Thank you for expressing interest in contributing to Zef! Every contribution pushes Zef forward to make it better for current and future users.
We're a small team maintaining Zef and at the moment, want to minimize process.
You can contribute across all fronts, from improving the documentation, submitting bug reports and feature requests, or writing code which can be incorporated into Zef.
We currently do not have a strict process or guidelines. To optimize for feedback speed, please raise bugs, suggest features, or ask if anything seems unclear, missing, or broken directly in our community chat at
Please don't be shy on submitting a pull request - just dive in!
A good first place to start contributing is the documentation and tutorials. We feel this is a good way for people who want to get involved to understand Zef and start making meaningful contributions right away!
If you are using VS Code you have to un-hide the .git
folder, this can be done by creating the following config file.
"files.exclude": {
"**/.git": false
The next step is creating the pre-commit file. Notice how the file name has no extention.
# If there are license errors, print the offending file names and fail.
exec .github/scripts/ 2>&1
Next we need to enable execution.
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
Finally we need to install the addlicense
tool, please note that you need to have Go Lang installed on your system.
go install
Now you are ready to go, the hook should run automaticly before every commit.