This is the help of the original C++ seedtool:
Usage: seedtool [OPTION...] INPUT
Converts cryptographic seeds between various forms.
-c, --count=1-1024 The number of output units (default: 16)
-i, --in=random|hex|btw|btwu|btwm|bits|cards|dice|base6|base10|ints|bip39|sskr|ur The input format
(default: random)
-o, --out=hex|btw|btwu|btwm|bits|cards|dice|base6|base10|ints|bip39|sskr
The output format (default: hex)
-p, --parts=FOUNTAIN_PARTS For multi-part URs, the number of additional UR parts above the minimum to generate using fountain encoding.
-u, --ur[=MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH] Encode output as a Uniform Resource (UR). If necessary the UR will be segmented into parts with fragments no larger than MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH.
ints Input and Output Options:
-h, --high=1-255 The highest int returned (default: 9)
-l, --low=0-254 The lowest int returned (default: 1)
--low < high
SSKR Output Options:
-g, --group=M-of-N The group specification (default: 1-of-1)
--M < N
-t, --group-threshold=1-16 The number of groups that must meet their threshold (default: 1)
--The --group option may appear more than once.
--The group threshold must be <= the number of group specifications.
Deterministic Random Numbers:
-d, --deterministic=SEED Use a deterministic random number generator with the given seed.
-?, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message
-V, --version Print program version
Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.
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