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To make scripting life easyer

Setup Go to the appsettings.json and set the directorys to where your scripts are stored.

appsettings: This is for roll back scripts, Should be inside the application your working on. "RoleBackScriptLocation": "B:\Code\Work\DBScripts_Rollback\",

***This is for normal scripts. Stored inside your project.***
"CRUDScriptLocation": "B:\\Code\\Work\\DBScripts\\",

***This folder exists outside your project, Scripts should have using at the top.***
"ScriptDirectory": "B:\\Code\\ScriptsForRedgateAdapter\\Scripts\\",

***Path to Rules file, this file contains rules to look for.*** 
"RulesJsonFile": "B:\\Code\\ScriptsForRedgateAdapter\\Scripts\\Configuration\\Rules.Json",

***This file stores a list of files that  have been run.***
"ScriptHistoryFile": "B:\\Code\\ScriptsForRedgateAdapter\\Scripts\\Configuration\\History.txt",

 ***Contains the output directory and SQL templates***
"SqlTemplatesFile": "B:\\Code\\ScriptsForRedgateAdapter\\Scripts\\Configuration\\Templates.Json",

***the number of digits used on the roleback scripts***
"RoleBackPrefixCharCount": 3                                                                              

Rules.Json: Identifier to say what template to run. "TemplateName" : "CreateOrAlterProcedureNewDb",

***What to look for to identify the script.*** 
    "ScriptIdentifier": ["PROCEDURE","USE NewDb"],

***Exclude list.***
    "ShouldNotContain": ["USE OtherDb"],

***List of chars to replace. If you want to replace with a blank just wright the text to replace.
       If the text to be replaced is followed by : then the text to replace with can be added after.***
    "Replace": ["USE NewDb\r\nGO\r\n"]

***Gets the file name from the file if set to true.***
GetScriptNameFromFile:true or false

Templates.Json: Template Name "Name": "PageSecurityRollbackScript",

***Sql Template for Rollback***
"SqlCodeTemplateArray": [ "USE NewDb",
			 "DECLARE @ID INT = ##ReplacePageID##",
			 "DELETE FROM dbo.Table WHERE TableID = @TableID"]
***Declare Variable Identifier and the replace charecters for the template***
"ReplaceMentChars" : [ "@TableID:##ReplacePageID##"],                             

***Directory where the new script goes.***
"OutputDirectory": "B:\\Code\\Work\\DBScripts\\",

***If file exists this gets added to the top before being copied to roleback script.***
"ExistingCodeTemplateArray" : ["USE NewDb", "GO"]                           

History.txt This contains a list of files that have been run. There has been some changes so if its a create table or sproc script it will get the name from inside the script using the name of the table its creating or the sproc.


Making scripting easier






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