This web App program including front-end, back-end, and database schemes.
Front-end path: front-end/web/my-app
Back-end path: HotPotForce/TastyGo
- change directory to work directory: cd my-app
- install npm package: npm install
- start the react program: npm start
To view the web-app properly you need to click toggle devices toolbar at the right top cornor and change the display dimension to iPhone 12 Pro
(if you can’t see the image, just copy the image rul in src, and open it in browser)
- unzip the code and open with intellij idea.
- select file-> prject structure and select SDK=17 and language level=17
- once database is setup correctly, you can press run button on the idea to start the server.
- Download mysql database with version lower than 8 recommen version 5.5.58
- set the username as root and password as 123456
- create database called hotpotforce
- run all the script files in the schema folder