 ) - { - // Check for overlong array quantity. We cap it at the maximum - // array size (assume 1-byte elements * array length) as we can't - // possibly store more elements. e.g. this helps prevent - // user-controlled length fields from causing an excessive - // iteration and/or memory-allocation (for the array we'll be - // parsing into) unless they actually sent enough data to go along - // with it. Note that this check is *not* looking for whether the - // contents of the array will extend past the end of the data - // buffer. - out_cc->println("// Check array element quantity: %s", data_id_str_.c_str()); - element_size = 1; - } - else - { - // Boundary check the entire array if elements have static size. - out_cc->println("// Check bounds for static-size array: %s", data_id_str_.c_str()); - elemtype_->SetBoundaryChecked(); - element_size = elemtype_->StaticSize(env); - - if ( element_size == 0 ) - { - // If we know we have an array of empty elements, probably - // better to structure the parser as just a single empty - // field to avoid DoS vulnerability of allocating - // arbitrary number of empty records (i.e. cheap for them, - // but costly for us unless we have special optimization - // for this scenario to forgo the usual allocation). - throw Exception( - this, "using an array of known-to-be-empty elements is possibly a bad idea"); - } - } - - const char* array_ptr_expr = data.ptr_expr(); - string max_elements_available = strfmt("((%s - %s) / %d)", env->RValue(end_of_data), - array_ptr_expr, element_size); - - out_cc->println("if ( %s > %s )", env->RValue(arraylength_var()), - max_elements_available.c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionOutOfBound(\"%s\",", data_id_str_.c_str()); - out_cc->println(" %s, (%s) - (%s));", env->RValue(arraylength_var()), - env->RValue(end_of_data), array_ptr_expr); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - else if ( attr_restofdata_ ) - { - ASSERT(elemtype_->StaticSize(env) == 1); - out_cc->println("%s = (%s) - (%s);", env->LValue(arraylength_var()), - env->RValue(end_of_data), data.ptr_expr()); - env->SetEvaluated(arraylength_var()); - } - } - -void ArrayType::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - Type::GenPubDecls(out_h, env); - - if ( declared_as_type() ) - { - if ( attr_transient_ ) - throw Exception(this, "cannot access element in &transient array"); - - out_h->println("int size() const { return %s ? %s->size() : 0; }", - env->RValue(value_var()), env->RValue(value_var())); - out_h->println("%s operator[](int index) const { BINPAC_ASSERT(%s); return (*%s)[index]; }", - elemtype_->DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), env->RValue(value_var()), - env->RValue(value_var())); - } - } - -void ArrayType::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - ASSERT(elem_var_field_->type() == elemtype_); - ASSERT(elemtype_->value_var()); - Type::GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); - } - -void ArrayType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - // Do not initiate the array here - // out_cc->println("%s = new %s;", lvalue(), vector_str_.c_str()); - out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", lvalue()); - - Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - if ( incremental_parsing() ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = -1;", env->LValue(elem_it_var())); - } - } - -void ArrayType::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - Type::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); - if ( elemtype_->NeedsCleanUp() ) - { - if ( ! elem_var_field_ ) - { - ID* elem_var = new ID(strfmt("%s__elem", value_var()->Name())); - elem_var_field_ = new ParseVarField(Field::NOT_CLASS_MEMBER, elem_var, elemtype_); - elem_var_field_->Prepare(env); - } - - out_cc->println("if ( %s )", env->RValue(value_var())); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - out_cc->println("for ( auto* %s : *%s )", env->LValue(elem_var()), - env->RValue(value_var())); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - elemtype_->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - out_cc->println("delete %s;", lvalue()); - } - -string ArrayType::GenArrayInit(Output* out_cc, Env* env, bool known_array_length) - { - string array_str; - - array_str = lvalue(); - if ( incremental_parsing() ) - { - out_cc->println("if ( %s < 0 )", env->LValue(elem_it_var())); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - out_cc->println("// Initialize only once"); - out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(elem_it_var())); - } - - out_cc->println("%s = new %s;", lvalue(), vector_str_.c_str()); - - if ( known_array_length ) - { - out_cc->println("%s->reserve(%s);", lvalue(), env->RValue(arraylength_var())); - } - - if ( incremental_parsing() ) - { - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - - return array_str; - } - -void ArrayType::GenElementAssignment(Output* out_cc, Env* env, string const& array_str, - bool use_vector) - { - if ( attr_transient_ ) - { - // Just discard. - out_cc->println("delete %s;", env->LValue(elem_var())); - return; - } - - // Assign the element - if ( ! use_vector ) - { - out_cc->println("%s[%s] = %s;", array_str.c_str(), env->LValue(elem_it_var()), - env->LValue(elem_var())); - } - else - { - out_cc->println("%s->push_back(%s);", array_str.c_str(), env->LValue(elem_var())); - } - } - -void ArrayType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) - { - GenArrayLength(out_cc, env, data); - - // Otherwise these variables are declared as member variables - if ( ! incremental_parsing() ) - { - // Declare and initialize temporary variables - elem_var_field_->GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - elem_it_var_field_->GenTempDecls(out_cc, env); - out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(elem_it_var())); - env->SetEvaluated(elem_it_var()); - } - - /* - If the input length can be determined without parsing - individual elements, generate the boundary checking before - parsing (unless in the case of incremental parsing). - - There are two cases when the input length can be determined: - 1. The array has a static size; - 2. The array length can be computed before parsing and - each element is of constant size. - */ - - bool compute_size_var = false; - - if ( incremental_input() ) - { - // Do not compute size_var on incremental input - compute_size_var = false; - - if ( ! incremental_parsing() && - (StaticSize(env) >= 0 || - (env->Evaluated(arraylength_var()) && elemtype_->StaticSize(env) >= 0)) ) - { - GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); - } - } - else - { - compute_size_var = AddSizeVar(out_cc, env); - } - - bool known_array_length = env->Evaluated(arraylength_var()); - string array_str = GenArrayInit(out_cc, env, known_array_length); - - bool use_vector = true; - - ASSERT(elem_it_var()); - - DataPtr elem_data(env, nullptr, 0); - - if ( elem_dataptr_var() ) - { - out_cc->println("const_byteptr %s = %s;", env->LValue(elem_dataptr_var()), data.ptr_expr()); - env->SetEvaluated(elem_dataptr_var()); - - elem_data = DataPtr(env, elem_dataptr_var(), 0); - } - - string for_condition = known_array_length ? strfmt("%s < %s", env->LValue(elem_it_var()), - env->RValue(arraylength_var())) - : "/* forever */"; - - out_cc->println("for (; %s; ++%s)", for_condition.c_str(), env->LValue(elem_it_var())); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - if ( attr_generic_until_expr_ ) - GenUntilCheck(out_cc, env, attr_generic_until_expr_, true); - - if ( elem_dataptr_var() ) - { - if ( length_ ) - { - // Array has a known-length expression like uint16[4] vs. uint16[]. - // Here, arriving at the end of the data buffer should not be a - // valid loop-termination condition (which is what the - // GenUntilCheck() call produces). Instead, rely on the loop - // counter to terminate iteration or else the parsing code - // generated for each element should throw an OOB exception if - // there's insufficient data in the buffer. - } - else - { - GenUntilCheck(out_cc, env, elem_dataptr_until_expr_, false); - } - } - - elemtype_->GenPreParsing(out_cc, env); - elemtype_->GenParseCode(out_cc, env, elem_data, flags); - - if ( incremental_parsing() ) - { - out_cc->println("if ( ! %s )", elemtype_->parsing_complete(env).c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("goto %s;", kNeedMoreData); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - - GenElementAssignment(out_cc, env, array_str, use_vector); - - if ( elem_dataptr_var() ) - { - out_cc->println("%s += %s;", env->LValue(elem_dataptr_var()), - elemtype_->DataSize(nullptr, env, elem_data).c_str()); - out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s <= %s);", env->RValue(elem_dataptr_var()), - env->RValue(end_of_data)); - } - - if ( attr_until_element_expr_ ) - GenUntilCheck(out_cc, env, attr_until_element_expr_, false); - - if ( elemtype_->IsPointerType() ) - out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", env->LValue(elem_var())); - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println("%s: ;", end_of_array_loop_label_.c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - - if ( compute_size_var && elem_dataptr_var() && ! env->Evaluated(size_var()) ) - { - // Compute the data size - out_cc->println("%s = %s - (%s);", env->LValue(size_var()), env->RValue(elem_dataptr_var()), - data.ptr_expr()); - env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); - } - } - -void ArrayType::GenUntilInputCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - ID* elem_input_var_id = new ID(strfmt("%s__elem_input", value_var()->Name())); - elem_input_var_field_ = new TempVarField(elem_input_var_id, - extern_type_const_bytestring->Clone()); - elem_input_var_field_->Prepare(env); - - out_cc->println("%s %s(%s, %s);", extern_type_const_bytestring->DataTypeStr().c_str(), - env->LValue(elem_input_var()), env->RValue(begin_of_data), - env->RValue(end_of_data)); - env->SetEvaluated(elem_input_var()); - - GenUntilCheck(out_cc, env, attr_until_input_expr_, true); - } - -void ArrayType::GenUntilCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env, Expr* until_expr, bool delete_elem) - { - ASSERT(until_expr); - - Env check_env(env, this); - check_env.AddMacro(element_macro_id, new Expr(elem_var()->clone())); - if ( elem_input_var() ) - { - check_env.AddMacro(input_macro_id, new Expr(elem_input_var()->clone())); - } - - out_cc->println("// Check &until(%s)", until_expr->orig()); - out_cc->println("if ( %s )", until_expr->EvalExpr(out_cc, &check_env)); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - if ( parsing_complete_var() ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = true;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); - } - - if ( elemtype_->IsPointerType() ) - { - if ( delete_elem ) - elemtype_->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); - else - out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", env->LValue(elem_var())); - } - - out_cc->println("goto %s;", end_of_array_loop_label_.c_str()); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - -void ArrayType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - ASSERT(! incremental_input()); - DEBUG_MSG("Generating dynamic size for array `%s'\n", value_var()->Name()); - - int elem_w = elemtype_->StaticSize(env); - if ( elem_w >= 0 && ! attr_until_element_expr_ && ! attr_until_input_expr_ && - (length_ || attr_restofdata_) ) - { - // If the elements have a fixed size, - // we only need to compute the number of elements - bool compute_size_var = AddSizeVar(out_cc, env); - ASSERT(compute_size_var); - GenArrayLength(out_cc, env, data); - ASSERT(env->Evaluated(arraylength_var())); - out_cc->println("%s = %d * %s;", env->LValue(size_var()), elem_w, - env->RValue(arraylength_var())); - env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); - } - else - { - // Otherwise we need parse the array dynamically - GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, 0); - } - } - -int ArrayType::StaticSize(Env* env) const - { - int num = 0; - - if ( ! length_ || ! length_->ConstFold(env, &num) ) - return -1; - - int elem_w = elemtype_->StaticSize(env); - if ( elem_w < 0 ) - return -1; - - DEBUG_MSG("static size of %s:%s = %d * %d\n", decl_id()->Name(), lvalue(), elem_w, num); - - return num * elem_w; - } - -void ArrayType::SetBoundaryChecked() - { - Type::SetBoundaryChecked(); - - if ( attr_length_expr_ ) - { - // When using &length on an array, only treat its elements as - // already-bounds-checked if they are a single byte in length. - if ( elemtype_->StaticSize(env()) == 1 ) - elemtype_->SetBoundaryChecked(); - - return; - } - - elemtype_->SetBoundaryChecked(); - } - -void ArrayType::DoMarkIncrementalInput() - { - elemtype_->MarkIncrementalInput(); - } - -bool ArrayType::RequiresAnalyzerContext() - { - return Type::RequiresAnalyzerContext() || (length_ && length_->RequiresAnalyzerContext()) || - elemtype_->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); - } - -bool ArrayType::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - if ( ! Type::DoTraverse(visitor) ) - return false; - - if ( length_ && ! length_->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - - if ( ! elemtype_->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - - return true; - } +ArrayType::ArrayType(Type* elemtype, Expr* length) : Type(ARRAY), elemtype_(elemtype), length_(length) { + init(); + + switch ( elemtype_->tot() ) { + case BUILTIN: + case PARAMETERIZED: + case STRING: + case EXTERN: break; + + case ARRAY: + case CASE: + case DUMMY: + case EMPTY: + case RECORD: + case UNDEF: ASSERT(0); break; + } +} + +void ArrayType::init() { + arraylength_var_field_ = nullptr; + elem_it_var_field_ = nullptr; + elem_var_field_ = nullptr; + elem_dataptr_var_field_ = nullptr; + elem_input_var_field_ = nullptr; + + elem_dataptr_until_expr_ = nullptr; + + end_of_array_loop_label_ = "@@@"; + + vector_str_ = strfmt("vector<%s>", elemtype_->DataTypeStr().c_str()); + + datatype_str_ = strfmt("%s *", vector_str_.c_str()); + + attr_generic_until_expr_ = nullptr; + attr_until_element_expr_ = nullptr; + attr_until_input_expr_ = nullptr; +} + +ArrayType::~ArrayType() { + delete arraylength_var_field_; + delete elem_it_var_field_; + delete elem_var_field_; + delete elem_dataptr_var_field_; + delete elem_input_var_field_; + + delete elem_dataptr_until_expr_; +} + +Type* ArrayType::DoClone() const { + Type* elemtype = elemtype_->Clone(); + if ( ! elemtype ) + return nullptr; + return new ArrayType(elemtype, length_); +} + +bool ArrayType::DefineValueVar() const { return true; } + +string ArrayType::DataTypeStr() const { return datatype_str_; } + +Type* ArrayType::ElementDataType() const { return elemtype_; } + +string ArrayType::EvalElement(const string& array, const string& index) const { + if ( attr_transient_ ) + throw Exception(this, "cannot access element in &transient array"); + + return strfmt("(*(%s))[%s]", array.c_str(), index.c_str()); +} + +const ID* ArrayType::arraylength_var() const { return arraylength_var_field_ ? arraylength_var_field_->id() : nullptr; } + +const ID* ArrayType::elem_it_var() const { return elem_it_var_field_ ? elem_it_var_field_->id() : nullptr; } + +const ID* ArrayType::elem_var() const { return elem_var_field_ ? elem_var_field_->id() : nullptr; } + +const ID* ArrayType::elem_dataptr_var() const { + return elem_dataptr_var_field_ ? elem_dataptr_var_field_->id() : nullptr; +} + +const ID* ArrayType::elem_input_var() const { return elem_input_var_field_ ? elem_input_var_field_->id() : nullptr; } + +void ArrayType::ProcessAttr(Attr* a) { + Type::ProcessAttr(a); + + switch ( a->type() ) { + case ATTR_RESTOFDATA: { + if ( elemtype_->StaticSize(env()) != 1 ) { + throw Exception(elemtype_, + "&restofdata can be applied" + " to only byte arrays"); + } + if ( length_ ) { + throw Exception(length_, + "&restofdata cannot be applied" + " to arrays with specified length"); + } + attr_restofdata_ = true; + // As the array automatically extends to the end of + // data, we do not have to check boundary. + SetBoundaryChecked(); + } break; + + case ATTR_RESTOFFLOW: + attr_restofflow_ = true; + // TODO: handle &restofflow + break; + + case ATTR_UNTIL: { + bool ref_element = a->expr()->HasReference(element_macro_id); + bool ref_input = a->expr()->HasReference(input_macro_id); + if ( ref_element && ref_input ) { + throw Exception(a->expr(), + "cannot reference both $element and $input " + "in the same &until---please separate them."); + } + + if ( ref_element ) { + if ( attr_until_element_expr_ ) { + throw Exception(a->expr(), "multiple &until on $element"); + } + attr_until_element_expr_ = a->expr(); + } + else if ( ref_input ) { + if ( attr_until_input_expr_ ) { + throw Exception(a->expr(), "multiple &until on $input"); + } + attr_until_input_expr_ = a->expr(); + } + else { + if ( attr_generic_until_expr_ ) { + throw Exception(a->expr(), "multiple &until condition"); + } + attr_generic_until_expr_ = a->expr(); + } + } break; + + default: break; + } +} + +void ArrayType::Prepare(Env* env, int flags) { + if ( flags & TO_BE_PARSED ) { + ID* arraylength_var = new ID(strfmt("%s__arraylength", value_var()->Name())); + ID* elem_var = new ID(strfmt("%s__elem", value_var()->Name())); + ID* elem_it_var = new ID(strfmt("%s__it", elem_var->Name())); + + elem_var_field_ = new ParseVarField(Field::CLASS_MEMBER, elem_var, elemtype_); + AddField(elem_var_field_); + + if ( incremental_parsing() ) { + arraylength_var_field_ = new PrivVarField(arraylength_var, extern_type_int->Clone()); + elem_it_var_field_ = new PrivVarField(elem_it_var, extern_type_int->Clone()); + + AddField(arraylength_var_field_); + AddField(elem_it_var_field_); + } + else { + arraylength_var_field_ = new TempVarField(arraylength_var, extern_type_int->Clone()); + elem_it_var_field_ = new TempVarField(elem_it_var, extern_type_int->Clone()); + + arraylength_var_field_->Prepare(env); + elem_it_var_field_->Prepare(env); + + // Add elem_dataptr_var only when not parsing incrementally + ID* elem_dataptr_var = new ID(strfmt("%s__dataptr", elem_var->Name())); + elem_dataptr_var_field_ = new TempVarField(elem_dataptr_var, extern_type_const_byteptr->Clone()); + elem_dataptr_var_field_->Prepare(env); + + // until(dataptr >= end_of_data) + elem_dataptr_until_expr_ = + new Expr(Expr::EXPR_GE, new Expr(elem_dataptr_var->clone()), new Expr(end_of_data->clone())); + } + + if ( attr_until_input_expr_ ) { + elemtype_->SetUntilCheck(this); + } + + end_of_array_loop_label_ = strfmt("end_of_%s", value_var()->Name()); + } + + Type::Prepare(env, flags); +} + +void ArrayType::GenArrayLength(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { + if ( env->Evaluated(arraylength_var()) ) + return; + + if ( ! incremental_parsing() ) { + arraylength_var_field_->GenTempDecls(out_cc, env); + // This is about to get initialized below, don't initialize it twice. + if ( ! length_ && ! attr_restofdata_ ) + arraylength_var_field_->GenInitCode(out_cc, env); + } + + if ( length_ ) { + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(arraylength_var()), length_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + + env->SetEvaluated(arraylength_var()); + + // Check negative array length + out_cc->println("if ( %s < 0 )", env->LValue(arraylength_var())); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionOutOfBound(\"%s\",", data_id_str_.c_str()); + out_cc->println(" %s, (%s) - (%s));", env->LValue(arraylength_var()), env->RValue(end_of_data), + env->RValue(begin_of_data)); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + int element_size; + + if ( elemtype_->StaticSize(env) == -1 ) { + // Check for overlong array quantity. We cap it at the maximum + // array size (assume 1-byte elements * array length) as we can't + // possibly store more elements. e.g. this helps prevent + // user-controlled length fields from causing an excessive + // iteration and/or memory-allocation (for the array we'll be + // parsing into) unless they actually sent enough data to go along + // with it. Note that this check is *not* looking for whether the + // contents of the array will extend past the end of the data + // buffer. + out_cc->println("// Check array element quantity: %s", data_id_str_.c_str()); + element_size = 1; + } + else { + // Boundary check the entire array if elements have static size. + out_cc->println("// Check bounds for static-size array: %s", data_id_str_.c_str()); + elemtype_->SetBoundaryChecked(); + element_size = elemtype_->StaticSize(env); + + if ( element_size == 0 ) { + // If we know we have an array of empty elements, probably + // better to structure the parser as just a single empty + // field to avoid DoS vulnerability of allocating + // arbitrary number of empty records (i.e. cheap for them, + // but costly for us unless we have special optimization + // for this scenario to forgo the usual allocation). + throw Exception(this, "using an array of known-to-be-empty elements is possibly a bad idea"); + } + } + + const char* array_ptr_expr = data.ptr_expr(); + string max_elements_available = + strfmt("((%s - %s) / %d)", env->RValue(end_of_data), array_ptr_expr, element_size); + + out_cc->println("if ( %s > %s )", env->RValue(arraylength_var()), max_elements_available.c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionOutOfBound(\"%s\",", data_id_str_.c_str()); + out_cc->println(" %s, (%s) - (%s));", env->RValue(arraylength_var()), env->RValue(end_of_data), + array_ptr_expr); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } + else if ( attr_restofdata_ ) { + ASSERT(elemtype_->StaticSize(env) == 1); + out_cc->println("%s = (%s) - (%s);", env->LValue(arraylength_var()), env->RValue(end_of_data), data.ptr_expr()); + env->SetEvaluated(arraylength_var()); + } +} + +void ArrayType::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { + Type::GenPubDecls(out_h, env); + + if ( declared_as_type() ) { + if ( attr_transient_ ) + throw Exception(this, "cannot access element in &transient array"); + + out_h->println("int size() const { return %s ? %s->size() : 0; }", env->RValue(value_var()), + env->RValue(value_var())); + out_h->println("%s operator[](int index) const { BINPAC_ASSERT(%s); return (*%s)[index]; }", + elemtype_->DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), env->RValue(value_var()), env->RValue(value_var())); + } +} + +void ArrayType::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { + ASSERT(elem_var_field_->type() == elemtype_); + ASSERT(elemtype_->value_var()); + Type::GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); +} + +void ArrayType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + // Do not initiate the array here + // out_cc->println("%s = new %s;", lvalue(), vector_str_.c_str()); + out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", lvalue()); + + Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); + if ( incremental_parsing() ) { + out_cc->println("%s = -1;", env->LValue(elem_it_var())); + } +} + +void ArrayType::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + Type::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); + if ( elemtype_->NeedsCleanUp() ) { + if ( ! elem_var_field_ ) { + ID* elem_var = new ID(strfmt("%s__elem", value_var()->Name())); + elem_var_field_ = new ParseVarField(Field::NOT_CLASS_MEMBER, elem_var, elemtype_); + elem_var_field_->Prepare(env); + } + + out_cc->println("if ( %s )", env->RValue(value_var())); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + out_cc->println("for ( auto* %s : *%s )", env->LValue(elem_var()), env->RValue(value_var())); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + elemtype_->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } + out_cc->println("delete %s;", lvalue()); +} + +string ArrayType::GenArrayInit(Output* out_cc, Env* env, bool known_array_length) { + string array_str; + + array_str = lvalue(); + if ( incremental_parsing() ) { + out_cc->println("if ( %s < 0 )", env->LValue(elem_it_var())); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + out_cc->println("// Initialize only once"); + out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(elem_it_var())); + } + + out_cc->println("%s = new %s;", lvalue(), vector_str_.c_str()); + + if ( known_array_length ) { + out_cc->println("%s->reserve(%s);", lvalue(), env->RValue(arraylength_var())); + } + + if ( incremental_parsing() ) { + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } + + return array_str; +} + +void ArrayType::GenElementAssignment(Output* out_cc, Env* env, string const& array_str, bool use_vector) { + if ( attr_transient_ ) { + // Just discard. + out_cc->println("delete %s;", env->LValue(elem_var())); + return; + } + + // Assign the element + if ( ! use_vector ) { + out_cc->println("%s[%s] = %s;", array_str.c_str(), env->LValue(elem_it_var()), env->LValue(elem_var())); + } + else { + out_cc->println("%s->push_back(%s);", array_str.c_str(), env->LValue(elem_var())); + } +} + +void ArrayType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) { + GenArrayLength(out_cc, env, data); + + // Otherwise these variables are declared as member variables + if ( ! incremental_parsing() ) { + // Declare and initialize temporary variables + elem_var_field_->GenInitCode(out_cc, env); + elem_it_var_field_->GenTempDecls(out_cc, env); + out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(elem_it_var())); + env->SetEvaluated(elem_it_var()); + } + + /* + If the input length can be determined without parsing + individual elements, generate the boundary checking before + parsing (unless in the case of incremental parsing). + + There are two cases when the input length can be determined: + 1. The array has a static size; + 2. The array length can be computed before parsing and + each element is of constant size. + */ + + bool compute_size_var = false; + + if ( incremental_input() ) { + // Do not compute size_var on incremental input + compute_size_var = false; + + if ( ! incremental_parsing() && + (StaticSize(env) >= 0 || (env->Evaluated(arraylength_var()) && elemtype_->StaticSize(env) >= 0)) ) { + GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); + } + } + else { + compute_size_var = AddSizeVar(out_cc, env); + } + + bool known_array_length = env->Evaluated(arraylength_var()); + string array_str = GenArrayInit(out_cc, env, known_array_length); + + bool use_vector = true; + + ASSERT(elem_it_var()); + + DataPtr elem_data(env, nullptr, 0); + + if ( elem_dataptr_var() ) { + out_cc->println("const_byteptr %s = %s;", env->LValue(elem_dataptr_var()), data.ptr_expr()); + env->SetEvaluated(elem_dataptr_var()); + + elem_data = DataPtr(env, elem_dataptr_var(), 0); + } + + string for_condition = known_array_length ? + strfmt("%s < %s", env->LValue(elem_it_var()), env->RValue(arraylength_var())) : + "/* forever */"; + + out_cc->println("for (; %s; ++%s)", for_condition.c_str(), env->LValue(elem_it_var())); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + if ( attr_generic_until_expr_ ) + GenUntilCheck(out_cc, env, attr_generic_until_expr_, true); + + if ( elem_dataptr_var() ) { + if ( length_ ) { + // Array has a known-length expression like uint16[4] vs. uint16[]. + // Here, arriving at the end of the data buffer should not be a + // valid loop-termination condition (which is what the + // GenUntilCheck() call produces). Instead, rely on the loop + // counter to terminate iteration or else the parsing code + // generated for each element should throw an OOB exception if + // there's insufficient data in the buffer. + } + else { + GenUntilCheck(out_cc, env, elem_dataptr_until_expr_, false); + } + } + + elemtype_->GenPreParsing(out_cc, env); + elemtype_->GenParseCode(out_cc, env, elem_data, flags); + + if ( incremental_parsing() ) { + out_cc->println("if ( ! %s )", elemtype_->parsing_complete(env).c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("goto %s;", kNeedMoreData); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } + + GenElementAssignment(out_cc, env, array_str, use_vector); + + if ( elem_dataptr_var() ) { + out_cc->println("%s += %s;", env->LValue(elem_dataptr_var()), + elemtype_->DataSize(nullptr, env, elem_data).c_str()); + out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s <= %s);", env->RValue(elem_dataptr_var()), env->RValue(end_of_data)); + } + + if ( attr_until_element_expr_ ) + GenUntilCheck(out_cc, env, attr_until_element_expr_, false); + + if ( elemtype_->IsPointerType() ) + out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", env->LValue(elem_var())); + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println("%s: ;", end_of_array_loop_label_.c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + + if ( compute_size_var && elem_dataptr_var() && ! env->Evaluated(size_var()) ) { + // Compute the data size + out_cc->println("%s = %s - (%s);", env->LValue(size_var()), env->RValue(elem_dataptr_var()), data.ptr_expr()); + env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); + } +} + +void ArrayType::GenUntilInputCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + ID* elem_input_var_id = new ID(strfmt("%s__elem_input", value_var()->Name())); + elem_input_var_field_ = new TempVarField(elem_input_var_id, extern_type_const_bytestring->Clone()); + elem_input_var_field_->Prepare(env); + + out_cc->println("%s %s(%s, %s);", extern_type_const_bytestring->DataTypeStr().c_str(), + env->LValue(elem_input_var()), env->RValue(begin_of_data), env->RValue(end_of_data)); + env->SetEvaluated(elem_input_var()); + + GenUntilCheck(out_cc, env, attr_until_input_expr_, true); +} + +void ArrayType::GenUntilCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env, Expr* until_expr, bool delete_elem) { + ASSERT(until_expr); + + Env check_env(env, this); + check_env.AddMacro(element_macro_id, new Expr(elem_var()->clone())); + if ( elem_input_var() ) { + check_env.AddMacro(input_macro_id, new Expr(elem_input_var()->clone())); + } + + out_cc->println("// Check &until(%s)", until_expr->orig()); + out_cc->println("if ( %s )", until_expr->EvalExpr(out_cc, &check_env)); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + if ( parsing_complete_var() ) { + out_cc->println("%s = true;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); + } + + if ( elemtype_->IsPointerType() ) { + if ( delete_elem ) + elemtype_->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); + else + out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", env->LValue(elem_var())); + } + + out_cc->println("goto %s;", end_of_array_loop_label_.c_str()); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); +} + +void ArrayType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { + ASSERT(! incremental_input()); + DEBUG_MSG("Generating dynamic size for array `%s'\n", value_var()->Name()); + + int elem_w = elemtype_->StaticSize(env); + if ( elem_w >= 0 && ! attr_until_element_expr_ && ! attr_until_input_expr_ && (length_ || attr_restofdata_) ) { + // If the elements have a fixed size, + // we only need to compute the number of elements + bool compute_size_var = AddSizeVar(out_cc, env); + ASSERT(compute_size_var); + GenArrayLength(out_cc, env, data); + ASSERT(env->Evaluated(arraylength_var())); + out_cc->println("%s = %d * %s;", env->LValue(size_var()), elem_w, env->RValue(arraylength_var())); + env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); + } + else { + // Otherwise we need parse the array dynamically + GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, 0); + } +} + +int ArrayType::StaticSize(Env* env) const { + int num = 0; + + if ( ! length_ || ! length_->ConstFold(env, &num) ) + return -1; + + int elem_w = elemtype_->StaticSize(env); + if ( elem_w < 0 ) + return -1; + + DEBUG_MSG("static size of %s:%s = %d * %d\n", decl_id()->Name(), lvalue(), elem_w, num); + + return num * elem_w; +} + +void ArrayType::SetBoundaryChecked() { + Type::SetBoundaryChecked(); + + if ( attr_length_expr_ ) { + // When using &length on an array, only treat its elements as + // already-bounds-checked if they are a single byte in length. + if ( elemtype_->StaticSize(env()) == 1 ) + elemtype_->SetBoundaryChecked(); + + return; + } + + elemtype_->SetBoundaryChecked(); +} + +void ArrayType::DoMarkIncrementalInput() { elemtype_->MarkIncrementalInput(); } + +bool ArrayType::RequiresAnalyzerContext() { + return Type::RequiresAnalyzerContext() || (length_ && length_->RequiresAnalyzerContext()) || + elemtype_->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); +} + +bool ArrayType::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { + if ( ! Type::DoTraverse(visitor) ) + return false; + + if ( length_ && ! length_->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + + if ( ! elemtype_->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + + return true; +} diff --git a/src/pac_array.h b/src/pac_array.h index 01c8dee..2baadc8 100644 --- a/src/pac_array.h +++ b/src/pac_array.h @@ -6,82 +6,81 @@ // Fixed-length array and variable length sequence with an ending pattern -class ArrayType : public Type - { +class ArrayType : public Type { public: - ArrayType(Type* arg_elemtype, Expr* arg_length = nullptr); - ~ArrayType() override; + ArrayType(Type* arg_elemtype, Expr* arg_length = nullptr); + ~ArrayType() override; - bool DefineValueVar() const override; - string DataTypeStr() const override; - string DefaultValue() const override { return "0"; } - Type* ElementDataType() const override; + bool DefineValueVar() const override; + string DataTypeStr() const override; + string DefaultValue() const override { return "0"; } + Type* ElementDataType() const override; - string EvalElement(const string& array, const string& index) const override; + string EvalElement(const string& array, const string& index) const override; - void ProcessAttr(Attr* a) override; + void ProcessAttr(Attr* a) override; - void Prepare(Env* env, int flags) override; + void Prepare(Env* env, int flags) override; - void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; + int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; - void SetBoundaryChecked() override; - void GenUntilInputCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env); + void SetBoundaryChecked() override; + void GenUntilInputCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env); - bool IsPointerType() const override { return true; } + bool IsPointerType() const override { return true; } protected: - void init(); + void init(); - void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; - void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; - void GenArrayLength(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); - string GenArrayInit(Output* out_cc, Env* env, bool known_array_length); - void GenElementAssignment(Output* out_cc, Env* env, string const& array_str, bool use_vector); - void GenUntilCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env, Expr* until_condition, bool delete_elem); + void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; + void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; + void GenArrayLength(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); + string GenArrayInit(Output* out_cc, Env* env, bool known_array_length); + void GenElementAssignment(Output* out_cc, Env* env, string const& array_str, bool use_vector); + void GenUntilCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env, Expr* until_condition, bool delete_elem); - bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override { return elemtype_->RequiresByteOrder(); } - bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() override; + bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override { return elemtype_->RequiresByteOrder(); } + bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() override; - Type* DoClone() const override; + Type* DoClone() const override; - void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override; + void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override; - const ID* arraylength_var() const; - const ID* elem_it_var() const; - const ID* elem_var() const; - const ID* elem_dataptr_var() const; - const ID* elem_input_var() const; + const ID* arraylength_var() const; + const ID* elem_it_var() const; + const ID* elem_var() const; + const ID* elem_dataptr_var() const; + const ID* elem_input_var() const; protected: - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; private: - Type* elemtype_; - Expr* length_; - - string vector_str_; - string datatype_str_; - string end_of_array_loop_label_; - - Field* arraylength_var_field_; - Field* elem_it_var_field_; - Field* elem_var_field_; - Field* elem_dataptr_var_field_; - Field* elem_input_var_field_; - - // This does not come from &until, but is internally generated - Expr* elem_dataptr_until_expr_; - - Expr* attr_generic_until_expr_; - Expr* attr_until_element_expr_; - Expr* attr_until_input_expr_; - }; + Type* elemtype_; + Expr* length_; + + string vector_str_; + string datatype_str_; + string end_of_array_loop_label_; + + Field* arraylength_var_field_; + Field* elem_it_var_field_; + Field* elem_var_field_; + Field* elem_dataptr_var_field_; + Field* elem_input_var_field_; + + // This does not come from &until, but is internally generated + Expr* elem_dataptr_until_expr_; + + Expr* attr_generic_until_expr_; + Expr* attr_until_element_expr_; + Expr* attr_until_input_expr_; +}; #endif // pac_array_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index b4ba16e..858f505 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -2,60 +2,47 @@ #include "pac_expr.h" -bool Attr::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - if ( expr_ && ! expr_->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - return true; - } - -bool Attr::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const - { - return (expr_ && expr_->RequiresAnalyzerContext()); - } - -void Attr::init() - { - expr_ = nullptr; - seqend_ = nullptr; - delete_expr_ = false; - } - -Attr::Attr(AttrType type) : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::ATTR) - { - type_ = type; - init(); - } - -Attr::Attr(AttrType type, Expr* expr) : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::ATTR) - { - type_ = type; - init(); - expr_ = expr; - } - -Attr::Attr(AttrType type, ExprList* exprlist) : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::ATTR) - { - type_ = type; - init(); - expr_ = new Expr(exprlist); - delete_expr_ = true; - } - -Attr::Attr(AttrType type, SeqEnd* seqend) : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::ATTR) - { - type_ = type; - init(); - seqend_ = seqend; - } - -Attr::~Attr() - { - if ( delete_expr_ ) - delete expr_; - } - -LetAttr::LetAttr(FieldList* letfields) : Attr(ATTR_LET) - { - letfields_ = letfields; - } +bool Attr::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { + if ( expr_ && ! expr_->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + return true; +} + +bool Attr::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const { return (expr_ && expr_->RequiresAnalyzerContext()); } + +void Attr::init() { + expr_ = nullptr; + seqend_ = nullptr; + delete_expr_ = false; +} + +Attr::Attr(AttrType type) : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::ATTR) { + type_ = type; + init(); +} + +Attr::Attr(AttrType type, Expr* expr) : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::ATTR) { + type_ = type; + init(); + expr_ = expr; +} + +Attr::Attr(AttrType type, ExprList* exprlist) : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::ATTR) { + type_ = type; + init(); + expr_ = new Expr(exprlist); + delete_expr_ = true; +} + +Attr::Attr(AttrType type, SeqEnd* seqend) : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::ATTR) { + type_ = type; + init(); + seqend_ = seqend; +} + +Attr::~Attr() { + if ( delete_expr_ ) + delete expr_; +} + +LetAttr::LetAttr(FieldList* letfields) : Attr(ATTR_LET) { letfields_ = letfields; } diff --git a/src/pac_attr.h b/src/pac_attr.h index e0fab09..1b6a0d8 100644 --- a/src/pac_attr.h +++ b/src/pac_attr.h @@ -4,63 +4,60 @@ #include "pac_common.h" #include "pac_datadep.h" -enum AttrType - { - ATTR_BYTEORDER, - ATTR_CHECK, - ATTR_CHUNKED, - ATTR_ENFORCE, - ATTR_EXPORTSOURCEDATA, - ATTR_IF, - ATTR_LENGTH, - ATTR_LET, - ATTR_LINEBREAKER, - ATTR_MULTILINE, - ATTR_ONELINE, - ATTR_REFCOUNT, - ATTR_REQUIRES, - ATTR_RESTOFDATA, - ATTR_RESTOFFLOW, - ATTR_TRANSIENT, - ATTR_UNTIL, - }; - -class Attr : public Object, public DataDepElement - { +enum AttrType { + ATTR_BYTEORDER, + ATTR_CHECK, + ATTR_CHUNKED, + ATTR_ENFORCE, + ATTR_EXPORTSOURCEDATA, + ATTR_IF, + ATTR_LENGTH, + ATTR_LET, + ATTR_LINEBREAKER, + ATTR_MULTILINE, + ATTR_ONELINE, + ATTR_REFCOUNT, + ATTR_REQUIRES, + ATTR_RESTOFDATA, + ATTR_RESTOFFLOW, + ATTR_TRANSIENT, + ATTR_UNTIL, +}; + +class Attr : public Object, public DataDepElement { public: - Attr(AttrType type); - Attr(AttrType type, Expr* expr); - Attr(AttrType type, ExprList* exprlist); - Attr(AttrType type, SeqEnd* seqend); + Attr(AttrType type); + Attr(AttrType type, Expr* expr); + Attr(AttrType type, ExprList* exprlist); + Attr(AttrType type, SeqEnd* seqend); - ~Attr() override; + ~Attr() override; - AttrType type() const { return type_; } - Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } - SeqEnd* seqend() const { return seqend_; } + AttrType type() const { return type_; } + Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } + SeqEnd* seqend() const { return seqend_; } - bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const; + bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const; protected: - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; protected: - void init(); + void init(); - AttrType type_; - Expr* expr_; - SeqEnd* seqend_; - bool delete_expr_; - }; + AttrType type_; + Expr* expr_; + SeqEnd* seqend_; + bool delete_expr_; +}; -class LetAttr : public Attr - { +class LetAttr : public Attr { public: - LetAttr(FieldList* letfields); - FieldList* letfields() const { return letfields_; } + LetAttr(FieldList* letfields); + FieldList* letfields() const { return letfields_; } private: - FieldList* letfields_; - }; + FieldList* letfields_; +}; #endif // pac_attr_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 47939dd..9be860b 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -4,125 +4,104 @@ #include "pac_id.h" #include "pac_output.h" -Type* BuiltInType::DoClone() const - { - return new BuiltInType(bit_type()); - } - -bool BuiltInType::IsNumericType() const - { - BITType t = bit_type(); - return (t == INT8 || t == INT16 || t == INT32 || t == INT64 || t == UINT8 || t == UINT16 || - t == UINT32 || t == UINT64); - } - -bool BuiltInType::CompatibleBuiltInTypes(BuiltInType* type1, BuiltInType* type2) - { - return type1->IsNumericType() && type2->IsNumericType(); - } +Type* BuiltInType::DoClone() const { return new BuiltInType(bit_type()); } + +bool BuiltInType::IsNumericType() const { + BITType t = bit_type(); + return (t == INT8 || t == INT16 || t == INT32 || t == INT64 || t == UINT8 || t == UINT16 || t == UINT32 || + t == UINT64); +} + +bool BuiltInType::CompatibleBuiltInTypes(BuiltInType* type1, BuiltInType* type2) { + return type1->IsNumericType() && type2->IsNumericType(); +} static const char* basic_pactype_name[] = { #define TYPE_DEF(name, pactype, ctype, size) pactype, #include "pac_type.def" #undef TYPE_DEF - nullptr, + nullptr, }; -void BuiltInType::static_init() - { - for ( int bit_type = 0; basic_pactype_name[bit_type]; ++bit_type ) - { - Type::AddPredefinedType(basic_pactype_name[bit_type], new BuiltInType((BITType)bit_type)); - } - } - -int BuiltInType::LookUpByName(const char* name) - { - ASSERT(0); - for ( int i = 0; basic_pactype_name[i]; ++i ) - if ( strcmp(basic_pactype_name[i], name) == 0 ) - return i; - return -1; - } +void BuiltInType::static_init() { + for ( int bit_type = 0; basic_pactype_name[bit_type]; ++bit_type ) { + Type::AddPredefinedType(basic_pactype_name[bit_type], new BuiltInType((BITType)bit_type)); + } +} + +int BuiltInType::LookUpByName(const char* name) { + ASSERT(0); + for ( int i = 0; basic_pactype_name[i]; ++i ) + if ( strcmp(basic_pactype_name[i], name) == 0 ) + return i; + return -1; +} static const char* basic_ctype_name[] = { #define TYPE_DEF(name, pactype, ctype, size) ctype, #include "pac_type.def" #undef TYPE_DEF - nullptr, + nullptr, }; -bool BuiltInType::DefineValueVar() const - { - return bit_type_ != EMPTY; - } +bool BuiltInType::DefineValueVar() const { return bit_type_ != EMPTY; } -string BuiltInType::DataTypeStr() const - { - return basic_ctype_name[bit_type_]; - } +string BuiltInType::DataTypeStr() const { return basic_ctype_name[bit_type_]; } -int BuiltInType::StaticSize(Env* /* env */) const - { - static const size_t basic_type_size[] = { +int BuiltInType::StaticSize(Env* /* env */) const { + static const size_t basic_type_size[] = { #define TYPE_DEF(name, pactype, ctype, size) size, #include "pac_type.def" #undef TYPE_DEF - }; - - return basic_type_size[bit_type_]; - } - -void BuiltInType::DoMarkIncrementalInput() - { - if ( bit_type_ == EMPTY ) - return; - Type::DoMarkIncrementalInput(); - } - -void BuiltInType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( bit_type_ != EMPTY ) - out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(value_var())); - Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - } - -void BuiltInType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - /* should never be called */ - ASSERT(0); - } - -void BuiltInType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) - { - if ( bit_type_ == EMPTY ) - return; - - // There is no need to generate the size variable - // out_cc->println("%s = sizeof(%s);", size_var(), DataTypeStr().c_str()); - - GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); - - if ( anonymous_value_var() ) - return; - - switch ( bit_type_ ) - { - case EMPTY: - // do nothing - break; - - case INT8: - case UINT8: - out_cc->println("%s = *((%s const *) (%s));", lvalue(), DataTypeStr().c_str(), - data.ptr_expr()); - break; - case INT16: - case UINT16: - case INT32: - case UINT32: - case INT64: - case UINT64: + }; + + return basic_type_size[bit_type_]; +} + +void BuiltInType::DoMarkIncrementalInput() { + if ( bit_type_ == EMPTY ) + return; + Type::DoMarkIncrementalInput(); +} + +void BuiltInType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( bit_type_ != EMPTY ) + out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(value_var())); + Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); +} + +void BuiltInType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { + /* should never be called */ + ASSERT(0); +} + +void BuiltInType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) { + if ( bit_type_ == EMPTY ) + return; + + // There is no need to generate the size variable + // out_cc->println("%s = sizeof(%s);", size_var(), DataTypeStr().c_str()); + + GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); + + if ( anonymous_value_var() ) + return; + + switch ( bit_type_ ) { + case EMPTY: + // do nothing + break; + + case INT8: + case UINT8: + out_cc->println("%s = *((%s const *) (%s));", lvalue(), DataTypeStr().c_str(), data.ptr_expr()); + break; + case INT16: + case UINT16: + case INT32: + case UINT32: + case INT64: + case UINT64: #if 0 out_cc->println("%s = UnMarshall<%s>(%s, %s);", lvalue(), @@ -130,10 +109,9 @@ void BuiltInType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, data.ptr_expr(), EvalByteOrder(out_cc, env).c_str()); #else - out_cc->println("%s = FixByteOrder(%s, *((%s const *) (%s)));", lvalue(), - EvalByteOrder(out_cc, env).c_str(), DataTypeStr().c_str(), - data.ptr_expr()); + out_cc->println("%s = FixByteOrder(%s, *((%s const *) (%s)));", lvalue(), + EvalByteOrder(out_cc, env).c_str(), DataTypeStr().c_str(), data.ptr_expr()); #endif - break; - } - } + break; + } +} diff --git a/src/pac_btype.h b/src/pac_btype.h index 73ca8f8..bff7be5 100644 --- a/src/pac_btype.h +++ b/src/pac_btype.h @@ -3,51 +3,46 @@ #include "pac_type.h" -class BuiltInType : public Type - { +class BuiltInType : public Type { public: - enum BITType - { + enum BITType { #define TYPE_DEF(name, pactype, ctype, size) name, #include "pac_type.def" #undef TYPE_DEF - }; + }; - static int LookUpByName(const char* name); + static int LookUpByName(const char* name); - BuiltInType(BITType bit_type) - : Type(bit_type == BuiltInType::EMPTY ? Type::EMPTY : BUILTIN), bit_type_(bit_type) - { - } + BuiltInType(BITType bit_type) : Type(bit_type == BuiltInType::EMPTY ? Type::EMPTY : BUILTIN), bit_type_(bit_type) {} - BITType bit_type() const { return bit_type_; } + BITType bit_type() const { return bit_type_; } - bool IsNumericType() const override; + bool IsNumericType() const override; - bool DefineValueVar() const override; - string DataTypeStr() const override; - string DefaultValue() const override { return "0"; } + bool DefineValueVar() const override; + string DataTypeStr() const override; + string DefaultValue() const override { return "0"; } - int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; + int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; - bool IsPointerType() const override { return false; } + bool IsPointerType() const override { return false; } - bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override { return StaticSize(0) >= 2; } + bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override { return StaticSize(0) >= 2; } - void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) override; + void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) override; - void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override; + void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override; protected: - void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; - void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; - Type* DoClone() const override; + void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; + void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; + Type* DoClone() const override; - BITType bit_type_; + BITType bit_type_; public: - static void static_init(); - static bool CompatibleBuiltInTypes(BuiltInType* type1, BuiltInType* type2); - }; + static void static_init(); + static bool CompatibleBuiltInTypes(BuiltInType* type1, BuiltInType* type2); +}; #endif // pac_btype_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index b63bac4..a2131ca 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -12,447 +12,381 @@ #include "pac_typedecl.h" #include "pac_utils.h" -CaseType::CaseType(Expr* index_expr, CaseFieldList* cases) - : Type(CASE), index_expr_(index_expr), cases_(cases) - { - index_var_ = nullptr; - foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) - AddField(*i); - } - -CaseType::~CaseType() - { - delete index_var_; - delete index_expr_; - delete cases_; - } - -void CaseType::AddCaseField(CaseField* f) - { - // All fields must be added before Prepare() - ASSERT(! env()); - - AddField(f); - cases_->push_back(f); - } - -bool CaseType::DefineValueVar() const - { - return false; - } - -string CaseType::DataTypeStr() const - { - ASSERT(type_decl()); - return strfmt("%s *", type_decl()->class_name().c_str()); - } - -Type* CaseType::ValueType() const - { - foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) - { - CaseField* c = *i; - return c->type(); - } - ASSERT(0); - return nullptr; - } - -string CaseType::DefaultValue() const - { - return ValueType()->DefaultValue(); - } - -void CaseType::Prepare(Env* env, int flags) - { - ASSERT(flags & TO_BE_PARSED); - - index_var_ = new ID(strfmt("%s_case_index", value_var()->Name())); - // Unable to get the type for index_var_ at this moment, but we'll - // generate the right type based on index_expr_ later. - env->AddID(index_var_, MEMBER_VAR, nullptr); - - // Sort the cases_ to put the default case at the end of the list - CaseFieldList::iterator default_case_it = cases_->end(); // to avoid warning - CaseField* default_case = nullptr; - - foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) - { - CaseField* c = *i; - if ( ! c->index() ) - { - if ( default_case ) - throw Exception(c, "duplicate default case"); - default_case_it = i; - default_case = c; - } - } - if ( default_case ) - { - cases_->erase(default_case_it); - cases_->push_back(default_case); - } - - foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) - { - CaseField* c = *i; - c->set_index_var(index_var_); - c->set_case_type(this); - } - - Type::Prepare(env, flags); - } - -void CaseType::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - Type* t = index_expr_->DataType(env); - - if ( t->tot() != Type::BUILTIN ) - // It's a Type::EXTERN with a C++ type of "int", "bool", or "enum", - // any of which will convert consistently using an int as storage type. - t = extern_type_int; - - out_h->println("%s %s;", t->DataTypeStr().c_str(), env->LValue(index_var_)); - Type::GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); - } - -void CaseType::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - Type* t = index_expr_->DataType(env); - - if ( t->tot() != Type::BUILTIN ) - t = extern_type_int; - - out_h->println("%s %s const { return %s; }", t->DataTypeStr().c_str(), env->RValue(index_var_), - env->LValue(index_var_)); - Type::GenPubDecls(out_h, env); - } - -void CaseType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - out_cc->println("%s = -1;", env->LValue(index_var_)); - Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - } - -void CaseType::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - Type::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); - - env->set_in_branch(true); - out_cc->println("switch ( %s )", env->RValue(index_var_)); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) - { - CaseField* c = *i; - c->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); - } - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - env->set_in_branch(false); - } - -void CaseType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) - { - if ( StaticSize(env) >= 0 ) - GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); - - bool compute_size_var = false; - - if ( ! incremental_input() ) - compute_size_var = AddSizeVar(out_cc, env); - - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(index_var_), index_expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - env->SetEvaluated(index_var_); - - env->set_in_branch(true); - out_cc->println("switch ( %s )", env->RValue(index_var_)); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - bool has_default_case = false; - foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) - { - CaseField* c = *i; - c->GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, compute_size_var ? size_var() : nullptr); - if ( c->IsDefaultCase() ) - has_default_case = true; - } - - if ( ! has_default_case ) - { - out_cc->println("default:"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionInvalidCaseIndex(\"%s\", (int64)%s);", - decl_id()->Name(), env->RValue(index_var_)); - out_cc->println("break;"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - env->set_in_branch(false); - - if ( compute_size_var ) - env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); - } - -void CaseType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, 0); - } - -int CaseType::StaticSize(Env* env) const - { - int static_w = -1; - foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) - { - CaseField* c = *i; - int w = c->StaticSize(env); - if ( w < 0 || (static_w >= 0 && w != static_w) ) - return -1; - static_w = w; - } - return static_w; - } - -void CaseType::SetBoundaryChecked() - { - Type::SetBoundaryChecked(); - foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) - { - CaseField* c = *i; - c->SetBoundaryChecked(); - } - } - -void CaseType::DoMarkIncrementalInput() - { - foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) - { - CaseField* c = *i; - c->type()->MarkIncrementalInput(); - } - } - -bool CaseType::ByteOrderSensitive() const - { - foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) - { - CaseField* c = *i; - if ( c->RequiresByteOrder() ) - return true; - } - return false; - } +CaseType::CaseType(Expr* index_expr, CaseFieldList* cases) : Type(CASE), index_expr_(index_expr), cases_(cases) { + index_var_ = nullptr; + foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) + AddField(*i); +} + +CaseType::~CaseType() { + delete index_var_; + delete index_expr_; + delete cases_; +} + +void CaseType::AddCaseField(CaseField* f) { + // All fields must be added before Prepare() + ASSERT(! env()); + + AddField(f); + cases_->push_back(f); +} + +bool CaseType::DefineValueVar() const { return false; } + +string CaseType::DataTypeStr() const { + ASSERT(type_decl()); + return strfmt("%s *", type_decl()->class_name().c_str()); +} + +Type* CaseType::ValueType() const { + foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) { + CaseField* c = *i; + return c->type(); + } + ASSERT(0); + return nullptr; +} + +string CaseType::DefaultValue() const { return ValueType()->DefaultValue(); } + +void CaseType::Prepare(Env* env, int flags) { + ASSERT(flags & TO_BE_PARSED); + + index_var_ = new ID(strfmt("%s_case_index", value_var()->Name())); + // Unable to get the type for index_var_ at this moment, but we'll + // generate the right type based on index_expr_ later. + env->AddID(index_var_, MEMBER_VAR, nullptr); + + // Sort the cases_ to put the default case at the end of the list + CaseFieldList::iterator default_case_it = cases_->end(); // to avoid warning + CaseField* default_case = nullptr; + + foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) { + CaseField* c = *i; + if ( ! c->index() ) { + if ( default_case ) + throw Exception(c, "duplicate default case"); + default_case_it = i; + default_case = c; + } + } + if ( default_case ) { + cases_->erase(default_case_it); + cases_->push_back(default_case); + } + + foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) { + CaseField* c = *i; + c->set_index_var(index_var_); + c->set_case_type(this); + } + + Type::Prepare(env, flags); +} + +void CaseType::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { + Type* t = index_expr_->DataType(env); + + if ( t->tot() != Type::BUILTIN ) + // It's a Type::EXTERN with a C++ type of "int", "bool", or "enum", + // any of which will convert consistently using an int as storage type. + t = extern_type_int; + + out_h->println("%s %s;", t->DataTypeStr().c_str(), env->LValue(index_var_)); + Type::GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); +} + +void CaseType::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { + Type* t = index_expr_->DataType(env); + + if ( t->tot() != Type::BUILTIN ) + t = extern_type_int; + + out_h->println("%s %s const { return %s; }", t->DataTypeStr().c_str(), env->RValue(index_var_), + env->LValue(index_var_)); + Type::GenPubDecls(out_h, env); +} + +void CaseType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + out_cc->println("%s = -1;", env->LValue(index_var_)); + Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); +} + +void CaseType::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + Type::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); + + env->set_in_branch(true); + out_cc->println("switch ( %s )", env->RValue(index_var_)); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) { + CaseField* c = *i; + c->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); + } + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + env->set_in_branch(false); +} + +void CaseType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) { + if ( StaticSize(env) >= 0 ) + GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); + + bool compute_size_var = false; + + if ( ! incremental_input() ) + compute_size_var = AddSizeVar(out_cc, env); + + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(index_var_), index_expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + env->SetEvaluated(index_var_); + + env->set_in_branch(true); + out_cc->println("switch ( %s )", env->RValue(index_var_)); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + bool has_default_case = false; + foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) { + CaseField* c = *i; + c->GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, compute_size_var ? size_var() : nullptr); + if ( c->IsDefaultCase() ) + has_default_case = true; + } + + if ( ! has_default_case ) { + out_cc->println("default:"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionInvalidCaseIndex(\"%s\", (int64)%s);", decl_id()->Name(), + env->RValue(index_var_)); + out_cc->println("break;"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + env->set_in_branch(false); + + if ( compute_size_var ) + env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); +} + +void CaseType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, 0); } + +int CaseType::StaticSize(Env* env) const { + int static_w = -1; + foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) { + CaseField* c = *i; + int w = c->StaticSize(env); + if ( w < 0 || (static_w >= 0 && w != static_w) ) + return -1; + static_w = w; + } + return static_w; +} + +void CaseType::SetBoundaryChecked() { + Type::SetBoundaryChecked(); + foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) { + CaseField* c = *i; + c->SetBoundaryChecked(); + } +} + +void CaseType::DoMarkIncrementalInput() { + foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) { + CaseField* c = *i; + c->type()->MarkIncrementalInput(); + } +} + +bool CaseType::ByteOrderSensitive() const { + foreach (i, CaseFieldList, cases_) { + CaseField* c = *i; + if ( c->RequiresByteOrder() ) + return true; + } + return false; +} CaseField::CaseField(ExprList* index, ID* id, Type* type) - : Field(CASE_FIELD, TYPE_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type), index_(index) - { - ASSERT(type_); - type_->set_value_var(id, MEMBER_VAR); - case_type_ = nullptr; - index_var_ = nullptr; - } - -CaseField::~CaseField() - { - delete_list(ExprList, index_); - } - -void GenCaseStr(ExprList* index_list, Output* out_cc, Env* env, Type* switch_type) - { - if ( index_list ) - { - foreach (i, ExprList, index_list) - { - Expr* index_expr = *i; - - Type* case_type = index_expr->DataType(env); - - if ( case_type->tot() == Type::BUILTIN && case_type->StaticSize(env) > 4 ) - throw ExceptionInvalidCaseSizeExpr(index_expr); - - int index_const; - - if ( ! index_expr->ConstFold(env, &index_const) ) - throw ExceptionNonConstExpr(index_expr); - - // External C++ types like "int", "bool", "enum" - // all use "int" type internally by default. - int case_type_width = 4; - int switch_type_width = 4; - - if ( switch_type->tot() == Type::BUILTIN ) - switch_type_width = switch_type->StaticSize(env); - - if ( case_type->tot() == Type::BUILTIN ) - case_type_width = case_type->StaticSize(env); - - if ( case_type_width > switch_type_width ) - { - BuiltInType* st = (BuiltInType*)switch_type; - - if ( switch_type_width == 1 ) - { - if ( st->bit_type() == BuiltInType::INT8 ) - { - if ( index_const < std::numeric_limits::min() ) - throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); - if ( index_const > std::numeric_limits::max() ) - throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); - } - else - { - if ( index_const < std::numeric_limits::min() ) - throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); - if ( index_const > std::numeric_limits::max() ) - throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); - } - } - else if ( switch_type_width == 2 ) - { - if ( st->bit_type() == BuiltInType::INT16 ) - { - if ( index_const < std::numeric_limits::min() ) - throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); - if ( index_const > std::numeric_limits::max() ) - throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); - } - else - { - if ( index_const < std::numeric_limits::min() ) - throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); - if ( index_const > std::numeric_limits::max() ) - throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); - } - } - else - { - assert(0); - } - } - - // We're always using "int" for storage, so ok to just - // cast into the type used by the switch statement since - // some unsafe stuff is already checked above. - out_cc->println("case ((%s) %d):", switch_type->DataTypeStr().c_str(), index_const); - } - } - else - { - out_cc->println("default:"); - } - } - -void CaseField::Prepare(Env* env) - { - ASSERT(index_var_); - Field::Prepare(env); - } - -void CaseField::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - if ( ! ((flags_ & PUBLIC_READABLE) && (flags_ & CLASS_MEMBER)) ) - return; - - // Skip type "empty" - if ( type_->DataTypeStr().empty() ) - return; - - out_h->println("%s %s const", type_->DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), env->RValue(id_)); - - out_h->inc_indent(); - out_h->println("{"); - - if ( ! index_ ) - out_h->println("return %s;", lvalue()); - else - { - out_h->println("switch ( %s )", env->RValue(index_var_)); - out_h->inc_indent(); - out_h->println("{"); - GenCaseStr(index_, out_h, env, case_type()->IndexExpr()->DataType(env)); - out_h->inc_indent(); - out_h->println("break; // OK"); - out_h->dec_indent(); - - out_h->println("default:"); - out_h->inc_indent(); - out_h->println("throw binpac::ExceptionInvalidCase(\"%s\", (int64)%s, \"%s\");", - id_->LocName(), env->RValue(index_var_), OrigExprList(index_).c_str()); - out_h->println("break;"); - out_h->dec_indent(); - - out_h->println("}"); - out_h->dec_indent(); - - out_h->println("return %s;", lvalue()); - } - - out_h->println("}"); - out_h->dec_indent(); - } - -void CaseField::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - // GenCaseStr(index_, out_cc, env); - // out_cc->inc_indent(); - // out_cc->println("{"); - // out_cc->println("// Initialize \"%s\"", id_->Name()); - type_->GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - // out_cc->println("}"); - // out_cc->println("break;"); - // out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - -void CaseField::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - GenCaseStr(index_, out_cc, env, case_type()->IndexExpr()->DataType(env)); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("// Clean up \"%s\"", id_->Name()); - out_cc->println("{"); - if ( ! anonymous_field() ) - type_->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->println("break;"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - -void CaseField::GenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, const ID* size_var) - { - GenCaseStr(index_, out_cc, env, case_type()->IndexExpr()->DataType(env)); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("// Parse \"%s\"", id_->Name()); - out_cc->println("{"); - - { - Env case_env(env, this); - - type_->GenPreParsing(out_cc, &case_env); - type_->GenParseCode(out_cc, &case_env, data, 0); - if ( size_var ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", case_env.LValue(size_var), - type_->DataSize(out_cc, &case_env, data).c_str()); - } - if ( type_->incremental_input() ) - { - ASSERT(case_type()->parsing_complete_var()); - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", case_env.LValue(case_type()->parsing_complete_var()), - case_env.RValue(type_->parsing_complete_var())); - } - out_cc->println("}"); - } - - out_cc->println("break;"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - -bool CaseField::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - return Field::DoTraverse(visitor) && type()->Traverse(visitor); - } - -bool CaseField::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const - { - return Field::RequiresAnalyzerContext() || type()->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); - } + : Field(CASE_FIELD, TYPE_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type), index_(index) { + ASSERT(type_); + type_->set_value_var(id, MEMBER_VAR); + case_type_ = nullptr; + index_var_ = nullptr; +} + +CaseField::~CaseField() { delete_list(ExprList, index_); } + +void GenCaseStr(ExprList* index_list, Output* out_cc, Env* env, Type* switch_type) { + if ( index_list ) { + foreach (i, ExprList, index_list) { + Expr* index_expr = *i; + + Type* case_type = index_expr->DataType(env); + + if ( case_type->tot() == Type::BUILTIN && case_type->StaticSize(env) > 4 ) + throw ExceptionInvalidCaseSizeExpr(index_expr); + + int index_const; + + if ( ! index_expr->ConstFold(env, &index_const) ) + throw ExceptionNonConstExpr(index_expr); + + // External C++ types like "int", "bool", "enum" + // all use "int" type internally by default. + int case_type_width = 4; + int switch_type_width = 4; + + if ( switch_type->tot() == Type::BUILTIN ) + switch_type_width = switch_type->StaticSize(env); + + if ( case_type->tot() == Type::BUILTIN ) + case_type_width = case_type->StaticSize(env); + + if ( case_type_width > switch_type_width ) { + BuiltInType* st = (BuiltInType*)switch_type; + + if ( switch_type_width == 1 ) { + if ( st->bit_type() == BuiltInType::INT8 ) { + if ( index_const < std::numeric_limits::min() ) + throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); + if ( index_const > std::numeric_limits::max() ) + throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); + } + else { + if ( index_const < std::numeric_limits::min() ) + throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); + if ( index_const > std::numeric_limits::max() ) + throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); + } + } + else if ( switch_type_width == 2 ) { + if ( st->bit_type() == BuiltInType::INT16 ) { + if ( index_const < std::numeric_limits::min() ) + throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); + if ( index_const > std::numeric_limits::max() ) + throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); + } + else { + if ( index_const < std::numeric_limits::min() ) + throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); + if ( index_const > std::numeric_limits::max() ) + throw ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(index_expr); + } + } + else { + assert(0); + } + } + + // We're always using "int" for storage, so ok to just + // cast into the type used by the switch statement since + // some unsafe stuff is already checked above. + out_cc->println("case ((%s) %d):", switch_type->DataTypeStr().c_str(), index_const); + } + } + else { + out_cc->println("default:"); + } +} + +void CaseField::Prepare(Env* env) { + ASSERT(index_var_); + Field::Prepare(env); +} + +void CaseField::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { + if ( ! ((flags_ & PUBLIC_READABLE) && (flags_ & CLASS_MEMBER)) ) + return; + + // Skip type "empty" + if ( type_->DataTypeStr().empty() ) + return; + + out_h->println("%s %s const", type_->DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), env->RValue(id_)); + + out_h->inc_indent(); + out_h->println("{"); + + if ( ! index_ ) + out_h->println("return %s;", lvalue()); + else { + out_h->println("switch ( %s )", env->RValue(index_var_)); + out_h->inc_indent(); + out_h->println("{"); + GenCaseStr(index_, out_h, env, case_type()->IndexExpr()->DataType(env)); + out_h->inc_indent(); + out_h->println("break; // OK"); + out_h->dec_indent(); + + out_h->println("default:"); + out_h->inc_indent(); + out_h->println("throw binpac::ExceptionInvalidCase(\"%s\", (int64)%s, \"%s\");", id_->LocName(), + env->RValue(index_var_), OrigExprList(index_).c_str()); + out_h->println("break;"); + out_h->dec_indent(); + + out_h->println("}"); + out_h->dec_indent(); + + out_h->println("return %s;", lvalue()); + } + + out_h->println("}"); + out_h->dec_indent(); +} + +void CaseField::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + // GenCaseStr(index_, out_cc, env); + // out_cc->inc_indent(); + // out_cc->println("{"); + // out_cc->println("// Initialize \"%s\"", id_->Name()); + type_->GenInitCode(out_cc, env); + // out_cc->println("}"); + // out_cc->println("break;"); + // out_cc->dec_indent(); +} + +void CaseField::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + GenCaseStr(index_, out_cc, env, case_type()->IndexExpr()->DataType(env)); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("// Clean up \"%s\"", id_->Name()); + out_cc->println("{"); + if ( ! anonymous_field() ) + type_->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->println("break;"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); +} + +void CaseField::GenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, const ID* size_var) { + GenCaseStr(index_, out_cc, env, case_type()->IndexExpr()->DataType(env)); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("// Parse \"%s\"", id_->Name()); + out_cc->println("{"); + + { + Env case_env(env, this); + + type_->GenPreParsing(out_cc, &case_env); + type_->GenParseCode(out_cc, &case_env, data, 0); + if ( size_var ) { + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", case_env.LValue(size_var), type_->DataSize(out_cc, &case_env, data).c_str()); + } + if ( type_->incremental_input() ) { + ASSERT(case_type()->parsing_complete_var()); + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", case_env.LValue(case_type()->parsing_complete_var()), + case_env.RValue(type_->parsing_complete_var())); + } + out_cc->println("}"); + } + + out_cc->println("break;"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); +} + +bool CaseField::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { return Field::DoTraverse(visitor) && type()->Traverse(visitor); } + +bool CaseField::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const { + return Field::RequiresAnalyzerContext() || type()->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); +} diff --git a/src/pac_case.h b/src/pac_case.h index 501676b..bb8e862 100644 --- a/src/pac_case.h +++ b/src/pac_case.h @@ -6,92 +6,90 @@ #include "pac_id.h" #include "pac_type.h" -class CaseType : public Type - { +class CaseType : public Type { public: - CaseType(Expr* index, CaseFieldList* cases); - ~CaseType() override; + CaseType(Expr* index, CaseFieldList* cases); + ~CaseType() override; - void AddCaseField(CaseField* f); + void AddCaseField(CaseField* f); - bool DefineValueVar() const override; - string DataTypeStr() const override; - string DefaultValue() const override; + bool DefineValueVar() const override; + string DataTypeStr() const override; + string DefaultValue() const override; - void Prepare(Env* env, int flags) override; + void Prepare(Env* env, int flags) override; - void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; + int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; - void SetBoundaryChecked() override; + void SetBoundaryChecked() override; - Type* ValueType() const; + Type* ValueType() const; - Expr* IndexExpr() const { return index_expr_; } + Expr* IndexExpr() const { return index_expr_; } - bool IsPointerType() const override { return ValueType()->IsPointerType(); } + bool IsPointerType() const override { return ValueType()->IsPointerType(); } protected: - void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; - void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; - Type* DoClone() const override { return nullptr; } - void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override; + void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; + void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; + Type* DoClone() const override { return nullptr; } + void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override; - bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override; + bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override; - Expr* index_expr_; - ID* index_var_; - CaseFieldList* cases_; + Expr* index_expr_; + ID* index_var_; + CaseFieldList* cases_; - typedef map member_map_t; - member_map_t member_map_; - }; + typedef map member_map_t; + member_map_t member_map_; +}; -class CaseField : public Field - { +class CaseField : public Field { public: - CaseField(ExprList* index, ID* id, Type* type); - ~CaseField() override; + CaseField(ExprList* index, ID* id, Type* type); + ~CaseField() override; - CaseType* case_type() const { return case_type_; } - void set_case_type(CaseType* t) { case_type_ = t; } + CaseType* case_type() const { return case_type_; } + void set_case_type(CaseType* t) { case_type_ = t; } - ExprList* index() const { return index_; } + ExprList* index() const { return index_; } - const char* lvalue() const { return type_->lvalue(); } + const char* lvalue() const { return type_->lvalue(); } - const char* CaseStr(Env* env); - void set_index_var(const ID* var) { index_var_ = var; } + const char* CaseStr(Env* env); + void set_index_var(const ID* var) { index_var_ = var; } - void Prepare(Env* env) override; + void Prepare(Env* env) override; - void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, const ID* size_var); + void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, const ID* size_var); - int StaticSize(Env* env) const { return type_->StaticSize(env); } + int StaticSize(Env* env) const { return type_->StaticSize(env); } - bool IsDefaultCase() const { return ! index_; } - void SetBoundaryChecked() { type_->SetBoundaryChecked(); } + bool IsDefaultCase() const { return ! index_; } + void SetBoundaryChecked() { type_->SetBoundaryChecked(); } - bool RequiresByteOrder() const { return type_->RequiresByteOrder(); } - bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const override; + bool RequiresByteOrder() const { return type_->RequiresByteOrder(); } + bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const override; protected: - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; protected: - CaseType* case_type_; - ExprList* index_; - const ID* index_var_; - }; + CaseType* case_type_; + ExprList* index_; + const ID* index_var_; +}; // Generate a list of "case X:" lines from index_list. Each index // expression must be constant foldable. diff --git a/src/pac_cclass.h b/src/pac_cclass.h index daf8823..d1129f6 100644 --- a/src/pac_cclass.h +++ b/src/pac_cclass.h @@ -24,58 +24,54 @@ typedef vector CVariableList; // // 3. We do not check repeated names. -class CClass - { +class CClass { public: - CClass(const string& class_name); + CClass(const string& class_name); - void AddMember(CClassMember* member); - void AddMethod(CClassMember* method); + void AddMember(CClassMember* member); + void AddMethod(CClassMember* method); - void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h); - void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); + void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h); + void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); protected: - string class_name_; - CClassMemberList* members_; - CClassMethodList* methods_; - }; + string class_name_; + CClassMemberList* members_; + CClassMethodList* methods_; +}; -class CVariable - { +class CVariable { public: - CClassMember(const string& name, CType* type); + CClassMember(const string& name, CType* type); - string name() const { return name_; } - CType* type() const { return type_; } + string name() const { return name_; } + CType* type() const { return type_; } protected: - string name_; - CType* type_; - }; + string name_; + CType* type_; +}; -class CClassMember - { +class CClassMember { public: - CClassMember(CVariable* var); - void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); + CClassMember(CVariable* var); + void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); - string decl() const; + string decl() const; protected: - CVariable* var_; - }; + CVariable* var_; +}; -class CClassMethod - { +class CClassMethod { public: - CClassMethod(CVariable* var, CVariableList* params); + CClassMethod(CVariable* var, CVariableList* params); - string decl() const; + string decl() const; protected: - CVariable* var_; - CVariableList* params_; - }; + CVariable* var_; + CVariableList* params_; +}; #endif // pac_cclass_h diff --git a/src/pac_common.h b/src/pac_common.h index 90c1d3b..8ddc7f1 100644 --- a/src/pac_common.h +++ b/src/pac_common.h @@ -20,25 +20,23 @@ extern int line_number; // representing language elements -- identifiers, types, expressions, // etc. -class Object - { +class Object { public: - Object() - { - filename = input_filename; - line_num = line_number; - location = strfmt("%s:%d", filename.c_str(), line_number); - } + Object() { + filename = input_filename; + line_num = line_number; + location = strfmt("%s:%d", filename.c_str(), line_number); + } - ~Object() { } + ~Object() {} - const char* Location() const { return location.c_str(); } + const char* Location() const { return location.c_str(); } protected: - string filename; - int line_num; - string location; - }; + string filename; + int line_num; + string location; +}; class ActionParam; class ActionParamType; @@ -103,17 +101,17 @@ typedef vector ParamList; typedef vector RecordFieldList; typedef vector StateVarList; -#define foreach(i, ct, pc) \ - if ( pc ) \ - for ( ct::iterator i = (pc)->begin(); i != (pc)->end(); ++i ) - -#define delete_list(ct, pc) \ - { \ - foreach (delete_list_i, ct, pc) \ - delete *delete_list_i; \ - delete pc; \ - pc = 0; \ - } +#define foreach(i, ct, pc) \ + if ( pc ) \ + for ( ct::iterator i = (pc)->begin(); i != (pc)->end(); ++i ) + +#define delete_list(ct, pc) \ + { \ + foreach (delete_list_i, ct, pc) \ + delete *delete_list_i; \ + delete pc; \ + pc = 0; \ + } // Constants const char* const kComputeFrameLength = "compute_frame_length"; diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 385be62..4d04c69 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -11,141 +11,123 @@ #include "pac_type.h" ConnDecl::ConnDecl(ID* conn_id, ParamList* params, AnalyzerElementList* elemlist) - : AnalyzerDecl(conn_id, CONN, params) - { - flows_[0] = flows_[1] = nullptr; - AddElements(elemlist); - data_type_ = new ParameterizedType(conn_id->clone(), nullptr); - } - -ConnDecl::~ConnDecl() - { - delete flows_[0]; - delete flows_[1]; - delete data_type_; - } - -void ConnDecl::AddBaseClass(vector* base_classes) const - { - base_classes->push_back("binpac::ConnectionAnalyzer"); - } - -void ConnDecl::ProcessFlowElement(AnalyzerFlow* flow_elem) - { - int flow_index; - - if ( flow_elem->dir() == AnalyzerFlow::UP ) - flow_index = 0; - else - flow_index = 1; - - if ( flows_[flow_index] ) - { - throw Exception(flow_elem, - strfmt("%sflow already defined", flow_index == 0 ? "up" : "down")); - } - - flows_[flow_index] = flow_elem; - type_->AddField(flow_elem->flow_field()); - } - -void ConnDecl::ProcessDataUnitElement(AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_elem) - { - throw Exception(dataunit_elem, "dataunit should be defined in only a flow declaration"); - } - -void ConnDecl::Prepare() - { - AnalyzerDecl::Prepare(); - - flows_[0]->flow_decl()->set_conn_decl(this); - flows_[1]->flow_decl()->set_conn_decl(this); - } - -void ConnDecl::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - AnalyzerDecl::GenPubDecls(out_h, out_cc); - } - -void ConnDecl::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - AnalyzerDecl::GenPrivDecls(out_h, out_cc); - } - -void ConnDecl::GenEOFFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - string proto = strfmt("%s(bool is_orig)", kFlowEOF); - - out_h->println("void %s;", proto.c_str()); - - out_cc->println("void %s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - out_cc->println("if ( is_orig )"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("%s->%s();", env_->LValue(upflow_id), kFlowEOF); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println("else"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("%s->%s();", env_->LValue(downflow_id), kFlowEOF); - - foreach (i, AnalyzerHelperList, eof_helpers_) - { - (*i)->GenCode(nullptr, out_cc, this); - } - - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println(""); - } - -void ConnDecl::GenGapFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - string proto = strfmt("%s(bool is_orig, int gap_length)", kFlowGap); - - out_h->println("void %s;", proto.c_str()); - - out_cc->println("void %s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - out_cc->println("if ( is_orig )"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("%s->%s(gap_length);", env_->LValue(upflow_id), kFlowGap); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println("else"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("%s->%s(gap_length);", env_->LValue(downflow_id), kFlowGap); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println(""); - } - -void ConnDecl::GenProcessFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - string proto = strfmt("%s(bool is_orig, const_byteptr begin, const_byteptr end)", kNewData); - - out_h->println("void %s;", proto.c_str()); - - out_cc->println("void %s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - out_cc->println("if ( is_orig )"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("%s->%s(begin, end);", env_->LValue(upflow_id), kNewData); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println("else"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("%s->%s(begin, end);", env_->LValue(downflow_id), kNewData); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println(""); - } + : AnalyzerDecl(conn_id, CONN, params) { + flows_[0] = flows_[1] = nullptr; + AddElements(elemlist); + data_type_ = new ParameterizedType(conn_id->clone(), nullptr); +} + +ConnDecl::~ConnDecl() { + delete flows_[0]; + delete flows_[1]; + delete data_type_; +} + +void ConnDecl::AddBaseClass(vector* base_classes) const { + base_classes->push_back("binpac::ConnectionAnalyzer"); +} + +void ConnDecl::ProcessFlowElement(AnalyzerFlow* flow_elem) { + int flow_index; + + if ( flow_elem->dir() == AnalyzerFlow::UP ) + flow_index = 0; + else + flow_index = 1; + + if ( flows_[flow_index] ) { + throw Exception(flow_elem, strfmt("%sflow already defined", flow_index == 0 ? "up" : "down")); + } + + flows_[flow_index] = flow_elem; + type_->AddField(flow_elem->flow_field()); +} + +void ConnDecl::ProcessDataUnitElement(AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_elem) { + throw Exception(dataunit_elem, "dataunit should be defined in only a flow declaration"); +} + +void ConnDecl::Prepare() { + AnalyzerDecl::Prepare(); + + flows_[0]->flow_decl()->set_conn_decl(this); + flows_[1]->flow_decl()->set_conn_decl(this); +} + +void ConnDecl::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { AnalyzerDecl::GenPubDecls(out_h, out_cc); } + +void ConnDecl::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { AnalyzerDecl::GenPrivDecls(out_h, out_cc); } + +void ConnDecl::GenEOFFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + string proto = strfmt("%s(bool is_orig)", kFlowEOF); + + out_h->println("void %s;", proto.c_str()); + + out_cc->println("void %s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + out_cc->println("if ( is_orig )"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("%s->%s();", env_->LValue(upflow_id), kFlowEOF); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println("else"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("%s->%s();", env_->LValue(downflow_id), kFlowEOF); + + foreach (i, AnalyzerHelperList, eof_helpers_) { + (*i)->GenCode(nullptr, out_cc, this); + } + + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println(""); +} + +void ConnDecl::GenGapFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + string proto = strfmt("%s(bool is_orig, int gap_length)", kFlowGap); + + out_h->println("void %s;", proto.c_str()); + + out_cc->println("void %s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + out_cc->println("if ( is_orig )"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("%s->%s(gap_length);", env_->LValue(upflow_id), kFlowGap); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println("else"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("%s->%s(gap_length);", env_->LValue(downflow_id), kFlowGap); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println(""); +} + +void ConnDecl::GenProcessFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + string proto = strfmt("%s(bool is_orig, const_byteptr begin, const_byteptr end)", kNewData); + + out_h->println("void %s;", proto.c_str()); + + out_cc->println("void %s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + out_cc->println("if ( is_orig )"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("%s->%s(begin, end);", env_->LValue(upflow_id), kNewData); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println("else"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("%s->%s(begin, end);", env_->LValue(downflow_id), kNewData); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println(""); +} diff --git a/src/pac_conn.h b/src/pac_conn.h index edb10e7..eb63cce 100644 --- a/src/pac_conn.h +++ b/src/pac_conn.h @@ -4,31 +4,30 @@ #include "pac_analyzer.h" #include "pac_decl.h" -class ConnDecl : public AnalyzerDecl - { +class ConnDecl : public AnalyzerDecl { public: - ConnDecl(ID* conn_id, ParamList* params, AnalyzerElementList* elemlist); - ~ConnDecl() override; + ConnDecl(ID* conn_id, ParamList* params, AnalyzerElementList* elemlist); + ~ConnDecl() override; - void Prepare() override; + void Prepare() override; - Type* DataType() const { return data_type_; } + Type* DataType() const { return data_type_; } protected: - void AddBaseClass(vector* base_classes) const override; + void AddBaseClass(vector* base_classes) const override; - void GenProcessFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - void GenGapFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - void GenEOFFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void GenProcessFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void GenGapFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void GenEOFFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - void GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - void GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - void ProcessFlowElement(AnalyzerFlow* flow_elem) override; - void ProcessDataUnitElement(AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_elem) override; + void ProcessFlowElement(AnalyzerFlow* flow_elem) override; + void ProcessDataUnitElement(AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_elem) override; - AnalyzerFlow* flows_[2]; - Type* data_type_; - }; + AnalyzerFlow* flows_[2]; + Type* data_type_; +}; #endif // pac_conn_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 773014e..59f3ee2 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -12,99 +12,83 @@ #include "pac_utils.h" ContextField::ContextField(ID* id, Type* type) - : Field(CONTEXT_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type) - { - } + : Field(CONTEXT_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type) {} AnalyzerContextDecl* AnalyzerContextDecl::current_analyzer_context_ = nullptr; -namespace - { -ParamList* ContextFieldsToParams(ContextFieldList* context_fields) - { - // Convert context fields to parameters - ParamList* params = new ParamList(); - foreach (i, ContextFieldList, context_fields) - { - ContextField* f = *i; - params->push_back(new Param(f->id()->clone(), f->type())); - } - return params; - } - } // namespace private +namespace { +ParamList* ContextFieldsToParams(ContextFieldList* context_fields) { + // Convert context fields to parameters + ParamList* params = new ParamList(); + foreach (i, ContextFieldList, context_fields) { + ContextField* f = *i; + params->push_back(new Param(f->id()->clone(), f->type())); + } + return params; +} +} // namespace AnalyzerContextDecl::AnalyzerContextDecl(ID* id, ContextFieldList* context_fields) - : TypeDecl(new ID(strfmt("Context%s", id->Name())), ContextFieldsToParams(context_fields), - new DummyType()) - { - context_name_id_ = id; - if ( current_analyzer_context_ != nullptr ) - { - throw Exception(this, strfmt("multiple declaration of analyzer context; " - "the previous one is `%s'", - current_analyzer_context_->id()->Name())); - } - else - current_analyzer_context_ = this; - - context_fields_ = context_fields; - - param_type_ = new ParameterizedType(id_->clone(), nullptr); - - flow_buffer_added_ = false; - - DEBUG_MSG("Context type: %s\n", param_type()->class_name().c_str()); - } - -AnalyzerContextDecl::~AnalyzerContextDecl() - { - delete context_name_id_; - delete param_type_; - delete_list(ContextFieldList, context_fields_); - } - -void AnalyzerContextDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) - { - GenNamespaceBegin(out_h); - TypeDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(out_h); - } - -void AnalyzerContextDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - GenNamespaceBegin(out_h); - GenNamespaceBegin(out_cc); - TypeDecl::GenCode(out_h, out_cc); - } - -void AnalyzerContextDecl::GenNamespaceBegin(Output* out) const - { - out->println("namespace %s {", context_name_id()->Name()); - } - -void AnalyzerContextDecl::GenNamespaceEnd(Output* out) const - { - out->println("} // namespace %s", context_name_id()->Name()); - } - -void AnalyzerContextDecl::AddFlowBuffer() - { - if ( flow_buffer_added_ ) - return; - - AddParam(new Param(new ID(kFlowBufferVar), FlowDecl::flow_buffer_type()->Clone())); - - flow_buffer_added_ = true; - } - -string AnalyzerContextDecl::mb_buffer(Env* env) - { - // A hack. The orthodox way would be to build an Expr of - // context.flow_buffer_var, and then EvalExpr. - return strfmt("%s->%s()", env->RValue(analyzer_context_id), kFlowBufferVar); - } - -Type* DummyType::DoClone() const - { - // Fields will be copied in Type::Clone(). - return new DummyType(); - } + : TypeDecl(new ID(strfmt("Context%s", id->Name())), ContextFieldsToParams(context_fields), new DummyType()) { + context_name_id_ = id; + if ( current_analyzer_context_ != nullptr ) { + throw Exception(this, strfmt("multiple declaration of analyzer context; " + "the previous one is `%s'", + current_analyzer_context_->id()->Name())); + } + else + current_analyzer_context_ = this; + + context_fields_ = context_fields; + + param_type_ = new ParameterizedType(id_->clone(), nullptr); + + flow_buffer_added_ = false; + + DEBUG_MSG("Context type: %s\n", param_type()->class_name().c_str()); +} + +AnalyzerContextDecl::~AnalyzerContextDecl() { + delete context_name_id_; + delete param_type_; + delete_list(ContextFieldList, context_fields_); +} + +void AnalyzerContextDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) { + GenNamespaceBegin(out_h); + TypeDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(out_h); +} + +void AnalyzerContextDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + GenNamespaceBegin(out_h); + GenNamespaceBegin(out_cc); + TypeDecl::GenCode(out_h, out_cc); +} + +void AnalyzerContextDecl::GenNamespaceBegin(Output* out) const { + out->println("namespace %s {", context_name_id()->Name()); +} + +void AnalyzerContextDecl::GenNamespaceEnd(Output* out) const { + out->println("} // namespace %s", context_name_id()->Name()); +} + +void AnalyzerContextDecl::AddFlowBuffer() { + if ( flow_buffer_added_ ) + return; + + AddParam(new Param(new ID(kFlowBufferVar), FlowDecl::flow_buffer_type()->Clone())); + + flow_buffer_added_ = true; +} + +string AnalyzerContextDecl::mb_buffer(Env* env) { + // A hack. The orthodox way would be to build an Expr of + // context.flow_buffer_var, and then EvalExpr. + return strfmt("%s->%s()", env->RValue(analyzer_context_id), kFlowBufferVar); +} + +Type* DummyType::DoClone() const { + // Fields will be copied in Type::Clone(). + return new DummyType(); +} diff --git a/src/pac_context.h b/src/pac_context.h index 86b9354..a52052e 100644 --- a/src/pac_context.h +++ b/src/pac_context.h @@ -23,84 +23,75 @@ // accessed as members of the cookie, such as // ``binpac_context.connection''. -class ContextField : public Field - { +class ContextField : public Field { public: - ContextField(ID* id, Type* type); - }; + ContextField(ID* id, Type* type); +}; -class AnalyzerContextDecl : public TypeDecl - { +class AnalyzerContextDecl : public TypeDecl { public: - AnalyzerContextDecl(ID* id, ContextFieldList* context_fields); - ~AnalyzerContextDecl() override; + AnalyzerContextDecl(ID* id, ContextFieldList* context_fields); + ~AnalyzerContextDecl() override; - void AddFlowBuffer(); + void AddFlowBuffer(); - const ID* context_name_id() const { return context_name_id_; } + const ID* context_name_id() const { return context_name_id_; } - // The type of analyzer context as a parameter - ParameterizedType* param_type() const { return param_type_; } + // The type of analyzer context as a parameter + ParameterizedType* param_type() const { return param_type_; } - void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; - void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; + void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - void GenNamespaceBegin(Output* out) const; - void GenNamespaceEnd(Output* out) const; + void GenNamespaceBegin(Output* out) const; + void GenNamespaceEnd(Output* out) const; private: - ID* context_name_id_; - ContextFieldList* context_fields_; - ParameterizedType* param_type_; - bool flow_buffer_added_; + ID* context_name_id_; + ContextFieldList* context_fields_; + ParameterizedType* param_type_; + bool flow_buffer_added_; - // static members + // static members public: - static AnalyzerContextDecl* current_analyzer_context() { return current_analyzer_context_; } + static AnalyzerContextDecl* current_analyzer_context() { return current_analyzer_context_; } - static string mb_buffer(Env* env); + static string mb_buffer(Env* env); private: - static AnalyzerContextDecl* current_analyzer_context_; - }; + static AnalyzerContextDecl* current_analyzer_context_; +}; -class DummyType : public Type - { +class DummyType : public Type { public: - DummyType() : Type(DUMMY) { } + DummyType() : Type(DUMMY) {} - bool DefineValueVar() const override { return false; } - string DataTypeStr() const override - { - ASSERT(0); - return ""; - } + bool DefineValueVar() const override { return false; } + string DataTypeStr() const override { + ASSERT(0); + return ""; + } - int StaticSize(Env* env) const override - { - ASSERT(0); - return -1; - } + int StaticSize(Env* env) const override { + ASSERT(0); + return -1; + } - bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override { return false; } + bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override { return false; } - bool IsPointerType() const override - { - ASSERT(0); - return false; - } + bool IsPointerType() const override { + ASSERT(0); + return false; + } - void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override - { - ASSERT(0); - } + void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override { ASSERT(0); } - // Generate code for computing the dynamic size of the type - void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override { ASSERT(0); } + // Generate code for computing the dynamic size of the type + void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override { ASSERT(0); } protected: - Type* DoClone() const override; - void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override { ASSERT(0); } - }; + Type* DoClone() const override; + void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override { ASSERT(0); } +}; #endif // pac_context_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 69ca4f3..cd3120a 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -3,129 +3,108 @@ #include "pac_dbg.h" #include "pac_exception.h" -namespace - { +namespace { -class EscapeException - { +class EscapeException { public: - explicit EscapeException(const string& s) { msg_ = s; } + explicit EscapeException(const string& s) { msg_ = s; } - const string& msg() const { return msg_; } + const string& msg() const { return msg_; } private: - string msg_; - }; + string msg_; +}; // Copied from of Zeek -int expand_escape(const char*& s) - { - switch ( *(s++) ) - { - case 'b': - return '\b'; - case 'f': - return '\f'; - case 'n': - return '\n'; - case 'r': - return '\r'; - case 't': - return '\t'; - case 'a': - return '\a'; - case 'v': - return '\v'; - - case '0': - case '1': - case '2': - case '3': - case '4': - case '5': - case '6': - case '7': - { // \{1,3} - --s; // put back the first octal digit - const char* start = s; - - // Don't increment inside loop control - // because if isdigit() is a macro it might - // expand into multiple increments ... - - // Here we define a maximum length for escape sequence - // to allow easy handling of string like: "^H0" as - // "\0100". - - for ( int len = 0; len < 3 && isascii(*s) && isdigit(*s); ++s, ++len ) - ; - - int result; - if ( sscanf(start, "%3o", &result) != 1 ) - throw EscapeException(strfmt("bad octal escape: \"%s", start)); - - return result; - } - - case 'x': - { /* \x */ - const char* start = s; - - // Look at most 2 characters, so that "\x0ddir" -> "^Mdir". - for ( int len = 0; len < 2 && isascii(*s) && isxdigit(*s); ++s, ++len ) - ; - - int result; - if ( sscanf(start, "%2x", &result) != 1 ) - throw EscapeException(strfmt("bad hexadecimal escape: \"%s", start)); - - return result; - } - - default: - return s[-1]; - } - } - - } // private namespace - -ConstString::ConstString(const string& s) : str_(s) - { - // Copied from scan.l of Zeek - try - { - const char* text = str_.c_str(); - int len = strlen(text) + 1; - int i = 0; - - char* new_s = new char[len]; - - // Skip leading quote. - for ( ++text; *text; ++text ) - { - if ( *text == '\\' ) - { - ++text; // skip '\' - new_s[i++] = expand_escape(text); - --text; // point to end of sequence - } - else - { - new_s[i++] = *text; - } - } - ASSERT(i < len); - - // Get rid of trailing quote. - ASSERT(new_s[i - 1] == '"'); - new_s[i - 1] = '\0'; - - unescaped_ = new_s; - delete[] new_s; - } - catch ( EscapeException const& e ) - { - // Throw again with the object - throw Exception(this, e.msg().c_str()); - } - } +int expand_escape(const char*& s) { + switch ( *(s++) ) { + case 'b': return '\b'; + case 'f': return '\f'; + case 'n': return '\n'; + case 'r': return '\r'; + case 't': return '\t'; + case 'a': return '\a'; + case 'v': return '\v'; + + case '0': + case '1': + case '2': + case '3': + case '4': + case '5': + case '6': + case '7': { // \{1,3} + --s; // put back the first octal digit + const char* start = s; + + // Don't increment inside loop control + // because if isdigit() is a macro it might + // expand into multiple increments ... + + // Here we define a maximum length for escape sequence + // to allow easy handling of string like: "^H0" as + // "\0100". + + for ( int len = 0; len < 3 && isascii(*s) && isdigit(*s); ++s, ++len ) + ; + + int result; + if ( sscanf(start, "%3o", &result) != 1 ) + throw EscapeException(strfmt("bad octal escape: \"%s", start)); + + return result; + } + + case 'x': { /* \x */ + const char* start = s; + + // Look at most 2 characters, so that "\x0ddir" -> "^Mdir". + for ( int len = 0; len < 2 && isascii(*s) && isxdigit(*s); ++s, ++len ) + ; + + int result; + if ( sscanf(start, "%2x", &result) != 1 ) + throw EscapeException(strfmt("bad hexadecimal escape: \"%s", start)); + + return result; + } + + default: return s[-1]; + } +} + +} // namespace + +ConstString::ConstString(const string& s) : str_(s) { + // Copied from scan.l of Zeek + try { + const char* text = str_.c_str(); + int len = strlen(text) + 1; + int i = 0; + + char* new_s = new char[len]; + + // Skip leading quote. + for ( ++text; *text; ++text ) { + if ( *text == '\\' ) { + ++text; // skip '\' + new_s[i++] = expand_escape(text); + --text; // point to end of sequence + } + else { + new_s[i++] = *text; + } + } + ASSERT(i < len); + + // Get rid of trailing quote. + ASSERT(new_s[i - 1] == '"'); + new_s[i - 1] = '\0'; + + unescaped_ = new_s; + delete[] new_s; + } catch ( EscapeException const& e ) { + // Throw again with the object + throw Exception(this, e.msg().c_str()); + } +} diff --git a/src/pac_cstr.h b/src/pac_cstr.h index b9865e9..7443397 100644 --- a/src/pac_cstr.h +++ b/src/pac_cstr.h @@ -3,21 +3,20 @@ #include "pac_common.h" -class ConstString : public Object - { +class ConstString : public Object { public: - ConstString(const string& s); + ConstString(const string& s); - // The string in its escaped form, with surrounding '"'s - const string& str() const { return str_; } - const char* c_str() const { return str_.c_str(); } + // The string in its escaped form, with surrounding '"'s + const string& str() const { return str_; } + const char* c_str() const { return str_.c_str(); } - // The unescaped string, without surrounding '"'s - const string& unescaped() const { return unescaped_; } + // The unescaped string, without surrounding '"'s + const string& unescaped() const { return unescaped_; } private: - string str_; - string unescaped_; - }; + string str_; + string unescaped_; +}; #endif // pac_cstr_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index a664756..3ef8003 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -1,21 +1,13 @@ #include "pac_ctype.h" -string CType::DeclareInstance(const string& var) const - { - return strfmt("%s %s", name().c_str(), var.c_str()); - } +string CType::DeclareInstance(const string& var) const { return strfmt("%s %s", name().c_str(), var.c_str()); } -string CType::DeclareConstReference(const string& var) const - { - return strfmt("%s const &%s", name().c_str(), var.c_str()); - } +string CType::DeclareConstReference(const string& var) const { + return strfmt("%s const &%s", name().c_str(), var.c_str()); +} -string CType::DeclareConstPointer(const string& var) const - { - return strfmt("%s const *%s", name().c_str(), var.c_str()); - } +string CType::DeclareConstPointer(const string& var) const { + return strfmt("%s const *%s", name().c_str(), var.c_str()); +} -string CType::DeclarePointer(const string& var) const - { - return strfmt("%s *%s", name().c_str(), var.c_str()); - } +string CType::DeclarePointer(const string& var) const { return strfmt("%s *%s", name().c_str(), var.c_str()); } diff --git a/src/pac_ctype.h b/src/pac_ctype.h index 4cf64bf..11ab0b8 100644 --- a/src/pac_ctype.h +++ b/src/pac_ctype.h @@ -4,20 +4,19 @@ #include "pac_common.h" // Represents a C++ type -class CType - { +class CType { public: - CType(const string& name); + CType(const string& name); - string name() const { return name_; } + string name() const { return name_; } - string DeclareInstance(const string& var) const; - string DeclareConstReference(const string& var) const; - string DeclareConstPointer(const string& var) const; - string DeclarePointer(const string& var) const; + string DeclareInstance(const string& var) const; + string DeclareConstReference(const string& var) const; + string DeclareConstPointer(const string& var) const; + string DeclarePointer(const string& var) const; protected: - string name_; - }; + string name_; +}; #endif // pac_ctype_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index a9a4f1a..32567dc 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -4,70 +4,51 @@ #include "pac_id.h" #include "pac_type.h" -DataDepElement::DataDepElement(DDE_Type type) : dde_type_(type), in_traversal(false) { } - -bool DataDepElement::Traverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - // Avoid infinite loop - if ( in_traversal ) - return true; - if ( ! visitor->PreProcess(this) ) - return false; - - in_traversal = true; - bool cont = DoTraverse(visitor); - in_traversal = false; - - if ( ! cont ) - return false; - if ( ! visitor->PostProcess(this) ) - return false; - return true; - } - -Expr* DataDepElement::expr() - { - return static_cast(this); - } - -Type* DataDepElement::type() - { - return static_cast(this); - } - -bool RequiresAnalyzerContext::PreProcess(DataDepElement* element) - { - switch ( element->dde_type() ) - { - case DataDepElement::EXPR: - ProcessExpr(element->expr()); - break; - default: - break; - } - - // Continue traversal until we know the answer is 'yes' - return ! requires_analyzer_context_; - } - -bool RequiresAnalyzerContext::PostProcess(DataDepElement* element) - { - return ! requires_analyzer_context_; - } - -void RequiresAnalyzerContext::ProcessExpr(Expr* expr) - { - if ( expr->expr_type() == Expr::EXPR_ID ) - { - requires_analyzer_context_ = (requires_analyzer_context_ || - *expr->id() == *analyzer_context_id || - *expr->id() == *context_macro_id); - } - } - -bool RequiresAnalyzerContext::compute(DataDepElement* element) - { - RequiresAnalyzerContext visitor; - element->Traverse(&visitor); - return visitor.requires_analyzer_context_; - } +DataDepElement::DataDepElement(DDE_Type type) : dde_type_(type), in_traversal(false) {} + +bool DataDepElement::Traverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { + // Avoid infinite loop + if ( in_traversal ) + return true; + if ( ! visitor->PreProcess(this) ) + return false; + + in_traversal = true; + bool cont = DoTraverse(visitor); + in_traversal = false; + + if ( ! cont ) + return false; + if ( ! visitor->PostProcess(this) ) + return false; + return true; +} + +Expr* DataDepElement::expr() { return static_cast(this); } + +Type* DataDepElement::type() { return static_cast(this); } + +bool RequiresAnalyzerContext::PreProcess(DataDepElement* element) { + switch ( element->dde_type() ) { + case DataDepElement::EXPR: ProcessExpr(element->expr()); break; + default: break; + } + + // Continue traversal until we know the answer is 'yes' + return ! requires_analyzer_context_; +} + +bool RequiresAnalyzerContext::PostProcess(DataDepElement* element) { return ! requires_analyzer_context_; } + +void RequiresAnalyzerContext::ProcessExpr(Expr* expr) { + if ( expr->expr_type() == Expr::EXPR_ID ) { + requires_analyzer_context_ = + (requires_analyzer_context_ || *expr->id() == *analyzer_context_id || *expr->id() == *context_macro_id); + } +} + +bool RequiresAnalyzerContext::compute(DataDepElement* element) { + RequiresAnalyzerContext visitor; + element->Traverse(&visitor); + return visitor.requires_analyzer_context_; +} diff --git a/src/pac_datadep.h b/src/pac_datadep.h index 0b7a429..184e256 100644 --- a/src/pac_datadep.h +++ b/src/pac_datadep.h @@ -9,64 +9,60 @@ class DataDepVisitor; -class DataDepElement - { +class DataDepElement { public: - enum DDE_Type - { - ATTR, - CASEEXPR, - EXPR, - FIELD, - INPUT_BUFFER, - PARAM, - TYPE, - }; - - DataDepElement(DDE_Type type); - virtual ~DataDepElement() { } - - // Returns whether to continue traversal - bool Traverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor); - - // Returns whether to continue traversal - virtual bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) = 0; - - DDE_Type dde_type() const { return dde_type_; } - Expr* expr(); - Type* type(); + enum DDE_Type { + ATTR, + CASEEXPR, + EXPR, + FIELD, + INPUT_BUFFER, + PARAM, + TYPE, + }; + + DataDepElement(DDE_Type type); + virtual ~DataDepElement() {} + + // Returns whether to continue traversal + bool Traverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor); + + // Returns whether to continue traversal + virtual bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) = 0; + + DDE_Type dde_type() const { return dde_type_; } + Expr* expr(); + Type* type(); protected: - DDE_Type dde_type_; - bool in_traversal; - }; + DDE_Type dde_type_; + bool in_traversal; +}; -class DataDepVisitor - { +class DataDepVisitor { public: - virtual ~DataDepVisitor() { } - // Returns whether to continue traversal - virtual bool PreProcess(DataDepElement* element) = 0; - virtual bool PostProcess(DataDepElement* element) = 0; - }; - -class RequiresAnalyzerContext : public DataDepVisitor - { + virtual ~DataDepVisitor() {} + // Returns whether to continue traversal + virtual bool PreProcess(DataDepElement* element) = 0; + virtual bool PostProcess(DataDepElement* element) = 0; +}; + +class RequiresAnalyzerContext : public DataDepVisitor { public: - RequiresAnalyzerContext() : requires_analyzer_context_(false) { } + RequiresAnalyzerContext() : requires_analyzer_context_(false) {} - // Returns whether to continue traversal - bool PreProcess(DataDepElement* element) override; - bool PostProcess(DataDepElement* element) override; + // Returns whether to continue traversal + bool PreProcess(DataDepElement* element) override; + bool PostProcess(DataDepElement* element) override; - bool requires_analyzer_context() const { return requires_analyzer_context_; } + bool requires_analyzer_context() const { return requires_analyzer_context_; } - static bool compute(DataDepElement* element); + static bool compute(DataDepElement* element); protected: - void ProcessExpr(Expr* expr); + void ProcessExpr(Expr* expr); - bool requires_analyzer_context_; - }; + bool requires_analyzer_context_; +}; #endif // pac_datadep_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 4ebb0db..1b3d196 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -5,56 +5,48 @@ #include "pac_output.h" #include "pac_utils.h" -DataPtr::DataPtr(Env* env, const ID* id, const int offset) : id_(id), offset_(offset) - { - if ( id_ ) - { - if ( ! env->Evaluated(id_) ) - throw ExceptionIDNotEvaluated(id_); - - if ( offset_ == 0 ) - ptr_expr_ = strfmt("%s", env->RValue(id_)); - else - ptr_expr_ = strfmt("(%s + %d)", env->RValue(id_), offset_); - } - else - ptr_expr_ = "(null id)"; - } - -int DataPtr::AbsOffset(const ID* base_ptr) const - { - return (id() == base_ptr) ? offset() : -1; - } - -char* DataPtr::AbsOffsetExpr(Env* env, const ID* base_ptr) const - { - if ( AbsOffset(base_ptr) >= 0 ) - return nfmt("%d", offset()); - else - return nfmt("(%s - %s)", ptr_expr(), env->RValue(base_ptr)); - } - -void DataPtr::GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const char* data_size, - const char* data_name) const - { - ASSERT(id_); - - out_cc->println("// Checking out-of-bound for \"%s\"", data_name); - out_cc->println("if ( %s + (%s) > %s || %s + (%s) < %s )", ptr_expr(), data_size, - env->RValue(end_of_data), ptr_expr(), data_size, ptr_expr()); - - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - char* data_offset = AbsOffsetExpr(env, begin_of_data); - - out_cc->println("// Handle out-of-bound condition"); - out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionOutOfBound(\"%s\",", data_name); - out_cc->println(" (%s) + (%s), ", data_offset, data_size); - out_cc->println(" (%s) - (%s));", env->RValue(end_of_data), env->RValue(begin_of_data)); - - delete[] data_offset; - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } +DataPtr::DataPtr(Env* env, const ID* id, const int offset) : id_(id), offset_(offset) { + if ( id_ ) { + if ( ! env->Evaluated(id_) ) + throw ExceptionIDNotEvaluated(id_); + + if ( offset_ == 0 ) + ptr_expr_ = strfmt("%s", env->RValue(id_)); + else + ptr_expr_ = strfmt("(%s + %d)", env->RValue(id_), offset_); + } + else + ptr_expr_ = "(null id)"; +} + +int DataPtr::AbsOffset(const ID* base_ptr) const { return (id() == base_ptr) ? offset() : -1; } + +char* DataPtr::AbsOffsetExpr(Env* env, const ID* base_ptr) const { + if ( AbsOffset(base_ptr) >= 0 ) + return nfmt("%d", offset()); + else + return nfmt("(%s - %s)", ptr_expr(), env->RValue(base_ptr)); +} + +void DataPtr::GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const char* data_size, const char* data_name) const { + ASSERT(id_); + + out_cc->println("// Checking out-of-bound for \"%s\"", data_name); + out_cc->println("if ( %s + (%s) > %s || %s + (%s) < %s )", ptr_expr(), data_size, env->RValue(end_of_data), + ptr_expr(), data_size, ptr_expr()); + + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + char* data_offset = AbsOffsetExpr(env, begin_of_data); + + out_cc->println("// Handle out-of-bound condition"); + out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionOutOfBound(\"%s\",", data_name); + out_cc->println(" (%s) + (%s), ", data_offset, data_size); + out_cc->println(" (%s) - (%s));", env->RValue(end_of_data), env->RValue(begin_of_data)); + + delete[] data_offset; + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); +} diff --git a/src/pac_dataptr.h b/src/pac_dataptr.h index be8885f..1ad102f 100644 --- a/src/pac_dataptr.h +++ b/src/pac_dataptr.h @@ -9,40 +9,36 @@ // A data pointer is represented by an data pointer variable // plus a constant offset. -class DataPtr - { +class DataPtr { public: - DataPtr(Env* env, const ID* arg_id, const int arg_off); - DataPtr(DataPtr const& x) { *this = x; } + DataPtr(Env* env, const ID* arg_id, const int arg_off); + DataPtr(DataPtr const& x) { *this = x; } - DataPtr const& operator=(DataPtr const& x) - { - id_ =; - offset_ = x.offset(); - ptr_expr_ = x.ptr_expr(); + DataPtr const& operator=(DataPtr const& x) { + id_ =; + offset_ = x.offset(); + ptr_expr_ = x.ptr_expr(); - return *this; - } + return *this; + } - const ID* id() const { return id_; } - int offset() const { return offset_; } + const ID* id() const { return id_; } + int offset() const { return offset_; } - const char* ptr_expr() const - { - ASSERT(id_); - return ptr_expr_.c_str(); - } + const char* ptr_expr() const { + ASSERT(id_); + return ptr_expr_.c_str(); + } - int AbsOffset(const ID* base_ptr) const; - char* AbsOffsetExpr(Env* env, const ID* base_ptr) const; + int AbsOffset(const ID* base_ptr) const; + char* AbsOffsetExpr(Env* env, const ID* base_ptr) const; - void GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out, Env* env, const char* data_size, - const char* data_name) const; + void GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out, Env* env, const char* data_size, const char* data_name) const; protected: - const ID* id_; - int offset_; - string ptr_expr_; - }; + const ID* id_; + int offset_; + string ptr_expr_; +}; #endif // pac_dataptr_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index df13f21..a51ba4c 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -5,41 +5,33 @@ #include "pac_paramtype.h" #include "pac_varfield.h" -AnalyzerDataUnit::AnalyzerDataUnit(DataUnitType type, ID* id, ExprList* type_params, - ExprList* context_params) - : AnalyzerElement(DATAUNIT), type_(type), id_(id), type_params_(type_params), - context_params_(context_params) - { - data_type_ = new ParameterizedType(id_, type_params_); - context_type_ = new ParameterizedType( - AnalyzerContextDecl::current_analyzer_context()->id()->clone(), context_params_); +AnalyzerDataUnit::AnalyzerDataUnit(DataUnitType type, ID* id, ExprList* type_params, ExprList* context_params) + : AnalyzerElement(DATAUNIT), type_(type), id_(id), type_params_(type_params), context_params_(context_params) { + data_type_ = new ParameterizedType(id_, type_params_); + context_type_ = + new ParameterizedType(AnalyzerContextDecl::current_analyzer_context()->id()->clone(), context_params_); - dataunit_var_field_ = new ParseVarField(Field::CLASS_MEMBER, dataunit_id->clone(), data_type()); - context_var_field_ = new PrivVarField(analyzer_context_id->clone(), context_type()); - } + dataunit_var_field_ = new ParseVarField(Field::CLASS_MEMBER, dataunit_id->clone(), data_type()); + context_var_field_ = new PrivVarField(analyzer_context_id->clone(), context_type()); +} -AnalyzerDataUnit::~AnalyzerDataUnit() - { - delete dataunit_var_field_; - delete context_var_field_; - } +AnalyzerDataUnit::~AnalyzerDataUnit() { + delete dataunit_var_field_; + delete context_var_field_; +} -void AnalyzerDataUnit::Prepare(Env* env) - { - dataunit_var_field_->Prepare(env); - context_var_field_->Prepare(env); - } +void AnalyzerDataUnit::Prepare(Env* env) { + dataunit_var_field_->Prepare(env); + context_var_field_->Prepare(env); +} -void AnalyzerDataUnit::GenNewDataUnit(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - out_cc->println("%s = new %s(%s);", env->LValue(dataunit_id), data_type()->class_name().c_str(), - data_type()->EvalParameters(out_cc, env).c_str()); - } +void AnalyzerDataUnit::GenNewDataUnit(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + out_cc->println("%s = new %s(%s);", env->LValue(dataunit_id), data_type()->class_name().c_str(), + data_type()->EvalParameters(out_cc, env).c_str()); +} -void AnalyzerDataUnit::GenNewContext(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - out_cc->println("%s = new %s(%s);", env->LValue(analyzer_context_id), - context_type()->class_name().c_str(), - context_type()->EvalParameters(out_cc, env).c_str()); - env->SetEvaluated(analyzer_context_id); - } +void AnalyzerDataUnit::GenNewContext(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + out_cc->println("%s = new %s(%s);", env->LValue(analyzer_context_id), context_type()->class_name().c_str(), + context_type()->EvalParameters(out_cc, env).c_str()); + env->SetEvaluated(analyzer_context_id); +} diff --git a/src/pac_dataunit.h b/src/pac_dataunit.h index d9f16d1..cf3d6ed 100644 --- a/src/pac_dataunit.h +++ b/src/pac_dataunit.h @@ -6,44 +6,39 @@ // The type and parameters of input data unit of a flow. For instance, the // data unit of a DCE/RPC flow is DCE_RPC_PDU. -class AnalyzerDataUnit : public AnalyzerElement - { +class AnalyzerDataUnit : public AnalyzerElement { public: - enum DataUnitType - { - DATAGRAM, - FLOWUNIT - }; - AnalyzerDataUnit(DataUnitType type, ID* id, ExprList* type_params, ExprList* context_params); - ~AnalyzerDataUnit() override; + enum DataUnitType { DATAGRAM, FLOWUNIT }; + AnalyzerDataUnit(DataUnitType type, ID* id, ExprList* type_params, ExprList* context_params); + ~AnalyzerDataUnit() override; - void Prepare(Env* env); + void Prepare(Env* env); - // Initializes dataunit_id - void GenNewDataUnit(Output* out_cc, Env* env); - // Initializes analyzer_context_id - void GenNewContext(Output* out_cc, Env* env); + // Initializes dataunit_id + void GenNewDataUnit(Output* out_cc, Env* env); + // Initializes analyzer_context_id + void GenNewContext(Output* out_cc, Env* env); - DataUnitType type() const { return type_; } - const ID* id() const { return id_; } - ExprList* type_params() const { return type_params_; } - ExprList* context_params() const { return context_params_; } + DataUnitType type() const { return type_; } + const ID* id() const { return id_; } + ExprList* type_params() const { return type_params_; } + ExprList* context_params() const { return context_params_; } - ParameterizedType* data_type() const { return data_type_; } - ParameterizedType* context_type() const { return context_type_; } + ParameterizedType* data_type() const { return data_type_; } + ParameterizedType* context_type() const { return context_type_; } - Field* dataunit_var_field() const { return dataunit_var_field_; } - Field* context_var_field() const { return context_var_field_; } + Field* dataunit_var_field() const { return dataunit_var_field_; } + Field* context_var_field() const { return context_var_field_; } private: - DataUnitType type_; - ID* id_; - ExprList* type_params_; - ExprList* context_params_; - ParameterizedType* data_type_; - ParameterizedType* context_type_; - Field* dataunit_var_field_; - Field* context_var_field_; - }; + DataUnitType type_; + ID* id_; + ExprList* type_params_; + ExprList* context_params_; + ParameterizedType* data_type_; + ParameterizedType* context_type_; + Field* dataunit_var_field_; + Field* context_var_field_; +}; #endif // pac_dataunit_h diff --git a/src/pac_dbg.h b/src/pac_dbg.h index be5a64b..04b8518 100644 --- a/src/pac_dbg.h +++ b/src/pac_dbg.h @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ extern bool FLAGS_pac_debug; #define ASSERT(x) assert(x) -#define DEBUG_MSG(...) \ - if ( FLAGS_pac_debug ) \ - fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__) +#define DEBUG_MSG(...) \ + if ( FLAGS_pac_debug ) \ + fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__) #endif /* pac_dbg_h */ diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index fc0f74e..dbc93b1 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -17,140 +17,120 @@ DeclList* Decl::decl_list_ = nullptr; Decl::DeclMap Decl::decl_map_; -Decl::Decl(ID* id, DeclType decl_type) : id_(id), decl_type_(decl_type), attrlist_(nullptr) - { - decl_map_[id_] = this; - if ( ! decl_list_ ) - decl_list_ = new DeclList(); - decl_list_->push_back(this); - - DEBUG_MSG("Finished Decl %s\n", id_->Name()); - - analyzer_context_ = nullptr; - } - -Decl::~Decl() - { - delete id_; - delete_list(AttrList, attrlist_); - } - -void Decl::AddAttrs(AttrList* attrs) - { - if ( ! attrs ) - return; - if ( ! attrlist_ ) - attrlist_ = new AttrList(); - foreach (i, AttrList, attrs) - { - attrlist_->push_back(*i); - ProcessAttr(*i); - } - } - -void Decl::ProcessAttr(Attr* attr) - { - throw Exception(attr, "unhandled attribute"); - } - -void Decl::SetAnalyzerContext() - { - analyzer_context_ = AnalyzerContextDecl::current_analyzer_context(); - if ( ! analyzer_context_ ) - { - throw Exception(this, "analyzer context not defined"); - } - } - -void Decl::ProcessDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - if ( ! decl_list_ ) - return; - - foreach (i, DeclList, decl_list_) - { - Decl* decl = *i; - current_decl_id = decl->id(); - decl->Prepare(); - } - - foreach (i, DeclList, decl_list_) - { - Decl* decl = *i; - current_decl_id = decl->id(); - decl->GenExternDeclaration(out_h); - } - - out_h->println("namespace binpac {\n"); - out_cc->println("namespace binpac {\n"); +Decl::Decl(ID* id, DeclType decl_type) : id_(id), decl_type_(decl_type), attrlist_(nullptr) { + decl_map_[id_] = this; + if ( ! decl_list_ ) + decl_list_ = new DeclList(); + decl_list_->push_back(this); + + DEBUG_MSG("Finished Decl %s\n", id_->Name()); + + analyzer_context_ = nullptr; +} + +Decl::~Decl() { + delete id_; + delete_list(AttrList, attrlist_); +} + +void Decl::AddAttrs(AttrList* attrs) { + if ( ! attrs ) + return; + if ( ! attrlist_ ) + attrlist_ = new AttrList(); + foreach (i, AttrList, attrs) { + attrlist_->push_back(*i); + ProcessAttr(*i); + } +} + +void Decl::ProcessAttr(Attr* attr) { throw Exception(attr, "unhandled attribute"); } + +void Decl::SetAnalyzerContext() { + analyzer_context_ = AnalyzerContextDecl::current_analyzer_context(); + if ( ! analyzer_context_ ) { + throw Exception(this, "analyzer context not defined"); + } +} + +void Decl::ProcessDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + if ( ! decl_list_ ) + return; + + foreach (i, DeclList, decl_list_) { + Decl* decl = *i; + current_decl_id = decl->id(); + decl->Prepare(); + } + + foreach (i, DeclList, decl_list_) { + Decl* decl = *i; + current_decl_id = decl->id(); + decl->GenExternDeclaration(out_h); + } + + out_h->println("namespace binpac {\n"); + out_cc->println("namespace binpac {\n"); + + AnalyzerContextDecl* analyzer_context = AnalyzerContextDecl::current_analyzer_context(); + + foreach (i, DeclList, decl_list_) { + Decl* decl = *i; + current_decl_id = decl->id(); + decl->GenForwardDeclaration(out_h); + } + + if ( analyzer_context ) + analyzer_context->GenNamespaceEnd(out_h); + + out_h->println(""); + + foreach (i, DeclList, decl_list_) { + Decl* decl = *i; + current_decl_id = decl->id(); + decl->GenCode(out_h, out_cc); + } + + if ( analyzer_context ) { + analyzer_context->GenNamespaceEnd(out_h); + analyzer_context->GenNamespaceEnd(out_cc); + } + + out_h->println("} // namespace binpac"); + out_cc->println("} // namespace binpac"); +} + +Decl* Decl::LookUpDecl(const ID* id) { + DeclMap::iterator it = decl_map_.find(id); + if ( it == decl_map_.end() ) + return nullptr; + return it->second; +} - AnalyzerContextDecl* analyzer_context = AnalyzerContextDecl::current_analyzer_context(); - - foreach (i, DeclList, decl_list_) - { - Decl* decl = *i; - current_decl_id = decl->id(); - decl->GenForwardDeclaration(out_h); - } - - if ( analyzer_context ) - analyzer_context->GenNamespaceEnd(out_h); - - out_h->println(""); - - foreach (i, DeclList, decl_list_) - { - Decl* decl = *i; - current_decl_id = decl->id(); - decl->GenCode(out_h, out_cc); - } +int HelperDecl::helper_id_seq = 0; - if ( analyzer_context ) - { - analyzer_context->GenNamespaceEnd(out_h); - analyzer_context->GenNamespaceEnd(out_cc); - } +HelperDecl::HelperDecl(HelperType helper_type, ID* context_id, EmbeddedCode* code) + : Decl(new ID(strfmt("helper_%d", ++helper_id_seq)), HELPER), + helper_type_(helper_type), + context_id_(context_id), + code_(code) {} - out_h->println("} // namespace binpac"); - out_cc->println("} // namespace binpac"); - } +HelperDecl::~HelperDecl() { + delete context_id_; + delete code_; +} -Decl* Decl::LookUpDecl(const ID* id) - { - DeclMap::iterator it = decl_map_.find(id); - if ( it == decl_map_.end() ) - return nullptr; - return it->second; - } +void HelperDecl::Prepare() { + // Do nothing +} -int HelperDecl::helper_id_seq = 0; +void HelperDecl::GenExternDeclaration(Output* out_h) { + if ( helper_type_ == EXTERN ) + code_->GenCode(out_h, global_env()); +} -HelperDecl::HelperDecl(HelperType helper_type, ID* context_id, EmbeddedCode* code) - : Decl(new ID(strfmt("helper_%d", ++helper_id_seq)), HELPER), helper_type_(helper_type), - context_id_(context_id), code_(code) - { - } - -HelperDecl::~HelperDecl() - { - delete context_id_; - delete code_; - } - -void HelperDecl::Prepare() - { - // Do nothing - } - -void HelperDecl::GenExternDeclaration(Output* out_h) - { - if ( helper_type_ == EXTERN ) - code_->GenCode(out_h, global_env()); - } - -void HelperDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - Env* env = global_env(); +void HelperDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + Env* env = global_env(); #if 0 if ( context_id_ ) @@ -172,12 +152,12 @@ void HelperDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) } #endif - if ( helper_type_ == HEADER ) - code_->GenCode(out_h, env); - else if ( helper_type_ == CODE ) - code_->GenCode(out_cc, env); - else if ( helper_type_ == EXTERN ) - ; // do nothing - else - ASSERT(0); - } + if ( helper_type_ == HEADER ) + code_->GenCode(out_h, env); + else if ( helper_type_ == CODE ) + code_->GenCode(out_cc, env); + else if ( helper_type_ == EXTERN ) + ; // do nothing + else + ASSERT(0); +} diff --git a/src/pac_decl.h b/src/pac_decl.h index 39b84dc..f3c4426 100644 --- a/src/pac_decl.h +++ b/src/pac_decl.h @@ -4,93 +4,77 @@ #include "pac_common.h" #include "pac_id.h" -class Decl : public Object - { +class Decl : public Object { public: - // Note: ANALYZER is not for AnalyzerDecl (which is an - // abstract class) , but for AnalyzerContextDecl. - enum DeclType - { - ENUM, - LET, - TYPE, - FUNC, - CONN, - FLOW, - ANALYZER, - HELPER, - REGEX - }; - - Decl(ID* id, DeclType decl_type); - virtual ~Decl(); - - const ID* id() const { return id_; } - DeclType decl_type() const { return decl_type_; } - AnalyzerContextDecl* analyzer_context() const { return analyzer_context_; } - - // NULL except for TypeDecl or AnalyzerDecl - virtual Env* env() const { return nullptr; } - - virtual void Prepare() = 0; - - // Generate declarations out of the "binpac" namespace - virtual void GenExternDeclaration(Output* out_h) - { /* do nothing */ - } - - // Generate declarations before definition of classes - virtual void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) = 0; - - virtual void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) = 0; - - void TakeExprList(); - void AddAttrs(AttrList* attrlist); - void SetAnalyzerContext(); + // Note: ANALYZER is not for AnalyzerDecl (which is an + // abstract class) , but for AnalyzerContextDecl. + enum DeclType { ENUM, LET, TYPE, FUNC, CONN, FLOW, ANALYZER, HELPER, REGEX }; + + Decl(ID* id, DeclType decl_type); + virtual ~Decl(); + + const ID* id() const { return id_; } + DeclType decl_type() const { return decl_type_; } + AnalyzerContextDecl* analyzer_context() const { return analyzer_context_; } + + // NULL except for TypeDecl or AnalyzerDecl + virtual Env* env() const { return nullptr; } + + virtual void Prepare() = 0; + + // Generate declarations out of the "binpac" namespace + virtual void GenExternDeclaration(Output* out_h) { /* do nothing */ + } + + // Generate declarations before definition of classes + virtual void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) = 0; + + virtual void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) = 0; + + void TakeExprList(); + void AddAttrs(AttrList* attrlist); + void SetAnalyzerContext(); protected: - virtual void ProcessAttr(Attr* a); + virtual void ProcessAttr(Attr* a); - ID* id_; - DeclType decl_type_; - AttrList* attrlist_; - AnalyzerContextDecl* analyzer_context_; + ID* id_; + DeclType decl_type_; + AttrList* attrlist_; + AnalyzerContextDecl* analyzer_context_; public: - static void ProcessDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); - static Decl* LookUpDecl(const ID* id); + static void ProcessDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); + static Decl* LookUpDecl(const ID* id); private: - static DeclList* decl_list_; - typedef map DeclMap; - static DeclMap decl_map_; - }; + static DeclList* decl_list_; + typedef map DeclMap; + static DeclMap decl_map_; +}; -class HelperDecl : public Decl - { +class HelperDecl : public Decl { public: - enum HelperType - { - HEADER, - CODE, - EXTERN, - }; - HelperDecl(HelperType type, ID* context_id, EmbeddedCode* code); - ~HelperDecl() override; - - void Prepare() override; - void GenExternDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; - void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override - { /* do nothing */ - } - void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + enum HelperType { + HEADER, + CODE, + EXTERN, + }; + HelperDecl(HelperType type, ID* context_id, EmbeddedCode* code); + ~HelperDecl() override; + + void Prepare() override; + void GenExternDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; + void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override { /* do nothing */ + } + void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; private: - HelperType helper_type_; - ID* context_id_; - EmbeddedCode* code_; + HelperType helper_type_; + ID* context_id_; + EmbeddedCode* code_; - static int helper_id_seq; - }; + static int helper_id_seq; +}; #endif // pac_decl_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 9c10c59..48dc391 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -4,74 +4,52 @@ #include "pac_output.h" #include "pac_primitive.h" -EmbeddedCodeSegment::EmbeddedCodeSegment(const string& s) : s_(s), primitive_(nullptr) { } +EmbeddedCodeSegment::EmbeddedCodeSegment(const string& s) : s_(s), primitive_(nullptr) {} -EmbeddedCodeSegment::EmbeddedCodeSegment(PacPrimitive* primitive) - : s_(""), primitive_(primitive) { } +EmbeddedCodeSegment::EmbeddedCodeSegment(PacPrimitive* primitive) : s_(""), primitive_(primitive) {} -EmbeddedCodeSegment::~EmbeddedCodeSegment() - { - delete primitive_; - } +EmbeddedCodeSegment::~EmbeddedCodeSegment() { delete primitive_; } -string EmbeddedCodeSegment::ToCode(Env* env) - { - if ( primitive_ && s_.empty() ) - s_ = primitive_->ToCode(env); - return s_; - } +string EmbeddedCodeSegment::ToCode(Env* env) { + if ( primitive_ && s_.empty() ) + s_ = primitive_->ToCode(env); + return s_; +} -EmbeddedCode::EmbeddedCode() - { - segments_ = new EmbeddedCodeSegmentList(); - } +EmbeddedCode::EmbeddedCode() { segments_ = new EmbeddedCodeSegmentList(); } -EmbeddedCode::~EmbeddedCode() - { - delete_list(EmbeddedCodeSegmentList, segments_); - } +EmbeddedCode::~EmbeddedCode() { delete_list(EmbeddedCodeSegmentList, segments_); } -void EmbeddedCode::Append(int atom) - { - current_segment_ += static_cast(atom); - } +void EmbeddedCode::Append(int atom) { current_segment_ += static_cast(atom); } -void EmbeddedCode::Append(const char* str) - { - current_segment_ += str; - } +void EmbeddedCode::Append(const char* str) { current_segment_ += str; } -void EmbeddedCode::Append(PacPrimitive* primitive) - { - if ( ! current_segment_.empty() ) - { - segments_->push_back(new EmbeddedCodeSegment(current_segment_)); - current_segment_ = ""; - } - segments_->push_back(new EmbeddedCodeSegment(primitive)); - } +void EmbeddedCode::Append(PacPrimitive* primitive) { + if ( ! current_segment_.empty() ) { + segments_->push_back(new EmbeddedCodeSegment(current_segment_)); + current_segment_ = ""; + } + segments_->push_back(new EmbeddedCodeSegment(primitive)); +} -void EmbeddedCode::GenCode(Output* out, Env* env) - { - if ( ! current_segment_.empty() ) - { - segments_->push_back(new EmbeddedCodeSegment(current_segment_)); - current_segment_ = ""; - } +void EmbeddedCode::GenCode(Output* out, Env* env) { + if ( ! current_segment_.empty() ) { + segments_->push_back(new EmbeddedCodeSegment(current_segment_)); + current_segment_ = ""; + } - // TODO: return to the generated file after embedded code - // out->print("#line %d \"%s\"\n", line_num, filename.c_str()); + // TODO: return to the generated file after embedded code + // out->print("#line %d \"%s\"\n", line_num, filename.c_str()); - // Allow use of RValue for undefined ID, in which case the - // ID's name is used as its RValue - env->set_allow_undefined_id(true); + // Allow use of RValue for undefined ID, in which case the + // ID's name is used as its RValue + env->set_allow_undefined_id(true); - foreach (i, EmbeddedCodeSegmentList, segments_) - { - EmbeddedCodeSegment* segment = *i; - out->print("%s", segment->ToCode(env).c_str()); - } + foreach (i, EmbeddedCodeSegmentList, segments_) { + EmbeddedCodeSegment* segment = *i; + out->print("%s", segment->ToCode(env).c_str()); + } - env->set_allow_undefined_id(false); - out->print("\n"); - } + env->set_allow_undefined_id(false); + out->print("\n"); +} diff --git a/src/pac_embedded.h b/src/pac_embedded.h index 81a4f09..9340341 100644 --- a/src/pac_embedded.h +++ b/src/pac_embedded.h @@ -3,40 +3,38 @@ #include "pac_common.h" -class EmbeddedCodeSegment - { +class EmbeddedCodeSegment { public: - explicit EmbeddedCodeSegment(const string& s); - explicit EmbeddedCodeSegment(PacPrimitive* primitive); - ~EmbeddedCodeSegment(); + explicit EmbeddedCodeSegment(const string& s); + explicit EmbeddedCodeSegment(PacPrimitive* primitive); + ~EmbeddedCodeSegment(); - string ToCode(Env* env); + string ToCode(Env* env); private: - string s_; - PacPrimitive* primitive_; - }; + string s_; + PacPrimitive* primitive_; +}; typedef vector EmbeddedCodeSegmentList; -class EmbeddedCode : public Object - { +class EmbeddedCode : public Object { public: - EmbeddedCode(); - ~EmbeddedCode(); + EmbeddedCode(); + ~EmbeddedCode(); - // Append a character - void Append(int atom); - void Append(const char* str); + // Append a character + void Append(int atom); + void Append(const char* str); - // Append a PAC primitive - void Append(PacPrimitive* primitive); + // Append a PAC primitive + void Append(PacPrimitive* primitive); - void GenCode(Output* out, Env* env); + void GenCode(Output* out, Env* env); private: - string current_segment_; - EmbeddedCodeSegmentList* segments_; - }; + string current_segment_; + EmbeddedCodeSegmentList* segments_; +}; #endif // pac_embedded_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index d52b9ea..5a01782 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -6,61 +6,52 @@ #include "pac_output.h" #include "pac_typedecl.h" -Enum::Enum(ID* id, Expr* expr) : id_(id), expr_(expr) { } - -Enum::~Enum() - { - delete id_; - delete expr_; - } - -void Enum::GenHeader(Output* out_h, int* pval) - { - ASSERT(pval); - if ( expr_ ) - { - if ( ! expr_->ConstFold(global_env(), pval) ) - throw ExceptionNonConstExpr(expr_); - out_h->println("%s = %d,", id_->Name(), *pval); - } - else - out_h->println("%s,", id_->Name()); - global_env()->AddConstID(id_, *pval); - } - -EnumDecl::EnumDecl(ID* id, EnumList* enumlist) : Decl(id, ENUM), enumlist_(enumlist) - { - ID* type_id = id->clone(); - datatype_ = new ExternType(type_id, ExternType::NUMBER); - extern_typedecl_ = new TypeDecl(type_id, nullptr, datatype_); - } - -EnumDecl::~EnumDecl() - { - delete_list(EnumList, enumlist_); - delete extern_typedecl_; - } - -void EnumDecl::Prepare() - { - // Do nothing - } - -void EnumDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) - { - out_h->println("enum %s {", id_->Name()); - out_h->inc_indent(); - int c = 0; - foreach (i, EnumList, enumlist_) - { - (*i)->GenHeader(out_h, &c); - ++c; - } - out_h->dec_indent(); - out_h->println("};"); - } - -void EnumDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* /* out_cc */) - { - // Do nothing - } +Enum::Enum(ID* id, Expr* expr) : id_(id), expr_(expr) {} + +Enum::~Enum() { + delete id_; + delete expr_; +} + +void Enum::GenHeader(Output* out_h, int* pval) { + ASSERT(pval); + if ( expr_ ) { + if ( ! expr_->ConstFold(global_env(), pval) ) + throw ExceptionNonConstExpr(expr_); + out_h->println("%s = %d,", id_->Name(), *pval); + } + else + out_h->println("%s,", id_->Name()); + global_env()->AddConstID(id_, *pval); +} + +EnumDecl::EnumDecl(ID* id, EnumList* enumlist) : Decl(id, ENUM), enumlist_(enumlist) { + ID* type_id = id->clone(); + datatype_ = new ExternType(type_id, ExternType::NUMBER); + extern_typedecl_ = new TypeDecl(type_id, nullptr, datatype_); +} + +EnumDecl::~EnumDecl() { + delete_list(EnumList, enumlist_); + delete extern_typedecl_; +} + +void EnumDecl::Prepare() { + // Do nothing +} + +void EnumDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) { + out_h->println("enum %s {", id_->Name()); + out_h->inc_indent(); + int c = 0; + foreach (i, EnumList, enumlist_) { + (*i)->GenHeader(out_h, &c); + ++c; + } + out_h->dec_indent(); + out_h->println("};"); +} + +void EnumDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* /* out_cc */) { + // Do nothing +} diff --git a/src/pac_enum.h b/src/pac_enum.h index 1f3b8d9..fa7fdec 100644 --- a/src/pac_enum.h +++ b/src/pac_enum.h @@ -3,35 +3,33 @@ #include "pac_decl.h" -class Enum - { +class Enum { public: - Enum(ID* id, Expr* expr = 0); - ~Enum(); + Enum(ID* id, Expr* expr = 0); + ~Enum(); - void GenHeader(Output* out_h, int* pval); + void GenHeader(Output* out_h, int* pval); private: - ID* id_; - Expr* expr_; - }; + ID* id_; + Expr* expr_; +}; -class EnumDecl : public Decl - { +class EnumDecl : public Decl { public: - EnumDecl(ID* id, EnumList* enumlist); - ~EnumDecl() override; + EnumDecl(ID* id, EnumList* enumlist); + ~EnumDecl() override; - Type* DataType() const { return datatype_; } + Type* DataType() const { return datatype_; } - void Prepare() override; - void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; - void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void Prepare() override; + void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; + void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; private: - EnumList* enumlist_; - Type* datatype_; - TypeDecl* extern_typedecl_; - }; + EnumList* enumlist_; + Type* datatype_; + TypeDecl* extern_typedecl_; +}; #endif // pac_enum_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 43232c0..c985338 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -4,75 +4,58 @@ #include "pac_id.h" #include "pac_utils.h" -Exception::Exception(const Object* o, string msg) - { - if ( o ) - { - msg_ = o->Location(); - msg_ += ": error : "; - } +Exception::Exception(const Object* o, string msg) { + if ( o ) { + msg_ = o->Location(); + msg_ += ": error : "; + } - msg_ += msg; + msg_ += msg; - if ( FLAGS_pac_debug ) - { - DEBUG_MSG("Exception: %s\n", msg_.c_str()); - abort(); - } - } + if ( FLAGS_pac_debug ) { + DEBUG_MSG("Exception: %s\n", msg_.c_str()); + abort(); + } +} -ExceptionIDNotFound::ExceptionIDNotFound(const ID* id) : Exception(id), id_(id) - { - append(strfmt("`%s' undeclared", id_->Name())); - } +ExceptionIDNotFound::ExceptionIDNotFound(const ID* id) : Exception(id), id_(id) { + append(strfmt("`%s' undeclared", id_->Name())); +} -ExceptionIDRedefinition::ExceptionIDRedefinition(const ID* id) : Exception(id), id_(id) - { - append(strfmt("`%s' redefined", id_->Name())); - } +ExceptionIDRedefinition::ExceptionIDRedefinition(const ID* id) : Exception(id), id_(id) { + append(strfmt("`%s' redefined", id_->Name())); +} -ExceptionIDNotEvaluated::ExceptionIDNotEvaluated(const ID* id) : Exception(id), id_(id) - { - append(strfmt("ID `%s' not evaluated before used", id->Name())); - } +ExceptionIDNotEvaluated::ExceptionIDNotEvaluated(const ID* id) : Exception(id), id_(id) { + append(strfmt("ID `%s' not evaluated before used", id->Name())); +} -ExceptionIDNotField::ExceptionIDNotField(const ID* id) : Exception(id), id_(id) - { - append(strfmt("ID `%s' is not a field", id_->Name())); - } +ExceptionIDNotField::ExceptionIDNotField(const ID* id) : Exception(id), id_(id) { + append(strfmt("ID `%s' is not a field", id_->Name())); +} ExceptionMemberNotFound::ExceptionMemberNotFound(const ID* type_id, const ID* member_id) - : Exception(member_id), type_id_(type_id), member_id_(member_id) - { - append(strfmt("type %s does not have member `%s'", type_id_->Name(), member_id_->Name())); - } - -ExceptionCyclicDependence::ExceptionCyclicDependence(const ID* id) : Exception(id), id_(id) - { - append(strfmt("cyclic dependence through `%s'", id_->Name())); - } - -ExceptionPaddingError::ExceptionPaddingError(const Object* o, string msg) : Exception(o) - { - append(msg.c_str()); - } - -ExceptionNonConstExpr::ExceptionNonConstExpr(const Expr* expr) : Exception(expr), expr(expr) - { - append(strfmt("Expression `%s' is not constant", expr->orig())); - } - -ExceptionInvalidCaseSizeExpr::ExceptionInvalidCaseSizeExpr(const Expr* expr) - : Exception(expr), expr(expr) - { - append(strfmt("Expression `%s' is greater than the 32-bit limit for use as a case index", - expr->orig())); - } - -ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr::ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(const Expr* expr) - : Exception(expr), expr(expr) - { - append(strfmt("Expression `%s' as a case index is outside the numeric limit of the type used " - "for the switch expression", - expr->orig())); - } + : Exception(member_id), type_id_(type_id), member_id_(member_id) { + append(strfmt("type %s does not have member `%s'", type_id_->Name(), member_id_->Name())); +} + +ExceptionCyclicDependence::ExceptionCyclicDependence(const ID* id) : Exception(id), id_(id) { + append(strfmt("cyclic dependence through `%s'", id_->Name())); +} + +ExceptionPaddingError::ExceptionPaddingError(const Object* o, string msg) : Exception(o) { append(msg.c_str()); } + +ExceptionNonConstExpr::ExceptionNonConstExpr(const Expr* expr) : Exception(expr), expr(expr) { + append(strfmt("Expression `%s' is not constant", expr->orig())); +} + +ExceptionInvalidCaseSizeExpr::ExceptionInvalidCaseSizeExpr(const Expr* expr) : Exception(expr), expr(expr) { + append(strfmt("Expression `%s' is greater than the 32-bit limit for use as a case index", expr->orig())); +} + +ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr::ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(const Expr* expr) : Exception(expr), expr(expr) { + append( + strfmt("Expression `%s' as a case index is outside the numeric limit of the type used " + "for the switch expression", + expr->orig())); +} diff --git a/src/pac_exception.h b/src/pac_exception.h index 08937e7..c386053 100644 --- a/src/pac_exception.h +++ b/src/pac_exception.h @@ -6,108 +6,97 @@ using namespace std; #include "pac_common.h" -class Exception - { +class Exception { public: - Exception(const Object* o, string msg = ""); + Exception(const Object* o, string msg = ""); - const char* msg() const { return msg_.c_str(); } - void append(string s) { msg_ += s; } + const char* msg() const { return msg_.c_str(); } + void append(string s) { msg_ += s; } private: - string msg_; - }; + string msg_; +}; -class ExceptionIDNotFound : public Exception - { +class ExceptionIDNotFound : public Exception { public: - ExceptionIDNotFound(const ID* id); - const ID* id() const { return id_; } + ExceptionIDNotFound(const ID* id); + const ID* id() const { return id_; } private: - const ID* id_; - }; + const ID* id_; +}; -class ExceptionIDRedefinition : public Exception - { +class ExceptionIDRedefinition : public Exception { public: - ExceptionIDRedefinition(const ID* id); - const ID* id() const { return id_; } + ExceptionIDRedefinition(const ID* id); + const ID* id() const { return id_; } private: - const ID* id_; - }; + const ID* id_; +}; -class ExceptionIDNotEvaluated : public Exception - { +class ExceptionIDNotEvaluated : public Exception { public: - ExceptionIDNotEvaluated(const ID* id); - const ID* id() const { return id_; } + ExceptionIDNotEvaluated(const ID* id); + const ID* id() const { return id_; } private: - const ID* id_; - }; + const ID* id_; +}; -class ExceptionCyclicDependence : public Exception - { +class ExceptionCyclicDependence : public Exception { public: - ExceptionCyclicDependence(const ID* id); - const ID* id() const { return id_; } + ExceptionCyclicDependence(const ID* id); + const ID* id() const { return id_; } private: - const ID* id_; - }; + const ID* id_; +}; -class ExceptionPaddingError : public Exception - { +class ExceptionPaddingError : public Exception { public: - ExceptionPaddingError(const Object* o, string msg); - }; + ExceptionPaddingError(const Object* o, string msg); +}; -class ExceptionIDNotField : public Exception - { +class ExceptionIDNotField : public Exception { public: - ExceptionIDNotField(const ID* id); - const ID* id() const { return id_; } + ExceptionIDNotField(const ID* id); + const ID* id() const { return id_; } private: - const ID* id_; - }; + const ID* id_; +}; -class ExceptionMemberNotFound : public Exception - { +class ExceptionMemberNotFound : public Exception { public: - ExceptionMemberNotFound(const ID* type_id, const ID* member_id); + ExceptionMemberNotFound(const ID* type_id, const ID* member_id); private: - const ID *type_id_, *member_id_; - }; + const ID *type_id_, *member_id_; +}; -class ExceptionNonConstExpr : public Exception - { +class ExceptionNonConstExpr : public Exception { public: - ExceptionNonConstExpr(const Expr* expr); + ExceptionNonConstExpr(const Expr* expr); private: - const Expr* expr; - }; + const Expr* expr; +}; -class ExceptionInvalidCaseSizeExpr : public Exception - { +class ExceptionInvalidCaseSizeExpr : public Exception { public: - ExceptionInvalidCaseSizeExpr(const Expr* expr); + ExceptionInvalidCaseSizeExpr(const Expr* expr); private: - const Expr* expr; - }; + const Expr* expr; +}; -class ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr : public Exception - { +class ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr : public Exception { public: - ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(const Expr* expr); + ExceptionInvalidCaseLimitExpr(const Expr* expr); private: - const Expr* expr; - }; + const Expr* expr; +}; #endif /* pac_exception_h */ diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index ca51b02..98fd1e2 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -13,37 +13,33 @@ #include "pac_typedecl.h" #include "pac_utils.h" -string OrigExprList(ExprList* list) - { - bool first = true; - string str; - foreach (i, ExprList, list) - { - Expr* expr = *i; - if ( first ) - first = false; - else - str += ", "; - str += expr->orig(); - } - return str; - } - -string EvalExprList(ExprList* exprlist, Output* out, Env* env) - { - string val_list(""); - bool first = true; - - foreach (i, ExprList, exprlist) - { - if ( ! first ) - val_list += ", "; - val_list += (*i)->EvalExpr(out, env); - first = false; - } - - return val_list; - } +string OrigExprList(ExprList* list) { + bool first = true; + string str; + foreach (i, ExprList, list) { + Expr* expr = *i; + if ( first ) + first = false; + else + str += ", "; + str += expr->orig(); + } + return str; +} + +string EvalExprList(ExprList* exprlist, Output* out, Env* env) { + string val_list(""); + bool first = true; + + foreach (i, ExprList, exprlist) { + if ( ! first ) + val_list += ", "; + val_list += (*i)->EvalExpr(out, env); + first = false; + } + + return val_list; +} static const char* expr_fmt[] = { #define EXPR_DEF(type, num_op, fmt) fmt, @@ -51,994 +47,806 @@ static const char* expr_fmt[] = { #undef EXPR_DEF }; -void Expr::init() - { - id_ = nullptr; - num_ = nullptr; - cstr_ = nullptr; - regex_ = nullptr; - num_operands_ = 0; - operand_[0] = nullptr; - operand_[1] = nullptr; - operand_[2] = nullptr; - args_ = nullptr; - cases_ = nullptr; - } - -Expr::Expr(ID* arg_id) : DataDepElement(EXPR) - { - init(); - expr_type_ = EXPR_ID; - id_ = arg_id; - num_operands_ = 0; - orig_ = strfmt("%s", id_->Name()); - } - -Expr::Expr(Number* arg_num) : DataDepElement(EXPR) - { - init(); - expr_type_ = EXPR_NUM; - num_ = arg_num; - num_operands_ = 0; - orig_ = strfmt("((int) %s)", num_->Str()); - } - -Expr::Expr(ConstString* cstr) : DataDepElement(EXPR) - { - init(); - expr_type_ = EXPR_CSTR; - cstr_ = cstr; - num_operands_ = 0; - orig_ = cstr_->str(); - } - -Expr::Expr(RegEx* regex) : DataDepElement(EXPR) - { - init(); - expr_type_ = EXPR_REGEX; - regex_ = regex; - num_operands_ = 0; - orig_ = strfmt("/%s/", regex_->str().c_str()); - } - -Expr::Expr(ExprType arg_type, Expr* op1) : DataDepElement(EXPR) - { - init(); - expr_type_ = arg_type; - num_operands_ = 1; - operand_[0] = op1; - orig_ = strfmt(expr_fmt[expr_type_], op1->orig()); - } - -Expr::Expr(ExprType arg_type, Expr* op1, Expr* op2) : DataDepElement(EXPR) - { - init(); - expr_type_ = arg_type; - num_operands_ = 2; - operand_[0] = op1; - operand_[1] = op2; - operand_[2] = nullptr; - orig_ = strfmt(expr_fmt[expr_type_], op1->orig(), op2->orig()); - } - -Expr::Expr(ExprType arg_type, Expr* op1, Expr* op2, Expr* op3) : DataDepElement(EXPR) - { - init(); - expr_type_ = arg_type; - num_operands_ = 3; - operand_[0] = op1; - operand_[1] = op2; - operand_[2] = op3; - orig_ = strfmt(expr_fmt[expr_type_], op1->orig(), op2->orig(), op3->orig()); - } - -Expr::Expr(ExprList* args) : DataDepElement(EXPR) - { - init(); - expr_type_ = EXPR_CALLARGS; - num_operands_ = -1; - args_ = args; - - orig_ = OrigExprList(args_); - } - -Expr::Expr(Expr* index, CaseExprList* cases) : DataDepElement(EXPR) - { - init(); - expr_type_ = EXPR_CASE; - num_operands_ = -1; - operand_[0] = index; - cases_ = cases; - - orig_ = strfmt("case %s of { ", index->orig()); - foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) - { - CaseExpr* c = *i; - orig_ += strfmt("%s => %s; ", OrigExprList(c->index()).c_str(), c->value()->orig()); - } - orig_ += "}"; - } - -Expr::~Expr() - { - delete id_; - delete operand_[0]; - delete operand_[1]; - delete operand_[2]; - delete_list(ExprList, args_); - delete_list(CaseExprList, cases_); - } - -void Expr::AddCaseExpr(CaseExpr* case_expr) - { - ASSERT(str_.empty()); - ASSERT(expr_type_ == EXPR_CASE); - ASSERT(cases_); - cases_->push_back(case_expr); - } - -void Expr::GenStrFromFormat(Env* env) - { - // The format != "@custom@" - ASSERT(*expr_fmt[expr_type_] != '@'); - - switch ( num_operands_ ) - { - case 1: - str_ = strfmt(expr_fmt[expr_type_], operand_[0]->str()); - break; - case 2: - str_ = strfmt(expr_fmt[expr_type_], operand_[0]->str(), operand_[1]->str()); - break; - case 3: - str_ = strfmt(expr_fmt[expr_type_], operand_[0]->str(), operand_[1]->str(), - operand_[2]->str()); - break; - default: - DEBUG_MSG("num_operands_ = %d, orig = %s\n", num_operands_, orig()); - ASSERT(0); - break; - } - } - -namespace - { - -RecordField* GetRecordField(const ID* id, Env* env) - { - Field* field = env->GetField(id); - ASSERT(field); - if ( field->tof() != RECORD_FIELD && field->tof() != PADDING_FIELD ) - throw Exception(id, "not a record field"); - RecordField* r = static_cast(field); - ASSERT(r); - return r; - } - - } // private namespace - -void Expr::GenCaseEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - ASSERT(expr_type_ == EXPR_CASE); - ASSERT(operand_[0]); - ASSERT(cases_); - - Type* val_type = DataType(env); - ID* val_var = env->AddTempID(val_type); - - // DataType(env) can return a null pointer if an enum value is not - // defined. - if ( ! val_type ) - throw Exception(this, "undefined case value"); - - out_cc->println("%s %s;", val_type->DataTypeStr().c_str(), env->LValue(val_var)); - - // force evaluation of IDs appearing in case stmt - operand_[0]->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); - foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) - (*i)->value()->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); - - out_cc->println("switch ( %s )", operand_[0]->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - Type* switch_type = operand_[0]->DataType(env); - - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - CaseExpr* default_case = nullptr; - foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) - { - CaseExpr* c = *i; - ExprList* index = c->index(); - if ( ! index ) - { - if ( default_case ) - throw Exception(c, "duplicate default cases"); - default_case = c; - } - else - { - GenCaseStr(index, out_cc, env, switch_type); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(val_var), c->value()->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - out_cc->println("break;"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - } - - // Generate the default case after all other cases - GenCaseStr(nullptr, out_cc, env, switch_type); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - if ( default_case ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(val_var), - default_case->value()->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - } - else - { - out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionInvalidCaseIndex(\"%s\", (int64)%s);", Location(), - operand_[0]->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - } - out_cc->println("break;"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - env->SetEvaluated(val_var); - str_ = env->RValue(val_var); - } - -void Expr::GenEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - switch ( expr_type_ ) - { - case EXPR_NUM: - str_ = num_->Str(); - break; - - case EXPR_ID: - if ( ! env->Evaluated(id_) ) - env->Evaluate(out_cc, id_); - str_ = env->RValue(id_); - break; - - case EXPR_MEMBER: - { - /* - For member expressions such X.Y, evaluating - X only is sufficient. (Actually trying to - evaluate Y will lead to error because Y is - not defined in the current environment.) - */ - operand_[0]->GenEval(out_cc, env); - - Type* ty0 = operand_[0]->DataType(env); - - if ( ty0 ) - { - str_ = strfmt("%s%s", operand_[0]->EvalExpr(out_cc, env), - ty0->EvalMember(operand_[1]->id()).c_str()); - } - else - { - string tmp = strfmt("->%s()", operand_[1]->id()->Name()); - str_ = strfmt("%s%s", operand_[0]->EvalExpr(out_cc, env), tmp.c_str()); - } - } - break; - - case EXPR_SUBSCRIPT: - { - operand_[0]->GenEval(out_cc, env); - operand_[1]->GenEval(out_cc, env); - - string v0 = operand_[0]->EvalExpr(out_cc, env); - string v1 = operand_[1]->EvalExpr(out_cc, env); - - Type* ty0 = operand_[0]->DataType(env); - if ( ty0 ) - str_ = ty0->EvalElement(v0, v1); - else - str_ = strfmt("%s[%s]", v0.c_str(), v1.c_str()); - } - break; - - case EXPR_SIZEOF: - { - const ID* id = operand_[0]->id(); - RecordField* rf; - Type* ty; - - try - { - if ( (rf = GetRecordField(id, env)) != nullptr ) - { - str_ = strfmt("%s", rf->FieldSize(out_cc, env)); - } - } - catch ( ExceptionIDNotFound& e ) - { - if ( (ty = TypeDecl::LookUpType(id)) != nullptr ) - { - int ty_size = ty->StaticSize(global_env()); - if ( ty_size >= 0 ) - str_ = strfmt("%d", ty_size); - else - throw Exception(id, "unknown size"); - } - else - throw Exception(id, "not a record field or type"); - } - } - break; - - case EXPR_OFFSETOF: - { - const ID* id = operand_[0]->id(); - RecordField* rf = GetRecordField(id, env); - str_ = strfmt("%s", rf->FieldOffset(out_cc, env)); - } - break; - - case EXPR_CALLARGS: - str_ = EvalExprList(args_, out_cc, env); - break; - - case EXPR_CASE: - GenCaseEval(out_cc, env); - break; - - default: - // Evaluate every operand by default - for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) - if ( operand_[i] ) - operand_[i]->GenEval(out_cc, env); - GenStrFromFormat(env); - break; - } - } - -void Expr::ForceIDEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - switch ( expr_type_ ) - { - case EXPR_NUM: - case EXPR_SIZEOF: - case EXPR_OFFSETOF: - break; - - case EXPR_ID: - if ( ! env->Evaluated(id_) ) - env->Evaluate(out_cc, id_); - break; - - case EXPR_MEMBER: - operand_[0]->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); - break; - - case EXPR_CALLARGS: - { - foreach (i, ExprList, args_) - (*i)->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); - } - break; - - case EXPR_CASE: - { - operand_[0]->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); - foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) - (*i)->value()->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); - } - break; - - default: - // Evaluate every operand by default - for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) - if ( operand_[i] ) - operand_[i]->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); - break; - } - } - -const char* Expr::EvalExpr(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - GenEval(out_cc, env); - return str(); - } - -Type* Expr::DataType(Env* env) const - { - Type* data_type; - - switch ( expr_type_ ) - { - case EXPR_ID: - data_type = env->GetDataType(id_); - break; - - case EXPR_MEMBER: - { - // Get type of the parent - Type* parent_type = operand_[0]->DataType(env); - if ( ! parent_type ) - return nullptr; - data_type = parent_type->MemberDataType(operand_[1]->id()); - } - break; - - case EXPR_SUBSCRIPT: - { - // Get type of the parent - Type* parent_type = operand_[0]->DataType(env); - data_type = parent_type->ElementDataType(); - } - break; - - case EXPR_PAREN: - data_type = operand_[0]->DataType(env); - break; - - case EXPR_COND: - { - Type* type1 = operand_[1]->DataType(env); - Type* type2 = operand_[2]->DataType(env); - if ( ! Type::CompatibleTypes(type1, type2) ) - { - throw Exception(this, - strfmt("type mismatch: %s vs %s", type1->DataTypeStr().c_str(), - type2->DataTypeStr().c_str())); - } - data_type = type1; - } - break; - - case EXPR_CALL: - data_type = operand_[0]->DataType(env); - break; - - case EXPR_CASE: - { - if ( cases_ && ! cases_->empty() ) - { - Type* type1 = cases_->front()->value()->DataType(env); - Type* numeric_with_largest_width = nullptr; - - foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) - { - Type* type2 = (*i)->value()->DataType(env); - if ( ! Type::CompatibleTypes(type1, type2) ) - { - throw Exception(this, strfmt("type mismatch: %s vs %s", - type1->DataTypeStr().c_str(), - type2->DataTypeStr().c_str())); - } - if ( type1 == extern_type_nullptr ) - type1 = type2; - - if ( type2 && type2->IsNumericType() ) - { - if ( numeric_with_largest_width ) - { - int largest; - int contender; - - // External C++ types like "int", "bool", "enum" use "int" - // storage internally. - if ( numeric_with_largest_width->tot() == Type::EXTERN ) - largest = sizeof(int); - else - largest = numeric_with_largest_width->StaticSize(env); - - if ( type2->tot() == Type::EXTERN ) - contender = sizeof(int); - else - contender = type2->StaticSize(env); - - if ( contender > largest ) - numeric_with_largest_width = type2; - } - else - numeric_with_largest_width = type2; - } - } - data_type = numeric_with_largest_width ? numeric_with_largest_width : type1; - } - else - data_type = nullptr; - } - break; - - case EXPR_NUM: - case EXPR_SIZEOF: - case EXPR_OFFSETOF: - case EXPR_NEG: - case EXPR_PLUS: - case EXPR_MINUS: - case EXPR_TIMES: - case EXPR_DIV: - case EXPR_MOD: - case EXPR_BITNOT: - case EXPR_BITAND: - case EXPR_BITOR: - case EXPR_BITXOR: - case EXPR_LSHIFT: - case EXPR_RSHIFT: - case EXPR_EQUAL: - case EXPR_GE: - case EXPR_LE: - case EXPR_GT: - case EXPR_LT: - case EXPR_NOT: - case EXPR_AND: - case EXPR_OR: - data_type = extern_type_int; - break; - - default: - data_type = nullptr; - break; - } - - return data_type; - } - -string Expr::DataTypeStr(Env* env) const - { - Type* type = DataType(env); - - if ( ! type ) - { - throw Exception(this, strfmt("cannot find data type for expression `%s'", orig())); - } - - return type->DataTypeStr(); - } - -string Expr::SetFunc(Output* out, Env* env) - { - switch ( expr_type_ ) - { - case EXPR_ID: - return set_function(id_); - case EXPR_MEMBER: - { - // Evaluate the parent - string parent_val(operand_[0]->EvalExpr(out, env)); - return parent_val + "->" + set_function(operand_[1]->id()); - } - break; - default: - throw Exception(this, strfmt("cannot generate set function " - "for expression `%s'", - orig())); - break; - } - } - -bool Expr::ConstFold(Env* env, int* pn) const - { - switch ( expr_type_ ) - { - case EXPR_NUM: - *pn = num_->Num(); - return true; - case EXPR_ID: - return env->GetConstant(id_, pn); - default: - // ### FIXME: folding consts - return false; - } - } +void Expr::init() { + id_ = nullptr; + num_ = nullptr; + cstr_ = nullptr; + regex_ = nullptr; + num_operands_ = 0; + operand_[0] = nullptr; + operand_[1] = nullptr; + operand_[2] = nullptr; + args_ = nullptr; + cases_ = nullptr; +} + +Expr::Expr(ID* arg_id) : DataDepElement(EXPR) { + init(); + expr_type_ = EXPR_ID; + id_ = arg_id; + num_operands_ = 0; + orig_ = strfmt("%s", id_->Name()); +} + +Expr::Expr(Number* arg_num) : DataDepElement(EXPR) { + init(); + expr_type_ = EXPR_NUM; + num_ = arg_num; + num_operands_ = 0; + orig_ = strfmt("((int) %s)", num_->Str()); +} + +Expr::Expr(ConstString* cstr) : DataDepElement(EXPR) { + init(); + expr_type_ = EXPR_CSTR; + cstr_ = cstr; + num_operands_ = 0; + orig_ = cstr_->str(); +} + +Expr::Expr(RegEx* regex) : DataDepElement(EXPR) { + init(); + expr_type_ = EXPR_REGEX; + regex_ = regex; + num_operands_ = 0; + orig_ = strfmt("/%s/", regex_->str().c_str()); +} + +Expr::Expr(ExprType arg_type, Expr* op1) : DataDepElement(EXPR) { + init(); + expr_type_ = arg_type; + num_operands_ = 1; + operand_[0] = op1; + orig_ = strfmt(expr_fmt[expr_type_], op1->orig()); +} + +Expr::Expr(ExprType arg_type, Expr* op1, Expr* op2) : DataDepElement(EXPR) { + init(); + expr_type_ = arg_type; + num_operands_ = 2; + operand_[0] = op1; + operand_[1] = op2; + operand_[2] = nullptr; + orig_ = strfmt(expr_fmt[expr_type_], op1->orig(), op2->orig()); +} + +Expr::Expr(ExprType arg_type, Expr* op1, Expr* op2, Expr* op3) : DataDepElement(EXPR) { + init(); + expr_type_ = arg_type; + num_operands_ = 3; + operand_[0] = op1; + operand_[1] = op2; + operand_[2] = op3; + orig_ = strfmt(expr_fmt[expr_type_], op1->orig(), op2->orig(), op3->orig()); +} + +Expr::Expr(ExprList* args) : DataDepElement(EXPR) { + init(); + expr_type_ = EXPR_CALLARGS; + num_operands_ = -1; + args_ = args; + + orig_ = OrigExprList(args_); +} + +Expr::Expr(Expr* index, CaseExprList* cases) : DataDepElement(EXPR) { + init(); + expr_type_ = EXPR_CASE; + num_operands_ = -1; + operand_[0] = index; + cases_ = cases; + + orig_ = strfmt("case %s of { ", index->orig()); + foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) { + CaseExpr* c = *i; + orig_ += strfmt("%s => %s; ", OrigExprList(c->index()).c_str(), c->value()->orig()); + } + orig_ += "}"; +} + +Expr::~Expr() { + delete id_; + delete operand_[0]; + delete operand_[1]; + delete operand_[2]; + delete_list(ExprList, args_); + delete_list(CaseExprList, cases_); +} + +void Expr::AddCaseExpr(CaseExpr* case_expr) { + ASSERT(str_.empty()); + ASSERT(expr_type_ == EXPR_CASE); + ASSERT(cases_); + cases_->push_back(case_expr); +} + +void Expr::GenStrFromFormat(Env* env) { + // The format != "@custom@" + ASSERT(*expr_fmt[expr_type_] != '@'); + + switch ( num_operands_ ) { + case 1: str_ = strfmt(expr_fmt[expr_type_], operand_[0]->str()); break; + case 2: str_ = strfmt(expr_fmt[expr_type_], operand_[0]->str(), operand_[1]->str()); break; + case 3: str_ = strfmt(expr_fmt[expr_type_], operand_[0]->str(), operand_[1]->str(), operand_[2]->str()); break; + default: + DEBUG_MSG("num_operands_ = %d, orig = %s\n", num_operands_, orig()); + ASSERT(0); + break; + } +} + +namespace { + +RecordField* GetRecordField(const ID* id, Env* env) { + Field* field = env->GetField(id); + ASSERT(field); + if ( field->tof() != RECORD_FIELD && field->tof() != PADDING_FIELD ) + throw Exception(id, "not a record field"); + RecordField* r = static_cast(field); + ASSERT(r); + return r; +} + +} // namespace + +void Expr::GenCaseEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + ASSERT(expr_type_ == EXPR_CASE); + ASSERT(operand_[0]); + ASSERT(cases_); + + Type* val_type = DataType(env); + ID* val_var = env->AddTempID(val_type); + + // DataType(env) can return a null pointer if an enum value is not + // defined. + if ( ! val_type ) + throw Exception(this, "undefined case value"); + + out_cc->println("%s %s;", val_type->DataTypeStr().c_str(), env->LValue(val_var)); + + // force evaluation of IDs appearing in case stmt + operand_[0]->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); + foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) + (*i)->value()->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); + + out_cc->println("switch ( %s )", operand_[0]->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + Type* switch_type = operand_[0]->DataType(env); + + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + CaseExpr* default_case = nullptr; + foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) { + CaseExpr* c = *i; + ExprList* index = c->index(); + if ( ! index ) { + if ( default_case ) + throw Exception(c, "duplicate default cases"); + default_case = c; + } + else { + GenCaseStr(index, out_cc, env, switch_type); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(val_var), c->value()->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + out_cc->println("break;"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } + } + + // Generate the default case after all other cases + GenCaseStr(nullptr, out_cc, env, switch_type); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + if ( default_case ) { + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(val_var), default_case->value()->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + } + else { + out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionInvalidCaseIndex(\"%s\", (int64)%s);", Location(), + operand_[0]->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + } + out_cc->println("break;"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + env->SetEvaluated(val_var); + str_ = env->RValue(val_var); +} + +void Expr::GenEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + switch ( expr_type_ ) { + case EXPR_NUM: str_ = num_->Str(); break; + + case EXPR_ID: + if ( ! env->Evaluated(id_) ) + env->Evaluate(out_cc, id_); + str_ = env->RValue(id_); + break; + + case EXPR_MEMBER: { + /* + For member expressions such X.Y, evaluating + X only is sufficient. (Actually trying to + evaluate Y will lead to error because Y is + not defined in the current environment.) + */ + operand_[0]->GenEval(out_cc, env); + + Type* ty0 = operand_[0]->DataType(env); + + if ( ty0 ) { + str_ = strfmt("%s%s", operand_[0]->EvalExpr(out_cc, env), ty0->EvalMember(operand_[1]->id()).c_str()); + } + else { + string tmp = strfmt("->%s()", operand_[1]->id()->Name()); + str_ = strfmt("%s%s", operand_[0]->EvalExpr(out_cc, env), tmp.c_str()); + } + } break; + + case EXPR_SUBSCRIPT: { + operand_[0]->GenEval(out_cc, env); + operand_[1]->GenEval(out_cc, env); + + string v0 = operand_[0]->EvalExpr(out_cc, env); + string v1 = operand_[1]->EvalExpr(out_cc, env); + + Type* ty0 = operand_[0]->DataType(env); + if ( ty0 ) + str_ = ty0->EvalElement(v0, v1); + else + str_ = strfmt("%s[%s]", v0.c_str(), v1.c_str()); + } break; + + case EXPR_SIZEOF: { + const ID* id = operand_[0]->id(); + RecordField* rf; + Type* ty; + + try { + if ( (rf = GetRecordField(id, env)) != nullptr ) { + str_ = strfmt("%s", rf->FieldSize(out_cc, env)); + } + } catch ( ExceptionIDNotFound& e ) { + if ( (ty = TypeDecl::LookUpType(id)) != nullptr ) { + int ty_size = ty->StaticSize(global_env()); + if ( ty_size >= 0 ) + str_ = strfmt("%d", ty_size); + else + throw Exception(id, "unknown size"); + } + else + throw Exception(id, "not a record field or type"); + } + } break; + + case EXPR_OFFSETOF: { + const ID* id = operand_[0]->id(); + RecordField* rf = GetRecordField(id, env); + str_ = strfmt("%s", rf->FieldOffset(out_cc, env)); + } break; + + case EXPR_CALLARGS: str_ = EvalExprList(args_, out_cc, env); break; + + case EXPR_CASE: GenCaseEval(out_cc, env); break; + + default: + // Evaluate every operand by default + for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) + if ( operand_[i] ) + operand_[i]->GenEval(out_cc, env); + GenStrFromFormat(env); + break; + } +} + +void Expr::ForceIDEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + switch ( expr_type_ ) { + case EXPR_NUM: + case EXPR_SIZEOF: + case EXPR_OFFSETOF: break; + + case EXPR_ID: + if ( ! env->Evaluated(id_) ) + env->Evaluate(out_cc, id_); + break; + + case EXPR_MEMBER: operand_[0]->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); break; + + case EXPR_CALLARGS: { + foreach (i, ExprList, args_) + (*i)->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); + } break; + + case EXPR_CASE: { + operand_[0]->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); + foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) + (*i)->value()->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); + } break; + + default: + // Evaluate every operand by default + for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) + if ( operand_[i] ) + operand_[i]->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); + break; + } +} + +const char* Expr::EvalExpr(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + GenEval(out_cc, env); + return str(); +} + +Type* Expr::DataType(Env* env) const { + Type* data_type; + + switch ( expr_type_ ) { + case EXPR_ID: data_type = env->GetDataType(id_); break; + + case EXPR_MEMBER: { + // Get type of the parent + Type* parent_type = operand_[0]->DataType(env); + if ( ! parent_type ) + return nullptr; + data_type = parent_type->MemberDataType(operand_[1]->id()); + } break; + + case EXPR_SUBSCRIPT: { + // Get type of the parent + Type* parent_type = operand_[0]->DataType(env); + data_type = parent_type->ElementDataType(); + } break; + + case EXPR_PAREN: data_type = operand_[0]->DataType(env); break; + + case EXPR_COND: { + Type* type1 = operand_[1]->DataType(env); + Type* type2 = operand_[2]->DataType(env); + if ( ! Type::CompatibleTypes(type1, type2) ) { + throw Exception(this, strfmt("type mismatch: %s vs %s", type1->DataTypeStr().c_str(), + type2->DataTypeStr().c_str())); + } + data_type = type1; + } break; + + case EXPR_CALL: data_type = operand_[0]->DataType(env); break; + + case EXPR_CASE: { + if ( cases_ && ! cases_->empty() ) { + Type* type1 = cases_->front()->value()->DataType(env); + Type* numeric_with_largest_width = nullptr; + + foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) { + Type* type2 = (*i)->value()->DataType(env); + if ( ! Type::CompatibleTypes(type1, type2) ) { + throw Exception(this, strfmt("type mismatch: %s vs %s", type1->DataTypeStr().c_str(), + type2->DataTypeStr().c_str())); + } + if ( type1 == extern_type_nullptr ) + type1 = type2; + + if ( type2 && type2->IsNumericType() ) { + if ( numeric_with_largest_width ) { + int largest; + int contender; + + // External C++ types like "int", "bool", "enum" use "int" + // storage internally. + if ( numeric_with_largest_width->tot() == Type::EXTERN ) + largest = sizeof(int); + else + largest = numeric_with_largest_width->StaticSize(env); + + if ( type2->tot() == Type::EXTERN ) + contender = sizeof(int); + else + contender = type2->StaticSize(env); + + if ( contender > largest ) + numeric_with_largest_width = type2; + } + else + numeric_with_largest_width = type2; + } + } + data_type = numeric_with_largest_width ? numeric_with_largest_width : type1; + } + else + data_type = nullptr; + } break; + + case EXPR_NUM: + case EXPR_SIZEOF: + case EXPR_OFFSETOF: + case EXPR_NEG: + case EXPR_PLUS: + case EXPR_MINUS: + case EXPR_TIMES: + case EXPR_DIV: + case EXPR_MOD: + case EXPR_BITNOT: + case EXPR_BITAND: + case EXPR_BITOR: + case EXPR_BITXOR: + case EXPR_LSHIFT: + case EXPR_RSHIFT: + case EXPR_EQUAL: + case EXPR_GE: + case EXPR_LE: + case EXPR_GT: + case EXPR_LT: + case EXPR_NOT: + case EXPR_AND: + case EXPR_OR: data_type = extern_type_int; break; + + default: data_type = nullptr; break; + } + + return data_type; +} + +string Expr::DataTypeStr(Env* env) const { + Type* type = DataType(env); + + if ( ! type ) { + throw Exception(this, strfmt("cannot find data type for expression `%s'", orig())); + } + + return type->DataTypeStr(); +} + +string Expr::SetFunc(Output* out, Env* env) { + switch ( expr_type_ ) { + case EXPR_ID: return set_function(id_); + case EXPR_MEMBER: { + // Evaluate the parent + string parent_val(operand_[0]->EvalExpr(out, env)); + return parent_val + "->" + set_function(operand_[1]->id()); + } break; + default: + throw Exception(this, strfmt("cannot generate set function " + "for expression `%s'", + orig())); + break; + } +} + +bool Expr::ConstFold(Env* env, int* pn) const { + switch ( expr_type_ ) { + case EXPR_NUM: *pn = num_->Num(); return true; + case EXPR_ID: return env->GetConstant(id_, pn); + default: + // ### FIXME: folding consts + return false; + } +} // TODO: build a generic data dependency extraction process -namespace - { +namespace { // Maximum of two minimal header sizes -int mhs_max(int h1, int h2) - { - if ( h1 < 0 || h2 < 0 ) - return -1; - else - { - // return max(h1, h2); - return h1 > h2 ? h1 : h2; - } - } +int mhs_max(int h1, int h2) { + if ( h1 < 0 || h2 < 0 ) + return -1; + else { + // return max(h1, h2); + return h1 > h2 ? h1 : h2; + } +} // MHS required to evaluate the field -int mhs_letfield(Env* env, LetField* field) - { - return field->expr()->MinimalHeaderSize(env); - } - -int mhs_recordfield(Env* env, RecordField* field) - { - int offset = field->static_offset(); - if ( offset < 0 ) // offset cannot be statically determined - return -1; - int size = field->StaticSize(env, offset); - if ( size < 0 ) // size cannot be statically determined - return -1; - return offset + size; - } - -int mhs_casefield(Env* env, CaseField* field) - { - // TODO: deal with the index - int size = field->StaticSize(env); - if ( size < 0 ) // size cannot be statically determined - return -1; - return size; - } - -int mhs_field(Env* env, Field* field) - { - int mhs = -1; - switch ( field->tof() ) - { - case LET_FIELD: - { - LetField* f = static_cast(field); - ASSERT(f); - mhs = mhs_letfield(env, f); - } - break; - - case CONTEXT_FIELD: - case FLOW_FIELD: - ASSERT(0); - break; - - case PARAM_FIELD: - mhs = 0; - break; - - case RECORD_FIELD: - case PADDING_FIELD: - { - RecordField* f = static_cast(field); - ASSERT(f); - mhs = mhs_recordfield(env, f); - } - break; - - case CASE_FIELD: - { - CaseField* f = static_cast(field); - ASSERT(f); - mhs = mhs_casefield(env, f); - } - break; - - case PARSE_VAR_FIELD: - case PRIV_VAR_FIELD: - case PUB_VAR_FIELD: - case TEMP_VAR_FIELD: - mhs = 0; - break; - - case WITHINPUT_FIELD: - { - // ### TODO: fix this - mhs = -1; - } - break; - } - return mhs; - } - -int mhs_id(Env* env, const ID* id) - { - int mhs = -1; - switch ( env->GetIDType(id) ) - { - case CONST: - case GLOBAL_VAR: - case TEMP_VAR: - case STATE_VAR: - case FUNC_ID: - case FUNC_PARAM: - mhs = 0; - break; - case MEMBER_VAR: - case PRIV_MEMBER_VAR: - { - Field* field = env->GetField(id); - if ( ! field ) - throw ExceptionIDNotField(id); - mhs = mhs_field(env, field); - } - break; - case UNION_VAR: - // TODO: deal with UNION_VAR - mhs = -1; - break; - case MACRO: - { - Expr* e = env->GetMacro(id); - mhs = e->MinimalHeaderSize(env); - } - break; - } - return mhs; - } - } - -int Expr::MinimalHeaderSize(Env* env) - { - int mhs; - - switch ( expr_type_ ) - { - case EXPR_NUM: - // Zero byte is required - mhs = 0; - break; - - case EXPR_ID: - mhs = mhs_id(env, id_); - break; - - case EXPR_MEMBER: - // TODO: this is not a tight bound because - // one actually does not have to parse the - // whole record to compute one particular - // field. - mhs = operand_[0]->MinimalHeaderSize(env); - break; - - case EXPR_SUBSCRIPT: - { - int index; - Type* array_type = operand_[0]->DataType(env); - Type* elem_type = array_type->ElementDataType(); - int elem_size = elem_type->StaticSize(env); - if ( elem_size >= 0 && operand_[1]->ConstFold(env, &index) ) - { - mhs = elem_size * index; - } - else - { - mhs = -1; - } - } - break; - - case EXPR_SIZEOF: - { - const ID* id = operand_[0]->id(); - ASSERT(id); - RecordField* rf; - Type* ty; - - if ( (rf = GetRecordField(id, env)) != nullptr ) - { - if ( rf->StaticSize(env, -1) >= 0 ) - mhs = 0; - else - mhs = mhs_recordfield(env, rf); - } - - else if ( (ty = TypeDecl::LookUpType(id)) != nullptr ) - { - mhs = 0; - } - - else - throw Exception(id, "not a record field or type"); - } - break; - - case EXPR_OFFSETOF: - { - const ID* id = operand_[0]->id(); - ASSERT(id); - RecordField* field = GetRecordField(id, env); - - mhs = field->static_offset(); - if ( mhs < 0 ) - { - mhs = 0; - // Take the MHS of the preceding (non-let) field - RecordField* prev_field = field->prev(); - ASSERT(prev_field); - mhs = mhs_recordfield(env, prev_field); - } - } - break; - - case EXPR_CALLARGS: - { - mhs = 0; - if ( args_ ) - for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < args_->size(); ++i ) - mhs = mhs_max(mhs, (*args_)[i]->MinimalHeaderSize(env)); - } - break; - case EXPR_CASE: - { - mhs = operand_[0]->MinimalHeaderSize(env); - for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < cases_->size(); ++i ) - { - CaseExpr* ce = (*cases_)[i]; - if ( ce->index() ) - for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < ce->index()->size(); ++j ) - mhs = mhs_max(mhs, (*ce->index())[j]->MinimalHeaderSize(env)); - mhs = mhs_max(mhs, ce->value()->MinimalHeaderSize(env)); - } - } - break; - default: - // Evaluate every operand by default - mhs = 0; - for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) - if ( operand_[i] ) - mhs = mhs_max(mhs, operand_[i]->MinimalHeaderSize(env)); - break; - } - - return mhs; - } - -bool Expr::HasReference(const ID* id) const - { - switch ( expr_type_ ) - { - case EXPR_ID: - return *id == *id_; - - case EXPR_MEMBER: - return operand_[0]->HasReference(id); - - case EXPR_CALLARGS: - { - foreach (i, ExprList, args_) - if ( (*i)->HasReference(id) ) - return true; - } - return false; - - case EXPR_CASE: - { - foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) - if ( (*i)->HasReference(id) ) - return true; - } - return false; - - default: - // Evaluate every operand by default - for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) - { - if ( operand_[i] && operand_[i]->HasReference(id) ) - { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - } - -bool Expr::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - switch ( expr_type_ ) - { - case EXPR_ID: - break; - - case EXPR_MEMBER: - /* - For member expressions such X.Y, evaluating - X only is sufficient. (Actually trying to - evaluate Y will lead to error because Y is - not defined in the current environment.) - */ - if ( ! operand_[0]->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - break; - - case EXPR_CALLARGS: - { - foreach (i, ExprList, args_) - if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - } - break; - - case EXPR_CASE: - { - foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) - if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - } - break; - - default: - // Evaluate every operand by default - for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) - { - if ( operand_[i] && ! operand_[i]->Traverse(visitor) ) - { - return false; - } - } - break; - } - - return true; - } - -bool Expr::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const - { - switch ( expr_type_ ) - { - case EXPR_ID: - return *id_ == *analyzer_context_id; - - case EXPR_MEMBER: - /* - For member expressions such X.Y, evaluating - X only is sufficient. (Actually trying to - evaluate Y will lead to error because Y is - not defined in the current environment.) - */ - return operand_[0]->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); - - case EXPR_CALLARGS: - { - foreach (i, ExprList, args_) - if ( (*i)->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) - return true; - } - return false; - - case EXPR_CASE: - { - foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) - if ( (*i)->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) - return true; - } - return false; - - default: - // Evaluate every operand by default - for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) - if ( operand_[i] && operand_[i]->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) - { - DEBUG_MSG("'%s' requires analyzer context\n", operand_[i]->orig()); - return true; - } - return false; - } - } +int mhs_letfield(Env* env, LetField* field) { return field->expr()->MinimalHeaderSize(env); } + +int mhs_recordfield(Env* env, RecordField* field) { + int offset = field->static_offset(); + if ( offset < 0 ) // offset cannot be statically determined + return -1; + int size = field->StaticSize(env, offset); + if ( size < 0 ) // size cannot be statically determined + return -1; + return offset + size; +} + +int mhs_casefield(Env* env, CaseField* field) { + // TODO: deal with the index + int size = field->StaticSize(env); + if ( size < 0 ) // size cannot be statically determined + return -1; + return size; +} + +int mhs_field(Env* env, Field* field) { + int mhs = -1; + switch ( field->tof() ) { + case LET_FIELD: { + LetField* f = static_cast(field); + ASSERT(f); + mhs = mhs_letfield(env, f); + } break; + + case CONTEXT_FIELD: + case FLOW_FIELD: ASSERT(0); break; + + case PARAM_FIELD: mhs = 0; break; + + case RECORD_FIELD: + case PADDING_FIELD: { + RecordField* f = static_cast(field); + ASSERT(f); + mhs = mhs_recordfield(env, f); + } break; + + case CASE_FIELD: { + CaseField* f = static_cast(field); + ASSERT(f); + mhs = mhs_casefield(env, f); + } break; + + case PARSE_VAR_FIELD: + case PRIV_VAR_FIELD: + case PUB_VAR_FIELD: + case TEMP_VAR_FIELD: mhs = 0; break; + + case WITHINPUT_FIELD: { + // ### TODO: fix this + mhs = -1; + } break; + } + return mhs; +} + +int mhs_id(Env* env, const ID* id) { + int mhs = -1; + switch ( env->GetIDType(id) ) { + case CONST: + case GLOBAL_VAR: + case TEMP_VAR: + case STATE_VAR: + case FUNC_ID: + case FUNC_PARAM: mhs = 0; break; + case MEMBER_VAR: + case PRIV_MEMBER_VAR: { + Field* field = env->GetField(id); + if ( ! field ) + throw ExceptionIDNotField(id); + mhs = mhs_field(env, field); + } break; + case UNION_VAR: + // TODO: deal with UNION_VAR + mhs = -1; + break; + case MACRO: { + Expr* e = env->GetMacro(id); + mhs = e->MinimalHeaderSize(env); + } break; + } + return mhs; +} +} // namespace + +int Expr::MinimalHeaderSize(Env* env) { + int mhs; + + switch ( expr_type_ ) { + case EXPR_NUM: + // Zero byte is required + mhs = 0; + break; + + case EXPR_ID: mhs = mhs_id(env, id_); break; + + case EXPR_MEMBER: + // TODO: this is not a tight bound because + // one actually does not have to parse the + // whole record to compute one particular + // field. + mhs = operand_[0]->MinimalHeaderSize(env); + break; + + case EXPR_SUBSCRIPT: { + int index; + Type* array_type = operand_[0]->DataType(env); + Type* elem_type = array_type->ElementDataType(); + int elem_size = elem_type->StaticSize(env); + if ( elem_size >= 0 && operand_[1]->ConstFold(env, &index) ) { + mhs = elem_size * index; + } + else { + mhs = -1; + } + } break; + + case EXPR_SIZEOF: { + const ID* id = operand_[0]->id(); + ASSERT(id); + RecordField* rf; + Type* ty; + + if ( (rf = GetRecordField(id, env)) != nullptr ) { + if ( rf->StaticSize(env, -1) >= 0 ) + mhs = 0; + else + mhs = mhs_recordfield(env, rf); + } + + else if ( (ty = TypeDecl::LookUpType(id)) != nullptr ) { + mhs = 0; + } + + else + throw Exception(id, "not a record field or type"); + } break; + + case EXPR_OFFSETOF: { + const ID* id = operand_[0]->id(); + ASSERT(id); + RecordField* field = GetRecordField(id, env); + + mhs = field->static_offset(); + if ( mhs < 0 ) { + mhs = 0; + // Take the MHS of the preceding (non-let) field + RecordField* prev_field = field->prev(); + ASSERT(prev_field); + mhs = mhs_recordfield(env, prev_field); + } + } break; + + case EXPR_CALLARGS: { + mhs = 0; + if ( args_ ) + for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < args_->size(); ++i ) + mhs = mhs_max(mhs, (*args_)[i]->MinimalHeaderSize(env)); + } break; + case EXPR_CASE: { + mhs = operand_[0]->MinimalHeaderSize(env); + for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < cases_->size(); ++i ) { + CaseExpr* ce = (*cases_)[i]; + if ( ce->index() ) + for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < ce->index()->size(); ++j ) + mhs = mhs_max(mhs, (*ce->index())[j]->MinimalHeaderSize(env)); + mhs = mhs_max(mhs, ce->value()->MinimalHeaderSize(env)); + } + } break; + default: + // Evaluate every operand by default + mhs = 0; + for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) + if ( operand_[i] ) + mhs = mhs_max(mhs, operand_[i]->MinimalHeaderSize(env)); + break; + } + + return mhs; +} + +bool Expr::HasReference(const ID* id) const { + switch ( expr_type_ ) { + case EXPR_ID: return *id == *id_; + + case EXPR_MEMBER: return operand_[0]->HasReference(id); + + case EXPR_CALLARGS: { + foreach (i, ExprList, args_) + if ( (*i)->HasReference(id) ) + return true; + } + return false; + + case EXPR_CASE: { + foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) + if ( (*i)->HasReference(id) ) + return true; + } + return false; + + default: + // Evaluate every operand by default + for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { + if ( operand_[i] && operand_[i]->HasReference(id) ) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } +} + +bool Expr::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { + switch ( expr_type_ ) { + case EXPR_ID: break; + + case EXPR_MEMBER: + /* + For member expressions such X.Y, evaluating + X only is sufficient. (Actually trying to + evaluate Y will lead to error because Y is + not defined in the current environment.) + */ + if ( ! operand_[0]->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + break; + + case EXPR_CALLARGS: { + foreach (i, ExprList, args_) + if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + } break; + + case EXPR_CASE: { + foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) + if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + } break; + + default: + // Evaluate every operand by default + for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { + if ( operand_[i] && ! operand_[i]->Traverse(visitor) ) { + return false; + } + } + break; + } + + return true; +} + +bool Expr::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const { + switch ( expr_type_ ) { + case EXPR_ID: return *id_ == *analyzer_context_id; + + case EXPR_MEMBER: + /* + For member expressions such X.Y, evaluating + X only is sufficient. (Actually trying to + evaluate Y will lead to error because Y is + not defined in the current environment.) + */ + return operand_[0]->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); + + case EXPR_CALLARGS: { + foreach (i, ExprList, args_) + if ( (*i)->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) + return true; + } + return false; + + case EXPR_CASE: { + foreach (i, CaseExprList, cases_) + if ( (*i)->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) + return true; + } + return false; + + default: + // Evaluate every operand by default + for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) + if ( operand_[i] && operand_[i]->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) { + DEBUG_MSG("'%s' requires analyzer context\n", operand_[i]->orig()); + return true; + } + return false; + } +} CaseExpr::CaseExpr(ExprList* index, Expr* value) - : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::CASEEXPR), index_(index), value_(value) - { - } - -CaseExpr::~CaseExpr() - { - delete_list(ExprList, index_); - delete value_; - } - -bool CaseExpr::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - foreach (i, ExprList, index_) - if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - return value_->Traverse(visitor); - } - -bool CaseExpr::HasReference(const ID* id) const - { - return value_->HasReference(id); - } - -bool CaseExpr::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const - { - // index_ should evaluate to constants - return value_->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); - } + : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::CASEEXPR), index_(index), value_(value) {} + +CaseExpr::~CaseExpr() { + delete_list(ExprList, index_); + delete value_; +} + +bool CaseExpr::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { + foreach (i, ExprList, index_) + if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + return value_->Traverse(visitor); +} + +bool CaseExpr::HasReference(const ID* id) const { return value_->HasReference(id); } + +bool CaseExpr::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const { + // index_ should evaluate to constants + return value_->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); +} diff --git a/src/pac_expr.h b/src/pac_expr.h index 8a4cad8..8d50c90 100644 --- a/src/pac_expr.h +++ b/src/pac_expr.h @@ -6,135 +6,132 @@ class CaseExpr; -class Expr : public Object, public DataDepElement - { +class Expr : public Object, public DataDepElement { public: - enum ExprType - { + enum ExprType { #define EXPR_DEF(type, x, y) type, #include "pac_expr.def" #undef EXPR_DEF - }; - - void init(); - - Expr(ID* id); - Expr(Number* num); - Expr(ConstString* s); - Expr(RegEx* regex); - Expr(ExprList* args); // for EXPR_CALLARGS - Expr(Expr* index, CaseExprList* cases); - - Expr(ExprType type, Expr* op1); - Expr(ExprType type, Expr* op1, Expr* op2); - Expr(ExprType type, Expr* op1, Expr* op2, Expr* op3); - - ~Expr() override; - - const char* orig() const { return orig_.c_str(); } - const ID* id() const { return id_; } - const char* str() const { return str_.c_str(); } - ExprType expr_type() const { return expr_type_; } - - void AddCaseExpr(CaseExpr* case_expr); - - // Returns the data "type" of the expression. Here we only - // do a serious job for the EXPR_MEMBER and EXPR_SUBSCRIPT - // operators. For arithmetic operations, we fall back - // to "int". - Type* DataType(Env* env) const; - string DataTypeStr(Env* env) const; - - // Note: EvalExpr() may generate C++ statements in order to evaluate - // variables in the expression, so the following is wrong: - // - // out->print("int x = "); - // out->println("%s", expr->EvalExpr(out, env)); - // - // While putting them together is right: - // - // out->println("int x = %s", expr->EvalExpr(out, env)); - // - const char* EvalExpr(Output* out, Env* env); - - // force evaulation of IDs contained in this expression; - // necessary with case expr and conditional let fields (&if) - // for correct parsing of fields - void ForceIDEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env); - - // Returns the set_* function of the expression. - // The expression must be of form ID or x.ID. - string SetFunc(Output* out, Env* env); - - // Returns true if the expression folds to an integer - // constant with env, and puts the constant in *pn. - // - bool ConstFold(Env* env, int* pn) const; - - // Whether id is referenced in the expression - bool HasReference(const ID* id) const; - - // Suppose the data for type might be incomplete, what is - // the minimal number of bytes from data head required to - // compute the expression? For example, how many bytes of frame - // header do we need to determine the length of the frame? - // - // The parameter points to the Env of a type. - // - // Returns -1 if the number is not a constant. - // - int MinimalHeaderSize(Env* env); - - // Whether evaluation of the expression requires the analyzer context - bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const; + }; + + void init(); + + Expr(ID* id); + Expr(Number* num); + Expr(ConstString* s); + Expr(RegEx* regex); + Expr(ExprList* args); // for EXPR_CALLARGS + Expr(Expr* index, CaseExprList* cases); + + Expr(ExprType type, Expr* op1); + Expr(ExprType type, Expr* op1, Expr* op2); + Expr(ExprType type, Expr* op1, Expr* op2, Expr* op3); + + ~Expr() override; + + const char* orig() const { return orig_.c_str(); } + const ID* id() const { return id_; } + const char* str() const { return str_.c_str(); } + ExprType expr_type() const { return expr_type_; } + + void AddCaseExpr(CaseExpr* case_expr); + + // Returns the data "type" of the expression. Here we only + // do a serious job for the EXPR_MEMBER and EXPR_SUBSCRIPT + // operators. For arithmetic operations, we fall back + // to "int". + Type* DataType(Env* env) const; + string DataTypeStr(Env* env) const; + + // Note: EvalExpr() may generate C++ statements in order to evaluate + // variables in the expression, so the following is wrong: + // + // out->print("int x = "); + // out->println("%s", expr->EvalExpr(out, env)); + // + // While putting them together is right: + // + // out->println("int x = %s", expr->EvalExpr(out, env)); + // + const char* EvalExpr(Output* out, Env* env); + + // force evaulation of IDs contained in this expression; + // necessary with case expr and conditional let fields (&if) + // for correct parsing of fields + void ForceIDEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env); + + // Returns the set_* function of the expression. + // The expression must be of form ID or x.ID. + string SetFunc(Output* out, Env* env); + + // Returns true if the expression folds to an integer + // constant with env, and puts the constant in *pn. + // + bool ConstFold(Env* env, int* pn) const; + + // Whether id is referenced in the expression + bool HasReference(const ID* id) const; + + // Suppose the data for type might be incomplete, what is + // the minimal number of bytes from data head required to + // compute the expression? For example, how many bytes of frame + // header do we need to determine the length of the frame? + // + // The parameter points to the Env of a type. + // + // Returns -1 if the number is not a constant. + // + int MinimalHeaderSize(Env* env); + + // Whether evaluation of the expression requires the analyzer context + bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const; protected: - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; private: - ExprType expr_type_; + ExprType expr_type_; - int num_operands_; - Expr* operand_[3]; + int num_operands_; + Expr* operand_[3]; - ID* id_; // EXPR_ID - Number* num_; // EXPR_NUM - ConstString* cstr_; // EXPR_CSTR - RegEx* regex_; // EXPR_REGEX - ExprList* args_; // EXPR_CALLARGS - CaseExprList* cases_; // EXPR_CASE + ID* id_; // EXPR_ID + Number* num_; // EXPR_NUM + ConstString* cstr_; // EXPR_CSTR + RegEx* regex_; // EXPR_REGEX + ExprList* args_; // EXPR_CALLARGS + CaseExprList* cases_; // EXPR_CASE - string str_; // value string - string orig_; // original string for debugging info + string str_; // value string + string orig_; // original string for debugging info - void GenStrFromFormat(Env* env); - void GenEval(Output* out, Env* env); - void GenCaseEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env); - }; + void GenStrFromFormat(Env* env); + void GenEval(Output* out, Env* env); + void GenCaseEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env); +}; string OrigExprList(ExprList* exprlist); string EvalExprList(ExprList* exprlist, Output* out, Env* env); // An entry of the case expression, consisting of one or more constant // expressions for the case index and a value expression. -class CaseExpr : public Object, public DataDepElement - { +class CaseExpr : public Object, public DataDepElement { public: - CaseExpr(ExprList* index, Expr* value); - ~CaseExpr() override; + CaseExpr(ExprList* index, Expr* value); + ~CaseExpr() override; - ExprList* index() const { return index_; } - Expr* value() const { return value_; } + ExprList* index() const { return index_; } + Expr* value() const { return value_; } - bool HasReference(const ID* id) const; - bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const; + bool HasReference(const ID* id) const; + bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const; protected: - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; private: - ExprList* index_; - Expr* value_; - }; + ExprList* index_; + Expr* value_; +}; #endif // pac_expr_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 67225d6..d9acd40 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -4,66 +4,42 @@ #include "pac_id.h" #include "pac_output.h" -bool ExternType::DefineValueVar() const - { - return true; - } +bool ExternType::DefineValueVar() const { return true; } -string ExternType::DataTypeStr() const - { - switch ( ext_type_ ) - { - case PLAIN: - case NUMBER: - return id_->Name(); - case POINTER: - return string(id_->Name()) + " *"; - default: - ASSERT(0); - return ""; - } - } +string ExternType::DataTypeStr() const { + switch ( ext_type_ ) { + case PLAIN: + case NUMBER: return id_->Name(); + case POINTER: return string(id_->Name()) + " *"; + default: ASSERT(0); return ""; + } +} -int ExternType::StaticSize(Env* env) const - { - ASSERT(0); - return -1; - } +int ExternType::StaticSize(Env* env) const { + ASSERT(0); + return -1; +} -bool ExternType::ByteOrderSensitive() const - { - return false; - } +bool ExternType::ByteOrderSensitive() const { return false; } -string ExternType::EvalMember(const ID* member_id) const - { - return strfmt("%s%s", ext_type_ == POINTER ? "->" : ".", member_id->Name()); - } +string ExternType::EvalMember(const ID* member_id) const { + return strfmt("%s%s", ext_type_ == POINTER ? "->" : ".", member_id->Name()); +} -void ExternType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( IsNumericType() ) - out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(value_var())); - else if ( IsPointerType() ) - out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", env->LValue(value_var())); +void ExternType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( IsNumericType() ) + out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(value_var())); + else if ( IsPointerType() ) + out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", env->LValue(value_var())); - Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - } + Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); +} -void ExternType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) - { - ASSERT(0); - } +void ExternType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) { ASSERT(0); } -void ExternType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - ASSERT(0); - } +void ExternType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { ASSERT(0); } -Type* ExternType::DoClone() const - { - return new ExternType(id_->clone(), ext_type_); - } +Type* ExternType::DoClone() const { return new ExternType(id_->clone(), ext_type_); } // Definitions of pre-defined external types @@ -71,16 +47,15 @@ Type* ExternType::DoClone() const #include "pac_externtype.def" #undef EXTERNTYPE -void ExternType::static_init() - { - ID* id; - // TypeDecl *decl; - // decl = new TypeDecl(id, 0, extern_type_##name); +void ExternType::static_init() { + ID* id; + // TypeDecl *decl; + // decl = new TypeDecl(id, 0, extern_type_##name); -#define EXTERNTYPE(name, ctype, exttype) \ - id = new ID(#ctype); \ - extern_type_##name = new ExternType(id, ExternType::exttype); \ - Type::AddPredefinedType(#name, extern_type_##name); +#define EXTERNTYPE(name, ctype, exttype) \ + id = new ID(#ctype); \ + extern_type_##name = new ExternType(id, ExternType::exttype); \ + Type::AddPredefinedType(#name, extern_type_##name); #include "pac_externtype.def" #undef EXTERNTYPE - } +} diff --git a/src/pac_exttype.h b/src/pac_exttype.h index d817f83..c77d674 100644 --- a/src/pac_exttype.h +++ b/src/pac_exttype.h @@ -8,41 +8,35 @@ // spefication, e.g., in a record field). The type name is copied // literally to the compiled code. -class ExternType : public Type - { +class ExternType : public Type { public: - enum EXTType - { - PLAIN, - NUMBER, - POINTER - }; - ExternType(const ID* id, EXTType ext_type) : Type(EXTERN), id_(id), ext_type_(ext_type) { } + enum EXTType { PLAIN, NUMBER, POINTER }; + ExternType(const ID* id, EXTType ext_type) : Type(EXTERN), id_(id), ext_type_(ext_type) {} - bool DefineValueVar() const override; - string DataTypeStr() const override; - int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; - bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override; + bool DefineValueVar() const override; + string DataTypeStr() const override; + int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; + bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override; - string EvalMember(const ID* member_id) const override; - bool IsNumericType() const override { return ext_type_ == NUMBER; } - bool IsPointerType() const override { return ext_type_ == POINTER; } + string EvalMember(const ID* member_id) const override; + bool IsNumericType() const override { return ext_type_ == NUMBER; } + bool IsPointerType() const override { return ext_type_ == POINTER; } - void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) override; + void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) override; protected: - void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; - void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; + void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; + void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; - Type* DoClone() const override; + Type* DoClone() const override; private: - const ID* id_; - EXTType ext_type_; + const ID* id_; + EXTType ext_type_; public: - static void static_init(); - }; + static void static_init(); +}; #define EXTERNTYPE(name, ctype, exttype) extern ExternType* extern_type_##name; #include "pac_externtype.def" diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index dc9fd81..0673555 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -7,138 +7,117 @@ #include "pac_type.h" Field::Field(FieldType tof, int flags, ID* id, Type* type) - : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::FIELD), tof_(tof), flags_(flags), id_(id), type_(type) - { - decl_id_ = current_decl_id; - field_id_str_ = strfmt("%s:%s", decl_id()->Name(), id_->Name()); - attrs_ = nullptr; - } - -Field::~Field() - { - delete id_; - delete type_; - delete_list(AttrList, attrs_); - } - -void Field::AddAttr(AttrList* attrs) - { - bool delete_attrs = false; - - if ( ! attrs_ ) - { - attrs_ = attrs; - } - else - { - attrs_->insert(attrs_->end(), attrs->begin(), attrs->end()); - delete_attrs = true; - } - - foreach (i, AttrList, attrs) - ProcessAttr(*i); - - if ( delete_attrs ) - delete attrs; - } - -void Field::ProcessAttr(Attr* a) - { - switch ( a->type() ) - { - case ATTR_IF: - if ( tof() != LET_FIELD && tof() != WITHINPUT_FIELD ) - { - throw Exception(a, "&if can only be applied to a " - "let field"); - } - break; - default: - break; - } - - if ( type_ ) - type_->ProcessAttr(a); - } - -bool Field::anonymous_field() const - { - return type_ && type_->anonymous_value_var(); - } - -int Field::ValueVarType() const - { - if ( flags_ & CLASS_MEMBER ) - return (flags_ & PUBLIC_READABLE) ? MEMBER_VAR : PRIV_MEMBER_VAR; - else - return TEMP_VAR; - } - -void Field::Prepare(Env* env) - { - if ( type_ ) - { - if ( anonymous_field() ) - flags_ &= ~(CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE); - if ( ! type_->persistent() ) - flags_ &= (~PUBLIC_READABLE); - - type_->set_value_var(id(), ValueVarType()); - type_->Prepare(env, flags_ & TYPE_TO_BE_PARSED ? Type::TO_BE_PARSED : 0); - env->SetField(id(), this); - } - } - -void Field::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - if ( type_ && (flags_ & PUBLIC_READABLE) && (flags_ & CLASS_MEMBER) ) - type_->GenPubDecls(out_h, env); - } - -void Field::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - // Generate private declaration only if it is a class member - if ( type_ && (flags_ & CLASS_MEMBER) ) - type_->GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); - } - -void Field::GenTempDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - // Generate temp field - if ( type_ && ! (flags_ & CLASS_MEMBER) ) - type_->GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); - } - -void Field::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( type_ && ! anonymous_field() ) - type_->GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - } - -void Field::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( type_ && ! anonymous_field() ) - type_->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); - } - -bool Field::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - // Check parameterized type - if ( type_ && ! type_->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - foreach (i, AttrList, attrs_) - if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - return true; - } - -bool Field::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const - { - // Check parameterized type - if ( type_ && type_->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) - return true; - foreach (i, AttrList, attrs_) - if ( (*i)->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) - return true; - return false; - } + : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::FIELD), tof_(tof), flags_(flags), id_(id), type_(type) { + decl_id_ = current_decl_id; + field_id_str_ = strfmt("%s:%s", decl_id()->Name(), id_->Name()); + attrs_ = nullptr; +} + +Field::~Field() { + delete id_; + delete type_; + delete_list(AttrList, attrs_); +} + +void Field::AddAttr(AttrList* attrs) { + bool delete_attrs = false; + + if ( ! attrs_ ) { + attrs_ = attrs; + } + else { + attrs_->insert(attrs_->end(), attrs->begin(), attrs->end()); + delete_attrs = true; + } + + foreach (i, AttrList, attrs) + ProcessAttr(*i); + + if ( delete_attrs ) + delete attrs; +} + +void Field::ProcessAttr(Attr* a) { + switch ( a->type() ) { + case ATTR_IF: + if ( tof() != LET_FIELD && tof() != WITHINPUT_FIELD ) { + throw Exception(a, + "&if can only be applied to a " + "let field"); + } + break; + default: break; + } + + if ( type_ ) + type_->ProcessAttr(a); +} + +bool Field::anonymous_field() const { return type_ && type_->anonymous_value_var(); } + +int Field::ValueVarType() const { + if ( flags_ & CLASS_MEMBER ) + return (flags_ & PUBLIC_READABLE) ? MEMBER_VAR : PRIV_MEMBER_VAR; + else + return TEMP_VAR; +} + +void Field::Prepare(Env* env) { + if ( type_ ) { + if ( anonymous_field() ) + flags_ &= ~(CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE); + if ( ! type_->persistent() ) + flags_ &= (~PUBLIC_READABLE); + + type_->set_value_var(id(), ValueVarType()); + type_->Prepare(env, flags_ & TYPE_TO_BE_PARSED ? Type::TO_BE_PARSED : 0); + env->SetField(id(), this); + } +} + +void Field::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { + if ( type_ && (flags_ & PUBLIC_READABLE) && (flags_ & CLASS_MEMBER) ) + type_->GenPubDecls(out_h, env); +} + +void Field::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { + // Generate private declaration only if it is a class member + if ( type_ && (flags_ & CLASS_MEMBER) ) + type_->GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); +} + +void Field::GenTempDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { + // Generate temp field + if ( type_ && ! (flags_ & CLASS_MEMBER) ) + type_->GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); +} + +void Field::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( type_ && ! anonymous_field() ) + type_->GenInitCode(out_cc, env); +} + +void Field::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( type_ && ! anonymous_field() ) + type_->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); +} + +bool Field::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { + // Check parameterized type + if ( type_ && ! type_->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + foreach (i, AttrList, attrs_) + if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + return true; +} + +bool Field::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const { + // Check parameterized type + if ( type_ && type_->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) + return true; + foreach (i, AttrList, attrs_) + if ( (*i)->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) + return true; + return false; +} diff --git a/src/pac_field.h b/src/pac_field.h index 2327db6..bde5ff0 100644 --- a/src/pac_field.h +++ b/src/pac_field.h @@ -6,80 +6,78 @@ // A "field" is a member of class. -enum FieldType - { - CASE_FIELD, - CONTEXT_FIELD, - FLOW_FIELD, - LET_FIELD, - PADDING_FIELD, - PARAM_FIELD, - RECORD_FIELD, - PARSE_VAR_FIELD, - PRIV_VAR_FIELD, - PUB_VAR_FIELD, - TEMP_VAR_FIELD, - WITHINPUT_FIELD, - }; - -class Field : public Object, public DataDepElement - { +enum FieldType { + CASE_FIELD, + CONTEXT_FIELD, + FLOW_FIELD, + LET_FIELD, + PADDING_FIELD, + PARAM_FIELD, + RECORD_FIELD, + PARSE_VAR_FIELD, + PRIV_VAR_FIELD, + PUB_VAR_FIELD, + TEMP_VAR_FIELD, + WITHINPUT_FIELD, +}; + +class Field : public Object, public DataDepElement { public: - Field(FieldType tof, int flags, ID* id, Type* type); - // Field flags + Field(FieldType tof, int flags, ID* id, Type* type); + // Field flags - // Whether the field will be evaluated by calling the Parse() - // function of the type - static const int TYPE_TO_BE_PARSED = 1; - static const int TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED = 0; + // Whether the field will be evaluated by calling the Parse() + // function of the type + static const int TYPE_TO_BE_PARSED = 1; + static const int TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED = 0; - // Whether the field is a member of the class or a temp - // variable - static const int CLASS_MEMBER = 2; - static const int NOT_CLASS_MEMBER = 0; + // Whether the field is a member of the class or a temp + // variable + static const int CLASS_MEMBER = 2; + static const int NOT_CLASS_MEMBER = 0; - // Whether the field is public readable - static const int PUBLIC_READABLE = 4; - static const int NOT_PUBLIC_READABLE = 0; + // Whether the field is public readable + static const int PUBLIC_READABLE = 4; + static const int NOT_PUBLIC_READABLE = 0; - ~Field() override; + ~Field() override; - FieldType tof() const { return tof_; } - const ID* id() const { return id_; } - Type* type() const { return type_; } - const ID* decl_id() const { return decl_id_; } + FieldType tof() const { return tof_; } + const ID* id() const { return id_; } + Type* type() const { return type_; } + const ID* decl_id() const { return decl_id_; } - bool anonymous_field() const; + bool anonymous_field() const; - void AddAttr(AttrList* attrs); + void AddAttr(AttrList* attrs); - // The field interface - virtual void ProcessAttr(Attr* attr); - virtual void Prepare(Env* env); + // The field interface + virtual void ProcessAttr(Attr* attr); + virtual void Prepare(Env* env); - virtual void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env); - virtual void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env); - virtual void GenTempDecls(Output* out, Env* env); + virtual void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env); + virtual void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env); + virtual void GenTempDecls(Output* out, Env* env); - virtual void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env); - virtual void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env); + virtual void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env); + virtual void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env); - virtual bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const; + virtual bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const; protected: - int ValueVarType() const; - bool ToBeParsed() const; + int ValueVarType() const; + bool ToBeParsed() const; - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; protected: - FieldType tof_; - int flags_; - ID* id_; - Type* type_; - const ID* decl_id_; - string field_id_str_; - AttrList* attrs_; - }; + FieldType tof_; + int flags_; + ID* id_; + Type* type_; + const ID* decl_id_; + string field_id_str_; + AttrList* attrs_; +}; #endif // pac_field_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 75a42c9..72c8a83 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -15,298 +15,257 @@ #include "pac_type.h" #include "pac_varfield.h" -FlowDecl::FlowDecl(ID* id, ParamList* params, AnalyzerElementList* elemlist) - : AnalyzerDecl(id, FLOW, params) - { - dataunit_ = nullptr; - conn_decl_ = nullptr; - flow_buffer_var_field_ = nullptr; - AddElements(elemlist); - } - -FlowDecl::~FlowDecl() - { - delete flow_buffer_var_field_; - delete dataunit_; - } +FlowDecl::FlowDecl(ID* id, ParamList* params, AnalyzerElementList* elemlist) : AnalyzerDecl(id, FLOW, params) { + dataunit_ = nullptr; + conn_decl_ = nullptr; + flow_buffer_var_field_ = nullptr; + AddElements(elemlist); +} + +FlowDecl::~FlowDecl() { + delete flow_buffer_var_field_; + delete dataunit_; +} ParameterizedType* FlowDecl::flow_buffer_type_ = nullptr; -ParameterizedType* FlowDecl::flow_buffer_type() - { - if ( ! flow_buffer_type_ ) - { - flow_buffer_type_ = new ParameterizedType(new ID(kFlowBufferClass), nullptr); - } - return flow_buffer_type_; - } - -void FlowDecl::AddBaseClass(vector* base_classes) const - { - base_classes->push_back("binpac::FlowAnalyzer"); - } - -void FlowDecl::ProcessFlowElement(AnalyzerFlow* flow_elem) - { - throw Exception(flow_elem, "flow should be defined in only a connection declaration"); - } - -void FlowDecl::ProcessDataUnitElement(AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_elem) - { - if ( dataunit_ ) - { - throw Exception(dataunit_elem, "dataunit already defined"); - } - dataunit_ = dataunit_elem; - - if ( dataunit_->type() == AnalyzerDataUnit::FLOWUNIT ) - { - dataunit_->data_type()->MarkIncrementalInput(); - - flow_buffer_var_field_ = new PubVarField(flow_buffer_id->clone(), - FlowDecl::flow_buffer_type()->Clone()); - type_->AddField(flow_buffer_var_field_); - - ASSERT(AnalyzerContextDecl::current_analyzer_context()); - AnalyzerContextDecl::current_analyzer_context()->AddFlowBuffer(); - - // Add an argument to the context initiation - dataunit_->context_type()->AddParamArg(new Expr(flow_buffer_var_field_->id()->clone())); - } - } - -void FlowDecl::Prepare() - { - // Add the connection parameter - if ( ! conn_decl_ ) - { - throw Exception(this, "no connection is not declared for the flow"); - } - - if ( ! params_ ) - params_ = new ParamList(); - - params_->insert(params_->begin(), new Param(connection_id->clone(), conn_decl_->DataType())); - - AnalyzerDecl::Prepare(); - - dataunit_->Prepare(env_); - } - -void FlowDecl::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - AnalyzerDecl::GenPubDecls(out_h, out_cc); - } - -void FlowDecl::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - // Declare the data unit - dataunit_->dataunit_var_field()->GenPrivDecls(out_h, env_); - - // Declare the analyzer context - dataunit_->context_var_field()->GenPrivDecls(out_h, env_); - - AnalyzerDecl::GenPrivDecls(out_h, out_cc); - } - -void FlowDecl::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc) - { - AnalyzerDecl::GenInitCode(out_cc); - - out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", env_->LValue(dataunit_id)); - out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", env_->LValue(analyzer_context_id)); - - if ( dataunit_->type() == AnalyzerDataUnit::FLOWUNIT ) - { - flow_buffer_var_field_->type()->GenPreParsing(out_cc, env_); - env_->SetEvaluated(flow_buffer_var_field_->id()); - } - } - -void FlowDecl::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc) - { - GenDeleteDataUnit(out_cc); - AnalyzerDecl::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc); - } - -void FlowDecl::GenEOFFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - string proto = strfmt("%s()", kFlowEOF); - - out_h->println("void %s;", proto.c_str()); - - out_cc->println("void %s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - foreach (i, AnalyzerHelperList, eof_helpers_) - { - (*i)->GenCode(nullptr, out_cc, this); - } - - if ( dataunit_->type() == AnalyzerDataUnit::FLOWUNIT ) - { - out_cc->println("%s->set_eof();", env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); - out_cc->println("%s(nullptr, nullptr);", kNewData); - } - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - -void FlowDecl::GenGapFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - string proto = strfmt("%s(int gap_length)", kFlowGap); - - out_h->println("void %s;", proto.c_str()); - - out_cc->println("void %s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - if ( dataunit_->type() == AnalyzerDataUnit::FLOWUNIT ) - { - out_cc->println("%s->NewGap(gap_length);", env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); - } - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - -void FlowDecl::GenProcessFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - env_->AddID(begin_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); - env_->AddID(end_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); - - string proto = strfmt("%s(const_byteptr %s, const_byteptr %s)", kNewData, - env_->LValue(begin_of_data), env_->LValue(end_of_data)); - - out_h->println("void %s;", proto.c_str()); - - out_cc->println("void %s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - out_cc->println("try"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - env_->SetEvaluated(begin_of_data); - env_->SetEvaluated(end_of_data); - - switch ( dataunit_->type() ) - { - case AnalyzerDataUnit::DATAGRAM: - GenCodeDatagram(out_cc); - break; - case AnalyzerDataUnit::FLOWUNIT: - GenCodeFlowUnit(out_cc); - break; - default: - ASSERT(0); - } - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - out_cc->println("catch ( binpac::Exception const &e )"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - GenCleanUpCode(out_cc); - if ( dataunit_->type() == AnalyzerDataUnit::FLOWUNIT ) - { - out_cc->println("%s->DiscardData();", env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); - } - out_cc->println("throw e;"); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println(""); - } - -void FlowDecl::GenNewDataUnit(Output* out_cc) - { - Type* unit_datatype = dataunit_->data_type(); - // dataunit_->data_type()->GenPreParsing(out_cc, env_); - dataunit_->GenNewDataUnit(out_cc, env_); - if ( unit_datatype->buffer_input() && unit_datatype->buffer_mode() == Type::BUFFER_BY_LENGTH ) - { - out_cc->println("%s->NewFrame(0, false);", env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); - } - dataunit_->GenNewContext(out_cc, env_); - } - -void FlowDecl::GenDeleteDataUnit(Output* out_cc) - { - // Do not just delete dataunit, because we may just want to Unref it. - // out_cc->println("delete %s;", env_->LValue(dataunit_id)); - dataunit_->data_type()->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env_); - dataunit_->context_type()->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env_); - } - -void FlowDecl::GenCodeFlowUnit(Output* out_cc) - { - Type* unit_datatype = dataunit_->data_type(); - - out_cc->println("%s->NewData(%s, %s);", env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id), - env_->RValue(begin_of_data), env_->RValue(end_of_data)); - - out_cc->println("while ( %s->data_available() && ", env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("( !%s->have_pending_request() || %s->ready() ) )", - env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id), env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); - out_cc->println("{"); - - // Generate a new dataunit if necessary - out_cc->println("if ( ! %s )", env_->LValue(dataunit_id)); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(!%s);", env_->LValue(analyzer_context_id)); - GenNewDataUnit(out_cc); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - DataPtr data(env_, nullptr, 0); - unit_datatype->GenParseCode(out_cc, env_, data, 0); - - out_cc->println("if ( %s )", unit_datatype->parsing_complete(env_).c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - out_cc->println("// Clean up the flow unit after parsing"); - GenDeleteDataUnit(out_cc); - // out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s == 0);", env_->LValue(dataunit_id)); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println("else"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - out_cc->println("// Resume upon next input segment"); - out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(!%s->ready());", env_->RValue(flow_buffer_id)); - out_cc->println("break;"); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - -void FlowDecl::GenCodeDatagram(Output* out_cc) - { - Type* unit_datatype = dataunit_->data_type(); - GenNewDataUnit(out_cc); - - string parse_params = strfmt("%s, %s", env_->RValue(begin_of_data), env_->RValue(end_of_data)); - - if ( RequiresAnalyzerContext::compute(unit_datatype) ) - { - parse_params += ", "; - parse_params += env_->RValue(analyzer_context_id); - } - - DataPtr dataptr(env_, begin_of_data, 0); - unit_datatype->GenParseCode(out_cc, env_, dataptr, 0); - - GenDeleteDataUnit(out_cc); - } +ParameterizedType* FlowDecl::flow_buffer_type() { + if ( ! flow_buffer_type_ ) { + flow_buffer_type_ = new ParameterizedType(new ID(kFlowBufferClass), nullptr); + } + return flow_buffer_type_; +} + +void FlowDecl::AddBaseClass(vector* base_classes) const { base_classes->push_back("binpac::FlowAnalyzer"); } + +void FlowDecl::ProcessFlowElement(AnalyzerFlow* flow_elem) { + throw Exception(flow_elem, "flow should be defined in only a connection declaration"); +} + +void FlowDecl::ProcessDataUnitElement(AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_elem) { + if ( dataunit_ ) { + throw Exception(dataunit_elem, "dataunit already defined"); + } + dataunit_ = dataunit_elem; + + if ( dataunit_->type() == AnalyzerDataUnit::FLOWUNIT ) { + dataunit_->data_type()->MarkIncrementalInput(); + + flow_buffer_var_field_ = new PubVarField(flow_buffer_id->clone(), FlowDecl::flow_buffer_type()->Clone()); + type_->AddField(flow_buffer_var_field_); + + ASSERT(AnalyzerContextDecl::current_analyzer_context()); + AnalyzerContextDecl::current_analyzer_context()->AddFlowBuffer(); + + // Add an argument to the context initiation + dataunit_->context_type()->AddParamArg(new Expr(flow_buffer_var_field_->id()->clone())); + } +} + +void FlowDecl::Prepare() { + // Add the connection parameter + if ( ! conn_decl_ ) { + throw Exception(this, "no connection is not declared for the flow"); + } + + if ( ! params_ ) + params_ = new ParamList(); + + params_->insert(params_->begin(), new Param(connection_id->clone(), conn_decl_->DataType())); + + AnalyzerDecl::Prepare(); + + dataunit_->Prepare(env_); +} + +void FlowDecl::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { AnalyzerDecl::GenPubDecls(out_h, out_cc); } + +void FlowDecl::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + // Declare the data unit + dataunit_->dataunit_var_field()->GenPrivDecls(out_h, env_); + + // Declare the analyzer context + dataunit_->context_var_field()->GenPrivDecls(out_h, env_); + + AnalyzerDecl::GenPrivDecls(out_h, out_cc); +} + +void FlowDecl::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc) { + AnalyzerDecl::GenInitCode(out_cc); + + out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", env_->LValue(dataunit_id)); + out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", env_->LValue(analyzer_context_id)); + + if ( dataunit_->type() == AnalyzerDataUnit::FLOWUNIT ) { + flow_buffer_var_field_->type()->GenPreParsing(out_cc, env_); + env_->SetEvaluated(flow_buffer_var_field_->id()); + } +} + +void FlowDecl::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc) { + GenDeleteDataUnit(out_cc); + AnalyzerDecl::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc); +} + +void FlowDecl::GenEOFFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + string proto = strfmt("%s()", kFlowEOF); + + out_h->println("void %s;", proto.c_str()); + + out_cc->println("void %s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + foreach (i, AnalyzerHelperList, eof_helpers_) { + (*i)->GenCode(nullptr, out_cc, this); + } + + if ( dataunit_->type() == AnalyzerDataUnit::FLOWUNIT ) { + out_cc->println("%s->set_eof();", env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); + out_cc->println("%s(nullptr, nullptr);", kNewData); + } + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); +} + +void FlowDecl::GenGapFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + string proto = strfmt("%s(int gap_length)", kFlowGap); + + out_h->println("void %s;", proto.c_str()); + + out_cc->println("void %s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + if ( dataunit_->type() == AnalyzerDataUnit::FLOWUNIT ) { + out_cc->println("%s->NewGap(gap_length);", env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); + } + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); +} + +void FlowDecl::GenProcessFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + env_->AddID(begin_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); + env_->AddID(end_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); + + string proto = strfmt("%s(const_byteptr %s, const_byteptr %s)", kNewData, env_->LValue(begin_of_data), + env_->LValue(end_of_data)); + + out_h->println("void %s;", proto.c_str()); + + out_cc->println("void %s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + out_cc->println("try"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + env_->SetEvaluated(begin_of_data); + env_->SetEvaluated(end_of_data); + + switch ( dataunit_->type() ) { + case AnalyzerDataUnit::DATAGRAM: GenCodeDatagram(out_cc); break; + case AnalyzerDataUnit::FLOWUNIT: GenCodeFlowUnit(out_cc); break; + default: ASSERT(0); + } + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + out_cc->println("catch ( binpac::Exception const &e )"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + GenCleanUpCode(out_cc); + if ( dataunit_->type() == AnalyzerDataUnit::FLOWUNIT ) { + out_cc->println("%s->DiscardData();", env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); + } + out_cc->println("throw e;"); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println(""); +} + +void FlowDecl::GenNewDataUnit(Output* out_cc) { + Type* unit_datatype = dataunit_->data_type(); + // dataunit_->data_type()->GenPreParsing(out_cc, env_); + dataunit_->GenNewDataUnit(out_cc, env_); + if ( unit_datatype->buffer_input() && unit_datatype->buffer_mode() == Type::BUFFER_BY_LENGTH ) { + out_cc->println("%s->NewFrame(0, false);", env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); + } + dataunit_->GenNewContext(out_cc, env_); +} + +void FlowDecl::GenDeleteDataUnit(Output* out_cc) { + // Do not just delete dataunit, because we may just want to Unref it. + // out_cc->println("delete %s;", env_->LValue(dataunit_id)); + dataunit_->data_type()->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env_); + dataunit_->context_type()->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env_); +} + +void FlowDecl::GenCodeFlowUnit(Output* out_cc) { + Type* unit_datatype = dataunit_->data_type(); + + out_cc->println("%s->NewData(%s, %s);", env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id), env_->RValue(begin_of_data), + env_->RValue(end_of_data)); + + out_cc->println("while ( %s->data_available() && ", env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("( !%s->have_pending_request() || %s->ready() ) )", env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id), + env_->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); + out_cc->println("{"); + + // Generate a new dataunit if necessary + out_cc->println("if ( ! %s )", env_->LValue(dataunit_id)); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(!%s);", env_->LValue(analyzer_context_id)); + GenNewDataUnit(out_cc); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + DataPtr data(env_, nullptr, 0); + unit_datatype->GenParseCode(out_cc, env_, data, 0); + + out_cc->println("if ( %s )", unit_datatype->parsing_complete(env_).c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + out_cc->println("// Clean up the flow unit after parsing"); + GenDeleteDataUnit(out_cc); + // out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s == 0);", env_->LValue(dataunit_id)); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println("else"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + out_cc->println("// Resume upon next input segment"); + out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(!%s->ready());", env_->RValue(flow_buffer_id)); + out_cc->println("break;"); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); +} + +void FlowDecl::GenCodeDatagram(Output* out_cc) { + Type* unit_datatype = dataunit_->data_type(); + GenNewDataUnit(out_cc); + + string parse_params = strfmt("%s, %s", env_->RValue(begin_of_data), env_->RValue(end_of_data)); + + if ( RequiresAnalyzerContext::compute(unit_datatype) ) { + parse_params += ", "; + parse_params += env_->RValue(analyzer_context_id); + } + + DataPtr dataptr(env_, begin_of_data, 0); + unit_datatype->GenParseCode(out_cc, env_, dataptr, 0); + + GenDeleteDataUnit(out_cc); +} diff --git a/src/pac_flow.h b/src/pac_flow.h index ea018c6..ae15b6b 100644 --- a/src/pac_flow.h +++ b/src/pac_flow.h @@ -3,45 +3,44 @@ #include "pac_analyzer.h" -class FlowDecl : public AnalyzerDecl - { +class FlowDecl : public AnalyzerDecl { public: - FlowDecl(ID* flow_id, ParamList* params, AnalyzerElementList* elemlist); - ~FlowDecl() override; + FlowDecl(ID* flow_id, ParamList* params, AnalyzerElementList* elemlist); + ~FlowDecl() override; - void Prepare() override; + void Prepare() override; - void set_conn_decl(ConnDecl* c) { conn_decl_ = c; } + void set_conn_decl(ConnDecl* c) { conn_decl_ = c; } - static ParameterizedType* flow_buffer_type(); + static ParameterizedType* flow_buffer_type(); protected: - void AddBaseClass(vector* base_classes) const override; + void AddBaseClass(vector* base_classes) const override; - void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc) override; - void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc) override; - void GenProcessFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - void GenEOFFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - void GenGapFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc) override; + void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc) override; + void GenProcessFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void GenEOFFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void GenGapFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - void GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - void GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - void ProcessFlowElement(AnalyzerFlow* flow_elem) override; - void ProcessDataUnitElement(AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_elem) override; + void ProcessFlowElement(AnalyzerFlow* flow_elem) override; + void ProcessDataUnitElement(AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_elem) override; private: - void GenNewDataUnit(Output* out_cc); - void GenDeleteDataUnit(Output* out_cc); - void GenCodeFlowUnit(Output* out_cc); - void GenCodeDatagram(Output* out_cc); + void GenNewDataUnit(Output* out_cc); + void GenDeleteDataUnit(Output* out_cc); + void GenCodeFlowUnit(Output* out_cc); + void GenCodeDatagram(Output* out_cc); - AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_; - ConnDecl* conn_decl_; + AnalyzerDataUnit* dataunit_; + ConnDecl* conn_decl_; - Field* flow_buffer_var_field_; + Field* flow_buffer_var_field_; - static ParameterizedType* flow_buffer_type_; - }; + static ParameterizedType* flow_buffer_type_; +}; #endif // pac_flow_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 9770be4..3aa6d17 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -7,109 +7,86 @@ #include "pac_type.h" Function::Function(ID* id, Type* type, ParamList* params) - : id_(id), type_(type), params_(params), expr_(nullptr), code_(nullptr) - { - analyzer_decl_ = nullptr; - env_ = nullptr; - } - -Function::~Function() - { - delete id_; - delete type_; - delete_list(ParamList, params_); - delete env_; - delete expr_; - delete code_; - } - -void Function::Prepare(Env* env) - { - env->AddID(id_, FUNC_ID, type_); - env->SetEvaluated(id_); - - env_ = new Env(env, this); - - foreach (i, ParamList, params_) - { - Param* p = *i; - env_->AddID(p->id(), FUNC_PARAM, p->type()); - env_->SetEvaluated(p->id()); - } - } - -void Function::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) - { - // Do nothing - } - -void Function::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - out_h->println("%s %s(%s);", type_->DataTypeStr().c_str(), id_->Name(), - ParamDecls(params_).c_str()); - - string class_str = ""; - if ( analyzer_decl_ ) - class_str = strfmt("%s::", analyzer_decl_->id()->Name()); - - string proto_str = strfmt("%s %s%s(%s)", type_->DataTypeStr().c_str(), class_str.c_str(), - id_->Name(), ParamDecls(params_).c_str()); - - ASSERT(! (expr_ && code_)); - - if ( expr_ ) - { - out_cc->println("%s", proto_str.c_str()); - - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - out_cc->println("return static_cast<%s>(%s);", type_->DataTypeStr().c_str(), - expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env_)); - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - - else if ( code_ ) - { - out_cc->println("%s", proto_str.c_str()); - - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - code_->GenCode(out_cc, env_); - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - - out_cc->println(""); - } - -FuncDecl::FuncDecl(Function* function) : Decl(function->id()->clone(), FUNC), function_(function) - { - function_->Prepare(global_env()); - } - -FuncDecl::~FuncDecl() - { - delete function_; - } - -void FuncDecl::Prepare() { } - -void FuncDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) - { - function_->GenForwardDeclaration(out_h); - } - -void FuncDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - function_->GenCode(out_h, out_cc); - } - -AnalyzerFunction::AnalyzerFunction(Function* function) - : AnalyzerElement(FUNCTION), function_(function) - { - } + : id_(id), type_(type), params_(params), expr_(nullptr), code_(nullptr) { + analyzer_decl_ = nullptr; + env_ = nullptr; +} + +Function::~Function() { + delete id_; + delete type_; + delete_list(ParamList, params_); + delete env_; + delete expr_; + delete code_; +} + +void Function::Prepare(Env* env) { + env->AddID(id_, FUNC_ID, type_); + env->SetEvaluated(id_); + + env_ = new Env(env, this); + + foreach (i, ParamList, params_) { + Param* p = *i; + env_->AddID(p->id(), FUNC_PARAM, p->type()); + env_->SetEvaluated(p->id()); + } +} + +void Function::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) { + // Do nothing +} + +void Function::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + out_h->println("%s %s(%s);", type_->DataTypeStr().c_str(), id_->Name(), ParamDecls(params_).c_str()); + + string class_str = ""; + if ( analyzer_decl_ ) + class_str = strfmt("%s::", analyzer_decl_->id()->Name()); + + string proto_str = strfmt("%s %s%s(%s)", type_->DataTypeStr().c_str(), class_str.c_str(), id_->Name(), + ParamDecls(params_).c_str()); + + ASSERT(! (expr_ && code_)); + + if ( expr_ ) { + out_cc->println("%s", proto_str.c_str()); + + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + out_cc->println("return static_cast<%s>(%s);", type_->DataTypeStr().c_str(), expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env_)); + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } + + else if ( code_ ) { + out_cc->println("%s", proto_str.c_str()); + + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + code_->GenCode(out_cc, env_); + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } + + out_cc->println(""); +} + +FuncDecl::FuncDecl(Function* function) : Decl(function->id()->clone(), FUNC), function_(function) { + function_->Prepare(global_env()); +} + +FuncDecl::~FuncDecl() { delete function_; } + +void FuncDecl::Prepare() {} + +void FuncDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) { function_->GenForwardDeclaration(out_h); } + +void FuncDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { function_->GenCode(out_h, out_cc); } + +AnalyzerFunction::AnalyzerFunction(Function* function) : AnalyzerElement(FUNCTION), function_(function) {} diff --git a/src/pac_func.h b/src/pac_func.h index 5d7352f..4246450 100644 --- a/src/pac_func.h +++ b/src/pac_func.h @@ -4,65 +4,62 @@ #include "pac_analyzer.h" #include "pac_decl.h" -class Function : public Object - { +class Function : public Object { public: - Function(ID* id, Type* type, ParamList* params); - ~Function(); + Function(ID* id, Type* type, ParamList* params); + ~Function(); - ID* id() const { return id_; } + ID* id() const { return id_; } - AnalyzerDecl* analyzer_decl() const { return analyzer_decl_; } - void set_analyzer_decl(AnalyzerDecl* decl) { analyzer_decl_ = decl; } + AnalyzerDecl* analyzer_decl() const { return analyzer_decl_; } + void set_analyzer_decl(AnalyzerDecl* decl) { analyzer_decl_ = decl; } - Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } - void set_expr(Expr* expr) { expr_ = expr; } + Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } + void set_expr(Expr* expr) { expr_ = expr; } - EmbeddedCode* code() const { return code_; } - void set_code(EmbeddedCode* code) { code_ = code; } + EmbeddedCode* code() const { return code_; } + void set_code(EmbeddedCode* code) { code_ = code; } - void Prepare(Env* env); - void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h); - void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); + void Prepare(Env* env); + void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h); + void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); private: - Env* env_; + Env* env_; - ID* id_; - Type* type_; - ParamList* params_; + ID* id_; + Type* type_; + ParamList* params_; - AnalyzerDecl* analyzer_decl_; + AnalyzerDecl* analyzer_decl_; - Expr* expr_; - EmbeddedCode* code_; - }; + Expr* expr_; + EmbeddedCode* code_; +}; -class FuncDecl : public Decl - { +class FuncDecl : public Decl { public: - FuncDecl(Function* function); - ~FuncDecl() override; + FuncDecl(Function* function); + ~FuncDecl() override; - Function* function() const { return function_; } + Function* function() const { return function_; } - void Prepare() override; - void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; - void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void Prepare() override; + void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; + void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; private: - Function* function_; - }; + Function* function_; +}; -class AnalyzerFunction : public AnalyzerElement - { +class AnalyzerFunction : public AnalyzerElement { public: - AnalyzerFunction(Function* function); + AnalyzerFunction(Function* function); - Function* function() const { return function_; } + Function* function() const { return function_; } private: - Function* function_; - }; + Function* function_; +}; #endif // pac_func_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 624b261..3be3a13 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -38,402 +38,338 @@ const ID* buffering_state_id = nullptr; int ID::anonymous_id_seq = 0; -ID* ID::NewAnonymousID(const string& prefix) - { - ID* id = new ID(strfmt("%s%03d", prefix.c_str(), ++anonymous_id_seq)); - id->anonymous_id_ = true; - return id; - } +ID* ID::NewAnonymousID(const string& prefix) { + ID* id = new ID(strfmt("%s%03d", prefix.c_str(), ++anonymous_id_seq)); + id->anonymous_id_ = true; + return id; +} IDRecord::IDRecord(Env* arg_env, const ID* arg_id, IDType arg_id_type) - : env(arg_env), id(arg_id), id_type(arg_id_type) - { - eval = nullptr; - evaluated = in_evaluation = false; - setfunc = ""; // except for STATE_VAR - switch ( id_type ) - { - case MEMBER_VAR: - rvalue = strfmt("%s()", id->Name()); - lvalue = strfmt("%s_", id->Name()); - break; - case PRIV_MEMBER_VAR: - rvalue = strfmt("%s_", id->Name()); - lvalue = strfmt("%s_", id->Name()); - break; - case UNION_VAR: - rvalue = strfmt("%s()", id->Name()); - lvalue = strfmt("%s_", id->Name()); - break; - case CONST: - case GLOBAL_VAR: - rvalue = strfmt("%s", id->Name()); - lvalue = strfmt("%s", id->Name()); - break; - case TEMP_VAR: - rvalue = strfmt("t_%s", id->Name()); - lvalue = strfmt("t_%s", id->Name()); - break; - case STATE_VAR: - rvalue = strfmt("%s()", id->Name()); - lvalue = strfmt("%s_", id->Name()); - break; - case MACRO: - rvalue = "@MACRO@"; - lvalue = "@MACRO@"; - break; - case FUNC_ID: - rvalue = strfmt("%s", id->Name()); - lvalue = "@FUNC_ID@"; - break; - case FUNC_PARAM: - rvalue = strfmt("%s", id->Name()); - lvalue = "@FUNC_PARAM@"; - break; - } - - data_type = nullptr; - field = nullptr; - constant = constant_set = false; - macro = nullptr; - } - -IDRecord::~IDRecord() { } - -void IDRecord::SetConstant(int c) - { - ASSERT(id_type == CONST); - constant_set = true; - constant = c; - } - -bool IDRecord::GetConstant(int* pc) const - { - if ( constant_set ) - *pc = constant; - return constant_set; - } - -void IDRecord::SetMacro(Expr* e) - { - ASSERT(id_type == MACRO); - macro = e; - } - -Expr* IDRecord::GetMacro() const - { - ASSERT(id_type == MACRO); - return macro; - } - -void IDRecord::SetEvaluated(bool v) - { - if ( v ) - ASSERT(! evaluated); - evaluated = v; - } - -void IDRecord::Evaluate(Output* out, Env* env) - { - if ( evaluated ) - return; - - if ( ! out ) - throw ExceptionIDNotEvaluated(id); - - if ( ! eval ) - throw Exception(id, "no evaluation method"); - - if ( in_evaluation ) - throw ExceptionCyclicDependence(id); - - in_evaluation = true; - eval->GenEval(out, env); - in_evaluation = false; - - evaluated = true; - } - -const char* IDRecord::RValue() const - { - if ( id_type == MACRO ) - return macro->EvalExpr(nullptr, env); - - if ( id_type == TEMP_VAR && ! evaluated ) - throw ExceptionIDNotEvaluated(id); - - return rvalue.c_str(); - } - -const char* IDRecord::LValue() const - { - ASSERT(id_type != MACRO && id_type != FUNC_ID); - return lvalue.c_str(); - } - -Env::Env(Env* parent_env, Object* context_object) - : parent(parent_env), context_object_(context_object) - { - allow_undefined_id_ = false; - in_branch_ = false; - } - -Env::~Env() - { - for ( id_map_t::iterator it = id_map.begin(); it != id_map.end(); ++it ) - { - delete it->second; - it->second = 0; - } - } - -void Env::AddID(const ID* id, IDType id_type, Type* data_type) - { - DEBUG_MSG("To add ID `%s'...\n", id->Name()); - id_map_t::iterator it = id_map.find(id); - if ( it != id_map.end() ) - { - DEBUG_MSG("Duplicate definition: `%s'\n", it->first->Name()); - throw ExceptionIDRedefinition(id); - } - id_map[id] = new IDRecord(this, id, id_type); - // TODO: figure out when data_type must be non-NULL - // ASSERT(data_type); - SetDataType(id, data_type); - } - -void Env::AddConstID(const ID* id, const int c, Type* type) - { - if ( ! type ) - type = extern_type_int; - AddID(id, CONST, type); - SetConstant(id, c); - SetEvaluated(id); // a constant is always evaluated - } - -void Env::AddMacro(const ID* id, Expr* macro) - { - AddID(id, MACRO, macro->DataType(this)); - SetMacro(id, macro); - SetEvaluated(id); - } - -ID* Env::AddTempID(Type* type) - { - ID* id = ID::NewAnonymousID("t_var_"); - AddID(id, TEMP_VAR, type); - return id; - } - -IDRecord* Env::lookup(const ID* id, bool recursive, bool raise_exception) const - { - ASSERT(id); - - id_map_t::const_iterator it = id_map.find(id); - if ( it != id_map.end() ) - return it->second; - - if ( recursive && parent ) - return parent->lookup(id, recursive, raise_exception); - - if ( raise_exception ) - throw ExceptionIDNotFound(id); - else - return nullptr; - } - -IDType Env::GetIDType(const ID* id) const - { - return lookup(id, true, true)->GetType(); - } - -const char* Env::RValue(const ID* id) const - { - IDRecord* r = lookup(id, true, false); - if ( r ) - return r->RValue(); - else - { - if ( allow_undefined_id() ) - return id->Name(); - else - throw ExceptionIDNotFound(id); - } - } - -const char* Env::LValue(const ID* id) const - { - return lookup(id, true, true)->LValue(); - } - -void Env::SetEvalMethod(const ID* id, Evaluatable* eval) - { - lookup(id, true, true)->SetEvalMethod(eval); - } - -void Env::Evaluate(Output* out, const ID* id) - { - IDRecord* r = lookup(id, true, ! allow_undefined_id()); - if ( r ) - r->Evaluate(out, this); - } - -bool Env::Evaluated(const ID* id) const - { - IDRecord* r = lookup(id, true, ! allow_undefined_id()); - if ( r ) - return r->Evaluated(); - else - // Assume undefined variables are already evaluated - return true; - } - -void Env::SetEvaluated(const ID* id, bool v) - { - if ( in_branch() ) - { - Field* f = GetField(id); - if ( f && f->tof() == LET_FIELD ) - { - throw Exception(context_object_, strfmt("INTERNAL ERROR: " - "evaluating let field '%s' in a branch! " - "To work around this problem, " - "add '&requires(%s)' to the case type. " - "Sorry for the inconvenience.\n", - id->Name(), id->Name())); - ASSERT(0); - } - } - - IDRecord* r = lookup(id, false, false); - if ( r ) - r->SetEvaluated(v); - else if ( parent ) - parent->SetEvaluated(id, v); - else - throw ExceptionIDNotFound(id); - } - -void Env::SetField(const ID* id, Field* field) - { - lookup(id, false, true)->SetField(field); - } - -Field* Env::GetField(const ID* id) const - { - return lookup(id, true, true)->GetField(); - } - -void Env::SetDataType(const ID* id, Type* type) - { - lookup(id, true, true)->SetDataType(type); - } - -Type* Env::GetDataType(const ID* id) const - { - IDRecord* r = lookup(id, true, false); - if ( r ) - return r->GetDataType(); - else - return nullptr; - } - -string Env::DataTypeStr(const ID* id) const - { - Type* type = GetDataType(id); - if ( ! type ) - throw Exception(id, "data type not defined"); - return type->DataTypeStr(); - } - -void Env::SetConstant(const ID* id, int constant) - { - lookup(id, false, true)->SetConstant(constant); - } - -bool Env::GetConstant(const ID* id, int* pc) const - { - ASSERT(pc); - // lookup without raising exception - IDRecord* r = lookup(id, true, false); - if ( r ) - return r->GetConstant(pc); - else - return false; - } - -void Env::SetMacro(const ID* id, Expr* macro) - { - lookup(id, true, true)->SetMacro(macro); - } - -Expr* Env::GetMacro(const ID* id) const - { - return lookup(id, true, true)->GetMacro(); - } - -void init_builtin_identifiers() - { - default_value_var = new ID("val"); - null_id = new ID("NULL"); - null_byteseg_id = new ID("null_byteseg"); - begin_of_data = new ID("begin_of_data"); - end_of_data = new ID("end_of_data"); - len_of_data = new ID("length_of_data"); - byteorder_id = new ID("byteorder"); - bigendian_id = new ID("bigendian"); - littleendian_id = new ID("littleendian"); - unspecified_byteorder_id = new ID("unspecified_byteorder"); - const_true_id = new ID("true"); - const_false_id = new ID("false"); - analyzer_context_id = new ID("context"); - this_id = new ID("this"); - sourcedata_id = new ID("sourcedata"); - connection_id = new ID("connection"); - upflow_id = new ID("upflow"); - downflow_id = new ID("downflow"); - dataunit_id = new ID("dataunit"); - flow_buffer_id = new ID("flow_buffer"); - element_macro_id = new ID("$element"); - input_macro_id = new ID("$input"); - context_macro_id = new ID("$context"); - parsing_state_id = new ID("parsing_state"); - buffering_state_id = new ID("buffering_state"); - - null_decl_id = new ID(""); - current_decl_id = null_decl_id; - } - -Env* global_env() - { - static Env* the_global_env = nullptr; - - if ( ! the_global_env ) - { - the_global_env = new Env(nullptr, nullptr); - - // These two are defined in binpac.h, so we do not need to - // generate code for them. - the_global_env->AddConstID(bigendian_id, 0); - the_global_env->AddConstID(littleendian_id, 1); - the_global_env->AddConstID(unspecified_byteorder_id, -1); - the_global_env->AddConstID(const_false_id, 0); - the_global_env->AddConstID(const_true_id, 1); - // A hack for ID "this" - the_global_env->AddConstID(this_id, 0); - the_global_env->AddConstID(null_id, 0, extern_type_nullptr); + : env(arg_env), id(arg_id), id_type(arg_id_type) { + eval = nullptr; + evaluated = in_evaluation = false; + setfunc = ""; // except for STATE_VAR + switch ( id_type ) { + case MEMBER_VAR: + rvalue = strfmt("%s()", id->Name()); + lvalue = strfmt("%s_", id->Name()); + break; + case PRIV_MEMBER_VAR: + rvalue = strfmt("%s_", id->Name()); + lvalue = strfmt("%s_", id->Name()); + break; + case UNION_VAR: + rvalue = strfmt("%s()", id->Name()); + lvalue = strfmt("%s_", id->Name()); + break; + case CONST: + case GLOBAL_VAR: + rvalue = strfmt("%s", id->Name()); + lvalue = strfmt("%s", id->Name()); + break; + case TEMP_VAR: + rvalue = strfmt("t_%s", id->Name()); + lvalue = strfmt("t_%s", id->Name()); + break; + case STATE_VAR: + rvalue = strfmt("%s()", id->Name()); + lvalue = strfmt("%s_", id->Name()); + break; + case MACRO: + rvalue = "@MACRO@"; + lvalue = "@MACRO@"; + break; + case FUNC_ID: + rvalue = strfmt("%s", id->Name()); + lvalue = "@FUNC_ID@"; + break; + case FUNC_PARAM: + rvalue = strfmt("%s", id->Name()); + lvalue = "@FUNC_PARAM@"; + break; + } + + data_type = nullptr; + field = nullptr; + constant = constant_set = false; + macro = nullptr; +} + +IDRecord::~IDRecord() {} + +void IDRecord::SetConstant(int c) { + ASSERT(id_type == CONST); + constant_set = true; + constant = c; +} + +bool IDRecord::GetConstant(int* pc) const { + if ( constant_set ) + *pc = constant; + return constant_set; +} + +void IDRecord::SetMacro(Expr* e) { + ASSERT(id_type == MACRO); + macro = e; +} + +Expr* IDRecord::GetMacro() const { + ASSERT(id_type == MACRO); + return macro; +} + +void IDRecord::SetEvaluated(bool v) { + if ( v ) + ASSERT(! evaluated); + evaluated = v; +} + +void IDRecord::Evaluate(Output* out, Env* env) { + if ( evaluated ) + return; + + if ( ! out ) + throw ExceptionIDNotEvaluated(id); + + if ( ! eval ) + throw Exception(id, "no evaluation method"); + + if ( in_evaluation ) + throw ExceptionCyclicDependence(id); + + in_evaluation = true; + eval->GenEval(out, env); + in_evaluation = false; + + evaluated = true; +} + +const char* IDRecord::RValue() const { + if ( id_type == MACRO ) + return macro->EvalExpr(nullptr, env); + + if ( id_type == TEMP_VAR && ! evaluated ) + throw ExceptionIDNotEvaluated(id); + + return rvalue.c_str(); +} + +const char* IDRecord::LValue() const { + ASSERT(id_type != MACRO && id_type != FUNC_ID); + return lvalue.c_str(); +} + +Env::Env(Env* parent_env, Object* context_object) : parent(parent_env), context_object_(context_object) { + allow_undefined_id_ = false; + in_branch_ = false; +} + +Env::~Env() { + for ( id_map_t::iterator it = id_map.begin(); it != id_map.end(); ++it ) { + delete it->second; + it->second = 0; + } +} + +void Env::AddID(const ID* id, IDType id_type, Type* data_type) { + DEBUG_MSG("To add ID `%s'...\n", id->Name()); + id_map_t::iterator it = id_map.find(id); + if ( it != id_map.end() ) { + DEBUG_MSG("Duplicate definition: `%s'\n", it->first->Name()); + throw ExceptionIDRedefinition(id); + } + id_map[id] = new IDRecord(this, id, id_type); + // TODO: figure out when data_type must be non-NULL + // ASSERT(data_type); + SetDataType(id, data_type); +} + +void Env::AddConstID(const ID* id, const int c, Type* type) { + if ( ! type ) + type = extern_type_int; + AddID(id, CONST, type); + SetConstant(id, c); + SetEvaluated(id); // a constant is always evaluated +} + +void Env::AddMacro(const ID* id, Expr* macro) { + AddID(id, MACRO, macro->DataType(this)); + SetMacro(id, macro); + SetEvaluated(id); +} + +ID* Env::AddTempID(Type* type) { + ID* id = ID::NewAnonymousID("t_var_"); + AddID(id, TEMP_VAR, type); + return id; +} + +IDRecord* Env::lookup(const ID* id, bool recursive, bool raise_exception) const { + ASSERT(id); + + id_map_t::const_iterator it = id_map.find(id); + if ( it != id_map.end() ) + return it->second; + + if ( recursive && parent ) + return parent->lookup(id, recursive, raise_exception); + + if ( raise_exception ) + throw ExceptionIDNotFound(id); + else + return nullptr; +} + +IDType Env::GetIDType(const ID* id) const { return lookup(id, true, true)->GetType(); } + +const char* Env::RValue(const ID* id) const { + IDRecord* r = lookup(id, true, false); + if ( r ) + return r->RValue(); + else { + if ( allow_undefined_id() ) + return id->Name(); + else + throw ExceptionIDNotFound(id); + } +} + +const char* Env::LValue(const ID* id) const { return lookup(id, true, true)->LValue(); } + +void Env::SetEvalMethod(const ID* id, Evaluatable* eval) { lookup(id, true, true)->SetEvalMethod(eval); } + +void Env::Evaluate(Output* out, const ID* id) { + IDRecord* r = lookup(id, true, ! allow_undefined_id()); + if ( r ) + r->Evaluate(out, this); +} + +bool Env::Evaluated(const ID* id) const { + IDRecord* r = lookup(id, true, ! allow_undefined_id()); + if ( r ) + return r->Evaluated(); + else + // Assume undefined variables are already evaluated + return true; +} + +void Env::SetEvaluated(const ID* id, bool v) { + if ( in_branch() ) { + Field* f = GetField(id); + if ( f && f->tof() == LET_FIELD ) { + throw Exception(context_object_, strfmt("INTERNAL ERROR: " + "evaluating let field '%s' in a branch! " + "To work around this problem, " + "add '&requires(%s)' to the case type. " + "Sorry for the inconvenience.\n", + id->Name(), id->Name())); + ASSERT(0); + } + } + + IDRecord* r = lookup(id, false, false); + if ( r ) + r->SetEvaluated(v); + else if ( parent ) + parent->SetEvaluated(id, v); + else + throw ExceptionIDNotFound(id); +} + +void Env::SetField(const ID* id, Field* field) { lookup(id, false, true)->SetField(field); } + +Field* Env::GetField(const ID* id) const { return lookup(id, true, true)->GetField(); } + +void Env::SetDataType(const ID* id, Type* type) { lookup(id, true, true)->SetDataType(type); } + +Type* Env::GetDataType(const ID* id) const { + IDRecord* r = lookup(id, true, false); + if ( r ) + return r->GetDataType(); + else + return nullptr; +} + +string Env::DataTypeStr(const ID* id) const { + Type* type = GetDataType(id); + if ( ! type ) + throw Exception(id, "data type not defined"); + return type->DataTypeStr(); +} + +void Env::SetConstant(const ID* id, int constant) { lookup(id, false, true)->SetConstant(constant); } + +bool Env::GetConstant(const ID* id, int* pc) const { + ASSERT(pc); + // lookup without raising exception + IDRecord* r = lookup(id, true, false); + if ( r ) + return r->GetConstant(pc); + else + return false; +} + +void Env::SetMacro(const ID* id, Expr* macro) { lookup(id, true, true)->SetMacro(macro); } + +Expr* Env::GetMacro(const ID* id) const { return lookup(id, true, true)->GetMacro(); } + +void init_builtin_identifiers() { + default_value_var = new ID("val"); + null_id = new ID("NULL"); + null_byteseg_id = new ID("null_byteseg"); + begin_of_data = new ID("begin_of_data"); + end_of_data = new ID("end_of_data"); + len_of_data = new ID("length_of_data"); + byteorder_id = new ID("byteorder"); + bigendian_id = new ID("bigendian"); + littleendian_id = new ID("littleendian"); + unspecified_byteorder_id = new ID("unspecified_byteorder"); + const_true_id = new ID("true"); + const_false_id = new ID("false"); + analyzer_context_id = new ID("context"); + this_id = new ID("this"); + sourcedata_id = new ID("sourcedata"); + connection_id = new ID("connection"); + upflow_id = new ID("upflow"); + downflow_id = new ID("downflow"); + dataunit_id = new ID("dataunit"); + flow_buffer_id = new ID("flow_buffer"); + element_macro_id = new ID("$element"); + input_macro_id = new ID("$input"); + context_macro_id = new ID("$context"); + parsing_state_id = new ID("parsing_state"); + buffering_state_id = new ID("buffering_state"); + + null_decl_id = new ID(""); + current_decl_id = null_decl_id; +} + +Env* global_env() { + static Env* the_global_env = nullptr; + + if ( ! the_global_env ) { + the_global_env = new Env(nullptr, nullptr); + + // These two are defined in binpac.h, so we do not need to + // generate code for them. + the_global_env->AddConstID(bigendian_id, 0); + the_global_env->AddConstID(littleendian_id, 1); + the_global_env->AddConstID(unspecified_byteorder_id, -1); + the_global_env->AddConstID(const_false_id, 0); + the_global_env->AddConstID(const_true_id, 1); + // A hack for ID "this" + the_global_env->AddConstID(this_id, 0); + the_global_env->AddConstID(null_id, 0, extern_type_nullptr); #if 0 the_global_env->AddID(null_byteseg_id, GLOBAL_VAR, extern_type_const_byteseg); #endif - } + } - return the_global_env; - } + return the_global_env; +} -string set_function(const ID* id) - { - return strfmt("set_%s", id->Name()); - } +string set_function(const ID* id) { return strfmt("set_%s", id->Name()); } diff --git a/src/pac_id.h b/src/pac_id.h index 2cfdbfb..9c46da5 100644 --- a/src/pac_id.h +++ b/src/pac_id.h @@ -22,189 +22,179 @@ using namespace std; // Env -- a mapping from ID names to their L/R-value expressions and evaluation // methods. -enum IDType - { - CONST, - GLOBAL_VAR, - TEMP_VAR, - MEMBER_VAR, - PRIV_MEMBER_VAR, - UNION_VAR, - STATE_VAR, - MACRO, - FUNC_ID, - FUNC_PARAM, - }; +enum IDType { + CONST, + GLOBAL_VAR, + TEMP_VAR, + MEMBER_VAR, + PRIV_MEMBER_VAR, + UNION_VAR, + STATE_VAR, + MACRO, + FUNC_ID, + FUNC_PARAM, +}; class ID; class IDRecord; class Env; class Evaluatable; -class ID : public Object - { +class ID : public Object { public: - ID(string arg_name) : name(arg_name), anonymous_id_(false) - { - locname = nfmt("%s:%s", Location(), Name()); - } - ~ID() { delete[] locname; } + ID(string arg_name) : name(arg_name), anonymous_id_(false) { locname = nfmt("%s:%s", Location(), Name()); } + ~ID() { delete[] locname; } - bool operator==(ID const& x) const { return name == x.Name(); } + bool operator==(ID const& x) const { return name == x.Name(); } - const char* Name() const { return name.c_str(); } - const char* LocName() const { return locname; } - bool is_anonymous() const { return anonymous_id_; } + const char* Name() const { return name.c_str(); } + const char* LocName() const { return locname; } + bool is_anonymous() const { return anonymous_id_; } - ID* clone() const { return new ID(Name()); } + ID* clone() const { return new ID(Name()); } protected: - string name; - bool anonymous_id_; - char* locname; - friend class ID_ptr_cmp; + string name; + bool anonymous_id_; + char* locname; + friend class ID_ptr_cmp; public: - static ID* NewAnonymousID(const string& prefix); + static ID* NewAnonymousID(const string& prefix); private: - static int anonymous_id_seq; - }; + static int anonymous_id_seq; +}; // A comparison operator for pointers to ID's. -class ID_ptr_cmp - { +class ID_ptr_cmp { public: - bool operator()(const ID* const& id1, const ID* const& id2) const - { - ASSERT(id1); - ASSERT(id2); - return id1->name < id2->name; - } - }; - -class IDRecord - { + bool operator()(const ID* const& id1, const ID* const& id2) const { + ASSERT(id1); + ASSERT(id2); + return id1->name < id2->name; + } +}; + +class IDRecord { public: - IDRecord(Env* env, const ID* id, IDType id_type); - ~IDRecord(); + IDRecord(Env* env, const ID* id, IDType id_type); + ~IDRecord(); - IDType GetType() const { return id_type; } + IDType GetType() const { return id_type; } - void SetDataType(Type* type) { data_type = type; } - Type* GetDataType() const { return data_type; } + void SetDataType(Type* type) { data_type = type; } + Type* GetDataType() const { return data_type; } - void SetEvalMethod(Evaluatable* arg_eval) { eval = arg_eval; } - void Evaluate(Output* out, Env* env); - void SetEvaluated(bool v); - bool Evaluated() const { return evaluated; } + void SetEvalMethod(Evaluatable* arg_eval) { eval = arg_eval; } + void Evaluate(Output* out, Env* env); + void SetEvaluated(bool v); + bool Evaluated() const { return evaluated; } - void SetField(Field* f) { field = f; } - Field* GetField() const { return field; } + void SetField(Field* f) { field = f; } + Field* GetField() const { return field; } - void SetConstant(int c); - bool GetConstant(int* pc) const; + void SetConstant(int c); + bool GetConstant(int* pc) const; - void SetMacro(Expr* expr); - Expr* GetMacro() const; + void SetMacro(Expr* expr); + Expr* GetMacro() const; - const char* RValue() const; - const char* LValue() const; + const char* RValue() const; + const char* LValue() const; protected: - Env* env; - const ID* id; - IDType id_type; + Env* env; + const ID* id; + IDType id_type; - string rvalue; - string lvalue; - string setfunc; + string rvalue; + string lvalue; + string setfunc; - Type* data_type; + Type* data_type; - Field* field; + Field* field; - int constant; - bool constant_set; + int constant; + bool constant_set; - Expr* macro; + Expr* macro; - bool evaluated; - bool in_evaluation; // to detect cyclic dependence - Evaluatable* eval; - }; + bool evaluated; + bool in_evaluation; // to detect cyclic dependence + Evaluatable* eval; +}; -class Evaluatable - { +class Evaluatable { public: - virtual ~Evaluatable() { } - virtual void GenEval(Output* out, Env* env) = 0; - }; + virtual ~Evaluatable() {} + virtual void GenEval(Output* out, Env* env) = 0; +}; -class Env - { +class Env { public: - Env(Env* parent_env, Object* context_object); - ~Env(); + Env(Env* parent_env, Object* context_object); + ~Env(); - bool allow_undefined_id() const { return allow_undefined_id_; } - void set_allow_undefined_id(bool x) { allow_undefined_id_ = x; } + bool allow_undefined_id() const { return allow_undefined_id_; } + void set_allow_undefined_id(bool x) { allow_undefined_id_ = x; } - bool in_branch() const { return in_branch_; } - void set_in_branch(bool x) { in_branch_ = x; } + bool in_branch() const { return in_branch_; } + void set_in_branch(bool x) { in_branch_ = x; } - void AddID(const ID* id, IDType id_type, Type* type); - void AddConstID(const ID* id, const int c, Type* type = 0); - void AddMacro(const ID* id, Expr* expr); + void AddID(const ID* id, IDType id_type, Type* type); + void AddConstID(const ID* id, const int c, Type* type = 0); + void AddMacro(const ID* id, Expr* expr); - // Generate a temp ID with a unique name - ID* AddTempID(Type* type); + // Generate a temp ID with a unique name + ID* AddTempID(Type* type); - IDType GetIDType(const ID* id) const; - const char* RValue(const ID* id) const; - const char* LValue(const ID* id) const; - // const char *SetFunc(const ID *id) const; + IDType GetIDType(const ID* id) const; + const char* RValue(const ID* id) const; + const char* LValue(const ID* id) const; + // const char *SetFunc(const ID *id) const; - // Set evaluation method for the ID - void SetEvalMethod(const ID* id, Evaluatable* eval); + // Set evaluation method for the ID + void SetEvalMethod(const ID* id, Evaluatable* eval); - // Evaluate the ID according to the evaluation method. It - // assumes the ID has an evaluation emthod. It does nothing - // if the ID has already been evaluated. - void Evaluate(Output* out, const ID* id); + // Evaluate the ID according to the evaluation method. It + // assumes the ID has an evaluation emthod. It does nothing + // if the ID has already been evaluated. + void Evaluate(Output* out, const ID* id); - // Whether the ID has already been evaluated. - bool Evaluated(const ID* id) const; + // Whether the ID has already been evaluated. + bool Evaluated(const ID* id) const; - // Set the ID as evaluated (or not). - void SetEvaluated(const ID* id, bool v = true); + // Set the ID as evaluated (or not). + void SetEvaluated(const ID* id, bool v = true); - void SetField(const ID* id, Field* field); - Field* GetField(const ID* id) const; + void SetField(const ID* id, Field* field); + Field* GetField(const ID* id) const; - bool GetConstant(const ID* id, int* pc) const; + bool GetConstant(const ID* id, int* pc) const; - Expr* GetMacro(const ID* id) const; + Expr* GetMacro(const ID* id) const; - Type* GetDataType(const ID* id) const; + Type* GetDataType(const ID* id) const; - string DataTypeStr(const ID* id) const; + string DataTypeStr(const ID* id) const; protected: - IDRecord* lookup(const ID* id, bool recursive, bool raise_exception) const; + IDRecord* lookup(const ID* id, bool recursive, bool raise_exception) const; - void SetDataType(const ID* id, Type* type); - void SetConstant(const ID* id, int constant); - void SetMacro(const ID* id, Expr* macro); + void SetDataType(const ID* id, Type* type); + void SetConstant(const ID* id, int constant); + void SetMacro(const ID* id, Expr* macro); private: - Env* parent; - Object* context_object_; - typedef map id_map_t; - id_map_t id_map; - bool allow_undefined_id_; - bool in_branch_; - }; + Env* parent; + Object* context_object_; + typedef map id_map_t; + id_map_t id_map; + bool allow_undefined_id_; + bool in_branch_; +}; extern const ID* default_value_var; extern const ID* null_id; diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index caaefe6..c425bae 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -6,33 +6,28 @@ #include "pac_output.h" #include "pac_type.h" -InputBuffer::InputBuffer(Expr* expr) : DataDepElement(INPUT_BUFFER), expr_(expr) { } +InputBuffer::InputBuffer(Expr* expr) : DataDepElement(INPUT_BUFFER), expr_(expr) {} -bool InputBuffer::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - if ( expr_ && ! expr_->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - return true; - } +bool InputBuffer::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { + if ( expr_ && ! expr_->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + return true; +} -bool InputBuffer::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const - { - return expr_->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); - } +bool InputBuffer::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const { return expr_->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); } -DataPtr InputBuffer::GenDataBeginEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - env->AddID(begin_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); - env->AddID(end_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); +DataPtr InputBuffer::GenDataBeginEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + env->AddID(begin_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); + env->AddID(end_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); - out_cc->println("%s %s, %s;", extern_type_const_byteptr->DataTypeStr().c_str(), - env->LValue(begin_of_data), env->LValue(end_of_data)); + out_cc->println("%s %s, %s;", extern_type_const_byteptr->DataTypeStr().c_str(), env->LValue(begin_of_data), + env->LValue(end_of_data)); - out_cc->println("get_pointers(%s, &%s, &%s);", expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env), - env->LValue(begin_of_data), env->LValue(end_of_data)); + out_cc->println("get_pointers(%s, &%s, &%s);", expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env), env->LValue(begin_of_data), + env->LValue(end_of_data)); - env->SetEvaluated(begin_of_data); - env->SetEvaluated(end_of_data); + env->SetEvaluated(begin_of_data); + env->SetEvaluated(end_of_data); - return DataPtr(env, begin_of_data, 0); - } + return DataPtr(env, begin_of_data, 0); +} diff --git a/src/pac_inputbuf.h b/src/pac_inputbuf.h index 46ca864..5d7fa5c 100644 --- a/src/pac_inputbuf.h +++ b/src/pac_inputbuf.h @@ -6,19 +6,18 @@ class Expr; -class InputBuffer : public Object, public DataDepElement - { +class InputBuffer : public Object, public DataDepElement { public: - InputBuffer(Expr* expr); + InputBuffer(Expr* expr); - bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const; - DataPtr GenDataBeginEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env); + bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const; + DataPtr GenDataBeginEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env); protected: - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; private: - Expr* expr_; - }; + Expr* expr_; +}; #endif // pac_inputbuf_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index aac806c..8aa3adc 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -5,143 +5,118 @@ #include "pac_output.h" #include "pac_type.h" -namespace - { +namespace { -void GenLetEval(const ID* id, Expr* expr, string prefix, Output* out, Env* env) { } +void GenLetEval(const ID* id, Expr* expr, string prefix, Output* out, Env* env) {} - } // private namespace +} // namespace LetField::LetField(ID* id, Type* type, Expr* expr) - : Field(LET_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type), - expr_(expr) - { - ASSERT(expr_); - } - -LetField::~LetField() - { - delete expr_; - } - -bool LetField::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - return Field::DoTraverse(visitor) && expr()->Traverse(visitor); - } - -bool LetField::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const - { - return Field::RequiresAnalyzerContext() || (expr() && expr()->RequiresAnalyzerContext()); - } - -void LetField::Prepare(Env* env) - { - if ( ! type_ ) - { - ASSERT(expr_); - type_ = expr_->DataType(env); - if ( type_ ) - type_ = type_->Clone(); - else - type_ = extern_type_int->Clone(); - - foreach (i, AttrList, attrs_) - ProcessAttr(*i); - } - - Field::Prepare(env); - env->SetEvalMethod(id_, this); - } - -void LetField::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - int v; - if ( expr_ && expr_->ConstFold(env, &v) ) - { - DEBUG_MSG("Folding const for `%s'\n", id_->Name()); - GenEval(out_cc, env); - } - else - type_->GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - } - -void LetField::GenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( env->Evaluated(id_) ) - return; - - if ( type_->attr_if_expr() ) - { - // A conditional field - - env->Evaluate(out_cc, type_->has_value_var()); - - // force evaluation of IDs contained in this expr - expr()->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); - - out_cc->println("if ( %s )", env->RValue(type_->has_value_var())); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - } - - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(id_), expr()->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - if ( ! env->Evaluated(id_) ) - env->SetEvaluated(id_); - - if ( type_->attr_if_expr() ) - { - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - } - -void LetField::GenEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - GenParseCode(out_cc, env); - } - -LetDecl::LetDecl(ID* id, Type* type, Expr* expr) : Decl(id, LET), type_(type), expr_(expr) - { - if ( ! type_ ) - { - ASSERT(expr_); - type_ = expr_->DataType(global_env()); - if ( type_ ) - type_ = type_->Clone(); - else - type_ = extern_type_int->Clone(); - } - - Env* env = global_env(); - int c; - if ( expr_ && expr_->ConstFold(env, &c) ) - env->AddConstID(id_, c, type); - else - env->AddID(id_, GLOBAL_VAR, type_); - } - -LetDecl::~LetDecl() - { - delete type_; - delete expr_; - } - -void LetDecl::Prepare() { } - -void LetDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) { } - -void LetDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - out_h->println("extern %s const %s;", type_->DataTypeStr().c_str(), global_env()->RValue(id_)); - GenEval(out_cc, global_env()); - } - -void LetDecl::GenEval(Output* out_cc, Env* /* env */) - { - Env* env = global_env(); - string tmp = strfmt("%s const", type_->DataTypeStr().c_str()); - out_cc->println("%s %s = %s;", tmp.c_str(), env->LValue(id_), expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - - if ( ! env->Evaluated(id_) ) - env->SetEvaluated(id_); - } + : Field(LET_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type), expr_(expr) { + ASSERT(expr_); +} + +LetField::~LetField() { delete expr_; } + +bool LetField::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { return Field::DoTraverse(visitor) && expr()->Traverse(visitor); } + +bool LetField::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const { + return Field::RequiresAnalyzerContext() || (expr() && expr()->RequiresAnalyzerContext()); +} + +void LetField::Prepare(Env* env) { + if ( ! type_ ) { + ASSERT(expr_); + type_ = expr_->DataType(env); + if ( type_ ) + type_ = type_->Clone(); + else + type_ = extern_type_int->Clone(); + + foreach (i, AttrList, attrs_) + ProcessAttr(*i); + } + + Field::Prepare(env); + env->SetEvalMethod(id_, this); +} + +void LetField::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + int v; + if ( expr_ && expr_->ConstFold(env, &v) ) { + DEBUG_MSG("Folding const for `%s'\n", id_->Name()); + GenEval(out_cc, env); + } + else + type_->GenInitCode(out_cc, env); +} + +void LetField::GenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( env->Evaluated(id_) ) + return; + + if ( type_->attr_if_expr() ) { + // A conditional field + + env->Evaluate(out_cc, type_->has_value_var()); + + // force evaluation of IDs contained in this expr + expr()->ForceIDEval(out_cc, env); + + out_cc->println("if ( %s )", env->RValue(type_->has_value_var())); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + } + + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(id_), expr()->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + if ( ! env->Evaluated(id_) ) + env->SetEvaluated(id_); + + if ( type_->attr_if_expr() ) { + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } +} + +void LetField::GenEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { GenParseCode(out_cc, env); } + +LetDecl::LetDecl(ID* id, Type* type, Expr* expr) : Decl(id, LET), type_(type), expr_(expr) { + if ( ! type_ ) { + ASSERT(expr_); + type_ = expr_->DataType(global_env()); + if ( type_ ) + type_ = type_->Clone(); + else + type_ = extern_type_int->Clone(); + } + + Env* env = global_env(); + int c; + if ( expr_ && expr_->ConstFold(env, &c) ) + env->AddConstID(id_, c, type); + else + env->AddID(id_, GLOBAL_VAR, type_); +} + +LetDecl::~LetDecl() { + delete type_; + delete expr_; +} + +void LetDecl::Prepare() {} + +void LetDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) {} + +void LetDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + out_h->println("extern %s const %s;", type_->DataTypeStr().c_str(), global_env()->RValue(id_)); + GenEval(out_cc, global_env()); +} + +void LetDecl::GenEval(Output* out_cc, Env* /* env */) { + Env* env = global_env(); + string tmp = strfmt("%s const", type_->DataTypeStr().c_str()); + out_cc->println("%s %s = %s;", tmp.c_str(), env->LValue(id_), expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + + if ( ! env->Evaluated(id_) ) + env->SetEvaluated(id_); +} diff --git a/src/pac_let.h b/src/pac_let.h index 1bf774d..ac14beb 100644 --- a/src/pac_let.h +++ b/src/pac_let.h @@ -4,45 +4,43 @@ #include "pac_decl.h" #include "pac_field.h" -class LetField : public Field, Evaluatable - { +class LetField : public Field, Evaluatable { public: - LetField(ID* arg_id, Type* type, Expr* arg_expr); - ~LetField() override; + LetField(ID* arg_id, Type* type, Expr* arg_expr); + ~LetField() override; - Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } + Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } - void Prepare(Env* env) override; + void Prepare(Env* env) override; - void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env); - void GenEval(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env); + void GenEval(Output* out, Env* env) override; - bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const override; + bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const override; protected: - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; protected: - Expr* expr_; - }; + Expr* expr_; +}; -class LetDecl : public Decl, Evaluatable - { +class LetDecl : public Decl, Evaluatable { public: - LetDecl(ID* id, Type* type, Expr* expr); - ~LetDecl() override; + LetDecl(ID* id, Type* type, Expr* expr); + ~LetDecl() override; - Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } + Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } - void Prepare() override; - void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; - void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - void GenEval(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void Prepare() override; + void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; + void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void GenEval(Output* out, Env* env) override; private: - Type* type_; - Expr* expr_; - }; + Type* type_; + Expr* expr_; +}; #endif // pac_let_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index f4638c0..1527024 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -25,185 +25,168 @@ vector FLAGS_include_directories; Output* header_output = nullptr; Output* source_output = nullptr; -void add_to_include_directories(string dirs) - { - unsigned int dir_begin = 0, dir_end; - while ( dir_begin < dirs.length() ) - { - for ( dir_end = dir_begin; dir_end < dirs.length(); ++dir_end ) - if ( dirs[dir_end] == ':' ) - break; - - string dir = dirs.substr(dir_begin, dir_end - dir_begin); - - // Add a trailing '/' if necessary - if ( dir.length() > 0 && *(dir.end() - 1) != '/' ) - dir += '/'; - - FLAGS_include_directories.push_back(dir); - dir_begin = dir_end + 1; - } - } - -void pac_init() - { - init_builtin_identifiers(); - Type::init(); - } - -void insert_comments(Output* out, const char* source_filename) - { - out->println("// This file is automatically generated from %s.\n", source_filename); - } - -void insert_basictype_defs(Output* out) - { - out->println("#ifndef pac_type_defs"); - out->println("#define pac_type_defs"); - out->println(""); - out->println("typedef char int8;"); - out->println("typedef short int16;"); - out->println("typedef long int32;"); - out->println("typedef long long int64;"); - - out->println("typedef unsigned char uint8;"); - out->println("typedef unsigned short uint16;"); - out->println("typedef unsigned long uint32;"); - out->println("typedef unsigned long long uint64;"); - - out->println(""); - out->println("#endif /* pac_type_defs */"); - out->println(""); - } - -void insert_byteorder_macros(Output* out) - { - out->println("#define FixByteOrder16(x) (byteorder == HOST_BYTEORDER ? (x) : pac_swap16(x))"); - out->println("#define FixByteOrder32(x) (byteorder == HOST_BYTEORDER ? (x) : pac_swap32(x))"); - out->println("#define FixByteOrder64(x) (byteorder == HOST_BYTEORDER ? (x) : pac_swap64(x))"); - out->println(""); - } - -const char* to_id(const char* s) - { - static char t[1024]; - int i; - for ( i = 0; s[i] && i < (int)sizeof(t) - 1; ++i ) - t[i] = isalnum(s[i]) ? s[i] : '_'; - if ( isdigit(t[0]) ) - t[0] = '_'; - t[i] = '\0'; - return t; - } - -int compile(const char* filename) - { - FILE* fp_input = fopen(filename, "r"); - if ( ! fp_input ) - { - string tmp = strfmt("Error in opening %s", filename); - perror(tmp.c_str()); - return -1; - } - input_filename = filename; - - string basename; - - if ( ! FLAGS_output_directory.empty() ) - { - // Strip leading directories of filename - const char* last_slash = strrchr(filename, '/'); - if ( last_slash ) - basename = last_slash + 1; - else - basename = filename; - basename = FLAGS_output_directory + "/" + basename; - } - else - basename = filename; - - // If the file name ends with ".pac" - if ( basename.length() > 4 && basename.substr(basename.length() - 4) == ".pac" ) - { - basename = basename.substr(0, basename.length() - 4); - } - - basename += "_pac"; - - DEBUG_MSG("Output file: %s.{h,cc}\n", basename.c_str()); - - int ret = 0; - - try - { - switch_to_file(fp_input); - if ( yyparse() ) - return 1; - - Output out_h(strfmt("%s.h", basename.c_str())); - Output out_cc(strfmt("", basename.c_str())); - - header_output = &out_h; - source_output = &out_cc; - - insert_comments(&out_h, filename); - insert_comments(&out_cc, filename); - - const char* filename_id = to_id(filename); - - out_h.println("#ifndef %s_h", filename_id); - out_h.println("#define %s_h", filename_id); - out_h.println(""); - out_h.println("#include "); - out_h.println(""); - out_h.println("#include \"binpac.h\""); - out_h.println(""); - - out_cc.println(""); - out_cc.println("#ifdef __clang__"); - out_cc.println("#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wparentheses-equality\""); - out_cc.println("#endif"); - out_cc.println(""); - - out_cc.println("#include \"%s.h\"\n", basename.c_str()); - - Decl::ProcessDecls(&out_h, &out_cc); - - out_h.println("#endif /* %s_h */", filename_id); - } - catch ( OutputException& e ) - { - fprintf(stderr, "Error in compiling %s: %s\n", filename, e.errmsg()); - ret = 1; - } - catch ( Exception& e ) - { - fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.msg()); - exit(1); - } - - header_output = nullptr; - source_output = nullptr; - input_filename = ""; - fclose(fp_input); - - return ret; - } - -void usage() - { +void add_to_include_directories(string dirs) { + unsigned int dir_begin = 0, dir_end; + while ( dir_begin < dirs.length() ) { + for ( dir_end = dir_begin; dir_end < dirs.length(); ++dir_end ) + if ( dirs[dir_end] == ':' ) + break; + + string dir = dirs.substr(dir_begin, dir_end - dir_begin); + + // Add a trailing '/' if necessary + if ( dir.length() > 0 && *(dir.end() - 1) != '/' ) + dir += '/'; + + FLAGS_include_directories.push_back(dir); + dir_begin = dir_end + 1; + } +} + +void pac_init() { + init_builtin_identifiers(); + Type::init(); +} + +void insert_comments(Output* out, const char* source_filename) { + out->println("// This file is automatically generated from %s.\n", source_filename); +} + +void insert_basictype_defs(Output* out) { + out->println("#ifndef pac_type_defs"); + out->println("#define pac_type_defs"); + out->println(""); + out->println("typedef char int8;"); + out->println("typedef short int16;"); + out->println("typedef long int32;"); + out->println("typedef long long int64;"); + + out->println("typedef unsigned char uint8;"); + out->println("typedef unsigned short uint16;"); + out->println("typedef unsigned long uint32;"); + out->println("typedef unsigned long long uint64;"); + + out->println(""); + out->println("#endif /* pac_type_defs */"); + out->println(""); +} + +void insert_byteorder_macros(Output* out) { + out->println("#define FixByteOrder16(x) (byteorder == HOST_BYTEORDER ? (x) : pac_swap16(x))"); + out->println("#define FixByteOrder32(x) (byteorder == HOST_BYTEORDER ? (x) : pac_swap32(x))"); + out->println("#define FixByteOrder64(x) (byteorder == HOST_BYTEORDER ? (x) : pac_swap64(x))"); + out->println(""); +} + +const char* to_id(const char* s) { + static char t[1024]; + int i; + for ( i = 0; s[i] && i < (int)sizeof(t) - 1; ++i ) + t[i] = isalnum(s[i]) ? s[i] : '_'; + if ( isdigit(t[0]) ) + t[0] = '_'; + t[i] = '\0'; + return t; +} + +int compile(const char* filename) { + FILE* fp_input = fopen(filename, "r"); + if ( ! fp_input ) { + string tmp = strfmt("Error in opening %s", filename); + perror(tmp.c_str()); + return -1; + } + input_filename = filename; + + string basename; + + if ( ! FLAGS_output_directory.empty() ) { + // Strip leading directories of filename + const char* last_slash = strrchr(filename, '/'); + if ( last_slash ) + basename = last_slash + 1; + else + basename = filename; + basename = FLAGS_output_directory + "/" + basename; + } + else + basename = filename; + + // If the file name ends with ".pac" + if ( basename.length() > 4 && basename.substr(basename.length() - 4) == ".pac" ) { + basename = basename.substr(0, basename.length() - 4); + } + + basename += "_pac"; + + DEBUG_MSG("Output file: %s.{h,cc}\n", basename.c_str()); + + int ret = 0; + + try { + switch_to_file(fp_input); + if ( yyparse() ) + return 1; + + Output out_h(strfmt("%s.h", basename.c_str())); + Output out_cc(strfmt("", basename.c_str())); + + header_output = &out_h; + source_output = &out_cc; + + insert_comments(&out_h, filename); + insert_comments(&out_cc, filename); + + const char* filename_id = to_id(filename); + + out_h.println("#ifndef %s_h", filename_id); + out_h.println("#define %s_h", filename_id); + out_h.println(""); + out_h.println("#include "); + out_h.println(""); + out_h.println("#include \"binpac.h\""); + out_h.println(""); + + out_cc.println(""); + out_cc.println("#ifdef __clang__"); + out_cc.println("#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wparentheses-equality\""); + out_cc.println("#endif"); + out_cc.println(""); + + out_cc.println("#include \"%s.h\"\n", basename.c_str()); + + Decl::ProcessDecls(&out_h, &out_cc); + + out_h.println("#endif /* %s_h */", filename_id); + } catch ( OutputException& e ) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error in compiling %s: %s\n", filename, e.errmsg()); + ret = 1; + } catch ( Exception& e ) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.msg()); + exit(1); + } + + header_output = nullptr; + source_output = nullptr; + input_filename = ""; + fclose(fp_input); + + return ret; +} + +void usage() { #ifdef BINPAC_VERSION - fprintf(stderr, "binpac version %s\n", BINPAC_VERSION); + fprintf(stderr, "binpac version %s\n", BINPAC_VERSION); #endif - fprintf(stderr, "usage: binpac [options] \n"); - fprintf(stderr, " | pac-language input files\n"); - fprintf(stderr, " -d | use given directory for compiler output\n"); - fprintf(stderr, " -D | enable debugging output\n"); - fprintf(stderr, " -q | stay quiet\n"); - fprintf(stderr, " -h | show command line help\n"); - fprintf(stderr, " -I | include in input file search path\n"); - exit(1); - } + fprintf(stderr, "usage: binpac [options] \n"); + fprintf(stderr, " | pac-language input files\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -d | use given directory for compiler output\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -D | enable debugging output\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -q | stay quiet\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -h | show command line help\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -I | include in input file search path\n"); + exit(1); +} // GCC uses __SANITIZE_ADDRESS__, Clang uses __has_feature #if defined(__SANITIZE_ADDRESS__) @@ -224,68 +207,56 @@ void usage() #define BINPAC_LSAN_DISABLE() #endif -int main(int argc, char* argv[]) - { - // We generally do not care at all if binpac is leaking and other - // projects that use it, like Zeek, only have their build tripped up - // by the default behavior of LSAN to treat leaks as errors. - BINPAC_LSAN_DISABLE(); +int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { + // We generally do not care at all if binpac is leaking and other + // projects that use it, like Zeek, only have their build tripped up + // by the default behavior of LSAN to treat leaks as errors. + BINPAC_LSAN_DISABLE(); #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_OPTIONS - extern char* malloc_options; + extern char* malloc_options; #endif - int o; - while ( (o = getopt(argc, argv, "DqI:d:h")) != -1 ) - { - switch ( o ) - { - case 'D': - yydebug = 1; - FLAGS_pac_debug = true; + int o; + while ( (o = getopt(argc, argv, "DqI:d:h")) != -1 ) { + switch ( o ) { + case 'D': yydebug = 1; FLAGS_pac_debug = true; #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_OPTIONS - malloc_options = "A"; + malloc_options = "A"; #endif - break; - - case 'q': - FLAGS_quiet = true; - break; - - case 'I': - // Add to FLAGS_include_directories - add_to_include_directories(optarg); - break; - - case 'd': - FLAGS_output_directory = optarg; - break; - - case 'h': - usage(); - break; - } - } - - // Strip the trailing '/'s - while ( ! FLAGS_output_directory.empty() && *(FLAGS_output_directory.end() - 1) == '/' ) - { - FLAGS_output_directory.erase(FLAGS_output_directory.end() - 1); - } - - // Add the current directory to FLAGS_include_directories - add_to_include_directories("."); - - pac_init(); - - argc -= optind; - argv += optind; - if ( argc == 0 ) - compile("-"); - - int ret = 0; - for ( int i = 0; i < argc; ++i ) - if ( compile(argv[i]) ) - ret = 1; - - return ret; - } + break; + + case 'q': FLAGS_quiet = true; break; + + case 'I': + // Add to FLAGS_include_directories + add_to_include_directories(optarg); + break; + + case 'd': FLAGS_output_directory = optarg; break; + + case 'h': usage(); break; + } + } + + // Strip the trailing '/'s + while ( ! FLAGS_output_directory.empty() && *(FLAGS_output_directory.end() - 1) == '/' ) { + FLAGS_output_directory.erase(FLAGS_output_directory.end() - 1); + } + + // Add the current directory to FLAGS_include_directories + add_to_include_directories("."); + + pac_init(); + + argc -= optind; + argv += optind; + if ( argc == 0 ) + compile("-"); + + int ret = 0; + for ( int i = 0; i < argc; ++i ) + if ( compile(argv[i]) ) + ret = 1; + + return ret; +} diff --git a/src/pac_number.h b/src/pac_number.h index 2392a4e..5f8bfa6 100644 --- a/src/pac_number.h +++ b/src/pac_number.h @@ -3,17 +3,16 @@ #include "pac_common.h" -class Number : public Object - { +class Number : public Object { public: - Number(int arg_n) : s(strfmt("%d", arg_n)), n(arg_n) { } - Number(const char* arg_s, int arg_n) : s(arg_s), n(arg_n) { } - const char* Str() const { return s.c_str(); } - int Num() const { return n; } + Number(int arg_n) : s(strfmt("%d", arg_n)), n(arg_n) {} + Number(const char* arg_s, int arg_n) : s(arg_s), n(arg_n) {} + const char* Str() const { return s.c_str(); } + int Num() const { return n; } protected: - const string s; - const int n; - }; + const string s; + const int n; +}; #endif // pac_number_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 87d4bd9..13b2568 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -7,77 +7,65 @@ #include "pac_utils.h" -OutputException::OutputException(const char* arg_msg) - { - msg = arg_msg; - } - -OutputException::~OutputException() { } - -Output::Output(string filename) - { - fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w"); - if ( ! fp ) - throw OutputException(strerror(errno)); - indent_ = 0; - } - -Output::~Output() - { - if ( fp ) - fclose(fp); - } - -int Output::print(const char* fmt, va_list ap) - { - int r = vfprintf(fp, fmt, ap); - if ( r == -1 ) - throw OutputException(strerror(errno)); - return r; - } - -int Output::print(const char* fmt, ...) - { - va_list ap; - va_start(ap, fmt); - int r = -1; - - try - { - r = print(fmt, ap); - } - - catch ( ... ) - { - va_end(ap); - throw; - } - - va_end(ap); - return r; - } - -int Output::println(const char* fmt, ...) - { - for ( int i = 0; i < indent(); ++i ) - fprintf(fp, "\t"); - - va_list ap; - va_start(ap, fmt); - int r = -1; - - try - { - r = print(fmt, ap); - } - - catch ( ... ) - { - va_end(ap); - throw; - } - - va_end(ap); - fprintf(fp, "\n"); - return r; - } +OutputException::OutputException(const char* arg_msg) { msg = arg_msg; } + +OutputException::~OutputException() {} + +Output::Output(string filename) { + fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w"); + if ( ! fp ) + throw OutputException(strerror(errno)); + indent_ = 0; +} + +Output::~Output() { + if ( fp ) + fclose(fp); +} + +int Output::print(const char* fmt, va_list ap) { + int r = vfprintf(fp, fmt, ap); + if ( r == -1 ) + throw OutputException(strerror(errno)); + return r; +} + +int Output::print(const char* fmt, ...) { + va_list ap; + va_start(ap, fmt); + int r = -1; + + try { + r = print(fmt, ap); + } + + catch ( ... ) { + va_end(ap); + throw; + } + + va_end(ap); + return r; +} + +int Output::println(const char* fmt, ...) { + for ( int i = 0; i < indent(); ++i ) + fprintf(fp, "\t"); + + va_list ap; + va_start(ap, fmt); + int r = -1; + + try { + r = print(fmt, ap); + } + + catch ( ... ) { + va_end(ap); + throw; + } + + va_end(ap); + fprintf(fp, "\n"); + return r; +} diff --git a/src/pac_output.h b/src/pac_output.h index 6075987..4c612b0 100644 --- a/src/pac_output.h +++ b/src/pac_output.h @@ -7,36 +7,34 @@ using namespace std; -class OutputException - { +class OutputException { public: - OutputException(const char* arg_msg); - ~OutputException(); - const char* errmsg() const { return msg.c_str(); } + OutputException(const char* arg_msg); + ~OutputException(); + const char* errmsg() const { return msg.c_str(); } protected: - string msg; - }; + string msg; +}; -class Output - { +class Output { public: - Output(string filename); - ~Output(); + Output(string filename); + ~Output(); - int println(const char* fmt, ...); - int print(const char* fmt, ...); + int println(const char* fmt, ...); + int print(const char* fmt, ...); - int indent() const { return indent_; } + int indent() const { return indent_; } - void inc_indent() { ++indent_; } - void dec_indent() { --indent_; } + void inc_indent() { ++indent_; } + void dec_indent() { --indent_; } protected: - int print(const char* fmt, va_list ap); + int print(const char* fmt, va_list ap); - FILE* fp; - int indent_; - }; + FILE* fp; + int indent_; +}; #endif /* pac_output_h */ diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 763cc64..91f1984 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -8,55 +8,46 @@ #include "pac_type.h" #include "pac_utils.h" -Param::Param(ID* id, Type* type) : id_(id), type_(type) - { - if ( ! type_ ) - type_ = extern_type_int->Clone(); - - decl_str_ = strfmt("%s %s", type_->DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), id_->Name()); - - param_field_ = new ParamField(this); - } - -Param::~Param() { } - -const string& Param::decl_str() const - { - ASSERT(! decl_str_.empty()); - return decl_str_; - } - -string ParamDecls(ParamList* params) - { - string param_decls; - - int first = 1; - foreach (i, ParamList, params) - { - Param* p = *i; - const char* decl_str = p->decl_str().c_str(); - if ( first ) - first = 0; - else - param_decls += ", "; - param_decls += decl_str; - } - return param_decls; - } +Param::Param(ID* id, Type* type) : id_(id), type_(type) { + if ( ! type_ ) + type_ = extern_type_int->Clone(); + + decl_str_ = strfmt("%s %s", type_->DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), id_->Name()); + + param_field_ = new ParamField(this); +} + +Param::~Param() {} + +const string& Param::decl_str() const { + ASSERT(! decl_str_.empty()); + return decl_str_; +} + +string ParamDecls(ParamList* params) { + string param_decls; + + int first = 1; + foreach (i, ParamList, params) { + Param* p = *i; + const char* decl_str = p->decl_str().c_str(); + if ( first ) + first = 0; + else + param_decls += ", "; + param_decls += decl_str; + } + return param_decls; +} ParamField::ParamField(const Param* param) - : Field(PARAM_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, param->id(), - param->type()) - { - } - -void ParamField::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(id()), id()->Name()); - env->SetEvaluated(id()); - } - -void ParamField::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - // Do nothing - } + : Field(PARAM_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, param->id(), param->type()) {} + +void ParamField::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(id()), id()->Name()); + env->SetEvaluated(id()); +} + +void ParamField::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + // Do nothing +} diff --git a/src/pac_param.h b/src/pac_param.h index 90afeab..5e1e101 100644 --- a/src/pac_param.h +++ b/src/pac_param.h @@ -4,32 +4,30 @@ #include "pac_common.h" #include "pac_field.h" -class Param : public Object - { +class Param : public Object { public: - Param(ID* id, Type* type); - ~Param(); + Param(ID* id, Type* type); + ~Param(); - ID* id() const { return id_; } - Type* type() const { return type_; } - const string& decl_str() const; - Field* param_field() const { return param_field_; } + ID* id() const { return id_; } + Type* type() const { return type_; } + const string& decl_str() const; + Field* param_field() const { return param_field_; } private: - ID* id_; - Type* type_; - string decl_str_; - Field* param_field_; - }; - -class ParamField : public Field - { + ID* id_; + Type* type_; + string decl_str_; + Field* param_field_; +}; + +class ParamField : public Field { public: - ParamField(const Param* param); + ParamField(const Param* param); - void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - }; + void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; +}; // Returns the string with a list of param declarations separated by ','. string ParamDecls(ParamList* params); diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index b9d2175..25370a4 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -8,266 +8,214 @@ #include "pac_typedecl.h" ParameterizedType::ParameterizedType(ID* type_id, ExprList* args) - : Type(PARAMETERIZED), type_id_(type_id), args_(args) - { - checking_requires_analyzer_context_ = false; - } - -ParameterizedType::~ParameterizedType() { } - -string ParameterizedType::EvalMember(const ID* member_id) const - { - Type* ty = ReferredDataType(true); - return strfmt("->%s", ty->env()->RValue(member_id)); - } - -string ParameterizedType::class_name() const - { - return type_id_->Name(); - } - -Type* ParameterizedType::DoClone() const - { - return new ParameterizedType(type_id_->clone(), args_); - } - -void ParameterizedType::AddParamArg(Expr* arg) - { - args_->push_back(arg); - } - -bool ParameterizedType::DefineValueVar() const - { - return true; - } - -string ParameterizedType::DataTypeStr() const - { - return strfmt("%s *", type_id_->Name()); - } - -Type* ParameterizedType::MemberDataType(const ID* member_id) const - { - Type* ref_type = TypeDecl::LookUpType(type_id_); - if ( ! ref_type ) - return nullptr; - return ref_type->MemberDataType(member_id); - } - -Type* ParameterizedType::ReferredDataType(bool throw_exception) const - { - Type* type = TypeDecl::LookUpType(type_id_); - if ( ! type ) - { - DEBUG_MSG("WARNING: cannot find referenced type for %s\n", type_id_->Name()); - if ( throw_exception ) - throw ExceptionIDNotFound(type_id_); - } - return type; - } - -int ParameterizedType::StaticSize(Env* env) const - { - return ReferredDataType(true)->StaticSize(env); - } - -void ParameterizedType::DoMarkIncrementalInput() - { - Type* ty = ReferredDataType(true); - - ty->MarkIncrementalInput(); - - buffer_input_ = ty->buffer_input(); - incremental_parsing_ = ty->incremental_parsing(); - } - -Type::BufferMode ParameterizedType::buffer_mode() const - { - // Note that the precedence is on attributes (&oneline or &length) - // specified on the parameterized type directly than on the type - // declaration. - // - // If both &oneline and &length are specified at the same place, - // use &length. - // - BufferMode mode = Type::buffer_mode(); - Type* ty = ReferredDataType(true); - - if ( mode != NOT_BUFFERABLE ) - return mode; - else if ( ty->BufferableByLength() ) - return BUFFER_BY_LENGTH; - else if ( ty->BufferableByLine() ) - return BUFFER_BY_LINE; - - return NOT_BUFFERABLE; - } - -bool ParameterizedType::ByteOrderSensitive() const - { - return ReferredDataType(true)->RequiresByteOrder(); - } - -bool ParameterizedType::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - if ( ! Type::DoTraverse(visitor) ) - return false; - - foreach (i, ExprList, args_) - if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - - Type* ty = ReferredDataType(false); - if ( ty && ! ty->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - - return true; - } - -bool ParameterizedType::RequiresAnalyzerContext() - { - if ( checking_requires_analyzer_context_ ) - return false; - checking_requires_analyzer_context_ = true; - - bool ret = false; - // If any argument expression refers to analyzer context - foreach (i, ExprList, args_) - if ( (*i)->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) - { - ret = true; - break; - } - ret = ret || Type::RequiresAnalyzerContext(); - - if ( ! ret ) - { - Type* ty = ReferredDataType(false); - if ( ty ) - ret = ty->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); - } - - checking_requires_analyzer_context_ = false; - return ret; - } - -void ParameterizedType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - ASSERT(persistent()); - out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", env->LValue(value_var())); - Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - } - -void ParameterizedType::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - Type* ty = ReferredDataType(false); - if ( ty && ty->attr_refcount() ) - out_cc->println("Unref(%s);", lvalue()); - else - out_cc->println("delete %s;", lvalue()); - out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", lvalue()); - Type::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); - } - -string ParameterizedType::EvalParameters(Output* out_cc, Env* env) const - { - string arg_str; - - int first = 1; - foreach (i, ExprList, args_) - { - Expr* e = *i; - if ( first ) - first = 0; - else - arg_str += ", "; - arg_str += e->EvalExpr(out_cc, env); - } - - return arg_str; - } - -void ParameterizedType::GenNewInstance(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - out_cc->println("%s = new %s(%s);", lvalue(), type_id_->Name(), - EvalParameters(out_cc, env).c_str()); - } - -void ParameterizedType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) - { - DEBUG_MSG("DoGenParseCode for %s\n", type_id_->Name()); - - Type* ref_type = ReferredDataType(true); - - const char* parse_func; - string parse_params; - - if ( buffer_mode() == BUFFER_NOTHING ) - { - ASSERT(! ref_type->incremental_input()); - parse_func = kParseFuncWithoutBuffer; - parse_params = "nullptr, nullptr"; - } - else if ( ref_type->incremental_input() ) - { - parse_func = kParseFuncWithBuffer; - parse_params = env->RValue(flow_buffer_id); - } - else - { - parse_func = kParseFuncWithoutBuffer; - parse_params = strfmt("%s, %s", data.ptr_expr(), env->RValue(end_of_data)); - } - - if ( RequiresAnalyzerContext::compute(ref_type) ) - { - parse_params += strfmt(", %s", env->RValue(analyzer_context_id)); - } - - if ( ref_type->RequiresByteOrder() ) - { - env->Evaluate(out_cc, byteorder_id); - parse_params += strfmt(", %s", env->RValue(byteorder_id)); - } - - string call_parse_func = strfmt("%s->%s(%s)", - lvalue(), // parse() needs an LValue - parse_func, parse_params.c_str()); - - if ( incremental_input() ) - { - if ( buffer_mode() == BUFFER_NOTHING ) - { - out_cc->println("%s;", call_parse_func.c_str()); - out_cc->println("%s = true;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); - } - else - { - ASSERT(parsing_complete_var()); - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var()), - call_parse_func.c_str()); - - // parsing_complete_var might have been already - // evaluated when set to false - if ( ! env->Evaluated(parsing_complete_var()) ) - env->SetEvaluated(parsing_complete_var()); - } - } - else - { - if ( AddSizeVar(out_cc, env) ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(size_var()), call_parse_func.c_str()); - env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); - } - else - { - out_cc->println("%s;", call_parse_func.c_str()); - } - } - } - -void ParameterizedType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, 0); - } + : Type(PARAMETERIZED), type_id_(type_id), args_(args) { + checking_requires_analyzer_context_ = false; +} + +ParameterizedType::~ParameterizedType() {} + +string ParameterizedType::EvalMember(const ID* member_id) const { + Type* ty = ReferredDataType(true); + return strfmt("->%s", ty->env()->RValue(member_id)); +} + +string ParameterizedType::class_name() const { return type_id_->Name(); } + +Type* ParameterizedType::DoClone() const { return new ParameterizedType(type_id_->clone(), args_); } + +void ParameterizedType::AddParamArg(Expr* arg) { args_->push_back(arg); } + +bool ParameterizedType::DefineValueVar() const { return true; } + +string ParameterizedType::DataTypeStr() const { return strfmt("%s *", type_id_->Name()); } + +Type* ParameterizedType::MemberDataType(const ID* member_id) const { + Type* ref_type = TypeDecl::LookUpType(type_id_); + if ( ! ref_type ) + return nullptr; + return ref_type->MemberDataType(member_id); +} + +Type* ParameterizedType::ReferredDataType(bool throw_exception) const { + Type* type = TypeDecl::LookUpType(type_id_); + if ( ! type ) { + DEBUG_MSG("WARNING: cannot find referenced type for %s\n", type_id_->Name()); + if ( throw_exception ) + throw ExceptionIDNotFound(type_id_); + } + return type; +} + +int ParameterizedType::StaticSize(Env* env) const { return ReferredDataType(true)->StaticSize(env); } + +void ParameterizedType::DoMarkIncrementalInput() { + Type* ty = ReferredDataType(true); + + ty->MarkIncrementalInput(); + + buffer_input_ = ty->buffer_input(); + incremental_parsing_ = ty->incremental_parsing(); +} + +Type::BufferMode ParameterizedType::buffer_mode() const { + // Note that the precedence is on attributes (&oneline or &length) + // specified on the parameterized type directly than on the type + // declaration. + // + // If both &oneline and &length are specified at the same place, + // use &length. + // + BufferMode mode = Type::buffer_mode(); + Type* ty = ReferredDataType(true); + + if ( mode != NOT_BUFFERABLE ) + return mode; + else if ( ty->BufferableByLength() ) + return BUFFER_BY_LENGTH; + else if ( ty->BufferableByLine() ) + return BUFFER_BY_LINE; + + return NOT_BUFFERABLE; +} + +bool ParameterizedType::ByteOrderSensitive() const { return ReferredDataType(true)->RequiresByteOrder(); } + +bool ParameterizedType::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { + if ( ! Type::DoTraverse(visitor) ) + return false; + + foreach (i, ExprList, args_) + if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + + Type* ty = ReferredDataType(false); + if ( ty && ! ty->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + + return true; +} + +bool ParameterizedType::RequiresAnalyzerContext() { + if ( checking_requires_analyzer_context_ ) + return false; + checking_requires_analyzer_context_ = true; + + bool ret = false; + // If any argument expression refers to analyzer context + foreach (i, ExprList, args_) + if ( (*i)->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) { + ret = true; + break; + } + ret = ret || Type::RequiresAnalyzerContext(); + + if ( ! ret ) { + Type* ty = ReferredDataType(false); + if ( ty ) + ret = ty->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); + } + + checking_requires_analyzer_context_ = false; + return ret; +} + +void ParameterizedType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + ASSERT(persistent()); + out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", env->LValue(value_var())); + Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); +} + +void ParameterizedType::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + Type* ty = ReferredDataType(false); + if ( ty && ty->attr_refcount() ) + out_cc->println("Unref(%s);", lvalue()); + else + out_cc->println("delete %s;", lvalue()); + out_cc->println("%s = nullptr;", lvalue()); + Type::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); +} + +string ParameterizedType::EvalParameters(Output* out_cc, Env* env) const { + string arg_str; + + int first = 1; + foreach (i, ExprList, args_) { + Expr* e = *i; + if ( first ) + first = 0; + else + arg_str += ", "; + arg_str += e->EvalExpr(out_cc, env); + } + + return arg_str; +} + +void ParameterizedType::GenNewInstance(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + out_cc->println("%s = new %s(%s);", lvalue(), type_id_->Name(), EvalParameters(out_cc, env).c_str()); +} + +void ParameterizedType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) { + DEBUG_MSG("DoGenParseCode for %s\n", type_id_->Name()); + + Type* ref_type = ReferredDataType(true); + + const char* parse_func; + string parse_params; + + if ( buffer_mode() == BUFFER_NOTHING ) { + ASSERT(! ref_type->incremental_input()); + parse_func = kParseFuncWithoutBuffer; + parse_params = "nullptr, nullptr"; + } + else if ( ref_type->incremental_input() ) { + parse_func = kParseFuncWithBuffer; + parse_params = env->RValue(flow_buffer_id); + } + else { + parse_func = kParseFuncWithoutBuffer; + parse_params = strfmt("%s, %s", data.ptr_expr(), env->RValue(end_of_data)); + } + + if ( RequiresAnalyzerContext::compute(ref_type) ) { + parse_params += strfmt(", %s", env->RValue(analyzer_context_id)); + } + + if ( ref_type->RequiresByteOrder() ) { + env->Evaluate(out_cc, byteorder_id); + parse_params += strfmt(", %s", env->RValue(byteorder_id)); + } + + string call_parse_func = strfmt("%s->%s(%s)", + lvalue(), // parse() needs an LValue + parse_func, parse_params.c_str()); + + if ( incremental_input() ) { + if ( buffer_mode() == BUFFER_NOTHING ) { + out_cc->println("%s;", call_parse_func.c_str()); + out_cc->println("%s = true;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); + } + else { + ASSERT(parsing_complete_var()); + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var()), call_parse_func.c_str()); + + // parsing_complete_var might have been already + // evaluated when set to false + if ( ! env->Evaluated(parsing_complete_var()) ) + env->SetEvaluated(parsing_complete_var()); + } + } + else { + if ( AddSizeVar(out_cc, env) ) { + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(size_var()), call_parse_func.c_str()); + env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); + } + else { + out_cc->println("%s;", call_parse_func.c_str()); + } + } +} + +void ParameterizedType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { + GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, 0); +} diff --git a/src/pac_paramtype.h b/src/pac_paramtype.h index 0eda097..72e427c 100644 --- a/src/pac_paramtype.h +++ b/src/pac_paramtype.h @@ -4,58 +4,57 @@ #include "pac_type.h" // An instantiated type: ID + expression list -class ParameterizedType : public Type - { +class ParameterizedType : public Type { public: - ParameterizedType(ID* type_id, ExprList* args); - ~ParameterizedType() override; + ParameterizedType(ID* type_id, ExprList* args); + ~ParameterizedType() override; - Type* clone() const; + Type* clone() const; - string EvalMember(const ID* member_id) const override; - // Env *member_env() const; + string EvalMember(const ID* member_id) const override; + // Env *member_env() const; - void AddParamArg(Expr* arg); + void AddParamArg(Expr* arg); - bool DefineValueVar() const override; - string DataTypeStr() const override; - string DefaultValue() const override { return "0"; } - Type* MemberDataType(const ID* member_id) const override; + bool DefineValueVar() const override; + string DataTypeStr() const override; + string DefaultValue() const override { return "0"; } + Type* MemberDataType(const ID* member_id) const override; - // "throw_exception" specifies whether to throw an exception - // if the referred data type is not found - Type* ReferredDataType(bool throw_exception) const; + // "throw_exception" specifies whether to throw an exception + // if the referred data type is not found + Type* ReferredDataType(bool throw_exception) const; - void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; + int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; - bool IsPointerType() const override { return true; } + bool IsPointerType() const override { return true; } - bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override; - bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() override; + bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override; + bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() override; - void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) override; + void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) override; - string class_name() const; - string EvalParameters(Output* out_cc, Env* env) const; + string class_name() const; + string EvalParameters(Output* out_cc, Env* env) const; - BufferMode buffer_mode() const override; + BufferMode buffer_mode() const override; protected: - void GenNewInstance(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenNewInstance(Output* out, Env* env) override; - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; - Type* DoClone() const override; - void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + Type* DoClone() const override; + void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override; private: - ID* type_id_; - ExprList* args_; - bool checking_requires_analyzer_context_; + ID* type_id_; + ExprList* args_; + bool checking_requires_analyzer_context_; - void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; - void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; - }; + void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; + void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; +}; #endif // pac_paramtype_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 2a5f47a..faf43bc 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -5,30 +5,26 @@ #include "pac_id.h" #include "pac_type.h" -string PPVal::ToCode(Env* env) - { - ASSERT(expr_); - return string(expr_->EvalExpr(nullptr, env)); - } +string PPVal::ToCode(Env* env) { + ASSERT(expr_); + return string(expr_->EvalExpr(nullptr, env)); +} -string PPSet::ToCode(Env* env) - { - ASSERT(expr_); - return expr_->SetFunc(nullptr, env); - } +string PPSet::ToCode(Env* env) { + ASSERT(expr_); + return expr_->SetFunc(nullptr, env); +} -string PPType::ToCode(Env* env) - { - Type* type = expr_->DataType(env); - return type->DataTypeStr(); - } +string PPType::ToCode(Env* env) { + Type* type = expr_->DataType(env); + return type->DataTypeStr(); +} -string PPConstDef::ToCode(Env* env) - { - Type* type = expr_->DataType(env); - env->AddID(id_, TEMP_VAR, type); - env->SetEvaluated(id_); +string PPConstDef::ToCode(Env* env) { + Type* type = expr_->DataType(env); + env->AddID(id_, TEMP_VAR, type); + env->SetEvaluated(id_); - string type_str = type->DataTypeStr(); - return strfmt("%s %s = %s", type_str.c_str(), env->LValue(id_), expr_->EvalExpr(nullptr, env)); - } + string type_str = type->DataTypeStr(); + return strfmt("%s %s = %s", type_str.c_str(), env->LValue(id_), expr_->EvalExpr(nullptr, env)); +} diff --git a/src/pac_primitive.h b/src/pac_primitive.h index 7360493..9ee248b 100644 --- a/src/pac_primitive.h +++ b/src/pac_primitive.h @@ -3,76 +3,65 @@ #include "pac_common.h" -class PacPrimitive - { +class PacPrimitive { public: - enum PrimitiveType - { - VAL, - SET, - TYPE, - CONST_DEF - }; + enum PrimitiveType { VAL, SET, TYPE, CONST_DEF }; - explicit PacPrimitive(PrimitiveType type) : type_(type) { } - virtual ~PacPrimitive() { } + explicit PacPrimitive(PrimitiveType type) : type_(type) {} + virtual ~PacPrimitive() {} - PrimitiveType type() const { return type_; } + PrimitiveType type() const { return type_; } - virtual string ToCode(Env* env) = 0; + virtual string ToCode(Env* env) = 0; private: - PrimitiveType type_; - }; + PrimitiveType type_; +}; -class PPVal : public PacPrimitive - { +class PPVal : public PacPrimitive { public: - PPVal(Expr* expr) : PacPrimitive(VAL), expr_(expr) { } - Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } + PPVal(Expr* expr) : PacPrimitive(VAL), expr_(expr) {} + Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } - string ToCode(Env* env) override; + string ToCode(Env* env) override; private: - Expr* expr_; - }; + Expr* expr_; +}; -class PPSet : public PacPrimitive - { +class PPSet : public PacPrimitive { public: - PPSet(Expr* expr) : PacPrimitive(SET), expr_(expr) { } - Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } + PPSet(Expr* expr) : PacPrimitive(SET), expr_(expr) {} + Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } - string ToCode(Env* env) override; + string ToCode(Env* env) override; private: - Expr* expr_; - }; + Expr* expr_; +}; -class PPType : public PacPrimitive - { +class PPType : public PacPrimitive { public: - PPType(Expr* expr) : PacPrimitive(TYPE), expr_(expr) { } - Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } + PPType(Expr* expr) : PacPrimitive(TYPE), expr_(expr) {} + Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } - string ToCode(Env* env) override; + string ToCode(Env* env) override; private: - Expr* expr_; - }; + Expr* expr_; +}; -class PPConstDef : public PacPrimitive - { +class PPConstDef : public PacPrimitive { public: - PPConstDef(const ID* id, Expr* expr) : PacPrimitive(CONST_DEF), id_(id), expr_(expr) { } - const ID* id() const { return id_; } - Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } + PPConstDef(const ID* id, Expr* expr) : PacPrimitive(CONST_DEF), id_(id), expr_(expr) {} + const ID* id() const { return id_; } + Expr* expr() const { return expr_; } - string ToCode(Env* env) override; + string ToCode(Env* env) override; private: - const ID* id_; - Expr* expr_; - }; + const ID* id_; + Expr* expr_; +}; #endif // pac_primitive_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 266dfc6..d7ed8db 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -12,75 +12,64 @@ #include "pac_utils.h" #include "pac_varfield.h" -RecordType::RecordType(RecordFieldList* record_fields) : Type(RECORD) - { - // Here we assume that the type is a standalone type. - value_var_ = nullptr; - - // Put all fields in fields_ - foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields) - AddField(*i); - - // Put RecordField's in record_fields_ - record_fields_ = record_fields; - - parsing_dataptr_var_field_ = nullptr; - } - -RecordType::~RecordType() - { - // Do not delete_list(RecordFieldList, record_fields_) - // because the fields are also in fields_. - delete record_fields_; - delete parsing_dataptr_var_field_; - } - -const ID* RecordType::parsing_dataptr_var() const - { - return parsing_dataptr_var_field_ ? parsing_dataptr_var_field_->id() : nullptr; - } - -bool RecordType::DefineValueVar() const - { - return false; - } - -string RecordType::DataTypeStr() const - { - ASSERT(type_decl()); - return strfmt("%s *", type_decl()->class_name().c_str()); - } - -void RecordType::Prepare(Env* env, int flags) - { - ASSERT(flags & TO_BE_PARSED); - - RecordField* prev = nullptr; - int offset = 0; - int seq = 0; - foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) - { - RecordField* f = *i; - f->set_record_type(this); - f->set_prev(prev); - if ( prev ) - prev->set_next(f); - prev = f; - if ( offset >= 0 ) - { - f->set_static_offset(offset); - int w = f->StaticSize(env, offset); - if ( w < 0 ) - offset = -1; - else - offset += w; - } - ++seq; - f->set_parsing_state_seq(seq); - } - - if ( incremental_parsing() ) - { +RecordType::RecordType(RecordFieldList* record_fields) : Type(RECORD) { + // Here we assume that the type is a standalone type. + value_var_ = nullptr; + + // Put all fields in fields_ + foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields) + AddField(*i); + + // Put RecordField's in record_fields_ + record_fields_ = record_fields; + + parsing_dataptr_var_field_ = nullptr; +} + +RecordType::~RecordType() { + // Do not delete_list(RecordFieldList, record_fields_) + // because the fields are also in fields_. + delete record_fields_; + delete parsing_dataptr_var_field_; +} + +const ID* RecordType::parsing_dataptr_var() const { + return parsing_dataptr_var_field_ ? parsing_dataptr_var_field_->id() : nullptr; +} + +bool RecordType::DefineValueVar() const { return false; } + +string RecordType::DataTypeStr() const { + ASSERT(type_decl()); + return strfmt("%s *", type_decl()->class_name().c_str()); +} + +void RecordType::Prepare(Env* env, int flags) { + ASSERT(flags & TO_BE_PARSED); + + RecordField* prev = nullptr; + int offset = 0; + int seq = 0; + foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) { + RecordField* f = *i; + f->set_record_type(this); + f->set_prev(prev); + if ( prev ) + prev->set_next(f); + prev = f; + if ( offset >= 0 ) { + f->set_static_offset(offset); + int w = f->StaticSize(env, offset); + if ( w < 0 ) + offset = -1; + else + offset += w; + } + ++seq; + f->set_parsing_state_seq(seq); + } + + if ( incremental_parsing() ) { #if 0 ASSERT(! parsing_state_var_field_); ID *parsing_state_var_id = new ID("parsing_state"); @@ -93,355 +82,297 @@ void RecordType::Prepare(Env* env, int flags) parsing_dataptr_var_id, extern_type_const_byteptr->Clone()); parsing_dataptr_var_field_->Prepare(env); #endif - } - - Type::Prepare(env, flags); - } - -void RecordType::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - Type::GenPubDecls(out_h, env); - } - -void RecordType::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - Type::GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); - } - -void RecordType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - } - -void RecordType::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - Type::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); - } - -void RecordType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) - { - if ( ! incremental_input() && StaticSize(env) >= 0 ) - GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); - - if ( incremental_parsing() ) - { - out_cc->println("switch ( %s ) {", env->LValue(parsing_state_id)); - - out_cc->println("case 0:"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) - { - RecordField* f = *i; - f->GenParseCode(out_cc, env); - out_cc->println(""); - } - out_cc->println(""); - out_cc->println("%s = true;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println("}"); - } - else - { - ASSERT( == begin_of_data && data.offset() == 0); - foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) - { - RecordField* f = *i; - f->GenParseCode(out_cc, env); - out_cc->println(""); - } - if ( incremental_input() ) - { - ASSERT(parsing_complete_var()); - out_cc->println("%s = true;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); - } - } - - if ( ! incremental_input() && AddSizeVar(out_cc, env) ) - { - const DataPtr& end_of_record_dataptr = record_fields_->back()->getFieldEnd(out_cc, env); - - out_cc->println("%s = %s - %s;", env->LValue(size_var()), end_of_record_dataptr.ptr_expr(), - env->RValue(begin_of_data)); - env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); - } - - if ( ! boundary_checked() ) - { - RecordField* last_field = record_fields_->back(); - if ( ! last_field->BoundaryChecked() ) - GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); - } - } - -void RecordType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, 0); - } - -int RecordType::StaticSize(Env* env) const - { - int tot_w = 0; - foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) - { - RecordField* f = *i; - int w = f->StaticSize(env, tot_w); - if ( w < 0 ) - return -1; - tot_w += w; - } - return tot_w; - } - -void RecordType::SetBoundaryChecked() - { - Type::SetBoundaryChecked(); - - if ( StaticSize(env()) < 0 || attr_length_expr_ ) - // Don't assume sufficient bounds checking has been done on fields - // if the record is of variable size or if its size is set from &length - // (whose value is not necessarily trustworthy). - return; - - foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) - { - RecordField* f = *i; - f->SetBoundaryChecked(); - } - } - -void RecordType::DoMarkIncrementalInput() - { - foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) - { - RecordField* f = *i; - f->type()->MarkIncrementalInput(); - } - } - -bool RecordType::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - return Type::DoTraverse(visitor); - } - -bool RecordType::ByteOrderSensitive() const - { - foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) - { - RecordField* f = *i; - if ( f->RequiresByteOrder() ) - return true; - } - return false; - } + } + + Type::Prepare(env, flags); +} + +void RecordType::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { Type::GenPubDecls(out_h, env); } + +void RecordType::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { Type::GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); } + +void RecordType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); } + +void RecordType::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { Type::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); } + +void RecordType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) { + if ( ! incremental_input() && StaticSize(env) >= 0 ) + GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); + + if ( incremental_parsing() ) { + out_cc->println("switch ( %s ) {", env->LValue(parsing_state_id)); + + out_cc->println("case 0:"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) { + RecordField* f = *i; + f->GenParseCode(out_cc, env); + out_cc->println(""); + } + out_cc->println(""); + out_cc->println("%s = true;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println("}"); + } + else { + ASSERT( == begin_of_data && data.offset() == 0); + foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) { + RecordField* f = *i; + f->GenParseCode(out_cc, env); + out_cc->println(""); + } + if ( incremental_input() ) { + ASSERT(parsing_complete_var()); + out_cc->println("%s = true;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); + } + } + + if ( ! incremental_input() && AddSizeVar(out_cc, env) ) { + const DataPtr& end_of_record_dataptr = record_fields_->back()->getFieldEnd(out_cc, env); + + out_cc->println("%s = %s - %s;", env->LValue(size_var()), end_of_record_dataptr.ptr_expr(), + env->RValue(begin_of_data)); + env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); + } + + if ( ! boundary_checked() ) { + RecordField* last_field = record_fields_->back(); + if ( ! last_field->BoundaryChecked() ) + GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); + } +} + +void RecordType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, 0); } + +int RecordType::StaticSize(Env* env) const { + int tot_w = 0; + foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) { + RecordField* f = *i; + int w = f->StaticSize(env, tot_w); + if ( w < 0 ) + return -1; + tot_w += w; + } + return tot_w; +} + +void RecordType::SetBoundaryChecked() { + Type::SetBoundaryChecked(); + + if ( StaticSize(env()) < 0 || attr_length_expr_ ) + // Don't assume sufficient bounds checking has been done on fields + // if the record is of variable size or if its size is set from &length + // (whose value is not necessarily trustworthy). + return; + + foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) { + RecordField* f = *i; + f->SetBoundaryChecked(); + } +} + +void RecordType::DoMarkIncrementalInput() { + foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) { + RecordField* f = *i; + f->type()->MarkIncrementalInput(); + } +} + +bool RecordType::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { return Type::DoTraverse(visitor); } + +bool RecordType::ByteOrderSensitive() const { + foreach (i, RecordFieldList, record_fields_) { + RecordField* f = *i; + if ( f->RequiresByteOrder() ) + return true; + } + return false; +} RecordField::RecordField(FieldType tof, ID* id, Type* type) - : Field(tof, TYPE_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type) - { - begin_of_field_dataptr = nullptr; - end_of_field_dataptr = nullptr; - field_size_expr = nullptr; - field_offset_expr = nullptr; - end_of_field_dataptr_var = nullptr; - record_type_ = nullptr; - prev_ = nullptr; - next_ = nullptr; - static_offset_ = -1; - parsing_state_seq_ = 0; - boundary_checked_ = false; - } - -RecordField::~RecordField() - { - delete begin_of_field_dataptr; - delete end_of_field_dataptr; - delete[] field_size_expr; - delete[] field_offset_expr; - delete end_of_field_dataptr_var; - } - -const DataPtr& RecordField::getFieldBegin(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( prev() ) - return prev()->getFieldEnd(out_cc, env); - else - { - // The first field - if ( ! begin_of_field_dataptr ) - { - begin_of_field_dataptr = new DataPtr(env, begin_of_data, 0); - } - return *begin_of_field_dataptr; - } - } - -const DataPtr& RecordField::getFieldEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( end_of_field_dataptr ) - return *end_of_field_dataptr; - - const DataPtr& begin_ptr = getFieldBegin(out_cc, env); - - if ( record_type()->incremental_parsing() ) - { - ASSERT(0); - if ( ! end_of_field_dataptr ) - { - const ID* dataptr_var = record_type()->parsing_dataptr_var(); - ASSERT(dataptr_var); - - end_of_field_dataptr = new DataPtr(env, dataptr_var, 0); - } - } - else - { - int field_offset; - if ( == begin_of_data ) - field_offset = begin_ptr.offset(); - else - field_offset = -1; // unknown - - int field_size = StaticSize(env, field_offset); - if ( field_size >= 0 ) // can be statically determinted - { - end_of_field_dataptr = new DataPtr(env,, - begin_ptr.offset() + field_size); - } - else - { - // If not, we add a variable for the offset after the field - end_of_field_dataptr_var = new ID(strfmt("dataptr_after_%s", id()->Name())); - env->AddID(end_of_field_dataptr_var, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); - - GenFieldEnd(out_cc, env, begin_ptr); - - end_of_field_dataptr = new DataPtr(env, end_of_field_dataptr_var, 0); - } - } - - return *end_of_field_dataptr; - } - -const char* RecordField::FieldSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( field_size_expr ) - return field_size_expr; - - const DataPtr& begin = getFieldBegin(out_cc, env); - const DataPtr& end = getFieldEnd(out_cc, env); - if ( == ) - field_size_expr = nfmt("%d", end.offset() - begin.offset()); - else - field_size_expr = nfmt("(%s - %s)", end.ptr_expr(), begin.ptr_expr()); - return field_size_expr; - } - -const char* RecordField::FieldOffset(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( field_offset_expr ) - return field_offset_expr; - - const DataPtr& begin = getFieldBegin(out_cc, env); - if ( == begin_of_data ) - field_offset_expr = nfmt("%d", begin.offset()); - else - field_offset_expr = nfmt("(%s - %s)", begin.ptr_expr(), env->RValue(begin_of_data)); - return field_offset_expr; - } + : Field(tof, TYPE_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type) { + begin_of_field_dataptr = nullptr; + end_of_field_dataptr = nullptr; + field_size_expr = nullptr; + field_offset_expr = nullptr; + end_of_field_dataptr_var = nullptr; + record_type_ = nullptr; + prev_ = nullptr; + next_ = nullptr; + static_offset_ = -1; + parsing_state_seq_ = 0; + boundary_checked_ = false; +} + +RecordField::~RecordField() { + delete begin_of_field_dataptr; + delete end_of_field_dataptr; + delete[] field_size_expr; + delete[] field_offset_expr; + delete end_of_field_dataptr_var; +} + +const DataPtr& RecordField::getFieldBegin(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( prev() ) + return prev()->getFieldEnd(out_cc, env); + else { + // The first field + if ( ! begin_of_field_dataptr ) { + begin_of_field_dataptr = new DataPtr(env, begin_of_data, 0); + } + return *begin_of_field_dataptr; + } +} + +const DataPtr& RecordField::getFieldEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( end_of_field_dataptr ) + return *end_of_field_dataptr; + + const DataPtr& begin_ptr = getFieldBegin(out_cc, env); + + if ( record_type()->incremental_parsing() ) { + ASSERT(0); + if ( ! end_of_field_dataptr ) { + const ID* dataptr_var = record_type()->parsing_dataptr_var(); + ASSERT(dataptr_var); + + end_of_field_dataptr = new DataPtr(env, dataptr_var, 0); + } + } + else { + int field_offset; + if ( == begin_of_data ) + field_offset = begin_ptr.offset(); + else + field_offset = -1; // unknown + + int field_size = StaticSize(env, field_offset); + if ( field_size >= 0 ) // can be statically determinted + { + end_of_field_dataptr = new DataPtr(env,, begin_ptr.offset() + field_size); + } + else { + // If not, we add a variable for the offset after the field + end_of_field_dataptr_var = new ID(strfmt("dataptr_after_%s", id()->Name())); + env->AddID(end_of_field_dataptr_var, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); + + GenFieldEnd(out_cc, env, begin_ptr); + + end_of_field_dataptr = new DataPtr(env, end_of_field_dataptr_var, 0); + } + } + + return *end_of_field_dataptr; +} + +const char* RecordField::FieldSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( field_size_expr ) + return field_size_expr; + + const DataPtr& begin = getFieldBegin(out_cc, env); + const DataPtr& end = getFieldEnd(out_cc, env); + if ( == ) + field_size_expr = nfmt("%d", end.offset() - begin.offset()); + else + field_size_expr = nfmt("(%s - %s)", end.ptr_expr(), begin.ptr_expr()); + return field_size_expr; +} + +const char* RecordField::FieldOffset(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( field_offset_expr ) + return field_offset_expr; + + const DataPtr& begin = getFieldBegin(out_cc, env); + if ( == begin_of_data ) + field_offset_expr = nfmt("%d", begin.offset()); + else + field_offset_expr = nfmt("(%s - %s)", begin.ptr_expr(), env->RValue(begin_of_data)); + return field_offset_expr; +} // The reasoning behind AttemptBoundaryCheck is: "If my next field // can check its boundary, then I don't have to check mine, and it // will save me a boundary-check." -bool RecordField::AttemptBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( boundary_checked_ ) - return true; - - // If I do not even know my size till I parse the data, my - // next field won't be able to check its boundary now. - - const DataPtr& begin = getFieldBegin(out_cc, env); - if ( StaticSize(env, begin.AbsOffset(begin_of_data)) < 0 ) - return false; - - // Now we ask the next field to check its boundary. - if ( next() && next()->AttemptBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env) ) - { - // If it works, we are all set - SetBoundaryChecked(); - return true; - } - else - // If it fails, then I can still try to do it by myself - return GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env); - } - -RecordDataField::RecordDataField(ID* id, Type* type) : RecordField(RECORD_FIELD, id, type) - { - ASSERT(type_); - } - -RecordDataField::~RecordDataField() { } - -void RecordDataField::Prepare(Env* env) - { - Field::Prepare(env); - env->SetEvalMethod(id_, this); - env->SetField(id_, this); - } - -void RecordDataField::GenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( env->Evaluated(id()) ) - return; - - // Always evaluate record fields in order if parsing - // is incremental. - if ( record_type()->incremental_parsing() && prev() ) - prev()->GenParseCode(out_cc, env); - - DataPtr data(env, nullptr, 0); - if ( ! record_type()->incremental_parsing() ) - { - data = getFieldBegin(out_cc, env); - - Expr* len_expr = record_type()->attr_length_expr(); - int len; - - if ( ! record_type()->buffer_input() || (len_expr && len_expr->ConstFold(env, &len)) ) - AttemptBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env); - } - - out_cc->println("// Parse \"%s\"", id_->Name()); +bool RecordField::AttemptBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( boundary_checked_ ) + return true; + + // If I do not even know my size till I parse the data, my + // next field won't be able to check its boundary now. + + const DataPtr& begin = getFieldBegin(out_cc, env); + if ( StaticSize(env, begin.AbsOffset(begin_of_data)) < 0 ) + return false; + + // Now we ask the next field to check its boundary. + if ( next() && next()->AttemptBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env) ) { + // If it works, we are all set + SetBoundaryChecked(); + return true; + } + else + // If it fails, then I can still try to do it by myself + return GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env); +} + +RecordDataField::RecordDataField(ID* id, Type* type) : RecordField(RECORD_FIELD, id, type) { ASSERT(type_); } + +RecordDataField::~RecordDataField() {} + +void RecordDataField::Prepare(Env* env) { + Field::Prepare(env); + env->SetEvalMethod(id_, this); + env->SetField(id_, this); +} + +void RecordDataField::GenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( env->Evaluated(id()) ) + return; + + // Always evaluate record fields in order if parsing + // is incremental. + if ( record_type()->incremental_parsing() && prev() ) + prev()->GenParseCode(out_cc, env); + + DataPtr data(env, nullptr, 0); + if ( ! record_type()->incremental_parsing() ) { + data = getFieldBegin(out_cc, env); + + Expr* len_expr = record_type()->attr_length_expr(); + int len; + + if ( ! record_type()->buffer_input() || (len_expr && len_expr->ConstFold(env, &len)) ) + AttemptBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env); + } + + out_cc->println("// Parse \"%s\"", id_->Name()); #if 0 out_cc->println("DEBUG_MSG(\"%%.6f Parse %s\\n\", network_time());", id_->Name()); #endif - type_->GenPreParsing(out_cc, env); - if ( type_->incremental_input() ) - { - // The enclosing record type must be incrementally parsed - out_cc->println("%s = %d;", env->LValue(parsing_state_id), parsing_state_seq()); - out_cc->println("/* fall through */"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println("case %d:", parsing_state_seq()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - } - - type_->GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, 0); - - if ( record_type()->incremental_parsing() ) - { - ASSERT(type_->incremental_input()); - - out_cc->println("if ( ! (%s) )", type_->parsing_complete(env).c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("goto %s;", kNeedMoreData); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - - if ( record_type()->incremental_parsing() ) - { + type_->GenPreParsing(out_cc, env); + if ( type_->incremental_input() ) { + // The enclosing record type must be incrementally parsed + out_cc->println("%s = %d;", env->LValue(parsing_state_id), parsing_state_seq()); + out_cc->println("/* fall through */"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println("case %d:", parsing_state_seq()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + } + + type_->GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, 0); + + if ( record_type()->incremental_parsing() ) { + ASSERT(type_->incremental_input()); + + out_cc->println("if ( ! (%s) )", type_->parsing_complete(env).c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("goto %s;", kNeedMoreData); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } + + if ( record_type()->incremental_parsing() ) { #if 0 const ID *dataptr_var = record_type()->parsing_dataptr_var(); @@ -450,221 +381,188 @@ void RecordDataField::GenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) env->LValue(dataptr_var), type_->DataSize(out_cc, env, data).c_str()); #endif - out_cc->println("}"); - } - - SetBoundaryChecked(); - } - -void RecordDataField::GenEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - GenParseCode(out_cc, env); - } - -void RecordDataField::GenFieldEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& field_begin) - { - out_cc->println("const_byteptr const %s = %s + (%s);", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), - field_begin.ptr_expr(), type_->DataSize(out_cc, env, field_begin).c_str()); - env->SetEvaluated(end_of_field_dataptr_var); - - out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s <= %s);", env->RValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), - env->RValue(end_of_data)); - } - -void RecordDataField::SetBoundaryChecked() - { - RecordField::SetBoundaryChecked(); - type_->SetBoundaryChecked(); - } - -bool RecordDataField::GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( boundary_checked_ ) - return true; - - type_->GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, getFieldBegin(out_cc, env)); - - SetBoundaryChecked(); - return true; - } - -bool RecordDataField::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - return Field::DoTraverse(visitor); - } - -bool RecordDataField::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const - { - return Field::RequiresAnalyzerContext() || type()->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); - } + out_cc->println("}"); + } + + SetBoundaryChecked(); +} + +void RecordDataField::GenEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { GenParseCode(out_cc, env); } + +void RecordDataField::GenFieldEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& field_begin) { + out_cc->println("const_byteptr const %s = %s + (%s);", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), + field_begin.ptr_expr(), type_->DataSize(out_cc, env, field_begin).c_str()); + env->SetEvaluated(end_of_field_dataptr_var); + + out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s <= %s);", env->RValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), env->RValue(end_of_data)); +} + +void RecordDataField::SetBoundaryChecked() { + RecordField::SetBoundaryChecked(); + type_->SetBoundaryChecked(); +} + +bool RecordDataField::GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( boundary_checked_ ) + return true; + + type_->GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, getFieldBegin(out_cc, env)); + + SetBoundaryChecked(); + return true; +} + +bool RecordDataField::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { return Field::DoTraverse(visitor); } + +bool RecordDataField::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const { + return Field::RequiresAnalyzerContext() || type()->RequiresAnalyzerContext(); +} RecordPaddingField::RecordPaddingField(ID* id, PaddingType ptype, Expr* expr) - : RecordField(PADDING_FIELD, id, nullptr), ptype_(ptype), expr_(expr) - { - wordsize_ = -1; - } - -RecordPaddingField::~RecordPaddingField() { } - -void RecordPaddingField::Prepare(Env* env) - { - Field::Prepare(env); - if ( ptype_ == PAD_TO_NEXT_WORD ) - { - if ( ! expr_->ConstFold(env, &wordsize_) ) - throw ExceptionPaddingError(this, strfmt("padding word size not a constant")); - } - } - -void RecordPaddingField::GenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - // Always evaluate record fields in order if parsing - // is incremental. - if ( record_type()->incremental_parsing() && prev() ) - prev()->GenParseCode(out_cc, env); - } - -int RecordPaddingField::StaticSize(Env* env, int offset) const - { - int length; - int target_offset; - int offset_in_word; - - switch ( ptype_ ) - { - case PAD_BY_LENGTH: - return expr_->ConstFold(env, &length) ? length : -1; - - case PAD_TO_OFFSET: - // If the current offset cannot be statically - // determined, we need to Generate code to - // check the offset - if ( offset == -1 ) - return -1; - - if ( ! expr_->ConstFold(env, &target_offset) ) - return -1; - - // If both the current and target offsets - // can be statically computed, we can get its - // static size - if ( offset > target_offset ) - throw ExceptionPaddingError(this, strfmt("current offset = %d, " - "target offset = %d", - offset, target_offset)); - return target_offset - offset; - - case PAD_TO_NEXT_WORD: - if ( offset == -1 || wordsize_ == -1 ) - return -1; - - offset_in_word = offset % wordsize_; - return (offset_in_word == 0) ? 0 : wordsize_ - offset_in_word; - } - - return -1; - } - -void RecordPaddingField::GenFieldEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& field_begin) - { - ASSERT(! env->Evaluated(end_of_field_dataptr_var)); - - char* padding_var; - switch ( ptype_ ) - { - case PAD_BY_LENGTH: - out_cc->println("if ( (%s) < 0 ) // check for negative pad length", - expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionInvalidStringLength(\"%s\", %s);", Location(), - expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println(""); - - out_cc->println("const_byteptr const %s = %s + (%s);", - env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), field_begin.ptr_expr(), - expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - - out_cc->println("// Checking out-of-bound padding for \"%s\"", field_id_str_.c_str()); - out_cc->println("if ( %s > %s || %s < %s )", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), - env->RValue(end_of_data), env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), - field_begin.ptr_expr()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionOutOfBound(\"%s\",", field_id_str_.c_str()); - out_cc->println(" (%s), ", expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - out_cc->println(" (%s) - (%s));", env->RValue(end_of_data), - env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var)); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println(""); - break; - - case PAD_TO_OFFSET: - out_cc->println("const_byteptr %s = %s + (%s);", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), - env->RValue(begin_of_data), expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - out_cc->println("if ( %s < %s )", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), - field_begin.ptr_expr()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - out_cc->println("// throw binpac::ExceptionInvalidOffset(\"%s\", %s - %s, %s);", - id_->LocName(), field_begin.ptr_expr(), env->RValue(begin_of_data), - expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), - field_begin.ptr_expr()); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println("if ( %s > %s )", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), - env->RValue(end_of_data)); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionOutOfBound(\"%s\",", field_id_str_.c_str()); - out_cc->println(" (%s), ", expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - out_cc->println(" (%s) - (%s));", env->RValue(end_of_data), - env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var)); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - break; - - case PAD_TO_NEXT_WORD: - padding_var = nfmt("%s__size", id()->Name()); - out_cc->println("int %s = (%s - %s) %% %d;", padding_var, field_begin.ptr_expr(), - env->RValue(begin_of_data), wordsize_); - out_cc->println("%s = (%s == 0) ? 0 : %d - %s;", padding_var, padding_var, wordsize_, - padding_var); - out_cc->println("const_byteptr const %s = %s + %s;", - env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), field_begin.ptr_expr(), - padding_var); - delete[] padding_var; - break; - } - - env->SetEvaluated(end_of_field_dataptr_var); - } - -bool RecordPaddingField::GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( boundary_checked_ ) - return true; - - const DataPtr& begin = getFieldBegin(out_cc, env); - - char* size; - int ss = StaticSize(env, begin.AbsOffset(begin_of_data)); - ASSERT(ss >= 0); - size = nfmt("%d", ss); - - begin.GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, size, field_id_str_.c_str()); - - delete[] size; - - SetBoundaryChecked(); - return true; - } - -bool RecordPaddingField::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - return Field::DoTraverse(visitor) && (! expr_ || expr_->Traverse(visitor)); - } + : RecordField(PADDING_FIELD, id, nullptr), ptype_(ptype), expr_(expr) { + wordsize_ = -1; +} + +RecordPaddingField::~RecordPaddingField() {} + +void RecordPaddingField::Prepare(Env* env) { + Field::Prepare(env); + if ( ptype_ == PAD_TO_NEXT_WORD ) { + if ( ! expr_->ConstFold(env, &wordsize_) ) + throw ExceptionPaddingError(this, strfmt("padding word size not a constant")); + } +} + +void RecordPaddingField::GenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + // Always evaluate record fields in order if parsing + // is incremental. + if ( record_type()->incremental_parsing() && prev() ) + prev()->GenParseCode(out_cc, env); +} + +int RecordPaddingField::StaticSize(Env* env, int offset) const { + int length; + int target_offset; + int offset_in_word; + + switch ( ptype_ ) { + case PAD_BY_LENGTH: return expr_->ConstFold(env, &length) ? length : -1; + + case PAD_TO_OFFSET: + // If the current offset cannot be statically + // determined, we need to Generate code to + // check the offset + if ( offset == -1 ) + return -1; + + if ( ! expr_->ConstFold(env, &target_offset) ) + return -1; + + // If both the current and target offsets + // can be statically computed, we can get its + // static size + if ( offset > target_offset ) + throw ExceptionPaddingError(this, strfmt("current offset = %d, " + "target offset = %d", + offset, target_offset)); + return target_offset - offset; + + case PAD_TO_NEXT_WORD: + if ( offset == -1 || wordsize_ == -1 ) + return -1; + + offset_in_word = offset % wordsize_; + return (offset_in_word == 0) ? 0 : wordsize_ - offset_in_word; + } + + return -1; +} + +void RecordPaddingField::GenFieldEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& field_begin) { + ASSERT(! env->Evaluated(end_of_field_dataptr_var)); + + char* padding_var; + switch ( ptype_ ) { + case PAD_BY_LENGTH: + out_cc->println("if ( (%s) < 0 ) // check for negative pad length", expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionInvalidStringLength(\"%s\", %s);", Location(), + expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println(""); + + out_cc->println("const_byteptr const %s = %s + (%s);", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), + field_begin.ptr_expr(), expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + + out_cc->println("// Checking out-of-bound padding for \"%s\"", field_id_str_.c_str()); + out_cc->println("if ( %s > %s || %s < %s )", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), + env->RValue(end_of_data), env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), field_begin.ptr_expr()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionOutOfBound(\"%s\",", field_id_str_.c_str()); + out_cc->println(" (%s), ", expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + out_cc->println(" (%s) - (%s));", env->RValue(end_of_data), env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var)); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println(""); + break; + + case PAD_TO_OFFSET: + out_cc->println("const_byteptr %s = %s + (%s);", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), + env->RValue(begin_of_data), expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + out_cc->println("if ( %s < %s )", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), field_begin.ptr_expr()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + out_cc->println("// throw binpac::ExceptionInvalidOffset(\"%s\", %s - %s, %s);", id_->LocName(), + field_begin.ptr_expr(), env->RValue(begin_of_data), expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), field_begin.ptr_expr()); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println("if ( %s > %s )", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), env->RValue(end_of_data)); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionOutOfBound(\"%s\",", field_id_str_.c_str()); + out_cc->println(" (%s), ", expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + out_cc->println(" (%s) - (%s));", env->RValue(end_of_data), env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var)); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + break; + + case PAD_TO_NEXT_WORD: + padding_var = nfmt("%s__size", id()->Name()); + out_cc->println("int %s = (%s - %s) %% %d;", padding_var, field_begin.ptr_expr(), + env->RValue(begin_of_data), wordsize_); + out_cc->println("%s = (%s == 0) ? 0 : %d - %s;", padding_var, padding_var, wordsize_, padding_var); + out_cc->println("const_byteptr const %s = %s + %s;", env->LValue(end_of_field_dataptr_var), + field_begin.ptr_expr(), padding_var); + delete[] padding_var; + break; + } + + env->SetEvaluated(end_of_field_dataptr_var); +} + +bool RecordPaddingField::GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( boundary_checked_ ) + return true; + + const DataPtr& begin = getFieldBegin(out_cc, env); + + char* size; + int ss = StaticSize(env, begin.AbsOffset(begin_of_data)); + ASSERT(ss >= 0); + size = nfmt("%d", ss); + + begin.GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, size, field_id_str_.c_str()); + + delete[] size; + + SetBoundaryChecked(); + return true; +} + +bool RecordPaddingField::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { + return Field::DoTraverse(visitor) && (! expr_ || expr_->Traverse(visitor)); +} diff --git a/src/pac_record.h b/src/pac_record.h index 2356072..539a04a 100644 --- a/src/pac_record.h +++ b/src/pac_record.h @@ -7,179 +7,165 @@ #include "pac_let.h" #include "pac_type.h" -class RecordType : public Type - { +class RecordType : public Type { public: - RecordType(RecordFieldList* fields); - ~RecordType() override; + RecordType(RecordFieldList* fields); + ~RecordType() override; - bool DefineValueVar() const override; - string DataTypeStr() const override; + bool DefineValueVar() const override; + string DataTypeStr() const override; - void Prepare(Env* env, int flags) override; + void Prepare(Env* env, int flags) override; - void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; + int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; - void SetBoundaryChecked() override; + void SetBoundaryChecked() override; - const ID* parsing_dataptr_var() const; + const ID* parsing_dataptr_var() const; - bool IsPointerType() const override - { - ASSERT(0); - return false; - } + bool IsPointerType() const override { + ASSERT(0); + return false; + } protected: - void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; - void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; + void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; + void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; - Type* DoClone() const override { return nullptr; } + Type* DoClone() const override { return nullptr; } - void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override; + void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override; - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; - bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override; private: - Field* parsing_dataptr_var_field_; - RecordFieldList* record_fields_; - }; + Field* parsing_dataptr_var_field_; + RecordFieldList* record_fields_; +}; // A data field of a record type. A RecordField corresponds to a // segment of input data, and therefore RecordField's are ordered---each // of them has a known previous and next field. -class RecordField : public Field - { +class RecordField : public Field { public: - RecordField(FieldType tof, ID* id, Type* type); - ~RecordField() override; + RecordField(FieldType tof, ID* id, Type* type); + ~RecordField() override; - RecordType* record_type() const { return record_type_; } - void set_record_type(RecordType* ty) { record_type_ = ty; } + RecordType* record_type() const { return record_type_; } + void set_record_type(RecordType* ty) { record_type_ = ty; } - virtual void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env) = 0; + virtual void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env) = 0; - RecordField* prev() const { return prev_; } - RecordField* next() const { return next_; } - void set_prev(RecordField* f) { prev_ = f; } - void set_next(RecordField* f) { next_ = f; } + RecordField* prev() const { return prev_; } + RecordField* next() const { return next_; } + void set_prev(RecordField* f) { prev_ = f; } + void set_next(RecordField* f) { next_ = f; } - int static_offset() const { return static_offset_; } - void set_static_offset(int offset) { static_offset_ = offset; } + int static_offset() const { return static_offset_; } + void set_static_offset(int offset) { static_offset_ = offset; } - int parsing_state_seq() const { return parsing_state_seq_; } - void set_parsing_state_seq(int x) { parsing_state_seq_ = x; } + int parsing_state_seq() const { return parsing_state_seq_; } + void set_parsing_state_seq(int x) { parsing_state_seq_ = x; } - virtual int StaticSize(Env* env, int offset) const = 0; - const char* FieldSize(Output* out, Env* env); - const char* FieldOffset(Output* out, Env* env); + virtual int StaticSize(Env* env, int offset) const = 0; + const char* FieldSize(Output* out, Env* env); + const char* FieldOffset(Output* out, Env* env); - virtual bool BoundaryChecked() const { return boundary_checked_; } - virtual void SetBoundaryChecked() { boundary_checked_ = true; } + virtual bool BoundaryChecked() const { return boundary_checked_; } + virtual void SetBoundaryChecked() { boundary_checked_ = true; } - virtual bool RequiresByteOrder() const = 0; + virtual bool RequiresByteOrder() const = 0; - friend class RecordType; + friend class RecordType; protected: - RecordType* record_type_; - RecordField* prev_; - RecordField* next_; - bool boundary_checked_; - int static_offset_; - int parsing_state_seq_; - - DataPtr* begin_of_field_dataptr; - DataPtr* end_of_field_dataptr; - char* field_size_expr; - char* field_offset_expr; - ID* end_of_field_dataptr_var; - - const DataPtr& getFieldBegin(Output* out_cc, Env* env); - const DataPtr& getFieldEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env); - virtual void GenFieldEnd(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& begin) = 0; - - bool AttemptBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env); - virtual bool GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) = 0; - }; - -class RecordDataField : public RecordField, public Evaluatable - { + RecordType* record_type_; + RecordField* prev_; + RecordField* next_; + bool boundary_checked_; + int static_offset_; + int parsing_state_seq_; + + DataPtr* begin_of_field_dataptr; + DataPtr* end_of_field_dataptr; + char* field_size_expr; + char* field_offset_expr; + ID* end_of_field_dataptr_var; + + const DataPtr& getFieldBegin(Output* out_cc, Env* env); + const DataPtr& getFieldEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env); + virtual void GenFieldEnd(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& begin) = 0; + + bool AttemptBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env); + virtual bool GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) = 0; +}; + +class RecordDataField : public RecordField, public Evaluatable { public: - RecordDataField(ID* arg_id, Type* arg_type); - ~RecordDataField() override; + RecordDataField(ID* arg_id, Type* arg_type); + ~RecordDataField() override; - // Instantiates abstract class Field - void Prepare(Env* env) override; - void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + // Instantiates abstract class Field + void Prepare(Env* env) override; + void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - // Instantiates abstract class Evaluatable - void GenEval(Output* out, Env* env) override; + // Instantiates abstract class Evaluatable + void GenEval(Output* out, Env* env) override; - int StaticSize(Env* env, int) const override { return type()->StaticSize(env); } + int StaticSize(Env* env, int) const override { return type()->StaticSize(env); } - void SetBoundaryChecked() override; + void SetBoundaryChecked() override; - bool RequiresByteOrder() const override { return type()->RequiresByteOrder(); } - bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const override; + bool RequiresByteOrder() const override { return type()->RequiresByteOrder(); } + bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const override; protected: - void GenFieldEnd(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& begin) override; - bool GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) override; - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; - }; - -enum PaddingType - { - PAD_BY_LENGTH, - PAD_TO_OFFSET, - PAD_TO_NEXT_WORD - }; - -class RecordPaddingField : public RecordField - { + void GenFieldEnd(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& begin) override; + bool GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; +}; + +enum PaddingType { PAD_BY_LENGTH, PAD_TO_OFFSET, PAD_TO_NEXT_WORD }; + +class RecordPaddingField : public RecordField { public: - RecordPaddingField(ID* id, PaddingType ptype, Expr* expr); - ~RecordPaddingField() override; + RecordPaddingField(ID* id, PaddingType ptype, Expr* expr); + ~RecordPaddingField() override; - void Prepare(Env* env) override; + void Prepare(Env* env) override; - void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override - { /* nothing */ - } - void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override - { /* nothing */ - } + void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override { /* nothing */ + } + void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override { /* nothing */ + } - void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override - { /* nothing */ - } - void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override - { /* nothing */ - } - void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override { /* nothing */ + } + void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override { /* nothing */ + } + void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - int StaticSize(Env* env, int offset) const override; + int StaticSize(Env* env, int offset) const override; - bool RequiresByteOrder() const override { return false; } + bool RequiresByteOrder() const override { return false; } protected: - void GenFieldEnd(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& begin) override; - bool GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) override; - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + void GenFieldEnd(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& begin) override; + bool GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env) override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; private: - PaddingType ptype_; - Expr* expr_; - int wordsize_; - }; + PaddingType ptype_; + Expr* expr_; + int wordsize_; +}; #endif // pac_record_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index d720f22..c4368bb 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -9,145 +9,124 @@ #include "pac_type.h" #include "pac_typedecl.h" -namespace - { - -Decl* find_decl(const ID* id) - { - Decl* decl = Decl::LookUpDecl(id); - if ( ! decl ) - { - throw Exception(id, strfmt("cannot find declaration for %s", id->Name())); - } - - return decl; - } - - } - -Decl* ProcessTypeRedef(const ID* id, FieldList* fieldlist) - { - Decl* decl = find_decl(id); - - if ( decl->decl_type() != Decl::TYPE ) - { - throw Exception(id, strfmt("not a type declaration: %s", id->Name())); - } - - TypeDecl* type_decl = static_cast(decl); - ASSERT(type_decl); - Type* type = type_decl->type(); - - foreach (i, FieldList, fieldlist) - { - Field* f = *i; - - // One cannot change data layout in 'redef'. - // Only 'let' or 'action' can be added - if ( f->tof() == LET_FIELD || f->tof() == WITHINPUT_FIELD ) - { - type->AddField(f); - } - else if ( f->tof() == RECORD_FIELD || f->tof() == PADDING_FIELD ) - { - throw Exception(f, "cannot change data layout in redef"); - } - else if ( f->tof() == CASE_FIELD ) - { - throw Exception(f, "use 'redef case' adding cases"); - } - } - - return decl; - } - -Decl* ProcessCaseTypeRedef(const ID* id, CaseFieldList* casefieldlist) - { - Decl* decl = find_decl(id); - - if ( decl->decl_type() != Decl::TYPE ) - { - throw Exception(id, strfmt("not a type declaration: %s", id->Name())); - } - - TypeDecl* type_decl = static_cast(decl); - ASSERT(type_decl); - - Type* type = type_decl->type(); - if ( type->tot() != Type::CASE ) - { - throw Exception(id, strfmt("not a case type: %s", id->Name())); - } - - CaseType* casetype = static_cast(type); - ASSERT(casetype); - - foreach (i, CaseFieldList, casefieldlist) - { - CaseField* f = *i; - casetype->AddCaseField(f); - } - - return decl; - } - -Decl* ProcessCaseExprRedef(const ID* id, CaseExprList* caseexprlist) - { - Decl* decl = find_decl(id); - - if ( decl->decl_type() != Decl::FUNC ) - { - throw Exception(id, strfmt("not a function declaration: %s", id->Name())); - } - - FuncDecl* func_decl = static_cast(decl); - ASSERT(func_decl); - - Expr* expr = func_decl->function()->expr(); - if ( ! expr || expr->expr_type() != Expr::EXPR_CASE ) - { - throw Exception(id, strfmt("function not defined by a case expression: %s", id->Name())); - } - - foreach (i, CaseExprList, caseexprlist) - { - CaseExpr* e = *i; - expr->AddCaseExpr(e); - } - - return decl; - } - -Decl* ProcessAnalyzerRedef(const ID* id, Decl::DeclType decl_type, AnalyzerElementList* elements) - { - Decl* decl = find_decl(id); - - if ( decl->decl_type() != decl_type ) - { - throw Exception(id, strfmt("not a connection/flow declaration: %s", id->Name())); - } - - AnalyzerDecl* analyzer_decl = static_cast(decl); - ASSERT(analyzer_decl); - - analyzer_decl->AddElements(elements); - - return decl; - } - -Decl* ProcessTypeAttrRedef(const ID* id, AttrList* attrlist) - { - Decl* decl = find_decl(id); - - if ( decl->decl_type() != Decl::TYPE ) - { - throw Exception(id, strfmt("not a type declaration: %s", id->Name())); - } - - TypeDecl* type_decl = static_cast(decl); - ASSERT(type_decl); - - type_decl->AddAttrs(attrlist); - - return decl; - } +namespace { + +Decl* find_decl(const ID* id) { + Decl* decl = Decl::LookUpDecl(id); + if ( ! decl ) { + throw Exception(id, strfmt("cannot find declaration for %s", id->Name())); + } + + return decl; +} + +} // namespace + +Decl* ProcessTypeRedef(const ID* id, FieldList* fieldlist) { + Decl* decl = find_decl(id); + + if ( decl->decl_type() != Decl::TYPE ) { + throw Exception(id, strfmt("not a type declaration: %s", id->Name())); + } + + TypeDecl* type_decl = static_cast(decl); + ASSERT(type_decl); + Type* type = type_decl->type(); + + foreach (i, FieldList, fieldlist) { + Field* f = *i; + + // One cannot change data layout in 'redef'. + // Only 'let' or 'action' can be added + if ( f->tof() == LET_FIELD || f->tof() == WITHINPUT_FIELD ) { + type->AddField(f); + } + else if ( f->tof() == RECORD_FIELD || f->tof() == PADDING_FIELD ) { + throw Exception(f, "cannot change data layout in redef"); + } + else if ( f->tof() == CASE_FIELD ) { + throw Exception(f, "use 'redef case' adding cases"); + } + } + + return decl; +} + +Decl* ProcessCaseTypeRedef(const ID* id, CaseFieldList* casefieldlist) { + Decl* decl = find_decl(id); + + if ( decl->decl_type() != Decl::TYPE ) { + throw Exception(id, strfmt("not a type declaration: %s", id->Name())); + } + + TypeDecl* type_decl = static_cast(decl); + ASSERT(type_decl); + + Type* type = type_decl->type(); + if ( type->tot() != Type::CASE ) { + throw Exception(id, strfmt("not a case type: %s", id->Name())); + } + + CaseType* casetype = static_cast(type); + ASSERT(casetype); + + foreach (i, CaseFieldList, casefieldlist) { + CaseField* f = *i; + casetype->AddCaseField(f); + } + + return decl; +} + +Decl* ProcessCaseExprRedef(const ID* id, CaseExprList* caseexprlist) { + Decl* decl = find_decl(id); + + if ( decl->decl_type() != Decl::FUNC ) { + throw Exception(id, strfmt("not a function declaration: %s", id->Name())); + } + + FuncDecl* func_decl = static_cast(decl); + ASSERT(func_decl); + + Expr* expr = func_decl->function()->expr(); + if ( ! expr || expr->expr_type() != Expr::EXPR_CASE ) { + throw Exception(id, strfmt("function not defined by a case expression: %s", id->Name())); + } + + foreach (i, CaseExprList, caseexprlist) { + CaseExpr* e = *i; + expr->AddCaseExpr(e); + } + + return decl; +} + +Decl* ProcessAnalyzerRedef(const ID* id, Decl::DeclType decl_type, AnalyzerElementList* elements) { + Decl* decl = find_decl(id); + + if ( decl->decl_type() != decl_type ) { + throw Exception(id, strfmt("not a connection/flow declaration: %s", id->Name())); + } + + AnalyzerDecl* analyzer_decl = static_cast(decl); + ASSERT(analyzer_decl); + + analyzer_decl->AddElements(elements); + + return decl; +} + +Decl* ProcessTypeAttrRedef(const ID* id, AttrList* attrlist) { + Decl* decl = find_decl(id); + + if ( decl->decl_type() != Decl::TYPE ) { + throw Exception(id, strfmt("not a type declaration: %s", id->Name())); + } + + TypeDecl* type_decl = static_cast(decl); + ASSERT(type_decl); + + type_decl->AddAttrs(attrlist); + + return decl; +} diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 42718ad..fc7c484 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -9,71 +9,55 @@ const char* RegEx::kREMatcherType = "RegExMatcher"; const char* RegEx::kMatchPrefix = "MatchPrefix"; -string escape_char(const string& s) - { - char* buf = new char[s.length() * 2 + 1]; - int j = 0; - for ( int i = 0; i < (int)s.length(); ++i ) - { - if ( s[i] == '\\' ) - { - if ( i + 1 < (int)s.length() ) - { - buf[j++] = '\\'; - if ( s[i + 1] == '/' ) - buf[j - 1] = s[++i]; - else if ( s[i + 1] == '/' || s[i + 1] == '\\' || s[i + 1] == '"' ) - buf[j++] = s[++i]; - else - buf[j++] = '\\'; - } - } - else if ( s[i] == '"' ) - { - buf[j++] = '\\'; - buf[j++] = '"'; - } - else - { - buf[j++] = s[i]; - } - } - - buf[j++] = '\0'; - - string rval = buf; - delete[] buf; - return rval; - } - -RegEx::RegEx(const string& s) - { - str_ = escape_char(s); - string prefix = strfmt("%s_re_", current_decl_id->Name()); - matcher_id_ = ID::NewAnonymousID(prefix); - decl_ = new RegExDecl(this); - } - -RegEx::~RegEx() { } - -RegExDecl::RegExDecl(RegEx* regex) : Decl(regex->matcher_id(), REGEX) - { - regex_ = regex; - } - -void RegExDecl::Prepare() - { - global_env()->AddID(id(), GLOBAL_VAR, extern_type_re_matcher); - } - -void RegExDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) - { - out_h->println("extern %s %s;\n", RegEx::kREMatcherType, - global_env()->LValue(regex_->matcher_id())); - } - -void RegExDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - out_cc->println("%s %s(\"%s\");\n", RegEx::kREMatcherType, - global_env()->LValue(regex_->matcher_id()), regex_->str().c_str()); - } +string escape_char(const string& s) { + char* buf = new char[s.length() * 2 + 1]; + int j = 0; + for ( int i = 0; i < (int)s.length(); ++i ) { + if ( s[i] == '\\' ) { + if ( i + 1 < (int)s.length() ) { + buf[j++] = '\\'; + if ( s[i + 1] == '/' ) + buf[j - 1] = s[++i]; + else if ( s[i + 1] == '/' || s[i + 1] == '\\' || s[i + 1] == '"' ) + buf[j++] = s[++i]; + else + buf[j++] = '\\'; + } + } + else if ( s[i] == '"' ) { + buf[j++] = '\\'; + buf[j++] = '"'; + } + else { + buf[j++] = s[i]; + } + } + + buf[j++] = '\0'; + + string rval = buf; + delete[] buf; + return rval; +} + +RegEx::RegEx(const string& s) { + str_ = escape_char(s); + string prefix = strfmt("%s_re_", current_decl_id->Name()); + matcher_id_ = ID::NewAnonymousID(prefix); + decl_ = new RegExDecl(this); +} + +RegEx::~RegEx() {} + +RegExDecl::RegExDecl(RegEx* regex) : Decl(regex->matcher_id(), REGEX) { regex_ = regex; } + +void RegExDecl::Prepare() { global_env()->AddID(id(), GLOBAL_VAR, extern_type_re_matcher); } + +void RegExDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) { + out_h->println("extern %s %s;\n", RegEx::kREMatcherType, global_env()->LValue(regex_->matcher_id())); +} + +void RegExDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + out_cc->println("%s %s(\"%s\");\n", RegEx::kREMatcherType, global_env()->LValue(regex_->matcher_id()), + regex_->str().c_str()); +} diff --git a/src/pac_regex.h b/src/pac_regex.h index 2cf48cf..93487b8 100644 --- a/src/pac_regex.h +++ b/src/pac_regex.h @@ -6,36 +6,34 @@ class RegExDecl; -class RegEx : public Object - { +class RegEx : public Object { public: - RegEx(const string& str); - ~RegEx(); + RegEx(const string& str); + ~RegEx(); - const string& str() const { return str_; } - ID* matcher_id() const { return matcher_id_; } + const string& str() const { return str_; } + ID* matcher_id() const { return matcher_id_; } private: - string str_; - ID* matcher_id_; - RegExDecl* decl_; + string str_; + ID* matcher_id_; + RegExDecl* decl_; public: - static const char* kREMatcherType; - static const char* kMatchPrefix; - }; + static const char* kREMatcherType; + static const char* kMatchPrefix; +}; -class RegExDecl : public Decl - { +class RegExDecl : public Decl { public: - RegExDecl(RegEx* regex); + RegExDecl(RegEx* regex); - void Prepare() override; - void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; - void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + void Prepare() override; + void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; + void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; private: - RegEx* regex_; - }; + RegEx* regex_; +}; #endif // pac_regex_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 3164c48..03aba62 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -4,23 +4,20 @@ #include "pac_output.h" #include "pac_type.h" -void StateVar::GenDecl(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - out_h->println("%s %s;", type_->DataTypeStr().c_str(), env->LValue(id_)); - } +void StateVar::GenDecl(Output* out_h, Env* env) { + out_h->println("%s %s;", type_->DataTypeStr().c_str(), env->LValue(id_)); +} -void StateVar::GenAccessFunction(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - out_h->println("%s %s const { return %s; }", type_->DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), - env->RValue(id_), env->LValue(id_)); - } +void StateVar::GenAccessFunction(Output* out_h, Env* env) { + out_h->println("%s %s const { return %s; }", type_->DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), env->RValue(id_), + env->LValue(id_)); +} -void StateVar::GenSetFunction(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - out_h->println("void %s(%s x) { %s = x; }", set_function(id_).c_str(), - type_->DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), env->LValue(id_)); - } +void StateVar::GenSetFunction(Output* out_h, Env* env) { + out_h->println("void %s(%s x) { %s = x; }", set_function(id_).c_str(), type_->DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), + env->LValue(id_)); +} -void StateVar::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { } +void StateVar::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) {} -void StateVar::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { } +void StateVar::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) {} diff --git a/src/pac_state.h b/src/pac_state.h index b9ac972..d54219d 100644 --- a/src/pac_state.h +++ b/src/pac_state.h @@ -5,23 +5,22 @@ #include "pac_common.h" -class StateVar - { +class StateVar { public: - StateVar(ID* id, Type* type) : id_(id), type_(type) { } + StateVar(ID* id, Type* type) : id_(id), type_(type) {} - const ID* id() const { return id_; } - Type* type() const { return type_; } + const ID* id() const { return id_; } + Type* type() const { return type_; } - void GenDecl(Output* out_h, Env* env); - void GenAccessFunction(Output* out_h, Env* env); - void GenSetFunction(Output* out_h, Env* env); - void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env); - void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env); + void GenDecl(Output* out_h, Env* env); + void GenAccessFunction(Output* out_h, Env* env); + void GenSetFunction(Output* out_h, Env* env); + void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env); + void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env); private: - ID* id_; - Type* type_; - }; + ID* id_; + Type* type_; +}; #endif // pac_state_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 6fa64bf..99fe7b3 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -15,388 +15,293 @@ const char* StringType::kStringTypeName = "bytestring"; const char* StringType::kConstStringTypeName = "const_bytestring"; -StringType::StringType(StringTypeEnum anystr) - : Type(STRING), type_(ANYSTR), str_(nullptr), regex_(nullptr) - { - ASSERT(anystr == ANYSTR); - init(); - } - -StringType::StringType(ConstString* str) : Type(STRING), type_(CSTR), str_(str), regex_(nullptr) - { - init(); - } - -StringType::StringType(RegEx* regex) : Type(STRING), type_(REGEX), str_(nullptr), regex_(regex) - { - ASSERT(regex_); - init(); - } - -void StringType::init() - { - string_length_var_field_ = nullptr; - elem_datatype_ = new BuiltInType(BuiltInType::UINT8); - } - -StringType::~StringType() - { - // TODO: Unref for Objects - // Question: why Unref? - // - // Unref(str_); - // Unref(regex_); - - delete string_length_var_field_; - delete elem_datatype_; - } - -Type* StringType::DoClone() const - { - StringType* clone; - - switch ( type_ ) - { - case ANYSTR: - clone = new StringType(ANYSTR); - break; - case CSTR: - clone = new StringType(str_); - break; - case REGEX: - clone = new StringType(regex_); - break; - default: - ASSERT(0); - return nullptr; - } - - return clone; - } - -bool StringType::DefineValueVar() const - { - return true; - } - -string StringType::DataTypeStr() const - { - return strfmt("%s", persistent() ? kStringTypeName : kConstStringTypeName); - } - -Type* StringType::ElementDataType() const - { - return elem_datatype_; - } - -void StringType::ProcessAttr(Attr* a) - { - Type::ProcessAttr(a); - - switch ( a->type() ) - { - case ATTR_CHUNKED: - { - if ( type_ != ANYSTR ) - { - throw Exception(a, "&chunked can be applied" - " to only type bytestring"); - } - attr_chunked_ = true; - SetBoundaryChecked(); - } - break; - - case ATTR_RESTOFDATA: - { - if ( type_ != ANYSTR ) - { - throw Exception(a, "&restofdata can be applied" - " to only type bytestring"); - } - attr_restofdata_ = true; - // As the string automatically extends to the end of - // data, we do not have to check boundary. - SetBoundaryChecked(); - } - break; - - case ATTR_RESTOFFLOW: - { - if ( type_ != ANYSTR ) - { - throw Exception(a, "&restofflow can be applied" - " to only type bytestring"); - } - attr_restofflow_ = true; - // As the string automatically extends to the end of - // flow, we do not have to check boundary. - SetBoundaryChecked(); - } - break; - - default: - break; - } - } - -void StringType::Prepare(Env* env, int flags) - { - if ( (flags & TO_BE_PARSED) && StaticSize(env) < 0 ) - { - ID* string_length_var = new ID( - strfmt("%s_string_length", value_var() ? value_var()->Name() : "val")); - string_length_var_field_ = new TempVarField(string_length_var, extern_type_int->Clone()); - string_length_var_field_->Prepare(env); - } - Type::Prepare(env, flags); - } - -void StringType::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - Type::GenPubDecls(out_h, env); - } - -void StringType::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - Type::GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); - } - -void StringType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - } - -void StringType::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - Type::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); - if ( persistent() ) - out_cc->println(";", env->LValue(value_var())); - } - -void StringType::DoMarkIncrementalInput() - { - if ( attr_restofflow_ ) - { - // Do nothing - ASSERT(type_ == ANYSTR); - } - else - { - Type::DoMarkIncrementalInput(); - } - } - -int StringType::StaticSize(Env* env) const - { - switch ( type_ ) - { - case CSTR: - // Use length of the unescaped string - return str_->unescaped().length(); - case REGEX: - // TODO: static size for a regular expression? - case ANYSTR: - return -1; - - default: - ASSERT(0); - return -1; - } - } - -const ID* StringType::string_length_var() const - { - return string_length_var_field_ ? string_length_var_field_->id() : nullptr; - } - -void StringType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - ASSERT(StaticSize(env) < 0); - DEBUG_MSG("Generating dynamic size for string `%s'\n", value_var()->Name()); - - if ( env->Evaluated(string_length_var()) ) - return; - - string_length_var_field_->GenTempDecls(out_cc, env); - - switch ( type_ ) - { - case ANYSTR: - GenDynamicSizeAnyStr(out_cc, env, data); - break; - case CSTR: - ASSERT(0); - break; - case REGEX: - // TODO: static size for a regular expression? - GenDynamicSizeRegEx(out_cc, env, data); - break; - } - - if ( ! incremental_input() && AddSizeVar(out_cc, env) ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(size_var()), env->RValue(string_length_var())); - env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); - } - } - -string StringType::GenStringSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - int static_size = StaticSize(env); - if ( static_size >= 0 ) - return strfmt("%d", static_size); - GenDynamicSize(out_cc, env, data); - return env->RValue(string_length_var()); - } - -void StringType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) - { - string str_size = GenStringSize(out_cc, env, data); - - // Generate additional checking - switch ( type_ ) - { - case CSTR: - GenCheckingCStr(out_cc, env, data, str_size); - break; - case REGEX: - case ANYSTR: - break; - } - - if ( ! anonymous_value_var() ) - { - // Set the value variable - - int len; - - if ( type_ == ANYSTR && attr_length_expr_ && attr_length_expr_->ConstFold(env, &len) ) - { - // can check for a negative length now - if ( len < 0 ) - throw Exception(this, "negative &length on string"); - } - else - { - out_cc->println("// check for negative sizes"); - out_cc->println("if ( %s < 0 )", str_size.c_str()); - out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionInvalidStringLength(\"%s\", %s);", Location(), - str_size.c_str()); - } - - out_cc->println("%s.init(%s, %s);", env->LValue(value_var()), data.ptr_expr(), - str_size.c_str()); - } - - if ( parsing_complete_var() ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = true;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); - } - } - -void StringType::GenStringMismatch(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, string pattern) - { - string tmp = strfmt("string((const char *) (%s), (const char *) %s).c_str()", data.ptr_expr(), - env->RValue(end_of_data)); - out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionStringMismatch(\"%s\", %s, %s);", Location(), - pattern.c_str(), tmp.c_str()); - } - -void StringType::GenCheckingCStr(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, - const string& str_size) - { - // TODO: extend it for dynamic strings - ASSERT(type_ == CSTR); - - GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); - - string str_val = str_->str(); - - // Compare the string and report error on mismatch - out_cc->println("if ( memcmp(%s, %s, %s) != 0 )", data.ptr_expr(), str_val.c_str(), - str_size.c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - GenStringMismatch(out_cc, env, data, str_val); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - -void StringType::GenDynamicSizeRegEx(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - // string_length_var = - // matcher.match_prefix( - // begin, - // end); - - out_cc->println("%s = ", env->LValue(string_length_var())); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - - out_cc->println("%s.%s(", env->RValue(regex_->matcher_id()), RegEx::kMatchPrefix); - - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("%s,", data.ptr_expr()); - out_cc->println("%s - %s);", env->RValue(end_of_data), data.ptr_expr()); - - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - env->SetEvaluated(string_length_var()); - - out_cc->println("if ( %s < 0 )", env->RValue(string_length_var())); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - string tmp = strfmt("\"%s\"", regex_->str().c_str()); - GenStringMismatch(out_cc, env, data, tmp); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - -void StringType::GenDynamicSizeAnyStr(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - ASSERT(type_ == ANYSTR); - - if ( attr_restofdata_ || attr_oneline_ ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = (%s) - (%s);", env->LValue(string_length_var()), - env->RValue(end_of_data), data.ptr_expr()); - } - else if ( attr_restofflow_ ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = (%s) - (%s);", env->LValue(string_length_var()), - env->RValue(end_of_data), data.ptr_expr()); - } - else if ( attr_length_expr_ ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(string_length_var()), - attr_length_expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - } - else - { - throw Exception(this, "cannot determine length of bytestring"); - } - - env->SetEvaluated(string_length_var()); - } - -bool StringType::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - if ( ! Type::DoTraverse(visitor) ) - return false; - - switch ( type_ ) - { - case ANYSTR: - case CSTR: - case REGEX: - break; - } - - return true; - } - -void StringType::static_init() - { - Type::AddPredefinedType("bytestring", new StringType(ANYSTR)); - } +StringType::StringType(StringTypeEnum anystr) : Type(STRING), type_(ANYSTR), str_(nullptr), regex_(nullptr) { + ASSERT(anystr == ANYSTR); + init(); +} + +StringType::StringType(ConstString* str) : Type(STRING), type_(CSTR), str_(str), regex_(nullptr) { init(); } + +StringType::StringType(RegEx* regex) : Type(STRING), type_(REGEX), str_(nullptr), regex_(regex) { + ASSERT(regex_); + init(); +} + +void StringType::init() { + string_length_var_field_ = nullptr; + elem_datatype_ = new BuiltInType(BuiltInType::UINT8); +} + +StringType::~StringType() { + // TODO: Unref for Objects + // Question: why Unref? + // + // Unref(str_); + // Unref(regex_); + + delete string_length_var_field_; + delete elem_datatype_; +} + +Type* StringType::DoClone() const { + StringType* clone; + + switch ( type_ ) { + case ANYSTR: clone = new StringType(ANYSTR); break; + case CSTR: clone = new StringType(str_); break; + case REGEX: clone = new StringType(regex_); break; + default: ASSERT(0); return nullptr; + } + + return clone; +} + +bool StringType::DefineValueVar() const { return true; } + +string StringType::DataTypeStr() const { return strfmt("%s", persistent() ? kStringTypeName : kConstStringTypeName); } + +Type* StringType::ElementDataType() const { return elem_datatype_; } + +void StringType::ProcessAttr(Attr* a) { + Type::ProcessAttr(a); + + switch ( a->type() ) { + case ATTR_CHUNKED: { + if ( type_ != ANYSTR ) { + throw Exception(a, + "&chunked can be applied" + " to only type bytestring"); + } + attr_chunked_ = true; + SetBoundaryChecked(); + } break; + + case ATTR_RESTOFDATA: { + if ( type_ != ANYSTR ) { + throw Exception(a, + "&restofdata can be applied" + " to only type bytestring"); + } + attr_restofdata_ = true; + // As the string automatically extends to the end of + // data, we do not have to check boundary. + SetBoundaryChecked(); + } break; + + case ATTR_RESTOFFLOW: { + if ( type_ != ANYSTR ) { + throw Exception(a, + "&restofflow can be applied" + " to only type bytestring"); + } + attr_restofflow_ = true; + // As the string automatically extends to the end of + // flow, we do not have to check boundary. + SetBoundaryChecked(); + } break; + + default: break; + } +} + +void StringType::Prepare(Env* env, int flags) { + if ( (flags & TO_BE_PARSED) && StaticSize(env) < 0 ) { + ID* string_length_var = new ID(strfmt("%s_string_length", value_var() ? value_var()->Name() : "val")); + string_length_var_field_ = new TempVarField(string_length_var, extern_type_int->Clone()); + string_length_var_field_->Prepare(env); + } + Type::Prepare(env, flags); +} + +void StringType::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { Type::GenPubDecls(out_h, env); } + +void StringType::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { Type::GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); } + +void StringType::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { Type::GenInitCode(out_cc, env); } + +void StringType::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + Type::GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); + if ( persistent() ) + out_cc->println(";", env->LValue(value_var())); +} + +void StringType::DoMarkIncrementalInput() { + if ( attr_restofflow_ ) { + // Do nothing + ASSERT(type_ == ANYSTR); + } + else { + Type::DoMarkIncrementalInput(); + } +} + +int StringType::StaticSize(Env* env) const { + switch ( type_ ) { + case CSTR: + // Use length of the unescaped string + return str_->unescaped().length(); + case REGEX: + // TODO: static size for a regular expression? + case ANYSTR: return -1; + + default: ASSERT(0); return -1; + } +} + +const ID* StringType::string_length_var() const { + return string_length_var_field_ ? string_length_var_field_->id() : nullptr; +} + +void StringType::GenDynamicSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { + ASSERT(StaticSize(env) < 0); + DEBUG_MSG("Generating dynamic size for string `%s'\n", value_var()->Name()); + + if ( env->Evaluated(string_length_var()) ) + return; + + string_length_var_field_->GenTempDecls(out_cc, env); + + switch ( type_ ) { + case ANYSTR: GenDynamicSizeAnyStr(out_cc, env, data); break; + case CSTR: ASSERT(0); break; + case REGEX: + // TODO: static size for a regular expression? + GenDynamicSizeRegEx(out_cc, env, data); + break; + } + + if ( ! incremental_input() && AddSizeVar(out_cc, env) ) { + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(size_var()), env->RValue(string_length_var())); + env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); + } +} + +string StringType::GenStringSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { + int static_size = StaticSize(env); + if ( static_size >= 0 ) + return strfmt("%d", static_size); + GenDynamicSize(out_cc, env, data); + return env->RValue(string_length_var()); +} + +void StringType::DoGenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) { + string str_size = GenStringSize(out_cc, env, data); + + // Generate additional checking + switch ( type_ ) { + case CSTR: GenCheckingCStr(out_cc, env, data, str_size); break; + case REGEX: + case ANYSTR: break; + } + + if ( ! anonymous_value_var() ) { + // Set the value variable + + int len; + + if ( type_ == ANYSTR && attr_length_expr_ && attr_length_expr_->ConstFold(env, &len) ) { + // can check for a negative length now + if ( len < 0 ) + throw Exception(this, "negative &length on string"); + } + else { + out_cc->println("// check for negative sizes"); + out_cc->println("if ( %s < 0 )", str_size.c_str()); + out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionInvalidStringLength(\"%s\", %s);", Location(), str_size.c_str()); + } + + out_cc->println("%s.init(%s, %s);", env->LValue(value_var()), data.ptr_expr(), str_size.c_str()); + } + + if ( parsing_complete_var() ) { + out_cc->println("%s = true;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); + } +} + +void StringType::GenStringMismatch(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, string pattern) { + string tmp = + strfmt("string((const char *) (%s), (const char *) %s).c_str()", data.ptr_expr(), env->RValue(end_of_data)); + out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionStringMismatch(\"%s\", %s, %s);", Location(), pattern.c_str(), tmp.c_str()); +} + +void StringType::GenCheckingCStr(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, const string& str_size) { + // TODO: extend it for dynamic strings + ASSERT(type_ == CSTR); + + GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); + + string str_val = str_->str(); + + // Compare the string and report error on mismatch + out_cc->println("if ( memcmp(%s, %s, %s) != 0 )", data.ptr_expr(), str_val.c_str(), str_size.c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + GenStringMismatch(out_cc, env, data, str_val); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); +} + +void StringType::GenDynamicSizeRegEx(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { + // string_length_var = + // matcher.match_prefix( + // begin, + // end); + + out_cc->println("%s = ", env->LValue(string_length_var())); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + + out_cc->println("%s.%s(", env->RValue(regex_->matcher_id()), RegEx::kMatchPrefix); + + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("%s,", data.ptr_expr()); + out_cc->println("%s - %s);", env->RValue(end_of_data), data.ptr_expr()); + + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + env->SetEvaluated(string_length_var()); + + out_cc->println("if ( %s < 0 )", env->RValue(string_length_var())); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + string tmp = strfmt("\"%s\"", regex_->str().c_str()); + GenStringMismatch(out_cc, env, data, tmp); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); +} + +void StringType::GenDynamicSizeAnyStr(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { + ASSERT(type_ == ANYSTR); + + if ( attr_restofdata_ || attr_oneline_ ) { + out_cc->println("%s = (%s) - (%s);", env->LValue(string_length_var()), env->RValue(end_of_data), + data.ptr_expr()); + } + else if ( attr_restofflow_ ) { + out_cc->println("%s = (%s) - (%s);", env->LValue(string_length_var()), env->RValue(end_of_data), + data.ptr_expr()); + } + else if ( attr_length_expr_ ) { + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(string_length_var()), attr_length_expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + } + else { + throw Exception(this, "cannot determine length of bytestring"); + } + + env->SetEvaluated(string_length_var()); +} + +bool StringType::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { + if ( ! Type::DoTraverse(visitor) ) + return false; + + switch ( type_ ) { + case ANYSTR: + case CSTR: + case REGEX: break; + } + + return true; +} + +void StringType::static_init() { Type::AddPredefinedType("bytestring", new StringType(ANYSTR)); } diff --git a/src/pac_strtype.h b/src/pac_strtype.h index f4acdc0..ce087d1 100644 --- a/src/pac_strtype.h +++ b/src/pac_strtype.h @@ -4,83 +4,77 @@ #include "pac_type.h" // TODO: question: shall we merge it with ArrayType? -class StringType : public Type - { +class StringType : public Type { public: - enum StringTypeEnum - { - CSTR, - REGEX, - ANYSTR - }; + enum StringTypeEnum { CSTR, REGEX, ANYSTR }; - explicit StringType(StringTypeEnum anystr); - explicit StringType(ConstString* str); - explicit StringType(RegEx* regex); - ~StringType() override; + explicit StringType(StringTypeEnum anystr); + explicit StringType(ConstString* str); + explicit StringType(RegEx* regex); + ~StringType() override; - bool DefineValueVar() const override; - string DataTypeStr() const override; - string DefaultValue() const override { return "0"; } - Type* ElementDataType() const override; + bool DefineValueVar() const override; + string DataTypeStr() const override; + string DefaultValue() const override { return "0"; } + Type* ElementDataType() const override; - void Prepare(Env* env, int flags) override; + void Prepare(Env* env, int flags) override; - void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; + void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env) override; - void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override; + void DoMarkIncrementalInput() override; - int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; + int StaticSize(Env* env) const override; - bool IsPointerType() const override { return false; } + bool IsPointerType() const override { return false; } - void ProcessAttr(Attr* a) override; + void ProcessAttr(Attr* a) override; protected: - void init(); + void init(); - // Generate computation of size of the string and returns the string - // representing a constant integer or name of the length variable. - string GenStringSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); + // Generate computation of size of the string and returns the string + // representing a constant integer or name of the length variable. + string GenStringSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); - // Generate a string mismatch exception - void GenStringMismatch(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, string pattern); + // Generate a string mismatch exception + void GenStringMismatch(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, string pattern); - void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; + void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) override; - void GenCheckingCStr(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, const string& str_size); + void GenCheckingCStr(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, const string& str_size); - void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; - void GenDynamicSizeAnyStr(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); - void GenDynamicSizeRegEx(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); + void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) override; + void GenDynamicSizeAnyStr(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); + void GenDynamicSizeRegEx(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); - Type* DoClone() const override; + Type* DoClone() const override; - // TODO: insensitive towards byte order till we support unicode - bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override { return false; } + // TODO: insensitive towards byte order till we support unicode + bool ByteOrderSensitive() const override { return false; } protected: - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; private: - const ID* string_length_var() const; + const ID* string_length_var() const; - StringTypeEnum type_; - ConstString* str_; - RegEx* regex_; - Field* string_length_var_field_; - Type* elem_datatype_; + StringTypeEnum type_; + ConstString* str_; + RegEx* regex_; + Field* string_length_var_field_; + Type* elem_datatype_; public: - static void static_init(); + static void static_init(); private: - static const char* kStringTypeName; - static const char* kConstStringTypeName; - }; + static const char* kStringTypeName; + static const char* kConstStringTypeName; +}; #endif // pac_strtype_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 6b4a4f4..b507777 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -22,1095 +22,903 @@ Type::type_map_t Type::type_map_; -Type::Type(TypeType tot) : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::TYPE), tot_(tot) - { - type_decl_ = nullptr; - type_decl_id_ = current_decl_id; - declared_as_type_ = false; - env_ = nullptr; - value_var_ = default_value_var; - ASSERT(value_var_); - value_var_type_ = MEMBER_VAR; - anonymous_value_var_ = false; - size_var_field_ = nullptr; - size_expr_ = nullptr; - boundary_checked_ = false; - parsing_complete_var_field_ = nullptr; - parsing_state_var_field_ = nullptr; - buffering_state_var_field_ = nullptr; - has_value_field_ = nullptr; - - array_until_input_ = nullptr; - - incremental_input_ = false; - buffer_input_ = false; - incremental_parsing_ = false; - - fields_ = new FieldList(); - - attrs_ = new AttrList(); - attr_byteorder_expr_ = nullptr; - attr_checks_ = new ExprList(); - attr_enforces_ = new ExprList(); - attr_chunked_ = false; - attr_exportsourcedata_ = false; - attr_if_expr_ = nullptr; - attr_length_expr_ = nullptr; - attr_letfields_ = nullptr; - attr_multiline_end_ = nullptr; - attr_linebreaker_ = nullptr; - attr_oneline_ = false; - attr_refcount_ = false; - attr_requires_ = new ExprList(); - attr_restofdata_ = false; - attr_restofflow_ = false; - attr_transient_ = false; - } - -Type::~Type() - { - delete size_var_field_; - delete parsing_complete_var_field_; - delete parsing_state_var_field_; - delete buffering_state_var_field_; - delete has_value_field_; - delete[] size_expr_; - delete_list(FieldList, fields_); - delete attrs_; - delete attr_byteorder_expr_; - delete attr_if_expr_; - delete attr_length_expr_; - delete_list(ExprList, attr_checks_); - delete_list(ExprList, attr_enforces_); - delete_list(ExprList, attr_requires_); - } - -Type* Type::Clone() const - { - Type* clone = DoClone(); - if ( clone ) - { - foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) - { - Field* f = *i; - clone->AddField(f); - } - - foreach (i, AttrList, attrs_) - { - Attr* a = *i; - clone->ProcessAttr(a); - } - } - return clone; - } - -string Type::EvalMember(const ID* member_id) const - { - ASSERT(0); - return "@@@"; - } - -string Type::EvalElement(const string& array, const string& index) const - { - return strfmt("%s[%s]", array.c_str(), index.c_str()); - } - -const ID* Type::decl_id() const - { - return type_decl_id_; - } - -void Type::set_type_decl(const TypeDecl* decl, bool declared_as_type) - { - type_decl_ = decl; - type_decl_id_ = decl->id(); - declared_as_type_ = declared_as_type; - } - -void Type::set_value_var(const ID* arg_id, int arg_id_type) - { - value_var_ = arg_id; - value_var_type_ = arg_id_type; - - if ( value_var_ ) - anonymous_value_var_ = value_var_->is_anonymous(); - } - -const ID* Type::size_var() const - { - return size_var_field_ ? size_var_field_->id() : nullptr; - } - -void Type::AddField(Field* f) - { - ASSERT(f); - fields_->push_back(f); - } - -void Type::ProcessAttr(Attr* a) - { - switch ( a->type() ) - { - case ATTR_BYTEORDER: - attr_byteorder_expr_ = a->expr(); - break; - - case ATTR_CHECK: - attr_checks_->push_back(a->expr()); - break; - - case ATTR_ENFORCE: - attr_enforces_->push_back(a->expr()); - break; - - case ATTR_EXPORTSOURCEDATA: - attr_exportsourcedata_ = true; - break; - - case ATTR_LENGTH: - attr_length_expr_ = a->expr(); - break; - - case ATTR_IF: - attr_if_expr_ = a->expr(); - break; - - case ATTR_LET: - { - LetAttr* letattr = static_cast(a); - if ( ! attr_letfields_ ) - attr_letfields_ = letattr->letfields(); - else - { - // Append to attr_letfields_ - attr_letfields_->insert(attr_letfields_->end(), letattr->letfields()->begin(), - letattr->letfields()->end()); - } - } - break; - - case ATTR_LINEBREAKER: - if ( strlen(a->expr()->orig()) != 6 ) - throw Exception(this, "invalid line breaker length, must be a single ASCII " - "character. (Ex: \"\\001\".)"); - attr_linebreaker_ = a->expr(); - break; - - case ATTR_MULTILINE: - attr_multiline_end_ = a->expr(); - break; - - case ATTR_ONELINE: - attr_oneline_ = true; - break; - - case ATTR_REFCOUNT: - attr_refcount_ = true; - break; - - case ATTR_REQUIRES: - attr_requires_->push_back(a->expr()); - break; - - case ATTR_TRANSIENT: - attr_transient_ = true; - break; - - case ATTR_CHUNKED: - case ATTR_UNTIL: - case ATTR_RESTOFDATA: - case ATTR_RESTOFFLOW: - // Ignore - // ... these are processed by { - // {ArrayType, StringType}::ProcessAttr - break; - } - - attrs_->push_back(a); - } - -string Type::EvalByteOrder(Output* out_cc, Env* env) const - { - // If &byteorder is specified for a field, rather - // than a type declaration, we do not add a byteorder variable - // to the class, but instead evaluate it directly. - if ( attr_byteorder_expr() && ! declared_as_type() ) - return attr_byteorder_expr()->EvalExpr(out_cc, global_env()); - env->Evaluate(out_cc, byteorder_id); - return env->RValue(byteorder_id); - } - -void Type::Prepare(Env* env, int flags) - { - env_ = env; - ASSERT(env_); - - // The name of the value variable - if ( value_var() ) - { - data_id_str_ = strfmt("%s:%s", decl_id()->Name(), value_var()->Name()); - } - else - { - data_id_str_ = strfmt("%s", decl_id()->Name()); - } - - if ( value_var() ) - { - env_->AddID(value_var(), static_cast(value_var_type_), this); - lvalue_ = strfmt("%s", env_->LValue(value_var())); - } - - foreach (i, FieldList, attr_letfields_) - { - AddField(*i); - } - - if ( attr_exportsourcedata_ ) - { - ASSERT(flags & TO_BE_PARSED); - AddField(new PubVarField(sourcedata_id->clone(), extern_type_const_bytestring->Clone())); - } - - // An optional field - if ( attr_if_expr() ) - { - ASSERT(value_var()); - ID* has_value_id = new ID(strfmt("has_%s", value_var()->Name())); - has_value_field_ = new LetField(has_value_id, extern_type_bool->Clone(), attr_if_expr()); - AddField(has_value_field_); - } - - if ( incremental_input() ) - { - ASSERT(flags & TO_BE_PARSED); - ID* parsing_complete_var = new ID( - strfmt("%s_parsing_complete", value_var() ? value_var()->Name() : "val")); - DEBUG_MSG("Adding parsing complete var: %s\n", parsing_complete_var->Name()); - parsing_complete_var_field_ = new TempVarField(parsing_complete_var, - extern_type_bool->Clone()); - parsing_complete_var_field_->Prepare(env); - - if ( NeedsBufferingStateVar() && ! env->GetDataType(buffering_state_id) ) - { - buffering_state_var_field_ = new PrivVarField(buffering_state_id->clone(), - extern_type_int->Clone()); - AddField(buffering_state_var_field_); - } - - if ( incremental_parsing() && tot_ == RECORD ) - { - ASSERT(! parsing_state_var_field_); - parsing_state_var_field_ = new PrivVarField(parsing_state_id->clone(), - extern_type_int->Clone()); - AddField(parsing_state_var_field_); - } - } - - foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) - { - Field* f = *i; - f->Prepare(env); - } - } - -void Type::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - if ( DefineValueVar() ) - { - if ( attr_if_expr_ ) - out_h->println("%s %s const { BINPAC_ASSERT(%s); return %s; }", - DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), env->RValue(value_var()), - env->RValue(has_value_var()), lvalue()); - else - out_h->println("%s %s const { return %s; }", DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), - env->RValue(value_var()), lvalue()); - } - - foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) - { - Field* f = *i; - f->GenPubDecls(out_h, env); - } - } - -void Type::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) - { - if ( DefineValueVar() ) - { - out_h->println("%s %s;", DataTypeStr().c_str(), env->LValue(value_var())); - } - - foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) - { - Field* f = *i; - f->GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); - } - } - -void Type::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) - { - Field* f = *i; - f->GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - } - - if ( parsing_state_var_field_ ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(parsing_state_var_field_->id())); - } - - if ( buffering_state_var_field_ ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(buffering_state_var_field_->id())); - } - } - -void Type::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) - { - Field* f = *i; - if ( f->tof() != CASE_FIELD ) - f->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); - } - } - -void Type::GenBufferConfiguration(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - ASSERT(buffer_input()); - - string frame_buffer_arg; - - switch ( buffer_mode() ) - { - case BUFFER_NOTHING: - break; - - case BUFFER_BY_LENGTH: - if ( ! NeedsBufferingStateVar() ) - break; - - ASSERT(env->GetDataType(buffering_state_id)); - out_cc->println("if ( %s == 0 )", env->RValue(buffering_state_id)); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - if ( attr_length_expr_ ) - { - // frame_buffer_arg = attr_length_expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env); - frame_buffer_arg = strfmt("%d", InitialBufferLength()); - } - else if ( attr_restofflow_ ) - { - ASSERT(attr_chunked()); - frame_buffer_arg = "-1"; - } - else - { - ASSERT(0); - } - - out_cc->println("%s->NewFrame(%s, %s);", env->LValue(flow_buffer_id), - frame_buffer_arg.c_str(), attr_chunked() ? "true" : "false"); - - out_cc->println("%s = 1;", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - break; - - case BUFFER_BY_LINE: - ASSERT(env->GetDataType(buffering_state_id)); - out_cc->println("if ( %s == 0 )", env->RValue(buffering_state_id)); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - if ( BufferableWithLineBreaker() ) - out_cc->println("%s->SetLineBreaker((unsigned char*)%s);", - env->LValue(flow_buffer_id), LineBreaker()->orig()); - else - out_cc->println("%s->UnsetLineBreaker();", env->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); - - out_cc->println("%s->NewLine();", env->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); - - out_cc->println("%s = 1;", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - break; - - default: - ASSERT(0); - break; - } - } - -void Type::GenPreParsing(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( incremental_input() && IsPointerType() ) - { - out_cc->println("if ( ! %s )", env->LValue(value_var())); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - GenNewInstance(out_cc, env); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - else - GenNewInstance(out_cc, env); - - if ( buffer_input() ) - { - GenBufferConfiguration(out_cc, env); - } - } +Type::Type(TypeType tot) : DataDepElement(DataDepElement::TYPE), tot_(tot) { + type_decl_ = nullptr; + type_decl_id_ = current_decl_id; + declared_as_type_ = false; + env_ = nullptr; + value_var_ = default_value_var; + ASSERT(value_var_); + value_var_type_ = MEMBER_VAR; + anonymous_value_var_ = false; + size_var_field_ = nullptr; + size_expr_ = nullptr; + boundary_checked_ = false; + parsing_complete_var_field_ = nullptr; + parsing_state_var_field_ = nullptr; + buffering_state_var_field_ = nullptr; + has_value_field_ = nullptr; + + array_until_input_ = nullptr; + + incremental_input_ = false; + buffer_input_ = false; + incremental_parsing_ = false; + + fields_ = new FieldList(); + + attrs_ = new AttrList(); + attr_byteorder_expr_ = nullptr; + attr_checks_ = new ExprList(); + attr_enforces_ = new ExprList(); + attr_chunked_ = false; + attr_exportsourcedata_ = false; + attr_if_expr_ = nullptr; + attr_length_expr_ = nullptr; + attr_letfields_ = nullptr; + attr_multiline_end_ = nullptr; + attr_linebreaker_ = nullptr; + attr_oneline_ = false; + attr_refcount_ = false; + attr_requires_ = new ExprList(); + attr_restofdata_ = false; + attr_restofflow_ = false; + attr_transient_ = false; +} + +Type::~Type() { + delete size_var_field_; + delete parsing_complete_var_field_; + delete parsing_state_var_field_; + delete buffering_state_var_field_; + delete has_value_field_; + delete[] size_expr_; + delete_list(FieldList, fields_); + delete attrs_; + delete attr_byteorder_expr_; + delete attr_if_expr_; + delete attr_length_expr_; + delete_list(ExprList, attr_checks_); + delete_list(ExprList, attr_enforces_); + delete_list(ExprList, attr_requires_); +} + +Type* Type::Clone() const { + Type* clone = DoClone(); + if ( clone ) { + foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) { + Field* f = *i; + clone->AddField(f); + } + + foreach (i, AttrList, attrs_) { + Attr* a = *i; + clone->ProcessAttr(a); + } + } + return clone; +} + +string Type::EvalMember(const ID* member_id) const { + ASSERT(0); + return "@@@"; +} + +string Type::EvalElement(const string& array, const string& index) const { + return strfmt("%s[%s]", array.c_str(), index.c_str()); +} + +const ID* Type::decl_id() const { return type_decl_id_; } + +void Type::set_type_decl(const TypeDecl* decl, bool declared_as_type) { + type_decl_ = decl; + type_decl_id_ = decl->id(); + declared_as_type_ = declared_as_type; +} + +void Type::set_value_var(const ID* arg_id, int arg_id_type) { + value_var_ = arg_id; + value_var_type_ = arg_id_type; + + if ( value_var_ ) + anonymous_value_var_ = value_var_->is_anonymous(); +} + +const ID* Type::size_var() const { return size_var_field_ ? size_var_field_->id() : nullptr; } + +void Type::AddField(Field* f) { + ASSERT(f); + fields_->push_back(f); +} + +void Type::ProcessAttr(Attr* a) { + switch ( a->type() ) { + case ATTR_BYTEORDER: attr_byteorder_expr_ = a->expr(); break; + + case ATTR_CHECK: attr_checks_->push_back(a->expr()); break; + + case ATTR_ENFORCE: attr_enforces_->push_back(a->expr()); break; + + case ATTR_EXPORTSOURCEDATA: attr_exportsourcedata_ = true; break; + + case ATTR_LENGTH: attr_length_expr_ = a->expr(); break; + + case ATTR_IF: attr_if_expr_ = a->expr(); break; + + case ATTR_LET: { + LetAttr* letattr = static_cast(a); + if ( ! attr_letfields_ ) + attr_letfields_ = letattr->letfields(); + else { + // Append to attr_letfields_ + attr_letfields_->insert(attr_letfields_->end(), letattr->letfields()->begin(), + letattr->letfields()->end()); + } + } break; + + case ATTR_LINEBREAKER: + if ( strlen(a->expr()->orig()) != 6 ) + throw Exception(this, + "invalid line breaker length, must be a single ASCII " + "character. (Ex: \"\\001\".)"); + attr_linebreaker_ = a->expr(); + break; + + case ATTR_MULTILINE: attr_multiline_end_ = a->expr(); break; + + case ATTR_ONELINE: attr_oneline_ = true; break; + + case ATTR_REFCOUNT: attr_refcount_ = true; break; + + case ATTR_REQUIRES: attr_requires_->push_back(a->expr()); break; + + case ATTR_TRANSIENT: attr_transient_ = true; break; + + case ATTR_CHUNKED: + case ATTR_UNTIL: + case ATTR_RESTOFDATA: + case ATTR_RESTOFFLOW: + // Ignore + // ... these are processed by { + // {ArrayType, StringType}::ProcessAttr + break; + } + + attrs_->push_back(a); +} + +string Type::EvalByteOrder(Output* out_cc, Env* env) const { + // If &byteorder is specified for a field, rather + // than a type declaration, we do not add a byteorder variable + // to the class, but instead evaluate it directly. + if ( attr_byteorder_expr() && ! declared_as_type() ) + return attr_byteorder_expr()->EvalExpr(out_cc, global_env()); + env->Evaluate(out_cc, byteorder_id); + return env->RValue(byteorder_id); +} + +void Type::Prepare(Env* env, int flags) { + env_ = env; + ASSERT(env_); + + // The name of the value variable + if ( value_var() ) { + data_id_str_ = strfmt("%s:%s", decl_id()->Name(), value_var()->Name()); + } + else { + data_id_str_ = strfmt("%s", decl_id()->Name()); + } + + if ( value_var() ) { + env_->AddID(value_var(), static_cast(value_var_type_), this); + lvalue_ = strfmt("%s", env_->LValue(value_var())); + } + + foreach (i, FieldList, attr_letfields_) { + AddField(*i); + } + + if ( attr_exportsourcedata_ ) { + ASSERT(flags & TO_BE_PARSED); + AddField(new PubVarField(sourcedata_id->clone(), extern_type_const_bytestring->Clone())); + } + + // An optional field + if ( attr_if_expr() ) { + ASSERT(value_var()); + ID* has_value_id = new ID(strfmt("has_%s", value_var()->Name())); + has_value_field_ = new LetField(has_value_id, extern_type_bool->Clone(), attr_if_expr()); + AddField(has_value_field_); + } + + if ( incremental_input() ) { + ASSERT(flags & TO_BE_PARSED); + ID* parsing_complete_var = new ID(strfmt("%s_parsing_complete", value_var() ? value_var()->Name() : "val")); + DEBUG_MSG("Adding parsing complete var: %s\n", parsing_complete_var->Name()); + parsing_complete_var_field_ = new TempVarField(parsing_complete_var, extern_type_bool->Clone()); + parsing_complete_var_field_->Prepare(env); + + if ( NeedsBufferingStateVar() && ! env->GetDataType(buffering_state_id) ) { + buffering_state_var_field_ = new PrivVarField(buffering_state_id->clone(), extern_type_int->Clone()); + AddField(buffering_state_var_field_); + } + + if ( incremental_parsing() && tot_ == RECORD ) { + ASSERT(! parsing_state_var_field_); + parsing_state_var_field_ = new PrivVarField(parsing_state_id->clone(), extern_type_int->Clone()); + AddField(parsing_state_var_field_); + } + } + + foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) { + Field* f = *i; + f->Prepare(env); + } +} + +void Type::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { + if ( DefineValueVar() ) { + if ( attr_if_expr_ ) + out_h->println("%s %s const { BINPAC_ASSERT(%s); return %s; }", DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), + env->RValue(value_var()), env->RValue(has_value_var()), lvalue()); + else + out_h->println("%s %s const { return %s; }", DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), env->RValue(value_var()), + lvalue()); + } + + foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) { + Field* f = *i; + f->GenPubDecls(out_h, env); + } +} + +void Type::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Env* env) { + if ( DefineValueVar() ) { + out_h->println("%s %s;", DataTypeStr().c_str(), env->LValue(value_var())); + } + + foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) { + Field* f = *i; + f->GenPrivDecls(out_h, env); + } +} + +void Type::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) { + Field* f = *i; + f->GenInitCode(out_cc, env); + } + + if ( parsing_state_var_field_ ) { + out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(parsing_state_var_field_->id())); + } + + if ( buffering_state_var_field_ ) { + out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(buffering_state_var_field_->id())); + } +} + +void Type::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) { + Field* f = *i; + if ( f->tof() != CASE_FIELD ) + f->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); + } +} + +void Type::GenBufferConfiguration(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + ASSERT(buffer_input()); + + string frame_buffer_arg; + + switch ( buffer_mode() ) { + case BUFFER_NOTHING: break; + + case BUFFER_BY_LENGTH: + if ( ! NeedsBufferingStateVar() ) + break; + + ASSERT(env->GetDataType(buffering_state_id)); + out_cc->println("if ( %s == 0 )", env->RValue(buffering_state_id)); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + if ( attr_length_expr_ ) { + // frame_buffer_arg = attr_length_expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env); + frame_buffer_arg = strfmt("%d", InitialBufferLength()); + } + else if ( attr_restofflow_ ) { + ASSERT(attr_chunked()); + frame_buffer_arg = "-1"; + } + else { + ASSERT(0); + } + + out_cc->println("%s->NewFrame(%s, %s);", env->LValue(flow_buffer_id), frame_buffer_arg.c_str(), + attr_chunked() ? "true" : "false"); + + out_cc->println("%s = 1;", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + break; + + case BUFFER_BY_LINE: + ASSERT(env->GetDataType(buffering_state_id)); + out_cc->println("if ( %s == 0 )", env->RValue(buffering_state_id)); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + if ( BufferableWithLineBreaker() ) + out_cc->println("%s->SetLineBreaker((unsigned char*)%s);", env->LValue(flow_buffer_id), + LineBreaker()->orig()); + else + out_cc->println("%s->UnsetLineBreaker();", env->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); + + out_cc->println("%s->NewLine();", env->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); + + out_cc->println("%s = 1;", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + break; + + default: ASSERT(0); break; + } +} + +void Type::GenPreParsing(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( incremental_input() && IsPointerType() ) { + out_cc->println("if ( ! %s )", env->LValue(value_var())); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + GenNewInstance(out_cc, env); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } + else + GenNewInstance(out_cc, env); + + if ( buffer_input() ) { + GenBufferConfiguration(out_cc, env); + } +} // Wrappers around DoGenParseCode, which does the real job -void Type::GenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) - { - if ( value_var() && env->Evaluated(value_var()) ) - return; - - DEBUG_MSG("GenParseCode for %s\n", data_id_str_.c_str()); - - if ( attr_if_expr() ) - { - ASSERT(has_value_var()); - ASSERT(env->Evaluated(has_value_var())); - } - - if ( value_var() && anonymous_value_var() ) - { - GenPrivDecls(out_cc, env); - GenInitCode(out_cc, env); - } - - if ( incremental_input() ) - { - parsing_complete_var_field_->GenTempDecls(out_cc, env); - - out_cc->println("%s = false;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); - env->SetEvaluated(parsing_complete_var()); - - if ( buffer_mode() == BUFFER_NOTHING ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = true;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); - } - else if ( buffer_input() ) - { - if ( declared_as_type() ) - GenParseBuffer(out_cc, env, flags); - else - GenBufferingLoop(out_cc, env, flags); - } - else - GenParseCode2(out_cc, env, data, flags); - } - else - { - if ( attr_length_expr_ ) - { - EvalLengthExpr(out_cc, env); - - GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); - - out_cc->println("{"); - out_cc->println("// Setting %s with &length", env->RValue(end_of_data)); - out_cc->println("%s %s = %s + %s;", extern_type_const_byteptr->DataTypeStr().c_str(), - env->LValue(end_of_data), data.ptr_expr(), - EvalLengthExpr(out_cc, env).c_str()); - - GenParseCode2(out_cc, env, data, flags); - - out_cc->println("}"); - } - else - { - GenParseCode2(out_cc, env, data, flags); - } - } - } - -void Type::GenBufferingLoop(Output* out_cc, Env* env, int flags) - { - out_cc->println("while ( ! %s && %s->ready() )", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var()), - env->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); - - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - Env buffer_env(env, this); - GenParseBuffer(out_cc, &buffer_env, flags); - - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - -void Type::GenParseBuffer(Output* out_cc, Env* env, int flags) - { - ASSERT(incremental_input()); - - const ID* data_begin; - - if ( ! incremental_parsing() ) - { - env->AddID(begin_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); - env->AddID(end_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); - - out_cc->println("%s %s = %s->begin();", env->DataTypeStr(begin_of_data).c_str(), - env->LValue(begin_of_data), env->RValue(flow_buffer_id)); - - out_cc->println("%s %s = %s->end();", env->DataTypeStr(end_of_data).c_str(), - env->LValue(end_of_data), env->RValue(flow_buffer_id)); - - env->SetEvaluated(begin_of_data); - env->SetEvaluated(end_of_data); - - data_begin = begin_of_data; - } - else - data_begin = nullptr; - - if ( array_until_input_ ) - { - if ( incremental_parsing() ) - { - throw Exception(this, "cannot handle &until($input...) " - "for incrementally parsed type"); - } - array_until_input_->GenUntilInputCheck(out_cc, env); - } - - DataPtr data(env, data_begin, 0); - - if ( attr_length_expr() ) - { - ASSERT(buffer_mode() == BUFFER_BY_LENGTH); - out_cc->println("switch ( %s )", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - out_cc->println("case 0:"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - GenBufferConfiguration(out_cc, env); - out_cc->println("%s = 1;", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); - out_cc->println("break;"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - out_cc->println("case 1:"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - - out_cc->println("{"); - - out_cc->println("%s = 2;", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); - - Env frame_length_env(env, this); - out_cc->println("%s->GrowFrame(%s);", env->LValue(flow_buffer_id), - attr_length_expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, &frame_length_env)); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->println("break;"); - - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println("case 2:"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - - out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s->ready());", env->RValue(flow_buffer_id)); - out_cc->println("if ( %s->ready() )", env->RValue(flow_buffer_id)); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - Env parse_env(env, this); - GenParseCode2(out_cc, &parse_env, data, 0); - - out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s);", parsing_complete(env).c_str()); - out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - - out_cc->println("break;"); - - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println("default:"); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - - out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s <= 2);", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); - out_cc->println("break;"); - - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - else if ( attr_restofflow_ ) - { - out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s->eof());", env->RValue(flow_buffer_id)); - GenParseCode2(out_cc, env, data, 0); - } - else if ( buffer_mode() == BUFFER_BY_LINE ) - { - GenParseCode2(out_cc, env, data, 0); - out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); - } - else - GenParseCode2(out_cc, env, data, 0); - } - -void Type::GenParseCode2(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) - { - DEBUG_MSG("GenParseCode2 for %s\n", data_id_str_.c_str()); - - if ( attr_exportsourcedata_ ) - { - if ( incremental_parsing() ) - { - throw Exception(this, "cannot export raw data for incrementally parsed types"); - } - - out_cc->println("%s = const_bytestring(%s, %s);", env->LValue(sourcedata_id), - data.ptr_expr(), env->RValue(end_of_data)); - env->SetEvaluated(sourcedata_id); - - GenParseCode3(out_cc, env, data, flags); - - string datasize_str = DataSize(out_cc, env, data); - out_cc->println("%s.set_end(%s + %s);", env->LValue(sourcedata_id), data.ptr_expr(), - datasize_str.c_str()); - } - else - { - GenParseCode3(out_cc, env, data, flags); - } - } - -void Type::GenParseCode3(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) - { - foreach (i, ExprList, attr_requires_) - { - Expr* req = *i; - req->EvalExpr(out_cc, env); - } - - foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) - { - Field* f = *i; - f->GenTempDecls(out_cc, env); - } - - DoGenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, flags); - - if ( incremental_input() ) - { - out_cc->println("if ( %s )", parsing_complete(env).c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - } - - if ( ! fields_->empty() ) - { - out_cc->println("// Evaluate 'let' and 'withinput' fields"); - foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) - { - Field* f = *i; - if ( f->tof() == LET_FIELD ) - { - LetField* lf = static_cast(f); - lf->GenParseCode(out_cc, env); - } - else if ( f->tof() == WITHINPUT_FIELD ) - { - WithInputField* af = static_cast(f); - af->GenParseCode(out_cc, env); - } - } - } - - if ( value_var() && anonymous_value_var() ) - { - GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); - } - - if ( incremental_input() ) - { - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - - if ( value_var() ) - env->SetEvaluated(value_var()); - - if ( size_var() ) - ASSERT(env->Evaluated(size_var())); - - foreach (i, ExprList, attr_enforces_) - { - Expr* enforce = *i; - const char* enforce_expr = enforce->EvalExpr(out_cc, env); - out_cc->println("// Evaluate '&enforce' attribute"); - out_cc->println("if (!%s)", enforce_expr); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionEnforceViolation(\"%s\");", data_id_str_.c_str()); - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - } - -Type* Type::MemberDataType(const ID* member_id) const - { - DEBUG_MSG("MemberDataType: %s::%s\n", type_decl_id_->Name(), member_id->Name()); - ASSERT(env_); - env_->set_allow_undefined_id(true); - Type* t = env_->GetDataType(member_id); - env_->set_allow_undefined_id(false); - return t; - } - -Type* Type::ElementDataType() const - { - return nullptr; - } +void Type::GenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) { + if ( value_var() && env->Evaluated(value_var()) ) + return; + + DEBUG_MSG("GenParseCode for %s\n", data_id_str_.c_str()); + + if ( attr_if_expr() ) { + ASSERT(has_value_var()); + ASSERT(env->Evaluated(has_value_var())); + } + + if ( value_var() && anonymous_value_var() ) { + GenPrivDecls(out_cc, env); + GenInitCode(out_cc, env); + } + + if ( incremental_input() ) { + parsing_complete_var_field_->GenTempDecls(out_cc, env); + + out_cc->println("%s = false;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); + env->SetEvaluated(parsing_complete_var()); + + if ( buffer_mode() == BUFFER_NOTHING ) { + out_cc->println("%s = true;", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var())); + } + else if ( buffer_input() ) { + if ( declared_as_type() ) + GenParseBuffer(out_cc, env, flags); + else + GenBufferingLoop(out_cc, env, flags); + } + else + GenParseCode2(out_cc, env, data, flags); + } + else { + if ( attr_length_expr_ ) { + EvalLengthExpr(out_cc, env); + + GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, data); + + out_cc->println("{"); + out_cc->println("// Setting %s with &length", env->RValue(end_of_data)); + out_cc->println("%s %s = %s + %s;", extern_type_const_byteptr->DataTypeStr().c_str(), + env->LValue(end_of_data), data.ptr_expr(), EvalLengthExpr(out_cc, env).c_str()); + + GenParseCode2(out_cc, env, data, flags); + + out_cc->println("}"); + } + else { + GenParseCode2(out_cc, env, data, flags); + } + } +} + +void Type::GenBufferingLoop(Output* out_cc, Env* env, int flags) { + out_cc->println("while ( ! %s && %s->ready() )", env->LValue(parsing_complete_var()), env->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); + + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + Env buffer_env(env, this); + GenParseBuffer(out_cc, &buffer_env, flags); + + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); +} + +void Type::GenParseBuffer(Output* out_cc, Env* env, int flags) { + ASSERT(incremental_input()); + + const ID* data_begin; + + if ( ! incremental_parsing() ) { + env->AddID(begin_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); + env->AddID(end_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); + + out_cc->println("%s %s = %s->begin();", env->DataTypeStr(begin_of_data).c_str(), env->LValue(begin_of_data), + env->RValue(flow_buffer_id)); + + out_cc->println("%s %s = %s->end();", env->DataTypeStr(end_of_data).c_str(), env->LValue(end_of_data), + env->RValue(flow_buffer_id)); + + env->SetEvaluated(begin_of_data); + env->SetEvaluated(end_of_data); + + data_begin = begin_of_data; + } + else + data_begin = nullptr; + + if ( array_until_input_ ) { + if ( incremental_parsing() ) { + throw Exception(this, + "cannot handle &until($input...) " + "for incrementally parsed type"); + } + array_until_input_->GenUntilInputCheck(out_cc, env); + } + + DataPtr data(env, data_begin, 0); + + if ( attr_length_expr() ) { + ASSERT(buffer_mode() == BUFFER_BY_LENGTH); + out_cc->println("switch ( %s )", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + out_cc->println("case 0:"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + GenBufferConfiguration(out_cc, env); + out_cc->println("%s = 1;", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); + out_cc->println("break;"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + out_cc->println("case 1:"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + + out_cc->println("{"); + + out_cc->println("%s = 2;", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); + + Env frame_length_env(env, this); + out_cc->println("%s->GrowFrame(%s);", env->LValue(flow_buffer_id), + attr_length_expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, &frame_length_env)); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->println("break;"); + + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println("case 2:"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + + out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s->ready());", env->RValue(flow_buffer_id)); + out_cc->println("if ( %s->ready() )", env->RValue(flow_buffer_id)); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + Env parse_env(env, this); + GenParseCode2(out_cc, &parse_env, data, 0); + + out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s);", parsing_complete(env).c_str()); + out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + + out_cc->println("break;"); + + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println("default:"); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + + out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s <= 2);", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); + out_cc->println("break;"); + + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } + else if ( attr_restofflow_ ) { + out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s->eof());", env->RValue(flow_buffer_id)); + GenParseCode2(out_cc, env, data, 0); + } + else if ( buffer_mode() == BUFFER_BY_LINE ) { + GenParseCode2(out_cc, env, data, 0); + out_cc->println("%s = 0;", env->LValue(buffering_state_id)); + } + else + GenParseCode2(out_cc, env, data, 0); +} + +void Type::GenParseCode2(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) { + DEBUG_MSG("GenParseCode2 for %s\n", data_id_str_.c_str()); + + if ( attr_exportsourcedata_ ) { + if ( incremental_parsing() ) { + throw Exception(this, "cannot export raw data for incrementally parsed types"); + } + + out_cc->println("%s = const_bytestring(%s, %s);", env->LValue(sourcedata_id), data.ptr_expr(), + env->RValue(end_of_data)); + env->SetEvaluated(sourcedata_id); + + GenParseCode3(out_cc, env, data, flags); + + string datasize_str = DataSize(out_cc, env, data); + out_cc->println("%s.set_end(%s + %s);", env->LValue(sourcedata_id), data.ptr_expr(), datasize_str.c_str()); + } + else { + GenParseCode3(out_cc, env, data, flags); + } +} + +void Type::GenParseCode3(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) { + foreach (i, ExprList, attr_requires_) { + Expr* req = *i; + req->EvalExpr(out_cc, env); + } + + foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) { + Field* f = *i; + f->GenTempDecls(out_cc, env); + } + + DoGenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, flags); + + if ( incremental_input() ) { + out_cc->println("if ( %s )", parsing_complete(env).c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + } + + if ( ! fields_->empty() ) { + out_cc->println("// Evaluate 'let' and 'withinput' fields"); + foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) { + Field* f = *i; + if ( f->tof() == LET_FIELD ) { + LetField* lf = static_cast(f); + lf->GenParseCode(out_cc, env); + } + else if ( f->tof() == WITHINPUT_FIELD ) { + WithInputField* af = static_cast(f); + af->GenParseCode(out_cc, env); + } + } + } + + if ( value_var() && anonymous_value_var() ) { + GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env); + } + + if ( incremental_input() ) { + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } + + if ( value_var() ) + env->SetEvaluated(value_var()); + + if ( size_var() ) + ASSERT(env->Evaluated(size_var())); + + foreach (i, ExprList, attr_enforces_) { + Expr* enforce = *i; + const char* enforce_expr = enforce->EvalExpr(out_cc, env); + out_cc->println("// Evaluate '&enforce' attribute"); + out_cc->println("if (!%s)", enforce_expr); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + out_cc->println("throw binpac::ExceptionEnforceViolation(\"%s\");", data_id_str_.c_str()); + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } +} + +Type* Type::MemberDataType(const ID* member_id) const { + DEBUG_MSG("MemberDataType: %s::%s\n", type_decl_id_->Name(), member_id->Name()); + ASSERT(env_); + env_->set_allow_undefined_id(true); + Type* t = env_->GetDataType(member_id); + env_->set_allow_undefined_id(false); + return t; +} + +Type* Type::ElementDataType() const { return nullptr; } // Returns false if it is not necessary to add size_var // (it is already added or the type has a fixed size). -bool Type::AddSizeVar(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - if ( size_var() ) - { - DEBUG_MSG("size var `%s' already added\n", size_var()->Name()); - ASSERT(env->Evaluated(size_var())); - return false; - } - - if ( StaticSize(env) >= 0 ) - return false; - - ASSERT(! incremental_input()); - - ID* size_var_id = new ID( - strfmt("%s__size", value_var() ? value_var()->Name() : decl_id()->Name())); - - DEBUG_MSG("adding size var `%s' to env %p\n", size_var_id->Name(), env); - - size_var_field_ = new TempVarField(size_var_id, extern_type_int->Clone()); - size_var_field_->Prepare(env); - size_var_field_->GenTempDecls(out_cc, env); - - return true; - } - -string Type::EvalLengthExpr(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - ASSERT(! incremental_input()); - ASSERT(attr_length_expr_); - int static_length; - if ( attr_length_expr_->ConstFold(env, &static_length) ) - return strfmt("%d", static_length); - // How do we make sure size_var is evaluated with attr_length_expr_? - if ( AddSizeVar(out_cc, env) ) - { - out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(size_var()), - attr_length_expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); - env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); - } - return env->RValue(size_var()); - } - -string Type::DataSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - if ( attr_length_expr_ ) - return EvalLengthExpr(out_cc, env); - - int ss = StaticSize(env); - if ( ss >= 0 ) - { - return strfmt("%d", ss); - } - else - { - if ( ! size_var() || ! env->Evaluated(size_var()) ) - { - ASSERT(out_cc != 0); - GenDynamicSize(out_cc, env, data); - ASSERT(size_var()); - } - return env->RValue(size_var()); - } - } - -void Type::GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - if ( boundary_checked() ) - return; - - data.GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, DataSize(out_cc, env, data).c_str(), data_id_str_.c_str()); - - SetBoundaryChecked(); - } - -bool Type::NeedsCleanUp() const - { - switch ( tot_ ) - { - case EMPTY: - case BUILTIN: - return false; - case ARRAY: - case PARAMETERIZED: - case STRING: - return true; - default: - ASSERT(0); - return true; - } - return true; - } - -bool Type::RequiresByteOrder() const - { - return ! attr_byteorder_expr() && ByteOrderSensitive(); - } - -bool Type::NeedsBufferingStateVar() const - { - if ( ! incremental_input() ) - return false; - switch ( buffer_mode() ) - { - case BUFFER_NOTHING: - case NOT_BUFFERABLE: - return false; - case BUFFER_BY_LINE: - return true; - case BUFFER_BY_LENGTH: - return (attr_length_expr_ || attr_restofflow_); - default: - ASSERT(0); - return false; - } - } - -bool Type::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) - { - if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - } - - foreach (i, AttrList, attrs_) - { - if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) - return false; - } - - return true; - } - -bool Type::RequiresAnalyzerContext() - { - ASSERT(0); - - if ( buffer_input() ) - return true; - - foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) - { - Field* f = *i; - if ( f->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) - return true; - } - - foreach (i, AttrList, attrs_) - if ( (*i)->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) - return true; - - return false; - } - -bool Type::IsEmptyType() const - { - return (StaticSize(global_env()) == 0); - } - -void Type::MarkIncrementalInput() - { - DEBUG_MSG("Handle incremental input for %s.%s\n", decl_id()->Name(), - value_var() ? value_var()->Name() : "*"); - - incremental_input_ = true; - if ( Bufferable() ) - buffer_input_ = true; - else - { - incremental_parsing_ = true; - DoMarkIncrementalInput(); - } - } - -void Type::DoMarkIncrementalInput() - { - throw Exception(this, "cannot handle incremental input"); - } - -bool Type::BufferableByLength() const - { - // If the input is an "frame buffer" with specified length - return attr_length_expr_ || attr_restofflow_; - } - -bool Type::BufferableByLine() const - { - // If the input is an ASCII line; - return attr_oneline_; - } - -bool Type::Bufferable() const - { - // If the input is an ASCII line or an "frame buffer" - return IsEmptyType() || BufferableByLength() || BufferableByLine(); - } - -bool Type::BufferableWithLineBreaker() const - { - // If the input is an ASCII line with a given linebreaker; - return attr_linebreaker_ != nullptr; - } - -Expr* Type::LineBreaker() const - { - return attr_linebreaker_; - } - -Type::BufferMode Type::buffer_mode() const - { - if ( IsEmptyType() ) - return BUFFER_NOTHING; - else if ( BufferableByLength() ) - return BUFFER_BY_LENGTH; - else if ( BufferableByLine() ) - return BUFFER_BY_LINE; - return NOT_BUFFERABLE; - } - -const ID* Type::parsing_complete_var() const - { - if ( parsing_complete_var_field_ ) - return parsing_complete_var_field_->id(); - else - return nullptr; - } - -string Type::parsing_complete(Env* env) const - { - ASSERT(parsing_complete_var()); - return env->RValue(parsing_complete_var()); - } - -const ID* Type::has_value_var() const - { - if ( has_value_field_ ) - return has_value_field_->id(); - else - return nullptr; - } - -int Type::InitialBufferLength() const - { - if ( ! attr_length_expr_ ) - return 0; - return attr_length_expr_->MinimalHeaderSize(env()); - } - -bool Type::CompatibleTypes(Type* type1, Type* type2) - { - // If we cannot deduce one of the data types, assume that - // they are compatible. - if ( ! type1 || ! type2 ) - return true; - - // We do not have enough information about extern types - if ( type1->tot() == EXTERN || type2->tot() == EXTERN ) - return true; - - if ( type1->tot() != type2->tot() ) - { - if ( type1->IsNumericType() && type2->IsNumericType() ) - return true; - else - return false; - } - - switch ( type1->tot() ) - { - case UNDEF: - case EMPTY: - return true; - case BUILTIN: - { - BuiltInType* t1 = static_cast(type1); - BuiltInType* t2 = static_cast(type2); - return BuiltInType::CompatibleBuiltInTypes(t1, t2); - } - - case PARAMETERIZED: - case RECORD: - case CASE: - case EXTERN: - return type1->DataTypeStr() == type2->DataTypeStr(); - break; - - case ARRAY: - { - ArrayType* t1 = static_cast(type1); - ArrayType* t2 = static_cast(type2); - return CompatibleTypes(t1->ElementDataType(), t2->ElementDataType()); - } - - default: - ASSERT(0); - return false; - } - } - -Type* Type::LookUpByID(ID* id) - { - // 1. Is it a pre-defined type? - string name = id->Name(); - if ( type_map_.find(name) != type_map_.end() ) - { - return type_map_[name]->Clone(); - } - - // 2. Is it a simple declared type? - Type* type = TypeDecl::LookUpType(id); - if ( type ) - { - // Note: as a Type is always associated with a variable, - // return a clone. - switch ( type->tot() ) - { - case Type::BUILTIN: - case Type::EXTERN: - case Type::STRING: - return type->Clone(); - - case Type::ARRAY: - default: - break; - } - } - - return new ParameterizedType(id, nullptr); - } - -void Type::AddPredefinedType(const string& type_name, Type* type) - { - ASSERT(type_map_.find(type_name) == type_map_.end()); - type_map_[type_name] = type; - } - -void Type::init() - { - BuiltInType::static_init(); - ExternType::static_init(); - StringType::static_init(); - } +bool Type::AddSizeVar(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + if ( size_var() ) { + DEBUG_MSG("size var `%s' already added\n", size_var()->Name()); + ASSERT(env->Evaluated(size_var())); + return false; + } + + if ( StaticSize(env) >= 0 ) + return false; + + ASSERT(! incremental_input()); + + ID* size_var_id = new ID(strfmt("%s__size", value_var() ? value_var()->Name() : decl_id()->Name())); + + DEBUG_MSG("adding size var `%s' to env %p\n", size_var_id->Name(), env); + + size_var_field_ = new TempVarField(size_var_id, extern_type_int->Clone()); + size_var_field_->Prepare(env); + size_var_field_->GenTempDecls(out_cc, env); + + return true; +} + +string Type::EvalLengthExpr(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + ASSERT(! incremental_input()); + ASSERT(attr_length_expr_); + int static_length; + if ( attr_length_expr_->ConstFold(env, &static_length) ) + return strfmt("%d", static_length); + // How do we make sure size_var is evaluated with attr_length_expr_? + if ( AddSizeVar(out_cc, env) ) { + out_cc->println("%s = %s;", env->LValue(size_var()), attr_length_expr_->EvalExpr(out_cc, env)); + env->SetEvaluated(size_var()); + } + return env->RValue(size_var()); +} + +string Type::DataSize(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { + if ( attr_length_expr_ ) + return EvalLengthExpr(out_cc, env); + + int ss = StaticSize(env); + if ( ss >= 0 ) { + return strfmt("%d", ss); + } + else { + if ( ! size_var() || ! env->Evaluated(size_var()) ) { + ASSERT(out_cc != 0); + GenDynamicSize(out_cc, env, data); + ASSERT(size_var()); + } + return env->RValue(size_var()); + } +} + +void Type::GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { + if ( boundary_checked() ) + return; + + data.GenBoundaryCheck(out_cc, env, DataSize(out_cc, env, data).c_str(), data_id_str_.c_str()); + + SetBoundaryChecked(); +} + +bool Type::NeedsCleanUp() const { + switch ( tot_ ) { + case EMPTY: + case BUILTIN: return false; + case ARRAY: + case PARAMETERIZED: + case STRING: return true; + default: ASSERT(0); return true; + } + return true; +} + +bool Type::RequiresByteOrder() const { return ! attr_byteorder_expr() && ByteOrderSensitive(); } + +bool Type::NeedsBufferingStateVar() const { + if ( ! incremental_input() ) + return false; + switch ( buffer_mode() ) { + case BUFFER_NOTHING: + case NOT_BUFFERABLE: return false; + case BUFFER_BY_LINE: return true; + case BUFFER_BY_LENGTH: return (attr_length_expr_ || attr_restofflow_); + default: ASSERT(0); return false; + } +} + +bool Type::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { + foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) { + if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + } + + foreach (i, AttrList, attrs_) { + if ( ! (*i)->Traverse(visitor) ) + return false; + } + + return true; +} + +bool Type::RequiresAnalyzerContext() { + ASSERT(0); + + if ( buffer_input() ) + return true; + + foreach (i, FieldList, fields_) { + Field* f = *i; + if ( f->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) + return true; + } + + foreach (i, AttrList, attrs_) + if ( (*i)->RequiresAnalyzerContext() ) + return true; + + return false; +} + +bool Type::IsEmptyType() const { return (StaticSize(global_env()) == 0); } + +void Type::MarkIncrementalInput() { + DEBUG_MSG("Handle incremental input for %s.%s\n", decl_id()->Name(), value_var() ? value_var()->Name() : "*"); + + incremental_input_ = true; + if ( Bufferable() ) + buffer_input_ = true; + else { + incremental_parsing_ = true; + DoMarkIncrementalInput(); + } +} + +void Type::DoMarkIncrementalInput() { throw Exception(this, "cannot handle incremental input"); } + +bool Type::BufferableByLength() const { + // If the input is an "frame buffer" with specified length + return attr_length_expr_ || attr_restofflow_; +} + +bool Type::BufferableByLine() const { + // If the input is an ASCII line; + return attr_oneline_; +} + +bool Type::Bufferable() const { + // If the input is an ASCII line or an "frame buffer" + return IsEmptyType() || BufferableByLength() || BufferableByLine(); +} + +bool Type::BufferableWithLineBreaker() const { + // If the input is an ASCII line with a given linebreaker; + return attr_linebreaker_ != nullptr; +} + +Expr* Type::LineBreaker() const { return attr_linebreaker_; } + +Type::BufferMode Type::buffer_mode() const { + if ( IsEmptyType() ) + return BUFFER_NOTHING; + else if ( BufferableByLength() ) + return BUFFER_BY_LENGTH; + else if ( BufferableByLine() ) + return BUFFER_BY_LINE; + return NOT_BUFFERABLE; +} + +const ID* Type::parsing_complete_var() const { + if ( parsing_complete_var_field_ ) + return parsing_complete_var_field_->id(); + else + return nullptr; +} + +string Type::parsing_complete(Env* env) const { + ASSERT(parsing_complete_var()); + return env->RValue(parsing_complete_var()); +} + +const ID* Type::has_value_var() const { + if ( has_value_field_ ) + return has_value_field_->id(); + else + return nullptr; +} + +int Type::InitialBufferLength() const { + if ( ! attr_length_expr_ ) + return 0; + return attr_length_expr_->MinimalHeaderSize(env()); +} + +bool Type::CompatibleTypes(Type* type1, Type* type2) { + // If we cannot deduce one of the data types, assume that + // they are compatible. + if ( ! type1 || ! type2 ) + return true; + + // We do not have enough information about extern types + if ( type1->tot() == EXTERN || type2->tot() == EXTERN ) + return true; + + if ( type1->tot() != type2->tot() ) { + if ( type1->IsNumericType() && type2->IsNumericType() ) + return true; + else + return false; + } + + switch ( type1->tot() ) { + case UNDEF: + case EMPTY: return true; + case BUILTIN: { + BuiltInType* t1 = static_cast(type1); + BuiltInType* t2 = static_cast(type2); + return BuiltInType::CompatibleBuiltInTypes(t1, t2); + } + + case PARAMETERIZED: + case RECORD: + case CASE: + case EXTERN: return type1->DataTypeStr() == type2->DataTypeStr(); break; + + case ARRAY: { + ArrayType* t1 = static_cast(type1); + ArrayType* t2 = static_cast(type2); + return CompatibleTypes(t1->ElementDataType(), t2->ElementDataType()); + } + + default: ASSERT(0); return false; + } +} + +Type* Type::LookUpByID(ID* id) { + // 1. Is it a pre-defined type? + string name = id->Name(); + if ( type_map_.find(name) != type_map_.end() ) { + return type_map_[name]->Clone(); + } + + // 2. Is it a simple declared type? + Type* type = TypeDecl::LookUpType(id); + if ( type ) { + // Note: as a Type is always associated with a variable, + // return a clone. + switch ( type->tot() ) { + case Type::BUILTIN: + case Type::EXTERN: + case Type::STRING: return type->Clone(); + + case Type::ARRAY: + default: break; + } + } + + return new ParameterizedType(id, nullptr); +} + +void Type::AddPredefinedType(const string& type_name, Type* type) { + ASSERT(type_map_.find(type_name) == type_map_.end()); + type_map_[type_name] = type; +} + +void Type::init() { + BuiltInType::static_init(); + ExternType::static_init(); + StringType::static_init(); +} diff --git a/src/pac_type.h b/src/pac_type.h index 34322d5..faae7e2 100644 --- a/src/pac_type.h +++ b/src/pac_type.h @@ -8,304 +8,298 @@ using namespace std; #include "pac_datadep.h" #include "pac_dbg.h" -class Type : public Object, public DataDepElement - { +class Type : public Object, public DataDepElement { public: - enum TypeType - { - UNDEF = -1, - EMPTY, - BUILTIN, - PARAMETERIZED, - RECORD, - CASE, - ARRAY, - STRING, - EXTERN, - DUMMY, - }; + enum TypeType { + UNDEF = -1, + EMPTY, + BUILTIN, + PARAMETERIZED, + RECORD, + CASE, + ARRAY, + STRING, + EXTERN, + DUMMY, + }; - explicit Type(TypeType tot); - ~Type() override; + explicit Type(TypeType tot); + ~Type() override; - Type* Clone() const; + Type* Clone() const; - // Type of type - TypeType tot() const { return tot_; } + // Type of type + TypeType tot() const { return tot_; } - //////////////////////////////////////// - // Code generation - virtual void Prepare(Env* env, int flags); + //////////////////////////////////////// + // Code generation + virtual void Prepare(Env* env, int flags); - // Flag(s) for Prepare() - static const int TO_BE_PARSED = 1; + // Flag(s) for Prepare() + static const int TO_BE_PARSED = 1; - virtual void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env); - virtual void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env); + virtual void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env); + virtual void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env); - virtual void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env); - virtual void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env); + virtual void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env); + virtual void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env); - void GenPreParsing(Output* out, Env* env); - void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags); + void GenPreParsing(Output* out, Env* env); + void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags); - //////////////////////////////////////// - // TODO: organize the various methods below + //////////////////////////////////////// + // TODO: organize the various methods below - // The LValue string of the variable defined by the type. - // For example, if the type defines a record field, the - // lvalue is the member variable corresponding to the field; - // if the type appears in a type decl, then the lvalue is the - // default value var. - // - const char* lvalue() const { return lvalue_.c_str(); } + // The LValue string of the variable defined by the type. + // For example, if the type defines a record field, the + // lvalue is the member variable corresponding to the field; + // if the type appears in a type decl, then the lvalue is the + // default value var. + // + const char* lvalue() const { return lvalue_.c_str(); } - // The TypeDecl that defined the type. - // - const TypeDecl* type_decl() const { return type_decl_; } - void set_type_decl(const TypeDecl* decl, bool declared_as_type); + // The TypeDecl that defined the type. + // + const TypeDecl* type_decl() const { return type_decl_; } + void set_type_decl(const TypeDecl* decl, bool declared_as_type); - // Returns whether the type appears in a type declaration - // (true) or as type specification of a field (false). - // - bool declared_as_type() const { return declared_as_type_; } + // Returns whether the type appears in a type declaration + // (true) or as type specification of a field (false). + // + bool declared_as_type() const { return declared_as_type_; } - // The ID of the decl in which the type appear. - // - const ID* decl_id() const; + // The ID of the decl in which the type appear. + // + const ID* decl_id() const; - Env* env() const { return env_; } + Env* env() const { return env_; } - string EvalByteOrder(Output* out_cc, Env* env) const; + string EvalByteOrder(Output* out_cc, Env* env) const; - virtual string EvalMember(const ID* member_id) const; - virtual string EvalElement(const string& array, const string& index) const; + virtual string EvalMember(const ID* member_id) const; + virtual string EvalElement(const string& array, const string& index) const; - // The variable defined by the type - const ID* value_var() const { return value_var_; } - void set_value_var(const ID* arg_id, int arg_id_type); + // The variable defined by the type + const ID* value_var() const { return value_var_; } + void set_value_var(const ID* arg_id, int arg_id_type); - bool anonymous_value_var() const { return anonymous_value_var_; } + bool anonymous_value_var() const { return anonymous_value_var_; } - const ID* size_var() const; + const ID* size_var() const; - // Adds a variable to env to represent the size of this type. - // Returns false if we do not need a size variable (because - // the type has a static size) or the size variable is already added. - bool AddSizeVar(Output* out, Env* env); + // Adds a variable to env to represent the size of this type. + // Returns false if we do not need a size variable (because + // the type has a static size) or the size variable is already added. + bool AddSizeVar(Output* out, Env* env); - const ID* parsing_state_var() const; + const ID* parsing_state_var() const; - const ID* has_value_var() const; + const ID* has_value_var() const; - void AddField(Field* f); + void AddField(Field* f); - void AddCheck(Expr* expr) - { /* TODO */ - } + void AddCheck(Expr* expr) { /* TODO */ + } - virtual bool DefineValueVar() const = 0; + virtual bool DefineValueVar() const = 0; - // Returns C++ datatype string - virtual string DataTypeStr() const = 0; - - // Returns const reference of the C++ data type (unless the type - // is numeric or pointer) - string DataTypeConstRefStr() const - { - string data_type = DataTypeStr(); - if ( ! IsPointerType() && ! IsNumericType() ) - data_type += " const &"; - return data_type; - } + // Returns C++ datatype string + virtual string DataTypeStr() const = 0; + + // Returns const reference of the C++ data type (unless the type + // is numeric or pointer) + string DataTypeConstRefStr() const { + string data_type = DataTypeStr(); + if ( ! IsPointerType() && ! IsNumericType() ) + data_type += " const &"; + return data_type; + } - // Returns a default value for the type - virtual string DefaultValue() const - { - ASSERT(0); - return "@@@"; - } + // Returns a default value for the type + virtual string DefaultValue() const { + ASSERT(0); + return "@@@"; + } - // Returns the data type of the member field/case - virtual Type* MemberDataType(const ID* member_id) const; + // Returns the data type of the member field/case + virtual Type* MemberDataType(const ID* member_id) const; - // Returns the data type of the element type of an array - virtual Type* ElementDataType() const; + // Returns the data type of the element type of an array + virtual Type* ElementDataType() const; - // Whether the type needs clean-up at deallocation. - bool NeedsCleanUp() const; + // Whether the type needs clean-up at deallocation. + bool NeedsCleanUp() const; - // Whether byte order must be determined before parsing the type. - bool RequiresByteOrder() const; + // Whether byte order must be determined before parsing the type. + bool RequiresByteOrder() const; - // Whether class of the type requires a parameter of analyzer context. - virtual bool RequiresAnalyzerContext(); + // Whether class of the type requires a parameter of analyzer context. + virtual bool RequiresAnalyzerContext(); - virtual bool IsPointerType() const = 0; - virtual bool IsNumericType() const { return false; } - bool IsEmptyType() const; + virtual bool IsPointerType() const = 0; + virtual bool IsNumericType() const { return false; } + bool IsEmptyType() const; - //////////////////////////////////////// - // Attributes - virtual void ProcessAttr(Attr* a); + //////////////////////////////////////// + // Attributes + virtual void ProcessAttr(Attr* a); - bool attr_chunked() const { return attr_chunked_; } - Expr* attr_byteorder_expr() const { return attr_byteorder_expr_; } - Expr* attr_if_expr() const { return attr_if_expr_; } - // TODO: generate the length expression automatically. - Expr* attr_length_expr() const { return attr_length_expr_; } - bool attr_refcount() const { return attr_refcount_; } - bool attr_transient() const { return attr_transient_; } + bool attr_chunked() const { return attr_chunked_; } + Expr* attr_byteorder_expr() const { return attr_byteorder_expr_; } + Expr* attr_if_expr() const { return attr_if_expr_; } + // TODO: generate the length expression automatically. + Expr* attr_length_expr() const { return attr_length_expr_; } + bool attr_refcount() const { return attr_refcount_; } + bool attr_transient() const { return attr_transient_; } - // Whether the value remains valid outside the parse function - bool persistent() const { return ! attr_transient() && ! attr_chunked(); } + // Whether the value remains valid outside the parse function + bool persistent() const { return ! attr_transient() && ! attr_chunked(); } - void SetUntilCheck(ArrayType* t) { array_until_input_ = t; } + void SetUntilCheck(ArrayType* t) { array_until_input_ = t; } - //////////////////////////////////////// - // Size and boundary checking - virtual int StaticSize(Env* env) const = 0; - string DataSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); + //////////////////////////////////////// + // Size and boundary checking + virtual int StaticSize(Env* env) const = 0; + string DataSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); - bool boundary_checked() const { return boundary_checked_; } - virtual void SetBoundaryChecked() { boundary_checked_ = true; } - void GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); + bool boundary_checked() const { return boundary_checked_; } + virtual void SetBoundaryChecked() { boundary_checked_ = true; } + void GenBoundaryCheck(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); - //////////////////////////////////////// - // Handling incremental input - // - // There are two ways to handle incremental input: (1) to - // buffer the input before parsing; (2) to parse incrementally. - // - // The type must be "bufferable" for (1). While for (2), - // each member of the type must be able to handle incremental - // input. + //////////////////////////////////////// + // Handling incremental input + // + // There are two ways to handle incremental input: (1) to + // buffer the input before parsing; (2) to parse incrementally. + // + // The type must be "bufferable" for (1). While for (2), + // each member of the type must be able to handle incremental + // input. - void MarkIncrementalInput(); - virtual void DoMarkIncrementalInput(); + void MarkIncrementalInput(); + virtual void DoMarkIncrementalInput(); - // Whether the type may receive incremental input - bool incremental_input() const { return incremental_input_; } + // Whether the type may receive incremental input + bool incremental_input() const { return incremental_input_; } - // Whether parsing should also be incremental - bool incremental_parsing() const { return incremental_parsing_; } - - // Whether we should buffer the input - bool buffer_input() const { return buffer_input_; } + // Whether parsing should also be incremental + bool incremental_parsing() const { return incremental_parsing_; } - // Whether parsing of the type is completed - const ID* parsing_complete_var() const; - string parsing_complete(Env* env) const; - - // Whether the input is bufferable - bool Bufferable() const; - bool BufferableByLength() const; - bool BufferableByLine() const; - bool BufferableWithLineBreaker() const; - Expr* LineBreaker() const; - - enum BufferMode - { - NOT_BUFFERABLE, - BUFFER_NOTHING, // for type "empty" - BUFFER_BY_LENGTH, - BUFFER_BY_LINE, - }; - virtual BufferMode buffer_mode() const; - - void GenBufferConfiguration(Output* out, Env* env); - - int InitialBufferLength() const; + // Whether we should buffer the input + bool buffer_input() const { return buffer_input_; } + + // Whether parsing of the type is completed + const ID* parsing_complete_var() const; + string parsing_complete(Env* env) const; + + // Whether the input is bufferable + bool Bufferable() const; + bool BufferableByLength() const; + bool BufferableByLine() const; + bool BufferableWithLineBreaker() const; + Expr* LineBreaker() const; + + enum BufferMode { + NOT_BUFFERABLE, + BUFFER_NOTHING, // for type "empty" + BUFFER_BY_LENGTH, + BUFFER_BY_LINE, + }; + virtual BufferMode buffer_mode() const; + + void GenBufferConfiguration(Output* out, Env* env); + + int InitialBufferLength() const; protected: - virtual void GenNewInstance(Output* out, Env* env) { } + virtual void GenNewInstance(Output* out, Env* env) {} - virtual bool ByteOrderSensitive() const = 0; + virtual bool ByteOrderSensitive() const = 0; - bool NeedsBufferingStateVar() const; + bool NeedsBufferingStateVar() const; - void GenBufferingLoop(Output* out_cc, Env* env, int flags); - void GenParseBuffer(Output* out_cc, Env* env, int flags); - void GenParseCode2(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags); - void GenParseCode3(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags); + void GenBufferingLoop(Output* out_cc, Env* env, int flags); + void GenParseBuffer(Output* out_cc, Env* env, int flags); + void GenParseCode2(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags); + void GenParseCode3(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags); - virtual void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) = 0; + virtual void DoGenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data, int flags) = 0; - string EvalLengthExpr(Output* out_cc, Env* env); + string EvalLengthExpr(Output* out_cc, Env* env); - // Generate code for computing the dynamic size of the type - virtual void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) = 0; + // Generate code for computing the dynamic size of the type + virtual void GenDynamicSize(Output* out, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) = 0; - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; - virtual Type* DoClone() const = 0; + virtual Type* DoClone() const = 0; protected: - TypeType tot_; - const TypeDecl* type_decl_; - bool declared_as_type_; - const ID* type_decl_id_; - Env* env_; - - const ID* value_var_; - bool anonymous_value_var_; // whether the ID is anonymous - - string data_id_str_; - int value_var_type_; - Field* size_var_field_; - char* size_expr_; - bool boundary_checked_; - string lvalue_; - FieldList* fields_; - - bool incremental_input_; - bool incremental_parsing_; - bool buffer_input_; - - // A boolean variable on whether parsing of the type is completed - Field* parsing_complete_var_field_; - - // An integer variable holding the parsing state - Field* parsing_state_var_field_; - - Field* buffering_state_var_field_; - - // The array type with &until($input...) condition, if - // "this" is the element type - ArrayType* array_until_input_; - - // A "has_*" member var for fields with &if - LetField* has_value_field_; - - // Attributes - AttrList* attrs_; - - Expr* attr_byteorder_expr_; - ExprList* attr_checks_; - ExprList* attr_enforces_; - bool attr_chunked_; - bool attr_exportsourcedata_; - Expr* attr_if_expr_; - Expr* attr_length_expr_; - FieldList* attr_letfields_; - Expr* attr_multiline_end_; - Expr* attr_linebreaker_; - bool attr_oneline_; - bool attr_refcount_; - ExprList* attr_requires_; - bool attr_restofdata_; - bool attr_restofflow_; - bool attr_transient_; + TypeType tot_; + const TypeDecl* type_decl_; + bool declared_as_type_; + const ID* type_decl_id_; + Env* env_; + + const ID* value_var_; + bool anonymous_value_var_; // whether the ID is anonymous + + string data_id_str_; + int value_var_type_; + Field* size_var_field_; + char* size_expr_; + bool boundary_checked_; + string lvalue_; + FieldList* fields_; + + bool incremental_input_; + bool incremental_parsing_; + bool buffer_input_; + + // A boolean variable on whether parsing of the type is completed + Field* parsing_complete_var_field_; + + // An integer variable holding the parsing state + Field* parsing_state_var_field_; + + Field* buffering_state_var_field_; + + // The array type with &until($input...) condition, if + // "this" is the element type + ArrayType* array_until_input_; + + // A "has_*" member var for fields with &if + LetField* has_value_field_; + + // Attributes + AttrList* attrs_; + + Expr* attr_byteorder_expr_; + ExprList* attr_checks_; + ExprList* attr_enforces_; + bool attr_chunked_; + bool attr_exportsourcedata_; + Expr* attr_if_expr_; + Expr* attr_length_expr_; + FieldList* attr_letfields_; + Expr* attr_multiline_end_; + Expr* attr_linebreaker_; + bool attr_oneline_; + bool attr_refcount_; + ExprList* attr_requires_; + bool attr_restofdata_; + bool attr_restofflow_; + bool attr_transient_; public: - static void init(); - static bool CompatibleTypes(Type* type1, Type* type2); - static void AddPredefinedType(const string& type_name, Type* type); - static Type* LookUpByID(ID* id); + static void init(); + static bool CompatibleTypes(Type* type1, Type* type2); + static void AddPredefinedType(const string& type_name, Type* type); + static Type* LookUpByID(ID* id); protected: - typedef map type_map_t; - static type_map_t type_map_; - }; + typedef map type_map_t; + static type_map_t type_map_; +}; #endif // pac_type_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 2f1bd76..5e48c9e 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -16,315 +16,275 @@ #include "pac_type.h" #include "pac_utils.h" -TypeDecl::TypeDecl(ID* id, ParamList* params, Type* type) - : Decl(id, TYPE), params_(params), type_(type) - { - env_ = nullptr; - type_->set_type_decl(this, true); - } - -TypeDecl::~TypeDecl() - { - delete env_; - delete type_; - - delete_list(ParamList, params_); - } - -void TypeDecl::ProcessAttr(Attr* a) - { - type_->ProcessAttr(a); - } - -void TypeDecl::AddParam(Param* param) - { - // Cannot work after Prepare() - ASSERT(! env_); - params_->push_back(param); - } - -void TypeDecl::Prepare() - { - DEBUG_MSG("Preparing type %s\n", id()->Name()); - - if ( type_->tot() != Type::EXTERN && type_->tot() != Type::DUMMY ) - SetAnalyzerContext(); - - // As a type ID can be used in the same way function is, add the - // id as a FUNC_ID and set it as evaluated. - global_env()->AddID(id(), FUNC_ID, type_); - global_env()->SetEvaluated(id()); - - env_ = new Env(global_env(), this); - - foreach (i, ParamList, params_) - { - Param* p = *i; - // p->Prepare(env_); - type_->AddField(p->param_field()); - } - - if ( type_->attr_byteorder_expr() ) - { - DEBUG_MSG("Adding byteorder field to %s\n", id()->Name()); - type_->AddField( - new LetField(byteorder_id->clone(), extern_type_int, type_->attr_byteorder_expr())); - } - - type_->Prepare(env_, Type::TO_BE_PARSED); - } - -string TypeDecl::class_name() const - { - return id_->Name(); - } - -void TypeDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) - { - // Do not generate declaration for external types - if ( type_->tot() == Type::EXTERN ) - return; - out_h->println("class %s;", class_name().c_str()); - } - -void TypeDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - // Do not generate code for external types - if ( type_->tot() == Type::EXTERN || type_->tot() == Type::STRING ) - return; - - if ( ! FLAGS_quiet ) - fprintf(stderr, "Generating code for %s\n", class_name().c_str()); - - if ( RequiresAnalyzerContext::compute(type_) ) - { - DEBUG_MSG("%s requires analyzer context\n", id()->Name()); - Type* param_type = analyzer_context()->param_type(); - env_->AddID(analyzer_context_id, TEMP_VAR, param_type); - env_->SetEvaluated(analyzer_context_id); - env_->AddMacro(context_macro_id, new Expr(analyzer_context_id->clone())); - } - - // Add parameter "byteorder" - if ( type_->RequiresByteOrder() && ! type_->attr_byteorder_expr() ) - { - env_->AddID(byteorder_id, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_int); - env_->SetEvaluated(byteorder_id); - } - - vector base_classes; - - AddBaseClass(&base_classes); - - if ( type_->attr_refcount() ) - base_classes.push_back(kRefCountClass); - - // The first line of class definition - out_h->println(""); - out_h->print("class %s final", class_name().c_str()); - bool first = true; - vector::iterator i; - for ( i = base_classes.begin(); i != base_classes.end(); ++i ) - { - if ( first ) - { - out_h->print(" : public %s", i->c_str()); - first = false; - } - else - out_h->print(", public %s", i->c_str()); - } - out_h->print("\n"); - - // Public members - out_h->println("{"); - out_h->println("public:"); - out_h->inc_indent(); - - GenConstructorFunc(out_h, out_cc); - GenDestructorFunc(out_h, out_cc); - - if ( type_->attr_length_expr() ) - GenInitialBufferLengthFunc(out_h, out_cc); - - GenParseFunc(out_h, out_cc); - - out_h->println(""); - out_h->println("// Member access functions"); - type_->GenPubDecls(out_h, env_); - out_h->println(""); - - GenPubDecls(out_h, out_cc); - - out_h->dec_indent(); - out_h->println("protected:"); - out_h->inc_indent(); - - GenPrivDecls(out_h, out_cc); - type_->GenPrivDecls(out_h, env_); - - out_h->dec_indent(); - out_h->println("};\n"); - } - -void TypeDecl::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - // GenParamPubDecls(params_, out_h, env_); - } - -void TypeDecl::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - // GenParamPrivDecls(params_, out_h, env_); - } - -void TypeDecl::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc) { } - -void TypeDecl::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc) { } - -void TypeDecl::GenConstructorFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - string params_str = ParamDecls(params_); - - string proto = strfmt("%s(%s)", class_name().c_str(), params_str.c_str()); - - out_h->println("%s;", proto.c_str()); - - out_cc->println("%s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - - out_cc->println("{"); +TypeDecl::TypeDecl(ID* id, ParamList* params, Type* type) : Decl(id, TYPE), params_(params), type_(type) { + env_ = nullptr; + type_->set_type_decl(this, true); +} + +TypeDecl::~TypeDecl() { + delete env_; + delete type_; + + delete_list(ParamList, params_); +} + +void TypeDecl::ProcessAttr(Attr* a) { type_->ProcessAttr(a); } + +void TypeDecl::AddParam(Param* param) { + // Cannot work after Prepare() + ASSERT(! env_); + params_->push_back(param); +} + +void TypeDecl::Prepare() { + DEBUG_MSG("Preparing type %s\n", id()->Name()); + + if ( type_->tot() != Type::EXTERN && type_->tot() != Type::DUMMY ) + SetAnalyzerContext(); + + // As a type ID can be used in the same way function is, add the + // id as a FUNC_ID and set it as evaluated. + global_env()->AddID(id(), FUNC_ID, type_); + global_env()->SetEvaluated(id()); + + env_ = new Env(global_env(), this); + + foreach (i, ParamList, params_) { + Param* p = *i; + // p->Prepare(env_); + type_->AddField(p->param_field()); + } + + if ( type_->attr_byteorder_expr() ) { + DEBUG_MSG("Adding byteorder field to %s\n", id()->Name()); + type_->AddField(new LetField(byteorder_id->clone(), extern_type_int, type_->attr_byteorder_expr())); + } + + type_->Prepare(env_, Type::TO_BE_PARSED); +} - // GenParamAssignments(params_, out_cc, env_); +string TypeDecl::class_name() const { return id_->Name(); } - type_->GenInitCode(out_cc, env_); - GenInitCode(out_cc); +void TypeDecl::GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) { + // Do not generate declaration for external types + if ( type_->tot() == Type::EXTERN ) + return; + out_h->println("class %s;", class_name().c_str()); +} - out_cc->println("}\n"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } +void TypeDecl::GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + // Do not generate code for external types + if ( type_->tot() == Type::EXTERN || type_->tot() == Type::STRING ) + return; -void TypeDecl::GenDestructorFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - string proto = strfmt("~%s()", class_name().c_str()); + if ( ! FLAGS_quiet ) + fprintf(stderr, "Generating code for %s\n", class_name().c_str()); - out_h->println("%s;", proto.c_str()); + if ( RequiresAnalyzerContext::compute(type_) ) { + DEBUG_MSG("%s requires analyzer context\n", id()->Name()); + Type* param_type = analyzer_context()->param_type(); + env_->AddID(analyzer_context_id, TEMP_VAR, param_type); + env_->SetEvaluated(analyzer_context_id); + env_->AddMacro(context_macro_id, new Expr(analyzer_context_id->clone())); + } - out_cc->println("%s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); + // Add parameter "byteorder" + if ( type_->RequiresByteOrder() && ! type_->attr_byteorder_expr() ) { + env_->AddID(byteorder_id, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_int); + env_->SetEvaluated(byteorder_id); + } - GenCleanUpCode(out_cc); - type_->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env_); + vector base_classes; - out_cc->println("}\n"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } + AddBaseClass(&base_classes); -string TypeDecl::ParseFuncPrototype(Env* env) - { - const char* func_name = nullptr; - const char* return_type = nullptr; - string params; + if ( type_->attr_refcount() ) + base_classes.push_back(kRefCountClass); - if ( type_->incremental_input() ) - { - func_name = kParseFuncWithBuffer; - return_type = "bool"; - params = strfmt("flow_buffer_t %s", env->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); - } - else - { - func_name = kParseFuncWithoutBuffer; - return_type = "int"; - params = strfmt("const_byteptr const %s, const_byteptr const %s", - env->LValue(begin_of_data), env->LValue(end_of_data)); - } - - if ( RequiresAnalyzerContext::compute(type_) ) - { - Type* param_type = analyzer_context()->param_type(); - params += strfmt(", %s %s", param_type->DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), - env->LValue(analyzer_context_id)); - } - - // Add parameter "byteorder" - if ( type_->RequiresByteOrder() && ! type_->attr_byteorder_expr() ) - { - params += strfmt(", int %s", env->LValue(byteorder_id)); - } + // The first line of class definition + out_h->println(""); + out_h->print("class %s final", class_name().c_str()); + bool first = true; + vector::iterator i; + for ( i = base_classes.begin(); i != base_classes.end(); ++i ) { + if ( first ) { + out_h->print(" : public %s", i->c_str()); + first = false; + } + else + out_h->print(", public %s", i->c_str()); + } + out_h->print("\n"); - // Returns " %s()%s". - return strfmt("%s %%s%s(%s)%%s", return_type, func_name, params.c_str()); - } + // Public members + out_h->println("{"); + out_h->println("public:"); + out_h->inc_indent(); -void TypeDecl::GenParsingEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) - { - string ret_val_0, ret_val_1; - - if ( type_->incremental_input() ) - { - ret_val_0 = type_->parsing_complete(env).c_str(); - ret_val_1 = "false"; - } - else - { - ret_val_0 = type_->DataSize(nullptr, env, data).c_str(); - ret_val_1 = "@@@"; - - out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s + (%s) <= %s);", env->RValue(begin_of_data), - ret_val_0.c_str(), env->RValue(end_of_data)); - } - - if ( type_->incremental_parsing() && - (type_->tot() == Type::RECORD || type_->tot() == Type::ARRAY) ) - { - // In which case parsing may jump to label - // "need_more_data" ... - out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s);", type_->parsing_complete(env).c_str()); - out_cc->println("return %s;", ret_val_0.c_str()); - - out_cc->println(""); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - out_cc->println("%s:", kNeedMoreData); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(!(%s));", type_->parsing_complete(env).c_str()); - out_cc->println("return %s;", ret_val_1.c_str()); - } - else if ( type_->incremental_input() ) - { - out_cc->println("return %s;", ret_val_0.c_str()); - } - else - { - out_cc->println("return %s;", ret_val_0.c_str()); - } - } + GenConstructorFunc(out_h, out_cc); + GenDestructorFunc(out_h, out_cc); -void TypeDecl::GenParseFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - if ( type_->tot() == Type::DUMMY ) - return; + if ( type_->attr_length_expr() ) + GenInitialBufferLengthFunc(out_h, out_cc); - // Env within the parse function - Env p_func_env(env_, this); - Env* env = &p_func_env; + GenParseFunc(out_h, out_cc); - if ( type_->incremental_input() ) - { - env->AddID(flow_buffer_id, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_flowbuffer); - env->SetEvaluated(flow_buffer_id); - } - else - { - env->AddID(begin_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); - env->AddID(end_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); + out_h->println(""); + out_h->println("// Member access functions"); + type_->GenPubDecls(out_h, env_); + out_h->println(""); - env->SetEvaluated(begin_of_data); - env->SetEvaluated(end_of_data); - } + GenPubDecls(out_h, out_cc); - string proto; - proto = ParseFuncPrototype(env); + out_h->dec_indent(); + out_h->println("protected:"); + out_h->inc_indent(); + + GenPrivDecls(out_h, out_cc); + type_->GenPrivDecls(out_h, env_); + + out_h->dec_indent(); + out_h->println("};\n"); +} + +void TypeDecl::GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + // GenParamPubDecls(params_, out_h, env_); +} + +void TypeDecl::GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + // GenParamPrivDecls(params_, out_h, env_); +} + +void TypeDecl::GenInitCode(Output* out_cc) {} + +void TypeDecl::GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc) {} + +void TypeDecl::GenConstructorFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + string params_str = ParamDecls(params_); + + string proto = strfmt("%s(%s)", class_name().c_str(), params_str.c_str()); + + out_h->println("%s;", proto.c_str()); + + out_cc->println("%s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + + out_cc->println("{"); + + // GenParamAssignments(params_, out_cc, env_); + + type_->GenInitCode(out_cc, env_); + GenInitCode(out_cc); + + out_cc->println("}\n"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); +} + +void TypeDecl::GenDestructorFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + string proto = strfmt("~%s()", class_name().c_str()); + + out_h->println("%s;", proto.c_str()); + + out_cc->println("%s::%s", class_name().c_str(), proto.c_str()); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + GenCleanUpCode(out_cc); + type_->GenCleanUpCode(out_cc, env_); + + out_cc->println("}\n"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); +} + +string TypeDecl::ParseFuncPrototype(Env* env) { + const char* func_name = nullptr; + const char* return_type = nullptr; + string params; + + if ( type_->incremental_input() ) { + func_name = kParseFuncWithBuffer; + return_type = "bool"; + params = strfmt("flow_buffer_t %s", env->LValue(flow_buffer_id)); + } + else { + func_name = kParseFuncWithoutBuffer; + return_type = "int"; + params = strfmt("const_byteptr const %s, const_byteptr const %s", env->LValue(begin_of_data), + env->LValue(end_of_data)); + } + + if ( RequiresAnalyzerContext::compute(type_) ) { + Type* param_type = analyzer_context()->param_type(); + params += strfmt(", %s %s", param_type->DataTypeConstRefStr().c_str(), env->LValue(analyzer_context_id)); + } + + // Add parameter "byteorder" + if ( type_->RequiresByteOrder() && ! type_->attr_byteorder_expr() ) { + params += strfmt(", int %s", env->LValue(byteorder_id)); + } + + // Returns " %s()%s". + return strfmt("%s %%s%s(%s)%%s", return_type, func_name, params.c_str()); +} + +void TypeDecl::GenParsingEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data) { + string ret_val_0, ret_val_1; + + if ( type_->incremental_input() ) { + ret_val_0 = type_->parsing_complete(env).c_str(); + ret_val_1 = "false"; + } + else { + ret_val_0 = type_->DataSize(nullptr, env, data).c_str(); + ret_val_1 = "@@@"; + + out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s + (%s) <= %s);", env->RValue(begin_of_data), ret_val_0.c_str(), + env->RValue(end_of_data)); + } + + if ( type_->incremental_parsing() && (type_->tot() == Type::RECORD || type_->tot() == Type::ARRAY) ) { + // In which case parsing may jump to label + // "need_more_data" ... + out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s);", type_->parsing_complete(env).c_str()); + out_cc->println("return %s;", ret_val_0.c_str()); + + out_cc->println(""); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + out_cc->println("%s:", kNeedMoreData); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(!(%s));", type_->parsing_complete(env).c_str()); + out_cc->println("return %s;", ret_val_1.c_str()); + } + else if ( type_->incremental_input() ) { + out_cc->println("return %s;", ret_val_0.c_str()); + } + else { + out_cc->println("return %s;", ret_val_0.c_str()); + } +} + +void TypeDecl::GenParseFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + if ( type_->tot() == Type::DUMMY ) + return; + + // Env within the parse function + Env p_func_env(env_, this); + Env* env = &p_func_env; + + if ( type_->incremental_input() ) { + env->AddID(flow_buffer_id, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_flowbuffer); + env->SetEvaluated(flow_buffer_id); + } + else { + env->AddID(begin_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); + env->AddID(end_of_data, TEMP_VAR, extern_type_const_byteptr); + + env->SetEvaluated(begin_of_data); + env->SetEvaluated(end_of_data); + } + + string proto; + proto = ParseFuncPrototype(env); #if 0 if ( func_type == PARSE ) @@ -340,54 +300,48 @@ void TypeDecl::GenParseFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) } #endif - out_h->println(proto.c_str(), "", ";"); - - string tmp = strfmt("%s::", class_name().c_str()); - out_cc->println(proto.c_str(), tmp.c_str(), ""); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - - DataPtr data(env, nullptr, 0); - - if ( ! type_->incremental_input() ) - data = DataPtr(env, begin_of_data, 0); - type_->GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, 0); - GenParsingEnd(out_cc, env, data); - - out_cc->println("}\n"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - -void TypeDecl::GenInitialBufferLengthFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) - { - string func(kInitialBufferLengthFunc); - - int init_buffer_length = type_->InitialBufferLength(); - - if ( init_buffer_length < 0 ) // cannot be statically determined - { - throw Exception(type()->attr_length_expr(), strfmt("cannot determine initial buffer length" - " for type %s", - id_->Name())); - } - - out_h->println("int %s() const { return %d; }", func.c_str(), init_buffer_length); - } - -Type* TypeDecl::LookUpType(const ID* id) - { - Decl* decl = LookUpDecl(id); - if ( ! decl ) - return nullptr; - switch ( decl->decl_type() ) - { - case TYPE: - case CONN: - case FLOW: - return static_cast(decl)->type(); - case ENUM: - return static_cast(decl)->DataType(); - default: - return nullptr; - } - } + out_h->println(proto.c_str(), "", ";"); + + string tmp = strfmt("%s::", class_name().c_str()); + out_cc->println(proto.c_str(), tmp.c_str(), ""); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + + DataPtr data(env, nullptr, 0); + + if ( ! type_->incremental_input() ) + data = DataPtr(env, begin_of_data, 0); + type_->GenParseCode(out_cc, env, data, 0); + GenParsingEnd(out_cc, env, data); + + out_cc->println("}\n"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); +} + +void TypeDecl::GenInitialBufferLengthFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) { + string func(kInitialBufferLengthFunc); + + int init_buffer_length = type_->InitialBufferLength(); + + if ( init_buffer_length < 0 ) // cannot be statically determined + { + throw Exception(type()->attr_length_expr(), strfmt("cannot determine initial buffer length" + " for type %s", + id_->Name())); + } + + out_h->println("int %s() const { return %d; }", func.c_str(), init_buffer_length); +} + +Type* TypeDecl::LookUpType(const ID* id) { + Decl* decl = LookUpDecl(id); + if ( ! decl ) + return nullptr; + switch ( decl->decl_type() ) { + case TYPE: + case CONN: + case FLOW: return static_cast(decl)->type(); + case ENUM: return static_cast(decl)->DataType(); + default: return nullptr; + } +} diff --git a/src/pac_typedecl.h b/src/pac_typedecl.h index f7933d5..fa55fe4 100644 --- a/src/pac_typedecl.h +++ b/src/pac_typedecl.h @@ -3,45 +3,44 @@ #include "pac_decl.h" -class TypeDecl : public Decl - { +class TypeDecl : public Decl { public: - TypeDecl(ID* arg_id, ParamList* arg_params, Type* arg_type); - ~TypeDecl() override; - void Prepare() override; - void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; - void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; + TypeDecl(ID* arg_id, ParamList* arg_params, Type* arg_type); + ~TypeDecl() override; + void Prepare() override; + void GenForwardDeclaration(Output* out_h) override; + void GenCode(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc) override; - Env* env() const override { return env_; } - Type* type() const { return type_; } - string class_name() const; - static Type* LookUpType(const ID* id); + Env* env() const override { return env_; } + Type* type() const { return type_; } + string class_name() const; + static Type* LookUpType(const ID* id); protected: - void AddParam(Param* param); - virtual void AddBaseClass(vector* base_classes) const { } - void ProcessAttr(Attr* a) override; + void AddParam(Param* param); + virtual void AddBaseClass(vector* base_classes) const {} + void ProcessAttr(Attr* a) override; - virtual void GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); - virtual void GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); - virtual void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc); - virtual void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc); + virtual void GenPubDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); + virtual void GenPrivDecls(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); + virtual void GenInitCode(Output* out_cc); + virtual void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out_cc); - void GenConstructorFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); - void GenDestructorFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); + void GenConstructorFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); + void GenDestructorFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); - string ParseFuncPrototype(Env* env); - void GenParseFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); + string ParseFuncPrototype(Env* env); + void GenParseFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); - void GenParsingEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); + void GenParsingEnd(Output* out_cc, Env* env, const DataPtr& data); - void GenInitialBufferLengthFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); + void GenInitialBufferLengthFunc(Output* out_h, Output* out_cc); protected: - Env* env_; + Env* env_; - ParamList* params_; - Type* type_; - }; + ParamList* params_; + Type* type_; +}; #endif // pac_typedecl_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index ea77fb6..c68c200 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -4,39 +4,34 @@ #include #include -char* copy_string(const char* s) - { - char* c = new char[strlen(s) + 1]; - strcpy(c, s); - return c; - } +char* copy_string(const char* s) { + char* c = new char[strlen(s) + 1]; + strcpy(c, s); + return c; +} -namespace - { +namespace { -const char* do_fmt(const char* format, va_list ap) - { - static char buf[1024]; - vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, ap); - return buf; - } +const char* do_fmt(const char* format, va_list ap) { + static char buf[1024]; + vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, ap); + return buf; +} - } +} // namespace -string strfmt(const char* format, ...) - { - va_list ap; - va_start(ap, format); - const char* r = do_fmt(format, ap); - va_end(ap); - return string(r); - } +string strfmt(const char* format, ...) { + va_list ap; + va_start(ap, format); + const char* r = do_fmt(format, ap); + va_end(ap); + return string(r); +} -char* nfmt(const char* format, ...) - { - va_list ap; - va_start(ap, format); - const char* r = do_fmt(format, ap); - va_end(ap); - return copy_string(r); - } +char* nfmt(const char* format, ...) { + va_list ap; + va_start(ap, format); + const char* r = do_fmt(format, ap); + va_end(ap); + return copy_string(r); +} diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 897c6f5..e0860f9 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ #include "pac_varfield.h" -void PrivVarField::Prepare(Env* env) - { - Field::Prepare(env); - } +void PrivVarField::Prepare(Env* env) { Field::Prepare(env); } diff --git a/src/pac_varfield.h b/src/pac_varfield.h index 06e991e..7d1685f 100644 --- a/src/pac_varfield.h +++ b/src/pac_varfield.h @@ -4,54 +4,37 @@ #include "pac_field.h" // A private variable evaluated with parsing -class ParseVarField : public Field - { +class ParseVarField : public Field { public: - ParseVarField(int is_class_member, ID* id, Type* type) - : Field(PARSE_VAR_FIELD, TYPE_TO_BE_PARSED | is_class_member | NOT_PUBLIC_READABLE, id, - type) - { - } - void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override - { /* do nothing */ - } - }; + ParseVarField(int is_class_member, ID* id, Type* type) + : Field(PARSE_VAR_FIELD, TYPE_TO_BE_PARSED | is_class_member | NOT_PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type) {} + void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override { /* do nothing */ + } +}; // A public variable -class PubVarField : public Field - { +class PubVarField : public Field { public: - PubVarField(ID* id, Type* type) - : Field(PUB_VAR_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type) - { - } - ~PubVarField() override { } - }; + PubVarField(ID* id, Type* type) + : Field(PUB_VAR_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type) {} + ~PubVarField() override {} +}; // A private variable -class PrivVarField : public Field - { +class PrivVarField : public Field { public: - PrivVarField(ID* id, Type* type) - : Field(PRIV_VAR_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | NOT_PUBLIC_READABLE, id, - type) - { - } - ~PrivVarField() override { } + PrivVarField(ID* id, Type* type) + : Field(PRIV_VAR_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | NOT_PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type) {} + ~PrivVarField() override {} - void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override - { /* do nothing */ - } - }; + void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env) override { /* do nothing */ + } +}; -class TempVarField : public Field - { +class TempVarField : public Field { public: - TempVarField(ID* id, Type* type) - : Field(TEMP_VAR_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | NOT_CLASS_MEMBER, id, type) - { - } - ~TempVarField() override { } - }; + TempVarField(ID* id, Type* type) : Field(TEMP_VAR_FIELD, TYPE_NOT_TO_BE_PARSED | NOT_CLASS_MEMBER, id, type) {} + ~TempVarField() override {} +}; #endif // pac_varfield_h diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 93ecf29..50b8a2b 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -7,67 +7,54 @@ #include "pac_type.h" WithInputField::WithInputField(ID* id, Type* type, InputBuffer* input) - : Field(WITHINPUT_FIELD, TYPE_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type), - input_(input) - { - ASSERT(type_); - ASSERT(input_); - } - -WithInputField::~WithInputField() - { - delete input_; - } - -bool WithInputField::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) - { - return Field::DoTraverse(visitor) && input()->Traverse(visitor); - } - -bool WithInputField::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const - { - return Field::RequiresAnalyzerContext() || (input() && input()->RequiresAnalyzerContext()); - } - -void WithInputField::Prepare(Env* env) - { - Field::Prepare(env); - env->SetEvalMethod(id_, this); - } - -void WithInputField::GenEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - GenParseCode(out_cc, env); - if ( type_->attr_if_expr() ) - { - out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s);", env->RValue(type_->has_value_var())); - } - } - -void WithInputField::GenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) - { - out_cc->println("// Parse \"%s\"", id_->Name()); - if ( type_->attr_if_expr() ) - { - // A conditional field - env->Evaluate(out_cc, type_->has_value_var()); - out_cc->println("if ( %s )", env->RValue(type_->has_value_var())); - out_cc->inc_indent(); - out_cc->println("{"); - } - else - out_cc->println("{"); - - Env field_env(env, this); - ASSERT(! type_->incremental_input()); - type_->GenPreParsing(out_cc, &field_env); - type_->GenParseCode(out_cc, &field_env, input()->GenDataBeginEnd(out_cc, &field_env), 0); - - if ( type_->attr_if_expr() ) - { - out_cc->println("}"); - out_cc->dec_indent(); - } - else - out_cc->println("}"); - } + : Field(WITHINPUT_FIELD, TYPE_TO_BE_PARSED | CLASS_MEMBER | PUBLIC_READABLE, id, type), input_(input) { + ASSERT(type_); + ASSERT(input_); +} + +WithInputField::~WithInputField() { delete input_; } + +bool WithInputField::DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) { + return Field::DoTraverse(visitor) && input()->Traverse(visitor); +} + +bool WithInputField::RequiresAnalyzerContext() const { + return Field::RequiresAnalyzerContext() || (input() && input()->RequiresAnalyzerContext()); +} + +void WithInputField::Prepare(Env* env) { + Field::Prepare(env); + env->SetEvalMethod(id_, this); +} + +void WithInputField::GenEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + GenParseCode(out_cc, env); + if ( type_->attr_if_expr() ) { + out_cc->println("BINPAC_ASSERT(%s);", env->RValue(type_->has_value_var())); + } +} + +void WithInputField::GenParseCode(Output* out_cc, Env* env) { + out_cc->println("// Parse \"%s\"", id_->Name()); + if ( type_->attr_if_expr() ) { + // A conditional field + env->Evaluate(out_cc, type_->has_value_var()); + out_cc->println("if ( %s )", env->RValue(type_->has_value_var())); + out_cc->inc_indent(); + out_cc->println("{"); + } + else + out_cc->println("{"); + + Env field_env(env, this); + ASSERT(! type_->incremental_input()); + type_->GenPreParsing(out_cc, &field_env); + type_->GenParseCode(out_cc, &field_env, input()->GenDataBeginEnd(out_cc, &field_env), 0); + + if ( type_->attr_if_expr() ) { + out_cc->println("}"); + out_cc->dec_indent(); + } + else + out_cc->println("}"); +} diff --git a/src/pac_withinput.h b/src/pac_withinput.h index aee1c3d..fb98272 100644 --- a/src/pac_withinput.h +++ b/src/pac_withinput.h @@ -5,34 +5,33 @@ #include "pac_decl.h" #include "pac_field.h" -class WithInputField : public Field, public Evaluatable - { +class WithInputField : public Field, public Evaluatable { public: - WithInputField(ID* id, Type* type, InputBuffer* input); - ~WithInputField() override; + WithInputField(ID* id, Type* type, InputBuffer* input); + ~WithInputField() override; - InputBuffer* input() const { return input_; } + InputBuffer* input() const { return input_; } - void Prepare(Env* env) override; + void Prepare(Env* env) override; - // void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env); - // void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env); + // void GenPubDecls(Output* out, Env* env); + // void GenPrivDecls(Output* out, Env* env); - // void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env); - // void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env); + // void GenInitCode(Output* out, Env* env); + // void GenCleanUpCode(Output* out, Env* env); - void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env); + void GenParseCode(Output* out, Env* env); - // Instantiate the Evaluatable interface - void GenEval(Output* out, Env* env) override; + // Instantiate the Evaluatable interface + void GenEval(Output* out, Env* env) override; - bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const override; + bool RequiresAnalyzerContext() const override; protected: - bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; + bool DoTraverse(DataDepVisitor* visitor) override; protected: - InputBuffer* input_; - }; + InputBuffer* input_; +}; #endif // pac_withinput_h From 047d69658c3ddb3bd369f9ee499432f9ee158eb4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tim Wojtulewicz Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 13:16:15 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Add cmake-format and typos pre-commit configs --- .pre-commit-config.yaml | 18 ++++++-- CMakeLists.txt | 70 +++++++++++++++--------------- README | 8 ++-- ci/ubuntu-22.10/Dockerfile | 2 +- lib/CMakeLists.txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++------------------- lib/ | 6 +-- lib/binpac_buffer.h | 2 +- patches/binpac-patch-doc.txt | 2 +- src/CMakeLists.txt | 46 +++++++++++--------- src/pac_expr.h | 2 +- src/pac_exttype.h | 2 +- 11 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-) diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml index a835b1b..c0eeaf5 100644 --- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml +++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml @@ -12,12 +12,24 @@ repos: - "json" - repo: - rev: + rev: v3.7.0.1 hooks: - id: shfmt args: ["-w", "-i", "4", "-ci"] -- repo: - rev: v0.31.0 +- repo: + rev: v0.40.2 hooks: - id: yapf + +- repo: + rev: v0.6.13 + hooks: + - id: cmake-format + exclude: '^auxil/.*$' + +- repo: + rev: v1.16.21 + hooks: + - id: typos + exclude: '^(.typos.toml|src/|testing/.*|auxil/.*|scripts/base/frameworks/files/magic/.*|CHANGES)$' diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 92d9abc..5076cfa 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -14,49 +14,48 @@ set(BINPAC_SOVERSION 0) set(ENABLE_SHARED true) -if ( ENABLE_STATIC_ONLY ) +if(ENABLE_STATIC_ONLY) set(ENABLE_STATIC true) set(ENABLE_SHARED false) -endif () +endif() # Set default install paths include(GNUInstallDirs) -######################################################################## -## Dependency Configuration +# ############################################################################## +# Dependency Configuration find_package(FLEX REQUIRED) find_package(BISON REQUIRED) -if (MSVC) +if(MSVC) add_compile_options(/J) # Similar to -funsigned-char on other platforms endif() -######################################################################## -## System Introspection +# ############################################################################## +# System Introspection -configure_file(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ - ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h) +configure_file(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h) include_directories(BEFORE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}) -######################################################################## -## Recurse on sub-directories +# ############################################################################## +# Recurse on sub-directories add_subdirectory(lib) add_subdirectory(src) -######################################################################## -## Build Summary +# ############################################################################## +# Build Summary -if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) - string(TOUPPER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} BuildType) -endif () +if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) + string(TOUPPER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} BuildType) +endif() macro(display test desc summary) - if ( ${test} ) + if(${test}) set(${summary} ${desc}) - else () + else() set(${summary} no) endif() endmacro() @@ -65,23 +64,22 @@ display(ENABLE_SHARED yes shared_summary) display(ENABLE_STATIC yes static_summary) message( - "\n==================| BinPAC Build Summary |====================" - "\nVersion: ${BINPAC_VERSION}" - "\nSO version: ${BINPAC_SOVERSION}" - "\n" - "\nBuild Type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" - "\nDebug mode: ${ENABLE_DEBUG}" - "\nInstall prefix: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" - "\nShared libs: ${shared_summary}" - "\nStatic libs: ${static_summary}" - "\n" - "\nCC: ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}" - "\nCFLAGS: ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${BuildType}}" - "\nCXX: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" - "\nCXXFLAGS: ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${BuildType}}" - "\nCPP: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" - "\n" - "\n================================================================\n" -) + "\n==================| BinPAC Build Summary |====================" + "\nVersion: ${BINPAC_VERSION}" + "\nSO version: ${BINPAC_SOVERSION}" + "\n" + "\nBuild Type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" + "\nDebug mode: ${ENABLE_DEBUG}" + "\nInstall prefix: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" + "\nShared libs: ${shared_summary}" + "\nStatic libs: ${static_summary}" + "\n" + "\nCC: ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}" + "\nCFLAGS: ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${BuildType}}" + "\nCXX: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" + "\nCXXFLAGS: ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${BuildType}}" + "\nCPP: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" + "\n" + "\n================================================================\n") include(UserChangedWarning) diff --git a/README b/README index 66efd5c..6f580b1 100644 --- a/README +++ b/README @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ flow A "flow" defines how data is fed into the analyzer. It also maintains custom state information declared by `%member`_. flow is configured by -specifiying type of data unit. +specifying type of data unit. Syntax: @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ Syntax: When "flow" is added to top level context analyzer, it enables use of &oneline and &length in "record" type. flow buffers data when there is not enough -to evaluate the record and dispatchs data for evaluation when the +to evaluate the record and dispatches data for evaluation when the threshold is reached. flowunit @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ reusing and splitting functionality for parallel development. Extending record ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Record can be extended to add addtional attribute(s) by +Record can be extended to add additional attribute(s) by using "refine typeattr". One of the typical use is to add &let for split protocol parsing from protocol analysis. @@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ translates into:: ...... This was originally intended to implement the behavior of the -superceding "&enforce" attribute. It always has and always will just be +superseding "&enforce" attribute. It always has and always will just be a no-op to ensure anything that uses this doesn't suddenly and unintentionally break. diff --git a/ci/ubuntu-22.10/Dockerfile b/ci/ubuntu-22.10/Dockerfile index 679f4ac..ac9a9a8 100644 --- a/ci/ubuntu-22.10/Dockerfile +++ b/ci/ubuntu-22.10/Dockerfile @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ FROM ubuntu:22.10 ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -# A version field to invalide Cirrus's build cache when needed, as suggested in +# A version field to invalid Cirrus's build cache when needed, as suggested in # ENV DOCKERFILE_VERSION 20220614 diff --git a/lib/CMakeLists.txt b/lib/CMakeLists.txt index 219018e..0c5bf15 100644 --- a/lib/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/lib/CMakeLists.txt @@ -7,61 +7,55 @@ check_type_size("unsigned int" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_INT) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/binpac.h) -include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) +include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) set(binpac_headers - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/binpac.h - binpac_analyzer.h - binpac_buffer.h - binpac_bytestring.h - binpac_exception.h - binpac_regex.h -) + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/binpac.h binpac_analyzer.h binpac_buffer.h + binpac_bytestring.h binpac_exception.h binpac_regex.h) -set(binpac_lib_SRCS - - - - ${binpac_headers} -) +set(binpac_lib_SRCS + ${binpac_headers}) -if ( ENABLE_SHARED ) +if(ENABLE_SHARED) add_library(binpac_lib SHARED ${binpac_lib_SRCS}) target_compile_features(binpac_lib PRIVATE cxx_std_17) - set_target_properties(binpac_lib PROPERTIES - CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF - SOVERSION ${BINPAC_SOVERSION} - VERSION ${BINPAC_VERSION_MAJOR}.${BINPAC_VERSION_MINOR} - MACOSX_RPATH true - OUTPUT_NAME binpac) + set_target_properties( + binpac_lib + PROPERTIES CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF + SOVERSION ${BINPAC_SOVERSION} + VERSION ${BINPAC_VERSION_MAJOR}.${BINPAC_VERSION_MINOR} + MACOSX_RPATH true + OUTPUT_NAME binpac) install(TARGETS binpac_lib DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}) -endif () +endif() -if ( ENABLE_STATIC ) +if(ENABLE_STATIC) add_library(binpac_static STATIC ${binpac_lib_SRCS}) target_compile_features(binpac_static PRIVATE cxx_std_17) - set_target_properties(binpac_static PROPERTIES - CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF - OUTPUT_NAME binpac) + set_target_properties(binpac_static PROPERTIES CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF OUTPUT_NAME + binpac) install(TARGETS binpac_static DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}) -endif () - -if ( ZEEK_ROOT_DIR ) - # Installed in binpac subdir just for organization purposes. - install(FILES ${binpac_headers} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/binpac) -else () - install(FILES ${binpac_headers} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}) -endif () - -# This is set to assist superprojects that want to build BinPac -# from source and rely on it as a target -if ( ENABLE_SHARED ) - set(BinPAC_LIBRARY binpac_lib CACHE STRING "BinPAC library" FORCE) -else () - set(BinPAC_LIBRARY binpac_static CACHE STRING "BinPAC library" FORCE) -endif () +endif() + +if(ZEEK_ROOT_DIR) + # Installed in binpac subdir just for organization purposes. + install(FILES ${binpac_headers} + DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/binpac) +else() + install(FILES ${binpac_headers} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}) +endif() + +# This is set to assist superprojects that want to build BinPac from source and +# rely on it as a target +if(ENABLE_SHARED) + set(BinPAC_LIBRARY + binpac_lib + CACHE STRING "BinPAC library" FORCE) +else() + set(BinPAC_LIBRARY + binpac_static + CACHE STRING "BinPAC library" FORCE) +endif() set(BinPAC_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} - CACHE STRING "BinPAC header directories" FORCE -) + CACHE STRING "BinPAC header directories" FORCE) diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/ index 312401f..8e441e8 100644 --- a/lib/ +++ b/lib/ @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ inline uint16 pac_swap(const uint16 x) inline int16 pac_swap(const int16 x) { // Forward to unsigned version with argument/result casted - // appropiately. + // appropriately. uint16 (*p)(const uint16) = &pac_swap; return (*p)(x); } @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ inline uint32 pac_swap(const uint32 x) inline int32 pac_swap(const int32 x) { // Forward to unsigned version with argument/result casted - // appropiately. + // appropriately. uint32 (*p)(const uint32) = &pac_swap; return (*p)(x); } @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ inline uint64 pac_swap(const uint64 x) inline int64 pac_swap(const int64 x) { // Forward to unsigned version with argument/result casted - // appropiately. + // appropriately. uint64 (*p)(const uint64) = &pac_swap; return (*p)(x); } diff --git a/lib/binpac_buffer.h b/lib/binpac_buffer.h index 3eb118e..a4de6d6 100644 --- a/lib/binpac_buffer.h +++ b/lib/binpac_buffer.h @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class FlowBuffer { // Interface for delayed parsing. Sometimes BinPAC doesn't get the // buffering right and then one can use these to feed parts // individually and assemble them internally. After calling - // FinishBuffer(), one can send the uppper-layer flow an FlowEOF() to + // FinishBuffer(), one can send the upper-layer flow an FlowEOF() to // trigger parsing. void BufferData(const_byteptr data, const_byteptr end); void FinishBuffer(); diff --git a/patches/binpac-patch-doc.txt b/patches/binpac-patch-doc.txt index 052285e..ab0f406 100644 --- a/patches/binpac-patch-doc.txt +++ b/patches/binpac-patch-doc.txt @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ numbers of issues below correspond to the patch numbers in cases - problem: initialization of buffer occurs in every Parse call, regardless if it was initialized before or not; initialization - is correct only on first such occurence + is correct only on first such occurrence - solution: check to buffer_state is to be created always when buffering_state_id is in environment in Type::GenBufferConfig - changed condition from buffering_state_var_field_ to diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt index 1cfb83f..0c21b90 100644 --- a/src/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,16 +1,22 @@ -bison_target(PACParser pac_parse.yy ${BinPAC_BINARY_DIR}/src/ - DEFINES_FILE ${BinPAC_BINARY_DIR}/src/pac_parse.h - COMPILE_FLAGS "--debug") +bison_target( + PACParser pac_parse.yy ${BinPAC_BINARY_DIR}/src/ + DEFINES_FILE ${BinPAC_BINARY_DIR}/src/pac_parse.h + COMPILE_FLAGS "--debug") flex_target(PACScanner pac_scan.ll ${BinPAC_BINARY_DIR}/ add_flex_bison_dependency(PACScanner PACParser) -if (MSVC) - set_property(SOURCE APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS "/wd4018") +if(MSVC) + set_property( + SOURCE + APPEND_STRING + PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS "/wd4018") else() - set_property(SOURCE APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wno-sign-compare") + set_property( + SOURCE + APPEND_STRING + PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wno-sign-compare") endif() -include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src - ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src) +include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src) set(binpac_SRCS ${BISON_PACParser_INPUT} @@ -98,25 +104,25 @@ set(binpac_SRCS pac_typedecl.h pac_utils.h pac_varfield.h - pac_withinput.h -) + pac_withinput.h) add_executable(binpac ${binpac_SRCS}) target_compile_features(binpac PRIVATE cxx_std_17) set_target_properties(binpac PROPERTIES CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) -if ( MSVC ) - # If building separately from zeek, we need to add the libunistd subdirectory so - # that linking doesn't fail. - if ("${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}" STREQUAL "BinPAC") - add_subdirectory(auxil/libunistd EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) - endif() - target_link_libraries(binpac PRIVATE libunistd) +if(MSVC) + # If building separately from zeek, we need to add the libunistd subdirectory + # so that linking doesn't fail. + if("${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}" STREQUAL "BinPAC") + add_subdirectory(auxil/libunistd EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) + endif() + target_link_libraries(binpac PRIVATE libunistd) endif() install(TARGETS binpac DESTINATION bin) -# This is set to assist superprojects that want to build BinPac -# from source and rely on it as a target -set(BinPAC_EXE binpac +# This is set to assist superprojects that want to build BinPac from source and +# rely on it as a target +set(BinPAC_EXE + binpac CACHE STRING "BinPAC executable" FORCE) diff --git a/src/pac_expr.h b/src/pac_expr.h index 8d50c90..07c33f9 100644 --- a/src/pac_expr.h +++ b/src/pac_expr.h @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class Expr : public Object, public DataDepElement { // const char* EvalExpr(Output* out, Env* env); - // force evaulation of IDs contained in this expression; + // force evaluation of IDs contained in this expression; // necessary with case expr and conditional let fields (&if) // for correct parsing of fields void ForceIDEval(Output* out_cc, Env* env); diff --git a/src/pac_exttype.h b/src/pac_exttype.h index c77d674..1abe5e5 100644 --- a/src/pac_exttype.h +++ b/src/pac_exttype.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // ExternType represent external C++ types that are not defined in // PAC specification (therefore they cannot appear in data layout -// spefication, e.g., in a record field). The type name is copied +// specification, e.g., in a record field). The type name is copied // literally to the compiled code. class ExternType : public Type { From dd53dfa1d06529f6bd1351de36ddaedd7a3f8c6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tim Wojtulewicz Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 13:17:44 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Update .git-blame-ignore-revs --- .git-blame-ignore-revs | 5 +++++ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .git-blame-ignore-revs diff --git a/.git-blame-ignore-revs b/.git-blame-ignore-revs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..879a7c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/.git-blame-ignore-revs @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# Reformat C++ code in Spicy style +784f552ffc9eabfb14b8429ae892ff8ff8068cab + +# Add cmake-format and typos pre-commit configs +047d69658c3ddb3bd369f9ee499432f9ee158eb4 From 550376b70d9ebd7e831469232a3ab712a6726612 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tim Wojtulewicz Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 13:27:41 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Remove ubuntu 22.10 build --- .cirrus.yml | 8 -------- ci/ubuntu-22.10/Dockerfile | 18 ------------------ 2 files changed, 26 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 ci/ubuntu-22.10/Dockerfile diff --git a/.cirrus.yml b/.cirrus.yml index 1352a84..56131ed 100644 --- a/.cirrus.yml +++ b/.cirrus.yml @@ -158,14 +158,6 @@ opensuse_tumbleweed_task: << : *CI_TEMPLATE << : *SKIP_TASK_ON_PR -ubuntu2210_task: - container: - # Ubuntu 22.10 EOL: July 2023 - dockerfile: ci/ubuntu-22.10/Dockerfile - << : *RESOURCES_TEMPLATE - << : *CI_TEMPLATE - << : *SKIP_TASK_ON_PR - ubuntu22_task: container: # Ubuntu 22.04 EOL: April 2027 diff --git a/ci/ubuntu-22.10/Dockerfile b/ci/ubuntu-22.10/Dockerfile deleted file mode 100644 index ac9a9a8..0000000 --- a/ci/ubuntu-22.10/Dockerfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -FROM ubuntu:22.10 - -ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" TZ="America/Los_Angeles" - -# A version field to invalid Cirrus's build cache when needed, as suggested in -# -ENV DOCKERFILE_VERSION 20220614 - -RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install \ - bison \ - cmake \ - flex \ - g++ \ - gcc \ - git \ - make \ - && apt autoclean \ - && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*