- Source Ethernet (MAC) Address
- Destination Ethernet Address
- Frame Type: used to identify the payload
- CRC: used for error control
Dest. Addr., Src. Addr.: MAC addresses are 48 bit
Type: Identifies the content of the data field (must ≥ Ox0600)
CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check
- Destination address, Source address: MAC addresses are 48 bit (displayed as 12 hexadecimal characters)
- Length: frame length in number of bytes (<Ox0600, 1,500 bytes → Ox05dc)
- DSAP, SSAP: always set to 0xaa
- Ctrl: set t o 3
- Org code: set to 0
- Type field: identifies the content of the data field
- CRC: cyclic redundancy check
- Total frame size: 64 bytes to 1518 bytes Overhead: 38 bytes including 12 bytes Inter Frame Gap (IFG)
DISCUSS How to distinguish IEEE 802.2/802.3 and RFC 894?
By the length and type field field(No.13 byte, No.14 byte). 802.2/802.3 < 0x600, RFC 894 >= 600.
More fields than other data-link protocols
High overhead:
- 30 byte header
- Four Address fields: BSSID, Source Address (SA), Destination Address (DA), Receiving Station Address (RA), Transmitting station Address (TA) depend on Frame Control setting
Different frame types for different tasks: – Some fields are not presented in all types of frames
Version: current version is 4, new version is 6.
IHL (Internet Header Length, 4 bits): Number of 32-bit words in the IP header
Type of Service (TOS): contains 4 TOS bits, where each bit indicates a desired service.
- Only one bit can be set! Not supported in all applications.
Total Length: Number of bytes in the IP datagram (header+payload)
Identification: unique identification of a datagram from a host. Incremented whenever a datagram is transmitted.
Flags and Fragrment Offset: Associated with fragmentation
Time To Live (TTL): specifies longest path before datagram is dropped.
Used to prevent infinite looping of packets
Discuss: Who can drop the packets? Host? Router?
TTL field is set at sending host and is decremented by 1 at each router
If a router gets a datagram whose TTL is either 0 or 1, the router will drop the packet.
If a destination host gets a datagram whose TTL is larger than 0, the host will deliver the datagram to the higher layer.
Protocol: Specifies the higher-layer protocol. Used for demultiplexing to higher layers.
Higher Layer Protocol value TCP 6 ICMP 1 UDP 17 IGMP (???) 2 -
Header Checksum: verifies correctness of header.
Source and Destination Addresses: identify the interfaces on the sending and receiving hosts
- Security: indicates security and handling restrictions, ...
- Record Route: each router that processes the packet adds its IP address to the header.
- Timestamp: each router that processes the packet adds its IP address and time to the header.
- (loose) Source Routing: specifies a list of routers that must be traversed.
- (strict) Source Routing: specifies a list of the only routers that can be traversed.
Padding: ensures that header ends on a 4-byte boundary
- Port Numbers identify sending and receiving applications (processes). The maximum value for a port number is 216-1= 65,535
- Message Length is between 8 bytes (i.e., data field can be empty) and 65,535 bytes (length of UDP header and data in bytes)
- Checksum is for UDP header and UDP data
- Optional:
- set all 0’s if not calculated
- A calculated checksum can never be all 0’s.
- Computed using the UDP header, UDP data and a pseudo-header as below.
- All fields of pseudo-header are available in UDP layer
- PPP frame format
- Flag: mark the beginning and ending of a frame
- Protocol: used to multiplex different protocol data
- No addressing, only two end hosts.
28 bytes long.
An ARP request or ARP reply is encapsulated in an Ethernet frame.
– The protocol type in Ethernet frame is set to 0x0806 for ARP messages.
Hardware Type - Specifies a hardware interface type for which the sender requires a response, i.e. Ethernet (1) in our case
DISCUSS: What's the usage of Hardware Type?
Protocol type - Specifies the type of high-level protocol address the sender has supplied, ie. IP (Ox0800) in our case
DISCUSS: What's the usage of Protocol Type?
Hlen - Hardware address length.
Plen - Protocol address length.
Operation field specifies ARP request (1), ARP reply (2), RARP request (3), or RARP reply (4).