其他语言版本: English
本教程介绍如何使用 React Native SDK 创建 Agora 账户并且实现多人视频通话。
Agora React Native SDK的源代码可以在这里找到,接口可以查阅 SDK 的接口文档。
- react native 0.59.10 及以上
- iOS SDK 8.0 及以上
- Android 5.0 及以上
- 手机设备
- 有效的 Agora 账户(免费注册)
├── android
├── components
│ └── permission.js
│ └── Style.js
│ └── Video.js
├── ios
├── index.js
要运行示例应用程序,你需要首先获取 Agora App ID。参考以下步骤在控制台创建一个 Agora 项目,并获取一个 App ID。
- 从主分支下载并解压程序 zip 包。
- 在解压后的路径下,运行
npm install
,或使用 yarn 来安装程序依赖。 - 打开
文件,将获取到的项目 App ID 填入第 18 行的AppID: 'YourAppIDGoesHere'
。 - 使用 Terminal 终端运行
react-native link react-native-agora
。 - 连接设备,并运行
react-native run-android
或react-native run-ios
命令,运行 app。
其中,该示例程序使用 channel-x
我们使用 Style.js 文件中的 StyleSheet 定义视频画面的样式。
import { StyleSheet, Dimensions } from 'react-native';
let dimensions = { //get dimensions of the device to use in view styles
width: Dimensions.get('window').width,
height: Dimensions.get('window').height,
export default StyleSheet.create({
max: {
flex: 1,
buttonHolder: {
height: 100,
alignItems: 'center',
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'row',
justifyContent: 'space-evenly',
button: {
paddingHorizontal: 20,
paddingVertical: 10,
backgroundColor: '#0093E9',
borderRadius: 25,
buttonText: {
color: '#fff',
fullView: {
width: dimensions.width,
height: dimensions.height - 100,
halfViewRow: {
flex: 1 / 2,
flexDirection: 'row',
full: {
flex: 1,
half: {
flex: 1 / 2,
localVideoStyle: {
width: 120,
height: 150,
position: 'absolute',
top: 5,
right: 5,
zIndex: 100,
noUserText: {
paddingHorizontal: 10,
paddingVertical: 5,
color: '#0093E9',
写入 import 语句,并将 Agora 的对象定义为原生模块,然后设置默认值。 同时,我们对 RTC Engine 进行配置,对音、视频流进行设置。
import requestCameraAndAudioPermission from './permission';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, NativeModules, ScrollView, Text, TouchableOpacity, Platform } from 'react-native';
import { RtcEngine, AgoraView } from 'react-native-agora';
import styles from './Style';
const { Agora } = NativeModules; //Define Agora object as a native module
const {
} = Agora; //Set defaults for Stream
const config = { //Setting config of the app
appid: 'ENTER APP ID HERE', //Enter the App ID generated from the Agora Website
channelProfile: 0, //Set channel profile as 0 for RTC
videoEncoderConfig: { //Set Video feed encoder settings
width: 720,
height: 1080,
bitrate: 1,
frameRate: FPS30,
orientationMode: Adaptative,
audioProfile: AudioProfileDefault,
audioScenario: AudioScenarioDefault,
:是一个数组,表示频道内其他用户的 ID;uid
:本地用户的 ID;appid
:获取到的 Agora 项目 App ID;channelName
class Video extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
peerIds: [], //Array for storing connected peers
uid: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100), //Generate a UID for local user
appid: config.appid,
channelName: 'channel-x', //Channel Name for the current session
joinSucceed: false, //State variable for storing success
if (Platform.OS === 'android') { //Request required permissions from Android
requestCameraAndAudioPermission().then(_ => {
在程序运行过程中,RTC Engine 会通过一系列的用户事件来控制逻辑:
- 当有新用户加入通话时,我们将新加入用户的 ID 添加进
数组中,并订阅他们的音视频流; - 当用户离开通话时,我们则将其 ID 从数组中删除;
- 当本地用户成功加入频道时,我们会启动预览功能;
- 调用
方法初始化 RTC Engine。
componentDidMount() {
RtcEngine.on('userJoined', (data) => {
const { peerIds } = this.state; //Get currrent peer IDs
if (peerIds.indexOf(data.uid) === -1) { //If new user has joined
peerIds: [...peerIds, data.uid], //add peer ID to state array
RtcEngine.on('userOffline', (data) => { //If user leaves
peerIds: this.state.peerIds.filter(uid => uid !== data.uid), //remove peer ID from state array
RtcEngine.on('joinChannelSuccess', (data) => { //If Local user joins RTC channel
RtcEngine.startPreview(); //Start RTC preview
joinSucceed: true, //Set state variable to true
RtcEngine.init(config); //Initialize the RTC engine
* @name startCall
* @description Function to start the call
startCall = () => {
RtcEngine.joinChannel(this.state.channelName, this.state.uid); //Join Channel
RtcEngine.enableAudio(); //Enable the audio
* @name endCall
* @description Function to end the call
endCall = () => {
peerIds: [],
joinSucceed: false,
我们还要为用户创建视频界面。例如频道中有 4 个用户,那就需要将视图分成 4 个部分。在每个小视窗内,我们使用 AgoraView 组件。将远端流视窗设为 remoteUid={'RemoteUidGoesHere'}
来接收远端流;设置 showLocalVideo={true}
* @name videoView
* @description Function to return the view for the app
videoView() {
return (
<View style={styles.max}>
<View style={styles.max}>
<View style={styles.buttonHolder}>
<TouchableOpacity title="Start Call" onPress={this.startCall} style={styles.button}>
<Text style={styles.buttonText}> Start Call </Text>
<TouchableOpacity title="End Call" onPress={this.endCall} style={styles.button}>
<Text style={styles.buttonText}> End Call </Text>
!this.state.joinSucceed ?
<View />
<View style={styles.fullView}>
this.state.peerIds.length > 3 //view for four videostreams
? <View style={styles.full}>
<View style={styles.halfViewRow}>
<AgoraView style={styles.half}
remoteUid={this.state.peerIds[0]} mode={1} />
<AgoraView style={styles.half}
remoteUid={this.state.peerIds[1]} mode={1} />
<View style={styles.halfViewRow}>
<AgoraView style={styles.half}
remoteUid={this.state.peerIds[2]} mode={1} />
<AgoraView style={styles.half}
remoteUid={this.state.peerIds[3]} mode={1} />
: this.state.peerIds.length > 2 //view for three videostreams
? <View style={styles.full}>
<View style={styles.half}>
<AgoraView style={styles.full}
remoteUid={this.state.peerIds[0]} mode={1} />
<View style={styles.halfViewRow}>
<AgoraView style={styles.half}
remoteUid={this.state.peerIds[1]} mode={1} />
<AgoraView style={styles.half}
remoteUid={this.state.peerIds[2]} mode={1} />
: this.state.peerIds.length > 1 //view for two videostreams
? <View style={styles.full}>
<AgoraView style={styles.full}
remoteUid={this.state.peerIds[0]} mode={1} />
<AgoraView style={styles.full}
remoteUid={this.state.peerIds[1]} mode={1} />
: this.state.peerIds.length > 0 //view for videostream
? <AgoraView style={styles.full}
remoteUid={this.state.peerIds[0]} mode={1} />
: <View>
<Text style={styles.noUserText}> No users connected </Text>
<AgoraView style={styles.localVideoStyle}
zOrderMediaOverlay={true} showLocalVideo={true} mode={1} />
render() {
return this.videoView();
export default Video;
在 Android 平台上,我们通过 permission.js
import { PermissionsAndroid } from "react-native";
* @name requestCameraAndAudioPermission
* @description Function to request permission for Audio and Camera
export default async function requestCameraAndAudioPermission() {
try {
const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.requestMultiple([
if (
granted["android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"] ===
PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED &&
granted["android.permission.CAMERA"] ===
) {
console.log("You can use the cameras & mic");
} else {
console.log("Permission denied");
} catch (err) {
- Agora开发者中心API 文档
- 如果发现了示例代码的bug, 欢迎提交
- React Native入门教程