Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | string | Futures contract | [optional] |
type | string | Futures contract type | [optional] |
quanto_multiplier | string | Multiplier used in converting from invoicing to settlement currency | [optional] |
leverage_min | string | Minimum leverage | [optional] |
leverage_max | string | Maximum leverage | [optional] |
maintenance_rate | string | Maintenance rate of margin | [optional] |
mark_type | string | Mark price type, internal - based on internal trading, index - based on external index price | [optional] |
mark_price | string | Current mark price | [optional] |
index_price | string | Current index price | [optional] |
last_price | string | Last trading price | [optional] |
maker_fee_rate | string | Maker fee rate, where negative means rebate | [optional] |
taker_fee_rate | string | Taker fee rate | [optional] |
order_price_round | string | Minimum order price increment | [optional] |
mark_price_round | string | Minimum mark price increment | [optional] |
funding_rate | string | Current funding rate | [optional] |
funding_interval | int | Funding application interval, unit in seconds | [optional] |
funding_next_apply | double | Next funding time | [optional] |
risk_limit_base | string | Risk limit base | [optional] |
risk_limit_step | string | Step of adjusting risk limit | [optional] |
risk_limit_max | string | Maximum risk limit the contract allowed | [optional] |
order_size_min | int | Minimum order size the contract allowed | [optional] |
order_size_max | int | Maximum order size the contract allowed | [optional] |
order_price_deviate | string | deviation between order price and current index price. If price of an order is denoted as order_price, it must meet the following condition: abs(order_price - mark_price) <= mark_price * order_price_deviate | [optional] |
ref_discount_rate | string | Referral fee rate discount | [optional] |
ref_rebate_rate | string | Referrer commission rate | [optional] |
orderbook_id | int | Current orderbook ID | [optional] |
trade_id | int | Current trade ID | [optional] |
trade_size | int | Historical accumulated trade size | [optional] |
position_size | int | Current total long position size | [optional] |
config_change_time | double | Last changed time of configuration | [optional] |
in_delisting | bool | Contract is delisting | [optional] |
orders_limit | int | Maximum number of open orders | [optional] |
enable_bonus | bool | Whether bouns is enabled | [optional] |
enable_credit | bool | Whether portfolio margin account is enabled | [optional] |