This git repository contains various scripts written by Eskild Hustvedt that does not really merit their own git repo. See also the trivial/ subdirectory for more (simpler/more trivial) scripts and the linuxGames/ subdirectory for Linux Gaming-related scripts.
I make no guarantees about the scripts in this repository, use at your own risk. Should you find a bug however, feel free to report it and I will look into fixing it.
All scripts are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. They are (unless otherwise stated) licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See COPYING for the full license text.
Script: Description:
------- ------------
aac2ogg Quick and dirty hack to convert *.aac files to OGG Vorbis.
animetool A simple script to assist with watching TV/Anime series
and rename files to sane filenames.
A userscript/greasemonkey script to remove the social
features ("blurblog") from Newsblur
cookiesTxtToPhantom A script to convert cookies.txt files to a cookie
format usable by phantomjs
dagsnytt A script to fetch the latest "dagsnytt" (Norwegian NRK radio
news) podcast and play it. Can also fetch the latest "politisk
kvarter". A simple script intended to be run from cron.hourly
that checks if any partitions have less than 1GiB of
free space and warns you via e-mail if it does.
filenamecleaner A simple script that helps clean up nasty filenames.
getdagsrevyen A script to fetch the latest dagsrevyen (Norwegian NRK TV news)
video podcast and play it.
gh-issuedump A script that downloads a dump of all issues on a
GitHub issue tracker for a user or organization.
gitannex-install A script that downloads and installs (or updates) the
git-annex standalone builds.
grandomwallpaper Randomly sets a wallpaper for users using nautilus/GNOME.
gui_default_tango.vim A theme for gvim that makes gvim look like vim does by default in
the gnome terminal with the tango colour scheme
latexb A simple utility script to help easily build LaTeX documents.
monitorgrowth Monitor the rate at which a file is growing.
pbJSON2HTML A script that converts a bookmark backup
from JSON to a usable HTML file
prepVim A script that downloads and installs vim plugins. Uses pathogen
to make sure ~/.vim is not cluttered.
reencode A simple script to assist with re-encoding MP3-files.
runlocale Run a program with all locale env-variables set to the supplied
synaptic-scroll-fix Enable scrolling using the right-edge of a touchpad, rather than
two-finger scrolling.
txt2html A *very* simple script to convert a pure-text file into HTML.
xspf2m3u A script that converts [XSPF]( playlists to M3U.
zd-cleandir A script to help clean up directories that constantly get new files
(such as mail attachment directories). It will sort files into YYYY/MM
directories for more permanent storage. Only files older than 7 days
will be sorted. Depends upon filenamecleaner.
wma2ogg Quick and dirty hack to convert *.wma files to OGG Vorbis.
vim: set expandtab :