def chooseHadoopEnv (sparkBuilder : SparkSession .Builder , hiveConfDir : String , hadoopConfDir : String ) = {
val configuration : Configuration = new Configuration ()
// 这里的文件地址可以换成从数据库里查询
val core = new Path (s "${hadoopConfDir}/core-site.xml" )
val hdfs = new Path (s "${hadoopConfDir}/hdfs-site.xml" )
val yarn = new Path (s "${hadoopConfDir}/yarn-site.xml" )
val hive = new Path (s "${hiveConfDir}/hive-site.xml" )
configuration .addResource (core )
configuration .addResource (hdfs )
configuration .addResource (yarn )
configuration .addResource (hive )
for (c <- configuration ) {
sparkBuilder .config (c .getKey , c .getValue )
* 选择不同的hadoop环境
def chooseHive (sparkBuilder : SparkSession .Builder , hiveMetaStoreUri : String ) = {
sparkBuilder .config ("hive .metastore .uris ", hiveMetaStoreUri)
def chooseHadoop(spark: SparkSession, nameSpace: String, nn1: String, nn1Addr: String, nn2: String, nn2Addr: String)
= {
val sc: SparkContext = spark.sparkContext
sc.hadoopConfiguration.set(s" fs .defaultFS ", s" hdfs ://$nameSpace")
sc .hadoopConfiguration .set (s "dfs.nameservices" , nameSpace )
sc .hadoopConfiguration .set (s "dfs.ha.namenodes.$nameSpace" , s "$nn1,$nn2" )
sc .hadoopConfiguration .set (s "dfs.namenode.rpc-address.$nameSpace.$nn1" , nn1Addr )
sc .hadoopConfiguration .set (s "dfs.namenode.rpc-address.$nameSpace.$nn2" , nn2Addr )
sc .hadoopConfiguration .set (s "dfs.client.failover.proxy.provider.$nameSpace" , "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.ConfiguredFailoverProxyProvider" )
Tez类找不到问题:移除hive-site.xml tez查询引擎配置即可
Spark Structured Streaming低版本Kafka并发访问问题
对同一个DF进行多次action操作偶发情况下会出现类似问题,本质是底层spark kafka维护kafkaConsumer Pool的时候Key没有携带ThreadId,导致同一个线程下并发创建Consumer的问题
java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: KafkaConsumer is not safe for multi-threaded access
private void acquire () {
this .ensureNotClosed ();
long threadId = Thread .currentThread ().getId ();
if (threadId != this .currentThread .get () && !this .currentThread .compareAndSet (-1L , threadId )) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationException ("KafkaConsumer is not safe for multi-threaded access" );
} else {
this .refcount .incrementAndGet ();
import CachedKafkaConsumer ._
private val groupId = kafkaParams.get(ConsumerConfig .GROUP_ID_CONFIG ).asInstanceOf [String ]
private var consumer = createConsumer
/** indicates whether this consumer is in use or not */
private var inuse = true
/** Iterator to the already fetch data */
private var fetchedData = ju.Collections .emptyIterator[ConsumerRecord [Array [Byte ], Array [Byte ]]]
private var nextOffsetInFetchedData = UNKNOWN_OFFSET
/** Create a KafkaConsumer to fetch records for `topicPartition` */
private def createConsumer : KafkaConsumer [Array [Byte ], Array [Byte ]] = {
val c = new KafkaConsumer [Array [Byte ], Array [Byte ]](kafkaParams)
val tps = new ju.ArrayList [TopicPartition ]()
* 问题代码,并发问题导致在判断key的时候可能thread 1和 thread 2同时判断该key不包含,然后都去创建
* kafkaConsumer,然后就导致同一个thraedId下创建多个kafkaConsumer
* @param topic
* @param partition
* @param kafkaParams
* @return
def getOrCreate (
topic : String ,
partition : Int ,
kafkaParams : ju.Map [String , Object ]): CachedKafkaConsumer = synchronized {
val groupId = kafkaParams.get(ConsumerConfig .GROUP_ID_CONFIG ).asInstanceOf [String ]
val topicPartition = new TopicPartition (topic, partition)
val key = CacheKey (groupId, topicPartition)
// If this is reattempt at running the task, then invalidate cache and start with
// a new consumer
if (TaskContext .get != null && TaskContext .get.attemptNumber > 1 ) {
removeKafkaConsumer(topic, partition, kafkaParams)
val consumer = new CachedKafkaConsumer (topicPartition, kafkaParams)
consumer.inuse = true
cache.put(key, consumer)
} else {
// fixme 并发问题
if (! cache.containsKey(key)) {
cache.put(key, new CachedKafkaConsumer (topicPartition, kafkaParams))
val consumer = cache.get(key)
consumer.inuse = true
def getOrCreate (
topic : String ,
partition : Int ,
kafkaParams : ju.Map [String , Object ]): CachedKafkaConsumer = synchronized {
val groupId = kafkaParams.get(ConsumerConfig .GROUP_ID_CONFIG ).asInstanceOf [String ]
val topicPartition = new TopicPartition (topic, partition)
val key = CacheKey (groupId, topicPartition)
// If this is reattempt at running the task, then invalidate cache and start with
// a new consumer
if (TaskContext .get != null && TaskContext .get.attemptNumber > 1 ) {
removeKafkaConsumer(topic, partition, kafkaParams)
val consumer = new CachedKafkaConsumer (topicPartition, kafkaParams)
consumer.inuse = true
cache.put(key, consumer)
} else {
// if (!cache.containsKey(key)) {
// cache.put(key, new CachedKafkaConsumer(topicPartition, kafkaParams))
// }
// val consumer = cache.get(key)
// fix thread safe problem
val consumer = cache.putIfAbsent(key, new CachedKafkaConsumer (topicPartition, kafkaParams))
consumer.inuse = true