- Add new engine/new .exe support 904fd25
- Will (hopefully) eventually be added as an option in the installer
- See https://github.com/07th-mod/ponscripter-fork/releases for details on engine changes
- Fix one instance of ghosted text issue (see #167) 110912f
- Fix typo 1751718
- Fix three voice lines not playing due to wrong voice file path 7e28dea
- Fix some script issues causing malformed text output 80fdf3d
Update/Installation Instructions
We recommend only updating if you're in-between chapters, as loaded saves might break after the update, skipping you backward or forward in the game.
- Download the installer from Installer Usage/Download Page
- Using the installer, install to the same destination as you selected previously
- The installer should automatically detect a partial update is required and apply the update
Also, be sure to read the wiki if this is your first time installing.