Simple common api for coding with Cordova / Phonegap. The functions fallback if Cordova is not loaded, degrading to browser functionality.
This package consists of multiple features:
- Running Meteor in Cordova on a device
- Allow appcache to work
- Fallback url if meteor cant load - when using appcache this would be the case until appcache is initialized
- Allowing Meteor to interact with Cordova and plugins
#Getting started
- Use the cordova CLI to install the plugin in the project
$ cordova plugin add
- Use meteorite to add the package to the meteor app
mrt add cordova
Add some boilerplate checkout www/index.example.html
inspiration. When the device is ready MeteorCordova can be used, the plugin is loaded by Cordova so no need for script tags.
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {
meteor = new MeteorCordova('http://localhost:3000', {
appcache: false, // Set this true if Meteor got appcache
fallbackUrl: 'fallbackurl.example.html',
debug: true // Set to false in production
// Begin the load process
meteor.load(function(error) {
if (error) {
alert('error: ' + error);
options = {
appcache:true, // should we rely on appcache
onload: function(e, callbackUrlFlag) {} // callback for when the iframe is loaded with meteor or fallbackUrl (if callbackUrlFlag == true)
fallbackUrl: '' // if load check fails then this url is called
#The Meteor client API ##Init
cordova = new Cordova();
adding options:
cordova = new Cordova({
plugins: {
notification: true // More docs below in the native section
##Call device scope javascript
To call functions or read variables on the device we have a simple function call
Call takes three parametres:
, [arguments
], returningCallback
The returning callback is optional
Examples: Read a variable'foo', [], function(value) {
console.log('We got value = ' + value);
Call a function with no returning callback'console.log', ['Hello world']);
Call with callbacks in the parametres
function onSuccess(heading) {
alert('Heading: ' + heading.magneticHeading);
function onError(error) {
alert('CompassError: ' + error.code);
cordova.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {'navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading', [onSuccess, onError]);
Call with callbacks in parametres and a returning callback
function onSuccess(heading) {
var element = document.getElementById('heading');
element.innerHTML = 'Heading: ' + heading.magneticHeading;
function onError(compassError) {
alert('Compass error: ' + compassError.code);
var options = {
frequency: 3000
}; // Update every 3 seconds'navigator.compass.watchHeading', [onSuccess, onError, options], function(watchID) {
console.log('We've got a watch id: ' + watchID);
##Add event listeners To add an event listener it follows the cordova api closely
cordova.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {
// Got a ready device
##Device ready
is reactive and holds the state of the device
Template.hello.deviceready = function() {
return cordova.isReady();
Adding a template helper
#Notification API
This api works in browsers and on devices - It's also ment as an example howto extend the Meteor Cordova
api for supporting more plugins.
##Native support: For native support install the package
$ cordova plugin add
$ cordova plugin add
Tell meteor's cordova to use native notifications when device is ready.
Activate the native notification:
cordova = new Cordova({
plugins: {
notification: true, // If we have both native plugins installed
// vibration: true, // only the vibration plugin
// dialogs: true, // only the dialogs plugin
##Cordova.alert cordova.alert(message, alertCallback, [title], [buttonName])
cordova.alert("Hello", function() {
// Alert is closed
}, 'Greeting', 'Ok')
##Cordova.confirm `cordova.confirm(message, confirmCallback, title, buttonLabels)``
##Cordova.prompt `cordova.prompt(message, promptCallback, title, buttonLabels, defaultText)``
In a browser without cordova support it defaults to low vibrating sound in speakers.
For more detailed info on the api I'll point to for now