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Norgus edited this page Nov 19, 2015 · 2 revisions

Any tools useful for assisting work on the project.

After e-mailing mangagamer support, it seems that there isn’t a save file modifier tool, but there was a good tip for testing.

  • Edit the onik_op.txt file to contain sections of script which need testing and start a new game

The script can be stripped right down as follows

void main()
// code to test here

Example testing a line:

void main()

	PlaySE(3, "s19/03/990300148", 256, 64);
	OutputLine(NULL, "「会則第一条!!",
		   NULL, "\"The first rule of our society!!", Line_ContinueAfterTyping);
	Wait ( 1000 );
		   OutputLine(NULL, " 狙うのは1位のみ!",
		   NULL, " Aim only for first place!", Line_WaitForInput);

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