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+## 样式预览
+### 引注
+(Wei and Wu,2001)
+### 参考文献表
2.Wei, S. J., and Y. Wu, 2001, “Globalization and Inequality: Evidence from within China”, NBER Working Paper 8611,
+## 默认测试
+### 引注
+张三 (2008)
+Jason (2008)
+张三和李四 (2008)
+Wang and Sun (2009)
+(赵一和陈二,2008;Wolchik and West,2009)
+张三等 (2008)
+Wang et al. (2009)
+(赵一等,2008;Wolchik et al.,2009)
+张三等 (2019a)
+张三等 (2019b)
+Qian et al. (2020b)
+Qian et al. (2020a)
+(张三等,2019a;Qian et al.,2020b)
+张三等 (2020a)
+张三等 (2020b)
+Qian et al. (2009b)
+Qian et al. (2009a)
+(Qian et al.,2009b)
+(Edeline and Weinberger,n.d., 2005, 2002a, 2002b)
+(Deng and Feng,2005;Chen,2006;Bai,2002)
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+ "type": "article",
+ "language": "zh-CN",
+ "number": "C2016009",
+ "publisher": "北京大学国家发展研究院",
+ "title": "我国的产能过剩及其衡量方法",
+ "URL": "https://www.nsd.pku.edu.cn/publications/tlg/tlg2015/2016/0905/27159.html",
+ "author": [
+ {
+ "literal": "余淼杰"
+ },
+ {
+ "literal": "崔晓敏"
+ }
+ ],
+ "issued": {
+ "date-parts": [
+ [
+ "2016"
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+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "cre:3.1:2",
+ "type": "article",
+ "abstract": "In this paper, we provide a case study of the impact of globalization on income inequality using data across Chinese regions. The literature on cross-country studies has been criticized because differences in legal systems and other institutions across countries are difficult to control for, and the inequality data across countries may not be compatible. An in-depth case study of a particular country's experience can provide a useful complement to cross-country regressions. We construct a measure of urban-rural income ratio for 100 or so Chinese cities (urban areas and adjacent rural counties) over the period 1988-1993. The central finding is that cities that experience a greater degree of openness in trade also tend to demonstrate a greater decline in urban-rural income inequality. Thus, globalization has helped to reduce, rather than increase, the urban-rural income inequality. This pattern in the data suggests that inferences based solely on China's national aggregate figures (overall openness and overall inequality) can be misleading. The negative association between openness and inequality holds up when we apply a geography-based instrumental variable approach to correct for possible endogeneity of a region's trade openness.",
+ "collection-title": "Working Paper Series",
+ "DOI": "10.3386/w8611",
+ "genre": "Working paper",
+ "language": "en-US",
+ "number": "8611",
+ "publisher": "NBER",
+ "source": "National Bureau of Economic Research",
+ "title": "Globalization and inequality: evidence from within China",
+ "title-short": "Globalization and inequality",
+ "URL": "https://www.nber.org/papers/w8611",
+ "author": [
+ {
+ "family": "Wei",
+ "given": "Shang-Jin"
+ },
+ {
+ "family": "Wu",
+ "given": "Yi"
+ }
+ ],
+ "accessed": {
+ "date-parts": [
+ [
+ "2024",
+ 7,
+ 30
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ "issued": {
+ "date-parts": [
+ [
+ "2001",
+ 11
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
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+ "style_class": "in-text",
+ "title": "中国农村经济",
+ "id": "http://www.zotero.org/styles/chinese-rural-economy",
+ "link_self": "http://www.zotero.org/styles/chinese-rural-economy",
+ "link_template": "http://www.zotero.org/styles/social-sciences-in-china",
+ "link_documentation": "https://zgncjj.ajcass.com/Show/1194?itemID=157668",
+ "author": [
+ {
+ "name": "Zeping Lee"
+ }
+ ],
+ "contributor": [],
+ "citation_format": "author-date",
+ "field": "social_science",
+ "summary": "《中国农村经济》《中国农村观察》体例规范.docx",
+ "updated": "2024-07-30T13:52:45+08:00",
+ "citations": "(余淼杰和崔晓敏,2016)
\n(Wei and Wu,2001)
+ "bibliography": "\n
2.Wei, S. J., and Y. Wu, 2001, “Globalization and Inequality: Evidence from within China”, NBER Working Paper 8611,
+ "tags": [
+ "姓名小写",
+ "有标题",
+ "期刊全称",
+ "无URL",
+ "无DOI"
+ ]