Deepti Kumar
Anirudh A
Shreya Srirampur
Eva Tiwari
- Fork the original repository. This forked copy should show up on your list of repositories.
- Create a folder in your system, and using the command line, cd to it. This folder will contain your project.
- Now cd to this new folder and open command line here. Type "git clone"
- Once that is done, type "git remote add origin"
- Next, type "git remote add github". Note the difference between the two URLs.
- Everytime you have added a new feature and it works without showing any errors, type the following commands
in the following sequence:
- git status - to check what needs to be added
- git add file-name - to add the file to the commit stage Alternatively, type git add -A if there are too many files.
- git commit -m"commit-message" - this should be done once the file names are green. commit message should describe the files changed/deleted or functionalities added.
- git push github master - to push this to the master branch of your fork.
- Now open your forked repository, an option to send a pull request will appear. Accept it to send a pull request to me. I will review your code and accept it accordingly.
- If you want to keep your local copy of the project updated, type "git pull github master".