Use the Versions Maven Plugin. Rules are configured in version-rules.xml.
./mvnw versions:use-latest-releases
./mvnw release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=1.2.0 -DdevelopmentVersion=1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
./mvnw release:perform -DreleaseVersion=1.2.0 -DdevelopmentVersion=1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
does Github tags and commits, while release:perform
signs the artifacts and uploads them to the staging repositoring on
After that, manually verify the uploaded artifacts on, click Close
to trigger Sonatype's verification, and then Release
Note: We release only the parent module and the modules starting with simpleclient. Currently, we manually remove the benchmark and integration test modules. Todo: Instead of manually removing these modules, we should reconfigure the build to make sure that these modules aren't released.