+++ title = "Higgs Centre Amplitudes Meetings" +++
This is a weekly series of informal seminars at the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, Edinburgh University, focusing on scattering amplitudes in quantum field theory and related topics, encouraging open discussions.
Mon 1 pm - 2 pm<br>
<input type="radio" name="Mon 1pm" value="Yes">Yes
<input type="radio" name="Mon 1pm" value="Maybe">Maybe
<input type="radio" name="Mon 1pm" value="No" checked>No<br><br>
Tuesday 10 am - 11 am<br>
<input type="radio" name="Tue 10am" value="Yes">Yes
<input type="radio" name="Tue 10am" value="Maybe">Maybe
<input type="radio" name="Tue 10am" value="No" checked>No<br><br>
Tuesday 11 am - 12 pm<br>
<input type="radio" name="Tue 11am" value="Yes">Yes
<input type="radio" name="Tue 11am" value="Maybe">Maybe
<input type="radio" name="Tue 11am" value="No" checked>No<br><br>
Thursday 11.10 am - 12.10 pm<br>
<input type="radio" name="Thu 11.10am" value="Yes">Yes
<input type="radio" name="Thu 11.10am" value="Maybe">Maybe
<input type="radio" name="Thu 11.10am" value="No" checked>No<br><br>
Your name:
<input type="name" name="name" required>
<button type="submit">Send Response</button></br>
The Asymptotic Hopf Algebra of Feynman Integrals
Analytic Waveforms in General Relativity from Scattering Amplitudes
Simplicity of In-In correlators
Binary Kerr black-hole scattering at 2PM from quantum higher-spin Compton
Gravity and a universal cutoff for field theory
Efficient high-order computation of cusp anomalous dimensions in the string-inspired worldline formalism
Mellin-moment amplitude and onshell bootstrap in AdS
Supertranslations from Scattering Amplitudes
Asymptotics for subleading soft theorems at all orders
Spinning Black Hole Scattering at O(G^3) Using Fixed Spin Theories
Calculation of the soft anomalous dimensions with time-like and light-like Wilson lines
Two ways of building the BFKL ladder
(Remote) Two-Loop Spacelike Splitting Amplitude for N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Genealogical constraints on Feynman integrals, and infrared finite scattering amplitudes
Recent advancements and hidden structures in intersection numbers for Feynman Integrals
Pentagon Functions for Five-Point One-Mass Scattering in QCD
Scattering and bound observables for spinning particles in Kerr spacetime
Contour-deforming collider cross-sections
From on-shell Amplitudes to Cosmological Correlators
An eikonal-inspired approach to the one-loop gravitational waveform
Fourier Calculus from Intersection Theory
Non-Planar Two-Loop Amplitudes for Five-Parton Scattering
Binary black holes and quantum off-shell recursions
Isolation of 'Regions' with ASPIRE
Balance Laws in Gravitational Two-Body Scattering
Geometry in Feynman Integrals
Classical double copy of worldline quantum field theory
Classical double copy of worldline quantum field theory
Nonperturbative Anomalous Thresholds
Three-loop four-particle QCD amplitudes
Introduction to Intersection Theory for Scattering Amplitudes
Gravitational Scattering at 4th Post-Minkowskian Order
Soft Anomalous Dimension for Multi-leg Processes involving both timelike and lightlike Wilson lines at 3 Loops
Large Gauge Effects and the Structure of Amplitudes
Bethe-Salpeter equation for classical gravitational bound states
Strong field amplitudes and classical physics
Relativistic dissipation: from hydrodynamics to effective field theory
A geometric approach to the method of regions
Diagrammatic Tensor Reduction
Classical radiation at one loop
Computing DIS coefficient functions at 4-loop
Celestial holography and twistor strings
Lie Theory of (Adjoint) Reflection Hyperplane
A New Amplitude/Form Factor Duality
Gravitational Regge bounds
On-shell Amplitudes for Supersymmetric Massive Gravity
The holonomy group and the double copy
Color-kinematics duality and double-copy for form factors
The one-loop central emission vertex for two gluons in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory
The case of the missing solutions: a biadjoint mystery
Uncertainty and Classical Amplitudes
The Cotton Double Copy
Advances in twistors and perturbative gravity
Disentangling the Regge cut and Regge pole in perturbative QCD
Charge Quantization through Wilson Loops and the Double Copy
Ansätze, Amplitudes and Singular Geometry
HEFT kinematic algebra, heavy double copy and classical gravitational scattering
Yang-Mills observables: from KMOC to eikonal through EFT
Local Unitarity