Crockford Base32 ID encoder/decoder with FastAPI dependency injection support for validation and generation of Crockford Base32 IDs.
has 3 interfaces:
- Library
- FastAPI dependency
pip install idcrockford
or using uv:
uvx idcrockford
uvx idcrockford --help
usage: idcrockford [-h] [--checksum] [--split SIZE] [--padding] [--strict] {encode,decode,normalize,generate} [input]
Crockford Base32 Utility
positional arguments:
Operation to perform
input Input to process. For encode: integer or string. For generate: size (optional)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--checksum Add/validate checksum symbol
--split SIZE Split encoded string with hyphens (chunk size, default: no splitting)
--padding Add padding characters (=) to output
--strict Strict mode for normalize command - error if normalization needed
from idcrockford import Base32Crockford
crockford = Base32Crockford(
# Encode and decode
crockford.encode(1234567890) # 14SC-0PJV
crockford.decode("14SC-0PJV") # 1234567890
# Generate
crockford.generate() # 16 random characters
crockford.generate(size=10) # 10 random characters
crockford.generate(size=10, checksum=True, split=4, padding=True) # 10 random characters with checksum, split and padding
# TODO: add normalize
crockford.normalize("14SC-0PJV") # 14SC0PJV
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends
from idcrockford import CFIdentifierConfig
IdentifierConfig = CFIdentifierConfig(checksum=True, size=16)
app = FastAPI()
def read_item(id: str = Depends(IdentifierConfig.validate)):
return {"id": id}"/items/")
def create_item(id: str = Depends(IdentifierConfig.generate)):
return {"id": id}
- Add
method toCFIdentifierConfig
- Support Pydantic custom type for Crockford Base32 ID validation and generation
- inveniosoftware/base32-lib - Python Base32 encoder/decoder with no padding
- jbittel/base32-crockford - JavaScript Base32 encoder/decoder with Crockford checksum
- DrSLDR/krock32 - Kotlin Base32 encoder/decoder with Crockford checksum
- pat-jpnk/Crockford-Base32 - JavaScript Base32 encoder/decoder with Crockford checksum