Note: to confirm correctness of the artifacts here, please follow these instructions, in
"The Sheet" is used for all validator ceremonies. Do not speak ill of it.
Fill in the yellow cells in this form:
Then follow status here:
Go to developer settings > personal access tokens (classic) > create token (classic) > check only one box: "public_repo"
Put it in this file:
echo <THE TOKEN> $HOME/github_token.txt
NOTE: You may later paste this into the libra register
command later.

cd ~
rm -fr ~/libra-framework
git clone
cd ~/libra-framework
git fetch --all
git checkout release-7.0.0
git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H"
cd ~/libra-framework/util
cd ~/libra-framework
cargo build --release -p libra
cp target/release/libra ~/.cargo/bin
which libra
We want to make sure you have a clean slate (in case you've used this box before).
rm -rf ~/.libra
copy command verbatim, do not change the org name to your own. Your ~/.libra folder will be created now. And the github_token.txt file will be checked, and copied there.
libra genesis register --org-github 0LNetworkCommunity --name-github v7-hard-fork-ceremony --token-github-file $HOME/github_token.txt
Q: Do you need to register for genesis? A: Yes
You will run a script so that the coordinator can check that your node can connect to peers, and that your firewall is set up correctly
cd ~/libra-framework
bash ./util/
To create artifacts go here:
V6 Epoch 79 Snapshot (link)
wget -P $HOME/.libra/
Scorpion's Claw Drop List: (link)
wget -P $HOME/.libra/
A Genesis Coordinator will check your nodes for the correct port configuration. If your configurations looks correct, your address will be added to the layout.toml
Await further instructions.
cd ~/libra-framework
bash ./util/
netstat -n | grep 6180 | grep ESTABLISHED
- Registration has firm cutoff time, PRs will stop being accepted
- Nodes that fail the port check will be excluded
- A first genesis will be attempted with all qualifying nodes
- If that launch fails to get consensus:
- The N Testnet Validators will form the base, and N/2 New Registrants will join
- If there are more New Registrants than N/2:
- The N/2 New Registrants will be prioritized based on prior registration on an 0L Network
- If still more than N/2 then it will be in order of registration time on GitHub
- If it fails again:
- just take the nodes that successfully connected in the prior step