IoT device simulator to auto-generate random data in the customized format and publish to MQTT broker.
Feedback, issues, and pull requests are always appreciated :)
Run npm install iot-device-simulator --save
to download the library.
- Easily generate dummy data from a customized format
- Publish customized report to MQTT broker in interval time
- Easily change the state of the device simulator to generate different data to represent the different scenario
// Approach 1
import simulator from 'iot-device-simulator';
// Approach 2
import {
} from 'iot-device-simulator';
import { createConnectionToBroker } from 'iot-device-simulator';
const connection = createConnectionToBroker({
url: '',
clientId: 'your_clientId',
username: 'your_name',
password: 'your_password',
- A device type has multiple states.
- Every state has a customized report format.
- Dummy data will generate randomly according to the format of the state.
- How to define format of state?
const lum = createDeviceType('luminance_meter');
// Create State With Custimised Report Format
const lumFormat = [
{ id: 'version', value: ['v1', 'v2'] },
{ id: 'voltage', value: { max: 100, min: 0, digit: 0 } },
{ id: 'module', value: 1.1 },
// Every state has it's own report format
name: 'dark',
payload: [
{ id: 'brightness', value: { max: 20, min: 0, digit: 1 } }, // different states may return different lum
name: 'dusk',
payload: [
{ id: 'brightness', value: { max: 40, min: 20, digit: 1 } },
name: 'day',
payload: [
{ id: 'brightness', value: { max: 100, min: 40, digit: 1 } },
const lumBot = createDevice({
type: lum,
state: 'day',
topic: '$device/IOTAWESOME/report',
// change state to change report
// change interval to change time to send report to broker every interval seconds
// change topic to report
// change state of device, when active constantly send report, when inactive stop to report
- examples
- change the state to 'dark', when get topic
publish message, and the payload index 0 , 'value' key's value equals to 10
- change the state to 'dark', when get topic
topic: '$device/IOTAWESOME/cmd', // topic to sbscribe
trigger: { key: '0.value', value: 10, state: 'dark' },
// key to get value from key and the expected state
// key will be split by '.' and for the keys array to get the value. like example below:
// example payload => [{ id: 'brightness', value: 10 }];
// payload[0]['value'] = 10
There are two categories of type 'value' and 'reference'. 'value' type is the base case of the column, and the reference type is the combination of the base case. Please see the examples below.
ps: If you want to test or get dummy data simply from the format can use the 'generateDataFromFormat' function
Value type columns are the base case of a column. If you nested the base case in the reference type column, it will recursively loop into it and generate dummy data until the end.
import { generateDataFromFormat } from 'iot-device-simulator';
console.log(generateDataFromFormat(true)); // true
console.log(generateDataFromFormat(123)); // 123
console.log(generateDataFromFormat('IoT')); // IoT
Reference type columns are a combination of base case columns. The function for generating data will recursively loop into and generate dummy data until hit a base case end.
- range
- An object with max, min, and digit
- Return a random number with specified decimals equal to the digit
const result = generateDataFromFormat({ max: 100, min: 0, digit: 2 });
console.log(result); // number 0~100 with 2 decimals, ex: 29.03
- tuple
- Combined multiple base columns and reference columns into an array
- Return element in the array randomly
const result = generateDataFromFormat([
8, // number
{ max: 100, min: 0, digit: 0 }, // range
'voltage', // string
// object
id: 'voltage',
value: { max: 10, min: 0, digit: 0 },
console.log(result); // [ 8, 52, 'voltage', { id: 'voltage', value: 10 } ]
- enum
- Combined multiple base columns into array
- Return element in the array randomly
const result = generateDataFromFormat([
0, // number
'v1.0', // string
123, // number
console.log(result); // 0 or 'v1.0' or 123
- object
- object with keys storing a value of value or reference type of columns
- return an object of recursively generated data
const result = generateDataFromFormat({
id: 'axisZ', // string
value: 6.6, // number
range: { max: 100, min: 0, digit: 0 }, // range
// or any other types in value even object itself, nested combination is allowed
console.log(result); // { id: 'axisZ', value: 6.6, range: 56 }
To start a test, run the following command:
npm run test
© Mason Yu (masonCalmAndCode), 2022-NOW
Released under the MIT License