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[[deps.TranscodingStreams]] -git-tree-sha1 = "1fbeaaca45801b4ba17c251dd8603ef24801dd84" +git-tree-sha1 = "71509f04d045ec714c4748c785a59045c3736349" uuid = "3bb67fe8-82b1-5028-8e26-92a6c54297fa" -version = "0.10.2" +version = "0.10.7" weakdeps = ["Random", "Test"] [deps.TranscodingStreams.extensions] diff --git a/amps.md b/amps.md index 3204244..0c3ab72 100644 --- a/amps.md +++ b/amps.md @@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ TBA ### 30 Apr: Riccardo Gonzo TBA -### 23 Apr: Paolo Benincasa +### 23 Apr: Bakul Agrawal TBA ### 02 Apr: Jiajie Mei -TBA +From on-shell Amplitudes to Cosmological Correlators ### 13 Feb: Carlo Heissenberg An eikonal-inspired approach to the one-loop gravitational waveform diff --git a/index.md b/index.md index bcefaa5..e58672f 100644 --- a/index.md +++ b/index.md @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ My research uses quantum field theory to make precise predictions for fundamenta My research brings together a wide array of theoretical developments in high energy physics, including modern methods for scattering amplitudes, state-of-the-art loop integration techniques, and effective field theories. -Full CV: [PDF](/CV.pdf) | [HTML](/CV/) +Full CV: [PDF](/CV.pdf) Links to my publications: [INSPIRE](https://inspirehep.net/authors/1310565?ui-citation-summary=true) | [arXiv](https://arxiv.org/a/zeng_m_1) ### Seminars and Conferences -I'm co-organizing the weekly [Higgs Centre Amplitudes Meetings](/amps/). - -I'm co-organizing the [Higgs Centre Workshop on Gravitational Self-Force and Scattering Amplitudes](https://higgs.ph.ed.ac.uk/workshops/gravitational-self-force-and-scattering-amplitudes/) to be held in March 2024. +I organized the [Higgs Centre Workshop on Gravitational Self-Force and Scattering Amplitudes](https://higgs.ph.ed.ac.uk/workshops/gravitational-self-force-and-scattering-amplitudes/) to be held in March 2024. I'm co-organizing the 2024 MIAPbP workshop, [EFT and Multi-loop Methods for Advancing Precision in Collider and Gravitational Wave Physics](https://www.munich-iapbp.de/eft-multi-loop-methods) to be held in October 2024. + +I'm co-organizing the weekly [Higgs Centre Amplitudes Meetings](/amps/).