Kotlin library for working with Metron API. Powered by OkHttp, Retrofit, Gson and RxJava
To add this library as dependency, add this line into your dependencies
build.gradle block:
implementation 'com.github.AtsumeruDev:MetronAPI:-SNAPSHOT'
Also, make sure to add this repository into repositories
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Usage of library is very simple. First, initialize it (make sure to do it as soon as possible before making any Metron requests):
builder: OkHttpClient.Builder = OkHttpClient.Builder(), // Custom OkHttp client Builder
userName: String, // Your Metron account username
password: String, // Your Metron account password
apiEndpoint: String = "https://metron.cloud/api/", // API Endpoint url. Always try to use default one
userAgent: String = "MetronAPI Library", // API UserAgent. Set your app's name or use default one
httpConnectTimeoutMs: Long = 15000, // Connection timeout in milliseconds
httpReadTimeoutMs: Long = 25000, // Read timeout in milliseconds
isDebug: Boolean = false // Debug mode or not. When true, library will log every request into logs
Simple initializing method with defaults:
MetronApi.init(userName = {username}, password = {password})
After that, you can make calls to any of defined methods. For example, getting info about Suicide Squad (2016) serie (with id 3006
serie -> {do on success},
throwable -> {do on throwable}