All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.0.0 (2020-07-31)
- api: 1. luckysheet.flowdata change to luckysheet.flowdata() 2.all apis list in documentation
- gulp: demo index.html's js and css refrence change
- bug: bug
- chart: add new config : plugins, array
- main: bug
- cell overflow: cell overflow (c3e4f39)
- chart: chart (9991702)
- chart: chart plugin (196362d)
- d (07d004f)
- allowedit support: allowEdit support (59561bb)
- bug fix: bu (f23ba5d)
- canvas: canvas (c63871f)
- chart: add chart (139bc6e)
- gloabe improve and bug fix: global improve and bug fix,include formula,find and replace,filter (e6cfa31)
- globalization fix: pivot table , drop cell (55d4cf2)
- locale: locale (4cd2ee4)
- move: move chart (cda6df0)
- optimiz: optimization (abbf592)
- rightclick menu perfect: add rows and cols delete rows and cols hide rows and cols (32f94a7)
- scroll style fix beautify: scroll,sheet color and style (63f2630)
- split handler.js to small file: split handler.js file to seven files (0a62ff0)
- zh en: zh en (040bfe4)
- zh-cn: zh-cn (907226c)
- zh-cn: zh-cn (01f9521)
- bug: bug (7dff640)
- bug: bug (8baf378)
- bug: bug (5ebd31e)
- bug: bug (f53addb)
- bug: bug (9cc36cf)
- bug: bug (186e3c9)
- bug: bug (447735c)
- bug: bug (74639a8)
- bug: bug (1082ab0)
- bug fix: sparkLines, pivot Table, change to sheet (69aee1a)
- canvas: canvas,function (2445ff5)
- fix: fix (bd6a9bd)
- fix: fix byg (d9fb5fe)
- fix allowedit: fix allowEdit attribute (35820b3)
- from github: github (abd44e8)
- hot key and mousemove: hot key fix (1ad40cf)
- internationalization: internationalization,formula (c6901fc)
- linestyle bug: lineStyle (27ba0a3)
- locale: locale bug (3bd0cae)
- locale finished and bug fix: locale finished, condition bug fix , multi range bug fix (0aa9b3b)
- locale,formula: locale,formula (b11b862)
- mac scroll x reverse fix: mac scroll x reverse fix and scroll optimization (8eb68e8)
- main: bug (67ebe19)
- pivot table bug: uni (56181e6)
1.0.1-6 (2020-07-14)
- core.js: core function (6e63969)