- Supports URP 2021.3.
- Fixed environement reflections flag not working.
- Supports URP 2019.4.
- Supports URP 2019.3.
- Supports URP 2020.1.
- Added experimental spherical shadow coordinate correction.
- Lightweighted logic for normal correction.
- Added renderer feature for when outlines do not work during deferred rendering.
- Fixed AlphaCutoff in DepthOnlyPass for transparent materials to work.
- Fixed AlphaCutoff in DepthNormalsPass for transparent materials to work.
- Added Outline Mask property.
- Fixed material gui.
- Fixed problem with Render Queue changes not working.
- Fixed MToon to UniToon converter.
- Added MToon to UniToon converter.
- Fixed changes did not work when multiple materials were selected.
- Fixed AlphaCutoff in ShadowCasterPass for transparent materials to work.
- Smoothness initial value changed from 0.5 to 0.25.
- Fixed a bug that specular color not working.
- Fixed Hi-Cut filter were not working correctly.
- Added Min Brightness parameter.
- Fixed a bug that metallic gloss maps were not working.
- Fixed outline logic.
- Added URP Lit to UniToon converter.
- Supports URP 2020.2.
- Supports URP 2020.3.
- Fixed Normal Correct logic.
- Fixed a bug that specular maps were not working.
- Added Hi-Cut filter parameters.
- Removed UniversalGBuffer pass.
- Fixed UniversalForward pass to UniversalForwardOnly pass.
- Fixed lighting logic.
- Added some post-processing parameters.
- Fixed problem with transparency not working.
- Fixed problem with non-adjustable cutouts.
- Fixed outline logic.
- Added shader ver 2021.1.
- Fixed UniToon version enum.
- Fixed material gui.
- Fixed lighting logic.
- Fixed material gui.
- Added normal correct property.
- Added post process property.
- Fixed outline logic.
- Added MMD shader to UniToon shader converter.
- Fixed lighting logic.
- Separate files by version.
- Basic features implemented.