Install ser2net. Use telnet as the console since UEFI will output window that fails to display in minicom.
$sudo apt-get install ser2net
Configure ser2net.
$sudo vi /etc/ser2net.conf
Append one line for serial-over-USB in below.
2004:telnet:0:/dev/ttyUSB0:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner
Open the console.
$telnet localhost 2004
And you could open the console remotely, too.OR USE picocom
Install picocom. Use picocom as the console since UEFI will output window that fails to display in minicom.
$sudo apt-get install picocom
Open the console.
$picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 -f x
- Connect the HiKey960 and prepare for flash assuming the host machine already has adb and fastboot installed a. On the Hikey960
...Set switch 1 and 2 to on and 3 to off
...Connect the uart to the host system and make sure it shows up as ttyUSB0 using dmesg command
...Power on the HiKey960
...Connect the usb-c otg to host system and make sure that shows up as ttyUSB1
sudo ./recovery-flash-uefi-prebuilt.sh -h
Set switch 1 to on and 2 & 3 to off
Reboot and proceed to install OS.