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Bazel rules for creating conda environments


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rules_conda for bazel

This repository contains bazel rules for assembling a conda environment.

These rules

  1. Generate a lock file based on a package requirements list.
  2. Build a conda environment from that lock file.
  3. Support depending on just the subset of that environment needed by your build target.
  4. Register the python in that environment as a bazel python toolchain.
  5. Support using conda packages a C/C++ dependencies.

Initial setup

Add the following to your workspace:


    name = "com_github_10XGenomics_rules_conda",
    remote = "",




# Transitive dependencies and repository helper.

load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_register_toolchains")

# Go 
go_register_toolchains(version = "1.23.1")

Next, in the build file for whatever package you wish (conventionally third-party/conda), add a file listing requirements in a form that micromamba create will understand, e.g.


and a rule

load("@com_github_10XGenomics_rules_conda//rules:conda_package_lock.bzl", "conda_package_lock")

    name = "generate_package_lock",
    channels = [
    requirements = "conda_requirements.txt",
    target = "conda_env.bzl",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

See the documentation for that rule for additional options you might want to set for it.

bazel run that target to generate the conda_env.bzl file, and then add

load("//third-party/conda:conda_env.bzl", "conda_environment")


to your WORKSPACE.

You may now build @conda_env//:conda_env (a convenience target for building all packages in the environment. Usually you don't want other bazel targets to depend on this). It may not work on the first try, as it is common for conda metadata to have errors which need to be manually corrected (see below).



The conda_environment workspace macro will automatically register the conda python package as the python toolchain for bazel. Python targets can depend on packages from that environment as e.g.

    name = "uses_numpy",
    srcs = "",
    deps = [

This will automatically pull in transitive dependencies as well.


You can also depend on packages from a cc_library, if the package contains C/C++ headers or libraries. This will not pull in transitive compile-time or link-time dependencies, however. Conda packages do not make a distinction between a dependency that is used at runtime, e.g. as a subprocess, versus one that supplies headers or libraries necessary at compile/link time. You probably don't want to be linking against libpython just because you needed to link against a package that contains a few python scripts. And, if you do, adding it explicitly is easier than "un-adding" it in the cases where you don't. Transitive dependencies will still be propagted as if they were data dependencies, however.


If you want to be able to use a conda package as an executable target (e.g. with bazel run or in the tools of a genrule), add it to the executable_packages of the conda_environment_repository rule.

In addition to this making the package target executable, this will also cause two additional targets to be created:

  • @conda_env//:<package_name>_exe_file which has only the the executable file as an output (so you can use it in a $(location) expansion in a genrule, for example)
  • @conda_env//:<package_name>_exe, which adds back the rest of the files as runfiles.

Correcting conda metadata

It is common for at least one package to have issues.

Unrecognized license identifiers

The most common problem is an invalid or unrecognized license declaration. That can be overridden by adding e.g.

licenses = ["@rules_license//licenses/spdx:LGPL-2.1"],

to the appropriate conda_package_repository declaration in your conda_env.bzl.


These bazel rules make a best-effort attempt to parse the license metadata in the conda package, however it may misinterpret that metadata, or the metadata could be simply incorrect. These rules do not offer legal advice.

Missing or unspecified license file

Package metadata will frequently include an incorrect path to the license file, or simply not specify a path at all1. In this situation, you can override the metadata by using the license_file attribute. The most common failure mode of this type is for the license file to actually be at info/licenses/LICENSE0.txt.

File conflicts

Sometimes two packages will declare the same file. One very common example is packages carelessly including lib/python*/__pycache__/_sysconfigdata*.pyc.

You can add glob patterns like that for files or directories into the exclude attribute on a conda_package_repository, in which case those files will be skipped.

If you wish, you can also use exclude to get rid of unnecessary content like man pages or test suites, which might otherwise unnecessarily bloat your build.


The conda_package_repository supports the same attributes as http_archive for patching.

C/C++ include path

Sometimes you may wish to use a conda package as a build dependency for a cc_library target. The rules will make a best-effort attempt to guess the include path, but in some cases you may need to override it, e.g.

cc_include_path = ["include/eigen3/Eigen"]

Missing or invalid dependencies

Some packages will declare dependencies they don't actually need (at least for your use case), or may have undeclared optional dependencies which they do need for your use cases. The exclude_deps and extra_deps attributes can be used to cut or add dependency edges.

The conda_package_lock rule also has an exclude attribute which will cause the tool to ignore packages from the results of the solve. It will automatically add exclude_deps attributes for any packages which depend on one of those.


Sometimes the name of a conda package doesn't match up with the name of a python import or corresponding pip package (e.g. scikit-learn vs. sklearn). For convenience, the conda_environment_repository can take a dictionary of aliases to include in the generated BUILD file. It will automatically create aliases with - replaced by _, as this is a common transformation.

This automatic aliasing may cause problems in cases where the upstream conda packaging attempted to solve this problem by creating e.g. both importlib-metadata and importlib_metadata. Generally one of those is an empty package that just depend on the other. If that happens, exclude the empty package in the conda_package_lock rule and add an alias manually.


Are these rules stable enough to use in production?

This is a fork of an internal version2 of the rules which we've been using in production for years. They've worked very well for us, and we don't forsee making major changes any time soon. So, yes (though this should not be construed as contradicting the license terms which make clear that we provide no warranty).

Code coverage?

Yes! If you include the coverage package in your environment, it'll automatically be added to the generated python toolchain definition. You can try this out in this repo - bazel coverage //... will produce bazel-out/_coverage/_coverage_report.dat with coverage of the go, python, and c++ targets.


On the roadmap, not there yet.

Why do you need a "lock file"?

bzlmod version resolution rules guarantee that you'll always get the same package resolutions for the same MODULE.bazel (with caveats around local configuration). The conda package solver makes no such guarantee, so a lock file is essential for build reproducibility.

The solver can also be quite slow, on the order of minutes for more complex environments. The lock file isn't difficult to manage. We have a github action that periodically runs the solver opens a PR to update the lock file.

How does this relate to rules_python?

In many ways this is complementary with rules_python. It is probably not compatible with pip_install, however. pip, and therefore pip_install by extension, is somewhat inherently problematic for reproducible builds, and it won't integrate well with the generated conda environment.

Also, the conda ecosystem is not exclusively about python. We have internal repositories which don't use python at all, but which use these rules to obtain C/C++ dependencies.

What if I can't find the package I need in conda?

If you need a package that can't be found in conda, you can get it some other way (e.g. from a .whl or building from source) and inject it into the generated conda environment using a e.g. new_conda_package_http_repository.

Add it to extra_packages in the conda_package_lock target to make the generated conda_environment_repository include it.

Why does it generate so many repositories?

By generating separate repositories for each package, you get in some cases much faster build times because fetching of a package can go in on parallel with analysis of targets which don't depend transitively on that package.

Really the conda_package_repository calls should be thought of as private implementation details. Most of the time you only need to interact with @conda_env.

What about support for platforms other than linux/amd64?

On the roadmap.

There's nothing fundamental preventing it, but it hasn't been a priority for us to work on it. Parts of it, such as work on other platforms, including conda_package_lock, so you can update the conda_environment.bzl from your aarch64 Macbook, but at the moment only if your target platform is still linux on amd64 due to a few hard-coded assumptions here and there.

Unfortunately, cross compilation doesn't really work at the moment due to (ironically) the need to support noarch packages. We need to be able to execute the python executable in order to ask it the correct path for lib/pythonX.Y to prepend for those packages. We could avoid this if we were willing to just assume that the answer is always lib/pythonX.Y where X.Y is always the major/minor version number, but at least so far our need for supporting cross-compilation has been insufficient to justify making such an assumption.

What's go doing in my ruleset?

First of all, conda is not exclusively a Python ecosystem.

Some aspects of putting together an environment are simply too complicated to do purely in starlark. go has several desirable properties for performing those steps:

  • Go is more portable than python. No, really. For repository rules, you can't use a build target, so you're basically stuck using the system python, which could be anything, or even nothing. Once you've got your nice python environment set up using those rules, great! But bootstrapping still needs to happen.
  • Go is very fast to compile. At least once you have go's module cache populated, it can compile the tools necessary for building the repo in a fraction of a second.
  • Go is pretty fast at runtime, too. It doesn't prioritize runtime performance the way e.g. rust does, but it's still faster than pretty much any scripting language. Even if you don't have hundreds of packages in your conda environment, the time it takes to compile the go-based repository helper executable used to generate the BUILD files is going to be far less than the it saves by running a compiled executable rather than an interpreted script.
  • The canonical tool for formatting BUILD files, buildifier, is written in go. The libraries backing it can be used to generate build files programmatically.
  • The bazel rules for go are very mature. The SDK repository rule knows how to use the host go, or download the SDK from the internet, and then, critically, it exposes that SDK in a way that can be used from another repository rule.
  • Subjective reasons. Personal preferences of the rule authors.

In our internal monorepos which use this rule set, we're using go for other reasons anyway, so it's a non-issue. If you aren't otherwise using go, then needing to make a call to configure the go toolchain is understandably a little annoying. We don't expect the extra two lines of boilerplate in your WORKSPACE to be a deal-breaker for anyone.


  1. In theory this would be fine, but there is a bug in rules_license which means that the license rule does not work properly if a license file is not provided.

  2. The main differences between this public version of the rules and the internal version are due to divergence between our internal fork of rules_license and the public one. We're hoping we can eventually upstream enough changes to rules_license to allow us to eliminate those differences.


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