Just sending SUI tokens by Sui Object from main wallet to wallets from mnemonics.txt
One line = one mnemonic
fame buzz prevent joy delay unknown shiver snow text orchard paddle stable
soft rubber slice pride ahead cover recycle dumb utility bunker anger acquire
obvious orbit trumpet peace path spare twin list hero weapon fun example
nasty please wide choice sock fine fence manage cost leisure clip parrot
With npm installed and cloned repo, run
$ npm install
When npm packages installed, create mnemonics.txt file and insert your mnemonics
$ touch mnemonics.txt
Inside sendSui.js:
- Edit Main Wallet mnemonic
const keypairMain = Ed25519Keypair.deriveKeypair("YOUR MNEMONIC");
- Edit Amount and SUI object
await signerMain.transferSui({
suiObjectId: 'SUI OBJECT ID', //SUI object for send
amount: 30000, // Amount in MISTS
gasBudget: 10000,
recipient: address
Simply run this inside your directory:
$ node sendSui.js